Tyson Health Flyer (FEB 2022)
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Know the facts about<br />
Heart disease<br />
<strong>FEB</strong>RUARY<br />
What is heart disease?<br />
Each year, more than 600,000 Americans<br />
die of heart disease. It is the leading cause<br />
of death in the United States. The term<br />
“heart disease” refers to several types of<br />
heart conditions. Coronary artery disease<br />
(CAD), when a substance called plaque<br />
builds up in your arteries, is the most<br />
common. Other kinds of heart disease<br />
involve the valves in the heart or make<br />
the heart unable to pump well.<br />
Are you at risk?<br />
Anyone, including children, can develop<br />
heart disease. Factors that contribute to<br />
heart disease:<br />
• Smoking<br />
• Eating an unhealthy diet<br />
• Not getting enough exercise<br />
• Having high cholesterol<br />
• Having high blood pressure<br />
• Having diabetes<br />
How is heart disease diagnosed?<br />
Your doctor can perform several tests<br />
to diagnose heart disease, including<br />
chest X-rays, coronary angiograms,<br />
electrocardiograms and exercise stress tests.<br />
How is heart disease treated?<br />
If you have heart disease, lifestyle changes<br />
can lower your risk for complications. Your<br />
doctor also may prescribe medication to<br />
treat the disease.<br />
00078.07.01.222<br />
If you think<br />
you, or<br />
someone else,<br />
is having a<br />
heart attack,<br />
call 9-1-1<br />
immediately.<br />
What are the signs and symptoms?<br />
Symptoms of heart disease vary depending<br />
on the type of heart disease. For many people,<br />
chest discomfort or a heart attack are the first<br />
signs. Someone having a heart attack may<br />
experience several symptoms, including:<br />
• Chest pain or discomfort that doesn’t go<br />
away after a few minutes.<br />
• Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck or back.<br />
• Shortness of breath.<br />
• Pain or discomfort in the arms or shoulder.<br />
• Weakness, light-headedness, nausea (feeling<br />
sick to your stomach), or a cold sweat.<br />
Can heart disease be prevented?<br />
You can reduce your risk of heart disease:<br />
• Don’t smoke.<br />
• Maintain a healthy weight.<br />
• Eat a healthy diet.<br />
• Exercise regularly.<br />
• Prevent or treat your other health<br />
conditions, especially high blood pressure,<br />
high cholesterol and diabetes.<br />
Meet Our Case Manager<br />
Kim Booth, RN, BSN,CCM<br />
“I help our<br />
members live<br />
fearlessly by<br />
teaching them<br />
about the tools<br />
and resources<br />
that are available<br />
to them.”<br />
Kim, a BlueAdvantage<br />
Administrators of<br />
Arkansas case manager,<br />
has eight years of<br />
nursing experience in<br />
oncology. Kim’s goal<br />
is to provide each<br />
member she talks to<br />
with the resources<br />
and educational tools<br />
they need to optimize<br />
their health care<br />
benefits. She enjoys<br />
telling members that<br />
case management is<br />
available to them, and<br />
then being available to<br />
help them when they<br />
need it. When she isn’t<br />
at work, Kim is boating,<br />
gardening or cooking.