Ashburton Courier: May 12, 2022

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MAY <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

Earthships, built for the future<br />

Luxon hits<br />

town<br />

PAGE 4<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

As building supplies become more<br />

expensive andscarce,constructing ahome<br />

from theearthisasolution some peopleare<br />

embracing.<br />

Dawn Kirtlan andhusbandLance started<br />

building theireco­friendly home fiveyears<br />

agoafter reading an article aboutthe<br />

AmericanarchitectMike Reynoldswho<br />

came up withthe Earthshipconcept.<br />

EarthshipsNew Zealand website<br />

describesanEarthship as abuilding with<br />

soul,‘‘designed as aself­contained, low<br />

impact, land­based ‘ship’ constructed<br />

largely fromwhatothers throwaway and<br />

designedtoworkinharmonywith the<br />

environmentusingsimple physicsand<br />

common sense design.’’<br />

It justinterested us,Dawn said,‘‘and we<br />

thought we couldactually build one.''<br />

Thecouple researched theconstruction<br />

of Earthships, reading Mike Reynolds’<br />

books and hiringanarchitect andengineer.<br />

‘‘None of us knewaboutEarthships,the<br />

Dawn and Lance love their Earthship lifestyle.<br />

guythatdesigned it, the engineer, the<br />

buildinginspector and us.Itwas alearning<br />

experiencefor everyone, and bless the<br />

council, theysaid ‘‘youbringall the<br />

appropriateinformationback, andwe’ll<br />

treat it like anyotherhouse.’’<br />

With themain material beingclay­and<br />

tyre bricks­the insulatingproperties is one<br />

of themain advantagesofthe home.<br />

‘‘In thewinterthe last house we hadwas<br />

like an icebox,itwas so cold,thishouse is<br />

beautiful, you comehomeatnight after it<br />

hasbeen shutupall dayand you walkinthe<br />

door andits warm! So we love it.’’<br />

Utility bills arealmost nonexistentwith<br />

thehousesolar poweredand water is<br />

heated by thepizza oven.<br />

Dawn describesanEarthship as ahouse<br />

built in the earth, notonthe earthand for<br />

anyone thinking of building theirown<br />

Earthshipthereare mainly pluses.‘‘The<br />

only minusisabit of hardwork,the end<br />

result is ahome thatlooks after youand will<br />

stand foryearswith littleorno<br />

maintenance,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘Basically youturn atyre into abrick,by<br />

pounding clayinto the tyre untilitis tight,<br />

thenthattyrebecomes abrick, itsavery<br />

solid house.’’<br />

Bottlesare alsousedinthe walls as a<br />

decorativefeature and to bringmore light<br />

intothe rooms.<br />

The houseismade up of three rooms; a<br />

bedroom, kitchen/lounge and spare room<br />

withbathroom.<br />

Dawnsaidthe build was satisfying anda<br />

little bitdifferent,‘‘and we have ahome that<br />

willlookafter us foryearstocome.’’<br />

The couple arekeen to share their<br />

knowledgeand experienceofthe<br />

constructionprocesswith anyone<br />

interestedinbuildingtheir ownEarthship<br />

home.<br />

More Earthship photos Page 24<br />

PAGE 7<br />

Bikes glimmer<br />

at show<br />

Books for<br />

adventures<br />

PAGE 14<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporter<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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Mick Jensen<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

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03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Tractors set for pull event<br />

Wheels Week Plus winds up this<br />

weekend with abarrage ofactivities.<br />

Among them the two day tractorpull<br />

event at <strong>May</strong>field, run by the<br />

Canterbury TractorPull Club.<br />

The event is on Saturday and<br />

Sunday, starting each day from 9am.<br />

Organiser Robbie ‘Gooserooter’<br />

Shefford said around 35 tractors had<br />

registered forthe fun event with<br />

bragging rights onthe line.<br />

There were amix of classic, modern<br />

and modifiedtractors scheduled in<br />

the lineup, with at least six modifieds,<br />

a1937Lanz Bulldog, a1948 Case as<br />

well as avery large Fent, he said.<br />

It will‘‘sort the operators from the<br />

seat warmers’’.<br />

It’sanewevent whichwill seemany<br />

driversget plentyofrunsover the two<br />

days.<br />

It has been in theplanningfor many<br />

years; Robbiehas built asliding<br />

weight transfersled.<br />

It’spossibly thebiggest oneofits<br />

style in New Zealand, Robbie said. It<br />

had passed itspaddocktest runs.<br />

It washoped theevent would leadto<br />

more tailored events in the near<br />

future.<br />

It’spopular as agrowing sport again<br />

and the plan is to have more specific<br />

modifiedweekend events, he said.<br />

Tinwald Schoolprincipal ­and<br />

entertainer ­PeterLivingstone is MC<br />

which willbefun andentertaining,<br />

Robbie said.<br />

There will befood and beverage<br />

sellersonsite,araffle supporting<br />

Review of rural intersections<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

has committed to reviewing<br />

79 of the district’s rural<br />

intersections andareport<br />

outliningthe findings could<br />

result in ways to improve<br />

intersection safety.<br />

The council wasalready<br />

reviewing <strong>12</strong> intersections<br />

before acoroner’s report<br />

last month into atriplefatality<br />

at Mitcham Roadin<br />

2019 recommended it<br />

review 79 intersections<br />

with asimilarlayout.<br />

The current review chose<br />

<strong>12</strong> intersections based on<br />

their level of risk from<br />

crashdata over the past<br />

five years.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>May</strong>or Neil<br />

Brown said council had a<br />

Robbie ‘Gooserooter’ Shefford makes arun in his Fordson Major Diesel during<br />

tractor pull competition at last year’s <strong>May</strong>field Show.<br />


mental health works and arange of<br />

stallholders selling their wares.<br />

PantherRock are running abar area<br />

with sound system, andonthegrounds<br />

there will berides specially for the<br />

duty of care to see that<br />

intersections wereassafe<br />

as theycould possibly be.<br />

‘‘Theintersection report<br />

will show that and there<br />

may be improvements<br />

needed, or there maynot.’’<br />

Councilhad been shown<br />

to have noblameinthe<br />

2019 crash,but everything<br />

needed to be done to help<br />

lower the risk of another<br />

terrible event occurring<br />

again, hesaid.<br />

Speaking at council last<br />

week’s council meeting<br />

councillorJohnFalloon<br />

asked staff if this district<br />

was worse as far as<br />

intersections went<br />

comparedtoother<br />

territorial authorities with<br />

similar flat land and alarge<br />

roading network.<br />

He was told by council<br />

infrastructure services<br />

groupmanagerNeil<br />

McCann thatthe district<br />

was not worseoff and<br />

similar to neighbouring<br />

councils and otherswith<br />

similar networks.<br />

‘‘All that we do know is<br />

that comparedand<br />

benchmarked withour<br />

statistics of fatalitiesand<br />

accidents we are slightly<br />

lower.’’<br />

Mr McCann said council<br />

did annual inspectionsof<br />

intersections andalso<br />

reviewed intersections<br />

afterany accidents.<br />

Council has reviewed its<br />

signage since the 2019<br />

crashandhad replaced<br />

somegive way signs with<br />

stop signs.<br />

Any recommendations<br />

from the intersection<br />

kids, making it afun family outing.<br />

Entrycosts spectators$10 per<br />

person, under <strong>12</strong>s free. Access to the<br />

domain is from 15 Lismore­<strong>May</strong>field<br />

Road. All welcome.<br />

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review report would be<br />

taken on boardfor further<br />

inspections this year, he<br />

said.<br />

Mr McCann said stop<br />

signs for rural roadswere<br />

bigger than those on urban<br />

roads and councilhad now<br />

opted to go up afurther size<br />

for its rural stop signs.<br />

Councillor Diane<br />

Rawlinson said awork<br />

programmethat used<br />

bigger and bolderroad<br />

signingwould be well<br />

recommended.<br />

The <strong>12</strong> high risk<br />

intersections will have<br />

inspections completed and<br />

the results compiled by the<br />

end of June and the 79 from<br />

the coroner’s report will<br />

have inspections done and<br />

results compiled by the end<br />

of October.<br />

2388023<br />

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Warminitiative<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

3<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>youth centre BASE<br />

has avariety of jackets ­and<br />

pyjamas ­available for children<br />

from its Coats For Kids<br />

initiative.<br />

Preloved coats of all colours<br />

and sizes,ranging fromsize<br />

zero through to 16, are on the<br />

racks in the foyer of thecentre,<br />

on BurnettStreet, for anybody<br />

seeking ajacket forachild.<br />

BASE co­ordinator Jenny<br />

Rae said winter coats could be<br />

abig expense and kids often<br />

grew out of them in aseason, so<br />

the Coats For Kids campaign<br />

was setupfor the public to give,<br />

receiveorevenswap warm<br />

coats.<br />

Havingthe jackets in the<br />

foyer meantpeoplecould pop<br />

in and help themselves,she<br />

said.<br />

As part of the initiative BASE<br />

werealso on the look out for<br />

good quality second­hand or<br />

new pyjamas for children. The<br />

pyjama campaign hadproved<br />

popularinthe pastand the<br />

centre was keen to provide<br />

quality pyjamas again<br />

alongside the Coats for Kids<br />

initiative.<br />

Anyone with donations of<br />

good condition jackets, or<br />

quality secondhand or new<br />

pyjamas, can drop them off at<br />

BASEonBurnett Street,<br />

weekdays from 3pm to 5pm.<br />

Photo: BASE co­ordinator<br />

Jenny Rae with some of the<br />

free, preloved jackets available<br />

through the Coats for Kids<br />

initiative.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />



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Volunteers from Mountain Bike <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

plant hundreds of natives at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Skills Park and along the nearby track.<br />

Track funds<br />

distributed<br />

Four local groups will benefit from thefirst<br />

allocation of money from anew Trail<br />

Maintenance fund.<br />

The fund was set up by <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council after it was gifted $102,443 by the<br />

Braided Waters Trust. It wasset up in 2009<br />

to establish the BraidedWaters Cycleway,<br />

but has since beenwound up.<br />

Over the next 10 years thenew fund will be<br />

distributed via council’sgrants schemeto<br />

groups involved in the repair and<br />

maintenance of walking, hiking, cyclingand<br />

mountainbiketrails in the district.<br />

The first allocation of $9600 has been<br />

distributed to Mountain Bike <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

($3000), Mt Somers Walkway Society ($2500),<br />

Methven Lions Club($3000) and<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Lions Club($1100).<br />

Funding requested by the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Motorcycle Club wasnot givenbecausethe<br />

fund only covers cyclingtracksand<br />

walkways.<br />

Bike Methven wasalso turned down<br />

because it requested amotorbike, which is a<br />

capitalitem and does notmeetthe funding<br />

conditions.<br />

All trail projects need to be volunteer­led<br />

andapplicants must be not­for­profit and<br />

either an incorporatedsocietyortrust.<br />

Fundsmust be usedfor the maintenance<br />

of existing, publicly accessible trails within<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>District.<br />

Criteria also states fundsare available<br />

only formaterials, tools, equipmenthire<br />

andlabour costs and contractors.<br />

Applications for funding wereopen in<br />

March andfundswill be paid out this month.<br />

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• Autosensing,<br />

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$<br />

688<br />

$4.81weekly<br />

was$2099<br />

$<br />

1395<br />

$9.43weekly<br />

was$1799<br />

$<br />

1499<br />

$10.11weekly<br />

Immediate delivery Trade-ins Finance terms AA Rewards<br />


NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

National leader visits town<br />

Doctor Strange in the<br />

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2468873<br />

2478932<br />

National Party leader Christopher<br />

Luxon poppedinto The <strong>Courier</strong><br />

newspaper office for achat with editor<br />

Daniel Tobin, duringhis visit to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. He also spoke at apublic<br />

meeting.<br />

Mr Luxon said he liked to visittwo<br />

or more towns aweek,‘‘because<br />

getting outofWellington is agood<br />

thing, you hear whatthe real issues<br />

are.’’<br />

Thecost of living andinflation<br />

were someoftheconcernsMrLuxon<br />

had identifiedfrom locals during his<br />

visit, as well as labour shortages.<br />

‘‘Thereare real challenges around<br />

labour shortages here,that’s a<br />

consistent themefrom arangeof<br />

businessIhavespokento,’’hesaid.<br />

He agreed the lack of rental<br />

propertiesin<strong>Ashburton</strong> were linked<br />

to the labour shortages.<br />

‘‘Wehave to have the<br />

infrastructure so we can grow...<br />

across thecountrythere is areal<br />

shortageofrental properties, that’s<br />

not helpedbythe Government<br />

putting in extra costs like removing<br />

interest deductibilityand bright­line<br />

tests, on day one we wanttoremove<br />

those very quickly,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘Farmersaren't villains,’’ Mr<br />

Luxon said, when asked what the<br />

farming community couldexpect<br />

from aNational government.<br />

‘‘Our farmers arethebest andthe<br />

most carbonefficientinthe world,<br />

cullingthe herd is not the answerfor<br />

removing emissions, because all we<br />

aredoing is moving the production<br />

from NewZealand to another part of<br />

theworld.<br />

‘‘So we need to changeour mindset<br />

andsay we are going to back our<br />

farmers to be the best in the world.<br />

‘‘If we are going to continuetolead<br />

theworld in agriculture andmake<br />

sure ourfarmers are productiveand<br />

thebest, we have to get innovative<br />

andimprovepractices through<br />

research anddevelopment in a<br />

science lead way,’’ he said.<br />

Oneofthe highlights of Mr Luxon’s<br />

visitwas atourof<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

manufacturing business Ashfords, a<br />

company he described as ‘‘world<br />

class.’’<br />

‘‘I was really impressedtosee a<br />

greatcommercial success, really<br />

good culture and amazing people<br />

with outstandingproducts and<br />

services.’’<br />

Mr Luxon’spublicmeetingwas at<br />

the<strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre,where<br />

he took questionsfrom locals,<br />

including <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

<strong>May</strong>or Neil Brown whoasked what<br />

National’spromisetorepeal the<br />

National Party leader Christopher Luxon during apublic meeting at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre.<br />

ThreeWaters reform would look like.<br />

Mr Luxonsaid the criticalthing<br />

wasthe loss of localcontrol and<br />

influence, ‘‘that's the thing you have<br />

to protect, because we believe in<br />

localisms... we hate bureaucracy,<br />

want outcomes and we believe<br />

empoweringlocal community<br />

organisationstodeliver those<br />

outcomes.<br />

‘‘We will be able to unwindthisone<br />

pretty quickly, the questioniswhat<br />

arethe models we go to,toget good<br />

managementofthese water assets<br />

overthe next 30 years, as long as it<br />

stays in local control, that's thekey<br />

thing.’’ Otherquestions asked at the<br />

public meeting includedthe rising<br />

crimerate, and the qualityof<br />

National Party candidates in the<br />

South Island.<br />

The question that drew aroundof<br />

applausefrom thecrowd was about<br />

the change of names and<br />

departments in NewZealand,with no<br />

mention of these changes in the last<br />

election. He replied perhaps the<br />

bigger issue the question addressed<br />

wasco­governance.<br />

‘‘This country has said we are going<br />

to pursueaprocess of treaty<br />

settlements, the vastmajorityof<br />

people said yep,there were wrongs<br />

committed and we need to address<br />

those, whenJohn Keywanted to<br />

change the flag ­abig constitutional<br />

choice, he takes it to the New Zealand<br />

people.<br />

‘‘The point is on aconstitution<br />

issue you take it to the people, you<br />

take them withyou, you don't leave<br />

them behind,you make the case,<br />

that's nothappening here, that's got to<br />

be done.<br />

‘‘Webelieve we are onecountry, we<br />

can have asingle system and within<br />

that single systemwecan have<br />

components of innovation that can<br />

target people on the basis of need, not<br />

ethnicity.’’<br />

Mr Luxon described education as<br />

the most alarming issue forhim since<br />

he came to politics18months ago.<br />

‘‘In the last18months,they(Labour)<br />

havespent five billion dollarsmore<br />

and yet we are only getting sixty<br />

percent of our kids going to school<br />

regularly... it’s abig problem.’’<br />

He said this year almost forty<br />

percent of 15­year­olds failed themost<br />

basic global reading test.<br />

‘‘That's notjust asocial issue,that's<br />

actuallyaneconomiccrises because<br />

that's New Zealand in 15­20 years time,<br />

we don’thave thepeoplewell enough<br />

educated to move thecountryforward,<br />

to move the economy forward, to<br />

create more wealth,’’ he said.<br />

The National partyleaderhas close<br />

tiesto<strong>Ashburton</strong> andMid Canterbury,<br />

as ayoung man he would drive down<br />

fromChristchurch in his1962 Riley Elf<br />

to visithis futurewife Amanda, who<br />

taught atTinwald School and his<br />

grandfather was the headmaster at<br />

WillowbySchool.<br />

‘‘I love this region, its always been<br />

veryspecial itsgot huge potential, we<br />

want it to continue to be agreat place<br />

of opportunity.’’<br />

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NEWS<br />

6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


NeighbourhoodSupportiscontinuing its work<br />

within the<strong>Ashburton</strong>Community.<br />

Connectedness and neighbourwelfare<br />

provide asenseofsecurityand care knowing<br />

there areneighbours aroundwho will keep an<br />

eye on your home, or be aware of any irregular<br />

happeningsinyourstreet.<br />

Burglary andtheft never go awayand<br />

prevention isbest;lock up your homewhen<br />

going out, not leaving valuables in vehicles and<br />

markingtools to deter awould­be thief.<br />

For further security,Neighbourhood<br />

Supportoffersmarking kitsfor the home. The<br />

loanofamarkingkit is free.<br />

We ask that you useyourunique identifier –<br />

yourdriver’s licence number, and record it on<br />

all things marked.Thatway if stolenitems are<br />

retrievedPolice knowwho to contact.<br />

The Menz Shed alsodoengraving,atacostof<br />

$4 per item,worth it for anyhigh ticket items<br />

suchas tools, e­bikes, bikes, sportsand<br />

recreational gear.<br />

Work continues inthe community in other<br />

areasofprevention andconnectednesssoif<br />

you have aconcern or need in your areaand<br />

wantassistance, contact Sue Abel, District<br />

Neighbourhood Support co­ordinator, on 308<br />

3558.<br />

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Time to move on for<br />

community­minded Marie<br />


MarieMcAnultyisretiringand<br />

leavingthe district aftereight years<br />

co­ordinatinglocal familywellbeing<br />

programme SEEDS anddoing her<br />

bit in the community.<br />

SEEDS,which stands for Sharing<br />

Everyday Experiences andDrawing<br />

on Skills, is afree programme and<br />

matches afamily with an<br />

experienced and trainedvolunteer<br />

parentsupport worker to teach<br />

various parentingand homeskills in<br />

aone­on­onesituationintheirhome<br />

environment.<br />

Marie,who hails fromMasterton,<br />

saidher stint running the<br />

programme had been rewarding<br />

workand she wouldmissher<br />

interaction with volunteers,<br />

colleagues at Safer MidCanterbury<br />

and others at Community House.<br />

SEEDS clientnumbers hadbeen<br />

generally around the 40 mark each<br />

yearand volunteernumbershad<br />

beensteadyatbetween <strong>12</strong> and 15,<br />

but numberswere down abit since<br />

covid, she said.<br />

Marie saidthe SEEDS programme<br />

was about empowermentand<br />

teachingyoungmumsand dads basic<br />

skills and makingsuggestions<br />

without puttingpressureonthemto<br />

followthrough.<br />

‘‘The feedbackwe’vehad through<br />

evaluations and word of mouth has<br />

alwaysbeenreally good,which<br />

makes the programmeworthwhile.’’<br />

Marie saidher jobhad opened up<br />

her eyes to the issue of rural<br />

isolation for somepeople and she<br />

had pushed formoresupport for<br />

them.<br />

Arural driver licensing scheme<br />

had nowbeen running successfully<br />

in thedistrict over the past few years<br />

and wasmaking adifference, she<br />

said.<br />

Community­minded,Marie has<br />

Departing SEEDS co­ordinator Marie McAnulty.<br />

always shared her ideas and been<br />

involvedwithotheruseful projects<br />

that havebenefitted residents.<br />

They include building and placing<br />

six minilibrariesaround <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

afood pantry based at Community<br />

House and twoprintedbooklets<br />

featuringbudgetrecipes ideas and<br />

activities forkids.<br />

She has also organisedspeed<br />

networking eventstogive<br />

community groups, organisations<br />

and agencies the chancetopromote<br />

themselves andbeenavaluable<br />

Agate education evenings lined up<br />

Two education eveningstosupportthe agate<br />

exhibition currently on display at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>museumand the art gallerywill be<br />

held this month.<br />

CalledFrom the Hills, the exhibition<br />

explores agatesformed in the Mid Canterbury<br />

foothills overmillions of years.<br />

On <strong>May</strong> 18 localagateexpertand rockhound<br />

Malcolm Luxton willspeak about Mt Somers<br />

member of <strong>Ashburton</strong> County Lions,<br />

where shehas been involvedwith<br />

organisingStars In YourEyesand<br />

otherclubfundraisers.<br />

‘‘WhenIfirstcame to <strong>Ashburton</strong> I<br />

didn’t knowanyoneand after a<br />

month Iwantedtoleave.But over<br />

time I’ve made friendsand really<br />

enjoyedmystinthere.’’<br />

Marie andhusband Mikeintend<br />

takingtheircaravan on aroad trip<br />

aroundthe South Islandbefore they<br />

head backtothe Wairarapatoenjoy<br />

retirement.<br />

agates. His talk will coverwhy Mt Somersis<br />

suchagood area to find agates, the different<br />

types found thereand how agates are formed.<br />

On <strong>May</strong> 25 Robin Hall will givea<br />

demonstrationofhow agate spheresare made<br />

using asphere making machine.<br />

Bothevents are freeand start at 6pm at the<br />

museum.Registrationisvia the eventbrite.co.<br />

nz website.<br />




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Murray will be coming to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

on Thursday 19 th <strong>May</strong>. Please contact<br />

theoffice to book afreemeasure<br />

andquote forthese or forany other<br />

products in theHomePlusrange.<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

7<br />

Bikes glimmer and glean for show<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Wilby Little’s modified Harley<br />

Davidson got its first showing<br />

last weekend at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Originals show and shine bike<br />

show.<br />

It is one of five motorcycles<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Originals<br />

member owns.<br />

More than 50 motorcycles of<br />

every make, modeland agewere<br />

on display at the show held at<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA. They<br />

spilled over from the Linton<br />

Lounge and itscourtyard, out<br />

into themain car parkarea.<br />

There was everything from a<br />

firered Norton, a1949 Ariel<br />

Square 4, through to aunique<br />

1964 Solex and modern twists of<br />

chrome owned by people<br />

throughout MidCanterbury and<br />

further afield. People attending<br />

the show also came from far and<br />

wide.<br />

Many from Timaru and<br />

Christchurch arrived on<br />

motorcycle.<br />

Wilby’s 1996 Sporty Chopper<br />

modification was labour of love<br />

undertaken as a‘covid project’;<br />

it took him twoyears to finish.<br />

The <strong>12</strong>00cc bike, as originally<br />

bought from its Christchurch<br />

owner Aaron, was painted<br />

electric blue. It is now sporting a<br />

black ‘‘old peanuttank’’, with<br />

six inch over springer front end<br />

with ahomemade sissy bar, inch<br />

drop at thebackand chain<br />

conversion kit.<br />

‘‘It’s aSunday rider,’’ Wilby<br />

said, of its newsmaller fuel<br />

tank.<br />

Wilbyiskeen to use the bike<br />

for shows,suchasthe show and<br />

shine,which wason<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Wheels WeekPlus<br />

programme, and the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Originals motorcycle show in<br />

November.<br />

He said planning was well<br />

under way forthe club’s<br />

Novembershow with new<br />

sponsorshipfrom Jack Daniels,<br />

who had alsobacked the show<br />

andshine withproduct prizes<br />

for people’s choice awards.<br />

It’s good to have Jack Daniels<br />

on board as asponsor, he said.<br />

Unlike the show andshine,<br />

open to any make and model,<br />

theNovember motorcycle show<br />

will only feature British,<br />

European and American bikes.<br />

Thedatehas been set for<br />

November 19.<br />

All up Wilby estimates buying<br />

thesporty chopperand carrying<br />

outits modifications cost<br />

around $10,000.<br />

And he is already thinking<br />

abouthis next project, which<br />

will involve amuchbigger,<br />

Harley Davidson Shovelhead.<br />

Photo top: Wilby Little and his<br />

modified 1996 Sporty Chopper<br />

at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Originals<br />

show and shine at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA; bottom: afew<br />

bikes on show.<br />


MoreWheels Weekphotos Page<br />

20<br />

Brent Green<br />

Harrisons flooring expert<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 103004 harrisonscarpet.co.nz

NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Honour for new patron<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Association<br />

stalwart AndrewBrown<br />

(pictured) has been named<br />

patron of the A& Pshow.<br />

His appointment follows<br />

after the passingofformerpatron<br />

Ray Colville,who died<br />

on November 25, aged 85.<br />

Mr Brown was extremely<br />

honoured at being selectedby<br />

his peers.<br />

It’s alifetime role that is<br />

‘‘whatever you want to make of<br />

it’’ he said.<br />

It could involve helping with<br />

presentations or just being in<br />

support of the standing<br />

president, he said.<br />

Mr Brown startedwith the<br />

associationasayoung steward<br />

in the sheep sectionin1964.<br />

He was around18­years­old<br />

and amember of the former­<br />

Wakanui YoungFarmers Club.<br />

The late­Andy Begg recruited<br />

me as asteward, he said.<br />

He has not lookedback.<br />

Wakanui YoungFarmers may<br />

no longerexist, but Mr Brown’s<br />

involvement with the<br />

associationhas continued. He<br />

has also been asteward at the<br />

Christchurch A&P Show, which<br />

was ‘‘quite adifferentset up’’.<br />

‘‘Youmeet alot of good<br />

people... like­minded people<br />

who turn up in all sorts of funny<br />

Jo Luxton<br />

MP forRangitata<br />

New<strong>Ashburton</strong> officehours:<br />

Monday – Wednesday:<br />

9am – 2pm<br />

Thursday and Friday:<br />

Open by appt only<br />

75 Harrison Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

03 339 1030<br />

RangitataMP@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Authorised by Jo Luxton MP,<br />

Parliament Buildings, Wellington<br />

places,’’ he said.<br />

He spentmany years on the<br />

committeefrom 1974 working<br />

his way through the ranks<br />

beforetaking on the one­year<br />

president role in 1990. It has<br />

since changed to atwo year<br />

term.<br />

The show,which runs at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Showgrounds<br />

on the weekend following<br />

Labour Weekend, sees<br />

committeeand membersincluding<br />

Mr Brown’s wife,<br />

Marion, crack into an almost<br />

week long working bee in<br />

preparation for their annual<br />

event. There werefewer people<br />

on the committee now than in<br />

the past, but ‘‘it’s easier.Aheck<br />

of alot better,’’ he said.<br />

GREAT<br />

RATES<br />

‘‘Everything gets done. A<br />

lot of peoplecome out of<br />

the woodwork to help,’’he<br />

said.<br />

Mr Brown, who is a<br />

second generation farmer<br />

at Elgin, was at the helmfor<br />

the official opening of the<br />

homeindustries pavilion,<br />

rebuilt after being<br />

destroyed by fire.Itwas a<br />

90s themed show with<br />

clothing and attireworn<br />

from the 1900stothe 90s.<br />

‘‘It was good showday. It<br />

didn’t rain,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘You always remember<br />

the wet ones.’’<br />

Mr Browntook over the<br />

mixed crop and sheepfarm<br />

from his parents Hugh and<br />

Aileen.<br />

He is also apotato grower<br />

and aregularatthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Farmers<br />

Market.<br />

He joined the association<br />

and followed in the<br />

footsteps of his forefathers;<br />

his grandfather,<br />

also called Andrew,was<br />

presidentin1924/25,and<br />

his father,Hugh,was on the<br />

committee in the mid­<br />

1930s.<br />

His daughter, Liz, since<br />

returning to <strong>Ashburton</strong>, is<br />

also followinginhis<br />

footsteps and is secretaryof<br />

the sheep section.<br />

PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />

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2468707<br />

Subdivision work is driving up building consents in Methven.<br />

Housing demand<br />

drives consents<br />

March has been anotherhuge<br />

month forissued building<br />

consents in Methven and<br />

demand forhousingisleading<br />

the way.<br />

Sixteenconsents, totalling<br />

$6,586,027,were issued by<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncilin<br />

the month, far surpassing the<br />

four consents totalling$394,650<br />

in March 2021.<br />

Thirteenofthe consents were<br />

for new houses ($6,325,227), 11<br />

of them in the CamroseEstates<br />

subdivision, another was a<br />

schoolre­roof($250,00) andtwo<br />

werefor heaters ($10,800).<br />

Some 237 sections are<br />

proposed for theCamrose<br />

Estates subdivision, which is<br />

willbedeveloped in 13 stages<br />

and is situated on the edgeof<br />

township between Barkers and<br />

Mt Hutt Station roads.<br />

Thesubdivision is currently<br />

working on stage7and many of<br />

the sections have been soldby<br />

the developer.The total value<br />

of the 28 consents issued for<br />

Methven for the firstthree<br />

monthsof<strong>2022</strong>is$13,187,377<br />

and already ahead of last year’s<br />

recordfull year total of<br />

$<strong>12</strong>,585,993 and 51 consents.<br />

Garrett pulls pin<br />


Bikespeedster Phil Garretthas<br />

postponed hisattempt tobeat<br />

the NewZealand motorcycle<br />

land speed record untilApril<br />

2023.<br />

Garrett and hisFlying Kiwi<br />

Motorcycles team was set to<br />

challenge the record on a<br />

stretch of McCrorysRoad at<br />

Pendarves this month,but has<br />

pulled the pin for now in his<br />

attempt to clock320kmh.<br />

After manymonthsofbattling<br />

delays with parts andmaterials<br />

and the restrictionsofthe<br />

current pandemic, the call has<br />

beenmade to wait another<br />

year,hesaid.<br />

There was still too much to do<br />

to make the bike safetorideat<br />

over 325kmh and notenough<br />

timetodoitall.<br />

‘‘We cannot afford to make<br />

any mistakes, or someone will<br />

gethurt.<br />

‘‘Andthen many peoplewho<br />

helpeduswill be disappointed.<br />

‘‘We now haveanextra year<br />

to prepare andwewill useit<br />

wisely,’’ he said.<br />

Garrettblew up his enginein<br />

his2021 attempt on the record<br />

in Mid Canterburyand went<br />

back to thedrawing board.<br />

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surfaces in your home.<br />

Efficient, quiet and quick,they’reperfect forthe<br />

Kiwi winter.<br />

3heat settings.<br />

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Digital LED display. Wall mounting kitand castor feet.<br />

Includes remote.2.4kW.<br />

369930<br />

349247<br />

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Adjustable thermostat.<br />

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384595<br />

Nouveau<br />

was $219<br />

$<br />

199<br />

now<br />

Dimplex<br />

Goldair<br />

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Overheat protection<br />

Includes remote.2.4kW.<br />

OilColumn Heater<br />

With Turbo FanBoost<br />

2heat settings.2<br />

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371972<br />

349243<br />

was $349<br />

now<br />

$<br />

299<br />

Goldair<br />

Flame EffectHeater<br />

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349250<br />

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279<br />

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Low Price,<br />

Local Advice<br />

387171<br />

Offers valid from Thursday<strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>th -Sunday<strong>May</strong> 22nd <strong>2022</strong> or while stocks last.<br />


23 Bank Street, Timaru PHONE 03 687 2033<br />


Dee Street, Oamaru PHONE 03 434 9860<br />


West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE 03 3085119

Deaths<br />

GORDON, Leithen Catherine,<br />

on April 30, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

peacefully at Christchurch<br />

Hospital, aged 78 years.<br />

Dearly loved wife of the<br />

late Herbie.<br />

Loved Mum<br />

of the late Rowan, Darrell<br />

and Jane, Kerren, Brad and<br />

Sandra, and Shelley-Anne.<br />

Farm Nana of Teesha, and<br />

Shania; Chelsea and Heath;<br />

Candice, and Matthew;<br />

Brooke, and Jade; and Eli.<br />

GreatNana of Avalin, Bjorn,<br />

and Emmett. Messages<br />

to 189 Stanley Road, RD<br />

2, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7772. At<br />

Leithen’s request aprivate<br />

family service has been<br />

held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

JEKYLL, Doreen Anne on<br />

April19, <strong>2022</strong>. In her 100th<br />

year.<br />

Dearly beloved wife of<br />

Ralph, loved mother and<br />

mother-in-law of Trish<br />

and Michael Dick (Perth)<br />

and Kevin. Loved eldest<br />

daughter of the late<br />

Mick and Jessie Rooney<br />

(Winchmore), lovedsister of<br />

the late Jim and DotRooney<br />

(Timaru), Des (deceased)<br />

and Jo, Brian (deceased)<br />

and Kath, Valda and the<br />

late Stan Holland, Adrienne<br />

and the late Garry Newton.<br />

Highly respected by all<br />

her nieces and nephews.<br />

Intermenthas been held.<br />

VALLENDER, Iris Eileen:<br />

On <strong>May</strong> 5,<strong>2022</strong>, at Radius<br />

Hawthorne,Christchurch, in<br />

her 98th year.Loved wifeof<br />

the late William, cherished<br />

mother and mother-in-law<br />

of Laraine and the late Ian,<br />

Glenn and Elaine, adored<br />

granma of Craig and<br />

Rachel (England), Marc and<br />

Charlotte (Melbourne), and<br />

great-granma of Schyler<br />

and Raegan. Messages may<br />

be addressed to The Family<br />

of the late Iris Vallender, c/-<br />

PO Box39001, Christchurch<br />

8545. Ourthanks to the staff<br />

of Radius Hawthorne for<br />

their loving care. Aprivate<br />

cremation has been held<br />

and she will be taken to the<br />

Isle of Wight, England,tobe<br />

reunited with her husband<br />

William.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Deaths<br />

BUTTERICK, Peter<br />

Norman, on <strong>May</strong> 6, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

peacefully at Rosebank<br />

Lifecare, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, after a<br />

short illness, aged 70 years.<br />

Dearly loved son of the late<br />

Neal and <strong>May</strong> Butterick.<br />

Loved brother and brother<br />

in lawofSue and Andy Kent,<br />

Fiona, and Hilary. Loved<br />

uncle of Emma, and Sarah;<br />

Hamish, and Duncan, and<br />

great-uncle of Amelia,<br />

Libby, and Charlotte; and<br />

Brayden. Friend of Kay<br />

Herbert. Messages to<br />

the Butterick family P O<br />

Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

A Memorial service to<br />

celebrate Peter’s life will<br />

be held at the Mid-Cant.<br />

Vintage Machinery Club<br />

Rooms, <strong>Ashburton</strong> A & P<br />

Showgrounds,Seafield Road<br />

Entrance, on Friday <strong>May</strong> 20,<br />

commencing at 2.00pm. For<br />

anyone wishing to view the<br />

service online gotowww.<br />

patersonsfuneralservices.<br />

co.nz funeral notices and<br />

click on Peter’snotice forthe<br />

link.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

Family owned,<br />

locally owned<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

WEILY, Jenefer Anne:<br />

Stephen, Maree, Lynley<br />

and families would like to<br />

thank everyone for their<br />

love, kindness and support<br />

at the sudden passing away<br />

of Jen.<br />

She was a much-loved<br />

mother, mother-in-law,<br />

grandmother, great<br />

grandmother and friend. A<br />

talented patch worker and<br />

scrapbooker.<br />

Thank youtoall thefriends,<br />

neighbours and relatives<br />

who made phone calls,sent<br />

texts, cards, flowers and<br />

baking.<br />

Thank you toRosebank for<br />

the great care Jen received<br />

in her last fewmonths.<br />

A special thank you to<br />

Michael and Mary-Jo<br />

Holdaway for the lovely<br />

servicefor Jen.<br />

Please accept this as our<br />

personal thank you toyou<br />

all.<br />

WILSON, Ritchie: Sandra,<br />

Carolyn, Tania, Edward and<br />

families would like to take<br />

this opportunity to thank<br />

everyone for their kind<br />

wishes and support atthis<br />

sad time.Also thank youfor<br />

flowers, cards, phone calls,<br />

carepacks, visits.<br />

Thank you to Radius<br />

Millstream for the care of<br />

Dad over the 6yearshewas<br />

aresident.<br />

Thank you to Carol Gunn<br />

for the lovely service and<br />

Paterson’s Funeral Services<br />

for the care and support<br />

they gave Dad and his<br />

family.<br />

Please accept this<br />

as our personal<br />

acknowledgement.<br />

Foreverinour hearts.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Birth, engagement, anniversary, death,<br />

acknowledgement, and in memoriam notices<br />

will be charged $18 foramaximum of 35<br />

words, thereafteronaper-line basis of $2.50<br />

for5words.<br />

Deadline forthese notices 10am Wednesday<br />

prior to Thursdaypublication date.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Enquiries phone Mary,Jann or Karenon<br />

