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SPRING 2022 Issue

SPRING 2022 Issue


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“I knew what I was getting myself into. I wasn’t like the naïve

girl from Podunk that came in and got drugged at a party and

sold to the Arabs! I had my reasons, you know? I knew that

ultimately I was not going to be with this guy. But I didn’t know

how powerful he was, and so it was a little more serious and

involved than I ever expected it to be. But I walked into it

because he was an agent, because he could get me what I

wanted. At first it was a mistress kind of a thing because he

was still living with Lisa [Rutledge] when I met him. It was

very sudden. It was like, a decision he made, and then she

was just gone. He sent her home.”

Marie made her a star. “He was like God; he gave birth to

me. He decided that I was going to be ‘big shit.’ That’s what

he used to call me. Big shit. And he did it. “Suddenly there I

was in the middle of it all! At a very wild time, too. Everybody

was doing drugs. … He used to do coke in his office, on his

desk, with the windows open, right on the rue du Faubourg

St.-Honoré. He’d do it on the table in La Coupole; he didn’t

care. He was untouchable as far as he was concerned.

Their relationship and careers flourished for two years,

“then it got very cold,” Bolster continued. “We didn’t really

have sex all that often or really wild sex. He was always too

tired from running around. And he did so much blow. I think

that drugs had a lot to do with it, and the fact that he had as

much power as he did. He was overwhelmed by it. He took

advantage of it, and he really became sinister.”

Marie fell in with a new group of friends an “started not

coming home at night, Boslter said. “They were so promiscuous

it got to the point that our freezer was full of shots, the stuff

you take when you’ve got VD—a box of this in our freezer! I,

amazingly enough, didn’t get anything because I think he

gave himself his own shots! I’d walk in, and they’d be bending

over the kitchen table with their pants down, and Gérald

would jam them, and they would pay him for these shots!

Every now and then something like that would happen that

would make me sick to my stomach.

“We ended up with separate bedrooms because he was

seeing other people and I’m not stupid. I would find my clothes

walking around Paris. I approached him saying, ‘How come

so-and-so has my Azzedine dress on? I know that’s my dress

because it’s missing!’ I spent at least a year and a half trying

to catch him because he was so sneaky. He tried to make me

feel stupid. He would say, ‘But I spent the night in jail,’ or some

ridiculous story.” He gave her the nickname casse-couille,

which means ball breaker.

Just after Marie started seeing Linda Evangelista, Bolster

started to work more in America. “I was going to start going

back and forth between Paris and New York. I’d moved most

of my stuff there. I came back to get the rest of my stuff. They

didn’t know I was back in Paris. I got in the apartment. Gérald

was at work. Linda walked in, with a key. I couldn’t believe it.

I thought, Just the person I want to see. “I said, ‘So, what’s

going on? And she said, ‘Well, I guess it’s obvious, isn’t it?’ I

was so angry. I said, ‘I want you to get out until I get the rest of

my stuff packed up.’ It was pissing rain, and she said, ‘But I

don’t want to go wait in the rain.’ She was just beside herself.

She’s very whiny. I can’t stand her.”

On his return to their apartment , Marie “was threatening.

“He said no one would ever believe that I left him. The world

would think that he left me. He said, ‘You will never get away

with this! In New York you’d better take care, and don’t walk

past too many dark alleys.’ I sort of died when I left Paris. I lost

all desire to create, and New York didn’t help any, because it

was the nine-to-five grind, and it was so cold, and my apartment

there was the dingiest place. The truth is, I was so depressed

that I just couldn’t get up in the morning. Everything that I

enjoyed, anything to do with modeling made me think about

him, and I just wanted to forget about him. Modeling was my

life for six and a half years, twenty-four hours a day, and I loved

every second of it. I have to thank Gérald for that, but that’s

why I dislike him so much, because he took that away from

me. I have a completely different life now.

“I’m just amazed I survived!”

The publication of Model changed nothing. Both Marie

and Brunel remained in the modeling trade, the latter eventually

in a quiet partnership with Jeffrey Epstein. Their days of

reckoning were still decades away. Now that Brunel has met

his end, perhaps Gerald Marie has also begun to wonder how

much longer he can survive. P

Adapted from

Model: The Ugly

Business of

Beautiful Women.

Copyright © 1995

by Idee Fixe Ltd. All

rights reserved.

Courtesy of


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