Romeo And Juliet (Shakespeare Classics) by William Shakespeare

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Act 2 • Scene 3

JULIET: I will not fail.

It will seem like 20 years until then.

Good night, good night!

Parting is such sweet sorrow

That I could say good night until tomorrow.

(Juliet exits.)

ROMEO: Sleep well, and peace be in your heart!

I will visit Friar Lawrence in his monk’s cell,

His help to ask and my good fortune to tell.

(Romeo exits.)

Scene 3

(Friar Lawrence enters his cell, carrying a basket.)

FRIAR: Morning smiles on frowning night,

Filling eastern clouds with streaks of light.

Before the sun dries up the morning dew,

I must fill this basket with plants.

The earth, which is nature’s mother,

Is also her grave. Her greenery

Can both help us and harm us.

Great power lies in herbs, plants, and


Nothing that lives on the earth is so foul

That it doesn’t have some good in it. And

Nothing is so good that it cannot be abused.

Virtue itself can become vice, if misused.


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