308 7664 or call into<br />

199 Burnett Street.<br />

22 MooreStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 263 6679<br />

2468641<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Oscar Gray, 10, Lachie Robinson, 11 and Finlay Cosgrove, 10 are some of the boys in anew<br />

all­boy netball team.<br />


Netballlads oncourt<br />

FinlayCosgrove, 10,was theonly boy<br />

playingnetball at Allenton School so he<br />

tookthe initiativeand started the firstall<br />

boys netball teamin<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

‘‘I justwanted more boys to play with,’’<br />

Finlaysaid, ‘‘so Igot someofmyfriends<br />

involved, andtheygot someof theirfriends<br />

involvedand that’s how aall boys team<br />

started.’’<br />

Thenetball is six­a­side, the boyshave<br />

seven in theirteam and play all girl teams<br />

on Saturday mornings.<br />

‘‘People always think girls areonlygood<br />

at netball but wewanttoshowboys can be<br />

good at netballtoo,’’hesaid.<br />

Fellowteammate Lachie said he liked<br />

netball because ‘‘youget to move around<br />

and trynew positions.’’ Finlay likes<br />

shooting.<br />

Theteamiscalled the Allenton AllBoys.<br />

Finlay’smum Amyhas beeninvolved in<br />

Pumpkins set<br />

to be judged<br />

The heaviest, biggest and<br />

weirdest pumpkins grown<br />

from Mitre 10 Mega<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> seedlings will<br />

be underscrutiny this<br />

weekend.<br />

Thegiantpumpkin<br />

growing contest willbe<br />

judged instore on <strong>May</strong> 14.<br />

Spokesperson Lisa<br />

Scammell said Mitre 10<br />

Megaresurrectedthe<br />

pumpkin growing contests<br />

of many yearsago, and<br />

brought it back as a‘‘fun<br />

competition as so many<br />

familiesare getting into<br />

growing their ownveges.’’<br />

Staff gaveaway 40<br />

AtlanticGiant variety of<br />

pumpkinseedlings in<br />

November last year to<br />

growers of all ages, and<br />

feedbacksofar had beena<br />

mixedbag of success.<br />

Thevariety was<br />

renowned for producing<br />

the largestpumpkins, but<br />

somegrowers had<br />

reportednoluck to giant,<br />

to justplain weird, she<br />

said.<br />

‘‘(It) willbevery<br />

interesting tosee what has<br />

become of the seedlings<br />

since leaving the store in<br />

November.’’ The official<br />

weigh­in runs from8am<br />

until11am,with the<br />

prizegiving at 2pm.<br />

netball alongtimeand thinks it can only be<br />

good for the sport to have more males<br />

involved.<br />

‘‘It’s50% of the population we are missing<br />

outon, Ithinkit’s awesometheseguysare<br />

forming ateam. Ihopeother clubs see that<br />

anddothe same.’’<br />

Theboysare also keen rugbyplayers,and<br />

theskills picked up playing netball are<br />

helping the boys rugby game. Amy said<br />

Saturday morning is netballand afternoon<br />

rugby, ‘‘that’s thegreatthing about it,they<br />

canplay two sportsthere's no clash.<br />

‘‘It’sgoodfor kids to be playing multiple<br />

sportssothemplayingnetball reallyhelps<br />

theirrugby skills as well, justthe handeye<br />

co­ordination ,kidsshould be given<br />

exposuretoas many sports as possible.’’<br />

Thesageadvicethe boys have forothers<br />

is ‘‘You never know if youlikesomething<br />

untilyou try it.’’<br />

Turner<br />

show<br />

Afull stageproduction<br />

featuring TinaTurner hits from<br />

the 1960s, 70s,80s and 90s is<br />

coming to <strong>Ashburton</strong>in<br />

October.<br />

Theconcert experience<br />

featuresthe powerful, raspy<br />

vocalsofSoweto­born actress<br />

and singerCarolineBorole,<br />

complete with band,brass<br />

section, backingvocalists and<br />

dancers.<br />

Thetribute show willfeature<br />

the energetic rockand soulhits<br />

thatmade Tina Turner one of<br />

the 20th century’sbiggest<br />

names in music.<br />

Tickets for the October13<br />

showare available from the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Event Centre.<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

11<br />

Seniors share childhood experiences<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Recalling the every day sayings<br />

of their mother’s generated<br />

robust discussionand laughter<br />

last week for clientsof206 Club.<br />

Theyranged from ‘‘ifyou<br />

don’t have anything nice to say,<br />

don’t say anythingatall’’, to ‘‘do<br />

you think money growson<br />

trees?’’and ‘‘go outsideand<br />

play’’.<br />

Manysayings arestill used by<br />

younger generations today.<br />

206Club director of day<br />

servicesJulieLuxton said in<br />

honourofMother’s Day club<br />

members sharedtheir<br />

childhoodexperiences from<br />

living in rural­Canterbury,<br />

through to othersgrowing up in<br />

urban­<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

It brought up many memories<br />

for clientsattendingsuch as<br />

weekly bake days or washing<br />

days, looking after siblings with<br />

large broods of children,to<br />

family planning withcareful<br />

financial plans.<br />

Clients remembered<br />

anecdotes fromtheir youth<br />

such as mothercounting<br />

biscuitsinthe tin before<br />

heading out, beingona<br />

household cleaning roster from<br />

age five,tousing the coal range<br />

to heatupthe iron for ironing<br />

clothes.<br />

Remembering mothers for<br />

Mother's Day are 206 Club's<br />

David Parkyn, director of day<br />

services Julie Luxton, Kelly­<br />

Rose Blackburn and Dot Font.<br />

There were some large<br />

families in the mix with one<br />

client having 14 siblings.<br />

Julie also had household<br />

items more commonly usedin<br />

the 1950s and 60s on display.<br />

AmongthemaJeyes Fluid<br />

can,ironweights, story books,<br />

tea cupsand saucers, cream<br />

bottles and dolls.<br />

The club has sessionson<br />

Mondays,Tuesdays and<br />

Wednesdays at AgeConcern<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s rooms at 206<br />

Cameron Street and is alow<br />

costday programme for retired<br />

folk.<br />

It offers companionship,<br />

entertainment andactivitiesas<br />

awell as atwo courselunch<br />

withmorning and afternoon<br />

teas. Thereare around45<br />

clients over theweek, with 25<br />

volunteers and 11 cooks.But<br />

we’d really likesome more<br />

clients­and acoupleofcooks,<br />

Julie said.<br />

The club organises plentyof<br />

activities for clients ranging<br />

frommusical entertainment,<br />

guest speakers, housie, quizzes,<br />

themed days, movie sessions,<br />

bustripsand garden visits.<br />

Clubmember Dot Font said<br />

‘‘wehavealot of fun.’’ She<br />

attendsthe club twice aweek.<br />

And otherslike David Parkyn<br />

andKelly­Rose Blackburn only<br />

attendonce aweek.<br />

‘‘It’sabout company and<br />

companionship,’’Kelly­Rose<br />

said.<br />

David saidgetting together<br />

with people in the sameage<br />

groupwas just oneofthe<br />

benefits.<br />

‘‘We are together and alltry<br />

to getalong together,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘We all look after each<br />

other,’’ Dot said.<br />

David lines up for another<br />

alpine scooter safari run<br />


David Oakley is hoping for good weather and asmooth<br />

and steadyrun whenhetackles theTranz Alpine<br />

ScooterSafari next weekend.<br />

He is not theonly MidCantabrian to tacklethe ride;<br />

Trevor Croy, under the nameTeamChilly Willy, will<br />

alsobeonthe <strong>May</strong> 21 adventure.<br />

However, for David,it’s his second time and hewill<br />

be riding his 49cc Yamaha Riva Razz for the 250km<br />

trip from Christchurch to Hokitika .<br />

His scooterwas stuck at halfthrottle for hisfirst run<br />

in 2020 andittook him seven hourstocomplete the<br />

trip.<br />

‘‘Therewas alittlebit of dirt in the carburettor<br />

whichmeant Iwas doing around25­30 kmh on the flat<br />

and10kmh uphill. It was slowprogress, but Igot there<br />

andIhad time to appreciate thescenery at that<br />

cruisingspeed.’’<br />

The1989Yamaha RivaRazz sat in David’s garage<br />

David Oakley with his 49cc Yamaha Riva Razz and in<br />

the background his 1926 Austin <strong>12</strong>.<br />

for 20 years before being cleaned up for the scooter<br />

fundraiser.<br />

The safari hasraised $1,428,000 for theCanterbury/<br />

West Coast division of NewZealand CancerSociety<br />

over thelastseven events.<br />

David raised $700in2020 andhis total is currently<br />

sitting at $1525.<br />

‘‘A good friendofmine,who is acancer sufferer,<br />

gaveagenerous donation, whichhas boostedthe total<br />

thistime,’’ he said.<br />

David, who is 73, willhavehis wife Marion as<br />

support crew for thesafari.<br />

Local business McKayand Donaldson Yamaha will<br />

give the scooter afinal check over before the <strong>May</strong>21<br />

event .<br />

David, amember of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Vintage Car Club,<br />

usually prefers morecomfortable driving adventures<br />

in his 1926 Austin <strong>12</strong>. ‘‘I am looking forward to it,<br />

otherwiseIwouldn’t beback. If all goes well, I’ll be<br />

cruising at atop speed of 50kmhand enjoyingthe<br />

sceneryonabeautiful autumn day.’’<br />

To support thescooter efforts go to the<br />

scootersafari.org.nzwebsiteand searchfor therider’s<br />

name under ‘find afundraiser’.<br />

Superior one bedroom apartment<br />

now available<br />

This serviced apartment has open plan living/kitchenette, ensuite bathroom,<br />

laundry facilities and of course anurse call system for peace of mind.<br />


contact our Facility Manager Donna Coxshall 03 307 6140<br />

–Love where you live –<br />




<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 13<br />

<strong>12</strong> <strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

DeputyPrincipal Message<br />

Direction, Goals and Planning forSchools<br />

Forany of us,ifwewanttoachievesomething,it<br />

always helps to set agoal.Ifweare clearonwhat<br />

we want to achieve, write it down and look at it<br />

regularly. This will help to keep usfocused on<br />

the outcome we arepursuing.Agoal is,however,<br />

only as good asthe actions that weput in place<br />

to help us achieveit.<br />

In the case of schools,our goalsare based around<br />

aStrategic Plan and Annual Goals, with associated actions and targets.<br />

TheStrategicPlan is developedbythe BoardofTrustees in collaboration<br />

with school leadership and sets the direction for the school over the<br />

next three to fiveyears.This direction provides ashininglighttokeep us<br />

focused on whereweare headed.<br />

To move us forward, the school leadership develops Annual Goals with<br />

associatedtargetsand ActionPlans.These support us to move in the right<br />

direction with specific,measurablesteps.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College has twomajor areas of focus.These are:<br />

Curriculum and Pedagogical Change<br />

Looking at what is learnt, and how itislearnt, to enable our students<br />

to be better equipped for their future. Students will need to be<br />

collaborative, connected, creative, future problem-solvers. They need to<br />

be independent thinkers and effective communicators. This aligns with<br />

aglobal movement that requires widespread change to the traditional<br />

secondary model of education. This will be further supportedbyour new<br />

build.<br />

Culturally Responsiveand Relational Pedagogy<br />

This is about growing our ability to deliver teaching and learning<br />

that is responsive to astudent’s culture, and underpinned bypositive<br />

relationships that are focused on learning. This will strengthen our<br />

commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and supports success for our<br />

increasingly diverse population within theMid Canterburyregion.<br />

If youwouldlike to seemoredetailonthis, the<strong>Ashburton</strong>College Charter<br />

can be foundonthe school website www.ashburtoncollege.school.nz or<br />

obtained from the College Office.<br />

School Evaluation<br />

The Education Review Office (ERO) is an external organisation that<br />

supports schools to ensurethey areheaded in the rightdirection, andto<br />

evaluate howthey areoperating and progressing.Their role also includes<br />

checking that schools are compliant with amyriad of legislative and<br />

regulatoryrequirements.<br />

The model that ERO uses has recently changed. Each school now has an<br />

evaluation partner who we have an ongoing relationship with. For all<br />

schools,the work donewillculminate in apublicly availablewritten report,<br />

every three years. Wewelcome Lena Tuiloma in this role, supporting<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College, and look forward to working in partnership to<br />

continually improve our school forour students and our community.<br />

NCEA Level1CommunityConsultation<br />

As partofour reflectiontoensurethat<strong>Ashburton</strong> Collegeisbest meeting<br />

the needs ofour students and our community, we are undertaking a<br />

comprehensive consultation process regarding the pros and cons of the<br />

NCEA Level1qualification as aprimaryfocus forour Year 11 students.<br />

Forany member of our community, please attend one of theconsultation<br />

sessionsadvertised in this newsletter to learn moreand have your say.<br />

Nāuterourou,nākuterourou, ka oraaiteiwi<br />

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.<br />

This whakatuakitalkstocommunity, to collaboration<br />

and astrengths-basedapproach.<br />

It acknowledges that everyone has somethingtooffer,apiece of the puzzle,<br />

andbyworking together we canall flourish.<br />

Jono Hay<br />

DeputyPrincipal•Tumuaki Tuarua<br />

Staff -Welcome<br />

JawadDeljo<br />

Bilingual SupportWorker,based out of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College,and working within<br />

the Hakatere Cluster forall former<br />

refugee students in MidCanterbury<br />

schools and Early Childhood Centres.<br />

TheAshColl<br />

Way<br />

Information<br />

Consultation Process–<br />

NCEA Level1:Hui Confirmed Dates<br />

As has been advised previously, <strong>Ashburton</strong> College is undertaking<br />

acomprehensive consultation process to consider if our College will<br />

retain NCEA Level1asaprimaryfocus forour Year 11 students.<br />

As part of this process, we are seeking the input of current and former<br />

students, whānau,employers andour staff.<br />

We are reviewing the role that this qualification plays in supporting the<br />

best outcomes forour students, and asking relatedquestions like:<br />

• Whatare the benefits andlimitations of NCEALevel 1?<br />

• Doall of ourstudents need to complete NCEALevel 1?<br />

• Are we supporting studentwell-being?<br />

• How does NCEA Level1supportour Vision?<br />

While ourfocusisverymuch on <strong>Ashburton</strong> College, this is aconversation<br />

which is taking place in secondary schools and their communities<br />

around NewZealand.<br />

As part of this process we will host severalhui, as follows:<br />

• Tuesday31<strong>May</strong> 7:00pm College Auditorium<br />

• Thursday02June 10:00am Hakatere Marae<br />

• Thursday02June 2:00pm College Auditorium<br />

• Thursday02June 7:00pm HakatereMarae<br />

• Friday03June 10:00am College Auditorium<br />

• Saturday11June 2:00pm College Auditorium<br />

If youare interested in hearingmore, we inviteand strongly<br />

encourageyoutoattend one of thesehui to gain information<br />

and to provide feedback to us at College.<br />

It is anticipatedthe huiwill be forapproximately one hour.<br />

An opportunity to share your thoughts will also be made available<br />

viaasurveyinthe nearfuture.<br />

Cultural Programme Events Return<br />

It is areal pleasure to be able to advertise cultural events, anumber<br />

which havehad to be absent from our calendar forthe past twoyears.<br />

Currently we advertise twotransferred nowfromTerm One.<br />

Putthese in your calendar if youcan join us in the audienceto<br />

enjoy thetalentsofCollegestudents.<br />

Parent/Student/SubjectTeacher Interviews<br />

and Early Closures<br />

Next Thursday19<strong>May</strong> and Tuesday24<strong>May</strong><br />

2:30pm–8:00pm, Hotel<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Theinterviews arefor all yearlevels.<br />

For Year 9students,interviews arewith subjectteachers only,<br />

(not option teachers).<br />

Thelength of eachinterview is fiveminutes.<br />

It is expected thatstudentsattendwith their parents/caregivers,<br />

in order to be part of the three-way conversation.<br />

Bookingsfor Interviews went liveonTuesday 03 <strong>May</strong><br />

and areable to be booked through:<br />

https://ashburton.schoolpoint.co.nz<br />

Your SchoolPointlogin is the sameasyour Kamar login.<br />

If youdonot have an onlinefacility,<br />

youare able to bookbycontacting the<br />

CollegeOfficeon3084193, Ext0.<br />

Further information will be advised to families.<br />

School Early Closure-Both Days,from1:20pm<br />

Please Note: schoolearly closure forall students,<br />

at 1:20pm,onboth of these twodays.<br />

Theclosures areBoardofTrustees-approved.<br />

Events<br />

Year 10 OutdoorEducation Hike and<br />

Camp at Peel Forest<br />

Prior to the end ofTerm One, on 04-05 April and 07-08 April, the<br />

first two ofthree Year 10Outdoor Education classes undertook their<br />

overnight camp at ClarkeFlatand the hikeupLittle Mt Peel.<br />

Outdoor Education teacher Luke Martin said that many students had fond<br />

memories of their Year 8experienceclimbingLittleMtPeel,only to findthis<br />

time would be slightly more challenging. Thedifference was these groups<br />

weretaking the south ridge routetothe top, whichisjust alittle bitsteeper<br />

thanthe usualDeer SpurRoute.<br />

Luckily the weather was pretty good for both excursions which made for a<br />

pleasant two trips. Only some rain on the last day ofthe second trip put a<br />

dampeneronthe twosmall walks they did thatday.<br />

Luke said that itwas great tosee all students challenge themselves and,<br />

aside from two students, all made it tothe top, which is no small feat.<br />

The perseverance and mental toughness shown bysome of the students<br />

was great to see.Then seeing, atthe end ofthe hike, most ofthe students<br />

feeling proud of whatthey had achievediswhatmakessuch an exerciseall<br />

worthwhile.<br />

At the time of writing this article,the thirdYear 10 Outdoor Education class<br />

wasscheduledtoundertaketheir trip on 05-06 <strong>May</strong>, which will be reported<br />

on in afuturenewsletter.<br />

Additionally this term, Year 10 students will be honing their skills in<br />

Navigation and alsoRock Climbing.<br />

(Pictured above): Students making theirway down Little Mt Peel.<br />

Students Pitch-in to Clean Up Rubbish at<br />

College and in the Community<br />

As canbeseen from both articles below, rubbish is asocietalchallenge.<br />

Put simply, if it’s not dropped or dumped itdoesn’t have tobepicked<br />

up. However, the outcome doesn’t seem as simple asthat, and a<br />

number of our students pitched in to clear‘stuff’.<br />

AshColl WayCommittee InitiatesPre-Holiday<br />

Lunchtime Campus Clean-up<br />

The College’s Student AshColl Way Committee initiated this clean-up,<br />

involving student leaders, in order to make sure the school was clean<br />

and tidyfor the holidayperiod.<br />

Committee Members<br />

This activity was spearheaded byJonathon Kilgour, leader ofthe<br />

AshCollWay Committee.<br />

Committee members are Year 13 students Neiv Sol, Cairo Hawkes,<br />

Kane McDonnell; and Year <strong>12</strong> members Luis Varias, Jacob Wilson,<br />

Gianna Butler.<br />

On the day there were spot prizes available to win and ‘heaps’ofMihi Pai<br />

givenout. The work started in the Canteen area,and thenspread out across<br />

the variousareas of the College.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 13<br />

<strong>12</strong> <strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Events<br />

(Pictured above, left to right): Ready to get underway are Neiv Sol,<br />

Gianna Butler and AshColl WayCommittee Leader Jonathon Kilgour.<br />

(Pictured above,leftand right): Head Boy<br />

Millar Newlands and Blue House Co-<br />

Captain Charles Savage attacking the<br />

task.<br />

(Pictured below): And the good work<br />

continues on the field.<br />

Congratulations<br />

ImpressiveSuccesses at Nautique<br />

NZ National Water-Ski Championships<br />

This week-long event was, this year, hosted bythe Canterbury Water<br />

SkiAssociation,atLakeHood,<strong>Ashburton</strong>,from21-26 March.<br />

Skiers from around the country competed at this evening, including<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College students Simon Moore (Year <strong>12</strong>) and Harriet Hill<br />

(Year 10). Both of these skiers qualified as part of the thirty-five-strong<br />

Canterburyteam. Both gained finals berths, whichistestimony to theirlevel<br />

of capability.<br />

(Pictured right, leftand right):<br />

SimonMooreand<br />

Harriet Hill.<br />

Simon Moore<br />

Simon, who was attending<br />

his first nationals, skied well<br />

in the first round gaining<br />

a personal best score,<br />

enabling him to ski inthe<br />

final where he earned 6th<br />

place in the Under 17 Boys’<br />

Slalom.<br />

Harriet Hill<br />

Harriet, who skied in all<br />

three events for the Under<br />

17 Girls: Slalom, Jump and<br />

Trick Skiing; reached the<br />

finalsinall three events.<br />

Finals Placings –and Silver Medal Overall<br />

Placing 2nd in the Jump, 3rd in Tricks and 4th in the Slalom gave Harriet<br />

somegoodpodiumtime and the Silver Medal overall.<br />

(Pictured right):<br />

Simon Moore<br />

attacking the<br />

Slalom Course.<br />

CoDriVR -Competition<br />

In Februarywereportedonthe CoDriVR Project<strong>Ashburton</strong>College is a<br />

pilotschool for, andoutlined detailsofthe DrivingSimulatorwhich had<br />

been installed at thattime.<br />

(Pictured left):<br />

Alastair Kilgour ‘driving’ the<br />

simulator.<br />

In the period leading up to Easter and the student holiday break, students<br />

had the opportunity towin aJBL Pulse 3Bluetooth Speaker, plus abasket<br />

of snacks.<br />

The students booked atime, undertook the modules and had to achieve<br />

8/10-plus in the Mind-the-Gap Driving challenge, inorder to go into the<br />

prizedraw.<br />

Entries closed on Wednesday 13April, with the winner announced on the<br />

last dayofterm, on Thursday14April.<br />

LilyRutledge -Competition Winner<br />

Thewinner of the Easter CoDriVRCompetition wasYear 9student Lily<br />

Rutledge, with abest qualifying score of10/10. This result augers well<br />

forher safedriving in the future!<br />

<strong>12</strong>3 attempts were made at the Challenge at <strong>Ashburton</strong>College,within the<br />

competition timeframe.<br />

Only 31 of these entries gained 8/10 or above, which qualified them to<br />

go into the prize draw. The 31 qualifying entries were made by eighteen<br />

different students and, of these, just four students gained the maximum 10<br />

result.<br />

(Pictured below): HarrietHillinfull action in the SlalomEvent,atLake Hood.<br />

Jonathon said thatthe pick-up went really well.Heand the committee were<br />

very impressed with the number of students who lent ahand and helped<br />

out overall,sayingthe improvementwas very visible and especially around<br />

the field.<br />

Jonathon hasissued abig thank youtoall who helped out.<br />

StudentsJoin Litter-Free<strong>Ashburton</strong>Volunteers<br />

During the student holiday period, on Thursday 21April, thirteen<br />

students from the College’s Student Executive and House Captains,<br />

joined Litter-Free <strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteers to continue inroads into<br />

clearing dumped rubbish.<br />

Theworkonthatday wasundertaken at the Melrose Road riveraccess area<br />

where‘so much rubbish had been dumped –from nappies, tobottles and<br />

even apogo stick’.<br />

Apparently,inless than an hour thatpartofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong>Riverbed looked<br />

pristine, per favour of the twenty-plus bags filled, alongside bigger items<br />

and the burnt-out couch.<br />

Shirley Falloon, an <strong>Ashburton</strong>Volunteer organiser,thanked the students for<br />

their enthusiastic response, saying they were marvellous. The volunteers<br />

were pleased to hear the students arekeen to join them again.<br />

(Pictured above): The volunteers on the completion of their transformation<br />

of the Melrose Road riverarea.<br />

New Zealand Junior Masters Tournament<br />

Medals forHarriet<br />

From Saturday 23–Monday 25 April, tofinish the season off, Harriet<br />

also flew up to the above tournament atWilliams Dam, Whangārei, in<br />

Northland.<br />

This event was billed as a three Round 3 event, world ranking tournament<br />

forthe Under 21,Under17, Under14and Under 10 age groups.<br />

It is exciting for Harriet to be gaining such positive results from the hours<br />

spent training each week and, especially, asshe has just moved upanage<br />

group from Under14toUnder 17.<br />

Medals in all events<br />

Harrietmedalled in eachofher events,returninghome with:<br />

• SilverMedal in the Jump.<br />

• SilverMedal in the Overall.<br />

• BronzeMedal in the Tricks.<br />

• 4th placinginthe Slalom.<br />

HarrietgainedaPersonal Best scoreof22.5m in theJump event.<br />

(Pictured below, right): Harriet with her impressive clutch of hard-earned<br />

medals.<br />

(Pictured below): Harriet performing in the<br />

jumpevent.<br />

(Pictured left):<br />

Lily with her JBL<br />

speaker and large<br />

boxofsnacks.<br />

Forthcoming Events<br />

<strong>May</strong><br />

13 Mid Canterbury Sports Awards, Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>, doors open<br />

5:30pm, function commences 6:15pm.<br />

Hockey Boys’1st XI, Nunweek Park or Nga Puna Wai<br />

17 College Cross-Country<br />

18 Supernet Reserve Competition, ANetball,<br />

Avonside Girls’HighSchool,Christchurch<br />

Hockey Girls’1st XI Ngā Puna WaiorMaristParkHockey turfs,<br />

Christchurch<br />

South CanterburySSRugbyGirls’Under 18, PointDomain,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Celtic and Geraldine<br />

19 Parent/StudentSubjectTeacher interviews, Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

(refer information section forfull details)<br />

20 Hockey Boys’1st XI, Ngā Puna WaiorMarist Park Hockey turfs,<br />

Christchurch<br />

21-22 New Zealand SecondarySchools’Artistic Gymnastics,Auckland<br />

24 Aoraki SecondarySchools’ Cross-Country, Timaru<br />

Parent/SubjectTeacherinterviews, Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

(refer information section forfull details)<br />

25 Supernet Reserve Competition, ANetball,<br />

Avonside Girls’HighSchool,Christchurch<br />

Hockey Girls’1st XI Ngā Puna WaiorMaristParkHockey turfs,<br />

Christchurch<br />

South CanterburySSRugbyGirls’Under 18, PointDomain,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Celtic and Geraldine<br />

BoardofTrustee Meeting,6:00pm, Menorlue<br />

26 NZ Careers Expo,Christchurch Arena<br />

27 Aoraki Swimming Championships<br />

UC Pasifikaschool visit<br />

Hockey Boys’1st XI, Ngā Puna WaiorMarist Park Hockey turfs<br />

28-30 NZSS Rhythmic Gymnastics,Auckland

NEWS<br />

14 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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AMethven woman hasmade the<br />

plunge andlefther full time job to<br />

launchabusiness producing log<br />

booksto help people record their<br />

tramping and travelling adventures.<br />

Lauren Korstrom, anative of<br />

Canada, was introduced to hiking<br />

when sherelocatedtoNew Zealand.<br />

‘‘I didn't do much hiking inCanada,<br />

when Imoved here my partners mum<br />

was into hiking, so Iemersed myself<br />

into that,’’ she said.<br />

Akeendiarist and blogger Lauren<br />

had the idea of producing log books<br />

specifically for tramping and<br />

travelling.<br />

‘‘Because Ilike diariesIthought it<br />

wouldbecool to have somethingthat<br />

had prompts in it so you can record<br />

whereyou’ve been.’’<br />

The prompts in the tramping log<br />

book include date, location,<br />

elevation, difficultly rating, weather<br />

details, pages for photosand notes<br />

andsafety information.<br />

‘‘It’s agoodway to look back on<br />

what you’ve done,for me especially<br />

with hiking Ican see my progress as<br />

well, because you start small and<br />

move to biggerhikes.<br />

‘‘With the travel log it’s great to<br />

look back at where you stayed,did<br />

youlikeit? would you go again?’’<br />

With computersoftenbeingthe<br />

placewhere peoplestore their<br />

photosand writing, having abook in<br />

your handhas itsadvantages.<br />

‘‘You rememberthings better<br />

Lauren Korstrom with her travel and tramping log books.<br />

when youwrite themdown, itisa<br />

lot more tangible.<br />

‘‘In thefuture it will be like a<br />

memento, in years to come Iwill<br />

have this cool collectionofall the<br />

places I’ve been,’’ Lauren said.<br />

Leaving fulltimework has had<br />

it’s challenges, but Lauren felt it<br />

was time to take theplunge.<br />

‘‘The biggestthing is nothaving a<br />

steadyincomelikeIused to, soitis<br />

amind setshift,you justhave to<br />

commit andgofor it.’’<br />

Laurenplans to expand her<br />

businesssupplying the log booksto<br />

shops, startingwiththe smaller<br />

shops andboutiques in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

The books can be purchasedfrom<br />

herwebsite www.koradventuresco.<br />

com.<br />

Demand for church foodbank<br />


Acommunity food cupboard run<br />

through St Mark’s AnglicanChurch<br />

in Rakaia is continuingtohelplocal<br />

residents with emergency supplies.<br />

The foodbankinitiativewas set up<br />

in mid­2020 during the firstcovid<br />

lockdownand continues to see a<br />

steady demand for non­perishable<br />

foodand other goods.<br />

Rev MichaelHoldaway from St<br />

Mark’sChurchsaidthere wasa<br />

constanttrickle of people looking<br />

forfoodassistance.<br />

He said the foodbank,like others<br />

in the district,had recently received<br />

funding being usedtotop up stocks.<br />

Thefunding of$3000from the<br />

Community Trust of Mid&South<br />

Canterburywas paidintwo<br />

instalmentsand administeredfrom<br />

Inside the food cupboard run through<br />

St Mark’s Church.<br />

aseparate account, he said.<br />

Rev Holdaway said theRakaia<br />

Lions had topped up the foodbank<br />

late last yearafter aTootFor<br />

Tucker driveinthe townshipand<br />

there hadbeenharvestfestival<br />

services andprivate donationsover<br />

the pasttwo years.<br />

The church hadrecently<br />

purchased afreezerwhich meant<br />

meatdonationscould be stored.<br />

RevHoldaway said peoplewho<br />

had lost their jobsorbeenon<br />

reduced hours duringthe covid<br />

epidemic had been supported by the<br />

foodbank,aswellasothers who<br />

werestruggling.<br />

‘‘Once peoplemake contact with<br />

us we usually arrange atimefor<br />

themtopick up food parcels,which<br />

we leaveoutsidethe church.’’<br />

St Mark’shas also recently<br />

partneredwithStAndrew’s<br />

PresbyterianChurchinRakaia to<br />

better support thewider<br />


Sharon<br />

Aragraduate<br />

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Business<br />

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Art&Media<br />

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Business<br />

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(Leadership &Management)<br />

• NZDiploma in Business<br />

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Computing<br />

• NZCertificate inComputing<br />

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Health<br />

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(Managed Apprenticeship)<br />

Language &Education<br />

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Trades<br />

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• NZCertificate inEngineering Fabrication<br />

(Apprenticeship)<br />

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(Construction)<br />

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(Apprenticeship)<br />

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Checkout ourwide rangeofscholarshipsonline<br />

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FreeShuttle Service<br />

If youlivein<strong>Ashburton</strong> or Oamaruand you’dlike<br />

to study aprogramme at ourTimaru campus,<br />

we providefreebustransportation to and from<br />

Timaru everyweekday during term time.<br />

Exploreall theoptions at ara.ac.nz | 0800 24 2476<br />

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Former refugees sharemayoral lunch<br />

Thursday,<strong>12</strong><strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 78<br />

Late surgeof<br />

AnnualPlan<br />

submissions<br />

Council was delighted to receive a<br />

flurry of last-minute submissions<br />

duringthe final week of consultation<br />

on the draft Annual Plan, withatotal<br />

of 131peoplehavingtheir say before<br />

the deadline.<br />

Staff are now processing the feedback,<br />

howeverroadingisalready emerging as a<br />

hottopic. Some submitters haveindicated<br />

theywantto speaktotheirviewsin-person<br />

whenCouncil meets on 24 and 25 <strong>May</strong>to<br />

considerthe submissions. Thesehearings<br />

and the Council deliberation process will<br />

be livestreamed.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>May</strong>orNeil Browninvited<br />

some special newcomers to lunch<br />

last week to hear how they are<br />

finding theirmoveto<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Thirty-five men, women and children<br />

who fled Afghanistan and resettled in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> overthe past year were invited<br />

to share food with <strong>May</strong>or Brown, deputy<br />

mayor Liz McMillan and Councillors Leen<br />

Braamand Diane Rawlinson.<br />

It wasanoccasion to celebrate their new<br />

beginnings.<br />

Refugee Settlement support team leader<br />

Kathy Harrington-Watt said the latest<br />

arrivals had only been in <strong>Ashburton</strong> a<br />

fewdays, and another 22 were dueinthe<br />

coming months.<br />

“They all originate from Afghanistan but<br />

havehadtoleave forfearofpersecution or<br />

other frighteningreasons. Theyare loving<br />

livingin<strong>Ashburton</strong>andsaythecommunity<br />

has been very welcoming.”<br />

She said many refugees spent years<br />

after fleeing Afghanistan incountries like<br />

Malaysia or Iran, waitingtobe resettled.<br />

“Now they are here, they are keen to<br />

improve theirEnglish, fortheir children to<br />

gotoschoolandtolearnnewskillsthatwill<br />

securethemjobs in ourlocal community.<br />

“The biggest reason why they are<br />

flourishingin<strong>Ashburton</strong>thoughisbecause<br />

the community is so supportive, generous<br />

and accepting.”<br />

The resettlement service finds homes<br />

for the newcomers and arecent plea for<br />

bicyclesresultedinabout200 beinggifted.<br />

<strong>May</strong>or Brown said the shared lunch was<br />

an important part of helping the former<br />

refugees adapttotheirnew lives.<br />

“It is good forthem to understand that in<br />

New Zealand, the local mayor and local<br />

government politicians are people they<br />

canapproach andtrust. Their experience<br />

of authorities in other countries may not<br />

havebeen so positive.<br />

“They should havenoreasontobefearful<br />

living in our district and Iknow many<br />

membersofourgenerouscommunityhave<br />

goneoutoftheirwayto showkindnessand<br />

hospitality.Welook forwardtothem taking<br />

the next step and joining community<br />

groups and the local workforce.”<br />

Council is proposing an average 9.4 per<br />

cent rate increase, driven by arange of<br />

challenges includinghigh inflation.People<br />

were also asked for their views on using<br />

$1.7 million from forestry reserves to<br />

do more roading work and whether the<br />

Council should further review its day-today<br />

services.<br />

Strategy and ComplianceGroup Manager<br />

Jane Donaldson thanked submitters<br />

for taking time toread the consultation<br />

documentand provide feedback.<br />

“The number of submissions doubled in<br />

the lastweekand theycontainedarange<br />

of views aboutthe work we haveplanned<br />

forthe next financial year.The next step is<br />

for Councillors toconsider that feedback<br />

and make decisions on the final form of<br />

the plan, whichwill be adoptedatthe end<br />

of June.”<br />

Youcanreadwhatpeoplehadto sayabout<br />

the draft AnnualPlan at itsourplace.nz.<br />

Rodger Letham, Councillor<br />

Do it right andkeep it local<br />

We arealmoststarting the run-up<br />

to the next LocalBody Elections,<br />

which aredue to be held in<br />

October. Where has the lastthree<br />

yearsgone?<br />

It has been abusy three yearswith<br />

somebig projects completedor<br />

still under way, plus youcan throw<br />

in Covid-19, the Three Waters<br />

Programme, LocalGovernment<br />

Reform and ResourceManagement Act<br />

review.<br />

Thisisontop of our completion of the<br />

CBD upgrade, with the newLibrary<br />

and CivicBuilding underconstruction<br />

and thefurther development of Baring<br />

SquareEastplanned, plus anew bridge<br />

on the horizon.<br />

In the midstofall this Council still has<br />

to run and maintain the everyday<br />

activities of thedistrict.Our staff<br />

areunder extreme pressurebut are<br />

holdingthe line well. But first things<br />

first.<br />

Three Waters is going to be the biggest<br />

challengewehaveseenfor decades<br />

and it has notstarted well. No one<br />

denies thatamassiveinvestment<br />

in waterinfrastructureisneeded<br />

throughout the country.<br />

Spacedoes notpermit me to giveafull<br />

run-down of events,ormyopinions,<br />

but sufficetosay Councillors, whoever<br />

theyare,willneed to be wary,watchful<br />

and focusedinensuring we getthe<br />

bestdealfor our ratepayers.<br />

The Governmenthas notgiven us<br />

confidenceintheir performanceso<br />

far. The programme has been poorly<br />

researched, badly presentedand has<br />

cost millions of dollarsinchildish<br />

propaganda to tryand sway the public<br />

to theirpoint of view.<br />

On topofall that, the Ministerblatantly<br />

mandatedthe newentities before the<br />

endofthe agreed time forstudyand<br />

questioning by councils. In my previous<br />

life, if apersonbroke acontractin<br />

thatmannertheywould havebeen<br />

promptly marched intocourt.Iamnot<br />

even going to start on “co-governance”<br />

but it appearsthatideologyisgetting<br />

in the wayofpractical commonsense.<br />

However, it has, to agreaterorlesser<br />

degree, always been thus. We area<br />

resilientcommunity which has over<br />

the yearswithstood floods,snow,<br />

gales, drought and storms.Attimes<br />

of disaster, we pulltogetherand get<br />

throughand we will do so again. All<br />

these things will pass and we will face<br />

different challenges.<br />

We havesomeofthe bestsoils in the<br />

world, the most successfulfarmersand<br />

business people that arethe envyof<br />

many.Wehavegood educational,<br />

cultural and sporting facilities.<br />

The enquiryfor building sites both<br />

residential and commercial is huge,<br />

whichindicatesapositivefuture.<br />

In light of all thatishappening around<br />

the world, Iamprivilegedtolive, work<br />

and play in this district. Aplacewhere<br />

motherscan take their children to the<br />

playground in peaceand safety, where<br />

our children canwalk safely to school.<br />

Wherewecan gather and socialisein<br />

comfort and safetyasand when we<br />

wish (exceptduring covid lockdowns).<br />

Long may it last.<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>12</strong><strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 78<br />


Tight contestfor People'sChoiceaward<br />

Just one vote separated the top<br />

twointhe ANZ Business of theYear<br />

Awards People's Choice in Retail<br />

Category and the winner will be<br />

announced at the awards' gala<br />

evening onFriday27<strong>May</strong>.<br />

Membersofthe publicdecided the winner<br />

and just over 500 votes were cast inthe<br />

voting periodlastyear. The finalists in the<br />

category (in no particular order) are Big<br />

Al's, The Stork Network, Stoked Cycles,<br />

Hyundai Mid Canterburyand GarageGym.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council is partnering<br />

with ANZ and Ri Ra Events tohost the<br />

inauguralawards, whichaim to recognise<br />

and promote local businessexcellence.<br />

Council Community Services Group<br />

Manager Steve Fabish said was great<br />

that people had voted for their favourite<br />

business or outlet.<br />

“There were11businessesinthe category<br />

and theywerearealvariety,all with good<br />

voting support. We’re looking forward<br />

to honouring the finalists and winners of<br />

all the different categories at the awards<br />

evening.”<br />

The awards evening in Methven was to<br />

have been in February but was delayed<br />

by Covid-19. Tickets to the event, and<br />

information about all the finalists, are<br />

available at businessoftheyear.nz.<br />



(sponsoredby Catalyst Performance<br />

Agronomy):<br />

Agricultural ConsultingServices -AlignFarms<br />

-Bio Oils -Carrfields -Midlands Apiaries<br />


(sponsoredby HEB Construction):<br />

Kaipak -Mount HuttPods -NZSockCo-<br />

TransalpineHoney<br />


(sponsoredby NZ Ski):<br />

Adventure BalloonsNZ-<strong>Ashburton</strong>Aviation<br />

Museum -Bella VistaMotel -BrinkleyResort<br />

-SouthernCross Lodge<br />


(sponsored by Naylor Love):<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum -<strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust<br />

Event Centre -BikeMethven -Methven Lions<br />

Club<br />


(sponsored by Croys):<br />

Midlands Apiaries -NZ SockCo -Tranzalpine<br />

Honey<br />



(sponsored by Lynda Stevenson Chartered<br />

Accountants Ltd):<br />

Testing regimekeeps close<br />

tabsondrinking water<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

monitoring officers travel hundreds<br />

of kilometres every week taking<br />

samples from water treatment<br />

plantsand bores aroundthe district<br />

to check waterquality.<br />

Samplesarecollectedregularlyfromwater<br />

supply networks and water treatment<br />

plants including the <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Methven<br />

andRakaiatownships aswellasnine other<br />

smaller community supplies.<br />

The frequency of testing ranges from<br />

daily on the <strong>Ashburton</strong> supply,<br />

twice per week at Methvenand Rakaia,<br />

and weekly on the smaller supplies<br />

–all as required by standards set by the<br />

drinking waterregulatorTaumata Arowai.<br />

The water is sampled for E.coli and<br />

Total Coliforms and field readings are<br />

collected for chlorine, pH and turbidity.<br />

Additionally,regular chemical samples are<br />

also collected, including monthly nitratenitrogensamples<br />

from all supplies.<br />

The E.coli andTotal Coliform samples are<br />

tested in the council’sin-houselaboratory;<br />

this test involves samples being placed<br />

in an incubator for 24 hours, meaning<br />

resultsare available the following day.Any<br />

positiveresult is investigatedtosee what<br />

caused the problem,and fixed.<br />

Chemical samples which are less time<br />

sensitiveare sentawaytoanexternal lab<br />

for testing. Currently Council uses the<br />

EurofinsRolleston labforthis analysis.<br />

At the timeofE.colisample collection,field<br />

readings for chlorine, pHand turbidity<br />

are also taken. These are collected<br />

using portable field instruments and<br />

confirm the treatment process and<br />

waternetworksareperforming as expected.<br />

While the focus on water quality has<br />

historically been testing after it leaves<br />

the boreorplant, newonlinetechnology<br />

to be installed inthe coming year will<br />

automatically test raw bore water and<br />

treated water, and send the results<br />

electronically to Council. Any issues will be<br />

picked up in real time,not the next day.<br />

Council operates <strong>12</strong> water supply<br />

schemes, servicing about 70 per cent of<br />

thepopulation.The <strong>Ashburton</strong> scheme is<br />

thebiggest, withmorethan 200km of pipe<br />

supplying about 19,000 people. Methven’s<br />

supply is the next largest,with 1700.<br />

Infrastructure Services Group Manager<br />

Neil McCann said ensuring the safety of<br />

drinkingwaterwas an important joband<br />

part of Council’s duty to comply with<br />

standards, ensure adequate supply and<br />

monitorscheme performance.<br />

Agricultural Consulting Services -Carrfields<br />

Irrigation -Kaipak -Mt Hutt Aviation -NZ<br />

Sock Co<br />



(sponsoredby SheepMilkNew Zealand):<br />

Anna Johnson -GeorgeWilson -James<br />

Hannon -Justin Skilling -KirstyNaish<br />


(sponsored by MediaWorks):<br />

BigAl's -The StorkNetwork -StokedCycles<br />

-Hyundai MidCanterbury -GarageGym<br />


Meetings areatCouncilChambers,<br />

137 Havelock Street,unlessspecified<br />

Council Meeting, Wednesday 18 <strong>May</strong>,<br />

1pm (live-streamed)<br />

Annual Plan SubmissionHearings,<br />

Tuesday 24 <strong>May</strong>,9am (live-streamed)<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Water ZoneCommittee,<br />

Tuesday 24 <strong>May</strong>,1pm (live-streamed)<br />

Annual PlanSubmissionHearings,<br />

Wednesday 25 <strong>May</strong>,9am (live-streamed)<br />



Methven residents arebeing askedto<br />

conservewater on Friday 13 <strong>May</strong> during<br />

plannedworkonthe Methvendrinking<br />

watersupply.<br />

Contractors willbedoing underground<br />

pipeworkatthe watertreatment plant<br />

so no waterwillbeflowingintothe<br />

plant,howeverthere will be enough<br />

waterinthe reservoirtoservice the<br />

town if people useitconservatively. The<br />

work will begin at 8am andshouldbe<br />

complete by mid-afternoon.<br />

InfrastructureServices Group Manager<br />

NeilMcCann saiditmadesense to do<br />

someundergroundwork foranew<br />

treatmentplant whiletwo newwater<br />

reservoirs were under construction at<br />

the site. People areasked to conserve<br />

their wateruse wherepossible to avoid<br />

drainingthe reservoir. "People can<br />

still have showers andflush toilets,<br />

butminimiseactivitythatwoulduse<br />

large amounts of waterduringFriday<br />

morning.”<br />

The work is being donebyACL and<br />

Reliant Solutions.<br />




The District Licensing Committeewill<br />

hold apublichearing to consider the<br />

proceedings setout below:<br />

Date:Thursday 19 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Venue:CouncilChambers, 137<br />

Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Time: 10.00am<br />

Committeemembers: RobinKilworth<br />

(commissioner),Simon McDonnell<br />

(Member) and TracyMcIlraith(Member)<br />

IN THEMATTER ofthe Saleand Supply<br />

of AlcoholAct 20<strong>12</strong>, AND<br />

IN THE MATTER of an application by<br />

TeghveerEnterprisesLimited foranOFF<br />

licencepursuanttothe Actinrespectof<br />

premises situatedat175 Alford Forest<br />

Road ASHBURTON.<br />


DistrictLicensing Committee<br />

Secretary<br />



StaveleyStore: Public notice of<br />

application foranONlicence.<br />

The StationFarmshop Limited<br />

has madeapplicationtothe District<br />

Licensing Committeeat<strong>Ashburton</strong> for<br />

an issue of an ON licenceinrespect<br />

of the premises situated at 2Burgess<br />

Road, Staveley.<br />

The general nature of thebusiness<br />

conductedunderthe licenceis<br />

restaurant.<br />

Thedaysonwhichand thehours during<br />

which alcoholissoldunderthe licence<br />

are: Sunday to Thursday: 9.00am<br />

-5:00pm, and Friday to Saturday<br />

9.00amto9.00pm.<br />

The applicationmay be inspected<br />

during ordinaryofficehours at theoffice<br />

of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictLicensing<br />

Committee at 5BaringSquareWest,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Any person who is entitledtoobject<br />

andwho wishes to objecttothe grant<br />

of the applicationmay notlaterthan<br />

15 working days after the dateof<br />

publication of this notice, file anoticein<br />

writing of the objection with:<br />

The Secretary,<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Licensing Committee, PO Box94,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

No objection tothe issueofalicence<br />

may be madeinrelationtoamatter<br />

otherthan amatterspecifiedinSection<br />

131ofthe Sale and Supply of Alcohol<br />

Act20<strong>12</strong>.<br />

Objection period closes 24 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />



Unwantedorexpired agrichemicals<br />

in your shed? Agrecovery is running a<br />

chemicalcollectionevent inCanterbury<br />

in June and people who want to dispose<br />

of unwanted chemicals need to bookin<br />

by 27 <strong>May</strong>.Book via agrecovery.co.nz or<br />

by calling 0800 247 326.<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday 9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am-1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm)<br />

Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm)<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily.Closed Public Holidays.<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>12</strong><strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 78<br />


NEWS<br />

18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Menz Shed open day<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>Menz Shed is<br />

lookingfor new membersand<br />

is holding an openday on<br />

Saturday to showthe public<br />

whatgoes on behind the<br />

scenes.<br />

Menz Shed members Keith<br />

Robertson and PeterMurray<br />

said they would like to show<br />

the publicwhat they do, the<br />

projects theyare involved with<br />

and attract newmembers.<br />

‘‘Lots of people say they have<br />

heardofthe Menz Shed but<br />

haven't seen it,’’ Keithsaid.<br />

Theshedcomplex on William<br />

Street is kitted out withwell<br />

equippedwoodworking space<br />

andseparate engineering<br />

workshops.<br />

TheMenz Shed are often<br />

asked to help outwith<br />

woodworking and engineering<br />

projects fromaround the<br />

district, like refurbishing park<br />

benchesfromthe Tinwald<br />

Domainand making pony<br />

jumps for the Methven Pony<br />

Club.<br />

Keith said the projects<br />

usuallycome from word of<br />

mouth around thecommunity.<br />

‘‘Someone willmentionthey<br />

need something made and<br />

people often saythe guys at the<br />

Menz Shed coulddothat.’’<br />

Theclubisopen afew days a<br />

week for members and part of<br />

thereason forhavingthe open<br />

dayistofind out if people<br />

would joinifthecomplex was to<br />

open on weekends.<br />

They wouldalso likepeople<br />

with experience with<br />

Menz Shed members Peter Murray (left) and Keith Robertson<br />

with arefurbished bench from the Tinwald Domain. PHOTO DANIEL TOBIN<br />

machinery to join up.<br />

‘‘We’d liketomeetguyswho<br />

have experience and would like<br />

to be supervisors, get some guys<br />

who know machinerytopass on<br />

their skills,’’ Keith said.<br />

Communityinvolvementand<br />

support is abig part ofwhatthe<br />

Menz Shed is about.<br />

TheChristian School use<br />

their facilities on Monday’s, and<br />

Dementia Canterbury come<br />

once amonth to workon<br />

projects with themembers<br />

help.<br />

Peter said he gets alot of<br />

satisfaction helping people,<br />

‘‘and forthe retired guys its a<br />

way to keep connectedand<br />

keep theirskills active andbe<br />

involved in the communityina<br />

practical way.’’<br />

Peter joined the Menz Shed a<br />

fewyears agowhen he was<br />

looking for work,which led to<br />

him getting ajob as avocational<br />

support worker withdisabled<br />

adults.<br />

‘‘The Chris RuthCentre send<br />

their clientshere, they saw me<br />

workingwithone of their<br />

clientsand sawIhad patience,<br />

was good working with disabled<br />

adults and offered methe job,’’<br />

he said.<br />

Keithfindsthe support work<br />

personally rewarding.<br />

‘‘Ihad acoupleofprojects<br />

with one fellow, it teaches you<br />

to beabitmore patient<br />

yourself,tojustslow down.’’<br />

The open dayisonthis<br />

Saturday 11am­2.30pm at the<br />

Menz Shed, 8Williams Street.<br />

Six­year­old Angus Laing checks out the chorus cabinet artwork.<br />

Fish catch immortalised<br />

Another impressive artworkhas<br />

been completed on aChorus<br />

cabinet in<strong>Ashburton</strong>and this<br />

time it features ayoung<br />

fisherman with hisfirst ever<br />

catch.<br />

Theartwork called First Fish<br />

is on acabinet at thenorthern<br />

end of Melcombe Street and<br />

catches theeye as yougounder<br />

the Tinwald viaduct.<br />

It has been painted by local<br />

artist Charlotte Riley and<br />

features herson Angus, who was<br />

four­years­old when he landed<br />

his first fish.<br />

he fish, arainbow trout, was<br />

caught in theRangitata River in<br />

<strong>May</strong> 2020 andwas straight away<br />

released by theyoung angler.<br />

Angus still remembered that<br />

first catch and was happy with<br />

his mum’s effort in<br />

immortalising it, Charlotte said .<br />

Interestingly herson has a<br />

double jointed thumb, which in<br />

the photo she workedfrom for<br />

the artwork was quite<br />

pronounced.<br />

‘‘I’ve toned down the thumb a<br />

bit on the cabinet, but Istill<br />

think it nicelycaptures ahappy<br />

boy withhis firstfish.’’<br />

Charlotte said there had been<br />

positive encouragementfrom<br />

the public during thepainting<br />

process.<br />

‘‘Locals tooted and gave me<br />

the thumbsup and it was really<br />

fun anduplifting to feel the<br />

appreciation.<br />

‘‘One guy stopped on his push<br />

bike and said as far as he's<br />

concerned it washis grandson<br />

with the big, open smile ­toan<br />

artist that is all that matters.’’<br />


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$<br />

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$<br />

525<br />

Macrocarpa 6drawerchest 1.2 x1mwide Macrocarpa 3drawerbedside Pine glassdisplayunit<br />

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$<br />

310<br />

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492<br />

$<br />

199<br />

$<br />

1365<br />

Macrocarpa computer desk (1 only)<br />

Macrocarpa hall table 700 long<br />

American Oak round sofa table<br />

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$<br />

450<br />

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750<br />

$<br />

589<br />

$<br />

391<br />

Macrocarpa large trunk 970 long MacrocapaTVunit 1.2m long Macrocarpa 1m corner TV unit Pine 1m x1mbookcase<br />

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Macrocapa 1.8m dining table and 4chairs<br />

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215<br />

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Hours:<br />

Mon -Fri 8am-5pm; Sat9am -2pm<br />

103 South Street 308 0417<br />

www.macrocraftfurniture.co.nz<br />


NEWS<br />

20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Always here for<br />

farmers<br />

Draft Play,ActiveRecreation<br />

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Cates was one of the first independent grain and seed companies in Mid Canterbury.<br />

We’ve been here for nearly 50 years. We’ve changed our name tobetter reflect who<br />

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We remain fiercely proud of who we are, where weare and the relationships we<br />

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Everybody included,<br />

having fun being active<br />

From backyardcricket,towalkingthe dog, to organised<br />

teamsport –play,activerecreation and sport provides<br />

our residentswiththe opportunity to enjoyabalanced<br />

lifestyle, supportswellbeing and helps build asense of<br />

connection within the community.<br />

We’vedraftedanew strategy thatwillhelp makesure<br />

everybody is included and having fun being active. We’d<br />

love to hear your feedback.<br />

Find our more andhaveyoursay.<br />

ashburton.govt.nz/haveyoursay<br />

cates.co.nz<br />

Scan the QR code<br />

with your camera<br />

app to visit the<br />


Exciting and NEW<br />

House and Land Packages<br />

Available NOW from $669,000<br />

In the new <strong>Ashburton</strong> Development, Strowan Fields<br />


Lot 38<br />

205m 2<br />

| 4 bdrm<br />

Lot 51<br />

220m 2<br />

| 4 bdrm<br />

4 2 2 2 2<br />

4 2 2 2 2<br />

Lot 63<br />

179m 2<br />

| 4 bdrm<br />

Lot 62<br />

156m 2<br />

| 3 bdrm<br />

4 2 2 2 2<br />

3 2 2 2 2<br />

Contact us today for more information!<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Display Home<br />

1Waterford Place, Tinwald<br />

Sun <strong>12</strong>-3pm, or by appointment<br />

Michele Strange<br />

M 027 491 5266<br />

E michele.strange@jennian.co.nz





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Minimum investment term applies.<br />

Full details onthe returns, risks and assumptions for this<br />

investment are available from the Information Memorandum.<br />

Call or email for further information.<br />

DISCLAIMER: Chance Voight Investment Corporation Limited isconsidering making an<br />

offer offinancial products in New Zealand. Nomoney iscurrently being sought. No financial<br />

products can currently be applied for or acquired. Any offer will be made in accordance with<br />

the New Zealand Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. Noindication of interest will involve an<br />

obligation or commitment to acquire afinancial product. Details ofthe risks and assumptions<br />

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Investment in this fund is only available to wholesale and eligible investors<br />

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To enquire about investing inany of<br />

the offers advertised here please call or<br />

email Chance Voight’s investor enquiry<br />

specialist, Irina Sharipova on0800797 799<br />

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Visit chancevoight.com<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

23<br />

Branch closure ends awonderful journey<br />

The TinwaldRed Cross Branch<br />

members spent the past 57<br />

years helping people in the<br />

community andoverseas.<br />

Thesub branchofthe<br />

nationalorganisation helped<br />

with disaster riskmanagement,<br />

first aidcourses andeducation,<br />

Meals on Wheels deliveries,<br />

migration programmes,<br />

restoring family links.<br />

Manyoftheir efforts included<br />

organising fundraising<br />

opportunities.<br />

Tinwald branchpresident<br />

Pat O’Briensaid many branch<br />

members were aged over 70;<br />

there were three aged in their<br />

90s.<br />

Thebranchofficially closed<br />

on March 18 andmembers<br />

donated aRed Cross first aid<br />

kit to Tinwald Memorial Hall<br />

for use in the hall ­the home of<br />

their regular meetings since<br />

thoseearly days.<br />

Theyalso donated two<br />

lightweighttables in memory of<br />

founding member, the late­<br />

Moira Mackenzie;life member<br />

andbranchpatroness from 2014<br />

to 2018. In 20<strong>12</strong> Mrs Mackenzie<br />

wrote about the beginnings of<br />

the branch.<br />

It was one of the first subbranches<br />

opened afterthe war.<br />

Minutesunearthedduring<br />

the closure included a<br />

newspaper clipping noting its<br />

closure on July 3, 1919. There<br />

also articles from Papers Past<br />

dating back to 1915.<br />

‘‘Very little is know aboutthe<br />

firstbranch of Red Cross in<br />

Tinwald, except from a<br />

paragraph in abook ‘Tinwald A<br />

Canterbury PlainsSettlement’<br />

by MissEBaylis, where she<br />

mentions that the Tinwald Red<br />

cross started in 1916 duringthe<br />

First World War (1914 ­1918).<br />

Much sewing was needed and<br />

duringtheir first year775<br />

garments were handedinto the<br />

depot in <strong>Ashburton</strong>. The branch<br />

was disbanded after the war,’’<br />

Mrs Mackenzie wrote.<br />

Theinaugural meetingon<br />

March 18, 1965 was held in the<br />

privatehomeofMrand Mrs D<br />

Barr, on the Main Road in<br />

Tinwald. Nineteen ladies were<br />

presentwith 21 apologies, she<br />

said.<br />

MaryShawwas elected<br />

president, apositionshe held<br />

for eight years and later<br />

becamebranchpatroness.Mrs<br />

BRussell waselectedsecretary<br />

and Miss DSkilling treasurer.<br />

Themeetingsalternated<br />

Tinwald Red Cross Branch members Pat O’Brien (president), Brenda Whittaker (secretary) and Audrey<br />

Bruce (treasurer) with the minutes of the first branch meeting in March 1965.<br />


betweenafternoon and evening<br />

sessionstoallow youngerfolk<br />

to attend.<br />

Affiliation was one shilling<br />

andnine pence permember.<br />

‘‘Members were encouraged<br />

to take along something to each<br />

meetingthatcould be sold on<br />

stalls later in the year, like<br />

various sewed items.’’<br />

Mrs RLill, presidentofthe<br />

MidCanterbury centre,<br />

addressed themeeting on the<br />

importance of Red Cross in the<br />

world.Atthe time there were<br />

over187 millionadult and<br />

junior members in the102<br />

societies of the league at<br />

Geneva. Thepeace time<br />

activities of Red Cross at the<br />

time includedcare of the aged,<br />

the blind,therapy work at<br />

hospitals and disaster relief.<br />

Over the years members took<br />

part in annual garden parties,<br />

financed therapy classes at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital, knitted hot<br />

water bottle covers,peggy<br />

squares for rugs givento<br />

hospitals andrest homes.<br />

They collected milk bottle<br />

tops andnewspapers for<br />

fundraising,which were sentto<br />

Christchurch.<br />

Second hand clothes were<br />

another good moneyspinner, as<br />

were cake stalls, pie lunch sales<br />

at Tinwald School, plantsales<br />

and sellingofsewing goods.<br />

The branchmembers helped<br />

with the nationalannual<br />

appeal andinpast yearscalled<br />

on every house in the Tinwald<br />

township,aswell as<br />

surrounding rural homes.<br />

In lateryears they used two<br />

collectionsites; outside Sims<br />

Bakeryand Tinwald<br />

Supervalue.<br />

‘‘Theseplaces were also the<br />

venuesfor theselling of roses<br />

on Red Cross Rose Day.’’<br />

In 1990 the Tinwald branch<br />

gained additional members<br />

with the closure of Flemington­<br />

Waterson, and then Willowby<br />

branches. In 1992 members<br />

werecalled on to help with<br />

relief efforts forthe community<br />

afterasevere snowstorm.<br />

And in 2011 several Red<br />

Cross members from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District were called to help at<br />

welfare centres in<br />

Christchurchfollowingthe<br />

February 22 earthquake.<br />

With an influxofpeopleto<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>following the<br />

earthquake, awelfare centre<br />

was set up at New Life Church<br />

in Tinwald and Red Cross was<br />

asked to take over the welcome<br />

andregistration.<br />

Tinwald Branchmember ­<br />

andmost recent president ­Pat<br />

O’Brien was tasked with finding<br />

volunteers to man the<strong>12</strong>­hour<br />

daily roster. It was amammoth<br />

effort that lasted16days, before<br />

the centre wasmoved to<br />

Community House in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

In 20<strong>12</strong>Moira wrotethe main<br />

annual fundraiser was astall at<br />

the Tinwald Hall Market.<br />

‘‘As the needsofpeople<br />

change so have thestalls.<br />

Wheretherewas alot of sewing,<br />

it was found that people no<br />

longer wanted aprons, pegbags,<br />

covered coat hangarsoven<br />

cloths. So nowmembers<br />

concentrate on baking and<br />

other saleable items for aone to<br />

five dollar donation.’’<br />

MrsO’Brien said in 2015, the<br />

branchcelebrated its 50th<br />

Jubilee and the<br />

commemorations included the<br />

planting of atree in the<br />

Tinwald Domain. Thatyear the<br />

nationalbody alsocelebrated<br />

100 years of Red Cross in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

Tinwald branchmembers<br />

continued efforts to be visual<br />

presence in thecommunity and<br />

supported eventssuch as Multi<br />

Cultural Bite andInternational<br />

Childrens Day at the Tinwald<br />

Domain.There werealso<br />

knittingprojects with members<br />

supplying beanies, slippers and<br />

fingerless gloves to Mid<br />

Canterbury schools and<br />

Plunket.<br />

In 2020 Mid Canterbury<br />

welcomed the first of 10 Afghan<br />

refugee families to thedistrict<br />

under theRefugee Settlement<br />

Team of Safer Mid Canterbury.<br />

New Zealand Red Cross<br />

assisted with employment<br />

opportunities andTinwald<br />

branchmembers donated first<br />

aid kits, alongwithother<br />

branches, for the families.<br />

In the same yearthe Covid­19<br />

pandemic reached New<br />

Zealand and their were<br />

lockdowns,cancelled events,<br />

meetings and gatherings. The<br />

branch members met justthree<br />

times that year andhad a<br />

December gathering. The Red<br />

Cross volunteers assisting the<br />

eveningDistrict Nurses was<br />

also impacted and came to a<br />

close after a37­year run. Four<br />

branchmembers assisted over<br />

the years: Margaret Blair, Jill<br />

Bennett, Lynette Lovett and<br />

Ailsa Lovett.<br />

MrsLovett, along withfellow<br />

branchmember Mary Miles<br />

were awardedtheir 70 years<br />

membership in 2021. Audrey<br />

Bruce, treasurerofthe New<br />

Zealand Red Cross Tinwald<br />

branchfor 25 years, was also<br />

given aNew Zealand Red Cross<br />

honorary lifemembership.<br />

The annual general meeting,<br />

held in July 2021, waspaused<br />

with no nominations for the<br />

role of president, secretary or<br />

treasurer; the loss of cheques<br />

and the move to online banking<br />

did not help.<br />

In February this year a<br />

motionwas passedthat the<br />

Tinwald Branch NewZealand<br />

Red Cross give notice to close<br />

the branch.<br />

‘‘The Tinwald Branch that<br />

began (again) in 1965 on March<br />

18th was closed on March18th<br />

<strong>2022</strong>,’’Mrs O’Brien said.<br />

‘‘For all it has beena<br />

wonderful journey.’’<br />

WaiWecare<br />

"I joinedtocontributeideasand solutions to water challenges<br />

in the zone.Our rivers provide important ecosystems to our<br />

community,Ibelieve we canwork together to ensure this<br />

precious resourcehas asustainablefuture."<br />

Sidinei Teixeira–<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Water Zone<br />

Committeemember<br />

Nine of Canterbury’s waterzone committees arelooking for new community<br />

members. If youare interested in joining,visit ecan.govt.nz/waiwecare and<br />

letusknowwai youcare. Applications close Monday30<strong>May</strong>.<br />

Canterbury’s water zone committees recommend actions and tactics to councils and work withthe<br />

community to protect our preciousresource for futuregenerations.<br />

Environment Canterbury

24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Living the good life in an Earthship<br />

From Page 1<br />

Above,Dawn Kirtlan outside her Earthshiphome.Right, Dawn in<br />

her kitchen. Below Dawnand Lance tend the plants in their<br />

greenhouse on the west side of the building. Below right, Lance<br />

stokesthe pizza oven that heats their water.<br />


Creative cartoon class<br />

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Cartoonist Brent Harpur with Hinds School pupils, from left, Jacob Appleton­Day, Peter<br />

Baptistella, Sofia Correa­Inacio, Sophie Sheppard and Gabrielle Reeves with the balloon faces;<br />

the beginning of their cartoon learnings.<br />


Balloon faces of all colours recently lit up<br />

the classroomofYear3and 4pupils at Hinds<br />

School.<br />

The pupils were learningthe artofcartoon<br />

drawing by Brent Harpur,who was visiting<br />

the schoolfor classroom workshops<br />

sessions.<br />

Legally blind, Mr Harpur, ofOamaru,has<br />

been workingasacartoonist formorethan<br />

30 years. He has worked in NewZealand,as<br />

well as Australia, theUnited States and<br />

South America.<br />

He has astudio/shop in theheritage<br />

precinct in Oamaru butspent three daysat<br />

the school teaching workshops to pupils<br />

across the ages.<br />

During his workshops he taught the<br />

children about 2D drawing, including facial<br />

features and howtodraw cartoon animals.<br />

Thenusingthe balloonstaughtabout 3D<br />

drawing,and positioning of facial features<br />

suchasears, eyesand noses whenthe head<br />

turns.<br />

There was alsoasectiononsimpleclay<br />

characters.<br />

Mr Harpur wasalsogoing to help identify<br />

pupils to helphim design amural for the<br />

school, whichwas anexciting future project.

NEWS<br />

25 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Bumper opening<br />

duck­shoot<br />

Travelling our own backyard<br />

has never felt so good!<br />

The NZMCAMotorhome, Caravan&LeisureShowisback,<br />

showcasingeverythingyou love when travelling around<br />

our gorgeous country.<br />

The 2-dayshowcontains ahugevarietyofexhibitors.<br />

You’llfind your favourite brands of motorhome &<br />

caravans,ahost of newproducts, an array of innovative<br />

accessoriesand some unbeatable deals. Everything<br />

from fiberglasstrailerstoportablewashing machines,<br />

inflatable boatstoelectricbikes, inverterstoLED TVswill<br />

be on offer. Everythingyou need whentravelling our own<br />

backyard,tomakeitthe best trip yet!<br />

The TrailLite Theatrehas anew homeatthe show. Youwill<br />

nowfind it at theend of the concourse, by theentry to the<br />

Arena. Familiariseyourself with the Programme, as our<br />

expertsare readytoshare, informand inspireyou over the<br />

weekend with talksbyMotorhomeSolar,Off the Beaten<br />

Track,Redarc, TrailLite, andWireless Nation. Go to www.<br />

nzmotorhomeshow.co.nz to check the TrailLite Theatre<br />

Programme and plan your days.<br />

TheShowPrizethis year is bigger andbetterthanever!<br />

Youcan be in to win over $5000worth of prizes by finding<br />

the clue wordsaroundthe show. Imagine takinghome a<br />

paddleboardfromTakacat,aweekend away with Off the<br />

Beaten Track, an E-Bike from Ezi-Rider,and aLED Smart<br />

TV from RSE.<br />

The NZMCA Event Park & Stay is open for certified selfcontained<br />

vehiclestostayonsitefor only$10. Nopre<br />

booking is required, spotsare availableonafirstcome<br />

first served basis. Makethe most of the weekend and<br />

save by purchasing your multi dayticketsfor only $22<br />

online or at the showticket office.<br />

Single entry tickets areonly $15,and youcan prebuy<br />

them on our websiteprior to the show, or theyare<br />

availableatthe door.<br />

The timeisNOW foryou to learn about whattobuy,where<br />

to go,how to getthereand to take advantageofthe best<br />

prices on offer.<br />

Go to www.nzmotorhomeshow.co.nz fortickets and<br />

moreinformation.<br />

Saturday21st <strong>May</strong> 9am –5pm<br />

Sunday22nd<strong>May</strong> 9am –4pm<br />



Eleven­year­old Grace English from Christchurch and duck fetching<br />

dog Chocky with abumper opening day haul shot at an irrigation<br />

pond at Lowcliffe with seasoned hunters, her grandfather Dave<br />

Thomson of Hinds, and his shooting mate John Bockett.<br />

Hunters wereout andshooting<br />

in irrigationponds around Mid<br />

Canterbury at the weekendfor<br />

the opening of thegame bird<br />

season.<br />

The conditionswere sunny,<br />

calm andmild and favoured<br />

relaxed hunting andhigh­flying<br />

ducks, but there was just<br />

enough breezetoget the<br />

hunters’ decoys moving to make<br />

them looknatural and inviting.<br />

There were agood number of<br />

birds seen flying high and taken<br />

by the hunters, Central South<br />

IslandFish &Gamesaid.<br />

By noon, most hunters had<br />

taken between three and 20<br />

birds each,mainly mallard<br />

ducks and afew paradise<br />

shelduck.<br />

Fish &Game had ateamof<br />

rangersinthe district, which<br />

checked on 29 hunters<br />

scatteredthroughout the<br />

network of irrigation ponds.<br />

Twohunters were found in<br />

possession of leadshotwithin<br />

200 metres of open water–an<br />

offence under the WildlifeAct<br />

1953 ­and their cases will be<br />

processedoverthe coming<br />

months.<br />

Hunters hailed from as far as<br />

Nelson, but mostlived locally<br />

or came downfrom<br />

Christchurch.<br />

Approximately 2300 licences<br />

weresoldinthe Central South<br />

IslandRegion by opening day.<br />

Thegame bird season for<br />

mallard duck, blackswan,<br />

shovelerduck and pukeko is<br />

open until July 31.<br />

Fish &Gameencourages<br />

seasoned hunters to take amate<br />

outduck­shooting thisseason to<br />

introducethem to one of New<br />

Zealand’s favourite winter<br />

pursuits. One­day hunting<br />

licences areonsale from <strong>May</strong><br />

16.<br />

Take action to<br />

prevent car theft<br />

Canterbury Police are<br />

advising owners of Mazda<br />

Demios and Toyota Aquas to<br />

be vigilant, following aseries<br />

of thefts targeting these car<br />

models across the wider<br />

Canterbury area.<br />

Detective Senior Sergeant<br />

Damon Wells urges people to<br />

take preventativemeasuresto<br />

help preventtheir carfrom<br />

being stolen.<br />

‘‘The ignition systems in<br />

these models are not as robust<br />

as others, so onceanoffender<br />

gainsentry to thecar they can<br />

be taken relatively easily‘‘ he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘They alsodon't have<br />

immobilisers by default ­we'd<br />

recommend that anyonewho<br />

owns one of these vehicles gets<br />

oneinstalled.<br />

‘‘Animmobilisercancostup<br />

to $500, butifyour vehicleis<br />

stolen youare likely topay a<br />

similaramountonexcesson<br />

your insurance, let alone the<br />

inconvenience of having your<br />

vehicle stolen andthe<br />

associatedhassle of<br />

cancelling creditcards etc.<br />

“In addition, ensure<br />

valuables and credit cardsare<br />

removed from vehiclesat<br />

night,particularlyifcarsare<br />

parkedinthe open.The best<br />

option stillremains having<br />

your vehiclegaragedif<br />

possible.”<br />

Police are committed to<br />

actively investigating vehicle<br />

theft and holding offenders to<br />

account.<br />

Anyonethatseessuspicious<br />

activity around vehicles can<br />

call Police on 111 if it’s<br />

happening or 105 after the<br />

fact.<br />

BE IN TO WIN<br />

We have complimentary passes to give away. It’s easy to enter, simply email:<br />

giveaways@starmedia.kiwi - Entries close 5pm Wednesday 18<strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

To be eligible for the draw, all entries must include your name and contact number.<br />

Travelling our own backyard<br />

has never felt so good!<br />

ENTRY<br />

ONLY<br />

$15<br />

New Zealand Motor Caravan Association<br />

No time like now!<br />


Saturday 21 <strong>May</strong>, 9am–5pm, Sunday 22 <strong>May</strong>, 9am–4pm<br />


NEWS<br />

26 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Public support needed forchopper<br />

crewsafterrecord yearofrescues<br />

NewZealanders are being urgedtogive generously this<br />

Chopper AppealMonth following arecord­breaking year<br />

for rescue helicopters.<br />

More than 9500 missions were flown nationwide last<br />

year, including 731 missions in the Canterbury region.<br />

Westpac staff around the country havebeen out and<br />

about raising funds for their local rescue helicopter<br />

service in the annual fundraising street appeal.<br />

Westpac NZ chief executive Catherine McGrath says<br />

the rescue helicopter crews are working harderthan<br />

evertosave lives.<br />

“Accidentand illness can affect any of us at any time,”<br />

she says.<br />

“Knowing help could be only minutes awayeven in<br />

someofour most remote locations is so importantina<br />

countryas diverse as ours. And when we've learned over<br />

the last couple of years thatwecan live, work and<br />

explorefrom almost anywhere, knowing the chopper<br />

crews are there for you when you need themis so<br />

important.<br />

“We know that living is getting more expensive, so<br />

every dollar donated is incredibly appreciated. All<br />

money donated in yourregion goes straight to your local<br />

chopper service, so you know that your donation is<br />

supporting your community.”<br />

Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust CEO<br />

Christine Prince says the public’sgenerosity has helped<br />

keep this life saving service going throughavery difficult<br />

time.<br />

“It’s greattosee people out exploring our own<br />

beautiful country at every opportunity,but it does mean<br />

we’ve seen an increase in people needing our<br />

assistance,” Ms Prince says.<br />

“We rely on donations from the public to keep our<br />

Westpac Rescue Helicopters in the sky, and we’re hugely<br />

grateful for everyone who’s able to donate over the<br />

month of <strong>May</strong>.”<br />

SouthCanterburylocal Ross, 48, is incredibly<br />

thankfulfor the Westpac RescueHelicopter.<br />

On what seemedlike any other evening in<br />

Pleasant Point,Ross awokeatmidnight with<br />

sore arms and found himself in acold sweat. His<br />

worried wife Lisa called an ambulance, and the<br />

Westpac RescueHelicopter was dispatched to<br />

meet the ambulance atTimaruHospital.<br />

Everysecondcounted as Ross was in urgent<br />

need of hospital careand needed astent to<br />

unblockhis heart.<br />

If Ross had remained at TimaruHospital he<br />

would have had a65% chance of having another<br />

heart attack, and in his condition, would most<br />

likely havedied.<br />

After a40­minute flight to Christchurch<br />

Public Hospital, Ross received the life­saving<br />

surgery he needed.<br />

Westpac funds the marketing and<br />

administration costs of the Chopper Appeal, as<br />

well as distributing all funds raised backto<br />

donors’local rescue helicopter trust.<br />

People wishing to make adonation or find out<br />

more information can visit www.<br />

chopperappeal.co.nz.<br />


Farmers market<br />



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The <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Farmers' market<br />

stallholders and committee wish to advise<br />

their customers and the people of Mid<br />

Canterbury that their summer market<br />

season has finished, however anumber of<br />

hardy stall holders are carrying on over the<br />

winter and running a‘‘Winter Market’’.<br />

They will be in the north end of the West<br />

Street car park on Saturday mornings, from<br />

9am.<br />

Our number of stall holders has increased<br />

this past season, with that the variety has<br />

also, we encourage more if there is anyone<br />

interested or has queries please contact the<br />

secretary.<br />

We thank all our loyal customers who have<br />

supported us, we have enjoyed avery<br />

successful season in this our 14th year of<br />

operation.<br />

The Winter Market and the rest of the stall<br />

holders will be back at the end of September<br />

<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Judith Crozier, secretary,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Farmers' Market<br />

Road repairs<br />

Could Iplease congratulateour localdistrict<br />

council fortheir promptaction in dealing<br />

with thewaterfeature that appeared on<br />

MoorhouseRoad six years ago.<br />

Thisfeatureappearedten daysafter they<br />

resealedthe road,and complaintsfromlocals<br />

have beenongoing, but youknowithas not all<br />

been bad, because traffic has hadto usethe<br />

beams eachsideoftheroadithas travelled<br />

slowly, many aday Ihavemetaneighbour<br />

negotiating therut’s andhad afiveminute<br />

yarn.<br />

To conclude Iamhappy to tellyouthat a<br />

pairofparadiseducks have eachyearraised<br />

theirbroodin this water feature,theywill be<br />

missed.<br />

Robert Spencer

THE<br />

geraldinenews<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>12</strong> MAY, <strong>2022</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

view online at gnews.co.nz<br />

Miranda Luck awarded for excellence<br />

in improving animal welfare<br />

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Local MirandaLuck RVN<br />

has been recognised<br />

forexcellence in theIntern<br />

rnati tional<br />

Animal<br />

Welfar are<br />

sector by the Royal<br />

College ofVeteri rinar ary<br />

Surgeons<br />

(RCVS) in the UK.<br />

This week, in an announcement of the annual<br />

honour ursandawar<br />

ards<br />

win inn nners, the RCVS recogni<br />

nised<br />

veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, and<br />

laypeople whohaveworked internationally. The<br />

annualal awards are an opportunityty for individuals<br />

who haveexceeded expectations to behonoured.<br />

Miranda was<br />

raised in Woodbury<br />

and attended<br />

Geraldi<br />

dine High School in the 80s before travelling<br />

to the UK,where she qualified as a veterinaryry<br />

nurse. After many years inpractice, Miranda<br />

set up her own business, Miranda Luck and<br />

Associates, providingservices to improve animal<br />

welfareworldwide.<br />

Working with organisations like theRSPCA,<br />

she works on training andhands-on veterinary<br />

work in countries as varied as Costa Rica,Latvia,<br />

Poland, EUA, South Korea, Japan and Greece.<br />

She has specificinterestsinimproving Trap-<br />

Neuter-Release practices and theplightofferal<br />

and non-pet cats held long term in shelters.<br />

Other activities include campaigning on<br />

fear-free handling and the development of<br />

humane animal handling equipment, including<br />

the revolutionary Wrapsio, a scratch-proof<br />

calming blanket for the gentle restraint ofcats.<br />

On receiving the news,Miranda said, Thank<br />

you so very<br />

much to the RCVS Councilfor this<br />

amazing accolade. Iamtruly honoured and<br />

humbled. I am so fortunate to have people who<br />

believe inmeand my workand support<br />

me on<br />

thisfantasticjourney.<br />

Miranda attributes her passion for animals<br />

andth<br />

their irwell ll-bein<br />

ing to her upbrin<br />

ingi gin ing in Wood<br />

odbury<br />

ry,<br />

surrounded by farmanimals, goats, dogs, cats,<br />

chickens and guinea pigs. Although residing in<br />

the UK, she returns to New Zealand when she<br />

can to visither mother, siblings (including rock<br />

legendJordanLuck), and friends.<br />

The award ceremonywill take placeinLondon,<br />

England, in July. SUBMITTED<br />

Local Miranda Luck has been honoured for<br />

her work in improving animal welfare;<br />

RIGHT: Miranda developed the revolutionary<br />

Wrapsio, amagical swaddling blanket<br />

for pets. PHOTOS: Supplied

WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>12</strong>HARATUA, <strong>2022</strong><br />


GNews is pleased to supportour wāhine toa:<br />

Geraldinewomens rugby practiceshirts produced by<br />

High Street Stitchand Print,modelledbyStaceyCifford.<br />

PHOTO: Facebook/Geraldine Autobody and Towing<br />

Hugh made the most of the autumn sunshine last<br />

Saturday to take his camera for awalk around the<br />

soccer happening at the Domain and the rugby<br />

at Raukapuka. Those who know him will appreciate<br />

that his understanding of both codes is rudimentary<br />

at best.<br />

Last Saturday,though,aswell as enjoying the action<br />

on the field, he wasimpressed by the sporting nature<br />

of the encounters. When afreekickorpenalty(Hugh<br />

is never sure ofthe difference) was awarded on the<br />

soccer pitch, the ball was handed over with good<br />

grace. The womens rugby was afierce high-scoring<br />

game. Generally, atthe end of arugby match, you<br />

see eachteamformaseparateprotectivecirclebefore<br />

giving the customary three cheers and one for the<br />

ref.The women doit differently at the end of the<br />

game -they form one big huddle as they celebrate<br />

the contest and offer the customary cheers. In aworld<br />

where there are all sorts of conflicts, itisgood to see<br />

friendly rivalry and respect.<br />

Apologies onceagain to our readers on the periphery<br />

of Geraldine. Apparently, your papers ended upin<br />

Gore. On the good news front, itlooks like wewill be<br />

able to get deliveries to the Temuka Rural Delivery<br />

addresses we used to serve.<br />

Congratulations to Miranda Luck,featuring on this<br />

weeksfront page.Itisalwaysgood to hear of Geraldine<br />

people making their mark onthe world. If you have<br />

family or friendswho areformerresidents and doing<br />

exciting things,let us know,and we will seeifwe can<br />

get them totell their stories.<br />

Nga mihi nui. HUGH &FI<br />

Whenwords lose<br />

their meaning, people<br />

lose their freedom.<br />



NEWS: hugh@gnews.co.nz | 027 920 8751<br />

ADS: ads@gnews.co.nz | 027 899 0703<br />

DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: <strong>12</strong>pm Monday<br />

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous business day<br />

ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />

HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />

Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracy of informationinthispublication,<br />

GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibility for errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />

arisingfromreliance on information published. The content of submittedmaterial<br />

is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make<br />

decisions on publication of stories and the quality/suitability ofsubmitted ads.<br />

James and Richard Koia with the latest medal belonging toWilliam Husband, found at Browns beach. PHOTO: FiMcCafferty<br />

Twins score metal-detecting hat trick<br />

Many Geraldine locals have been following<br />

with interest, on social media and in<br />

GNews, animpressive series of metaldetecting<br />

discoveriesbybrothers James<br />

andRichard Koia. The latest instalment<br />

has the twins locating athird medal<br />

belonging to Colonel Sergeant William<br />

Joseph HusbandatBrownsBeach.<br />

James found the latest medal on<br />

1<strong>May</strong>. Hesays, We couldnt believe it<br />

when we saw it had the same name on it<br />

as the first two. It was agreat feeling,<br />

especially being so close to Anzac Day.<br />

We had thought about him when we<br />

Com<br />

and joy<br />

delicac<br />

(now n Pakstn) <br />

attended theservice this year.<br />

All three 9-carat gold medals were<br />

found within two kilometres of each other.<br />

Richard says, The family were again<br />

amazed and so grateful. The finds have<br />

createdgreat excitementfor them.They<br />

have been sharing stories and have also<br />

been researching his life. They are not<br />

sure how many medals he won.<br />

James says, Colonel SergeantHusband<br />

lived in the Browns Beach area and did<br />

alot of fishing at the beach.Healso served<br />

in the First World War and helped train<br />

theHomeGuard on the beach duringthe<br />

MAIN:<br />


WE<br />


Pepper Chicken<br />

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TUESDA<br />

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THURD<br />

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Lamb Chop Masala<br />

Second World War. One of hisgrandsons<br />

can remember him wearing amedal<br />

around his neck alongwith his army tags.<br />

Whileresearching hislife,the family have<br />

found afew articles about him in the<br />

Temuka Leader, including rifleshooting<br />

results from 1913 and 1914.<br />

James and Richard both agree they<br />

willcontinue metaldetecting at the beach.<br />

Richard says, There have been some<br />

very hightides recently that helpchange<br />

thebeachslayout. Who knows how many<br />

more medals of this soldier wemay find.<br />


*<br />

$16 *<br />

Chicken Rogan Josh<br />

Beef<br />

Jalf<br />

frezi<br />

Curred Lamb Mince<br />

l<br />

Ta<br />

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Bhun Msala<br />

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Vindao<br />

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ENTREE:<br />

d<br />

TRO UES 17 MAY - SUN 22 MAY<br />

OPEN<br />

UT ESDAY<br />

Y-SUNDAY<br />

Y: <strong>12</strong>-2PM; 5-9PM |CLOSED MONDAY<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>12</strong>MAY, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />


FROMLEFT: Acting Corporal Jolie Mockford ready for action back inthe day; Carew Peel Forset School students enjoyed getting to<br />

try onthe RNZAF uniforms. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />

Teaching assistant shares airforce<br />

experience with students<br />

Last week Carew Peel Forest School<br />

students were surprised and delighted<br />

to learnthat one of their teaching assistants,<br />

Jolie Mockford, hadservedinthe Royal<br />

NewZealand Airforce(RNZAF).<br />

Jolie says, I havent been working at<br />

Carew for very long, so none of them<br />

knew my background; they were surprised.<br />

Alot of themdidnt know anything about<br />

the RNZAF either, so it was good to be<br />

able toshare some ofmyexperiences.<br />

Having my old uniform and some of my<br />

husbandstotry on helped engage them.<br />

The gas mask was areal hit.<br />

While most RNZAF recruits join up<br />

straight out of school, Jolie, having just<br />

returned from her big OE, joined at age<br />

25. She says, I decided Iwas sick of<br />

working in hospitalityjobs. Isaw an advert<br />

on TV for the airforce and thought, that<br />

looks cool! Having trained as aground<br />

radioofficer, Jolie undertook some work<br />

out in the field, but most of her time was<br />

spent in aradio room supporting RNZAF<br />

aircraft.<br />

I was anacting corporal when Ileft<br />

the airforce. Iwas in for about five years,<br />

got out, had two of our three boys and<br />

thenre-enlistedpart-time untilthe birth<br />

of our third boy, and we moved down to<br />

the South Island. My husband Andrew<br />

served 15 years -first as an avionicstech<br />

(maintaining electronic systems on the<br />

aircraft)and laterasanengineering officer.<br />

Sometimes Ihad to salute him, which<br />

Ididntenjoy. He was sentoverseas quite<br />

abit, transporting troops in and out of<br />

Afghanistan.<br />

Withthe Year 5and 6students learning<br />

aboutAnzacDay, Joliewas keen to show<br />

them aslightly different side of the military.<br />

She talked to them aboutthe New Zealand<br />

Defence Forces role in peacekeepingand<br />

disaster relief... its not all war. I also<br />


spokeabout life in the military. Training,<br />

friendship, and sport made up abig part<br />

of my military life.<br />

The students loved hearing about the<br />

airforceand asked some great questions:<br />

Didtheyteachyou how to stay calm when<br />

wearing the gas mask? Ifthere is awar,<br />

would you have to go and help? Lots of<br />

the children seemed keen to hear about<br />

joining the airforce. South Canterbury<br />

children are not really exposed tothe<br />

military with no army camps and no<br />

airforce or navy bases nearby. So its<br />

good for them to see that the military is<br />

agreat career option; training with no<br />

student loan.<br />

Jolie and Andrew are happytotalkto<br />

anyone thinking about acareer inthe<br />

military. She says, We made lifelong<br />

friends, travelled, studied for free and<br />

played lotsofsport. We loved it.<br />


Anzac studies at GPS<br />

Geraldine Primary School teacher<br />

ShelleyLeovsaysrecent learning by<br />

students around Anzac Day has been<br />

ahighlight for the senior classes.<br />

Shelleysays, The Year 6students<br />

researched thenames on thecrosses<br />

to get amore human and personal<br />

understanding of the people who<br />

died during the war. Manyhad local<br />

connections and the children were<br />

stunned at the young age of many<br />

of the soldiers.Several children were<br />

able to bring medals, photos and talk<br />

about their ownfamilymembers. We<br />

researched places on maps, baked<br />

an awesome batch of Anzac biscuits<br />

and dressed up in soldiers uniforms<br />

to see what itmight have felt like.<br />


Year 6Geraldine Primary School<br />

children experience dressing like<br />

soldiers; memorial crosses at the<br />

school gate. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

FROM TOP: SoldiersofSecondNew ZealandExpeditionary<br />

Force 20 BattalionCCompanymarching in Baggush, Egypt,<br />

September1941during the North African Campaign. PHOTO:<br />

Ref: DA-03717-F. War History Branch, Alexander Turnbull Library<br />

Australianand NewZealand soldiers in afrontline trench<br />

on the Gallipoli Peninsula,1915. PHOTO: anzacportal.dva.gov.au<br />

Anzac: Acronym or proper noun?<br />

Here atGNews, weve been wondering about the<br />

use of the noun Anzacand the acronymANZAC. So,<br />

we decided to do some research. Heres what they<br />

had to say at anzacmemorial.nsw.govt.au:<br />

The term ANZAC began as an acronym for the<br />

Australian andNew Zealand Army Corps. Acorps is<br />

amilitary formation of between two and five<br />

(occasionally, but rarely, more) infantry orcavalry<br />

divisions.<br />

In November/December 1914, the ambitiously<br />

titled 1st Australian Division arrived in Egypt on its<br />

way towar. Recruiting for the Australian Imperial<br />

Force(AIF)had beensostrongthatafourth brigade<br />

had accompanied them. Only three brigades are<br />

required to form adivision. At the same time, the<br />

NewZealand ExpeditionaryForce (NZEF)arrivedin<br />

Egypt with one brigadeofinfantryand abrigade of<br />

mounted rifles (dismounted).<br />

The AIF loaned the NZEF its spare brigade to<br />

bring ittodivisional strength and thereby forming<br />

the NZ&A Division. British Army Headquarters in<br />

Cairodecided to combinethe barely trainedtroops<br />

of the 1st AustralianDivision and the NZ&A Division<br />

into acorps foradministrativepurposes, thusforming<br />

the Australian and NewZealandArmyCorps. British<br />

Lieutenant General William Birdwood was given<br />

command of the corps. In Cairo, an anonymous<br />

British military clerk created the acronym A&NZAC<br />

abbreviated to ANZACprobablyaroundmid-December<br />

1914, and the name stuck.<br />

In April 1915, the A&NZACwas used as partofthe<br />

Mediterranean ExpeditionaryForce (MEF)inadoomed<br />

attempt to capturethe Gallipoli peninsula.The exploits<br />

of the A&NZAC received such popular press at the<br />

time that the soldiers of the corps began to call<br />

themselves Anzacs. By the end of 1915, the nickname<br />

had achieved acceptance asaproper noun.<br />

The Manatū Taonga (Ministry for Culture and<br />

Heritage) agrees, saying, Werecommend using the<br />

term ANZACwith all capitals only when referring to<br />

the specific corps. Forall other usesAnzac is preferred.<br />

(mch.govt.nz) FI MCCAFFERTY

H<br />

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WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>12</strong>HARATUA, <strong>2022</strong><br />


PHOTO: inaturalist.nz<br />

Coprosmarobusta,commonlyknown as karamu,isa<br />

flowering plant in thefamily Rubiaceae,whichisendemic<br />

to NewZealand.Itcan surviveinmanyclimates, but is most<br />

commonly found in coastal areas,lowland forests,or<br />

shrublands.The fruit that karamu produces canbeeaten,<br />

and the shoots of karamu aresometimesused formedical<br />

purposes. (Wikipedia)<br />

Haratua<br />

Haratua -<strong>May</strong><br />

Maramataka -Lunar calendar<br />

This week wewelcome the final month ofthe Māori<br />

maramataka, that of Haratua. The moon cycle of<br />

Haratua will bring us to the closing of one Māori year<br />

and the opening of another, upon which Matariki<br />

celebrations will ensue -more onthat next month.<br />

Traditionally,Māori would look out forthe natural tohu<br />

of the Karamu (Coprosma robusta)plant beginning to<br />

fruit,whichsignalledthe arrivalofHaratua. Theyalso<br />

recognised the migration and spawning of pākirikiri<br />

(blue cod) and maomao as asign that the year was<br />

coming to aclose.<br />

Haratua was used as atime for preserving kai,<br />

finishingplanting, and preparingfor thearrivalofwinter.<br />

It was atime of intensive labour aspeople made the<br />

final push to do all they could in preparation for the<br />

colder months. Haratua also prompted self-reflection,<br />

with iwi looking backoverthe triumphs and failures of<br />

the year just passed as ameans of informing goalsetting<br />

and preparation forthe one to come. Today we,<br />

so attunedtotheGregoriancalendar, usuallyundertake<br />

reflection and goal setting in December. But perhaps<br />

we could use Haratua as aprompt to revisit anygoals<br />

we may have set for <strong>2022</strong> and observe our progress<br />

thus far.<br />

-Kua uru ngā kai kai terua, kua mutu<br />

ngā mahi atetangata.<br />

- Crops are now stored in pits. The tasks<br />

of man are finished.<br />


KarenPaceand Leigh Barrywith the MothersDay JoyJars. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Fundraising flowers popular for Mothers Day<br />

The team fundraising forRoger Harpers<br />

Pembrolizumab treatment took their<br />

Mothers Dayposiestothe morning soccer<br />

(seelastweeks GNews page 5).The Joy<br />

Jars donated by Joy Delivery were also on<br />

sale at the Pin Tin. Leigh Barry says, We<br />

sold something like 115 Joy Jars. People<br />

loved thepinks in particular.<br />

Roger has Merkel CellCarcinoma, the<br />

treatment ofwhich isavailable onthe<br />



NationalHealthinAustraliabut is only<br />

availableprivately in this country. Roger<br />

reports onhis Facebook page that the<br />

therapy seemstobereducing hiscancer<br />

and is certainly reducingthe pain.However,<br />

at $9,267.42 including tax, he says,[It]<br />

should begovernment-funded like<br />

melanoma is. Hefinds it particularly<br />

gallingtobecharged$1,<strong>12</strong>8for anurse<br />

to insertadrip and come back45minutes<br />

later to remove it.<br />

Roger writes, Thanks so much to all<br />

of you for your messages of love and<br />

support.Itreally doesmeansomuch to<br />

me and my family.Weare not out of the<br />

woods yet.There arestill multipletumours<br />

visible in the CTscan, and Iam still<br />

uncomfortable and in pain. But Iam<br />

determined to kick this utter [expletive<br />

deleted]. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />

| McAT<br />




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GUF<br />


.CO.NZ<br />


From Denmark, super-stylish Gretch &Cosunnies, plus just arrived,<br />

the long-awaited range of fashionable childrens<br />

gumboots suitable<br />

for girls and boys ieces of everyday magic. We have silver picture frames<br />

and clocks of all sizes. And in the window, this luscious pineapple light -<br />

asymbol of warmth,welcome and hospitality. CAROLYN<br />


earrings, bangles, necklaces andrings now in store<br />

40A Talbot St, Geraldine | Carolyn 027 305 3000<br />

carolyn@mcatamneygallery.co.nz www.mcatamneygallery.co.nz

THURSDAY, <strong>12</strong>MAY, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />



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Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />

staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />

the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />

Four-year-olds Pippa and Toby seem toapprove oftheir snacks. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Kindergarten teams upwith FreshChoice<br />

to create healthy snack packs<br />

Geraldine Kindergarten teacher Bella-Jane<br />

Hardiehas been the driving forcebehind<br />

acooperative venturewith FreshChoice<br />

Geraldine to create nutritional snack<br />

packs for their young charges. She says<br />

that she hadthe idea towards the end of<br />

lastyearand waspleased to seeitbecome<br />

areality on Monday of last week.<br />

Bella-Jane saysparents andcaregivers<br />

are time-poor. We werent sure what<br />

could be done. These snack packs have<br />

exceededour expectations.Althoughthey<br />

have towrap them inGlad Wrap for<br />

hygienereasons, thebases arerecyclable.<br />

Aaron Sheed says that FreshChoice<br />

was pleased to collaborate with the<br />

Kindergarten. They use quality products<br />

from their deli, bakery, and produce<br />

selectiontocreate affordable, nutritious<br />

packs,availablefrom thesnackfridgeat<br />

$5 each. We are really passionate about<br />

promoting healthy food choices in our<br />

community; supporting whānautohave<br />

access togood quality, nutritious food<br />

that is actually affordable and reduces<br />

waste.<br />

One mother, Anna Mackenzie, says,<br />

Thesnackpacks provideahealthy option<br />

as agrab and go. Ive got three lunches<br />

to make, and everyone likes something<br />

different, so these packs offeranoption<br />

to split it three ways. It ticksall theboxes.<br />

Headteacher Rachel Johnston says,<br />

Ive had acouple myself. They are very<br />


Under the Red Level C-19<br />

Protection Framework,<br />

the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />

8.30am to 5.30pm, by appointment only.<br />

Contact us on 03 693 8207 to make an in-person<br />

or contact-less appointment with one of our team,<br />

to discuss all your legal matters.<br />

Phone 03693 8207 or email@gressons.co.nz<br />

or visit our website: www.gressons.co.nz<br />

x/x9 ZCCINxED<br />

Call Gina<br />

03 693 9593<br />

ONLINE EDITION: gnews.co.nz<br />

Properties wanted!<br />

We arenow experiencing strong interest<br />

forResidentialand Lifestyle properties.<br />

If youwould liketoknowwhatyourproperty<br />

might be worthintoday’s market,talk to<br />

the Geraldine team today.<br />

Call us on 03 693 1315 or go to pb.co.nz<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Licensed REAA 2008<br />



Geraldine Community Vehicle Trust bus<br />

goes to Timaru every Tuesday<br />

We pick you upand drop you home<br />

DEPARTS 9.30am |RETURNS 2pm<br />

COST: $15 Return<br />


CALL 03 693 1007<br />



WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>12</strong>HARATUA, <strong>2022</strong><br />


SOME DIRT?<br />



• Tr ew<br />

foundations •Vegetation<br />

clearing/control •Landscaping<br />

•Cleaning out dairysheds<br />

•Certifying drainlayer<br />


Denys -027 686 2237<br />

Jared -027 277 9519<br />

or 03 692 2963 (ah)<br />

Geraldine High School PrimaryIndustryAcademy students recently spent aday in frontofthe camerasfilming an episode forthe<br />

MinistryofEducations vocational programmes series. PHOTOS:Facebook/Geraldine High School NZ<br />

PIA fundraiser covers unfunded extras<br />

Geraldine High SchoolPrimaryIndustries<br />

Academy(PIA)haslaunched itsannual<br />

fundraiser sellingAgria potatoes(see ad<br />

this page). Teacher Sarah Foley-Smith<br />

saysthatshe is gratefultoIan Smith of<br />

Winchester who donates the potatoes<br />

even though he no longer has children<br />

at the school.<br />

She says, Funds will beused to<br />

subsidise level three students on our trip<br />

to the Young Farmer of the Year<br />

competition in Whangārei. The remainder<br />

will be used to cover all those extrasthat<br />

are not funded. Selling anddelivery will<br />

take place over the next 10 weeks. It is<br />

great to see the enthusiasmofour students<br />

committing to their education in<br />

thisway.<br />

The PIA featured in arecent film<br />

seriesmade by the MinistryofEducation<br />

on vocational programmes. Check it out<br />

by typing this link into your browser<br />

vimeo.com/703956892 .<br />






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Agria potatoes are perfect for mashing,<br />

roasting, wedges and chips<br />

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THURSDAY, <strong>12</strong>MAY, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

Geraldine firefighters Glenn Chittock, Graeme Dwyer, Tash Rankin, Neil Partridge and Matt Harrison will take part in<br />

Augusts Firefighter Sky Tower Challenge, afundraiser for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand. PHOTO: Facebook/Geraldine<br />

Volunteer Fire Brigade BELOW: Aucklands Sky Tower isthe the tallest structure inthe Southern Hemisphere. PHOTO: Wikipedia<br />

Firefighters step up to fight<br />

leukaemia and blood cancer<br />

Low compression socks<br />

Five Geraldine Volunteer Fire Brigade<br />

firefighters will pound their way up<br />

Aucklands Sky Tower, the southern<br />

hemispheres tallest building. They are<br />

raising money for Leukaemia &Blood<br />

Cancer New Zealand (LBCNZ) in Augusts<br />

annual FirefighterSky Tower challenge.<br />

It will besenior firefighter Graeme<br />

Dwyers seventh challenge, which sees<br />

firefighters leveragetheirlong-time,most<br />

trustedprofessioncachet for LBCNZ.He<br />

says, Its about helping people. The<br />

money helps leukaemia andblood cancer<br />

patients families as well. Its puttingour<br />

recognition to agoodcause. Donations<br />

are beginning to pileup.<br />

He will be joined by firefighters Glenn<br />

Chittock andMatt Harrison, newrecruit<br />

firefighter Neil Partridge, and qualified<br />

firefighter Tash Rankin in the event.<br />

Participants ascend the Sky Towers<br />

51 flights, 1,103 steps in all, intheir<br />

25-kilogram full kit,includingbreathing<br />

apparatus.<br />

Anentry category choice is to go donned,<br />

or started. Donned is wearing, but not<br />

using, breathing apparatus; entrants<br />

opting for the started category use the<br />

breathing equipment.Graemeisgoing a<br />

step further -nine flights further -in<br />

entering theFirefighterofSteel category.<br />

Since 2015, this gives fireys the chance<br />

to climb tothe 328 metre Sky Towers<br />

Level 60 with an old-stylesteel compressed<br />

aircylinder weighingsix kilograms more<br />

than its now more commonly used alloy<br />

counterpart. The category is limited to<br />

100 entrants and is donned only.<br />

Training and fundraising are in full<br />

flight. Graeme says, Ivebeenbike riding,<br />

Glennsbeen using the piazza in Timaru,<br />

and Matts been using the D3 (the dry<br />

powder plant at Fonterra; he worksthere).<br />

Raffle and quiz profits and secondhand<br />

goods sales have addedtoasteady<br />

stream of private donations to the<br />

campaign. Rides in adecommissioned<br />

fire truck have been especially popular<br />

generators of cash.<br />

The annual Firefighter Sky Tower<br />

Challenge began its support forLeukaemia<br />

andBlood Cancer New Zealand in 2005,<br />

raising $17,500. Each years event now<br />

routinely generates over $1 million in<br />

total donations.<br />

The Firefighter Sky Tower Challenge<br />

is Saturday, 20August. Donations to<br />

the Geraldine team or its individual<br />

members can be made through the<br />

Firefighter Sky Tower Challengewebsite,<br />

firefighterschallenge.org.nz, on its Find<br />

afirefighter page, orbycalling Graeme<br />

on 027 663 9533. JAN FINLAYSON<br />


The OldPost Offic<br />

Geraldine • Open 7 da e<br />

ays<br />

PHONE 03 6939070<br />


Free measure &quote<br />

with award winning service<br />

in your area<br />

102 Hilton Highway, Timaru P: 03 688 2829<br />

E: timaru@flooringxtra.co.nz www.flooringxtra.co.nz<br />

Modern Lifestylee Living<br />

Whether you’re more inclined to enjoy the company of<br />

others,<br />

or prefer privacy and solitude, you’ll find your perfect lifestyle here.<br />

Architecturally designed Villas and Apartments available NOW.<br />

33 Connolly Street, Geraldine<br />

0800 845<br />

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sales@mlv.org.nz<br />

www.mlv.org.nz<br />

A<br />

C<br />

C R E D I T E D<br />

V I L L A<br />

G E O F T H E<br />

R<br />

V<br />


WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>12</strong>HARATUA, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Hereto<br />

help<br />

Jacqui Dean<br />

MPforWaitaki<br />

Contact me anytime<br />

waitaki.mp@parliame<br />

<strong>12</strong>7Thames St, Oama<br />

0800 MP WAIT<br />

AKI<br />

Authorised by Jacqui Dean,<br />

Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.<br />


5pm Friday<br />

<strong>12</strong>pm Monday<br />

FROM TOP: Asher Harmon Barnes (#8 Geraldine) moves insupport ofAlex Croft, while referee Ian Baker follows; Division two players<br />

Juan Casas (Temuka), Helaman White (Captain, Geraldine), Daryl George (#5, Geraldine) and Leo Kinvig (Temuka). PHOTOS: Hugh<br />

McCafferty<br />

Good start to the soccer season<br />

In their firstouting of the season, Geraldines<br />

grade 13/14 team played Waihi School<br />

last Saturday morning. The 2-1 win to<br />

Waihi was afair reflection of an even<br />

game. Geraldine coach Jeremy Barnes<br />

says, Our side is abit rusty at the start<br />

of the season. there isasquad of 18<br />

players to choose from, so giving everybody<br />

game time is not easy.<br />

In the afternoon, Geraldines division<br />

two team faced anewly formed Temuka<br />

team, about half of whom played for<br />

Geraldine last season. Salvesh (Savvy)<br />

Chandra had beenkeen to form aTemuka<br />

team for some time, as many dairyworkers<br />

live towards that end of the district.<br />

The nil-all result reflected agoodspirited<br />

but hard-fought game. Coach<br />

Shaun Stack says, It was agreat spectacle,<br />

avery even first half. In the second half,<br />

Geraldine dug inand was determined<br />

not to lose, defending doggedly and yet<br />

creating afew chances.<br />

Players of the day were Salvesh Chandra<br />

and James Stack. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />

south canterbury<br />




DROP-OFF<br />

POINT<br />

Smaller donations to your<br />

Hospice Shop can now be dropped off<br />

to Hammer Hardware Geraldine<br />

To leave your items, use the customer parking off<br />

Wilson Street. If you need assistance just ask the<br />

friendly Hammer Hardware team.<br />

Larger items please call<br />

03 6883965<br />

and we will arrange collection<br />

Thanks for your support<br />

GERALDINE WOMENSRUGBY On Saturday,Geraldineswāhine toawerewell-matched against Christchurch team<br />

Suburbs at Raukapuka. The lead went back and forth inahigh scoring game, with Geraldine eventually winning<br />

38-32. Pictured with the ball is Sophie Kerr, well-supported onher way totouching down atry. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />

When it’s time to sell, talk to the teamwho get results.<br />

Call us today for a no obligation appraisal.<br />

Verde Cafe Geraldine<br />

Solid Performer<br />

Here is arareopportunity forsomeonetotakeon<br />

awell-knownandgreatperforming and performing, licensedcafecafe<br />

in apremium location ofNew Zealand.<br />

Asking $490,000<br />

Mark Talbot<br />

027 2043625<br />

Ref 32916<br />

Huge Potential for Growth<br />

Prime Location -Canterbury<br />

Valley Brewing Company, a well-established<br />

business with plenty of potential left for the new<br />

owner.Asolid client base &outstanding reputation.<br />

Asking $1,655,000<br />

Mark Talbot<br />

027 2043625<br />

Ref 32902<br />

Parkside Dairy<br />

<br />

Operating for over 18years, located right on State<br />

Highway 79, in the township of Geraldine, with very<br />

consistent vehicle and foot traffic.<br />

Asking $680,000 (including stock)<br />

Mark Talbot<br />

027 2043625<br />

Ref 33265<br />

Wolseley Hotel<br />

South Canterbury<br />

Awell-established businesswithasolid customer<br />

base and outstanding reputation both locally<br />

and nationally.<br />

Asking $775,000<br />

Mark Talbot<br />

027 2043625<br />

Ref 33244<br />

Turning Pre-Loved Goods Into First Class Care<br />


AIKATO | BAY<br />


Licensed REA 2008

THURSDAY, <strong>12</strong>MAY, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 9<br />


Geraldine Rugby Football Clubs newest life members, Bill Henderson and Sharon (Shaza) Hand. PHOTO: Facebook/Geraldine Rugby Football Club<br />

Honoured for alifetime of dedication<br />

On acoolAutumnevening in April,inapacked<br />

houseechoing withrapturous applause, friends<br />

and family looking on, Bill Henderson and<br />

Sharon Hand were honoured with life<br />

membershipsbythe Geraldine Rugby Football<br />

Club (GRFC).<br />

The awardrecognises alifelongcommitment<br />

to the service of GRFC, service that has required<br />

time and sacrifice in putting the needs of the<br />

othersahead of their own year afteryear. Both<br />

Bill andSharon havebeen unwavering in their<br />

duty and presence within this volunteer club.<br />

Bill Henderson has been apart of GRFC<br />

since the 60s, playing JAB through into the<br />

70s. He ventured off for school and work,<br />

returning in the 80s as asenior rugby player.<br />

He played through until 1988 and took up the<br />

club presidency in1990. Bill was primarily<br />

responsible for the work done onthe main<br />

field in 1991 with drilling, flattening, and<br />

levellingthe surface and manyother jobs. Hes<br />

been the handyman around the club for over<br />

20 years and the mainstay of the legendary<br />

Raukapuka Roosters barbeque machine. His<br />

sons Phil and Stuart have both been apart of<br />

the club at various age grades, and his wife<br />

Helen is alsoalifemember.<br />

Sharon Handhas been involved with GRFC<br />

since she was atoddler, following her father,<br />

Bill Hand, who coached the senior side at the<br />

time, into the clubrooms and around the<br />

grounds. She became afounding member of<br />

the womens club and, as ateenager, also ran<br />

the JABcafeteria. Sharon coachedher son Sam<br />

in JAB for ayear or two and now takes great<br />

pride in watching her daughter Angel play for<br />

the Geraldinewahine toa team.Sharon is most<br />

recognised for hersignature cooking on Thursdays<br />

and Saturdays. Across all rugby clubs in the<br />

district, Sharons food has been voted the best<br />

kai in South Canterbury. Sharon is the heart<br />

of the club, not only with her cooking but with<br />

her constant presence anddedication to making<br />

the club run smoothly.<br />

Bill and Sharon, we salute you and thank<br />

you for your commitment to GRFC. Volunteer<br />

clubs would not survive without people like<br />

you, asthe important work you doisoften<br />

unseen and often thankless. To all those who<br />

support our clubs with your time and dedication,<br />

we thank you also.<br />

Saturday 14 <strong>May</strong> sees the GRFC Club Day<br />

at Raukapuka Domain. Agreat day out for all<br />

withactivities for kids, food anddrink available<br />

to all spectators from our vendors. We have<br />

action starting with our JAB from 9am right<br />

through to the IAB and into the seniorgrades,<br />

with the Axemen kicking off at 2.45pm.<br />

We have the wāhine toa coming off atoughfought<br />

win over Christchurch Suburbs and<br />

looking to clear off theleaderboard;the mighty<br />

Senior Bs will be looking for three wins ina<br />

row after beating MacKenzie on Thursday<br />

night, and the Axemen who will be looking to<br />

putitall together as they need awin to stay in<br />

the finals hunt. Come ondown for agreat<br />

family day out and support your local.<br />


WHĀRANGI 10 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>12</strong>HARATUA, <strong>2022</strong><br />

W C<br />


ARE<br />

CENTRE<br />

Waihi Lodge Care Centre isacommunity owned<br />

facility providing rest home level care toelderly<br />

residents. We have opportunities for people<br />

to join our team:<br />


Permanent part-time 2-3 shifts per week -<br />

must be able to work mornings, afternoons<br />

and weekends, and willing towork<br />

extra shifts to cover leave.<br />

Morning: 7am-3pm; 7am-1.30pm;<br />

8.30am- 2.30pm<br />

Afternoon: 2.30pm-10.30pm/3pm-11.15pm<br />

Night: 11pm-7.15am<br />

COOK<br />

We are looking for someone who can cook<br />

for acrowd (up to 35 meals), is well organised<br />

and is agreat team player. Afood safetycertificate<br />

would be abonus.<br />

Permanent weekend shift 7am-1pm<br />

(every second weekend)<br />

With the opportunity ofrelieving coverage<br />


Permanent part time shifts<br />

available per fortnight:<br />

Week 1: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday<br />

Week 2: Monday and Tuesday<br />

Housekeeper hours: 8.30am-1pm<br />

Weekdays only -willing to work extra shifts<br />

to cover leave.<br />

We are looking for people who have agenuine<br />

caring attitude and empathy towards elderly people,<br />

with initiative, who can work well in ateam<br />

and can communicate well.<br />

Experience and qualifications in residential aged care<br />

would be an advantage -however full orientation<br />

plus education and training will be provided.<br />

upsy.s BoPcyBc WzVs KyP ws5 bskwsP- 3yBzpzck WyPyhs5<br />

vo<br />

o5 v75c8s5 zPvo56yczoP oP 4@& @JJ ?@?J o5 4x /x ?x?9<br />

s6yzp: 6 Py yhs5@wyz8zpowhs.Bo.Pz<br />


Our small, friendly resthome requires the<br />

services of apart time cook. Hours of work<br />

are 7am-1pm. You will be required to work<br />

every second weekend plus fill in.<br />

Experience not essential but agood<br />

understanding of home-style cooking<br />

and food hygiene required.<br />

Caring and friendly disposition essential.<br />

Please send CV to:<br />

Patricia Hanson<br />

Geraldine Retirement Village<br />

39c McKenzie Street, Geraldine 7930<br />

Phone 027 237 8037 for further details<br />


HOURS:4pm-8pm<br />


36 TALBOT STREET |03693 9723<br />


VENUE: GeraldineBowlingClub rooms on the Domain<br />

STARTING: Throughout <strong>May</strong><strong>2022</strong>,6-7pm<br />

CONTACT: Gisell Johnson 021 0228 7049<br />

Children need to be 6years and older, and accompanied<br />

by an adult. Parent(s) areencouraged to join in.<br />

Great fitness training afterthelockdowns<br />

Learnamartial art in afriendly atmosphere<br />

Buildsupconfidence<br />

Great self-defencetraining<br />

Idealfor families<br />



We love<br />

our town!<br />

g<br />

Four Peaks<br />

Seido Karate<br />

OPEN<br />

DAY<br />

24 MAY<br />

10.45AM<br />


Te Kura Tuarua oRaukapuka<br />

is aco-edschoolatthe<br />

heartofour community<br />

We welcome students<br />

in years7to13<br />

OutofZone spaces available<br />

Enrol online today<br />

93 McKenzie St, Geraldine 03 6930017 office@geraldinehs.school.nz geraldinehs.school.nz

THURSDAY, <strong>12</strong>MAY, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 11<br />

gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />

GNews NOTICES<br />

DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />

you don’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />

GNews,email hugh@gnews.co.nz or call or txt 027<br />

920 8751. We’ll try to get one to you and try to ensure<br />

any delivery issues are resolved.<br />

CLASSIFIED ADS CASH SALES 24 Hislop Street<br />

10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask. Ads<br />

are65cents per word.<br />



RAFFLERESULTS 1st prize: 319, Jenny;2nd prize:<br />

441; Maria Ortiz; 3rd prize: 193, Sonia Foster.drawn<br />

underpolice supervision.All prizewinnershavebeen<br />

notified.Thank you to all who supported this raffle.<br />

Proceedsare going towards OvarianCancer Research.<br />


SUPPORT PERSON REQUIRED for teenager with<br />

autism. 2-4 hours per week in your home. Day of the<br />

week flexible. Extra hours may become available.<br />

Phone 03 693 9348.<br />


SHOPRIDER WHEEL CHAIR Good order.Geraldine.<br />

Phone 03 692 2883.<br />

MOVING HOUSE SALE Saturday 21<strong>May</strong>, 8am-<br />

1pm. Everything must go, Make us an offer! 52a<br />

Ribbonwood Road, Geraldine.<br />

WOODBURYHALL Visit woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />



yourbusinessand tax requirements.Phone Raylene<br />

on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />


Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />


dogs. 208Woodbury Road. Phone 03 693 9929.<br />

BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, forall<br />

building work. Phone Ants 027 309 0798.<br />

CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />

Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />

owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />

CHIMNEY SWEEP &REPAIRS Call Dan McKerrow<br />

021 1187580.<br />

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />

Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />

COMPUTERTAMING GeraldineComputerSolutions.<br />

03 693 9496.<br />


Glass 03 693 9927.<br />


DISCOUNT 15% offall and labour pricesonly.Phone<br />

Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />


Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />

021041 3318.<br />

PAINTERGERALDINE-BASED Friendly professional<br />

service, good rates, excellent local references.<br />

Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or 027 962 4841.<br />

SHARPENING SERVICE Knives, scissors, blades.<br />

Geraldine Forge and Blades 029 646 6327.<br />


Computer Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />

TECH SUPPORT GERALDINE Help with computers,<br />

phones and TV.Phone Shane 029 646 6327.<br />


GERALDINE SQUASH CLUB What to do now that the<br />

evenings are dark? Get offthe couch,come on down<br />

to the squash courts at 144 Talbot Street. All levels<br />

of experience wholeheartedly welcome. Club night<br />

Monday and Thursday from 6pm, come down for a<br />

hit and get to know everyone. Tuesday interclub will<br />

start at the endofthe month. Wednesdayhas potential<br />

for ladies night. Fridaynight fish and chips kids night.<br />

Enquires on our facebook page or contact Toby How<br />

027 303 1033.<br />


Clover Honey Special 1kg$15,2kg $25. Newseason’s<br />

Honeycombalsoavailable.<br />

NATUROPATH MandyWallace,Registered Naturopath,<br />

20 years in practice. Naturopathyconsultation, Therapeutic<br />

Massage, Reiki, Chakra Balance. Phone or text<br />

027 7053210 Email:MandyWallace@xtra.co.nzorlook<br />

me up on Natural Therapy pages NZ.<br />


ANGLICAN CHURCH For Sunday servicetimes visit<br />

geraldineanglicans.co.nz.<br />



5pm Friday<br />

<strong>12</strong>pm Monday<br />

aprilweather<br />

RAUKĀPUKA Notaninteresting month weatherwise with lotsofovercast days<br />

as aresponse to the warmsea temperatures/La Ninaand coldfronts followed by<br />

high pressure. ForApril we had 33.4mmofrain over 11days.Maximum temperature<br />

for themonth was24.7˚C on Thursday 21.Minimumwas 2˚C on the morning of<br />

the Friday 8.<br />

TRIPPSETTLEMENT Greetings fromTrippSettlement.Amonth of manysunny<br />

days-perfect. Temperature high22˚C, low 0˚CRainfall for April53.5mm.<br />

eatingout<br />

gnewsresults<br />

GERALDINE BRIDGE CLUB Ōrari Handicap Pairs Session 1, 05.05.22 North South; 1st RScott &VHill61.13% 2nd<br />

LSherratt &LGraybill 51.38% 3rd TBoyce &VCrawford 51.28%East West; 1stPPitelen &KMiles 58.22%, 2nd MBray<br />

&MThatcher 54.25%, 3rd KGidlow-Black &SStevens 53.8%. 04.05.22 North South: 1st JKelly &DHarrison 62.50%<br />

nd CHampton &MHyde 60.00% East West: 1st KLeLievre&SCraig 59.17%, 2nd DCrafts &TBoyce 49.17%.<br />

GERALDINE GOLF CLUB 04.05.22 Stableford: RPutz42, BMartin 40, TPutz39, JWorner 39, JMuff37, CMurray 37,<br />

BPearsall 37,DSheldon 37,DShefford 37,RMather 37. Twos DSheldon 15, MMacDonald 17, TKerr 6, GRobertson<br />

<strong>12</strong>,SCrook 9, AMuff15, NDewe6.NTP on 9-MJones 03.05.22 Eclectic Rd1, Putting Rd1: HOldfield 80-13-67-27puts,<br />

AReid103-34-67, MGregan 95-27-68,JKidd 1<strong>12</strong>-44-68, HSheldon 92-23-69. Twos MShefford #9, RDavies #17. 30.04.22<br />

Lewis Cup 3/3 WonByNDewe (by put offfrom TKerr) Senior/Inter JGoodman 76-8-68, BGallichan 80-11-69, GGallichan<br />

81-11-70, TKerr 87-16-70, NDewe 82-11-71, CPhillips 82-11-71, GRobertson 85-14-72. Junior A+B AEnsor 95-29-66,<br />

RIrvine 90-20-71, DLaw 89-17-72, BRobertson 94-21-73, HWaller 95-22-73. Twos #17 RJeffrey &GRobertson, #9<br />

JGoodman, #6 JMuff. NTP #9 WPolson, #<strong>12</strong> TPaulin, Ladies NTP 3rd #18 HOldfield,2nd #18 Men GGallichan.Ladies<br />

DKenny 96-22-35pts, SBensemann 98-22-32. 27.04.22 Stableford: GCoulter 37, GGiles 36, TCook 36, TPutz 35,<br />

JWorner 35, DManssen35, NCollins 35, AEnsor 34, JGoodman 34.Two's JSaulbrey 17. NTP on 9-GGiles. 26.04.22:<br />

Silver JGallichan91-18-73-35pts, Bronze 1LPearsall 99-25-74-36, DKenny 100-22-78, Bronze 2AReid113-36-77.Twos<br />

#9 MBolton, LCook, JGallichan.9Hole Sue Bunt rd 2GHamilton 55-17-38, GGibson66-27-39, EGunn 66-26-40. NTP<br />

JChisholm<br />

GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB 08.05.22 Stableford Rd: 1st by Lot PCushnie 82-17-65-39stbs, DLaw 78-13-65-39,<br />

GAPatrick 89-19-70-34, RRamsay 87-17-70-34, MLang 83-<strong>12</strong>-71-33, RStevenson 93-21-72-32, DBruce 87-13-74-30,<br />

JRate 95-19-76-29, MChristian79-4-75-29, CSeaton95-19-76-28, LAndrews 95-18-77-27,TKerr 91-<strong>12</strong>-79-25,AMuff92-<br />

13-79-25. N/P PCushnie Twos TKerr, MLang.01.05.22 Stableford Round: 1st TKerr 78-13-65-39stbs, MO'Malley<br />

85-16-69-35, JRate 89-19-70-34, IMacDonald 72-2-70-34, Giles Patrick 79-9-70-34, RRamsay88-17-71-33, GAPatrick<br />

90-19-71-33, MLang 84-<strong>12</strong>-72-33, SScott 89-17-72-32, RStevenson 94-21-73-31,GMarshall 90-17-73-31, JCox 93-19-74-30,<br />

JBell 86-11-75-30, AMuff88-13-75-29N/P TKerr#18, Twos JBell #15, TKerr #9,GMarshall #11MO'Malley #6 (Eagle).<br />

BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />

menuincorporating Barker’s productswith seasonal ingredients.Monday-Sunday<br />

8.30am-4.30pm.Phone 03 6939727.<br />

BREWERY CAFÉ Hours: Monday/Tuesday closed, Wednesday 9am-5pm,<br />

Thursday/Friday/Saturdays 9am to late (kitchen closes 8pm),Sunday 9am-4pm.<br />

Bookings advisable by phoning03697 4959.<br />

CAFE VERDE Licensed café in a delightful garden setting. Menu and cabinet<br />

options. Open 7days 9am-3pm. 45 Talbot St. Phone 03 6939616.<br />

THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the Forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />

Thu-Sun and Fri &Sat evenings.Phone 03 696 3567.<br />

MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />

andlunch menuare available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is open every<br />

Friday night5.30pm-9pm.<br />

GERALDINE FARM SHOP &CAFE OpenMonday-Friday 8am-5pm, Weekends<br />

8.30am-5pm.Menuchoices changeregularly.Something for everyone.Come<br />

and check us out. Phone 03 693 9514.<br />

THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Street Food Takeaways. Sit and enjoy your<br />

food outside or in The Clubhouse. HOURS: Wednesday-Saturday 4pm-8pm;<br />

36 Talbot Street. Phone 03 693 9723. Online ordering&deliverycomingsoon.<br />

THE RUNNING DUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />

popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />

8am-4pm; Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm.<br />

THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />

phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />

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PAGE <strong>12</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS | THURSDAY, <strong>12</strong>MAY, <strong>2022</strong><br />





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Winning Methven scarecrows<br />

Sculptor Hannah Kidd took out the<br />

coveted title of most popular scarecrow<br />

in the Methven Scarecrow Trail with<br />

her rendition of Oscar the Grouch. The<br />

theme was Characters from Childrens<br />

TV Shows.<br />

Ms Kidd entry was voted for by those<br />

who submitted entries in the annual<br />

event, which was so popular this year<br />

an additional 100 trail maps were sold<br />

than the previous best result.<br />

Second placed was Big Bird by<br />

Deidra O’Shea and third place was<br />

Homer Simpson by Jackson Holmes.<br />

The judges award for creativity went to<br />

Upsy Daisy by the Cooke Family.<br />

In all 59 completed entries got all<br />

answers correct. The winning entry,<br />

randomly drawn by <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

councillor Liz McMillan, was Connor<br />

Copland, 7, and Mason Copland, 4, from<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Methven Primary School and<br />

Methven St Johns were recipients of<br />

money raised through the event.<br />

Trail organisers Gillian Heald and<br />

Karyn Robertson said Methven<br />

township was packed during the April<br />

school holidays as arecord number of<br />

participants took to wandering the<br />

streets with trail maps in hand.<br />

Beautiful autumnal weather no doubt<br />

contributed to the huge turnout,<br />

alongside Opuke Thermal Pools<br />

opening and the Enchanted Forest and<br />

Piwakawaka Walk, they said.<br />

There was also increased marketing<br />

in Rolleston and Christchurch, bigger<br />

signage and astronger social media<br />

presence. Due to the trail map sales, it<br />

was estimated there were an extra<br />

400­500 visitors to the town.<br />

‘‘Our thanks to the scarecrow makers<br />

who continue to produce some<br />

wonderfully creative characters,’’ they<br />

said.<br />

‘‘The feedback from participants was<br />

very positive about the standard of<br />

scarecrows this year all the more<br />

commendable as anumber of makers<br />

struggled to get their scarecrows made<br />

in time with businesses and families<br />

having covid or in isolation.’’<br />

‘‘We are also grateful for our sponsors<br />

support: Methven Four Square,<br />

Brinkley Resort, Jackson Holmes,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council and Opuke<br />

Thermal Pools.’’<br />

The winning scarecrows, in first place<br />

Oscar the Grouch, right, in second place<br />

Big Bird and Homer Simpson looking<br />

stoked to make third place.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

39<br />

National<br />

to select<br />

Rangitata<br />

candidate<br />

Therewillbealengthy process over<br />

the next few months to decide who the<br />

NationalParty will putforwardas<br />

theircandidate fortheRangitata<br />

Electorate at the next election.<br />

Rangitata Electorate chair John<br />

Driscoll said the selection process<br />

would be rigorousand thorough and<br />

was set to take place inJulyand<br />

August.<br />

The successful candidate was likely<br />

to benamed in October, hesaid.<br />

MrDriscoll said the selection<br />

process was driven the National Party<br />

board and would featurepre selection<br />

andselection processes and afinal<br />

decision by partymembers.<br />

In 2020, the National Party<br />

nominated Environment Canterbury<br />

councillor Megan Handsastheir new<br />

candidate forRangitata, but the<br />

electorate was captured by Labour’s<br />

Jo Luxton, who won with afinal<br />

marginof4408votes.<br />

Previously Nationalheld theseat<br />

since 2008 when the electorate was reestablished.


40 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Petanque Club<br />

Overthe weekend several of<br />

our players competed in the<br />

Otago TriplesinMosgiel with<br />

Jan Guilford, Marion Harrison<br />

and their Caversham partner<br />

runners up in the<br />

ChampionshipTrophy.These<br />

three were chuffed being the<br />

only all women’s team to finish<br />

in the top six. Richard Browne,<br />

Neville andKaren Bensdorp<br />

won the Consolation.<br />

Congratulationstoyou all.Our<br />

members continuetolearn<br />

from Adeyls and his wife Lani,<br />

with coaching last Thursday<br />

and on Saturday. Thishas to fit<br />

in with shift work so will not be<br />

aweekly event, but we all really<br />

appreciate themboth giving<br />

their time. Saturday afternoon<br />

play is proving popular withthe<br />

members especially with the<br />

lovely weatherwehavebeen<br />

experiencing. Two newbies<br />

joined us last week.The next<br />

event is South Canterbury<br />

Doubles in Timaru this<br />

Saturday to which several of<br />

our players are going. On the<br />

last Sunday thismonth we hold<br />

the ClubDrawnDoubleswhich<br />

will prove to be another<br />

popularevent where wecan put<br />

the new skills we arelearning<br />

into practice.<br />

We held our AGM last<br />

Thursday with thesame<br />

committee being re­elected.<br />

PresidentKaren Bensdorp<br />

reflected on the busy and<br />

successfulyear we have had<br />

and is pleased with the growth<br />

in the Club. We have several<br />

promotional items on the go<br />

which you will soon see. There<br />

Some 186 cars took part in the Rotary Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s recent<br />

classic car rally. Held as part of the Wheels Week Plus programme,<br />

the rally started at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Showgrounds and finished at<br />

Mount Somers Station.<br />


was onechange on the Match<br />

Committee, thank you to<br />

Bernice foryour time,and<br />

welcome to Adair. Remember<br />

you aremost welcome to join us<br />

anyTuesday, Thursday or<br />

Saturday at 1pm,at115<br />

Racecourse Road. Equipment<br />

andtuitionisavailable.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Dahlia Circle<br />

The recent mini flower show<br />

was held in April with agreat<br />

turnoutofmembers and we<br />

welcomed2new members to<br />

the circle.This month’s show<br />

saw an impressive number of<br />

dahliabloomswith the<br />

wonderfulweather that we’ve<br />

been havingitalso included<br />

Fuchsia, Chrysanthemum,<br />

Hydrangea, Pansies, autumn<br />

foliage, fruitandvegetables to<br />

nameafew,animpressive108<br />

entries across21classes.<br />

Overall results, 1st place ­<br />

Brian Glassey ­stunning white<br />

Chrysanthemum “Dorridge<br />

Lady”, 2nd place ­Graham<br />

Gunn ­Dahlia “Coralie”,3rd<br />

place­Joyce Read­Rose“Gold<br />

Medal”.<br />

Themeeting was held and<br />

discussionwas around the<br />

National DahliaShowthat the<br />

circle is organising for 2023 this<br />

willbehostedin<strong>Ashburton</strong>,a<br />

spectacularshowso something<br />

to look forward too nextyear.<br />

Current topic ­Whatdo we do<br />

with our Dahlias now? An<br />

excellent write up is on ourFB<br />

page if anyone would like to<br />

read that information. Our next<br />

meeting is our AGM andweare<br />

looking forward to alovely<br />

dinner and presentationof<br />

trophy’s to celebrate the past<br />

season of dahlia growing. Get<br />

excited and plan your spaces<br />

for planting more dahliasin<br />

your garden,our annual tuber<br />

salewill be coming up again,<br />

Labour weekendatthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Farmers Market.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Astronomy Group<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>Astronomy<br />

Group met on the 26th of June.<br />

It was great to see 5new people<br />

at our meeting. Greg Hay gave<br />

us atalk on Matariki. Greg<br />

explained why it was so<br />

importanttothe Maoris. Their<br />

existence actually depended on<br />

the rise of Matariki. Ross<br />

Hawthorne then gaveusatalk<br />

on Deep Space1.Itwas a<br />

pioneeringspace craft<br />

programmethat paved the way<br />

for futurespace exploration.<br />

Ross showed us the new<br />

development for Deep Space1<br />

suchasion propulsion as<br />

opposed to chemical burning<br />

rockets andthe auto nav which<br />

enabled the craft to navigate<br />

itself millions of kilometres and<br />

passingclose to asmall<br />

asteroid andpassingthrough<br />

the tail of acomet.<br />

We had agreat public turnout<br />

for theplanetary alignmentand<br />

also forour public Observatory<br />

night thoughonFriday night<br />

there was thin cloud which<br />

partly blocked our viewing. We<br />

will be showingthepublic<br />

Matariki again this yearbut the<br />

dates arestill to be decided.<br />

For furtherinformation<br />

about the Group or what's going<br />

on up above contact Ken308<br />

9203 or Alistair308 9219.<br />

Winchmore Rural Women<br />

All meninthe districtare<br />

invited to attend aMen’s<br />

Dinner to be held on the 25th<br />

<strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong> at theWinchmore<br />

Hall at 6.00 p.m. The costis$30<br />

for refreshments and ameal.<br />

TheguestspeakerisHamish<br />

Riach who will speak on his<br />

involvement in Canterbury<br />

rugby (if inclined you maywear<br />

arugby jersey).<br />

Please registeryour interest<br />

by the 20th<strong>May</strong> to: Ben Streeter<br />

0276143374, Chris Curd<br />

0272498844, Steph Butchard<br />

3024848 or TimParsons<br />

0273024218.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Writers’ Group<br />

Julie Fechney welcomed<br />

members to the April meeting<br />

held recently.Stacey<br />

Broadbent gave aquotation­<br />

“Reading is likebreathing in,<br />

Writingislikebreathing out”.<br />

Theassignmentwas “Liar, Liar,<br />

Pants on Fire”. Members wrote<br />

of defamation case,diamond<br />

ring,argument, informers,<br />

NYPD,literary assignment,<br />

best­seller andpoem about a<br />

cow. The instant exercise was<br />

“Asachild, whatwas your<br />

dream job and how successful<br />

didyou imagineyou’d be”.<br />

Members spoke of school<br />

teaching,journalist, travel<br />

agent, working with animals,<br />

dancer as Madonna’s back­up,<br />

veterinarysurgeon, work in a<br />

shop and sell lollies, air hostess<br />

andhairdresser.The <strong>May</strong><br />

assignment is “Diaryentering<br />

Day52onaDeserted Island”.<br />

Visitors arewelcome, please<br />

phone Raeat3088927.<br />

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42 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

Feedback for He Waka Eke Noa options<br />

DairyNZ and Beef+Lamb NZ<br />

(B+LNZ)are taking farmer<br />

feedbackonboard and working<br />

to improvethe agricultural<br />

emissions pricing options,<br />

including drivingdown<br />

administration costs.<br />

Thesector has listened to<br />

farmers’ views on the two<br />

optionsdeveloped by the<br />

Primary Sector Climate Action<br />

Partnership, He Waka Eke Noa,<br />

as alternativestothe Emissions<br />

Trading Scheme (ETS).<br />

DairyNZ chair Jim van der<br />

Poelsaid government had<br />

madeitclearifthe sector could<br />

not deliver acredible<br />

alternative,agriculturewill go<br />

straightintothe ETS.<br />

‘‘But that’s not theonly<br />

reason we need to act,” he said.<br />

“We want to ensure farmers<br />

can continue running<br />

sustainable businesses while<br />

meeting the expectations of our<br />

communities and consumers<br />

that we'reworkingtoreduce<br />

our emissions. It’s alsohugely<br />

important the sector and<br />

government continue investing<br />

–and invest more –inR&D to<br />

develop newtechnologies to<br />

achievethis.”<br />

Thefeedbackfrom DairyNZ<br />

and B+LNZ’srecent<br />

nationwide roadshow was<br />

resoundinglyclear–99percent<br />

of farmers did notwant<br />

agricultural emissions to be<br />

priced through theETS.<br />

They want asystemthatis<br />

cost­effective,fair and will<br />

recognise andreward the<br />

actions they’re taking to reduce<br />

Jim van der Poel<br />

Andrew Morrison<br />

emissions behind the farmgate,<br />

he said.<br />

B+LNZchair Andrew<br />

Morrisonsaid the focus was on<br />

doingeverything to minimise<br />

costs to ensure farmers’<br />

businesses remainedviable,<br />

profitable and rural<br />

communitiescontinuedto<br />

thrive.<br />

‘‘We’reworkingtomake sure<br />

what’s eventually introduced is<br />

practical andsensible, and<br />

works on the ground for<br />

farmers,” he said.<br />

TheHeWaka Eke Noa<br />

partnershipincludesB+LNZ,<br />

DairyNZ, Dairy Companies<br />

AssociationofNZ, Federated<br />

Farmers, Foundation for<br />

ArableResearch,<br />

HorticultureNZ,<br />

IrrigationNZ, Federation<br />

of Māori Authorities,<br />

Deer Industry New<br />

Zealand, Meat Industry<br />

Association and<br />

Apiculture New Zealand.<br />

Unlike theETS,the He<br />

WakaEke Noa options<br />

recognise andreward<br />

farmers’on­farmactions,<br />

reduce emissionsand will<br />

invest moreinR&D.<br />

Farmerswant<br />

transparency over where<br />

themoney is going, and<br />

proof of an effective planto<br />

deliver technology to farmers.<br />

“Farmers have expresseda<br />

strongpreference forthe farmlevel<br />

levy option,sothey are<br />

recognisedand incentivised for<br />

on­farmactions. They want<br />

control over their farm<br />

emissionsand farm<br />

management,” Mr van derPoel<br />

said.<br />

Eight­six percent of feedback<br />

supportedfarm­level pricing as<br />

the final outcomeofHeWaka<br />

EkeNoa.<br />

Farmershad different<br />

opinionsonwhat pathway<br />

should be taken to reach farmlevel<br />

pricing. Forty­seven<br />

percent want to move straight<br />

to farm­level pricing in 2025,<br />

followed by 40 percent<br />

supporting atransition to farmlevel<br />

pricingfrom processorlevel.<br />

Farmersare clearlysaying<br />

moneyraised through any levy<br />

needs to be reinvested in the<br />

sector and distributedinafair<br />

and transparentway.<br />

Farmers also support the<br />

recognition of awider range of<br />

on­farm vegetationnot eligible<br />

in the NZ ETS. Many farmers<br />

told us during theconsultation<br />

they don’t like theproposed<br />

2008 sequestration baseline<br />

andwanttosee soil carbon<br />

included once the scienceis<br />

robust.<br />

“Farmers want the sector to<br />

have aseat at the table when<br />

levy prices areset and price<br />

setting should be sciencebased,<br />

notinfluenced by<br />

politics. Thepricingsetting<br />

criteria needs to be transparent<br />

with industrybodies involved,”<br />

Mr Morrison said.<br />

Mr van derPoel said farmers<br />

deserved afar betterdeal than<br />

theETS. In theconsultation,<br />

there was strong support for<br />

split gas pricing andthe use of<br />

bettermetrics for setting<br />

methane reduction targets.<br />


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<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

43<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

Offloading cull cows can be astruggle<br />

Dairy farmers have more sleepless<br />

nights ahead of them as freezing works<br />

struggle to make room for their cull<br />

cows.<br />

This is the time for empty cows and<br />

others lagging behind in the milk sheds<br />

togooff to the works, but short rosters<br />

from Covid­19 on top of earlier labour<br />

shortages mean space is tight.<br />

They still have the optionofselling<br />

them to sheepand beef farmersbut at a<br />

reduced price as more of themgoonthe<br />

market.<br />

It’s aconcern on top of rising costs for<br />

fuel, staffing, and fertiliser and<br />

increased interest rates which are<br />

taking theedgeoff of Fonterra’s record<br />

milk price forecastatamid­range point<br />

of $9.60 per kilogram of milk solids.<br />

Federated FarmersSouth Canterbury<br />

Dairy chairman Ads Hendrikssaid<br />

offloading cull cowswas going to be<br />

challenging for most farmers because of<br />

staffingissues at meat companies.<br />

He said atough decision wasahead of<br />

them whether to keep milking empty<br />

cows through winterwhile therewas<br />

still plenty of feed around or dry them<br />

off and try to sell them.<br />

‘‘Currently your cull cowsare only<br />

Ads Hendriks<br />

getting $1 to $1.20 akilogram if you try to<br />

get rid of them somewhere else for<br />

people who have grazingasyou aren’t<br />

going to get them to the works.<br />

‘‘That’s quite adifference from afew<br />

weeks agowhenwewere getting<br />

$1.30­$1.60/kg and probablyeven<br />

higher.’’<br />

Theinflux of cull cowsonthe market<br />

as dairy farmers winddown for the<br />

seasoniscoincidingwith the meat<br />

companybottleneck.<br />

Mr Hendriks said he had sold 50<br />

empties earlierthismonth andwould<br />

keepanother 60 of themfor as long as<br />

he could until amarketwas found.<br />

‘‘What’s more important—having<br />

grass next seasonfor freshlycalved<br />

cowsand hopefully the payout is good<br />

or carrythe empties? Ialways say Iam<br />

adairy farmer, not ameat farmer, so<br />

although it’s anice bonusatthe end of<br />

the day Ihave to protect the cows for<br />

nextseasonand we need the cows and<br />

feedfor that.’’<br />

Largerdairycompanies will have<br />

contracts withmeat works obliged to<br />

takethem.<br />

Mr Hendriks saidthere was<br />

apparently alot of cull cows in grazing<br />

blocksbecause there’s not enough<br />

spaceatthe meatworks and that’s<br />

building up abacklog —atsome cost.<br />

Thatwas unlikelytohelp with any<br />

lift in the price which wouldhopefully<br />

continuetohold as it had the past few<br />

weeks at $1­$1.20/kg,hesaid.<br />

He said$1.10/kg was agood price for<br />

South Canterbury drylandsheepand<br />

beef farmers whohad plentyoffeed as<br />

aresult of heavyrainfall.<br />

‘‘Considering how buoyant the meat<br />

industry is, that’s not alot of money.’’<br />

He saidmost animals were selling<br />

for$500 to $600which was on the cheap<br />

side, but ‘‘better thannothing’’.<br />

Dairyfarmers welcomed the high<br />

payout, but this headachehad arrived<br />

with manyextra costs andthey had<br />

their own staffingissuestodealwith,<br />

he said.<br />

Mr Hendriks saidthe concern ahead<br />

was the availability of works space<br />

when cows were calving again.<br />

‘‘Hopefully the freezing works will be<br />

back operating after the winter<br />

because then we have the bobby<br />

calves.’’<br />

He said Fonterra was insisting next<br />

seasonthat euthanisinganimals was<br />

not a‘‘done thing’’ and farmers had to<br />

find amarket forthem, butthat would<br />

be difficult if the freezingworks<br />

couldn’t takethem.<br />

~Central RuralLife<br />

Foot and mouth watch<br />

Biosecurity New Zealand is closelymonitoring<br />

reports of aFoot and Mouth disease (FMD)<br />

outbreak in Indonesia, says Biosecurity New<br />

Zealand deputy director­general Stuart<br />

Anderson.<br />

It was yet to be formally reported to the<br />

World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)<br />

but New Zealand officials were keeping an eye<br />

on developments.<br />

‘‘New Zealand has some of the world's<br />

toughest biosecurity measures for FMD and<br />

although the risk is low, we have notified our<br />

primary sectorpartners.<br />

‘‘Our multi­layered biosecurity system<br />

includes risk assessment, visual inspections,<br />

X­ray screening, scanning technology, and<br />

detector dogs to prevent risk goods from being<br />

carried into New Zealand by travellers or<br />

arriving by mail.<br />

‘‘All shipping containers and imported goods<br />

are assessedfor biosecurity risk,’’ he said.<br />

Biosecurity New Zealandwas working to<br />

acquire more information from Indonesia and<br />

would also talk to its Australian counterparts,<br />

Mr Anderson said.<br />

‘‘We are planning to offer our experts to<br />

providetechnicalassistance on­the­groundto<br />

Indonesia as well as seekfurther assurances.’’<br />

The suspected outbreak is atimely<br />

reminder for our farmers to have strong<br />

biosecurity measures in place,MrAnderson<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Farmersshould not feed untreated meat<br />

products to animals, especially pigs,and they<br />

should be keeping overseasvisitors awayfrom<br />

stock for aweek after their last contact with<br />

animals overseas. It is essential that farmers<br />

continueusing the nationalanimal tracing<br />

system and having strong biosecurity plans on<br />

farm.<br />

‘‘Anyone concernedabout their animals’<br />

health,especially symptoms including high<br />

fever, mouth andfeet blisters or erosions and<br />

lameness shouldcall your veterinarianor<br />

MPI's exoticpestand disease hotline (0800 80<br />

99 66).’’<br />

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44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

MOVING DAY –<br />

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•Keys, door locks, padlocks<br />

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0275 167104<br />

2480972<br />

Jessie Chan, left, with Governor­General Dame Cindy Kiro, following Ms Chan’s investiture<br />

at Government House in Wellington.<br />


WaterTroughs<br />

Feed Troughs<br />

Precast panels<br />

Wingwalls<br />

Weeping Walls<br />

WaterTanks<br />

EffluentTanks<br />

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Forany quotes or enquiries contactuson03308-4816<br />

or call into the yard at 205 Wilkins Rd,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

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Dairy yards, wintering barns,<br />

silage/feed pads, driveways<br />

WE DO IT ALL<br />

ConcreteBunkers<br />

Cattle Stops<br />

Silage Pits<br />

Killing Sheds<br />

2480306<br />

Jessie joins elite order<br />

Canterbury dairying leader Jessie Chan had<br />

her formalinvestiture as aMember of the<br />

NewZealandOrderofMerit last week at<br />

Government House, in Wellington.<br />

Ms Chan,who farms at Dorie,near Rakaia,<br />

made the New Year Honours list for services<br />

to dairy and agriculture. She was<br />

investituredbyGovernor­General Dame<br />

Cindy Kiro.<br />

Ms Chan is thechairwoman of the RuralCo<br />

board and, at the time of beingnamed on the<br />

honours list, was surprisedtobesingled out.<br />

‘‘I’m notsure why they are giving me this<br />

award becausethere are so many peoplewho<br />

put in decades and decades of work and go<br />

unrecognised. Ijust wish more people could<br />

be recognised because there’s alot of people<br />

in the rural community doinggreat things<br />

andmaking things happen on behalf of<br />

farmers.’’<br />

Ms Chan is no strangertoawards, or<br />

governanceroles insidethe dairy and<br />

agricultural community.<br />

She was the first president of the<br />

Wellington Young Farmers’ Club in 2008and<br />

progressed to jointhe FederatedFarmers<br />

Dairy national executive team,becoming its<br />

dairy chairwoman for the Mid Canterbury<br />

branch.<br />

Aformercouncilloronthe Fonterra<br />

Shareholders Council,she was also an<br />

associatedirector of Dairy New Zealandand<br />

on the Land Use Futures board.<br />

She’s amember of New ZealandAsian<br />

Leaders and theSuperDiverse Women<br />

group, andin2017 wasawardedFonterra’s<br />

Dairy Woman of theYear.<br />

Shebecame chairwoman of theRuralCo<br />

Board, last year and is adirector of Ngai<br />

Tahu Farming, AlpineEnergy and<br />

Bioprotection Aotearoa.<br />

Ms Chan grewupasone of fourchildrenin<br />

Palmerston North to asawmilling father and<br />

amotherborn in HongKong.<br />

She hasdedicated the honour to the<br />

memory of herfather, Victor Sorenson, who<br />

died last year.<br />

‘‘That’s the bittersweet thing with this<br />

awardbecausehewas always there for me<br />

andlaid thefoundations for everything I<br />

have learnt so far.<br />

‘He always said to me, ‘If you don’t know<br />

more than me by the time you leave home<br />

then Ihaven’t done my job properly’.’’<br />

2479803<br />

For anything concrete on your farm give<br />

Marty at Paveco acall TODAY<br />

13 Robinson Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone (03) 307 6466<br />

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Experienced operators with<br />

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•Onfarmshingling –laneways,<br />

•Shingle screening bucket<br />

stockyards, water troughs<br />

•20T digger -available on request<br />

•Grader -available on request •Pipe line installation &repairs<br />

•Vibrating rollers<br />

•Cow lane cleaning<br />

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2481706<br />

Rural dine<br />

and dance<br />

Farming Families have openedticket<br />

sales for their Mid CanterburyRural<br />

Community Dance.<br />

The eventatthe Hotel<strong>Ashburton</strong>on<br />

June25features country singer Jody<br />

Direen andyoung musical talent Molly<br />

Harrison.<br />

Farming Familiesishelping connect<br />

Mid Canterbury'srural community one<br />

meal at atime and the eventisatime for<br />

those in the rural community to get<br />

togetherand enjoy agreat nightout with<br />

great music, great food and an auction.<br />

The group was created by agroupof<br />

dedicated farmersand rural<br />

professionals to help create stronger<br />

relationships withinMid Canterburyand<br />

beyond.<br />

Ticketscost $80 and areonsale<br />

through the Farming Families Facebook<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

45<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

Keeping dreams alive<br />

J&NHedgecutting Ltd<br />



Dairy farmers are keepinga<br />

dream alive for Karen<br />

Chapman, who grewupona<br />

dairy farm andhas only ever<br />

wantedtomilk cows.<br />

Karen, in thesmall<br />

Waikato settlement of Otaua,<br />

hasbeensupported by a<br />

network of dairy farmers in<br />

andaroundPukekohe,many<br />

of them participants in the<br />

IHC Calf &Rural Scheme<br />

fundraising scheme, who<br />

raise animals and donatethe<br />

proceeds to IHC.<br />

This year, the IHC Calf &<br />

RuralScheme marksits 40th<br />

anniversary by celebrating<br />

all thefarmerswho have<br />

made lives better for people<br />

withintellectual disabilities<br />

in their communities.Over<br />

those 40 years, thescheme<br />

hasraised $40 million.<br />

Karen’s dream looked<br />

prettyhopeless because her<br />

dad, Noel Chapman, a<br />

sharemilker, died while she<br />

wasstill ateenager and she<br />

andhermum Oliveshifted<br />

into Pukekohe.<br />

Then,inadouble tragedy,<br />

hermother died suddenly<br />

too,and Karen moved into<br />

IHC residential care. But<br />

local farmers, once they<br />

knew of her love of dairy<br />

farming, welcomed Karen<br />

into their milking sheds.<br />

Karen has milked all over<br />

the northern Waikato and<br />

South Aucklanddistricts.<br />

Along­time familyfriend,<br />

GlenLee,has driven her<br />

around the farms for as long<br />

as anyone canremember.<br />

Karen says sheis“a good<br />

friendtome, Ihaveknown<br />

herfor along, long time”.<br />

Glenwouldcall farmers to<br />

see if Karen could visit.“It<br />

seemed to work best with the<br />

Goodwrights.”<br />

Karen used to milk for Syd<br />

andJennyGoodwright.<br />

Thesedays their son Tom<br />

farms thehomefarmand<br />

Karen milks for their<br />

daughter BeckyPayne and<br />

herhusband Mike on their<br />

farmnot faraway.<br />

Another sister Hannah<br />

farms close by too with her<br />

husband Trevor Turner. All<br />

of them aredonors to the IHC<br />

Calf &Rural Schemeand<br />

knowKaren well.<br />

The IHC Calf &Rural Scheme is celebrating 40 years making<br />

lives better for people with intellectual disabilities.<br />

Syd andJennyhave been<br />

donating calves–real and<br />

virtual –tothe calf scheme<br />

for more than 30 years, and<br />

for half of that timeJenny<br />

has worked as acanvasser<br />

for the scheme, visiting<br />

around 50 local farmerseach<br />

season to encourage them to<br />

pledge calves.<br />

“I am really luckybecause<br />

Ihave gotalot of farmers in<br />

the district like mewho want<br />

to keep supporting thecalf<br />

scheme. Howluckyare we<br />

that we have had four<br />

children and15<br />

grandchildren who haveno<br />

disabilities,” Jenny says.<br />

Karen says she usedto<br />

help her dadmilk around100<br />

Friesian­Jersey­crosscows<br />

after school. Nowshe is<br />

milkingcows on farmswith<br />

bigger herds andmore<br />

complex andautomated<br />

rotary cowsheds. “I have<br />

been doingitfor alongtime<br />

now,” she says.<br />

IHC national fundraising<br />

manager Greg Millar said the<br />

IHC Calf &Rural Scheme<br />

gives IHC an important<br />

connectiontothe rural<br />

sectorand has evolved along<br />

with changes to the sector<br />

over 40 years, particularly as<br />

smaller farms andlocal<br />

relationships have given way<br />

to largerdairy units.<br />

More than 10,000 dairy<br />

farmers have supported<br />

their communities over many<br />

yearsthroughthis unique<br />

fundraiser. Andas<br />

technology advanced on to<br />

farms,farmers began<br />

profiling their favourite cows<br />

and best milkersonTwitter<br />

and cannow donate virtual<br />

animals alongwith thereal<br />

ones.<br />

“We are incredibly grateful<br />

to themanyfarmers whohave<br />

supportedusoverthe years –<br />

some of them down through<br />

generations,” Gregsaid.<br />

“We’re also enormously<br />

thankful forthe partnerships<br />

with oursponsors –PGG<br />

Wrightson who has been with<br />

us from the startand VW who<br />

provides us with Amarok<br />

vehicles and is matching<br />

donationsfromthe public,<br />

dollar for dollar, this week. ”<br />

‘‘The work done by IHC and<br />

funded by donations is<br />

critically important and can’t<br />

happen without them. This<br />

includes work withfamilies<br />

of childrenwith intellectual<br />

disabilities, community<br />

support provided by nearly 30<br />

local IHC associations, our<br />

strong advocacy voice, a<br />

library providing resources to<br />

families aroundthe country,<br />

avolunteer friendship<br />

programme, anationalart<br />

competition for people with<br />

intellectual disability, and<br />

support for anational kapa<br />

haka programme.’’<br />

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2480705<br />


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46 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

China’s covid lockdowns felt in NZ<br />

Strict lockdowns in many major<br />

cities in China are not only<br />

affecting its local citizens, but<br />

also having flow­on impacts on<br />

trading partners, including<br />

New Zealand, according to<br />

RaboResearch general<br />

manager for Australia and New<br />

Zealand Stefan Vogel.<br />

Mr Vogel, speaking in<br />

recently­recordedpodcast<br />

‘What’s the impact of China’s<br />

LockdownWave?’ saidthere<br />

were four specific impacts of<br />

the covid lockdowns set to have<br />

increasing ramifications for<br />

New Zealand agribusiness;<br />

disruptionsto freight logistics,<br />

Chinese corn plantings, dairy<br />

demandand hog pricing.<br />

He said the already­stressed<br />

globalcontainer logistics<br />

situation is becoming more<br />

complicated due to massive<br />

delays around the Shanghai<br />

port.<br />

‘‘The dry container index,<br />

which tracks average prices<br />

paid for the transport of dry<br />

bulk materials across more<br />

than 20 internationalroutes,<br />

increased five­fold through<br />

2021 as aresultofcovid<br />

lockdowns in different parts of<br />

the world.<br />

‘‘While the index has since<br />

declined and is down 16 per<br />

centsince early March and 25<br />

percent downfrom the<br />

September 2021 highs, it looks<br />

likely that the massiveongoing<br />

covid lockdowns in China will<br />

addtocontinued container<br />

logistics issues and keep<br />

containerfreight priceswell<br />

above historic levels for <strong>2022</strong><br />

andalso likely to remain<br />

elevated well into 2023.’’<br />

Mr Vogel saiddisruptionsto<br />

cornplantings in China­ the<br />

worlds second­largest corn<br />

producer and alsothe worlds<br />

primary corn importer ­were<br />

alsoraising more concerns in<br />

an already extremely­tight<br />

globalgrains markets.<br />

‘‘Chinese corn planting faces<br />

delays in two key provinces as<br />

somefarmers aretrapped in<br />

majorcities andare unable to<br />

accesstheir fields duetothe<br />

covid lockdowns,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘We understand the<br />

lockdowns have created delays<br />

in planting this important feed<br />

cropinsome partsofJilin and<br />

Liaoning provinces, and these<br />

two provinces account<br />

❛‘‘Dairy demand in<br />

food service is<br />

slowing in China<br />

while, according to<br />

our calculations,dairy<br />

products in China<br />

produced from<br />

imported Oceania<br />

whole milk powder<br />

(WMP) are now more<br />

expensive than those<br />

from locally­produced<br />

dairy for the first time<br />

in eight years,’’❜<br />

—Stefan Vogel<br />

combined for 20 per cent of<br />

China’s cornacreage.<br />

‘‘The delay in planting<br />

increases the risk of frost<br />

damage later in the season, but<br />

at this point it is too early to say<br />

whatthe impact will be on<br />

yields.Itwill depend on the<br />

weather through the season.’’<br />

Mr Vogel acknowledged<br />

delays in planting Chinese corn<br />

and China’s feed grain import<br />

needs more generally werenot<br />

the biggest driverofcurrent<br />

global grain prices.<br />

Rather, world Chicago Board<br />

of Trade(CBOT) corn prices<br />

had hit a10­yearhigh in April<br />

this year and remain above<br />

USD8/bu..<br />

In addition, cool and wet<br />

conditions for corn planting in<br />

the US andanexpected<br />

reduction of about 50 per cent<br />

in Ukrainian corn production<br />

(as well as export uncertainty<br />

fromUkraine) in <strong>2022</strong> were also<br />

putting upward pressure on<br />

globalgrain prices, he said.<br />

Globalfeed grain prices are<br />

expectedtoremainhigh over<br />

the course of <strong>2022</strong> and result in<br />

higher production costs for<br />

livestock farmers globally.<br />

The spread of the Omicron<br />

variant and China’s ‘‘dynamic<br />

zero­covid’’ policy were also<br />

bringing strong headwinds to<br />

consumption in the country’s<br />

food service sector, Mr Vogel<br />

said.<br />

And this was playing outin<br />

reduced dairy demand.<br />

‘‘Dairy demand in food<br />

service is slowing in China<br />

while, according to our<br />

calculations, dairy products in<br />

China produced from imported<br />

Oceania whole milk powder<br />

(WMP)are now more expensive<br />

than those from locallyproduced<br />

dairy for the first<br />

time in eightyears,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘After arecord­breaking 2021<br />

in milk powderimportsby<br />

China, the demand uncertainty<br />

from covid restrictions is likely<br />

to dampen thedragons import<br />

appetite slightly in <strong>2022</strong>.’’<br />

In addition, restrictions had<br />

resulted in abig drop in food<br />

service sales of meat products,<br />

as well as supply chain<br />

disruptions, which had<br />

impacted hog production and<br />

prices, Mr Vogel said.<br />

‘‘Chinese hog producers have<br />

liquidated herds to avoid<br />

further losses, imposing further<br />

downward pressure on Chinese<br />

pork prices which can also<br />

impact Chinas feed grain<br />

import needs,’’ he said<br />

Keep safewhen<br />

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Overhead and underground powerlines can be easy<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

47<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

Couple on right track<br />

chasing dairy dream<br />








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Chasing adream ...Roley and Yranee Monoy.<br />



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hydraulic products andcomponents.<br />

24/7 service<br />

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104 Moore Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2480516<br />

The couple, who movedto<br />

New Zealand in 2008, were<br />

among the first Filipino<br />

workers to arrive in the<br />

Waitakidistrict when the<br />

dairyindustry was<br />

undergoing significant<br />

growth.<br />

In their 30s, and with two<br />

young children, they saw an<br />

opportunity to chase a<br />

dream, and<br />

Mr Monoy accepted ajob<br />

as the assistant herd<br />

manager on a<strong>12</strong>00­cow dairy<br />

farm in Corriedale.<br />

As wellascaring for their<br />

children, aged 2and 4atthe<br />

time, Mrs Monoy helped on<br />

the farm, and workednights<br />

at NewWorldpacking<br />

shelves.<br />

Twoyears later, thecouple<br />

received residency ­and<br />

started thinkingabout how<br />

they could work their way up<br />

in the dairy industry.<br />

Theymadethe moveto<br />

Papakaio, whereMrMonoy<br />

rose to second­in­charge at<br />

DK Farms,and Mrs Monoy<br />

also worked on thefarm fulltime.<br />

Theywere well supported<br />

bytheir employers,Doug<br />

and Kirsti Rogers, and loved<br />

the Papakaioarea,where<br />

their children settled in to<br />

school well.<br />

But after three yearswith<br />

the Rogers, they wereready<br />

to progress their career<br />

again ­and started looking<br />

for farmmanagement<br />

positions.<br />

‘‘DougRogers, who might<br />

be one of thenicest people<br />

around to work for, Icould<br />

have stayed with him for<br />

years,’’MrMonoy said.<br />

‘‘But...there was just a<br />

part of me thatalways<br />

wantedtomoveup.’’<br />

OneofMrs Monoy’sclose<br />

friends, Barbara<br />

Richardson, suggested they<br />

also consider applying for<br />

contractmilkerpositions.<br />

Her advice, andbeliefinthe<br />

couple, was pivotal for them,<br />

and they received an offer<br />

The Monoys credit their success to their staff, (from third left)<br />

Carolyn Belita, Ronell Bautista, and Joviel Laraga.<br />

from Dairy Holdings to take<br />

on a420­cow farmnearbyin<br />

Papakaio.<br />

‘‘We got the contract<br />

milking job withoutactually<br />

havingany experience farm<br />

managing,’’ Mr Monoysaid.<br />

Two years later, Dairy<br />

Holdings ­who have their<br />

headquarters in <strong>Ashburton</strong> ­<br />

offeredthem the<br />

opportunity to take on a<br />

bigger,920­cow dairy farm,<br />

Awanui, also in Papakaio.<br />

They went from employing<br />

onestaffmember, to three<br />

full­timestaff, andtakingon<br />

anotherthreepart­timers<br />

duringcalving. They started<br />

at Awanui milking 920cows ,<br />

and theynow have1050, and<br />

hope to grow to <strong>12</strong>00 in the<br />

coming season.<br />

Before moving to New<br />

Zealand, Mr Monoy, who has<br />

abachelor’s degree in<br />

agriculture, majoring in<br />

animal science, spent10<br />

years working in the poultry<br />

industry.<br />

Mrs Monoy workedasan<br />

insuranceunderwriter in<br />

the Philippines,but she<br />

camefromafarmingfamily<br />

andwas used to the lifestyle.<br />

At present, she is studying<br />

agri­businessmanagement,<br />

workingasaqualitycontrol<br />

inspector at Alliance<br />

Pukerui and taking careof<br />

theadministration side of<br />

their farming business.<br />

Thecouple, who werehigh<br />

school sweethearts, loved<br />

workingfor Dairy Holdings,<br />

appreciating the company’s<br />

support network and<br />

investment in people, and<br />

said therewas muchtoenjoy<br />

about their job.<br />

It was hard workattimes,<br />

but theyappreciated the<br />

flexibility it gave them, as<br />

they both valued family time.<br />

Their daughter, Leyanne<br />

(17), is in her firstyearat<br />

Otago University, studying<br />

health science,and son<br />

Drewbert (15)isinyear11at<br />

St Kevin’s College.<br />

Running their own<br />

farming business,Woodland<br />

Acres,had beenalearning<br />

curve ­but they enjoyed the<br />

challenge.<br />

This coming season, they<br />

willown just over half of the<br />

herd.<br />

In three years, their goal<br />

was to be 50:50<br />

sharemilkers, owning the<br />

entire herd.<br />



48 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

Inspiration to solve farming challenges<br />

Adiverserange of keynote speakers and<br />

workshopsatthe South Island’slargest<br />

dairy eventnextmonth will offer<br />

inspired thinking to help solve farming<br />

challenges.<br />

SIDE (SouthIsland Dairy Event) will<br />

be held in Oamaru,onJune 8­9.<br />

It is run by farmers, for farmers, and<br />

chairperson AnnaWakelin said this<br />

year’s event themeis‘dynamic.’<br />

“Asfarmers we are operatingina<br />

dynamic world andwealways need to<br />

change andimprove to stay on topofour<br />

game,”she said.<br />

“Tohelp farmers remain dynamic,<br />

SIDE <strong>2022</strong> is hosting arange of exciting<br />

speakers from different professions,<br />

who have innovativesolutions to tough<br />

farming challenges.<br />

“SIDE will alsogive farmers the<br />

opportunity to take part in awide range<br />

of practical workshops, and to discover<br />

thelatestdairy technology and<br />

research.”<br />

“SIDE is agreat opportunity for<br />

farmers to getoff­farm and networkwith<br />

other farmers.<br />

‘‘Withexhibition space already sold<br />

out, we encourage farmerstoregister<br />

soon to avoid missing outonSIDE this<br />

year,” she said.<br />

Guest speakers include Craig Piggott<br />

(founder andCEO of Halter), Geoff and<br />

JustineRoss (co­founders of 42 Below<br />

South Island Dairy Event guest speaker Craig Piggott will share how he found<br />

solutions to help his dairy farmer parents reduce their working hours.<br />


vodka) and Dr Tom Mulholland (doctor,<br />

entrepreneur,author and CEO).<br />

Aformer Rocket Labengineer,Craig<br />

Piggott will share howhefound<br />

solutions to help his dairyfarmer<br />

parents reduce their workinghours.<br />

Thissearch led him to launchHalter,a<br />

technology company which has<br />

developed afarmingsystemthat allows<br />

farmers to easilymove and manage their<br />

herd through software.Craigisthe<br />

winner of the2020 NewZealandHi­<br />

Tech Young Achieveraward.<br />

Geoffand Justine Ross will sharehow<br />

they swapped lifeinAuckland for an<br />

Otago highcountry sheep farm. Their<br />

property, LakeHawea Station, was the<br />

first farm in New Zealand to haveits<br />

carbon footprintcertified. It is also<br />

carbon positive –and theywillexplain<br />

how this offersthem aunique marketing<br />

advantage.<br />

DrTom Mulholland will talk about<br />

strategies farmers can use to maintain<br />

theirphysical and mentalhealthin<br />

times of stress. He spent 25 years in<br />

emergency medicine and eightyears<br />

travellingaround New Zealand with his<br />

pop­up medicalclinic. Hisfocus is<br />

educatingKiwis on how to avoid<br />

preventable diseases and he has<br />

developed awellness app to help people<br />

monitor andmanagetheir health.<br />

Farmers canalsojoin fourof14<br />

practical workshops on awiderange of<br />

topics from wintering to milk futures,<br />

reproduction, plantainand reducing<br />

greenhouse gasemissions.<br />

As part of SIDE <strong>2022</strong>, aseparate<br />

BrightSIDE event foryoung farmers and<br />

farmteam staff whowant to progress<br />

their careers is alsobeing held on June<br />

8<strong>2022</strong> at Oamaru.<br />

BrightSIDE will include workshops<br />

on:how to keep yourself healthy,new<br />

technology to make managing farms<br />

easier, career progression<br />

opportunities in dairy and developing<br />

good financial habits.<br />

SIDE <strong>2022</strong>, supported byDairyNZ,<br />

Ravensdown andFonterra, is being held<br />

for the firsttimeatthe heritage town of<br />

Oamaru.The event will be held at the<br />

historic Oamaru Opera House andthe<br />

Brydone Hotel, withthe dinner being<br />

Steampunk themed.<br />

To find out more and register for SIDE<br />

<strong>2022</strong> visit www.side.org.nz<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

49<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

Mbovis eradication enters new phase<br />

Fouryears after making ajoint<br />

world­first attempt to eradicate<br />

mycoplasma bovis, there is now<br />

only one confirmed infected<br />

property in New Zealand.<br />

It is the ANZCO Five Star<br />

Beef Feedlot, at Wakanui;<br />

alwaystippedtobethe last<br />

property to be cleared of the<br />

bovine disease due to the<br />

logistics of clearing thesite.<br />

Agriculture Minister Damien<br />

O'Connorsaid after amajor<br />

eradication programme, no<br />

working farms had the disease,<br />

and plans were beingmade to<br />

clearthe beef feedlot thisyear.<br />

Thefeedlot is of significant<br />

economic importance and it<br />

has alwaysneeded careful<br />

consideration to minimise the<br />

impact of depopulation on all<br />

those connected to it; and with<br />

norisk of reinfection.<br />

As at <strong>May</strong> 5, there were still<br />

twofarmsonnoticeofdirection<br />

(NOD) and46propertiesunder<br />

active surveillance. Morethan<br />

$220.3 million compensation<br />

has been paid.<br />

Mr O'Connor said the<br />

MbovisEradication<br />

Programme, introduced in<br />

2019, wouldnow transfer to an<br />

agency under aNational Pest<br />

ManagementPlan (NPMP).<br />

‘‘We areaimingtomove<br />

from delimiting –controlling<br />

the last known pockets of the<br />

disease –toprovisional<br />

absence,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘This will be followed by<br />

significant surveillance<br />

testing of herds around the<br />

country to provideassurance<br />

there arenoundetected<br />

pockets of disease.’’<br />

Theplan wouldbe<br />

developed with farmers and<br />

be opentoconsultation in the<br />

second half of theyear.<br />

Mycoplasma bovis (Mbovis)<br />

programme director Simon<br />

Andrew acknowledgedthe<br />

instrumental role of farmers<br />

in reachingthis important<br />

milestone.<br />

“Farmers underpin the<br />

success ofthe eradication<br />

effort. Farmersand whanau<br />

directly affected by Mbovis<br />

Stock personnel in action at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s Five Star Beef feedlot.<br />

have especially done it tough<br />

and theimportanceoftheir<br />

part to the effort should not be<br />

understated.<br />

“We know many farmers<br />

across the country have taken<br />

proactive measures to<br />

strengthen biosecurity<br />

practices and increase<br />

traceability of animals<br />

through the national animal<br />

tracing system.<br />

“Working together, farmers<br />

are helping to protect our<br />

national herd, farming<br />

communities and dairy and<br />

beef industries”.<br />

Mr Andrew cautioned those<br />

at thecoalface that work was<br />

from done.<br />

“We areinaphasewhere we<br />

will be working hard to find<br />

the remaining pockets of<br />

infection. Our bulk milk<br />

❛“Farmers underpin<br />

the success of the<br />

eradication effort.<br />

Farmersand whanau<br />

directly affected by<br />

Mbovis have<br />

especially done it<br />

tough and the<br />

importance of their<br />

part to the effort<br />

should not be<br />

understated.❜<br />

—Simon Andrew<br />


testing and beef herd<br />

surveillance will continue to<br />

be crucialtools for detection.<br />

“We still have years of<br />

critical work before we are<br />

able to declareconfidence of<br />

eradication. To remain on<br />

path to eradication, farmers<br />

are strongly encouraged to<br />

maintain robust biosecurity<br />

practices and up­to­date<br />

records”.<br />

Mr Andrewsaid MPIand its<br />

Mbovis Programmeindustry<br />

partners –DairyNZ and Beef<br />

+LambNew Zealandwere<br />

currently working on the<br />

move to theNPMP.<br />

The focus of the work ahead<br />

means the current<br />

operational frameworkwill<br />

no longer be fitfor purpose,<br />

he said.<br />

When Mbovis Programme<br />

was stood up in 2018, it was<br />

designed as atimely response<br />

to awidespread outbreak.In<br />

the first two years there were<br />

249 confirmed infected<br />

properties compared to 10 in<br />

the last year.<br />

The NPMP is designed to<br />

provide co­ordinated<br />

management or eradication of<br />

pests anddisease. It sets out<br />

how pests are to be managed<br />

and by which agency. There<br />

are currently three national<br />

pest management plans in<br />

operation:National Bovine<br />

Tuberculosis (cattle),<br />

AmericanFoulbrood (bees),<br />

and Psa­V (Kiwifruit).<br />

An agency with the<br />

appropriate capability and<br />

capacity will be able to<br />

effectively managethe final<br />

phases with the efficient use<br />

of resources.<br />

DairyNZ chairman Jim van<br />

der Poel said alot was owed to<br />

farmers fortheir efforts in<br />

eradicatingMbovisand the<br />

robust biosecurity practices<br />

on­farm, which continuesto<br />

be important.<br />

“This programme hasat<br />

times been challenging for<br />

farmers andit’simportant we<br />

acknowledgethat. That work<br />

means we arenow on aclear<br />

path to eradication andthis<br />

transition will help maintain<br />

that status,” Mr van der Poel<br />

said.<br />

Beef +Lamb New Zealand<br />

chairmanAndrew Morrison<br />

said it was committed to<br />

ensuringthe pest<br />

management programme<br />

worked for farmers.<br />

“Farmers will remain at the<br />

centre of our work because<br />

without themwecan’t get to<br />

the point of proven absence of<br />

the disease. We will also<br />

maintain close governance<br />

oversight of theprogramme in<br />

the transition to an agency.<br />

“We really want to hear<br />

from farmers during their<br />

consultation later this year.’’<br />

The Programme is aiming<br />

for public consultation in<br />

October <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

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50 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

Wintering rules more practical<br />

Ongoing work by the farming<br />

sector has seen government<br />

make wintering rules much<br />

more practical on­farm,which<br />

is goodnewsfor farmers.<br />

Government announced<br />

that, following consultation<br />

andcontinuedwork withthe<br />

farming sector and other<br />

stakeholders, significant<br />

changes have beenmade to<br />

several winter grazing<br />

requirements.<br />

DairyNZ general manager<br />

for sustainable dairy Dr David<br />

Burgersaid the changes<br />

addressed farmer concerns<br />

that the rules were<br />

impractical and unclear, and<br />

wouldn’t improve<br />

environmental or animal<br />

welfare outcomes.<br />

‘‘Farmers and the<br />

community both wanttosee<br />

improvements in winter<br />

grazingpractices andfarmers<br />

are committed to delivering<br />

that on farms.<br />

“We’repleased the<br />

Governmenthas listened to<br />

feedbackand amended the<br />

newrules so they'repractical<br />

andinformedbygoodscience,<br />

so willactually deliver better<br />

outcomes.”<br />

Dr Burgersaid DairyNZ<br />

would request government<br />

workwiththe farmingsector<br />

on guidance on thenew<br />

regulations.<br />

‘‘DairyNZ willcarryout a<br />

comprehensive review of the<br />

changes tochecktheywon’t<br />

create any issueswhen<br />

implemented on­farm,and<br />

will keep farmers informed of<br />

the assessment.”<br />

DairyNZsupported the<br />

removalofpugging and<br />

resowing rules, whichwere<br />

some ofthe key changes<br />

announced.<br />

‘‘These werechallenging<br />

forfarmerstoimplement, for<br />

example weatherconditions<br />

candelayresowing,” said Dr<br />

Burger.<br />

“The focus on critical<br />

source areaswillhelpprotect<br />

ourwaterways. These areas<br />

have ahigher riskofnutrient<br />

lossand avoiding cultivating<br />

andgrazing these areas<br />

during winter makessense.<br />

Wintering rules have been made more practical on­farm, which is good news for farmers.<br />

“By setting 1November<br />

<strong>2022</strong>for the regulations to<br />

become operative, farmers<br />

can now start planning for<br />

winter 2023. However, we also<br />

need to seefurther guidance<br />

fromthe Governmenton<br />

freshwater farmplan<br />

regulations, so thatfarmers<br />

have all the information they<br />

need to meet thenew<br />

regulations.”<br />

Dr Burgersaid the dairy<br />

sector has made significant<br />

improvements in wintering<br />

practicesoverthe pasttwo<br />

years.<br />

‘‘Last season,80percent of<br />

dairy farmers had awintering<br />

planatthe startofthe season<br />

and 89 percentalsohad a<br />

contingency plan to protect<br />

their animals andthe<br />

environmentinbadweather.”<br />

He saysDairyNZ, the<br />

farming sector, andfarmers<br />

are alreadyplanningahead<br />

forthe comingwinter, and are<br />

continuing to work togetherto<br />

raise thestandardof<br />

wintering practices.<br />

The changes announced by<br />

government are that:<br />

paddocks willneed to be resownfollowing<br />

winter<br />

croppingassoonas<br />

conditionsallow,insteadofby<br />

afixeddate.<br />

Rulesabout pugging depth<br />

in paddocks have been<br />

removed andreplaced with a<br />

requirement that farmers<br />

take steps to minimise the<br />

effects of puggingon<br />

freshwater.<br />

Farmers must protect<br />

criticalsource areas,bynot<br />

cultivating andgrazing them<br />

duringthe winter grazing<br />

period from <strong>May</strong>to<br />

September.<br />

Andfarmerswho carry out<br />

winter grazing in paddocks<br />

with slopes over 10 degrees<br />

will alsoneedtoeither obtain<br />

aresourceconsent, or include<br />

how theywillmitigaterisks in<br />

theircertified freshwater<br />

farmplanoncethese are<br />

available.<br />

Biosecurity<br />

funding<br />

increase<br />

An $111 million funding<br />

injectionfor biosecurity is a<br />

pragmaticacknowledgement<br />

how vital it is to stoppest<br />

organisms at ourborders,<br />

FederatedFarmers says.<br />

FederatedFarmers arable<br />

chair and plantbiosecurity<br />

spokesperson Colin Hurstsaid<br />

extra money in the<strong>May</strong> budget<br />

showedanappreciationby<br />

government how pest<br />

incursions can wreak havocin<br />

primary industries.<br />

‘‘Plenty ofbudget rounds go<br />

by withoutany bolstering of<br />

funding for biosecurity so we<br />

congratulatethe government<br />

for making this apriority,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

The funding announcement<br />

was the same day as thefourth<br />

anniversary ofNew Zealand’s<br />

world­first attempt to eradicate<br />

the cattle diseaseMycoplasma<br />

bovis(Mbovis) ­indeed the<br />

$110.9minthe budget includes<br />

$68 million overthe coming<br />

yeartocontinue momentumon<br />

the Mbovis programme.<br />

‘‘We needtokeep our foot on<br />

the throat of this disease,’’ Mr<br />

Hurst said.<br />

‘‘Overthe last few years 271<br />

farms have been cleared of<br />

Mbovis and we’re down to just<br />

one infected property.<br />

‘‘FederatedFarmers thanks<br />

both those farmers who have<br />

taken ahit on behalf of their<br />

colleagues and sector, and also<br />

those officials who have<br />

workedhard to get the<br />

programme right.<br />

‘‘It does underlinethe huge<br />

costs anddisruption that can<br />

be avoidedwhenwe stop these<br />

organisms from getting into<br />

New Zealand, or when they’re<br />

here, stopthem from wider<br />

spread in our herds and<br />

environment.<br />

‘‘Our biosecurity personnel<br />

deserve proper resources to do<br />

their work well,’’MrHurst<br />

said.<br />

‘‘This will be increasingly<br />

importantasour borders open<br />

up to internationalpassenger<br />

travel.’’<br />

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<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

51<br />

Dairying In the Heart of Canterbury<br />

Cheyenne’s new role as voice for future<br />

Cheyenne Wilson has been appointed<br />

chairperson of theFood andFibre Youth<br />

Network.<br />

Lincoln Roper, an AucklandKPMG<br />

advisor, has been appointed vice<br />

chairperson.<br />

The network was establishedinJuneto<br />

enableyoung people across the primary<br />

sector to raise industry issuesand<br />

provide input into criticaldecisions to<br />

shape the future of our food andfibre<br />

sector.<br />

The pan­sectorgroup ismade up by<br />

nine councillors who areambassadors of<br />

the sector, explore and consider issues,<br />

connect to timely initiatives andprovide<br />

advice to ministers, MPI andother<br />

stakeholdersonissuesthat relateto<br />

young peopleinthe primary industries.<br />

Cheyennesaidshe wasextremely<br />

humbled to be given the opportunity to<br />

lead andbeinvolved with decision<br />

making that will affect the futureofthe<br />

industryand generations to come.<br />

“I am personally really passionate<br />

about seeing rangatahi in the primary<br />

industries and making sure thesectoris<br />

fit forrangatahitothrive in,” shesaid.<br />

Havingbeen involvedinthe dairy<br />

sector for most of her life, Cheyenne,of<br />

Tuhoe and Ngati Awadescent,is<br />

currentlyaGraduate Māori Relationship<br />

partner with DairyNZ.<br />

“It’sanice feeling to be able to leadthe<br />

Cheyenne Wilson will help decision making affecting the future of the industry.<br />

network and act as avoice forthe future.<br />

For me coming throughthe sector Ididn’t<br />

seetoo manyyoung women, let alone<br />

young Māoriwomen in the primary<br />

industries. Ihope to usethis position to<br />

inspire people to come into thesector,<br />

pursue acareer, or agovernance position<br />

andpush anybarriers aside.”<br />

Since launching, thenetwork has<br />

worked out its goals and what it wantsto<br />

achieve as acollective,established a<br />

charter andhadanumber of meetings.<br />

Councillors have been involved with<br />

theAgri Women’s Development Trust<br />

Generation Change Workshop,had a<br />

meeting government ministers to ask<br />

hard questions and madesubmissions to<br />

thePrimary Production Committee on<br />

thefutureofthe workforce needs in the<br />

primary industries.<br />

Slowlybuilding momentum and<br />

industryrecognition, Cheyenne<br />

anticipatesabig year ahead, noting the<br />

identification of skills and labour<br />

shortages and public perceptionaskey<br />

cross sector challengestowork on.<br />

The network’s settohaveanother<br />

meeting government ministers in<br />

Wellington andawider network meeting<br />

industry CEOs around June,aswellas<br />

conduct research and surveys to better<br />

represent youth.<br />

“We wanttobethat point of contact for<br />

people when theyare wantingayoung<br />

voice.Wealsowant to be knocking on the<br />

door and saying ‘hey you need to be<br />

considering us’, and notbeing used as a<br />

box ticking exercise. We want to be part of<br />

the processandnot just consulted on<br />

later when the decisions have already<br />

been made.AsaMāoriwoman,forsolong<br />

we’ve beenknocking on doors andvoicing<br />

our opinionsandmaking sure we matter,”<br />

she said.<br />

“The network has the potential toreally<br />

rock theboat andmake alot of difference.<br />

We’re so unique, we’re thefirstofour<br />

kind in the foodandfibre sector.”<br />

Cheyenne wanted to acknowledge and<br />

thankTeTaumata (thesteering<br />

committee),New Zealand Young<br />

Farmers and MPI fortheirdedication,<br />

help and support in establishingthe<br />

network andrecognising the group was<br />

needed.<br />

“I’m really excited by thisopportunity.<br />

Ourteam areall go getters andreally want<br />

to get stuffdone and that makes me feel<br />

groundedinthispositiontohavesuch an<br />

awesome team around me,” she said.<br />

NewZealandYoung Farmers, in<br />

collaboration with the Ministry for<br />

Primary Industries, launched the Food<br />

and Fibre Youth Network lastJune.<br />



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NEWS<br />

52 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Bird survey<br />

revealing<br />


It’s good to think that what we do inour<br />

backyards canmake asignificant<br />

difference to native birdlife. There’s been<br />

lots of publicity around plantingnative<br />

plantstosupport native birds, trapping<br />

predators andusingless insecticides, and it<br />

maybestartingtopay off.<br />

The resultsfrom lastyear’s NewZealand<br />

GardenBirdsurvey suggest thatweare<br />

making apositive differencetobirdlife.<br />

Almost15,000people counted the birds<br />

theysaw in their gardens, parks and<br />

schools last July, and the resultsare<br />

promising.<br />

The numberofkererū morethandoubled<br />

in thepast10years,and counts of fantails/<br />

pīwakawaka have gone up by nearly 50<br />

percent.Tuī are also doingwell (up 30<br />

percent), andthe decline of silvereye has<br />

slowed.<br />

“The surveydoesnot attemptto<br />

determine the causes of changes in bird<br />

counts, but itistempting to suggestthat the<br />

increases in bird counts of nativebirds<br />

reflect the results of increasedpredator<br />

control and habitat restoration activities<br />

around the country,” says survey founder<br />

Dr Eric Spurr.<br />

So let’s keep up thegoodwork.Plantlots<br />

of flowering natives andother shrubsthat<br />

flower throughout the year, and minimise<br />

spraying so there’splenty of insects for the<br />

fantails.Predatorcontrol is crucialtoo, so<br />

set traps anduse bait stations to control<br />

rodents.<br />

Cats are the worst enemy of native birds,<br />

so if youhaveacat, keepthem insideas<br />

much as possible,put abellonthem and<br />

resolvetomakethis one your last.<br />

Autumn is agreat time to be outside and<br />

it’s an enjoyable activity to seehow many<br />

native birds youcan spot in yourgarden,<br />

school oraround theneighbourhood.It<br />

would be greattohearreports of tui in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> district–they are flourishing in<br />

Geraldine so if we providedthe food and<br />

habitat for them,they would turn up sooner<br />

or later.<br />

Wouldn’t that be agreat result to report<br />

in the GardenBirdSurvey!<br />

Art show<br />

Avarietyofart will be displayed at the<br />

upcoming<strong>Ashburton</strong> Societyof Arts<br />

AutumnShow.<br />

Theshowisopen to the public from<strong>May</strong><br />

21 at the ShortStreet Studio.<br />

Theshow’s guest artist is LiviaDias.<br />

Originally fromBrazil, Diasnow livesin<br />

New Zealandand has beenpainting since<br />

the ageof13.<br />

Sheisaprofessional artist and art tutor<br />

and is influenced by everything fromOld<br />

Mastersand impressionismthrough to and<br />

contemporary styles. Theexhibitionis<br />

openwhen signsareout.<br />

Army band<br />

play brass<br />

The NewZealand ArmyBandwill perform<br />

aselection of brass bandmusicin<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>onJune10.<br />

CalledTraditional Brass, the concert<br />

will featureworksbyfamiliarcomposers<br />

suchasPeterGraham and Philip Harper.<br />

It willalso showcase the band’s worldclasssoloists<br />

including PTENicholas<br />

Scott andSGT Kevin Hickman.<br />

The 7pmconcertisatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Event Centre.Tickets fromthe venue or<br />

venue website(ateventcentre.co.nz).<br />

Health<br />

&<br />

Wisdom teeth arethe last teeth to erupt<br />

at the back of the mouth. They usually<br />

erupt towards the end of teenage years.<br />

Sometimes there isnot enough space<br />

for them and they partially erupt. This<br />

situation develops asmall piece ofgum<br />

covering the tooth, called operculum.<br />

Food debris and bacteria can get<br />

under the operculum creating a<br />

painful inflammation and swelling. This<br />

condition is called pericoronitis.<br />

Under local anaesthesia adentist can<br />

clean away the food debris and bacteria<br />

under the operculum to alleviate the<br />

symptoms of pericoronitis.<br />

This condition can reoccur therefore<br />

the final and permanent treatment is<br />

alwaysthe removalofthe thirdmolar. If<br />

pericoronitis is leftuntreated,food debris<br />

and sugar can cause dental<br />

decay and destruction<br />

of the partially erupted tooth’s structure.<br />

The pain will became worst due to the<br />

combination of swelling, inflammation<br />

from the gingiva and toothache. Ifthe<br />

third molars are not extracted before<br />

dental decay destroys the tooth, the<br />

extraction will became harder and more<br />

expensive.<br />

Wellbeing<br />

Wisdom teeth –thirdmolars,<br />

don’t wait until it’s toolate.<br />

2478976<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

(Pictured right): Theblack arrowonthe toprightphotograph is pointing to pericoronitis.<br />

Theblack arrowonthe bottom rightphotograph is pointing to the operculum and the whitearrow is<br />

pointing to adental cavitywith dental decay.<br />

~Courtesy of Oak GroveDental,57Oak Grove, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Professional Dental<br />


Personal Dental Care<br />

Dr Osvaldo Gonzalez<br />

BSc Hnrs (Tas),<br />

BDS, (Adel), MBA (Syd),<br />

PGDipl (Otago),<br />

MDS (Otago).<br />

Opening hours:<br />

Monday to Friday 9-5pm<br />

Saturday and after hours<br />

by appointment<br />

57 Oak Grove, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

03 550 7561<br />

57oakgrovedental@gmail.com<br />

ACC and<br />

WINZ<br />

quotes<br />

Injury Prevention<br />

HolisticHealth<br />

• Relief from<br />

back/spinalpain<br />

• Improvedhealth and<br />

injury prevention<br />

• Move, heal,rest,<br />

digestbetter<br />

• ACC registered<br />

03 308 9516<br />

www.ashburtonchiropractic.co.nz<br />

First Floor Smith &Church Building<br />

Moore Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

53<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge Club<br />

Monday Evening –<strong>May</strong> 2nd B&C<br />

Ladder: N/S 1st= Margaret &John<br />

Rickard andBruce &Heather Sim,2nd<br />

GeorgeBrown &Jackie Chisnall, 3rd<br />

Bruce Leighton &Dee Murdoch, E/W 1st<br />

Bev Blair&David Fisher, 2nd Allison &<br />

Chris Lovelock, 3rd John FRickard &<br />

David McCormick. TuesdayEvening –<br />

<strong>May</strong> 3rd, ALadder, N/S 1st Bev Turton &<br />

Raylene Phillips, 2ndJason Vannini&<br />

Maree Moore, 3rd Maryke Bliganult &<br />

Colin Clemens, E/W 1st Sonia Gill&Pat<br />

Jordan, 2nd Paul Leadley &KateWhite,<br />

3rd Rewa Kyle &MaryBuckland.<br />

ThursdayEvening –<strong>May</strong> 5th,<br />

Duplicate: 1st Maree Moore &Maryke<br />

Blignault, 2nd Johnny Wright&Edna<br />

Segers, 3rd Heather Sim &49769,4th<br />

Mary Buckland &Amanda Evans, 5th<br />

John Shearer &EricParr, 6th Ian Doel &<br />

Pat Jordan.<br />

AllentonBowling Club<br />

On Wednesday saw the start of the<br />

winter bowls season 4th <strong>May</strong> Kiddey Cup<br />

results were as follows: 1st Pat<br />

McElwain, Raylene Heads 2wins1draw<br />

15 ends 29 points, 2nd Bruce Hopwood,<br />

Graeme Dowie2wins1draw 14 ends<br />

30points, 3rd MikeQuinn, Sandra<br />

Holdom 2wins 17 ends 33 points. On<br />

Saturday 7th <strong>May</strong> 2bowl triples results<br />

were as follows:<br />

1st PatMcElwain,Raylene Heads,<br />

Diane Callaghan 3wins 20 ends 34<br />

points, 2nd David Hickman, Graeme<br />

Clarke, Denys McEvedy 2wins 1draw 15<br />

ends 33 points, 3rd John Argyle, Robin<br />

Ford, Lindsay Kearns 2wins16ends 26<br />

points. Upcoming Events: Friday 13th<br />

Hunt TrophyTriples <strong>12</strong>.30pm start<br />

Saturday 14th 2­4­2 Pairs <strong>12</strong> noon start.<br />

Goodbowling everyone.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club<br />

Saturday 7/5/<strong>2022</strong>: Competition:<br />

Watson CupKnockouts +Stableford<br />

Round.Watson Cup top 16 Knockout<br />

Winners: Perry Hunt &Bruce Day,Dave<br />

Fisher &George Brown, Jeff Williamson<br />

&John Ramsay,Steve McCloy &Stephen<br />

Lee, Robbie Bell &Royce Jamieson,<br />

The annual street sprints, won by Josh<br />

Mitchell, drew arecord crowd.<br />

Robert Pawsey &Mitchell Lye, Greg<br />

Fleming &Chris Lovelock&Terry<br />

Molloy &Bruce Ferriman.<br />

Radius Care Winner over the Field:<br />

Ivan Blain 88­22­66 42pts, 2ndJeff<br />

Williamson 41pts, 3rd Robert Coyle<br />

41pts.<br />

Other good scores were; Craig Bain<br />

40pts, Neil MacDonald 40pts, Trevor<br />

Watson 39pts, Brendon Davidson 39pts,<br />

Brent McCabe 39pts, Greg Fleming 38pts,<br />

Bruce Ferriman38pts, John Ramsay<br />

3pts, MitchellLye 38pts, Hayden<br />

McMillan 38pts, Murray Wackrow 37pts<br />

and Robert Pawsey 37pts. Two’s: Ryan<br />

Stoddart x2,George Brown,Blair<br />

Snowball &Vince Carr. Nearest The<br />

Pins: Hole 4#”: Value Plus: George<br />

Brown, Hole 8# 3Stooges (Brown<br />

Bombers): Sharon Bradford, Hole <strong>12</strong>#<br />

South Island Seed Processing &Storage<br />

Co: Gavin Douglas, Hole 14# <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

GC: Vince Carr, Hole 6# Hamish Niles<br />

Shout: Antony White, Hole 9# Tong’s<br />

Thai: Dylan Stoddart, Birdie Jackpot<br />

Hole No 5#,Nett Eagle Jackpot Hole No<br />

11#, Tinwald Tavern BonusSpot Prize:<br />

Terry Molloy<br />


Competition: Stableford, 1st:Harvey<br />

BakehouseWinner: Peter Woods 18pts,<br />

2nd: Robynne Nicoll 17pts, 3rd Gavin<br />

Johnston 17pts.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 9Holers<br />

Round 4Marion Marshall Trophy (Best<br />

Net) sponsored by Sega Golf was won by<br />

Allan Bowman (36) on countback from<br />

Jenny Matthews(36) &Bruce Leighton<br />

(36). On Thursday<strong>12</strong>th <strong>May</strong>,wewill play<br />

round 4for the two putting trophies ­<br />

Jean Drummond and Gordon Clinton<br />

trophies. On 19th <strong>May</strong> we will be playing<br />

at <strong>May</strong>field.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />

Otago Triples Taieri 7/8h <strong>May</strong>:<br />

Championship winners: NicJegosse,<br />

Mark Richardson, Neville Frost<br />

Dunedin, Runnersup: Jan Guilford,<br />

Marion Harrison, Kay George Ash/Ash/<br />

Caversham, Consolation Winners: Karen<br />

andNeville Bensdorp, Richard Browne<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>,Runners up: Jenn<br />

Sutherland, BeccaScott, C.J.Barnes<br />

Dunedin<br />

Mid­Canterbury Social Wheelers<br />

7th<strong>May</strong> 22. 29 riders. 16km .1st. Kaylib<br />

Gorrie 26m15s. 2nd. Monique Brake 22m<br />

56s F/T. 3rd. Michael Templeton 22m 57s<br />

2f/t. 4th. Dave Knight 22m57s 3f/t. 5th.<br />

Kristine Marriott 24m52s .6th. Larry<br />

Neal 22m57s. 4f/t. 7th.Ross Tempeton<br />

24m 53s.8th. Paul Brake 24m 54s. 9th.<br />

Nick Grijns 24m 54s. 10th. CharlotteCox<br />

26m 32s.11th. Mark Smitheram 26m 35s.<br />

<strong>12</strong>th. Doug Coley 25m 22s. 13th. Jack<br />

Gorrie 29m 52s.14th. Roger Wilson 27m<br />

01s. 15th.Anton Nicholls 23m 48s. 16th.<br />

Jelle Hendriksen 24m09s.17th. Andrew<br />

Shepherd 28m41s.18th. Alan Johns 31m<br />

16s. 19th.Katherine Gorrie 31m 17s. 20th.<br />

Brian Ellis 31m 18s. 21st. Kenny Johnston<br />

31m45s. 22nd. Ron Kennedy 31m 46s.<br />

23rd. NigelLeary31m 47s. 24th. Kerry<br />

Clough 32m08s. 25th.Ross Proctor 34m<br />

11s. 26th.DaveShurrock34m <strong>12</strong>s. 27th. M<br />

erv Grewar 38m13s. 28th. Evan Rodway<br />

31m 43s.29th. BrentHudson Mechanical.<br />

DNF.<br />

Tinwald Cycling U17<br />

Sunday 8th <strong>May</strong> 22. North EndInd<br />

Estate Open 4km Handicap ,8Riders.<br />

1st. Oscar Gorrie 8m 41s. 2nd. Jack Gorrie<br />

7m 03sF/T.3rd. Eliza McKenzie 7m 31s<br />

2f/t. 4th. Nick Dalley 10m 07s. 5th.<br />

Charlotte Neal 8m 20s3f/t. 6th. Eden<br />

Brake 8m 58s. 7th. Casey Brake 9m 00s.<br />

8th. Lucy Brake 10m 05s. GradeResults.<br />

A. 1st. Jack Gorrie ,2nd. Eliza McKenzie.<br />

B. 1st. Oscar Gorrie ,2nd. Charlotte Neal<br />

,C.1st.Eden Brake ,2nd. CaseyBrake, .<br />

D. 1st. Nick Dalley,2nd. Lucy Brake.<br />

Teams Relay4Riders. Winners: Oscar<br />

Gorrie ,Casey Brake, Eden Brake, Jack<br />

Gorrie, Time 9m 54s. 2nd. Team :Nick<br />

Dalley, Lucy Brake, Charlotte Neal, Eliza<br />

McKenzie ,Time 10m 20s.Open 800m<br />

Time Trial. 1st.Jack Gorrie1m28s. 2nd.<br />

Eliza McKenzie 1m 34s. 3rd. Charlotte<br />

Neal 1m 42s. 4th. Oscar Gorrie1m44s.<br />

5th. Casey Brake 1m 55s.6th. Eden Brake<br />

1m 59s. 7th.Nick Dalley 2m 00s. Adult :<br />

Paul Brake 1m 19s. Graded Results. A.<br />

1st. Jack Gorrie, 2nd.Eliza McKenzie, B.<br />

1st. Charlotte Neal, 2nd. Oscar Gorrie ,C.<br />

1st. Casey Brake, 2nd. Eden Brake, D. 1st.<br />

Nick Dalley. What agreat afternoon,<br />

same place next Sunday.<br />

Womens Golf<br />

Saturday 7th <strong>May</strong> andTuesday10th<br />

<strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, Smallbone Trophy<br />

Maxine Carter, Nicky Gill ­38, Nearest<br />

the Pins, No 4Chevalier FarmLtd –Not<br />

Struck, No 8Samantha Rose Flowers –<br />

Pauline Bell, No <strong>12</strong> Lynn’s smallSalon –<br />

Not Struck, No 14 Todd’s of <strong>Ashburton</strong> –<br />

Kay Fox, No 18 2nd Shot –Not Struck.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Veterans Golf<br />

<strong>May</strong>2nd at <strong>May</strong>field: 1st IanBeach 37,<br />

2nd= Trev Kerr and Jeff Williamson 35,<br />

4th =RogerLake and TrevorWatson, 6th<br />

David Fisher 33. Twos Snow Pierce,<br />

David Fisher, Trev Kerr and Mike Gray<br />

Next game <strong>May</strong>16th at Methven note<br />

change of venue Copland Trophy Stroke.<br />

Runand Walk <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Results: Team One: Lap1Judith<br />

Crozier 32:02; Lap 2Nicky MacKenzie<br />

38:43; Lap 3Karen Hodgson 39:09. Team<br />

Two Lap 1Alison Fleming 37:50; Lap 2<br />

Bill Hood 41:35; Lap 3Lynda Bayne<br />

35:07. Stacey Hooper walked in theyouth<br />

Canterbury race walking team and<br />

walked lap two in 29 minutes.<br />

Need ALadder?<br />

The Amazing,Portable,Easy toUse Ladder System<br />

Margann. |“Best Ladder on the Market”<br />

Simply the best ladder I’ve ever used, it’s everything it’s cracked up to<br />

be and the little extras such as the work platforms, leg adjusters and<br />

wall standoff make it incredible value.<br />

• Certified Safety Rating up<br />

to 180kg<br />

• Use itonStairs Safely<br />

• Create your own<br />

Scaffolding System<br />

• Versatile, Compact and<br />

Telescopic<br />

Free<br />

Free<br />

Gifts *<br />

Worth<br />

$660.00<br />

Free<br />

Free *Ts&CsApply<br />

*1 xWallStandoff+2xWork Platforms +2xLeg Levellers<br />

Limited Time Offer! Call Now! 0800 665 665


54 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11<br />

<strong>12</strong> 13 14 15 16<br />

17<br />

18 19 20<br />

21 22 23<br />

13/5<br />

Across<br />

1. There’snoformality that’s gratis: it’sgot to<br />

be simple too (4,3,4)<br />

8. Hastobeloyal about Conservative leader<br />

havingpeace agreement (5)<br />

9. Protest marchset backifone lowersits<br />

status(7)<br />

10. Aletter used to make it sleep (7)<br />

11. Is prepared to supplycash in hand (5)<br />

<strong>12</strong>. Brush-meninvolved in lotteries (6)<br />

14. Someexoticliqueurs takenbyafaction<br />

(6)<br />

18. Order, or one concernedinWashington’s<br />

situation(5)<br />

19. Golf apolitician might usetohelphim see<br />

throughthe obscurity(3-4)<br />

21. Tedisupfor an argument maybe(7)<br />

23. Pollisfor himtomake hismark(5)<br />

24. Those using their loaf maydropthem<br />

(11)<br />

Down<br />

1. The suitabilityofone’s bodilywellbeing (7)<br />

2. Being learned is rude about it at end of<br />

message (7)<br />

3. Declare, given time, one can turnitaside<br />

(5)<br />

4. Wrinkles that one manages to avoid (6)<br />

5. Alarm I’dcausedasahigh-ranking officer<br />

(7)<br />

6. It is still apart of every ethnic group(3)<br />

7. Meat pie supplied once onehas reached<br />

Z? (5)<br />

13. Imagine how one mightput rice out (7)<br />

15. HowmuchLatin goes intothissortof<br />

mechanics! (7)<br />

16. Peter’sinvolvedwithten boffins (7)<br />

17. It could make oneangry to break the<br />

law(6)<br />

18. Dandies now deadused to be<br />

changeable(5)<br />

20. In the Greek,I’vefound adonor (5)<br />

22. Coachthatturned up forpayment in<br />

advance(3)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1to9.<br />

24<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 <strong>12</strong><br />

13 14 15<br />

16 17 18<br />

19 20 21<br />

22<br />

23 24<br />

Across<br />

1. Cord(5)<br />

4. Outdoor meal (6)<br />

7. No (archaic)(3)<br />

8. Trainee(6)<br />

9. Old, unreliablecar (6)<br />

10. Favouritism shown<br />

to relatives (8)<br />

<strong>12</strong>. Heal(4)<br />

13. Immobile (6)<br />

15. Metal pin(6)<br />

16. Threadbare(4)<br />

17. Sports playeron<br />

your side (8)<br />

19. Decipher (6)<br />

20. Loose-fleshed (6)<br />

22. Word that refersto<br />

anyperson (3)<br />

23. Family of treesthat<br />

includes pohutukawa<br />

and manuka(6)<br />

24. Untied (5)<br />

Down<br />

1. Sweetsand chocolates(13)<br />

2. Insect(3)<br />

3. Boredom(Fr)(5)<br />

4. Nightwear(7)<br />

5. Skin softening and<br />

cleansing product(4,5)<br />

6. Undetectable (13)<br />

11. Absolute (3-3-3)<br />

14. Road marker (7)<br />

18. Terrible (5)<br />

21. Fuss(3)<br />



Across: 1. Cable, 4. Picnic, 7. Nay, 8. Intern,9.Jalopy, 10.Nepotism,<strong>12</strong>.<br />

Cure, 13. Static,15. Skewer, 16. Worn, 17. Teammate, 19. Decode,20.<br />

Flabby,22. You, 23. Myrtle,24. Loose.<br />

Down: 1.Confectionery, 2. Bee,3.Ennui,4.Pyjamas,5.Coldcream,6.<br />

Imperceptible, 11.Out-and-out, 14. Catseye, 18.Awful, 21.Ado.<br />


Across: 1. Free and easy 8. Truce9.Demotes 10. Epistle11. Ready <strong>12</strong>.<br />

Sweeps 14.Clique 18. Doric19. Fog-lamp 21. Dispute23. Voter24.<br />

Breadcrumbs.<br />

Down: 1. Fitness2.Erudite3.Avert 4. Dodges 5. Admiral6.Yet 7. Pasty<br />

13. Picture 15.Quantum 16.Experts17. Offend 18. Dudes20. Giver 22.<br />

Sub.<br />

TARGET<br />

eight fight fighter FIRELIGHT<br />

flight FLIGHTIER freight fright<br />

gelt gift gilt girl girlie girt girth<br />

grief grift grit legit liger light<br />

lighter relight right tiger trig<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

I H E<br />

T G R<br />

I F L<br />

Good 14<br />

Very Good 18<br />

Excellent 21+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Shirley<br />

Fitzgerald<br />

Born and bred in Methven, salesperson ShirleyFitzgerald is devoted<br />

to selling homes and making dreams come true inthis picturesque<br />

cornerofNew Zealand. Mother to Shaun and Nana to her two<br />

beautiful grandchildren Rileyand Eloise. Shirley’s love forthe town<br />

and the surrounding landscape fuels her motivation to help clients<br />

achieve their real estate goals and put down roots in this fantastic<br />

town. Shirleyloves toswim and is an active person in the community.<br />

027 220 1528 •shirley.fitzgerald@raywhite.com<br />

Methven•Tinwald •<strong>Ashburton</strong> •rwashburton.co.nz •03303 3032<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Town To Country<br />


82 William Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 2 2<br />


Are you tired of missing out at Auctions? Ordoes the lack of transparency ofprice bynegotiation properties confuse you? Then this beautiful home<br />

is for you. The vendor is highly motivated to sell and has priced this property very sharply. Contact menow to take advantage of this opportunity.<br />

This standout 2-bedroom house is within walking distance ofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> CBD with anearby park and sits in the heart of the rapidly growing<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District. Walking through the front door you instantly feel at home. Youare welcomed by the expansive, sun-lit lounge with seamless open<br />

plan access through tothe kitchen. The kitchen area provides you enough space toprepare amazing meals and allows the entertaining of guests.<br />

If you’re afirst-time home buyer, professional couple, retiree, or an astute investor, this opportunity is right up your alley. Avibrant urban vibe can be<br />

experienced right herein the Centreofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> District, with the wider Canterbury region providing amazing outdoor and indoor leisureoptions.<br />

Key features ofthis property include: 2double bedrooms and 1combined bathroom. Approx 150 sqm in floor size. Double garage. Open plan lounge,<br />

kitchen and dining area. Large windows, bringing in warm, natural light year-round. Close to amenities and schools. Rental appraisal available upon<br />

request.<br />

Call Jarrod 027 259 4644 NOW to book for private viewing and register your interest .<br />

Asking Price $537,000<br />

View: Saturday 14th <strong>May</strong>, 10-10:30am<br />

or by appointment<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz/TTC1051<br />

4Millibrook Place, Tinwald<br />

Peaceful Location<br />

Atruly beautiful family home situated on1373 sqm of immaculately<br />

presented lawn and garden. The house has afloor area of 254 sqm<br />

with aseamless, open plan living design including three bedrooms<br />

with an ensuite tothe master bedroom, two bathrooms and an office.<br />

Spacious double garage with entry and exit doors for easy access to<br />

vehicles etc. Plenty of room inside and out with park like setting that<br />

has to be seen to be believed set in apeaceful location. -3spacious<br />

bedrooms -2bathrooms -double garage -large section -office space<br />

Call Jarrod Ross today toview this beautiful and spacious home.<br />

3 2 2 1<br />

Price:$837,000<br />

View: By Appointment<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz/TTC1048<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

The Smart Move For Your Business<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate isafully serviced 80 hectare commercial and industrial development<br />

located north-east ofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> town boundary. The estate has been developed by <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council to provide awell-planned and serviced development option for businesses looking to<br />

come to the district and for local businesses looking to expand their operations. With enterprises across<br />

arange of industries, its business community reflects the region’s strong, proud heritage founded on<br />

industry and agribusiness, as well as forward thinking investment and innovation.<br />

If you are looking for somewhere tostart abusiness orgrow your existing company, then <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Business Estate isanideal base for your operations. It is an industrial-zoned development that<br />

offers some of the lowest industrial-zoned land prices in the region, flexible ownership options, site<br />

customisation, and low water and rate costs. For your staff, the Business Estate also offers an enviable<br />

work environment.<br />

Ideally located 5minutes North of <strong>Ashburton</strong>; on State Highway 1, 50 minutes from the Christchurch CBD<br />

and 45 minutes from the Christchurch International Airport, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business park is easy tolocate and<br />

access, and the recent confirmation that itwill connect with the NZ Rail Network, from within the park,<br />

make itanInland Port with huge potential for Business Development.<br />

Design and build, or build and lease back -there isarange ofvery affordable options to suit your<br />

business.<br />

Price: Wide Range of Options to Suit Your Business<br />

View: By Appointment<br />

11 Patton Street, Methven<br />

Something Special<br />

Youwill instantly fall in love with this beautiful home oozing with<br />

character and charm throughout. Whether you are afirst home buyer,<br />

investor, holiday home or family, this will definitely tick the boxes!<br />

Featuring three bedrooms, amodern stylish kitchen, with alight<br />

and bright open plan dining /living room, and aprivate secure back<br />

section, this makes for the perfect place to call home.<br />

Call Scott Parkin today tosecure this beautiful and affordable home.<br />

3 1 2<br />

Price: Deadline Sale<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz<br />

Scott Parkin |027 598 2833<br />

scott.parkin@remax.co.nz<br />

Jarrod Ross |027 259 4644<br />

jarrod.ross@remax.co.nz<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz | Each office independently owned and operated<br />

Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA 2008<br />

OFFICE: Lake Hood Drive, Lake Hood<br />

0800 REMAX T2C or 0800 736 298

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />



•Brand New Kitchen •Large Lounge/Living •<br />

Spacious Bdrms •Int. Dble Garage •Painted<br />

throughout •Substantial Vegetable Garden<br />

•Park like Section •New Fire w/Heat Transfer<br />

•OSP •Tranquil Atmosphere. BEO $629,000<br />

All offers considered after Thursday, 05 April<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday 10.00 -10.30am<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/73HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

114 THOMSON STREET 3 1 1<br />


3 bdrm home with easy care fully fenced<br />

section. Just ahop skip and jump to Tinwald<br />

School! O/p living allows for easy heating<br />

via h/pump. Bath +shower with extraction.<br />

Int. access single garage. Freshly painted<br />

roof, ready for its new owner. BEO $279,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6THYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

21 CHURCH STREET 3 1 -<br />


This property comes with:<br />

•3bedrooms •1Bathroom with ashower<br />

and bathtub! • Separate toilet • Spacious<br />

and open plan kitchen and dining. • Back<br />

yard space, would make for great outdoor<br />

entertaining area! BEO $329,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6MHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

29 WAYMOUTH STREET 3 1 3<br />


Space galore with 3dble bdrm home in a<br />

friendly community, Fairton. • Modern o/p<br />

kitchen &dining •Double glazed •Choice of<br />

diesel fire or h/pump for heating •Spa pool<br />

•Internal access carport •2single adjoining<br />

garages with workbench •Plenty of off street<br />

parking for all the toys! BEO $449,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6EHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

33 CHALMERS AVENUE 3 2 2<br />


Spacious elegant kitchen, Sep. lounge, O/p<br />

dining/living, Double tiled ensuite & full<br />

bthrm, Indoor/outdoor flow to the private<br />

patio. Double int. garage with laundry.Set<br />

on a manicured low maintenance private<br />

section, this stylish home offers the lucky<br />

buyer comfortable easy living. BEO $639,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6RHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />


34 SAUNDERS ROAD 3 1 2<br />


•O/p updated Kitchen •O/p dining &lounge •<br />

3double bdrms •Mod bathrm •Sep.laundry<br />

• Subdivision potential (subject to survey)<br />

• Undercover access to garage • Rumpus<br />

area in garage • OSP. BEO $519,000<br />

All offers considered after Wednesday, 25<br />

<strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday 11.00 -11.30am<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

2/361 BURNETT STREET 2 1 1<br />


Freshly renovated! All the hard work has<br />

been done ready for anew owner to enjoy. 2<br />

bdrms BIW. Single garage with storage shed.<br />

Sunny, easy care courtyard &anallotment<br />

at the back. Freshly painted, new lights<br />

& fittings. New floor coverings & curtains<br />

throughout. New toilet. BEO $325,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/71HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

46 CAMBRIDGE STREET 4 1 2<br />


Location is perfect for family living, right next<br />

door to a kindergarten, short walk to the<br />

school, sports hall &local park &playground.<br />

4bdrms +asleepout for either ateenager,<br />

guests or a home office. Whatever your<br />

needs may be as your family grows.<br />

Separate large garage with loads of storage.<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />


•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />

•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />

Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />

Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />

to survey) BEO $539,000<br />

All offers considered after Tuesday, 19 April<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6ZHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />

ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />

just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />

from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />

tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />

is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />

Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6GHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

021 354 885<br />

Manu Otene<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

022 308 6885<br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company

What'smy<br />

property worth?<br />

It's FREE to<br />

find out!<br />





3D VIRTUAL<br />


Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />




62 Taits Road<br />

ID: E740<br />

Enjoythe tranquillity andlifestyle living on offer with this 1ha block justminutes from <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Thisvery<br />

spaciousproperty consistsoffive/six bedrooms, twobathrooms andtwo living areas. The threeheatpumps<br />

and logburnerconnected to six radiators with pressurepumpkeep the house cosy and warm.<br />

Plenty of garaging with alarge rumpus room above,plus agoodsized workshop area.<br />

Manyoutdoor features...toomanytomention, so call to viewthisproperty today!<br />

All offersconsidered after 2pm, 17 <strong>May</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

$899,000<br />

Open Home: Saturday14<strong>May</strong>,<strong>12</strong>.00 -<strong>12</strong>.30pm<br />

<strong>12</strong>4 Michael Street, Rakaia<br />

ID: R093<br />

It's been aloving family home forover30years, but nowisthe timetohand over the keys!<br />

Situatedonthe East side of Rakaia townhip this very large home on a<strong>2022</strong>m² section. Built buy alocal builder<br />

this home possesses four bedrooms, spacious living with vaulted ceilings, open plan kitchen/diningand ahuge<br />

double garage with mechanics pitand drivethrugaragedoor,plus extensivegardens, alarge vege plot anda<br />

swimming pool. Enjoy, subdivide (subject to your owndue diligence) or landbank, the choice is yours! Don't<br />

miss this opportunity,viewing is amust!<br />

Enquiries Over $649,000<br />

Open Home: Sunday 15 <strong>May</strong>, 10.30 -11.00am<br />

5/6 2 4 4 1 2<br />

MagnificentHome Here!<br />

ID: W729<br />

Situatedinaverydesirable Oak Grovelocation this substantial property has so much to offer.<br />

Boasting four bedrooms, office, formal dining,two living areas, beautiful conservatory and twobathrooms this<br />

exceptional home comes with everything afamily could ask forand more! The coveredand heatedswimming<br />

pool,tennis courts and games room arethe icing onthe cake!<br />

Three cargaraging (including carport), aprivate well and composting station, allona1383m² private,secure<br />

section. This is onenot to be missed, call foranappointmenttoviewtoday!<br />

Enquiries Over $850,000<br />


4 2 3<br />

Quiet, Rear & Easy Care<br />

Desirable townhouse situatedinasoughtafterAllentonlocation. Well presented, sunnyaspect,<br />

twoheatpumpsplusHRV keepsthishome super cosy.<br />

Updatedkitchen with newgas cooktop, twogood sizedbedroomsand aconservatory makethis<br />

weebeauty amustsee!<br />

These properties areindemand...call nowfor your appointmenttoview.<br />

OffersOver$379,000<br />

ID: W730<br />

2 1 1<br />

Large Family Home In AGreat Location!<br />

ID: ROL002<br />

Getmorehouse foryour moneywith this very spacious 4bed home. Built in 2007 this home is situatedina<br />

quiet location but within walking distance to allamenities.<br />

The property possesses 2livingareas, open plan dining and kitchen, masterbedroom with walk-in wardrobe<br />

and ensuiteand large double garage with workbenches. An added bonus is acovered entertainingareatothe<br />

rear with access from the mastersuiteand lounge, with plenty of garden to the rear.<br />

It's definitely worth alook.<br />

Motivatedvendors!<br />

Enquiries Over $749,000 4 2 2<br />

All Sold..But NowOne isAvailable!<br />

•Arare opportunity to purchase adesirable section inthe Camrose subdivision located in thegrowing<br />

township of Methven.<br />

•Verynicely positioned maximising views to the mountains.<br />

OffersOver$265,000<br />

Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! We donate from everypropertysold!<br />

ID: M107<br />

Manager<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

0275 435 799<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

027 433 9695<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Manoj Rana<br />

022 453 1964<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Dannii <strong>May</strong><br />

0210 281 3310<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

0210 752 180


55 Davis Crecent, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30 -11:00am 3 1 1 AHB30261<br />

37 Geoff Geering Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30 -11:00am 4 2 2 AHB30244<br />

24 Trellech Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00 -11:30am 3 1 2 AHB30148<br />

360 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15 -11:45am 3 2 2 AHB30248<br />

31B Charles Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>12</strong>:00 -<strong>12</strong>:30pm 2 1 1 AHB30286<br />

63 Glassworks Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>12</strong>:00 -1:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />

13 Millibrook Place, Tinwald 1:00 -1:30pm 3 2 2 AHB30263<br />


24 Trellech Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

29th March<br />

2nd April<br />

Property listed<br />

First open home<br />

8parties attended the open<br />

home<br />

From the momentyou enter this home,you will sense the<br />

spaciousness that makes this ideal for afamily.<br />

This home has abathroom that accommodates both bath and<br />

shower, plus aseparate toilet and separate laundry. Spacious<br />

open plan dining/living with easyaccess through double doors<br />

to aspacious lounge, all built to maximise the sun.<br />

The section offers privacy and room for afamily to spread out,<br />

fully fenced with gates onboth sides, affording security and<br />

privacy.<br />

ForSale<br />

Price onApplication<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00am -11:30am<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

13 privateviewings between<br />

29th March and 7th April<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30148<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

7th April<br />

5offers received by 7thApril<br />

9th April<br />

8C Belt Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> goes<br />

under contact<br />

19th April<br />

8C Belt Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> is<br />

SOLD<br />

“I am one very satisfied customer” said Jean.<br />

“Nothing has ever been aproblem when Ineeded<br />

help or advice.Thank youArmand and the Ray<br />

Whiteteam!”<br />

-Jean Needham (Vendor of 8c Belt Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong>).<br />

31b Charles Street, Tinwald<br />

*2bedroom, could be 3oroffice, hobby room or sunroom<br />

*1980s kitchen and bathroom<br />

*Bolted ceiling in the dining, lounge<br />

*Single internal access garage with remote<br />

*Garden shed, easycare section fully fenced<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AH30286<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over$440,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday<strong>12</strong>:00pm -<strong>12</strong>:30pm<br />

2 1 1<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 290 6606<br />

55 Davis Crescent, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 1<br />

50/<strong>12</strong>42 River Road, LowerHakatere<br />

2 1 2<br />

*New roof recently<br />

*New tiled bathroom<br />

*3bedrooms<br />

*Separate office or studyadjoining the lounge<br />

*Spacious 723sqm section<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30261<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

closing 17th <strong>May</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

(Unless Sold Prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:30am -11:00am<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

The home has two bedrooms with aseparate shower, toilet<br />

and laundry.Alarge living area in the heart of this batch with<br />

the compact kitchen area that enjoys beautiful morning sun.<br />

Off this area isthe sunroom that is an afternoon sun trapwith<br />

lots of option for use. The batch is heated by anon compliant<br />

log burner.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30262<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over $135,000<br />

View<br />

by appointment<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Armandvan der Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032

15,268 reasonss<br />

to advertise<br />

with us!<br />

You can trust us to deliver what we promise!<br />

20,000<br />

2021<br />

15,268<br />

circulation<br />

10,000<br />

0<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong><br />

2021<br />

Did not<br />

release<br />

audit.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Guardian<br />

Last<br />

Audit<br />

2019<br />

4306<br />

circulation<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Guardian<br />

The latest NZ Audit Bureau of<br />

Circulations report is out and<br />

it shows that the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong> is the highest circulating<br />

newspaper in our region.<br />

Get our proven circulation working for your business today.<br />

Call usnow for afree advertising consultancy —grow more<br />

customers, sales and profits for your business.<br />

Here’s what our customers have tosay:<br />

Advertising is effective and hassle-free with<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>. Thanks totheir large<br />

distribution, we are able to advertise locally<br />

throughout Mid Canterbury, as well as in<br />

Selwyn and Timaru. In our business, it’s<br />

important to attract customers from out<br />

of town as much as it is locally. Being able<br />

to deal with just one person while having<br />

the ability to promote our events out of Mid<br />

Canterbury soeasily, isadefinite advantage.<br />

-Casey, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Event Centre<br />

With the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

being delivered from Rakaia to<br />

Geraldine, Ireceive total coverage<br />

in the Mid Canterbury region,<br />

making it anobrainer that I<br />

choose to spend my advertising<br />

dollars with them.<br />

Iknow itworks due to the amount<br />

of people who mention the<br />

advert, or bring it in with them.<br />

-Keith, AtoBAutos Ltd<br />

We utilised the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong> to<br />

advertise our newSmithsCitystore<br />

opening recently and have to saywewere<br />

extremely pleasedwith the response.<br />

Theresponse from the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong> really put our store on the map<br />

and customers were coming in with the<br />

paper, asking for the specials, our sales<br />

surpassed our expectations.<br />

-DaveBoyte Marketing Manager, Smiths City<br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

Email jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office 199 Burnett street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>

60 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Law and<br />

order aim<br />


LINSEED Straw $5.50 bale,<br />

21 pack $100. Sheep<br />

manure $8. bag. Medium<br />

square pea and linseed<br />

straw available. Call Ian<br />

027 286 3697 or Dave 027<br />

601 1426. A Hinds Lion<br />

Project.<br />



Government has announcedapackageoflaw<br />

andorder measures to increase police<br />

numbers, addressesgangviolence and<br />

extend successful rehabilitation<br />

programmes to breakthe cycle of offending<br />

andenteringalife of crime.<br />

The joined­up package was recently<br />

announced by Justice Minister KrisFaafoi,<br />

Police Minister Poto Williamsand<br />

Corrections MinisterKelvin Davis.<br />

“Ourinvestmentinlaw and order has<br />

made adifference. Sincewetook office, we<br />

have 1411 morepolice on the frontline ­the<br />

highest numberinour history, youthcrime<br />

hasdecreased and thereare 3,083fewer<br />

people in our prisons. But there is more to<br />

do,” Mr Faafoi said.<br />

“Inrecent years wehave seenincreasesin<br />

guncrime, gangactivityand even more<br />

recentlysome formsofyouthoffendingthat<br />

puts bothour communities andourpolice at<br />

riskand we mustaddress that.<br />

“Ourresponse needs to address the root<br />

causes of crime, especially when it relates to<br />

young people, provide morerehabilitation to<br />

reducereoffending, andactivelypursue and<br />

prosecutethosewho participate in illegal<br />

gang activity,”MrFaafoi said.<br />

“This Budget builds on our investmentin<br />

record policenumbers, tackling guncrime<br />

andviolentoffendersand reducing<br />

reoffending, all of which help to keepNew<br />

Zealandcommunities safe,” MrsWilliams<br />

said.<br />

“The Government is investingover $562<br />

million over fouryearsinto policeso they<br />

continue to have the resources they needto<br />

keep ourcommunities safe. This is in<br />

addition to our already­record investment in<br />

police.<br />

“Ourfirst priorityisincreasingthe number<br />

of police on thefrontline. When we took<br />

office, turningaround declining police<br />

numbers was ournumber one priority. Once<br />

we achieve ourgoal of anextra 1800 police<br />

officers later thisyear we will ensure<br />

numbers don’t fall away again by<br />

maintaining an ongoingratioofone police<br />

officer to every 480 New Zealanders.<br />

“Under Nationalwesawpolice numbers<br />

fallaway as new officers weren’t hired when<br />

police retired. Andwhen we cameintooffice<br />

thatratio wasstandingatone police officer<br />

for every 548Kiwis.<br />

“Inthis budget we areinvesting $94million<br />

intotacklinggangs andorganised crime with<br />

strong enforcement being essentialwhilst at<br />

the sametime working with communities to<br />

address the social factorsthatleadtopeople<br />

joining gangs in thefirst place.’’<br />


QualityEuropean<br />

Vehicle Servicing<br />

•Advanced<br />

Diagnostics<br />

•Experienced<br />

Technicians<br />



Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />

309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7776<br />

Tel: 03 3087282•E:bruce.mcilroy@xtra.co.nz<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plains Rotary<br />


$7 per smallbale or<br />

$40 medium square, delivered.<br />

Harvested this year.<br />

Call us for a<br />

FREE<br />

QUOTE<br />

•Collection/Delivery<br />

‘Free of Charge’<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Fordetails and ordering go to<br />

https://plainsrotary.org.nz/linseed-straw-order/<br />

or phone Philip 0278 247050<br />

2478970<br />

2476342<br />

PEASTRAW - <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College Cricket Club are<br />

selling small bales, $6.per<br />

bale delivered. Please<br />

phone/text Brent on 027<br />

441 2466.<br />


RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

2472174<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />






Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />

and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CLUB DAY<br />

Sunday 15 th<br />

<strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, 2pm<br />

@<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club and MSA<br />

All welcome -<br />

No covercharge<br />




$140 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$<strong>12</strong>0 per cord<br />



$150 per cord<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />

2481682<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />

2473520<br />

OLD Man Pine. Very dry, well<br />

split. $400. 4m 3 trailer,<br />

delivered <strong>Ashburton</strong> to<br />

Hinds. Ph 027 444 4521.<br />

DRY Firewood. WINZ<br />

quotes. Hardwood, 3 way<br />

mix, Bluegum, Birch, Old<br />

Man Pine 6m 3 $675 .Delivered<br />

to most of Mid-<br />

Canterbury. Phone 027 297<br />

7563<br />





Call for aVolunteer<br />

<br />



Celebrating<br />

90 years<br />

of the<br />

Academy<br />

Awards<br />


MENTAL Health Wellness. "I<br />

promise to listen, care and<br />

believe in you" Phone Pete<br />

on 027 280 0889. Dip<br />

Social Work, Dip Life<br />

Coaching. 30 years Tradie<br />

business experience. Member:<br />

A.N.Z. Coaching<br />

Alliance. www.peteyoung.<br />

co.nz<br />

Director &Musical Director -Kathi Craig MNZM<br />

Assistant Musical Director -Malcolm Hopwood<br />

Choreographer -Jessie Thomson<br />

ON STAGE 26TH-29TH MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

Tickets available at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre<br />


18 Jun –Girl on theTrain (CourtTheatre)<br />

21-23 Jun –AkaroaWinterGetaway<br />

26 Jun –Mystery SundayDrive<br />

28 Jun –Tirama Mai-LightFestival,Chch<br />

Forbookings phone<br />

03 308 0224 l 027 265 6883<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital and Tūārangi is looking for someone who is keen to support<br />

and make adifference in their community.<br />

Apply today to be aCo-ordinator of the Friendsof<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital and Tūārangi.<br />

For more information please email Recruitment@cdhb.health.nz or visit<br />

our CDHB careers page.<br />

2481644<br />

2481675<br />

2481540<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

61<br />






Checkout<br />

Supervisors<br />

Co-ProductsClericalAssistant<br />

Join ANZCO Foods Canterbury asanAdministration Assistant within<br />

our Co-Products department. This is afull-time, permanent position<br />

where you will complete daily administrative duties for the co-products<br />

departments.<br />

KeyActivitieswill includethe following:<br />

• Production data entry -provide timely and accurate information on<br />

production stock, chemicals, and consumables<br />

• Production reporting -maintaining and completion ofall production<br />

reporting and support requirements to required deadlines<br />

• Logistic processing -coordinate all logistics requirements for loadout<br />

and receiving of products and chemicals for the different departments<br />

• E-cert processing<br />

• Order and invoice processing<br />

Qualifications and previous experience should include the following:<br />

• Strong computer skills, Microsoft Word and Excel are amust<br />

• Experience not essential as full training will be provided<br />

ANZCO Foods is one of New Zealand’s largest exporters employing a<br />

team of 3,000 staff worldwide. Together wedeliver taste, nutrition and<br />

wellbeing to the world with products made from New Zealand finest beef<br />

and lamb.<br />

We are committed to supporting and developing our people and we offer<br />

acompetitive remuneration package. Ifyou are motivated, have the skills<br />

and experience we require and want to be part ofthe exciting future of<br />

our company then we want to hear from you.<br />

Apply todayatwww.careers.anzcofoods.com<br />

Applications close on Wednesday, 25 <strong>May</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />

JobOpportunity<br />

Aquatics and Stadium Manager<br />

Manageour Aquatics team,Stadiumand Recreation Programmes.<br />

Working in our purpose built facility,you willleadand supportthe team who<br />

keep our aquatic customers safe and manage our stadium space ensuring<br />

maximum utilisationand that events,sports and activitiesare supported and<br />

run safely and effectively.<br />

You’llbeanoutgoing individual whoiscreativeandmotivating with excellent<br />

logistical and time management skills and the ability to lead and inspire<br />

others.<br />

To find out more about this vacancy<br />

and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council has to offer you –gotoour<br />

website.<br />

Applications close on Wednesday,<br />

18 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Cartwrights is an Insurance and Mortgage<br />

Brokerage located in <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

Rolleston. We are a family-based company<br />

specialising in Commercial, Domestic and<br />

Risk Insurance aswell as Finance Lending.<br />

Twofull time positions have become available<br />

in our <strong>Ashburton</strong> office for immediate start.<br />

Financial Adviser Support<br />

The person we seek for this role should have<br />

a high attention to detail, excellent time<br />

management skills, pleasant customer and<br />

telephone manner, the ability to work well<br />

both individually and in ateamand extensive<br />

knowledge in Microsoft products. The role is<br />

fulltime in our <strong>Ashburton</strong> office –Monday to<br />

Friday 8.30am –5pm.<br />

Duties would include:<br />

Greeting Clients<br />

Coordinating tasksfor and liaising with our<br />

clients and insurers<br />

Administration Tasks<br />

Data Processing<br />

Assisting other members of staff when<br />

required<br />

Full training will be given however previous<br />

computer knowledge is a must. Possible<br />

future career growth within the company will<br />

be possible to the right applicant.<br />

Financial Adviser/Claims Consultant<br />

The person we seek for this role should have<br />

a high attention to detail, excellent time<br />

management skills, pleasant customer and<br />

telephone manner, the ability to work well<br />

both individually and in ateamand extensive<br />

knowledge in Microsoft products. The role is<br />

fulltime -Monday toFriday 8.30am –5pm.<br />

Duties would include:<br />

Following leads that are company<br />

generated as well as generating your own<br />

leads and client base<br />

Maintaining good client relationships<br />

Evaluating clients’ situations<br />

Researching the market and completing<br />

quotes in atimely manner<br />

Annual reviews and renewals of clients<br />

policies<br />

Processing and managing claims on<br />

behalf of clients<br />

Full training with be given however the<br />

applicant must have an active registration on<br />

the FSP register and have previous computer<br />

knowledge. Possible future career growth<br />

within the company will be possible to the<br />

right applicant.<br />

If either of these positions interest you please<br />

send your Cover Letter and CV to<br />

Rebecca New–Cartwrights<br />

officeadmin@cartwrights.co.nz<br />

Teacherrequired<br />

Full-time PermanentY2/3<br />

Commences Term 3<strong>2022</strong><br />

Please contact<br />

Neil Simons principal@longbeach.school.nz<br />

formoreinformation.<br />

2480863<br />

2480572<br />

New World <strong>Ashburton</strong> isalocally owned business,<br />

where staff share the same goals and work well<br />

together to deliver the best customer service. We<br />

enjoy aculture where people are friendly, helpful<br />

and passionate about their roles.<br />

The opportunity tobeapart ofour amazing team<br />

has become available and applications are now<br />

invited for permanent positions at our fast paced<br />

store.<br />

Expectations forthese roles will mean will:<br />

<br />

communication skills<br />

<br />

environment<br />

<br />

<br />

Days and hours to be discussed at an interview but<br />

will include one weekend shift.<br />

Don’tmissout -applynow with your covering<br />

letter and CV to:<br />

donalda.hartley@newworld-si.co.nz<br />

Applications close 25th <strong>May</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

unless filled earlier.<br />

Duty<br />

Manager<br />

2481913<br />

At <strong>Ashburton</strong>New Worldwewantthe best possible<br />

experience for our customers, and know that<br />

employing the right people and working together<br />

is crucial to gaining the best possible customer<br />

service.<br />

This full time position requires a high level of<br />

initiative and attention to detail, management<br />

and communication skills and has the potential to<br />

pave the waytoasuccessful career in Supermarket<br />

Management through our ongoing training<br />

opportunities.<br />

We are seeking ahighly motivated and dedicated<br />

Duty Manager who is committed to leading<br />

all aspects of the supermarket in a timely and<br />

professional manner. This person will need to<br />

ensure the efficient and safe running of the entire<br />

Supermarket, with emphasis on maintain high<br />

standards throughout the store.<br />

Keyresponsibilities forthisrole are:<br />

• Managing staff<br />

• Ensuring complianceofHealth &Safety andFood<br />

Safety policies.<br />

• Following store policy inregards to customer<br />

complaints and queries.<br />

• Making sureall shelves arekept full and faced.<br />

• Ensuring all aspects of tobacco,Lottoand Liquor<br />

laws areupheld.<br />

Preferred Attributes:<br />

• Experience supervising staff in a retail<br />

environment<br />

• Acurrent ForkliftLicence or theabilitytoobtain<br />

it<br />

• A General Manager’s Licence orthe ability to<br />

obtain it<br />

• Tobephysically fit,well organized and motivated.<br />

Hours of work will be 2.00pm –11.00pm and will<br />

include one weekend shift.<br />

Take up this opportunity and apply online now<br />

including acovering letter and full CV to:<br />

donalda.hartley@newworld-si.co.nz<br />

Applications close 25th <strong>May</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

unless filledearlier.<br />

24819<strong>12</strong><br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Receptionist/Dental Assistant<br />

Part-time receptionist/dentalassistantwantedwith<br />

goodcustomer serviceand computer skillstowork<br />

in agrowing dental practice. Experience preferred<br />

but not essential asfull on-the-job training will be<br />

given. Please sendyour CV to:<br />

daseroos102@gmail.com<br />

2480448<br />

EveryHome<br />

EveryWeek-that’s<br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


KITTYHAWK Hangar Trust<br />

raffle has been drawn and<br />

winners notified. Thank you<br />

to everyone who supported<br />

this fundraiser. I. Begbie,<br />



62 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />




Monster CharityGarage Sale<br />

Saturday&Sunday, 28 &29<strong>May</strong> 9am -1pm<br />

Masks preferredplease<br />




Planning Your Wedding<br />

and looking for a Local<br />

Celebrant to make your<br />

ceremony modern and<br />

unique. Big or Small Lets<br />

Tell Your Love Story<br />

together. Call Sarah<br />

McCambridge - YOUR<br />

CELEBRANT Today. Ph<br />

021 202 7251 or<br />

skmccambridge@gmail.<br />

com. Look forward to hearing<br />

from you soon.<br />


ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />


PULLETS for sale. Brown<br />

Shavers 11 weeks old.<br />

Phone WT Copland 03 302<br />

2826.<br />

SELL<br />

KINGSINGLE Electric<br />

Adjustable bed with remote<br />

controls. As new condtion.<br />

$6492.50 new. Offers,<br />

please phone 302 6<strong>12</strong>0.<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />

2468593<br />

Need some<br />

extracash?<br />

Competitive<br />

ratespaid.<br />

Whynot get fit<br />

earning it!<br />

SELL<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$28.50<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />


2470268<br />

SHOTGUN -<strong>12</strong>gauge pump,<br />

2barrells. Gun bags. Army<br />

webslings. Gun books. Gun<br />

safe. Factory Falcon books,<br />

XR/XC. Electric Chainsaw.<br />

Phone 021 1401 392.<br />


mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays &9.30-11.30am<br />

Saturdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds<br />

and repairs. Qualified<br />

Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />

027 418 7955.<br />

BUILDER : Specialising in<br />

home renovations and<br />

repair work. We also do<br />

decks, fences and retaining,<br />

plastering and painting,<br />

gardening,<br />

and tree removal. Call<br />

Gavom 021 267 1979.<br />


CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Phone John Cameron<br />

at Supersucker. 027 435<br />

1042.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweep - for a<br />

professional service call<br />

Dan McKerrow, Chimney<br />

Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />

118 7580.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweeping.<br />

Includes full firebox inspection<br />

and internal flue<br />

Sewing<br />

camera inspection. An<br />

inspection report can be<br />

issued on completion. Call<br />

Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

COMPUTER Help - need<br />

personalised help with<br />

computer programs,<br />

backups? Trouble with your<br />

PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad,<br />

Internet, printer or internet/<br />

electronic stuff. Call Frank<br />

021 <strong>12</strong>0 9292<br />

COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />

spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

landscaping Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />

1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />


2481142<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 152 1966.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

FIRE Extinquisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />

FRESH Potatoes; Nadine<br />

and Agria $2.per kg.<br />

Peastraw; $5.per bale or<br />

$6.per bale delivered.<br />

Phone 03 308 3195 or 027<br />

531 9103; 81 Elizabeth<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />


445 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

or through PGW carpark,Saunders Road<br />

Thousands of items forsale!<br />

Bargains Galore!<br />

•Cakes •Crafts •Collectables •China<br />

•Furniture •Bikes •Garden •Kitchen •Produce<br />

•Sports •Workshop •Toys<br />


FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />

GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

LAWN Mowing. No job too<br />

small. Call Les Smith, From<br />

The Ground Up, for acompetitive<br />

quote. Ph 027 840<br />

0201 or 03 308 1500.<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />



Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />

Texture/Specialist<br />

Coatings.<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2471059<br />

SPRAYING Fencelines etc.<br />

Wood splitter for firewood<br />

rings available. Call JCR<br />

Livestock Services Division<br />

027 267 1959.<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz Member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />

TILING - For all your tiling<br />

requirements including kitchen<br />

splash backs, flooring<br />

etc. (Full water proofing)<br />

Call Kevin on 027 496<br />

8314.<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>PakekeLions<br />

Charitable Trust<br />

Servingour Community,<br />

Helping LocalCharities<br />

Cash or eftpos<br />

2468875<br />


2481686<br />

206 CLUB - provides company,<br />

fun, entertainment,<br />

games, speakers and more<br />

for those 65 years and over.<br />

Friendly, supportive<br />

environment, two course<br />

hot mid-day meal, very<br />

minimal cost. Come and<br />

join us. We now have<br />

vacancies on a Monday<br />

and Wednesday, 10am to<br />

2.30pm. Run by Age Concern<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Seniors<br />

Centre, 206 Cameron<br />

Street. Enquiries to Julie,<br />

phone 308 6817 or 027 281<br />

9113.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Fanciers Society<br />

Annual Show<br />

17th &18thJune.<br />

Entries close 28th <strong>May</strong><br />

Schedules available now<br />

WritetoB.Glassey<br />

No 4RD, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

7774 or email:<br />

brianglassey386@<br />

yahoo.com<br />

Te Huka TaiCharitable<br />

Community Trust<br />

AGM<br />

Borough School<br />

26 <strong>May</strong>@3.30pm<br />

All welcome<br />

2481197<br />

2481826<br />

GreyPower<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

MonthlyMeeting<br />

AGM<br />

Monday16th<br />

2.00pm<br />

at theSeniorCentre<br />

SpeakerfromWhiteFox<br />

re PowerofAttorney<br />

Raffle and Sales Table<br />

All welcome.<br />

2481580<br />

Thurs <strong>12</strong>th, Fri13th<br />

10.50 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

11.00 Operation Mincemeat<br />

1.10 TheLast Bus<br />

1.20 Dr Strange 2<br />

2.50 Fantastic Beasts 3<br />

3.45 Sonic 2<br />

6.00 TheLost City<br />

6.00 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

8.00 Dr Strange 2<br />

8.15 Operation Mincemeat<br />

Sat14th<br />

10.00 TheBad Guys<br />

10.15 Sonic 2<br />

<strong>12</strong>.00 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

<strong>12</strong>.30 OperationMincemeat<br />

2.40 FantasticBeasts 3<br />

3.00 Dr Strange 2<br />

5.40 OperationMincemeat<br />

5.40 TheLost City<br />

7.45 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

8.00 Dr Strange 2<br />

Sun 15th<br />

10.00 TheBad Guys<br />

10.15 Sonic 2<br />

<strong>12</strong>.00 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

<strong>12</strong>.30 OperationMincemeat<br />

2.40 FantasticBeasts 3<br />

3.00 Dr Strange 2<br />

5.40 OperationMincemeat<br />

5.40 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

8.00 Dr Strange 2<br />

8.00 TheLost City<br />

Mon16th<br />

10.50 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

11.00 OperationMincemeat<br />

1.10 TheLast Bus<br />

1.20 Dr Strange 2<br />

2.50 FantasticBeasts 3<br />

3.45 Sonic 2<br />

5.30 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

6.00 TheLost City<br />

7.50 OperationMincemeat<br />

8.00 Dr Strange 2<br />

Tues 17th<br />

10.50 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

11.00 OperationMincemeat<br />

1.10 TheLast Bus<br />

1.20 Dr Strange 2<br />

3.00 OperationMincemeat<br />

3.45 FantasticBeasts 3<br />

5.20 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

7.00 TheBig Bike Night<br />

7.30 Dr Strange 2<br />

Wed18th<br />

10.50 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

11.00 OperationMincemeat<br />

1.10 TheLast Bus<br />

1.20 Dr Strange 2<br />

2.50 FantasticBeasts 3<br />

3.45 Sonic 2<br />

5.30 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

6.00 TheLost City<br />

7.50 OperationMincemeat<br />

8.00 Dr Strange 2<br />

NO COMPS<br />

Dr Strange 2,<br />

OperationMincemeat<br />


of Members to beheld on<br />

Sunday,22 <strong>May</strong><strong>2022</strong> at the Club at 10am.<br />

Adoorcheckofmembership cards<br />

willbeenforced.<br />

Agendaand business on Club noticeboard.<br />


2479024<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />