Ashburton Courier: June 30, 2022

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03 <strong>30</strong>3 0872<br />

2491115<br />

Delivered free to all homes, lifestyle blocks and farms in Mid Canterbury.<br />

2468601<br />

www.jacksonholmes.co.nz<br />

JUNE <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: <strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

PAGE 4<br />

Pasifika pride<br />

Wild Brew Coffee House owner Cheri Wills in her renovated foodcart.<br />

Southern hospitality, good food<br />

PAGE 5<br />

Pyjamas galore<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

With acharmingdispositionand mouthwateringsnacks,WildBrewCoffee<br />

House is<br />

on tracktobecomealittle localhospitality<br />

icon.<br />

WildBrew owner Cheri Willsis<br />

passionate about providingservice justas<br />

good asher food,remindingpeople<br />

fantastic customerservice isn’t dead.<br />

‘‘I think that’s what peopleare missing,<br />

youcan go tosomanyplacesthesedaysand<br />

theydon’t checkonyou andtheydon’t give<br />

youaweesmile andtheydon’t give youtwo<br />

minutes to have awee chat, andthat’svery<br />

frustrating,’’ shesaid.<br />

‘‘I think peoplejustmiss that oldschool<br />

southerncharm, you know?Whenthey<br />

come here,Idon’t care if there’s aline, I’m<br />

stillgoingtoask them howtheir day’s<br />

going.’’<br />

Parkedinthe<strong>Ashburton</strong>Business Estate,<br />

Cherirecognised it as abustlingarea<br />

lacking hospitalityoptions.<br />

Cheristarted thebusiness,only afew<br />

weeks old,afteralifelongdream of<br />

becomingself­employedinthe hospitality<br />

industry.<br />

Shefoundastrippeddownsecond­hand<br />

food cart whichshebought,using her<br />

weekendsand sparetimetopaint and<br />

redesigninside and out, sourcing<br />

inspirationfromthe Instagram accountsof<br />

similar successfulhospitalitybusinesses.<br />

With experienceinmarketing, andhaving<br />

previouslyworked asachef,Cheri wasable<br />

to visualise andrealiseher dream, callingit<br />

a‘manifestation’ofpositive thoughts.<br />

Wild Brew Coffee House’s socialmedia<br />

profiles are filled with funky,inspirational<br />

postsdesignedtobrighten your spirits and<br />

boostyourmotivation.<br />

‘Youlookphenominal today!’ is splashed<br />

across thecoffeecart’s awning,earning<br />

smiles fromcustomers andoffering them a<br />

boost ofconfidence.<br />

Continued Page 13<br />

PAGE 17<br />

Rippa result<br />


Soup time!<br />

•Bacon bones<br />

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meats<br />

Netherby Shopping Centre •Phone <strong>30</strong>8 7354<br />

www.netherbymeats.co.nz<br />

249<strong>30</strong>52<br />


2491115<br />

Delivered free to all homes, lifestyle blocks and farms in Mid Canterbury.<br />

JUNE <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> l www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz l Phone <strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />



PAPER<br />

INSIDE<br />

2468601<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>3 0872<br />

www.jacksonholmes.co.nz<br />

What’s on offer this year?<br />

ON THIS<br />

WEEKEND!<br />

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ONLY<br />

NZ OWNED<br />

A<br />

B<br />

I<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

C<br />

All of these fabulous prizes have been kindly donated by:<br />

A-The Hotel Sheet, 2x White Bath Sheets, RRP $200+, Stand 143<br />

B-The Fudge Cottage, 8x Fudge Bars, RRP $52, Stand T6<br />

C-OhBubbles, Gift Pack, RRP $500, Stand 46<br />

D-2WP, Ratchet Tree Loppers, RRP $180, Stand 144<br />

E-Caffe Italiano, Gusto delicato, RRP $190, Stand 134<br />

F-4Seasons, Weber Igrill, RRP $94.95, Stand 167<br />

G-Sentinel Security, UADevice, RRP $99, Stand 146<br />

H-Smiths City, The Bread Baker, RRP $299, Stand 176<br />

I-V-Revive, Massage Gun, RRP $<strong>30</strong>0, Stand 150<br />

To go into the draw to win this hamper,<br />

fill out this form and bring it to the show toenter!<br />

Name _________________________________________________<br />

Contact No. ____________________________________________<br />

Email Address __________________________________________<br />

Terms &Conditions<br />

Iconfirm Iamover the age 18. Iunderstand that my contact details and photo will be available for<br />

marketing purposes by Star Media. Iunderstand the winner is to be drawn atThe Star Media Office<br />

Christchurch onTuesday 5July <strong>2022</strong> after the show. The winner will becontacted directly, and also<br />

announced on @TheStarHomeAndLeisureShow Facebook page and mentioned in The Star newspaper.<br />

Once awinner has been drawn the decision is final and nocorrespondence will beentered into.<br />


NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Build customers,<br />

sales and profits<br />

withus...<br />

Sport complex grows<br />

An artist impression of the<br />

Equestrian centre. Right: Southern<br />

Parallel Sports Campus project<br />

directorCatherine Stuart.<br />

Delivered to all homes,<br />

lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

IndiRoberts<br />

indi.roberts@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

Editorial<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

CreativeManager<br />

murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

TheSouthernParallelSports Campus<br />

development isontrack to break<br />

ground andbegin construction in<br />

early2023andhasannouncedan<br />

equinesportscentrewillbeincluded<br />

in thecomplex.<br />

Thedevelopmentsituated on the<br />

west side of Lake Hood isafull service<br />

campus deliveringtargetedresilience<br />

training, academic and business<br />

education programscatering<br />

specifically to high performance<br />

athletes, disabledathletes, wounded<br />

servicemen andwomen’s physical,<br />

mental, self­esteem andeducation<br />

needs.<br />

SouthernParallelSportsCampus<br />

projectdirector Catherine Stuart said<br />

theinternational standard equine<br />

sports centre willbeworldclass and<br />

includealarge indoor arenatocater<br />

to equestrian andPolocompetition,<br />

outdoorequestrian arenasand two<br />

full sizepolofields.<br />

‘‘Theindoor equestrian arenawill<br />

be thefirst in theSouthIslandand I<br />

believethe firstindoor poloarena,’’<br />

Catherinesaid,‘‘Therewill alsobea<br />

specialized horsefloatpark with<br />

powerand water andfully equipped<br />

bathrooms andlocker roomsfor<br />

riderstoprepare before competing.’’<br />

Accommodationandcatering<br />

facilities including acafe,bar andfine<br />

dining restaurant will be available to<br />

thepublic andclub members.<br />

‘‘Webelieve this will bring<br />

enormous benefits to <strong>Ashburton</strong>and<br />

growthinthesportand prepare riders<br />

to compete overseas,’’ Catherine said.<br />

Thecampus is expectedtobring in<br />

1200 jobsfor <strong>Ashburton</strong>and boost the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> GDP by around2.4 ­2.8<br />




TODAY<br />

percent.<br />

It is thefirstintheworldmixing<br />

woundedveteranswithexsports<br />

people.Research showed former<br />

athletesand warveteransfacedthe<br />

samechallenges assimilatingback<br />

into societywhen theyfinishsoldering<br />

orcompeting.<br />

‘‘Both sectorsstruggletoassimilate<br />

backintosociety, so we are goingto<br />

changethe game by specific appraisal<br />

forall sportskills, individual<br />

assessmentcoaching, self<br />

managementleadership, career<br />

development,injury prevention, swim<br />

therapy andresilience training.<br />

‘‘Butthe mostimportantis<br />

education,wehave beensponsoredby<br />

MIT outofBoston to offer<br />

entrepreneurial anddegree level<br />

study, it is really to set them up for<br />

theirfuture,’’ shesaid.<br />

Theveterans will come from<br />

coalitionpartner countrieslikethe<br />

UKandUSA,exNew Zealand military<br />

personal will use thefacilitiesand<br />

also host excursions forveterans from<br />

overseas.<br />

NZ Armyveteran AaronHorrellwill<br />

facilitate excursions in Southland and<br />

Otagoand thinks the campuswill offer<br />

avitalservicefor returnedservice<br />

people.<br />

‘‘Notjustmyself butothers outthere<br />

havebeenwanting to getsomething<br />

upand running thatwillfinally be<br />

looking afterveterans andhelpthem<br />

get backontrack.’’<br />

Aaronwas in thearmy for 16 years<br />

andserved in overseas deployments<br />

includingEastTimor and<br />

Afghanistan.<br />

‘‘Military personalhaveworkedfor<br />

yearsinastructuredsystem,you work<br />

your gutsout,you serveoverseas, see<br />

anddothings, your bodygoesthrough<br />


Dining Sale<br />

20%<br />

off<br />

alot ofchallenges thenyou come<br />

home, leave themilitary andthey<br />

leave youtoyourown devices.’’<br />

Thecampuswillwork with<br />

physically andpsychologically<br />

wounded veterans.<br />

‘‘Roughly125 veteranswill be on the<br />

campusatone timefromdifferent<br />

countries andcultures, it’sagreat way<br />

forcoalitionex­militarypersonal to<br />

build close connections,’’ Aaron said.<br />

Aaron believes afacility for<br />

veterans is longoverdue. ‘‘We’ve lost<br />

soldiers through mental healthsince<br />

I’ve comeback, itsgettingworsethe<br />

way theworld is going at the moment,<br />

itsnot just soldiersthere's emergency<br />

services outthere as well that need<br />

helpand this campus willbeideal for<br />

everyone.’’<br />

ThecampusisaNewZealand<br />

owned companywith NewZealand<br />

directors andinvestors.<br />

‘‘Wealsohaveinvestment from<br />

overseas,’’Catherine said.<br />

‘‘WehaveAmericanand UK<br />

partners,partnerswithin thecoalition<br />

forces andpartners within<br />

international sport,sponsorship for<br />

veterans to attend programs willcome<br />

from anumber ofcoalition defence<br />

forces.’’<br />

Catherine meetswiththe The<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Districtcouncilonan<br />

ongoingbases.<br />

‘‘Wecan’t do thiswithout them they<br />

have beenextremely helpfultous,<br />

they havegiven usadviceand support,<br />

Imet with theCEO and themayor and<br />

planning department,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Councilsupports thisprojectbecause<br />

it is asignificant growthopportunity<br />

for<strong>Ashburton</strong>.’’<br />

Making Mid Canterbury at home<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Flu &covid<br />

vaccines<br />

available<br />

Accesstofree flu vaccines has been<br />

improvedwith an extra 800,000New<br />

Zealanders eligible from tomorrow.<br />

Children aged 3­12years andpeople with<br />

serious mentalhealth or addictionneeds<br />

arenow eligible for freeflu dose.<br />

As of this weekasecond Covid­19 booster<br />

is availablesix months after the first<br />

boosterfor older New Zealanders andother<br />

groups.<br />

Health MinisterAndrew Little saidaccess<br />

to freeflu vaccines andcovidbooster shots<br />

is being ramped up by governmentfor those<br />

groups of peoplewho arebeing admitted in<br />

increasing numberstohospital.<br />

“We’re making free flu shots available to<br />

another800,000New Zealanders, including<br />

children, moreofwhom arehaving to go to<br />

hospital,” he said.<br />

“Freeflu shots are already available for<br />

everyoneover the age of 65 andthose at risk<br />

of becomingseriously ill or who have<br />

underlyingconditions.<br />

“This season we ordered 40 percent more<br />

vaccines. We’vealready seen more than one<br />

million NewZealanders get aflu shot,but<br />

with significant pressure on our health<br />

system we’reramping up efforts to get as<br />

manypeople vaccinated as possible.<br />

“In recent weekswehave seen anumber<br />

of pre­school children hospitalised withthe<br />

flu. We alsoknow children can be<br />

transmitters of the flu to others in their<br />

family who are more at risk,soitmakes<br />

sense to reduce transmission asmuch as we<br />

can.<br />

“We alsoknow that people with serious<br />

mental healthoraddictionneeds can get<br />

seriously sick from the flu,whichiswhy<br />

we’realso extendingflu vaccinations to this<br />

groupthis year.<br />

“The extensionofthe freeflu vaccination<br />

to more at­risk NewZealanders is justone<br />

of the actionsweare taking to reduce<br />

pressureonour healthsystem this winter,”<br />

Mr Little said.<br />

Covid­19 Response MinisterDrAyesha<br />

Verrall said asecond covid booster was<br />

available for everyone overthe age of 50 and<br />

recommended for anyoneover the ageof65,<br />

as well as Māori and Pacificpeoples older<br />

than 50 andpeople who are severely<br />

immunocompromised.<br />

“The availability of the second booster<br />

has also been extendedtohealth, aged­care<br />

and disability workers over the age of <strong>30</strong>,”<br />

Dr Verrall said.<br />

Asecondboosterdose wasnot<br />

recommended for anyone who is pregnant<br />

and is healthy, including thosewith no<br />

underlyinghealth conditionswhich could<br />

increasethe riskofsevereCovid­19.<br />

Anyone whoiseligible forasecond<br />

boostercan get one without aprescription<br />

from arangeofplaces, includingwalk­in<br />

and drive­throughvaccination centres,<br />

bookingonlineusingBookMyVaccineorby<br />

calling the Covid VaccinationHealthline on<br />

0800 282926.<br />

Flu shotsare available by booking with<br />

GPs or localpharmacies.<br />

Prepare for<br />

your journey<br />

Canterbury Road Policing staff are<br />

reminding motorists to make sure<br />

windscreens areclear before getting<br />

behind the wheel.<br />

It's alegal requirement in NewZealand<br />

to drive with an unobstructed windscreen.<br />

Failure to do so can result in Police<br />

issuinga$150 ticket.<br />

‘‘Plan ahead and defrost yourvehicle’s<br />

windows and dry the condensation from<br />

inside your vehicle before embarkingon<br />

your morning commute.<br />

‘‘Driving avehicle in this condition<br />

limits your visibility andputs the safety of<br />

yourself and otherroad users at great<br />

risk.’’<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

1200 MAX.<br />


10 YEAR MOTOR<br />



• 6kg, compactmodel<br />

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stains etc.<br />

• Quick wash option,<br />

greatfor small loads<br />

• 975mm H,<br />

575mm W,<br />

642mm D<br />


• 7.5kg, medium sized washer<br />

• 1200 max. spin speed,<br />

less drying time needed<br />

• Quick wash option,<br />

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• 7kg, medium sized machine<br />

• Soak option, helps clean<br />

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W600mm<br />

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was$1469<br />

$<br />

877<br />

$6.04weekly<br />

was$1199<br />

$<br />

897<br />

$6.18weekly<br />

was$1539<br />

$<br />

1298<br />

$8.79 weekly<br />

was$1999<br />

$<br />

1699<br />

$11.22 weekly<br />




NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

View the Matariki stars<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Astronomy Group will<br />

host aspecial public event to mark<br />

Matariki.The group willgather at<br />

Argyle park on July 2and 9from<br />

5.<strong>30</strong>am to view therising of the<br />

Matarikistar cluster.<br />

Astronomy group member Alistair<br />

Perkins said there willbeseveral<br />

telescopes set up, ‘‘to allow visitors to<br />

observethe cluster lowininthe northeastern<br />

sky.’’ Access to theviewing<br />

area will be from the southeast end<br />

car park off Middle Road, with a<br />

roadsidesign indicating this.<br />

‘‘We hope forclear skies come the<br />

time,’’ Alistair said.<br />

Moon at nearly seven days old<br />

photographed at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College Astronomical Observatory on<br />

<strong>June</strong> 6<strong>2022</strong>, using aNewtonian<br />

reflector telescope.<br />




BONUS<br />


c<br />

2 5 OFF<br />


• 10kg, huge capacity<br />

• Quick wash option, good<br />

forlightly soiled items<br />

• 1400 max. spin speed, less<br />

drying time needed<br />

• H850mm<br />

W600mm BONUS<br />


D620mm<br />

c<br />

2 5 OFF<br />



• 7kg, large capacity<br />

• Autosensing,saves time<br />

and money<br />

• Rear venting<br />

• 856mm H,<br />

597mm W,<br />

584mm D<br />

• 7kg, large capacity<br />

• Auto sensing,saves times<br />

and money<br />

• Rear or frontventing,<br />

position wherebestfor you<br />

• H 8<strong>30</strong>mm<br />

BONUS<br />

W600mm<br />


D600mm<br />


• 7kg, large capacity<br />

• Heatpump system,<br />

energy efficient<br />

• Condenser,<br />

no venting needed<br />

• 846mm H,<br />

597mm W,<br />

568mm D<br />

• 8.5kg washer/ 5kg dryer<br />

• Convenient, washer and<br />

dryerinone,savesspace<br />

• Condenser dryersystem, no<br />

venting needed<br />

• H850mm<br />

W600mm<br />

D645mm<br />



was$899<br />

$<br />

688<br />

$4.81weekly<br />

Immediate delivery Trade-ins Finance terms AA Rewards<br />

c<br />

2 0 OFF<br />

BONUS<br />


c<br />

2 5 OFF<br />

3<br />

was$1299<br />

$<br />

1098<br />

$7.49weekly<br />

was$2099<br />

$<br />

1395<br />

$9.43weekly<br />

was$2999<br />

$<br />

2399<br />


NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Pasifika community working together<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Mid Canterbury’s growing<br />

Pasifika community has the<br />

ongoing support of advocate<br />

TumanuPaiaaua.<br />

She is acommunity<br />

connector at Fale Pasifika O<br />

Aoraki, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, based at<br />

Community House Mid<br />

Canterbury and is helping<br />

Pasifika newcomers,orthose<br />

already settledinthe<br />

community, findwork,housing<br />

or to access medicalor<br />

financial help.<br />

There are anti­violence<br />

services,digital technology<br />

training sessions and<br />

collaboration partneringwith<br />

many agencies.<br />

They also help with covid<br />

response, such as supplying<br />

RAT tests to thoseinneed.<br />

We are here to help people<br />

seeking assistance and to<br />

empower people to become<br />

prosperous in the community,<br />

Tumanusaid.<br />

They also organise and run<br />

many community events under<br />

the FalePasifikaumbrella,<br />

such as the recent60th Samoan<br />

independence day<br />

celebrations at <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

It was run on the <strong>June</strong>1<br />

anniversaryand involved<br />

members of the Samoan<br />

community gathering to stand<br />

tall and be proudasaSamoan.<br />

But it is not exclusive.<br />

Fale Pasifika OAoraki<br />

service was created to helpall<br />

Pasifika peoplelivinginthe<br />

region, Tumanu said.<br />

It helps people with a<br />

pathway after beginning anew<br />

life away from the islands.<br />

Limited housing, language<br />

barriers and elders adopting,<br />

and raisinggrandchildren<br />

away from the islands can<br />

cause some issues.<br />

But by planting agreat seed<br />

we can growacommunitywith<br />

identity and traditions, she<br />

said.<br />

Tumanuispassionate about<br />

makingsure youngadults are<br />

surrounded by good ethos,<br />

have good support with good<br />

Photos; above, Tumanu Paiaaua is acommunity connector at Fale<br />

Pasifika OAoraki, <strong>Ashburton</strong>: at right, Mid Canterbury Samoan<br />

community at the 60th Samoan independence day celebrations at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />


leaders and parenting advice.<br />

Fale Pasifika OAoraki offers<br />

afree service, open to any<br />

adulttoaccess.<br />

It coversMid Canterbury to<br />

Waitaki and is set up to<br />

empower people to become<br />

prosperous in their<br />

communities. They have<br />

offices in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,Timaru<br />

and Oamaru, and staffspeak<br />

many languages including<br />

English, Fijian, Samoan,<br />

Tongan and Cook Islands<br />

Maori.<br />

Tumanu has been in the role<br />

for the past four months and<br />

has many years experience<br />

helping in the community.<br />

She has experience in<br />

governance roles, servedasa<br />

public servant, an interpreter,<br />

legalsecretarial servicesand<br />

with adultlearning,aswell as<br />

beingavolunteerin<br />

community development and<br />

as achampion of communityled<br />

initiatives.<br />

She is alsoachurchleader<br />

withthe Congregational<br />

Christian ChurchofSamoa<br />

(<strong>Ashburton</strong>) (CCCS),atrustee<br />

of Mid CanterburyMulti<br />

Cultural Bite and asmoking<br />

cessation advocate.<br />

Tumanu’s parents were both<br />

missionaries,and while she<br />

was borninNew Zealand then<br />

adopted by her grandparents,<br />

alsomissionaries, she has<br />

lived in New Zealand, Samoa,<br />

Tokelau, PapuaNew Guinea<br />

and Australia.<br />

She still trulycalls<br />

Wellington home,despite<br />

happily living in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

withhusband,UosetaU<br />

Paia'aua. He is Reverend at<br />

CCCS.<br />

The couplehave nine<br />

children, seven of whom are<br />

adopted.<br />

Elvis<br />

ReviewedbyRowena Hart<br />

This movie gives us2hours 40minutes of pure<br />

mesmerisingentertainment.<br />

The last minutes were so moving Iwanted togo<br />

straightback and watchitagain!<br />

When they first showed the movie this year at the<br />

Cannes Film Festival theaudiencedid a12MINUTE<br />

standing ovation!<br />

Elvis grew up in poverty inMississippi tobecome<br />

theSuperstar of Rock andRoll.<br />

There was alot to tell and the story-line moved<br />

quicklythroughall thestages of his life.<br />

Ihave been to many Elvis impersonator shows,<br />

one was acompetition in Las Vegas with 50 Elvis<br />

look-a-likes and NONE even slightly matched the<br />

performance of Austin Butler.<br />

He put his whole being into the mannerisms,<br />

emotion and even the voiceofElvis Presley.<br />

The looks on the audiences faces were worth<br />

watching.Ican seewhy manySouthernracists who<br />

feared his Black-infused music was corrupting the<br />

kids,wantedto puthim in jail.<br />

Elvis sold more records than anyone in history. His<br />

charisma and stage presence was incredible, and<br />

has neverbeen matchedtothisday.<br />

Tell them about it!<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong> features<br />

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<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

Couple running for good cause<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Geoffrey andRebecca Barr are<br />

gettingoff the couch and outof<br />

their comfort zonetorun the<br />

South Island Half Marathon to<br />

raise funds andawareness for<br />

CysticFibrosis (CF).<br />

The couplehave two nephews<br />

in Christchurch with CF andare<br />

takingonthe marathonaftera<br />

successfulfundraiser lastyear.<br />

Geoffrey said they tookpart<br />

the CF fundraiser called<br />

Sweatember. ‘‘We were<br />

challenged if we raised$1000<br />

thatwewould havetodoahalf<br />

marathon,soweare honouring<br />

and takingthatchallengeon<br />

board.’’<br />

CF is an inheritedlifethreatening<br />

disorder that<br />

damages the lungsand digestive<br />

system.<br />

The South IslandHalf<br />

Marathon will be heldatLake<br />

HoodonAugust7,and is the<br />

first halfmarathon the couple<br />

haverun. ‘‘Training is an<br />

interesting one, this is ourfirst<br />

marathon,sotraining is slow<br />

but we are certainlygetting<br />

there, and even if we crawl over<br />

the finish line we will be<br />

completingthishalfmarathon.<br />

‘‘Snap Fitness havejumped<br />

on boardand they haveset us up<br />

withastrengthening<br />

programmewhich will<br />

hopefullystop us doing an<br />

injurywhenwedothe run.’’<br />

Geoffrey andRebecca are<br />

Geoffrey and Rebecca Barr train for ahalf marathon to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis.<br />

selling raffleswithover60<br />

prizes donated by <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

businesses. ‘‘Thesupport is<br />

amazing, we’vegot some wicked<br />

prizes,restaurant andcafe<br />

vouchers and tool sets.’’<br />

Themoneyraisedwillgo<br />

towards thebreath4CF physical<br />

activity grant, agrantavailable<br />

to allCFfamilies.<br />

Geoffreysaid the grant money<br />

would go towards exercise,<br />

‘‘exercise is oneofthe key<br />

elementsinhelping CF and<br />

keeping their lungs moving.’’<br />

The money raised willalso<br />

subsidiseequipment like<br />

trampolines,bikesand<br />

swimming lessons.<br />

‘‘Tobefair it’ssomethingwe<br />

never thought we’d do, it’sbeen<br />

alot of hardwork but it’s<br />


exciting,it’s rewarding,’’<br />

Geoffrey said. ‘‘If anyonewants<br />

to join us andrun withusthey<br />

aremore thanwelcome,our<br />

biggest goal is to raise<br />

awareness.’’<br />

If you would liketosupport<br />

Geoffrey and Rebecca, visit<br />

theirFacebookpage:Team<br />

Barr sweating for Cystic<br />

Fibrosis.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

POP UP FUN<br />

The YMCA and SportCanterbury<br />

are back in actionwith their pop-up<br />

playground, locatedatFriedlander<br />

Park in Hampstead. It runsevery<br />

Thursday from 3pm to 5pm,the<br />

initiative is aimed at keeping<br />

children active and entertainedafter<br />

school. The YMCA welcomes<br />

tamarikiofall ages and their<br />

whanautocome andplay,with<br />

interactive gamessuch as Tug o’<br />

War,cornhole,badminton, giant<br />

Jenga,aswell as the use of bean<br />

bags, and child-sized Zorb-like<br />

bubbleballs.There is plenty of fun<br />

to be had,and useofthe equipment<br />

is entirely free. Thepop-up<br />

playground will be available for<br />

extendedperiods of time over the<br />

school holidays, located in local<br />

parksoratthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain.<br />


Water levels at LakeHoodhave<br />

beenloweredtoallowfor<br />

maintenanceand excavation works.<br />

The lake is closed to allpowered<br />

craftuntilfurther notice.<br />

The workscould takeuptosix<br />

weeks<br />


TheRuralco Instore Days is a<br />

celebration of allthings agricultural<br />

and focused on bringing the rural<br />

communitytogether.<br />

This year’s eventisshaping up to<br />

be another exciting opportunity for<br />

farmers to network with other<br />

farmers and the wider agricultural<br />

industry.The Ruralco Instore Days<br />

areonJuly 7and July 8.<br />

Pyjamas welcomed<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s BASE YouthCentre’s stock<br />

of donated children'spyjamas,orPJs,got<br />

aboost lastweekwhenmembers of the<br />

Mid Canterbury Choir gaveover 40pairs<br />

to thecentre.<br />

Mid Canterbury Choir managerCarol<br />

Gunn said saidchoir members were<br />

feeling alittle glum after not singing for a<br />

few months due to covid restrictions.<br />

‘‘SoIthought the best thing to do when<br />

people are glum is to do something for<br />

someone else.’’<br />

Thechoir groupgavemoney towards<br />

kidsPJpurchasesand others donated<br />

pyjamas andwinterjacketsforthe cause.<br />

Carol went to The Warehouseto<br />

purchase 14 pairs of kids PJ’s and told<br />

The Warehousemanager Amy Debeer<br />

why she was buying so many,‘‘I askedwas<br />

there anychanceofadiscount and Amy<br />

said‘how about 19 pairs forfree!’’<br />

The Warehouse <strong>Ashburton</strong> sales<br />

support manager Teresa Cornelius said<br />

thecompanylovedtosupport community<br />

services, ‘‘welove to support schools and<br />

community groups whoask for<br />

donations,’’ she said.<br />

BASE YouthCentreco­ordinatorJenny<br />

Rae said the donatedpyjamas were very<br />

welcomeaseachweek the shelves<br />

holdingthe pyjamas are emptied, ‘‘so this<br />

is fantasticfrom the choir.’’<br />

From left: The Warehouse’s Zarah<br />

Hasan, Teresa Cornelius with Mid<br />

Canterbury Choir’s Carol Gunn and<br />

BASE youth centre co­ordinator Jenny<br />

Rae with pyjamas donated by the Mid<br />

Canterbury Choir.<br />


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NEWS<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Proving alittle land goes along way<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Aspotoffrost won’t stopMethven man<br />

ClaytonYaxley from getting his ‘five<br />

plus aday’ thiswinter.<br />

Thoughthe airisnippy andthe soil<br />

isn’t quite as fruitful during the colder<br />

seasons,Claytonhas savedmore thana<br />

fewdollarsbygrowingand harvesting<br />

his own fruit and vegetables.<br />

‘‘I like livingoff the land,’’ he says. ‘‘I<br />

haven’t bought apotato forsix<br />

months.’’<br />

While maintaining he is no expert,<br />

Clayton says growing your own food is<br />

agreat wayofbeing productiveand<br />

gettingsomefresh air.<br />

He encourages peopletotry it for<br />

themselves, claimingavegetable<br />

gardenoffers asolution to people who<br />

maybefeeling the financial pressure<br />

of buyinggroceries.<br />

Clayton hasprovedthat you don’t<br />

need much to create athriving<br />

vegetable garden.<br />

‘‘Just aspade andafork andtrowel.<br />

You can pick up some good gardening<br />

toolsfrom the RedCross.’’<br />

Livinginacouncil­owned complex,<br />

Claytonislimited withhow he’s<br />

allowed to usethe land, andhasn’tyet<br />

been successful in convincing the<br />

counciltolet himbuild araised<br />

vegetable garden behind the flats.<br />

So,insteadheutilisesthe small<br />

flowerbeds aroundhis frontsteps and<br />

thesoilrunningalongthe side of his<br />

flat to plant ahealthyvariety ofcrops<br />

that keephis plate colourful and his<br />

stomach full.<br />

In ayearClayton will grow<br />

everything from tomatoes to pumpkins,<br />

cauliflower to corn, sowing seeds into<br />

every spot of sunny soil.<br />

Knowing he can’tdamagethe lawn,<br />

he hasusedanarrowstrip of soil along<br />

the fence­linetoplant potatoes,which<br />

he’s been abletoharvestcontinually<br />

foroversix months.<br />

On average Clayton spendsabout two<br />

hoursaweek in the garden,keepingon<br />

topofweeds andscattering seeds from<br />

vegetableshe’s grown.<br />

‘‘I’ll digintomatoes thatfallontothe<br />

soil andnextyear they’ll grow again,’’<br />

Clayton Yaxley turning soil along the fence­line where he grows his potatoes.<br />


he said, demonstratinghow to make<br />

the most of thehome­grown produce.<br />

He salvages the seedsfromalot of<br />

his produce and turns theminto the<br />

soil so they regrowthe following<br />

season.<br />

Claytonsaysthe tricktogrowing<br />

goodvegetablesistolook after the soil.<br />

Clayton turns the soil of his<br />

vegetablepatches regularly to keep the<br />

dirtwarm andaerated.<br />

Over winter he coversthe seeded<br />

areaswithpeastraw for insulation, and<br />

is careful not to over­water the earth as<br />

it candrown seeds and turn roots<br />

mouldy.<br />

Grateful for what he’s able to<br />

produce, Clayton saidhegives away<br />

Clayton showcasing afresh potato.<br />

Runner beans harvested from apatch<br />

beside Clayton’s front steps.<br />

anyexcess producetothe other<br />

residents in the complex.<br />

He hopes to expandthe space which<br />

he can usetogrowfoodtohis porchby<br />

buildinghimself asmall raised garden<br />

outofrecycled pellet wood,and next<br />

year wouldlike to try growinghis<br />

vegetablesorganically.<br />

Turning back time<br />

It’s time to dust off your flapper<br />

dresses, furs and bow ties, and<br />

come out to theMighty Mount to<br />

to have aball for agood cause.<br />

TheGreat Gatsby Ballwillbe<br />

heldonSaturday in the Mt<br />

Somers Hall, starting at7.<strong>30</strong>pm.<br />

Localduo Landgirlswill start<br />

offthe musiconthe night,<br />

followedbythe Black Velvet<br />

Band.<br />

Supper is included, and there<br />

will be alicensed bar.<br />

Sisters Ailieand Nina Jaine<br />

areorganising theballtoraise<br />

funds forthe Mt Somers<br />

swimming pool committeeto<br />

helpwithbuilding anew fence<br />

andgeneral upkeep of the<br />

community pool.<br />

They said the Mt Somers<br />

Community Pool is avaluable<br />

asset in the community, ‘‘it is<br />

well­utilised in theheat of<br />

summerbyboth locals and<br />

holidaymakers.’’<br />

There is asmall group of<br />

volunteers who help tokeepthe<br />

pool running over the summer<br />

and who complete maintenance<br />

jobs during thewinter.<br />

‘‘We have worked hard over<br />

the last five years to improve our<br />

facility tothe great standard that<br />

it is today.’’<br />

The committee's projects for<br />

the pool includereplacing the<br />

front fence, anew locking system<br />

for the side gate toallow easier<br />

access to toilet facilities for pool<br />

users, re­painting thepooland a<br />

BBQarea.<br />

‘‘We feel the pool is agreat<br />

placefor people to come<br />

together and connect as a<br />

community,’’ theysaid.<br />

2492<strong>30</strong>0<br />

Landgirls duo Abbey McKenzie and Anna Munro.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

7<br />

Royal tree planting tour<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Society of Arts, Kay Begg, sets up artwork for the<br />

exhibition.<br />


Artists frame up<br />

Artistsfrom aroundthe<br />

country willhave works on<br />

displayatthe 58th Annual Art<br />

Exhibition presented by the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Society of Arts.<br />

There will be 16 awards<br />

presented on openingnightat<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Galleryon<br />

Mondayfrom 7pm.<br />

Kay Begg, president of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Society of Artsand<br />

the convener of the<br />

presentation, said she is<br />

particularlyhappy with the<br />

quality of the submissions in<br />

this year’s exhibition.<br />

‘‘We’re very happy to accept<br />

allworks,’’she said.<br />

‘‘We take them all,and<br />

judge them later.’’<br />

The exhibition will boast<br />

over <strong>30</strong>0 artand sculpture<br />

projectsaswell as displays<br />

from several guestartists.<br />

An anticipated 250 people<br />

willattendthe opening night,<br />

with peoplefrom all walksof<br />

life coming to admire the<br />

different artworks.<br />

‘‘It’spretty much asellout,’’<br />

Kaysaid.<br />

Someofthe guestartists<br />

includeBanks Peninsula<br />

artist AnnaGibbs,andlocal<br />

artist and sculptor Brian<br />

Laubscher.<br />

In addition to theannual<br />

exhibition, the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Society of Arts presents<br />

smallerexhibitions from<br />

their Short Street Studio and<br />

offer artclassesand<br />

workshopsusing different<br />

media forms.<br />

‘‘We’re abusysociety and<br />

contribute quite alot to the<br />

artscenein<strong>Ashburton</strong>,’’Kay<br />

said.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District mayorNeil<br />

Brown toured aroundseven<br />

localdomains planting trees in<br />

commemoration of the Queen’s<br />

PlatinumJubilee.<br />

Seven London Plane trees<br />

were planted to represent<br />

Queen Elizabeth II’s seven<br />

decadesof service to the people<br />

of the Commonwealth realms.<br />

With asmall entourage in<br />

tow, Mr Brown began the royal<br />

tree planting ceremony in<br />

Tinwald.<br />

From there he travelled to<br />

Hinds, Mayfield andMtSomers,<br />

then to Methven and Rakaia<br />

before finishing at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain.<br />

Donnedinmayoralchains,<br />

Mr Brown said the tree planting<br />

was a‘‘momentous occasion<br />

celebrating theQueen’s<br />

jubilee’’.<br />

Thetrees have been<br />

honouredwith bronzeplaques<br />

whichrecognise both Mr<br />

Brown’srole, andHer Majesty<br />

Queen Elizabeth II for her 70<br />

yearsof service.<br />

London Plane trees<br />

(Plantanus acerifolia) area<br />

deciduous species that grow up<br />

to35metres tall and can stand<br />

for several hundred years.<br />

In the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain a<br />

cherry tree was planted in 1952<br />

in commemorationofHer<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District mayor Neil Brown beside the London Plane tree<br />

plantedat<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain.<br />


Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s<br />

coronation.<br />

The Queen first visitedthe<br />

domain in 1954 during her New<br />

Zealand coronation visit, and<br />

returned in October 1981 where<br />

she planted alime tree which<br />

still stands today, 40 years on.<br />

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NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Helping role behind the scenes<br />

‘‘Let it outsix inches, take it in six inches,<br />

that needstogoup, that needstogo<br />

down.’’<br />

No, these arenot thewords from asong<br />

from one of the Variety Theatre <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

shows, butthey are words familiar to<br />

Yvonne Harrison, one of thepeople<br />

behind thescenes of the Variety Theatre<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>and the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Event<br />

Centre.<br />

Yvonne is thismonth’s Volunteering<br />

Mid&SouthCanterburyand the Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Volunteer of the Month.<br />

Yvonne gotinvolved in the Performing<br />

ArtsTrust in1998 as theyset aboutraising<br />

funds to bring the Braided Rivers Trust<br />

Event Centretolife.<br />

Yvonnewas willing to give anythingago<br />

to raise funds from guidingbehind­thescenes<br />

tours of the theatreto riding abike<br />

at thegym.<br />

Volunteering has been abig part of<br />

Yvonne’s life along withfamily and more<br />

than 50 years nursing, including29years<br />

working nightshift at Rosebank<br />

residential carefacility.<br />

Yvonne volunteered withthings her<br />

three children wereinvolvedinlikethe<br />

kindergarten and did this for 17 years.<br />

She said if she is partof something she<br />

‘‘likes to be in boots and all’’.<br />

Her involvement with the Variety<br />

Theatre <strong>Ashburton</strong> andthe event centre<br />

has leadtoher family also getting<br />

involved, in factinthe recent show ‘Born<br />

Free The Oscar Winners’ five of her family<br />

were involved.<br />

Her volunteering at the event centre has<br />

her in afront of thehouse role, she is an<br />

usher and she said they arealways<br />

needing more volunteers to helpin this<br />

role and if peopleareinterested theycan<br />

makecontact withthe eventcentre.<br />

While Yvonne does get to see some of<br />

Resettlementsupportcontinues<br />

ImmigrationNew Zealand<br />

(INZ) has extended its<br />

contract with Safer Mid<br />

Canterbury to provide refugee<br />

settlement services in the<br />

district.<br />

The new contract begins<br />

tomorrow.<br />

The remaining eight<br />

refugee resettlement<br />

locations have also been<br />

announced and will continue<br />

to be provided by the New<br />

Zealand Red Cross (NZRC).<br />

New Zealand Red Cross are<br />

delighted to continue their<br />

work withresettling refugees<br />

in Palmerston North, Levin,<br />

Masterton,Wellington,<br />

Yvonne Harrison.<br />

the showwhile ushering, ushers also keep<br />

an eye on the audiencetoensure there are<br />

no behaviour issues or medical eventsto<br />

attend to.<br />

Yvonneisresponsible for organisingthe<br />

rosterofvolunteers to act as ushers at<br />

shows,funeral and other events, it’sabig<br />

job especially at this timewhen<br />

volunteers can call in sick or need to<br />

isolate.<br />

Yvonnehas attended morethan90% of<br />

the events held atthe event centre.She is<br />

in acrucial rolewith the team of volunteer<br />

ushers ensuring guestshave an enjoyable<br />

experience.<br />

As well as being responsible for<br />

organising sufficientushers for each event<br />

and ensuring the audience is seated in<br />

time forthe event to start, Yvonne liaises<br />

Nelson, Blenheim, Dunedin,<br />

and Invercargill.<br />

Irrigation New Zealand<br />

general manager, refugee and<br />

migrantservices Fiona<br />

Whiteridge saidthere was a<br />

productive relationship with<br />

NZRC in providing<br />

resettlementservicesand we<br />

are pleased to have NZRC<br />

continuing to make apositive<br />

impacton the livesofrefugees<br />

in AotearoaNewZealandin<br />

these eight locations.<br />

‘‘We announced three new<br />

refugee settlement location<br />

providers for Auckland,<br />

Hamilton, Christchurch, and a<br />

contract renewal for<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> and Timaru<br />

providers to provide<br />

settlementservicesto<br />

refugees from July 1, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

‘‘Those providers are:<br />

Kāhui Tū Kaha (Auckland),<br />

Hamilton Multicultural<br />

Services Trust (Hamilton),<br />

Purapura Whetu Trust<br />

(Christchurch), Safer Mid<br />

Canterbury (<strong>Ashburton</strong>),<br />

Presbyterian Support South<br />

Canterbury (Timaru).’’<br />

She said NZRC were<br />

pleased to be continuing with<br />

their resettlement services in<br />

the eight locations and<br />

respect the decision to bring a<br />

more diverse range of service<br />

with stage managementand the technical<br />

team, providing clearance for the event to<br />

start.<br />

Yvonne alsoassists with catering at the<br />

theatre, this could be making sandwiches<br />

after ashow or her much sought­after dish<br />

the set­up crews ask for. She also helps<br />

with thecleaning.<br />

As well as these roles Yvonne hasbeen<br />

the wardrobe mistress for many showsover<br />

many years and is stillone of the people<br />

who make or alter the costumes for shows<br />

such as the beaded dresses in “Born Free”.<br />

She loves sewing and is extremely goodat<br />

it.<br />

Hervolunteering isn’t limited to the<br />

event centre and Variety Theatre<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>,she also volunteers in their<br />

Party People shop washing, mending, and<br />

ironing the 100s of outfits they hire out.<br />

Party People also welcome volunteers to<br />

help; their shop is open Wednesday<br />

12­2.<strong>30</strong>pm and 5­7pm and Thursdays 5­7pm.<br />

When Yvonne isn’t in one of these places<br />

she could be found packing groceries for<br />

the St Vincent De Paul Foodbank, knitting<br />

for babies at <strong>Ashburton</strong> or Middlemore<br />

(Auckland) hospitals or looking after the<br />

altar linen or volunteering in other ways at<br />

her church.<br />

Shehas been atrust member at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> EventCentre since 1998, Front<br />

of House co­ordinator since 2008. Shehas<br />

been president of the VarietyTheatre<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> twice and been awarded Life<br />

Membership of theVariety Theatre.<br />

If you areaNotfor Profit organisation and<br />

have avolunteer/s whoyou would like to<br />

nominate for the VolunteeringMid &South<br />

Canterbury/ Te Rōpū Tūao itewaenga o<br />

Waitaha andthe Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteer<br />

of the Month email<br />

manager­midmc@vmsc.org.nz<br />

providers to support the<br />

resettlement of refugeesfor<br />

Auckland, Hamilton, and<br />

Christchurch.<br />

The new contracts begin on<br />

July 1, <strong>2022</strong>, which will<br />

consequently markthe new<br />

changes to these contractsfor<br />

allproviders includingan<br />

increase from 12monthstoup<br />

to 24monthsofsettlement<br />

support for refugees, as well<br />

as an extension of assistance<br />

for families, andtheir<br />

sponsors, whohavebeen<br />

approved to come to New<br />

Zealand under the ‘Refugee<br />

Family Support Category’<br />

visa.<br />


JULY1<br />

Rakaia SportsAwards.The<br />

biennial awards will recognise<br />

achievements from 2020 and 2021<br />

and will be presented at the Rakaia<br />

Golf Club. All of the finalists are<br />

either Rakaia residents or<br />

affiliated to aRakaia club.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College Astronomical<br />

Observatory open night.<br />

Openfor publicviewing of the<br />

nightsky7.<strong>30</strong>pmifskies are clear.<br />

Dress warmly and come along to<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

observatory, WalnutAvenue,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

JULY 2<br />

MtSomersGreat Gatsby Ball<br />

celebration in the Mt SomersHall.<br />

The eventwillstart at 7.<strong>30</strong>pm and<br />

go tilllate. Local duo Landgirls to<br />

play, followedbythe Black Velvet<br />

Band. Tickets cost $60. Supper is<br />

included, licensed bar.All funds<br />

raised will go to theMt Somers<br />

swimming pool committeetohelp<br />

with buildinganewfenceand<br />

general upkeepofthe community<br />

pool. Contact Nina (0274052985)<br />

or Ailie (0274915154)for tickets.<br />

JULY 5<br />

DairyWomen’s Network calf<br />

rearing expo in <strong>Ashburton</strong> for dairy<br />

farmers and calf rearers. The<br />

event, at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong> is<br />

oneoffour nationwide showcasing<br />

best practice and recent science<br />

being held around the country. It<br />

includes speakers Seales Winslow<br />

nutrition and qualitymanager<br />

NatalieHughes, andAgriVantage<br />

technical adviser and nutritionist<br />

Natalie Chrystal and arange of<br />

exhibitors.Visitdwn.co.nz/events<br />

to register.<br />

JULY 16<br />

Geraldine Floral Art Club will be<br />

hosting a‘Deck thehall’ display.<br />

Memberswill be display an<br />

exhibition of traditional and<br />

contemporaryChristmas designs.<br />

Saint Andrews Church Hall,<br />

Wilson Street, Geraldine.<br />

Admission $10, Children free.<br />

JULY 22 TO 24<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Glowinthe Park from<br />

6.00pmtilldark. Athree-night<br />

spectacularoflights at theTinwald<br />

Domain, including The Plains<br />

Vintage Railway &Historical<br />

Museum area. Organised by EA<br />

Networks and<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />


$<br />

2 for<br />

<strong>30</strong><br />

40<br />

$<br />

2 for<br />

to theweekend<br />

Everything youneed to entertain yourfriends andfamily in style.<br />

Grab ahot deal andget ready forepic catchups. Cheerstothat!<br />

THENED or<br />

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ROAD<br />

750ml<br />

Exclusionsapply<br />

Single bottle<br />

prices vary<br />

MADAM<br />

SASS<br />


OTAGOPinot<br />

Noir or Pinot<br />

Noir Rosé<br />

750ml<br />

Single bottle<br />

$21.99<br />

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$<br />

37 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

2 for<br />

75<br />

Single bottle<br />

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$<br />

$84 99<br />

42 99 $<br />

59 99<br />



Premium Pink, Mediterranean Orange or Sicilian Lemon Label<br />

1Litre<br />

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1Litre<br />

Also available: Gold<br />

Gin 700ml<br />

700ml<br />

700ml<br />

classic brewS<br />

Soda<br />

so good<br />


or PERONI<br />

NASTRO<br />


12 x3<strong>30</strong>ml<br />

Bottles<br />

$<br />

24 99<br />

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lowcarb<br />


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24 99<br />

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Includes Lime &Lemon, Peach &Lime,<br />

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24 x3<strong>30</strong>ml Bottles<br />







Exclusionsmay applyonsome brands advertised. Offers end close of trade 10th July <strong>2022</strong>,while stockslast.Available at participating stores only.Multi Deal only available in store. Varietals may<br />

vary by store. Limits may apply.Wholesale (other liquor retailbanners)not supplied.Terms and conditions mayapply.Available 27th <strong>June</strong> -10th July <strong>2022</strong> inclusive. Please see www.superliquor.co.nz fordetails.

Family Notices<br />

Deaths Deaths Deaths<br />

Deaths<br />

Deaths Acknowledgements Acknowledgements<br />

JACKSON, Earle George,<br />

on <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Suddenly at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Hospital. In his 91styear.<br />

Dearly loved husband<br />

of Bevley. Much loved<br />

father and father-in-law<br />

of Dianne and Butch Te<br />

Nana, Bruce, and David<br />

and Verity. Loved Pop<br />

of the late Cristina, Rhys,<br />

and Kadin; Emma, Laura,<br />

Brittney, and Alana,<br />

and great-Pop of Stella,<br />

Poppy, Esme, Luna, Crew,<br />

Raya, Max, Caleb, Jordie,<br />

and Charlotte. Messages<br />

to the Jackson family PO<br />

Box472, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740.<br />

A service to remember<br />

Earle hasbeen held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>77433<br />

JACKSON, Earle George,<br />

passed away suddenlyon<br />

Thursday <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Dearly loved only son of<br />

the late Roma and Albert<br />

Jackson. Loved brother<br />

and brother-in-law of<br />

the late Maureen and<br />

Norman McDowell, the<br />

late Carol and Ray Hay,<br />

Isobel, and the late Alan<br />

Hutchison, and Jeanette<br />

and Murray Early. Loved<br />

by all his nieces and<br />

nephews. “Rest In Peace”<br />

KASPAR Lidka, on <strong>June</strong><br />

21, <strong>2022</strong>, passed away<br />

peacefully, surrounded<br />

by her family,atAshbuton<br />

Hospital, aged 90years.<br />

Dearly lovedwifeofKarel.<br />

Much loved mother and<br />

mother-in-law of Lidka<br />

and Leicester Wilson,<br />

and Zdena and David<br />

West. Treasured ‘Babi’ of<br />

Karla, Ryan, and Adam;<br />

Jen, and Steven, and a<br />

special great-Babi of her<br />

9(soon to be 10) greatgrandchildren.<br />

Messages<br />

to the Kaspar family PO<br />

Box 472 <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

Aprivate celebration of<br />

Lidka’slifehas been held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>77433<br />

LINDORES, John<br />

George (Jock), on <strong>June</strong><br />

23, <strong>2022</strong>, peacefully with<br />

family, at <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

In his 90th year. Dearly<br />

loved husband of <strong>June</strong><br />

for 57 years. Loved<br />

father and father-in-law<br />

of Alison and Benny,<br />

Robert and Joanna,<br />

and Stuart and Sharyn.<br />

Special Grandad of<br />

George, Emily, and<br />

William; Samuel, and<br />

Ethan. Loved brother<br />

and brother-in-law of<br />

Margaret and Dennis,<br />

the late Ella and Gordon,<br />

the late Elspeth, and<br />

Kit, the late James,<br />

and Jean and their<br />

extended families (all<br />

of Scotland). Messages<br />

to the Lindores family<br />

PO Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7740. Donations to St<br />

John, <strong>Ashburton</strong> would<br />

be appreciated and may<br />

be made on line at bit.<br />

ly/jglindores2<strong>30</strong>6. A<br />

service to celebrate<br />

Jock’s lifehas been held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>77433<br />

Family Notices<br />

Birth, engagement, anniversary, death,<br />

acknowledgement, and in memoriam notices<br />

will be charged $18 foramaximum of 35<br />

words, thereafteronaper-line basis of $2.50<br />

for5words.<br />

Deadline forthese notices 10am Wednesday<br />

prior to Thursdaypublication date.<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982<br />

McCONNELL, Rona<br />

Dorothy Grace (nee<br />

Edgar), passed away<br />

peacefully on <strong>June</strong><br />

21, <strong>2022</strong> at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Hospital with her family<br />

by her side. Dearly<br />

loved wife of the late<br />

Ken, loved mother and<br />

mother-in-law of Kaye<br />

and Lawrie Halkett, the<br />

late Wayne, Dean and<br />

Carol, Blair and Sharon.<br />

Loved grandmother of<br />

Scot and Jenna, Brett<br />

and Michelle, Leigh and<br />

Leif, Kate and Joel, Ben<br />

and Lisa, Sam, Todd,<br />

Jade, Grace, Quinn, and<br />

great-grandmother<br />

of Kingston and<br />

Monty. Messages to<br />

the McConnell family<br />

POBox 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7740. In Lieu of flowers<br />

donations to the Blind<br />

Low Vision NZ would be<br />

appreciated and may<br />

be made online at bit.<br />

ly/rdgmcconnell2106.<br />

ManythankstoRosebank<br />

Lifecare and <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Hospital staff for their<br />

care of Rona. Family<br />

and friends are welcome<br />

to the celebration of<br />

Rona’s life which is to<br />

be held at the Sinclair<br />

Centre, Park Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Saturday<br />

July 2nd, commencing<br />

at 2.00pm, followed by<br />

private cremation at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Crematorium.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>77433<br />

McDONALD, Garfield<br />

James Dryden (Jim).<br />

Passed away peacefully<br />

at The Margaret<br />

Wilson Rest home<br />

on Wednesday, <strong>June</strong><br />

22, <strong>2022</strong> surrounded<br />

by love. Dearly loved<br />

husband of Irene, and<br />

a cherisher father and<br />

father-in-law ofChristine<br />

and Mark Osborne,<br />

Sharon and Jamie Reid,<br />

and Stephanie and David<br />

Batterbury. A loved<br />

Granville of Michael and<br />

Claire, and Craig; Leone,<br />

Cass and Jayden; Ezri,<br />

Lili, Finn, Brie and great-<br />

Granville of Harriet. A<br />

respected brother of<br />

David, Mavis, Bev, Allan,<br />

and brother-in-law and<br />

uncle to their families.<br />

Jim’s family wish to<br />

thank Dr Rob Hepburn<br />

and the wonderful staff<br />

at Margaret Wilson<br />

Rest home for the<br />

consideration given to<br />

Jim while in their care.<br />

Messages to 70 Hunter<br />

Hills Drive, Timaru 7910.<br />

At Jim’srequest aprivate<br />

family service and<br />

Intermenthas been held.<br />

POOKE, Audrey Jean,<br />

on <strong>June</strong> 26, <strong>2022</strong>, after<br />

ashort illness, with her<br />

family by her side, aged<br />

90 years. Dearly loved<br />

wife of Desmond for<br />

66 years. Much loved<br />

mother and motherin-law<br />

of Prisilla, the<br />

late Malcolm, and Trish,<br />

Donald and Cathy, Kate<br />

and Leo, and Quentin<br />

and Yoshie. Treasured<br />

Grandma of Jason, and<br />

Samantha; Nicholas,<br />

and Rachael; Oliver, and<br />

Francis; and Dylan, and<br />

Mitchell. Loved great-<br />

Grandma of her 5greatgrandchildren.<br />

Messages<br />

to the Pooke family PO<br />

Box472, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740.<br />

A service to remember<br />

Audrey will be held at our<br />

chapel, corner East and<br />

Cox Streets, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

today, Thursday <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>,<br />

commencing at 1.<strong>30</strong>pm,<br />

followed by interment<br />

at the Seafield Lawn<br />

Cemetery Seafield Road,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>77433<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

ABBOTT, John<br />

Christopher Digby:<br />

Digby’s family wish to<br />

express their gratitude for<br />

messages of sympathy,<br />

baking, flowers, and<br />

support after the death<br />

of a much loved Dad,<br />

Grandad, and great-<br />

Grandad. Also a big<br />

thank you tothe staff at<br />

Rosebank for caring for<br />

Dad forthe last 2½ years.<br />

CARTNEY, Scott: The<br />

family would like to<br />

thank everyone for<br />

their help and support<br />

in the passing of their<br />

belovedson, brother and<br />

brother-in-law. We are<br />

so grateful for your visits,<br />

food, phone calls, cards,<br />

flowers and words of<br />

sympathyand support.<br />

Thanks to all those<br />

who attended Scotty’s<br />

Memorial Serviceon27th<br />

May atHotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

and aspecial thanks to<br />

the Pakeke Lions and<br />

friends who took such<br />

good care ofour house<br />

and garden while we<br />

were in Australia for 5<br />

months.<br />

Please accept this as a<br />

personal thank you.<br />

CRACK, George Andrew<br />

Alexander: 18.8.1929<br />

- 16.5.<strong>2022</strong> Stephen,<br />

Carrie, (Caroleen) Sharon<br />

and Pip, (Philippa) and<br />

their families wish to<br />

sincerely thank all those<br />

who have supported us<br />

following the sad and<br />

unexpected passing<br />

of our dear Dad -Pops.<br />

George and recently<br />

passed Ursula, lived<br />

a very full and active<br />

life, as represented by<br />

the volume of cards<br />

and messages received<br />

from their friends, past<br />

sporting clubs and<br />

hospitality members<br />

from New Zealand<br />

and overseas. Please<br />

personally accept our<br />

grateful thanks for all<br />

your cards, messages,<br />

visits and calls, and a<br />

huge thank you tothose<br />

who attended Dads<br />

Funeral in Tinwald and<br />

Interment ofhis ashes in<br />

Invercargill the following<br />

day. RIP Georgie.<br />

DOLAN, Phillip Joseph<br />

(Phil), Pam, Chris,<br />

Brendon, Tim, Nick and<br />

Anthony along with their<br />

families wish to sincerely<br />

thank all who sent lovely<br />

cards, beautiful floral<br />

tributes ,baking, phone<br />

calls to support us in<br />

the sad loss of Phil a<br />

much loved husband,<br />

father, father-in -law and<br />

grandfather. To those<br />

who visited Phil while he<br />

was inRosebank and to<br />

Frs Nolan andTran thank<br />

you. To Father Geoff<br />

Gray who travelled from<br />

Akaroa to officiate at the<br />

service, a sincere thank<br />

you. To Rosebank Lifecare<br />

for your compassionate<br />

care, especially during<br />

the trying days. To the<br />

Rakaia Fire Brigade First<br />

Response Team and also<br />

St John, thank you for<br />

your promptness to duty.<br />

To the Rakaia Medical<br />

Centre and Dr Penny<br />

Holdaway, thank you.<br />

To Paterson’s Funeral<br />

Services thank you. To the<br />

Rakaia Golf Club, Lions<br />

Club of Rakaia and Eagles<br />

Golfing Society, thank<br />

youfor forming Guards of<br />

Honour forPhil,hewould<br />

have been humbled<br />

and proud. Last but not<br />

least a huge thank you<br />

to all family and friends<br />

who have travelled this<br />

journey with us. God<br />

Bless youall.<br />

McATAMNEY – Kevin<br />

William (Mac): Julie,<br />

Stewart, Carol and<br />

families would like to<br />

thank everyone for their<br />

kindness and support on<br />

the sudden passing of<br />

Kevin.<br />

He was a much loved<br />

husband, father, fatherin-law,<br />

Poppa and friend.<br />

Atalented mechanic and<br />

fix-it man who will be<br />

sorely missed.<br />

Thank you to all the<br />

friends, neighbours and<br />

relatives who visited,<br />

made phone calls, sent<br />

cards,flowers andfood.<br />

It was very much<br />

appreciated.<br />

A special mention to<br />

Carol Gunn for her lovely<br />

servicefor Kevin.<br />

Please accept this as our<br />

personal thank you to<br />

youall.<br />

McDOWELL, Norman<br />

Andrew: Rodney, Alison,<br />

Brenda McDowell<br />

and family would<br />

like to express their<br />

appreciation of the cards,<br />

flowers, kind expressions<br />

of sympathy and for the<br />

attendance at Norman’s<br />

farewell. Your support<br />

at this difficult time was<br />

very much appreciated<br />

and agreat comforttoall<br />

the family.<br />

WILSON, Margaret Joy<br />

(Joy Rountree): Don,<br />

John, Rose, Melinda, Nic,<br />

Lea, Gary and Janice and<br />

family wish to express a<br />

heartfelt thanks to family<br />

and friends for the love<br />

and support you gave us<br />

with the sad loss of Joy.<br />

The flowers, messages,<br />

care, baking, visits and<br />

attendanceatthe service<br />

was soappreciated. Also<br />

aspecial thank youtothe<br />

District Nurses and Dr<br />

Young for your help with<br />

Joy. Please accept this as<br />

apersonal thank you for<br />

your kindness.<br />

Give us<br />

acall<br />

Enquiriesphone<br />

Mary,Jann or Karen<br />

on<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

or call into<br />

199 Burnett Street.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Starting the day right<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

11<br />

Adults from left: Breakfast Club organisers Jordyn Love and Graeme Dowie, NBS <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

branch manager David Jones and Netherby School principal Phil Wheeler.<br />

The tamariki at NetherbySchool are getting<br />

their school days offtoagreat start thanksto<br />

the school’s WhānauHui Group andanew<br />

partnership between the school and NBS<br />

(NelsonBuildingSociety).<br />

The school’s Whānau Huibreakfast club<br />

has been operating for sometimeand in the<br />

lasttwo years hasbeen managed andrun<br />

daily by Jordyn Love and Graeme Dowie.<br />

Following NetherbySchool’s recent<br />

changetobank with NBS, the banking<br />

services provider has looked to strengthen<br />

the relationship by sponsoring the<br />

programme forthe next two years.<br />

School principalPhil Wheeler was very<br />

happytohave received the level of support<br />

from NBS.<br />

‘‘Theirgenerouscontribution will make<br />

such adifference to ourbreakfast club and<br />

ultimately our tamariki.<br />

‘‘Whentheir puku’s are full,our children<br />

are ready to learn,” he said.<br />

NBS has been present in the Mid<br />

Canterbury region for over six years andis<br />

seeing asteady growth in its clientbase.<br />

The bank prides itself on its personal<br />

serviceand connection to local<br />

communitiesinthe Nelson­Tasman and<br />

West Coast regions with <strong>Ashburton</strong>iansnow<br />

recognisingand enjoying this same levelof<br />

serviceand seeingthe commitmentthat<br />

NBSmakes to the community.<br />

Nowinits 160th year,NBS redistributed<br />

over $1 millionofits profits back into the<br />

community lastyear and are keentogive<br />

more this year.<br />

NBS <strong>Ashburton</strong> branch manager David<br />

Jones said NBSwas partofthe fabric of the<br />

communitiesand sought to grow their<br />

market shareand strengthen connections.<br />

‘‘Themorewegrow, themore we can give<br />

back to the community.”<br />

“Netherby is the firstschool in the region<br />

to partnerwith us,but they areingreat<br />

companywith numerousotherschools<br />

choosing to bank with NBSacross ourother<br />

regions. Schools are an important part of the<br />

community, so partnering with Netherby<br />

Schoolisagreat fit for us,’’hesaid.<br />

‘‘Welook forward to building along­term<br />

relationship with the school and to<br />

providing furthersupporttoNetherby every<br />

year.”<br />

Mr Wheeler said the transition to NBS<br />

had beenastraightforward process, made<br />

easierby the relationshipbuiltwith Mr<br />

Jones over the past few months.<br />

‘‘He has always beenavailable to chat<br />

things throughand has visitedourschool on<br />

severaloccasions,” he said.<br />

Acoffee and achat<br />

From Page1<br />

Wild Brew Coffee House owner Cheri<br />

Wills has realised her lifelong dream of<br />

becoming self­employed.<br />

‘‘I just lovetomake people happy with<br />

food and beverage,’’ Cheri said, thinking<br />

about ways she can brighten someone’s<br />

day. ‘‘There’s just so many things going on<br />

right now and if you can just cometoacool<br />

funkyplace andhavesomething yum,it<br />

just kindofmakesitabit better. It<br />

changesthe trajectoryofyourday.’’<br />

Wild Brew’s Nutelladonutspacked full<br />

of whipped cream and chocolate sauce<br />

offered adelightfulsenseofguilty<br />

pleasure.<br />

The menu changes daily, boasting a<br />

selection of indulgent sweet treats and<br />

scrumptioussavouries,withavariety of<br />

dairy and non­dairy barista milk<br />

available.<br />

Making sure no­one missesout, there is<br />

always an allergy­friendly option on the<br />

menu, such as homemade bliss balls,<br />

vegan donuts, and gluten free slices.<br />

Cheri prepares the food everymorning<br />

in herhomekitchen,and iscurrently<br />

incorporating ahot savoury optionfor<br />

customerswantingtocounterthechill of<br />

thesewinter days.<br />

Whilecurrently parkedinthe industrial<br />

area, Cheri says Wild Brew Coffee House<br />

will be available for workshouts and<br />

events, and can be contacted viaFacebook<br />

for more information.<br />

Friendship New Zealand’s Warren Jeffs, with <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies<br />

Friendship Club life members Annette King, Mavis Trott, and Noma Kell,<br />

with the Club’s roving­president Margaret Watson at its 35th<br />

anniversary celebrations.<br />


Friendship honours<br />

Life memberships, twonew<br />

inductions andananniversary<br />

were all partofthe recent<br />

celebrations by members of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies Friendship<br />

Club. Members met at TheLake<br />

House restauranttocelebrate<br />

their 35th anniversary over lunch<br />

with guests, Friendship New<br />

Zealand’snorthern South Island<br />

district councillor WarrenJeffs<br />

andMid Canterburyarea<br />

representative Carl Ruddenklau.<br />

Roving presidentMargaret<br />

Watsonalsomadesurpriselife<br />

membership presentations to<br />

Annette King and NomaKell.<br />

Annette joined the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Ladies Friendship Club<br />

(previously Probus)on<strong>June</strong>26,<br />

1991 (31 years). She was on<br />

committee from 2002 until 2011<br />

and duringthistimehas held the<br />

positionofbus convenor as well as<br />

president and past president. She<br />

regularlyattends meetings and<br />

has been amentor and friend to<br />

many. “Always willing to helpand<br />

advise when needed.”<br />

Noma joined the club on May 26,<br />

1993 (29 years). Shewas on<br />

committee for sevenyears and has<br />

held the position of secretary and<br />

treasurer and was involvedinthe<br />

printing of the programmes for a<br />

number of years. “Alwaysaquiet<br />

workerinthe background.”<br />

Both ladies were surprisedby<br />

their award anddelighted; it was<br />

aclub they had thoroughly<br />

enjoyed being involved with over<br />

the years.<br />

New members Marion Brown<br />

and Monica Hanrahan,<br />

sponsoredbyMargaret Watson<br />

and Adrienne Lambie,<br />

respectively, were also<br />

welcomedand a35thceremonial<br />

cake, cutbyexisting life member<br />

Mavis Trott wasenjoyed.<br />

Getyour second booster shot at<br />

Eastfield Health Covid Vaccination Clinics<br />

Make abooking or just walk-in<br />

Second Boostershots areavailable for:<br />

•Anyoneaged over 50 years.<br />

•Health,aged-careand disabilityworkers agedover<strong>30</strong>years.<br />

You can get your booster six months after your last shot. Ifyou<br />

have had covid youneed to wait at least three months aftertesting<br />

positivetoget your booster shot.<br />

Clinic opening hours:<br />

Tues 5th July –11:00 to 12:45 Thurs 7th July –2:<strong>30</strong> to 4:15<br />

Tues 12thJuly –11:00 to 12:45 Thurs 14th July –2:<strong>30</strong> to 4:15<br />

Tues 19thJuly–11:00 to 12:45 Thurs 21st July –2:<strong>30</strong> to 4:15<br />

Tues 26thJuly–11:00 to 12:45 Thursday28thJuly –2:<strong>30</strong> to 4:15<br />

You can walk into our clinic at 135 Tancred Street (car parking<br />

available at the rear of the building). Youdon’t have to be enrolled at<br />

our practice to get your vaccination with us.<br />

To bookonline go to:<br />

www.bookmyvaccine.covid19.health.nz or phone 0800 28 29 26<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 20<br />

<strong>30</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Message From ThePrincipal<br />

College Ball<br />

Last week was our annual <strong>Ashburton</strong> College Ball.<br />

This is always the social highlight for our senior<br />

students, who arrive in awide variety ofvehicles,<br />

walk down the redcarpet and always look amazing.<br />

Last Thursday was cold and crisp and we had over<br />

400 students attending.<br />

Ialways enjoy the community buzz created by<br />

those watching the arrivals and having such large<br />

numbersjust adds to thatvibe. Congratulations to Deputy Principal Helen<br />

Shore-Taylor andthe StudentBall Committee fortheir organisation.Next<br />

week’s newsletter will carry photos and moreinformation.<br />

Mask Wearing<br />

At the momentwehaveasked our staff andstudents to wear masks when<br />

they are inside, albeit we acknowledge that teaching with amask on is<br />

less than ideal. However, the combination of communityCOVIDand the<br />

rapid spread of coughsand winterfluhas helped us reachthis decision.<br />

Last week aChristchurch secondary school was forced toclose for the<br />

daywhen they had 50% of their teaching staff unavailable.<br />

My plea to staff and students is that this is one small step wecan do to<br />

help protect our friends and families.Wecertainly have plenty ofmasks<br />

availablefor use.<br />

Pride Celebrations<br />

As we have done previously, we flew the rainbow flag as an<br />

acknowledgement of ourselves as an inclusive school. It was<br />

disappointingtohave asmall group disrespectthe flag,its meaning, and<br />

agroup within our school.Equally,subsequentsupportwas heartening.<br />

We take great pride in the accepting nature ofour <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

communityand all of our studentsare entitled to our support.<br />

Matariki<br />

Matariki isanew public holiday acknowledging an important event for<br />

many of our community. There are many aspects of Matariki that could<br />

be included within aschool setting. Iencouraged staff to think ofan<br />

appropriate acknowledgementfor them personally andhowthey could<br />

incorporate some aspectintotheir classroom programmes.For me it was<br />

appropriate to markthe passing of my father.<br />

Te AhuoTe Reo<br />

Congratulations to thetwentystaff who completed afifteen-week course<br />

of Te Ahu OTe Reo. This required 2.5-3 hours per week, plus homework,<br />

and two day-long wānanga. This year’s course was forced tobeonline,<br />

asidefromthe second wānangaday,which can be less ideal forlearning<br />

forsome.<br />

July HolidayBreak<br />

Finally,wehaveone week of term remaining beforewegointo our July<br />

holiday break.Mymessage toour students and staff is the same.Please<br />

staywarmand get healthy. Usesomeofyour time to catchupon missed<br />

work and mostimportantly have aholiday as Term 3will be hectic!<br />

Ross Preece,Principal •Tumuaki<br />

Information<br />

CanYou Help?<br />

Youth Driver Mentor Programme<br />

Do youhavesometime available,and the skills,<br />

to support the Youth DriverProgramme?<br />

Pleaseread the details belowand,ifyouare interested<br />

or want moreinformation, please contact:<br />

Anne SheehanattheCollege on <strong>30</strong>8 4193, ext881;<br />

or email heronsn@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

Information<br />

Lip Sync <strong>2022</strong> -NextThursday<br />

Look to put this in your calendar,for the end of term, if you<br />

canjoin us in the audiencetoenjoythe<br />

talents of College students.<br />

Year 13 Business Studies Groups–<br />

QualityProducts forSale<br />

Business Studies students are responsible for setting uptheir own<br />

business, operating along business management lines, with expected<br />

accountabilitiesregarding income,expenditure and profit.<br />

Below, we highlightthreeofthesegroups, their products forsale<br />

and opportunityfor the public to purchase.<br />

CoffeeCare<br />

Weare aYear 13 Business Studies group who have createdabusiness called<br />

Coffee Care.CoffeeCareisanall-organic and natural coffeeand sugar body<br />

scrub.<br />

Our business members are: Devon Flannery our Managing Director;<br />

Ella Shanks in Finance; Ruby Gray inCommunications; Millar Newlands in<br />

Production; and Xavier Dalton in Marketing. Each Director offers different<br />

skillsand contributes differentstrengths to help the business operate.<br />

ForSale<br />

Wewillbeselling bodyscrubs for$8.99 and will also be offering refills<br />

toreturning customers for$6.99.<br />

Asagroup,wehave decided to donate $1.00per sale to the Cancer Society<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, to help give back to the community.<br />

If youare interested in purchasing<br />

one of our body scrubs please<br />

contactusby:<br />

texting 027 832 6899,<br />

or emailing at<br />

shae8145@student.ashcoll.school.nz<br />

or youcan dm (directmessage)us<br />

on Instagramatcoffeecare_22<br />

and we will get back to you<br />

rightaway.<br />

Many thanks,Coffee Care!<br />

Kiwi Soaps<br />

Kiwi Soaps is aYear 13 Business Studies group selling homemade soaps for<br />

our internal assessment!<br />

We have arange of soaps available,each for $7 abar.<br />

The scents we haveonoffer include:<br />

Black RaspberryVanilla; Mango Coconut;Plumeria; Rose Petals.<br />

Our scents all revolve around the primary theme for our business: nature.<br />

One way that wehave incorporated this into our scents is with the scent<br />

Plumeria, which is aRarotonganflower.<br />

We are environmentally friendly and package our soaps with paperwrapping.<br />

This paper-wrapping has the ability to be recycled. However, in<br />

addition tothis, this paper has the capacity tobereused in anumber of<br />

differentways.<br />

One waywhich we would recommend to our customerstoreuse our paperwrapping<br />

would be to utilise thescent remaining on it from our soaps.For<br />

example, acustomer could place the paper wrap within adrawer, which<br />

would leave the scentthroughout,makingitmorepleasantfor them when<br />

they open their drawer.<br />

10 cents from each sale is being donatedtothe Cancer Society.<br />

To placeanorder:<br />

Youcan email us on<br />

bata8021@student.ashcoll.school.nz;<br />

We also have an Instagram<br />

account@ashcollkiwisoaps22<br />

whereyou can followupdates<br />

about our soaps and placeorders.<br />

Thank you!<br />

Alex Bateman, LibbyAlford,<br />

Holly Trotter,<br />

CharlotteSinclair-Donnelly.<br />

Beeswax Wraps<br />

We areaYear 13 Business Studies group,hand-makingand sellingreusable<br />

Beeswax wraps.Our wraps aredesigned as asubstitutefor singleuse plastic<br />

wrap andcan be used to wrap food items and coverbowls.They aremade<br />

withfabric and coated in abeeswax mixturewhich uses organic and locally<br />

sourced beeswax.<br />

We areselling three sizes of wraps,<br />

andeach sizecomesinadifferentpattern.<br />

Sizes and Orders<br />

OurSmall wraps(22x18cm) aremade withabee design fabric;<br />

our Medium wraps (26x26cm) aremade with asheep design fabric;<br />

and our Large wraps (33x33cm) aremade withagingham designfabric.<br />

Ourwraps arepriced:<br />

Small:$6.00; Medium:$8.00; and Large: $10.00.<br />

Aportion of our profit will be donatedtothe charity‘Forthe Love of Bees’.<br />

To purchase our product<br />

contactusby:<br />

Email:<br />

Beewrapped4@gmail.com<br />

InstagramDirectmessage<br />

beewrapped _<br />

Events<br />

NCEA Japanese Workshop at the<br />

UniversityofCanterbury<br />

On Thursday 09 <strong>June</strong>aone-day workshopwas heldfor NCEA students<br />

of Japanese in Christchurch at the University of Canterbury.<br />

Teacher of Japanese Hiromi Horsley said that thirty-one <strong>Ashburton</strong> senior<br />

students of Japanese attended theevent.The workshopisorganised jointly<br />

by the Japanese Programme, School of Language, Social and Political<br />

Sciences,Department of Global,Cultural andLanguagesStudies,University<br />

of Canterbury, and theCanterburyNetwork of Teachers of Japanese.<br />

(Pictured above, back row, lefttoright): Luvepa Falealili, Aiono FalealiliTafu,<br />

Paige Williams, Angela Allen, Amanda Adachi, Ron Sildo, Jesse Nieman,<br />

Latham Brown, Kaia Kereopa.<br />

(Middle row, left toright): Keisha Power, Maia Protheroe, Emily Rouse,<br />

Ashley Gee, Geneveve Felton, Ellie Glenn, Lara Shierlaw, Caitlin Stewart,<br />

Lily Campbell, Simone Forster Lobato de Faria, TeacherHiromiHorsley,<br />

(Front row, left to right): Patrizio Novello, Iela Mangubat, Ela Marilla,<br />

Amelia Bruce, Princess Pureza, LibertyMandez,Gabe Rigor,RavenTayaban,<br />

SirAronDa-al,HectorDiamante.<br />

The workshop aims tohelp senior students of Japanese prepare for NCEA<br />

assessments by taking part inthree workshops specifically targeting these<br />

assessments.Itisintended that these activities increase motivation andlead<br />

to positiveperformancesinNCEA.<br />

Theteachers areteachers of Japanese in the Christchurch area and lecturers<br />

from the University. Students worked in groups, according to their level of<br />

NCEAstudy,and with no morethan fivestudents from the sameschool.<br />

About 400 students from fourteen schools participated inthe event and<br />

Hiromi said that all the students met lots of new friends who are studying<br />

Japanese in this area. They hadaguestspeaker who studiedJapanese,and<br />

is having greatexperiences as aresult.<br />

(Pictured left): Guest speaker<br />

presentation.<br />

Students had three sessions<br />

on ‘how to succeed in NCEA’,<br />

a Taiko Drum performance<br />

by Takumi and had a video<br />

taken of the Danceproject. Also,they had delicious Japanese bread forthe<br />

morning tea.<br />

(Pictured above): Taiko Drum performance.<br />

Taking part inthis event broadened the perspective ofthe students and<br />

provided avaluable experiencelooking to the future.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College -Japanese Dance Competition Winners<br />

Therewas also aJapanese Dancecompetition on the programme.Students<br />

practised the Japanese Dance for amonth and sent the video to the<br />

organiser. <strong>Ashburton</strong> College won the competition again this year as they<br />

did in 2021.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 20<br />

<strong>30</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Events<br />

<strong>2022</strong> International Languages Week<br />

CelebratedatCollege<br />

Information provided by LucasVainerere,<br />

Year 13 student and member of the Student Cultural Committee<br />

From 13-17 <strong>June</strong> manyschools in NewZealand celebrated International<br />

Languages Week. The week-long event isdesigned to promote and<br />

showcase the diverse cultures within our schools.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College proudly took part<br />

in this initiative and put on arange of<br />

activities throughout the week.<br />

Foreach dayofthe week,selectcountries<br />

and nationalities had their flags raised<br />

on the flagpole by the Chessboard.<br />

These included: Japan, Germany, Māori,<br />

India and the Philippines.<br />

Monday saw adisplay put up in the library toexplain the purpose of<br />

International Languages Week,which is to recognise language and culture<br />

from around the world and within our school. Anotable fact is that there<br />

areover150 languages spoken in New Zealand!<br />

Movies from Germany, Japan and New Zealand were also shown in their<br />

respective language classrooms. This gives students achance towatch<br />

some original films from these countries in their nativelanguage to provide<br />

an immersive and entertaining experience. This was done onWednesday<br />

lunch time.<br />

Something that the Cultural Committee put together was ashort video<br />

with native students and staff introducing themselves in their own<br />

language.These featured asmall portion of the differentcultures within our<br />

school and encouraged students to<br />

get involved in learning about each<br />

individual’s cultural heritage.<br />

Themain highlightfor the week was<br />

on Friday 17 <strong>June</strong> where students,<br />

teachers and caregivers participated<br />

in our very own Cultural Bite! We<br />

were fortunate enough to host five<br />

different cultures who gave us a<br />

tasteoftheir ownlocal cuisine.These<br />

included food from Māori, Japanese,<br />

South African, Filipino and Samoan<br />

cultures.The Bitewas very successful<br />

with a lot of food being sold at<br />

lunchtime.<br />

(Pictured above, right): Action at the<br />

Cultural Bitestalls.<br />

(Pictured right): South<br />

African traditional<br />

Koeksisters on sale.<br />

(Pictured below, right):<br />

Teacher of Japanese<br />

Hiromi Horsley and<br />

Chinatsu Huntshare<br />

aconversation on the<br />

Japanese food stall.<br />

TheSamoan stall<br />

proved to be very<br />

popular amongst<br />

the students with<br />

their fried rice<br />

and sapasui (an<br />

alternativeversion to<br />

the Chinese version<br />

of chop suey), and<br />

vai mango (a sweet<br />

beverage with its<br />

main ingredient<br />

being mango).<br />

(Pictured above): Salatielu Iakopo hands over change to apurchaser at<br />

the Samoan staff with the popular rice and sapasui evident, while Sivailoa<br />

Teomatavui keeps an eyeonarrangements.<br />

Overall,the Cultural Bitewas abefitting manner forthe students and staff to<br />

experienceculturewithin our school.<br />

Congratulations<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College -Burnside High School<br />

Sports Exchange<br />

Another ‘first forsometime’event occurredonTuesday14<strong>June</strong> when<br />

schools were able to reboot inter-school exchanges, the first since<br />

2019. Theday washosted by Burnside.<br />

Although conditions were initially cold, the day developed into pleasant,<br />

sunny, comfortable temperatures. Aside from the benefits for the outside<br />

sports, this turned into abonus when the afternoon concluded with an<br />

unscheduled and real fire, firealarm, necessitating all staff and students to<br />

gather outside forsomesignificant time. Fortunately,all gameshad finished<br />

at this stage and,ultimately,itwas decidedthatthe presentation section of<br />

the day not be held in the interests ofallowing the busloads to return to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> forthe estimatedreturn time.<br />

Allstudents representedCollege very well,inasportingand well-behaved<br />

manner.<br />

Results<br />

Although <strong>Ashburton</strong> College has been successful against Burnside High<br />

School in the two years prior to COVID lockdowns, repeating the 2018 win<br />

and adraw of games played in2019 (although awin to Burnside due to a<br />

injury/illness team default at the venue), such aclose outcome was not to<br />

be the case this year.<br />

Burnsideistobecongratulatedongaining a7-4 overall games’victory.<br />

Games were played atamix of venues with E-sports, Football, Netball and<br />

Basketball played oncampus at Burnside High School; while Hockey was<br />

played at the Nunweek Park Hockey Turf; Squash at the Burnside Squash<br />

Club;and Golf at the Templeton Golf Course.<br />

Individual Sports’Results were:<br />

Sport Winto Winto<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Burnside<br />

College High School<br />

Basketball– Boys’ Under 15A 86-68<br />

E-sports –two teams of fivemembers 3-1<br />

Football –Girls’1st XI 5-3<br />

Football –Boys’ Junior 1st XI 15-0<br />

Golf –three players 2.5-.05<br />

Hockey –Boys’ 1st XI 8-2<br />

Hockey –Girls’1st XI 2-1<br />

Netball –Year9A 24-18<br />

Netball –Year10A 29-10<br />

Netball –Senior B <strong>30</strong>-16<br />

Squash –three players 3-0<br />

Reports and some photos to share from some of these<br />

fixtures, areasfollows:<br />

Boys’Under 15A Basketball<br />

Year 13 Co-Coaches EthanReodiqueand Caleb McNulty-Burnswerelooking<br />

forward tohaving their Junior ABoys’ team tested against ateam which<br />

plays inthe Christchurch competition.The intensity and pace ofthe game<br />

versus Burnside High School, proved to be astep-up from the Aoraki, South<br />

CanterburyBasketball Competition, which the Junior A’splayin, weekly on<br />

Fridaynights.<br />

Playing four 10 minutequarters,with astopand shot clock,the game called<br />

foraconsistentand physicaleffort by theJunior Ateam (three Year 10 and<br />

four Year 9students).<br />

At half-time Burnsidewas up by 8points,finishing withawin by 18 points.<br />

The score showed, to their credit, that the College team kept in reach of<br />

their opposition throughout the whole game. During the third quarter<br />

the team had anice run of goals, including three pointers, which had the<br />

AshColl team within 6points.<br />

27 points were contributed by team captain Daniel Ditmer, but this was<br />

matched by the opposition’s pointguardand play-makerRyanChoi with 27<br />

points. Hewas supportedbyGeorge McBrydie with 20 points,thus making<br />

the differencefor Burnside.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Taniela Palavi was able use his skill toconvert 10 points in<br />

lay-ups, while William Woods had asolid game with 12 points. There was<br />

betterdefensive pressure by AshColl on Burnsideinthe second half,byLiam<br />

Elliott and Riki Philpott, creating reboundswhich the Junior A’swereableto<br />

secure. JackSpicer ended the game with athree point swish.<br />

ManagerLisa Elliott said thatgood sportsmanship was shown by all players.<br />

Lisa wasjoined by Debbie vanRooyenassupervisor.<br />

Team members were: Daniel Ditmer (Captain), Liam Elliott, Taniela Palavi,<br />

Riki Philpott, Oliver Prince, Jack Spicer, William Woods. Josh King was<br />

injured, and Ranz Buenafewas absent.<br />

(Pictured left,<br />

clockwisefromthe<br />

left): Taniela Palavi,<br />

Daniel Ditmer<br />

having released<br />

his secondfree<br />

throw,both being<br />

converted; and<br />

number 13,<br />

Riki Philpott,<br />

covering in case<br />

there wasa<br />

rebound.<br />

(Pictured left, from<br />

number 10 forward):<br />

Liam Elliott,<br />

William Woods<br />

(number 8) and<br />

Taniela Palavi taking<br />

on the defenders with<br />

alay-up.<br />

Netball<br />

Year 9A Team<br />

This exchange provided valuable experience for the team, with all players<br />

getting court time inpreparation for the Junior Tournament being held in<br />

July.<br />

Coach Ange Mitchell said the girls started slowly, with Burnside taking an<br />

early lead. However, once the players settled into the outside conditions<br />

their performance improved, with the team winning the second half but<br />

unable to pull back the first-half deficit.<br />

Team members were: Lucy Pearce and Savena Fagalima (Co-captains),<br />

Ally Thomas, Amelia Mitchell, Chanelle Ula, Emma Lowry, Kalotia Ula,<br />

Layla Ward,Lulu Kilworth, RubyPatterson; with Ange Mitchell as Coach and<br />

Jemma Hurst,Manager.<br />

(Pictured left): Goal Attack<br />

Kalotia Ula takes ashot at goal,<br />

with Goal Shoot Chanelle Ula<br />

watching on.<br />

Year 10A Team<br />

The Year 10A team got off to astrong start against Burnside. Coach Leisel<br />

Lambert said that the team continued to build on the lead throughout<br />

the next three quarters, showing no sign ofdisruption toplay when player<br />

changes were madeateachquarter. Theplayers finished strongly,totake<br />

the win.<br />

Team members were: Isla Hart, Abbey Henderson, Harriet Hill,<br />

Ashleigh Houston, Taylor Lamont, Meg Lill, Milla Overend, Makeleta Ula,<br />

Marnell Vaaelua, TorryWilson-Brown.<br />

Senior BTeam<br />

This proved to be an open game, with all players abit tentative initially on<br />

the wetand slipperysurface. With only eightplayers available forthis fixture<br />

therewas little room forerror regarding substitution in the eventofinjury.<br />

Some accurate shooting from wide out in the goal circle, in the early part<br />

of the game by Goal Attack Sasha Williams, kept the team in the game<br />

throughout Quarter 1. At the end of this quarter Burnside had only a slim<br />

two goal advantage. At this stage of the game there was also some accurate<br />

passing into the goal circle and edge of circle play, by Centre Sienna Skilling.<br />

Burnside, however, pulled away inQuarter 2tobring the score to15-5 in<br />

their favour. This, and Quarter 4,was where the damage was done to the<br />

final score, despite<strong>Ashburton</strong>College winning the thirdquarter6-5.<br />

Wing DefenceIzzyHarrisand GK Alexia Wilson worked hardtogain ball.<br />

BTeam members forthe<br />

daywere (pictured right,<br />

back row, lefttoright):<br />

Alexia Wilson,<br />

Chloe Braas,<br />

Sasha Williams,<br />

CharlotteBota,<br />

Ryleah Eden-Pinnell,<br />

Coach KarlaNewlands.<br />

(Frontrow,lefttoright):<br />

IzzyHarris, Tara Nevin-Smith, Sienna Skilling.<br />

(Absent): Forthis fixturewereBriar Clark, Kasey Higson, MollyMcKenna,<br />

Katie Shearer.<br />

(Pictured left):<br />

Defender<br />

Ryleah Eden-Pinnell<br />

making everyeffort to<br />

influencethe shot at<br />

goal. IzzyHarriswaits<br />

forthe outcome.<br />

Further Burnside<br />

Exchange Sports<br />

will be reported<br />

on in our next<br />




5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) <strong>30</strong>7 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Thursday,<strong>30</strong><strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 85<br />

Skatepark nowvestedwith Council Wasteplan<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Mayor Neil<br />

Brown politely declined totake a<br />

spin around the Methven skatepark<br />

yesterday; the body was willing but<br />

the mindcalledcaution.<br />

The skatepark was built byagroup of<br />

parents who wanted ahealthy outdoor<br />

activity for their kids and it has now<br />

been officially handed over toCouncil to<br />

maintain intothe future.<br />

ParentsSally-Ann Kircher and Liz McMillan<br />

sealed the exchange byhanding over a<br />

much-loved stakeboard that has seen<br />

plentyofaction on the concretebowls and<br />

ramps sincethe skatepark opened in 2020.<br />

The project has been amission for more<br />

than 10 years, after the Canterbury<br />

earthquakes damaged Methven’s indoor<br />

skatepark.<br />

Parentsofthe town held apublicmeeting<br />

and proposedsome alternativeactivities,<br />

then Mrs Kircher spotted askatepark in<br />

Wanakaand thought it would be an ideal<br />

fit in Methven.<br />

Deputy Mayor Liz McMillan was among<br />

parentstojoin KidzMethven and she said<br />

the group first had to find appropriate<br />

land, then setabout fundraising $150,000<br />

to build the skatepark.<br />

Council offered land on McMillan Street<br />

and adesignfirst sketchedonthe back of<br />

aservietteatthe Green Parrot became the<br />

conceptplan.<br />

The idea was to provide asafe place for<br />

young people to ride their skateboards,<br />

scooters and bikes.<br />

NeilBrown, Mayor<br />

Standing the test of time<br />

The last dayof<strong>June</strong> marks the<br />

end of Council’s financialyear<br />

and a12-monthperiod thathas<br />

beenchallenging, uncertain and<br />

rewardingall at the sametime.<br />

We started the year trying to bring many<br />

roadsbackuptoscratchfollowing the<br />

floods of May2021 andhaveended it<br />

by agreeing to draw $1.7 million from<br />

reserves to keep up thatmomentum<br />

-through aroadingprogramme of<br />

repairs, renewals and maintenancethat<br />

is part of our Annual Plan <strong>2022</strong>-23.<br />

ThatAnnual Plan setsout an average<br />

9.4 per cent rate rise forthe coming<br />

financial year,and thathas beendriven<br />

by the rising costsofgoods and services<br />

everywhereand property revaluations<br />

thatwill impacturban peoplethe most.<br />

The budget forthis period wasdifficult<br />

and is about needs rather than wants.<br />

We havesome big projectsstill on<br />

the go:the libraryand civic centre<br />

continuestotakeshape on Baring<br />

SquareEastand will inject many more<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mayor Neil Brown, Sally-Ann Kircher (centre) and deputyMayor Liz McMillan at<br />

the official handing overofthe Methven skatepark this week.<br />

Ms McMillan said the group applied for<br />

grants and ran fundraisers that ranged<br />

from selling teeshirts to organising<br />

fireworks and movie nights.The Methven<br />

Community Board also gave its backing,<br />

and some financial help.<br />

“We begged and borrowed and leaned<br />

on our community, which has been so<br />

generous, helping with fencing, lights<br />

and landscaping. We think the skatepark<br />

is areal asset toMethven and it has the<br />

potential to host skate jams and other<br />

competitiveevents.”<br />

workersintothe CBD when Council<br />

movesintoitnextyear.<br />

The detailed business case forasecond<br />

urban bridgeisalso progressing<br />

and thatwill be back beforeCouncil<br />

on 17 August. Our roadingstaffand<br />

the consultant engineershavebeen<br />

meeting withstakeholdersabout the<br />

proposed design, andIwill be on a<br />

plane to Wellington to talk to Prime<br />

MinisterJacinda Ardern anddeputy<br />

GrantRobertson as soonasthe costs<br />

areknown.<br />

Muchofour otherworkhas been<br />

business as usual, and thatisongoing<br />

but crucial work to ensure we get<br />

clean waterfromour taps, thatour<br />

wastewaterisdealt with properly and<br />

our rubbish collected and disposed of.<br />

It has been great to see the CBD come<br />

back to lifeand the importanceofthat<br />

project,and the job well done, was<br />

acknowledged withacommendationat<br />

local government awards recently.<br />

ARoyal tree planting tour around the<br />

Mayor Brown said Council would now<br />

oversee maintenance onthe skatepark,<br />

and that included the gardens, rubbish<br />

collection and mowing.<br />

“Methven parentshaveworked very hard<br />

to create this great facility and it is well<br />

used by the kids of the town. It would be<br />

great to see some skateboarding tourists<br />

check it out too.”<br />

Council contributed $10,000 to the<br />

skatepark project in its development<br />

stagesand has included $7540 in its<strong>2022</strong>-<br />

23 Annual Plan to maintain the site.<br />

district, to plant sevenLondonPlane<br />

treestocelebrate the Queen’s platinum<br />

jubilee year,was anotherreminder<br />

about projectsthatwill stand the test<br />

of time.<br />

Thiswill be my last columnahead of<br />

the LocalBodyElections, as the preelection<br />

period begins on 8July and<br />

there arerules aroundcommunication<br />

and campaigninginmyrole as Mayor.<br />

Thatdoesn’t mean electedmembers<br />

stop work,wewill all be carrying on<br />

in the business of Counciluntilanew<br />

group is electedon8October.<br />

Nominations forrolesasdistrict<br />

councillors, Mayor andMethven<br />

CommunityBoard membersopen<br />

on 15 July andCouncil willholdan<br />

evening forpotential candidateson19<br />

July. If youarethinking about standing,<br />

thenthisisagreat timetosee whatis<br />

involved in shaping our district.<br />

draws good<br />

feedback<br />

A waste minimisation plan that<br />

proposes anew kerbside collection<br />

for food waste has attracted 129<br />

submissions and the Council is<br />

pleased with the enthusiastic<br />

response.<br />

Infrastructure Services Group Manager<br />

Neil McCann said the majority of<br />

the submissions on the draft Waste<br />

Minimisation and Management Plan<br />

focused on the proposal to introduce a<br />

food wastecollection forhouseholds and<br />

offeritasauser-paysservicetobusinesses.<br />

“There was arange ofviews from the<br />

community, with some supporting an<br />

opt-in service and others wanting the<br />

collection expanded to include garden<br />

wasteaswell.<br />

“Some other submitters were againstthe<br />

food wastecollectionaltogether.”<br />

If Councillors adopted the plan as<br />

proposed, staffwould investigate options<br />

for how the food waste collection could<br />

operate and how much itwould cost.<br />

Further consultation with the community<br />

would be held once that work was<br />

completed, likely during an upcoming<br />

AnnualorLong Term Plan.<br />

The draft Waste Management and<br />

Minimisation Plan aims to reduce waste<br />

going to landfill; in 2020, nearly 4000<br />

tonnes of material was prevented from<br />

going to landfill, through recycling and<br />

reuse.<br />

“We know wecan divert more and at<br />

this stage, and we wanted to obtain<br />

the community’s feedback regarding a<br />

household food waste collection service<br />

and our other proposedactions.”<br />

Councillors will hear from submitters and<br />

deliberate on feedback on the draft on 6<br />

July, with the final form of the plan due<br />

to be adoptedbyCouncil on 27 July.Both<br />

meetings will be livestreamed.<br />

On 6July,Councillorswill also consider28<br />

submissions received on the draft Trading<br />

in Public PlacesBylaw.<br />

Peoplecan viewthe submissions forboth<br />

consultations online at ashburtondc.govt.<br />

nz/haveyoursay<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>30</strong><strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 85<br />


Watermetersrolling outfor Methventrial<br />

ACL ismaking good progress on a<br />

project toinstall 1200 water meters<br />

on Methven properties, aspart of a<br />

trial to assistwith themanagement<br />

of the water supply and identify<br />

leaks.<br />

Covid supply chain delaysmeant thebulk<br />

of the watermetershaveonly justarrived<br />

in the district and ACL will install them<br />

over the next fewmonths on behalf of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil.<br />

Infrastructure Services Group Manager<br />

Neil McCann said ACL had previously<br />

identified the location of toby boxes,<br />

and which connections would also need<br />

manifolds.<br />

“Now theyhavebegun installingthe water<br />

meters and asatthe end of last week<br />

about<strong>30</strong>0 hadbeen fitted.”<br />

Thecontractorisworking street-by-street<br />

andMethven residentscanexpectacard<br />

in theirletterboxadvising whenwaterwill<br />

be shut off in their area for meters tobe<br />

installed.<br />

“The card will tell residents the date and<br />

time ofthe shut off, and how long it will<br />

last.Weadvise peopletomakesurethey<br />

have enough drinking water and the jug<br />

full. It cantakethree or four hourstodoa<br />

typical street.”<br />

Staff undertaking the work may also<br />

requireaccesstoanoutside tap.<br />

Installingthe watermeter usually involves<br />

excavating around the toby, installing a<br />

manifold(if thereisnot one already) and<br />

then fittingthe meter.<br />

“A survey in April showed there were<br />

about 400 properties that required new<br />

manifolds and they typically have older<br />

pipe connections,”MrMcCann said.<br />

“The meters will be read digitally using<br />

radio technologysimilartobluetooth, by a<br />

staff memberinavehicle, goingdown the<br />

street everysix to eight weeks.”<br />

Council has previously estimated<br />

up to 65 per cent of water in the<br />

Methven community water supply was<br />

unaccounted forinthe system.<br />

“Once we get meters on all the<br />

connections we candetermine where the<br />

waterisactually goingand whether there<br />

is leakage isonthe public network or on<br />

private property.<br />

“The information will also eventually be<br />

used to prioritise acoustic leak detection<br />

activities on the public network.”<br />

He said education around water use was<br />

also part of the wider programme and<br />

in the future Council would behelping<br />

residents understand the data collected<br />

from their meters.<br />

Gallery prepares forartssociety annualevent<br />

Vanja Venrooyprepping her art forthe<br />

exhibition.<br />

Atypical waterconnectioninMethven, during and after meterinstallation.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Galleryand Museum is<br />

preparing forone of itsbusiesttimes of the<br />

year,when it hosts the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Society<br />

of Arts' annual exhibition.<br />

Entries began arriving last weekend and<br />

staffhavebeen busy workingondisplays,<br />

and helping artists arrange their work.<br />

Winners in the various categories will be<br />

announced at a special opening night<br />

event on Monday 4July.<br />

It is the society's 58th annual exhibition<br />

and it will be open to the public daily from<br />

Tuesday5Julyuntil Friday 29 July.<br />

There are 11 awards for art and<br />

sculpture, three for applied art, craftand<br />

photography, and one for miniatures.<br />

Thereisalso aPeople'sChoiceaward.<br />

The gallerytraditionally recordsits highest<br />

visitor numbers during the exhibition,<br />

which features about 200 works that are<br />

alsoavailable to purchase.<br />

The visual feast is provided by local,<br />

national and guest artists in avareity of<br />

media, and commissions from sales help<br />

run the society'sShort Street studio.<br />

Society members will be present at<br />

the gallery everyday throughout the<br />

exhibition, sothis is agreat opportunity<br />

to visit and learn more about one of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s longest established art<br />

organisations.<br />

The society was formed in 1964, with<br />

the philosophy to encourage the study,<br />

practiceand creativityofthe visual arts.<br />


Meetings areatCouncilChambers,<br />

137 Havelock Street,unlessspecified<br />

Submissionhearings:Waste<br />

Management andMinimisation Plan,<br />

and TradinginPublic Places Bylaw,<br />

Wednesday 6July, 9am(live-streamed)<br />

MethvenCommunity Board, Monday<br />

25 July, 10.<strong>30</strong>am, at Mt Hutt Memorial<br />

Hall<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Water Zone Committee,<br />

Tuesday 26 July,1pm (live-streamed)<br />

Councilmeeting, Wednesday 27 July<br />

1pm(live-streamed)<br />



Winter is upon us,and we want<br />

everyone to be warm and cosy in their<br />

homes.Asmoke-free firemeans a<br />

warmer,cheaperfire–and cleaner air<br />

forusall to breathe.<br />

Environment Canterbury hasstarted<br />

itswinterair campaign and is urging<br />

people to rememberthesethree things<br />

to ensureasmoke-free fire:<br />

• Use of dry, well-seasoned wood<br />

• Adopting good burning technique<br />

• Use of amodern,well-maintained<br />

burner.<br />

Ensuring your wood is dryandwellseasonediskey<br />

to burning ahotter,<br />

moreefficient firewithless smoke. It’ll<br />

alsosaveyou money as you’ll use less<br />

wood to achieve abetter result.<br />

See alistofTrustedGood Wood<br />

Merchantsatwarmercheaper.co.nz,<br />

andwatch some video tips on burning<br />

"upsidedown",identifying when your<br />

chimneyneeds cleaning andlearn how<br />

to stack likeapro. p<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.<strong>30</strong>am -5pm<br />

Thursday 9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm, gym8pm)<br />

Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm, gym6pm)<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>30</strong><strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 85<br />


NEWS<br />

16 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Rakaia<br />

revisited<br />

Rakaia School hasbeenthe learning<br />

institute of many families over its 150<br />

year history.<br />

It startedits journeyatthe South<br />

Rakaia Hotelin1872, where the first<br />

school committee was formed.<br />

Sincethen it has remained an integral<br />

part of thecommunity and taughtpupils<br />

through three major world wars, aflu<br />

epidemic,heavy snowfalls, district wide<br />

earthquakes and, oflate, Covid­19.<br />

Its150 year history is beingcelebrated<br />

this year over Labour Weekend andwill<br />

seemanyfamilieswho learnedatthe<br />

school reconnectagain.<br />

People like 89­year­old Natalie<br />

Gardiner (neePalmer) who went to<br />

Rakaia School from 1939 and still has<br />

familialconnections withthe school<br />

throughout the decades ranging from<br />

nieceCarol Muckle,(nee Mead), and<br />

Carol’s daughter, Heidi,22, to current<br />

pupil Mila Hislop, 7.<br />

Natalie wassix yearsold when she<br />

started school and walked 2km to school<br />

from thearea known as ‘the settlement.’<br />

Sheremembers her teacher MissLucas<br />

wearing alongsleeve cream smock.She<br />

was strict, shesaid.<br />

Natalie’s late­parents,BillPalmer<br />

and Gladys, (nee Douglas), as well as<br />

Carol’s parents Rosalie (nee Palmer)<br />

andthe late­Ivan Mead also went to<br />

Rakaia School.<br />

There arealso many other<br />

connections.<br />

Mila’sgrandfather,Peter, is thefirst<br />

cousin of Carol, whosegrandparents<br />

thelate­Henry Mead and Ethel (nee<br />

Greygoose) were alsopupils.<br />

"Weeachhad allour siblings go to<br />

Rakaia School alumni from left, Natalie Gardiner (nee Palmer), Audrey Smith (nee Burrowes), Carol Muckle (nee Mead), back,<br />

Heidi Muckle and, front, current pupil Mila Hislop, 7, are keen to share stories with others at the school’s 150th jubilee over<br />

Labour Weekend.<br />


Rakaia Schooltoo," Carolsaid, of<br />

herselfand cousin Peter.<br />

Audrey Smith, (neeBurrowes), 84,<br />

wasalso apupil, as washer mother, the<br />

late­Gladys Burrowes(neeMead).<br />

Gladyswas acousintoCarol’s<br />

grandfather,Henry Mead.<br />

Audrey went to Rakaia Schoolinthe<br />

early 1940s andremembers theschool<br />

buildings on thewestsideofthe<br />

grounds.She was at theschoolwhen<br />

the schoolwas movedtothe northern<br />

side of the grounds.<br />

She wastaught by Miss Templeton<br />

and MissWalkham and of thetwo<br />

remembersthe latter as being“alovely<br />

teacher”.<br />

Both Audrey andNatalieremember<br />

apaddockonthe easternsideofthe<br />

school wasusedasaponypaddock for<br />

horsesriddentoschool bypupilsofthe<br />

time. It wasthe then­equivalentofa<br />

bikerack, or scooterstand.<br />

Heidi’s firstteacher wasMrs Doody<br />

back in 2004.<br />

“She was good,nice.She was<br />

everyone’sfavourite teacher,” Heidi<br />

said.<br />

Mila has been taught by teachers<br />

Miss Grantand MrsHall sincestarting<br />

school andbothhave been giventhe<br />

thumbsupby the Year 2pupil.<br />

The150th jubileereunion kicks off<br />

on Friday,October21with a<br />

‘conversazione’and plenty of timeto<br />

gather, share stories and collect<br />

registrationpacks. Peoplecan register<br />

to attend viathe Rakaia School<br />

website.<br />

COVID-19 and<br />

Measles vaccinations<br />

Eastfield Health<br />

135 Tancred Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Saturday 2July, 10am–2pm<br />

No appointmentnecessary<br />

CDHB<strong>30</strong>0622 AC<br />

Rotary Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Plains president Bob Girvan, Almond Royds and<br />

citation reader John Duncan.<br />


Almond honoured<br />

AlmondRoyds,along standing<br />

memberofRotaryClub of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Plains,was awardedone<br />

of Rotary’s top honours,aPaul<br />

Harris Fellowship.<br />

It was presented by Rotary Clubof<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Plains president Bob<br />

Girvanand is theRotary<br />

Foundation’s way of expressingits<br />

appreciation for the substantial<br />

contributionstoits humanitarian<br />

andeducational programmes.Itis<br />

named after Rotary founder Paul<br />

Harris.<br />

The club designates it as<br />

recognitiontoaperson whoselife<br />

demonstrates asharedpurpose<br />

withtheobjective of the Rotary<br />

Foundation, service aboveself. The<br />

presentation recognises Almond’s<br />

supporttothe Rotary Clubof<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Plains,Rotary Inner<br />

Wheeland the wider community.<br />

Almondjoined Rotaryasa<br />

memberofthe Plains Club in<br />

November2011.<br />

In Rotary year2012/13 she was a<br />

member of theinternational<br />

committee, the following yeara<br />

member of thecommunity services<br />

committee. She was elected as<br />

president elect nominee in 2015/16 as<br />

well as beingthe new generationsand<br />

community servicesdirector.<br />

In 2016/17 she was president elect<br />

and administrationdirector.And in<br />

2017/18 clubpresident,the first<br />

woman to hold this position.<br />

Almondisnot aperson to sit back<br />

and notcontribute evenhaving served<br />

as club presidentand in 2020/21 she<br />

wasnew generation’s director. She is<br />

director of thefoundation committee<br />

in thiscurrent Rotary Year.<br />

As well as Almond’s outstanding<br />

contribution to Rotary,she has also<br />

held club,district, nationaland<br />

international positionsinInner<br />

Wheel.<br />

She has also provided long standing<br />

service tothe Girls Brigade along with<br />

herdedicationtothe Hakatere<br />

PresbyterianChurchasalong time<br />

pastoral leader within the parish.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Warm winter woollies<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

17<br />

Scores of babyblankets,<br />

singletsand hats, knittedby<br />

the ladies of the Women’s<br />

Institute, havebeengiven to<br />

Plunket <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Wool garments for infants<br />

are regularly knittedby<br />

membersofthe Mid<br />

CanterburyFederationofWI<br />

membersand thelatest<br />

donationtoPlunket included<br />

36 blankets, 20 hats, 15 pairs<br />

of booties, eightsinglets,<br />

seven fish‘nchip jerseysand<br />

five cardigans.<br />

Federation president<br />

MavisWilkinssaid the<br />

knittedwool garments were<br />

madefromladies withlife<br />

experienceand thedonation<br />

Mid Canterbury Federation of Women’s Institute members<br />

Mavis Wilkins, from left, and Dianne Carter with Plunket<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> clothing exchange co­ordinator Neroli Cross and a<br />

selection of woollen knitted goods made by WI members.<br />


wasaway to share theskills<br />

of those in the WI.<br />

It was alsoagreat wayto<br />

usewool.<br />

‘‘Wejustwant to keep our<br />

friends (atPlunket)very<br />

happy,’’ shesaid.<br />

The collection,along with a<br />

brand­new onemetre tall<br />

Lindt rabbit, won in a<br />

promotion, weregratefully<br />

received by <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plunket clothing exchange<br />

co­ordinatorNeroli Cross.<br />

TheMid Canterbury­based<br />

Plunket hasbabies from<br />

aroundthe districtonits<br />

booksand wool knitwear ­a<br />

natural product­was the best<br />

materialtokeepbabies<br />

warm.<br />

It wasbetter thanpolar<br />

fleece material.<br />

Thebrightly coloured<br />

blanketswerealso ideal for<br />

cots, pepe podsand carseats,<br />

andaswoolwas breathable<br />

helped support safe sleeping.<br />

Netherby School's Rippa Rugby players celebrate success with<br />

coaching crew from left, Roz Cuter, former pupil Tuvale Tuvale,<br />

principal Phil Wheeler and Semi Ratu.<br />


Rippa rugby action<br />

NetherbySchoolplaced an<br />

impressive second in the<br />

SubwayCup,Rippa Rugby<br />

tournament last week in<br />

Oamaru.<br />

The Year 6pupils won six of<br />

their games, evenbeating<br />

Lauriston School in semi­final<br />

play, before coming up against<br />

Gleniti School in the final.It<br />

wasNetherby’sfirst lossofthe<br />

tournament.<br />

PrincipalPhilWheeler said<br />

it was suchagood achievement<br />

by the teamtomakeittosemifinalplaywith<br />

20 teams in the<br />

competition, andthen to the<br />

grand final.<br />

He wasvery proud.<br />

He said it wasacredit to the<br />

wider team whoall contributed<br />

totrainingpractice, injury and<br />

illnesscover, and for those<br />

there to support the team on<br />

the field onthe day.<br />

‘‘Ashout out toRoz forher<br />

coaching ofmanyofthese<br />

playersoverthe years, Tuvale<br />

forhisonthe daysupport, and<br />

Semi for coaching us to<br />

anotherlevel to be more<br />

competitive in this<br />

tournament.<br />

‘‘Wehad atruly awesome<br />

day. Great workNetherby<br />

community. Notbad forasmall<br />

family orientedschool,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

Get Mountain Ready<br />

Salomon<br />

S/ProHV<br />

$599.00<br />

$<br />

499 .90<br />

Fischer RC4<br />

TheCURV95<br />

$599.00<br />

$<br />

499 .00<br />

NordicaAstral<br />

Ski&Bindings<br />

$1,099.00<br />

$<br />

899 .00<br />

FOR HIRE<br />

•Skis&boots<br />

•Snowboards &<br />

boots<br />

Fischer Ranger<br />

Ski&Bindings<br />

$<br />

529 .90<br />

O’Neill -<br />

Anorak (Girls’)<br />

O’Neill –<br />

Hammer (Boys’)<br />

$<br />

179 .90 $ 159 .90<br />

•Goggles &<br />

gloves<br />

•Jackets &pants<br />

•Ski helmets<br />

•Snowboardwrist<br />

guards<br />

•4WD &2WD<br />

chains<br />

Picture–<br />

LYMO (Ladies’)<br />

Picture–<br />

SeasonAnorak (Men’s)<br />

$<br />

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Phone 03 <strong>30</strong>8 2493<br />


NEWS<br />

18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Heatingupgrades and modern<br />

technology has given new life to<br />

the Hinds Community Centre.<br />

But there is still more to do.<br />

The centre, under anew<br />

12­strong community<br />

committee, has been the hub of<br />

the Hinds community and<br />

surrounding districts for the<br />

past40­plus years.<br />

It has hosted community<br />

balls,fundraisers, regular<br />

meetings, training sessions,<br />

Anzac Day services and many<br />

privatefunctions.<br />

Of late there have been much<br />

neededupgrades to the heating<br />

system,waterleaks fixed and a<br />

redoofasection of roof, but<br />

there is more fundraising<br />

neededfor roof works as wellas<br />

interiorand exteriorpainting<br />

needed, which aloneis<br />

estimatedat$38,000.<br />

Hinds Community Centre<br />

committee chairperson Fiona<br />

Keir, who took over after the<br />

suddenrecent passing of<br />

committee president John<br />

Jefferson, said the committee<br />

members were full of<br />

enthusiasm.<br />

They were ablend of longtimeusers<br />

of the hall, and<br />

passionate about its future.<br />

The Hinds Hall building<br />

committee ­includingcurrent<br />

members Stuart Wilson and<br />

RuthSheppard ­was formed in<br />

May1976 and carried out a<br />

range of fundraising activities<br />

to raise money for its build. It is<br />

not on council land.<br />

Activities ranged from<br />

auctions, raffles, fattening<br />

cattle,events with notable<br />

guest speakers such as Richard<br />

Hadlee, to growing potatoes for<br />

sale.<br />

There wasalso around<br />

Community<br />

asset boost<br />

$<strong>30</strong>0,000 fundraised by agroup<br />

known simply as the Hinds<br />

ladies’ catering group.<br />

The supper room was opened<br />

in 1979 and the main hall in<br />

1983.<br />

Hinds is anatural gathering<br />

spot for the southern part of the<br />

district. The complex, which<br />

also includes asmaller meeting<br />

room, is still used by the<br />

adjoining squashclub, the<br />

Lions service club,Women’s<br />

Institute and adinnerclub.<br />

It is also booked for events<br />

hosted by Fonterra, MHV Water<br />

and Environment Canterbury,<br />

and used regularly by Hinds<br />

School.<br />

Mr Wilson said the complex<br />

was in goodcondition though a<br />

few jobs needed attention. It<br />

was acommunity asset,alow<br />

cost venue in the district and a<br />

gathering point for the<br />

community, he said.<br />

There had been grants<br />

received recentlyincluding<br />

$9943 from the Mid and South<br />

Canterbury Community Trust<br />

for technology upgrades, but<br />

there wereongoingfundraisers<br />

regularly added to on their<br />

Facebook page. Morethan 40<br />

years ago, many local<br />

organisations offered to help<br />

with raising money for its build.<br />

In July 1976 the committee<br />

had abalance of $6200.<br />

Some farmers in the district<br />

donated slink skins payments<br />

and one farmer two and half<br />

acres(just over ahectare) rent<br />

free for the growing of potatoes.<br />

The following year the plans<br />

were drawn up for the supper<br />

room/kitchen, andbyJuly 1978<br />

the balance had risen to<br />

$<strong>30</strong>,500, and tenders were<br />

requested.<br />

The committee then raiseda<br />

mortgage with South<br />

Canterbury Savings Bankof<br />

$35,000 at10.56 percent over 25<br />

yearsbut it tookuntil<br />

December 1979 for the local<br />

authorities loan boardto<br />

sanction the committee raising<br />

amortgage, Mr Wilson said.<br />

The opening of the supper<br />

room was on March<strong>30</strong>, 1979.<br />

The building of the squash<br />

courts, instigated by the Hinds<br />

and District Jaycees, soon<br />

followed.<br />

The late­BobBurnett<br />

donated asection nextdoor to<br />

the supper room for car<br />

parking.<br />

And fundraisingcontinued<br />

with running cattle or growing<br />

potatoes.<br />

In November 1980 aplan was<br />

made for anew main hall.<br />

In February1983, after the<br />

demolition of the old hall<br />

construction on anew one<br />

started.<br />

Pupilsfrom Hinds School<br />

wrote abook on the hall’s<br />

building works after spending<br />

time on the grounds at the<br />

building site. It was simply<br />

called ‘The building of the<br />

Hinds Hall’.<br />

Hinds Jaycees offered to<br />

supply chairs for the meeting<br />

room and, after consultation,<br />

named the committee room<br />

‘The DavisonRoom’ in memory<br />

of Bill Davison, one of the<br />

original committee.<br />

The new hall and meeting<br />

room was officially opened on<br />

July <strong>30</strong>, 1983.<br />

The Hinds Building<br />

Committee was disbanded and<br />

the running of the hall, andits<br />

final payments, was taken over<br />

by the Hinds Community<br />

Centre committee.<br />

The hall is available for hire,<br />

whether the full complex, or<br />

any of the well­heated rooms.<br />

Anyone interested in hiring<br />

the hall, or donating money for<br />

future works, can check out the<br />

centre’s Facebook page or<br />

contact KateWilliams on<br />

021859924.<br />

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Mid Canterbury<br />

schools benefit<br />

from package<br />

Our government is working<br />

hardtobuild an education<br />

system that gives every<br />

student in Rangitata, and<br />

across the country, the best<br />

chancetosucceed.<br />

As part of this work, our<br />

SchoolInvestmentPackage<br />

has supported around4500<br />

schoolupgradeprojects<br />

around NewZealand,<br />

including manyprojects in<br />

eight schools hereinMid<br />

Canterbury.<br />

We believe thatall Kiwi kids<br />

deserveclassrooms thatare<br />

fit­for­purpose, vibrantspaces<br />

to learn andplay in, and<br />

decent sports facilities.<br />

To make thisareality, in<br />

2019, ourgovernment<br />

announced thebiggest capital<br />

injection forschool<br />

maintenancefundinginover<br />

two decades –and thanksto<br />

this, almosteverysingle state<br />

schoolinNew Zealandhas<br />

beenable to makemuchneededproperty<br />

improvements.<br />

HereinMid Canterbury,<br />

we’ve providedfunding for<br />

newclassroomsand learning<br />

areastoaccommodate growing<br />

schoolrolls andsostudents<br />

have great placestolearn in,<br />

playground andclassroom<br />

upgrades, andmore.<br />

All of these improvements<br />

are helping to make ourlocal<br />

schools,such as <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Borough, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Intermediate,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College, Netherby and Mt<br />

Hutt College, places where<br />

young people want to be.<br />

In addition to delivering<br />

upgrades to almosteverystate<br />

school, our government is<br />

building hundreds of new<br />

classrooms around the<br />

country.<br />

We’re also making school<br />

funding fairer by scrapping<br />

the outdateddecile system,<br />

and we’re boosting<br />

investment to giveschools the<br />

teachers and equipmentthey<br />

need.<br />

All of thisbuilds on the work<br />

we’ve done since 2017,to<br />

make surethat everyKiwikid<br />

gets agreat education,<br />

includingmaking schooling<br />

more affordablefor families,<br />

bettersupporting teachers,<br />

and more.<br />

We know there’sstill more<br />

work to do, but our<br />

government is committed to<br />

makingNew Zealand the best<br />

place in the world to be a<br />

young person, and building a<br />

stronger education system is a<br />

vital part of that.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

RURAL<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

19<br />

Average sale price up by $1000<br />

Canterbury’s bull­selling<br />

season got away to aracing start<br />

with biddingtoppingat$47,000<br />

for an Okawa Poll Herefords<br />

2­year­old earlier this month.<br />

The MtSomersstud was<br />

second caboff therank with its<br />

afternoon sale following the<br />

morning start at Orari Gorge<br />

Station in Geraldine on <strong>June</strong>8.<br />

Okawa Saracen 0175 was sold<br />

to the Davies family at Charwell<br />

Herefords from Bay of Plenty,<br />

while the second highestprice,<br />

$35,000, was for Okawa Kingpin<br />

0156 which went to<br />

Maungahina Stud near<br />

Masterton.<br />

Owners Nick and Penny<br />

Francewere as pleased with<br />

the depth of commercial bulls<br />

in the catalogue as the top end<br />

of the sale,which was not far<br />

away from their sale best of<br />

$60,000 in 2019.<br />

Mr Francesaid theyoung<br />

bull’s exceptionalwidth and<br />

depth was backed up by good<br />

figures.<br />

The product of their embryo<br />

transplant programme<br />

provided good buying, he said.<br />

‘‘Itwas aperfectly structured<br />

sale for the commercial guys<br />

too and there was plenty of<br />

bulls for everyone.<br />

‘‘We only ended up passing in<br />

three bulls and there were<br />

plenty of $4000 to $5000 bulls<br />

for the commercialsale.’’<br />

Some of these bulls went to<br />

cover Angus cows for hybrid<br />

vigour, he said.<br />

The average price of $9600<br />

Bullish start ...Interest was high for Okawa Saracen 0175, a2­year­old bull that made $47,000 for<br />

Mt Somers couple Nick and Penny France at their Okawa Poll Herefords sale.<br />


for the 57 bulls from the<br />

60­strong catalogue was up<br />

about $1000 on last year. Within<br />

the catalogue were 22 sons from<br />

Matariki Kingpin which they<br />

bought in 2019 as the secondhighest­priced<br />

bullfor the<br />

season. Another key<br />

contributor wastheir keeper<br />

bull, Okawa Saracen 7036.<br />

Theseason’s quality line­up<br />

accountedfor the superior<br />

average price, Mr France said.<br />

He said buyers were doing<br />

their homework when they<br />

went looking for qualitybulls.<br />

‘‘They are being pretty<br />

shrewd with what they are<br />

buying. They are better<br />

educated and arespending alot<br />

of time to get betterquality for<br />

their money. They’re notjust<br />

looking at figures —that’s the<br />

easypart; they look for atype<br />

and demandstructure and<br />

width.’’<br />

Thecouple have already<br />

reinvested some of their<br />

earnings into geneticsafter<br />

buying Limehills Stardom from<br />

Central Otago’s Limehills stud.<br />

Mr France saidtheyliked the<br />

look of theHerefordbull<br />

because of hisdataset and as<br />

he hadtop full brothers and<br />

camefrom an exceptional cow.<br />

The new addition would tie<br />

in nicely withtheir breeding<br />

programme, he said.<br />

‘‘We are increasingour intramuscular<br />

fatfor thegrass­fed<br />

market, but keeping the<br />

structure and constitution of<br />

the Herefords.’’<br />

~Central RuralLife<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Entriesare openfor theArable<br />

Awards of NewZealand.<br />

FederatedFarmers, the<br />

Foundation of Arable Research,<br />

United Wheatgrowers and the Grain<br />

&SeedTradeAssociation are<br />

working together to makethe <strong>2022</strong><br />

New Zealand Arable Awards a<br />

showcase of the sector’s people<br />

and products, recognising,<br />

celebrating and rewarding<br />

excellence.<br />

Thereare ninecategories<br />

includingEmergingTalent,<br />

Environment &Sustainability,<br />

Innovationand an ‘Arable Food<br />

Champion’ award opentoboth<br />

growersand end product makers.<br />

Entries via the Far website close<br />

on July 26.<br />


Beef+Lamb New Zealand,<br />

FederatedFarmers and Deer<br />

Industry New Zealand have written<br />

to ministersrequestingapause on<br />

government’s latest indigenous<br />

biodiversity proposals. The joint<br />

letter, sent to ministers James<br />

Shaw, Damien O’Connorand David<br />

Parker, reiterates the primary sector<br />

groups’concernsover the timing of<br />

the Indigenous BiodiversityNational<br />

Policy Statement exposuredraft,<br />

with farmers already inundated by<br />

water, climate and conservation<br />

policychanges. Theindigenous<br />

biodiversity proposals are of<br />

particularrelevance to sheep, beef<br />

and deer farmers,and industry have<br />

requested the processbepaused or<br />

at the very least, for the consultation<br />

periodtobeextendedfrom six to 10<br />

weeks.<br />

IT’S OUR<br />

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Phone 03 <strong>30</strong>8 2055<br />


RURAL<br />

20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Hope remains for wool industry<br />

Stuart Cattoisadyed­in­thewoolwool<br />

man —literally.<br />

Thismonth Mr Catto (67)<br />

acceptedthe lastwool at his<br />

Oamaru wool business, Catto<br />

Wool, andshutthe doors for<br />

good, after alifetimeinthe<br />

industry.<br />

While he hadnoregrets<br />

about hischosen career, he<br />

did have asmall regret he<br />

had not managedtogeta<br />

buyer to take over the<br />

business, he said.<br />

But retirement was<br />

beckoningand he waslooking<br />

forwardtospending more<br />

time with his wife, trout<br />

fishing andwhitebaiting,<br />

hunting pigs, deer,wallabies<br />

and goats, and drivingdown<br />

somebackroads never<br />

traversed before.<br />

Broughtuponafarm near<br />

Gore, Mr Catto started<br />

rousieing for localshearers<br />

fromwhenhewas about 12<br />

until he left school at 17. He<br />

went to Lincolnfor twoyears,<br />

studying wool.<br />

After Lincoln, he had a<br />

selectionofjobs offered and<br />

he chose to work for Mair<br />

Wool in Christchurch, a<br />

business which was<br />

essentially an auction<br />

appraiser.<br />

Then, in 1986, he bought an<br />

existing wool­buying<br />

business in Oamaru and<br />

moved south.<br />

Hehad spent twoyears<br />

driving heavymachineryin<br />

Twizel, with the hydro<br />

End of an era ...Stuart Catto, awool judge, has closed the<br />

doors of his Oamaru business, Catto Wool.<br />


development, in thelate<br />

1970sand hadgot to know<br />

someNorth Otago folk,soit<br />

wasnot entirely unfamiliar.<br />

At thatstage,the business<br />

wasbasedinTyne St butit<br />

later neededmorespaceand<br />

Catto Woolmovedinto<br />

Harbour St, inthe heartof<br />

the town’s historic precinct,<br />

in 1991.<br />

But back then, it was not<br />

the bustlingattractionthatit<br />

laterbecame —‘‘no­one<br />

cared about it back then’’—<br />

andheinitially took half the<br />

building, then three­quarters<br />

and then theentire space.<br />

Later, more spacewas<br />

required and premises in<br />

TyneSt werealso leased.<br />

Thelastsix or seven years<br />

hadbeenparticularly tough<br />

and,while Mr Catto said he<br />

always triedtohave a<br />

glasshalf­full approach<br />

rather thananegativeone, it<br />

was getting verydifficult to<br />

do that.<br />

But he remained hopeful<br />

that the industry would come<br />

right.<br />

‘‘I’m alwayslooking for<br />

hope at the other end.Surely<br />

there’s light at the endofthe<br />

horizonnow.’’<br />

Knownfor his ownwoollen<br />

attire, Mr Catto said one of<br />

his pet beefs wasfarmers who<br />

did not believeintheir own<br />

industry, whether that was<br />

wearing synthetic ­orplastic<br />

­clothing, or laying synthetic<br />

carpets in their homes.<br />

‘‘When thatstarts<br />

happening, youmay as well<br />

throw in the towel.You have<br />

to believe in your own<br />

products,’’ he said.<br />

Mr Catto’s work covered a<br />

large area,fromthe top of the<br />

StyxtoWaikouaiti, the Lindis<br />

Pass, Twizel, the top of the<br />

HakatarameaValley and<br />

Waimate.During theheyday,<br />

it wasnot unusualtodo<br />

14­hour days and he hadthe<br />

same routines;breakfast<br />

used to be amuttonpie at<br />

McGregors tearooms in<br />

Palmerston, latterly it had<br />

beenatVanessa’sCottage<br />

CafeinHampden.<br />

~Central RuralLife<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Trials plan<br />

FAR's growersleadingchange<br />

programmeisseeking arable<br />

growers nationwide to take part in<br />

on­farmtrials around alternative<br />

Nproducts.<br />

With the price of synthetic Non<br />

the rise, andthe impending<br />

introductionofpricing for<br />

nitrogen related nitrousoxide<br />

emissions, the programme is<br />

setting up aseries of simple DIY<br />

on­farmtrials looking into arange<br />

of alternative Nproducts.<br />

Trialproject leader Donna Lill<br />

is lookingfor arablegrowers<br />

anywhere in NewZealand who are<br />

keentobe involved.<br />

“We’re looking for growerswho<br />

are either already using<br />

alternativesources of nitrogen in<br />

their crops or who are interested<br />

in tryingout some of theoptions,’’<br />

she said.<br />

‘‘The nitrogen sources we’re<br />

considering maybealternative­N<br />

products, n­fixing products,<br />

manures or legumes.<br />

“These on­farm trials, which are<br />

really ‘try­outs’ as they are not<br />

fully replicated, will start in<br />

paddocks sown this spring, and<br />

continue into nextyear’sautumn<br />

and spring sowings.<br />

‘‘Ideally, it will incorporatea<br />

range of arablecrops including<br />

cereals, grassand vegetable seed<br />

crops as well as maize.”<br />

Final try­outdesign will be<br />

discussed with individual growers<br />

dependingoncroptype,<br />

alternative­N source and paddock<br />

variables.<br />

Anyone interested is asked to<br />

get in touch with Donna Lill by<br />

phoning 027299 6706 or by email<br />

to donna.lill@far.org.nz<br />

NPD Tinwald<br />

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100 Plus Performance Petrol<br />

24/7 Fuel<br />

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THE<br />

geraldinenews<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>30</strong> JUNE, <strong>2022</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

view online atgnews.co.nz<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM TOPLEFT: Matariki decorations adorn the window of Page and Post Booksellers. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty Children of all ages enjoy Miranda McNeils fire poi atGeraldine Kindergarten.<br />

PHOTO: Facebook/Geraldine Kindergarten Toia (left) and Manaia Sheed tuck into family favourite, hangi-in-a-crockpot. PHOTO: Facebook/Bianca Sheed Matariki rising over the upper Rangitata Valley,<br />

Arrowsmith Range and Mt Potts Range. PHOTO: Matt Searles Geraldine Resource Centre displayed aneducational window. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Mānawatia aMatariki<br />

Where<br />

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Our new public holiday, establishedtocelebrate<br />

the Māori New Year, was primarily a quiet<br />

affair as many local families simply enjoyed<br />

being together for the holidaywhile also sharing<br />

their celebrations on Facebook.<br />

Alistair Bolland and his family headed to<br />

the beach, taking some time away from the<br />

Running Duck to enjoywhat he described as<br />

TimaruTacos - barbeque sausageinbread.<br />

Bianca Sheed says that her family enjoyed a<br />

familyfavourite-hangi-in-a-crockpot, including<br />

stuffing from her mothers recipe (there are<br />

recipes online).<br />

Matt Searles, Peel Forestcafé owner,postie<br />

andphotographer, captured the Matariki cluster<br />

from Arundel for those that didnt get to see<br />

it in the flesh. Greg Wilkinson, whohad climbed<br />

Little Mount Peel for the best vantage point,<br />

managed agood viewofVenus, but Matariki<br />

was hiding in acloudbank.<br />

Merryn Blake of Joosh says that there was<br />

steadyfoot trafficaround the town on Friday.<br />

At the Page and Post, Belinda Roberts noted<br />

that people seemed very relaxed.Maybe it is<br />

becausehaving the holiday onaFridaymeans<br />

people are heading into their weekend.<br />

On Mondayised holidays, peopleare tired and<br />

on their wayhome, already thinking about the<br />

week ahead.<br />

Jan Finlayson writes, Gathering early on<br />

Matariki Eve, the Carew Peel Forest School<br />

community celebrated New Zealandsnewest<br />

public holidaywith foodand culture. Principal<br />

Craig Sedgwick says, It was for the whānau.<br />

We sang them a song,and the childrenshared<br />

astory with the community. And we had our<br />

first annualMatariki breakfast.<br />

Geraldine Kindergarten opened its doors<br />

to thepubliconWednesday, 22 <strong>June</strong>. Former<br />

mayor Damon Odey began the evening with<br />

amihi whakatau (formal welcome). Tamariki,<br />

kaiako and guestsweretreatedtofirepoi, live<br />

music, adventures and story-telling in the<br />

Domain of Tane (the wooded area behind the<br />

building), and of course, plenty of kai to share.<br />

Members of the community rallied around to<br />

help,including a contingent ofGeraldine High<br />

School students in their red blazers.<br />

The celebrations atGeraldine High School<br />

were fast and intense. The week began with a<br />

new karakia to bless the students and staff on<br />

their journey for the day, then on to Matariki<br />

sports -Turbo Touch and Fast 5netball.<br />

Wednesday was quizzes in class, the Whetū<br />

Amazing Race and akai cook-up, both firsts<br />

for the school. Year-13 student Charlotte Marriot<br />

says, The week was incredibly special. It was<br />

ahuge privilege tobe able to organise the<br />

events and amassive reward to see everyone<br />

taking part and having fun.<br />

On Sunday, American-born local Mark<br />

Bourassa chose to travel toLake Tekapo<br />

(Takapō)for amidwinter swim. Although the<br />

glacier-fed lake is the coldest in New Zealand,<br />

he says he will do it again.<br />

Matarikiisacelebrationthat keeps on giving,<br />

as Geraldine Primary School prepares for<br />

acelebration onWednesday, 6 July, with an<br />

invitation for the public to view the artwork<br />

the following day. HUGH MCCAFFERTY

WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>30</strong>PIPIRI, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Bianca Sheedand herBaseFitness team enjoyaMatariki<br />

breakfast around an open fireafter Fridaysmorningworkout.<br />

PHOTO: Facebook/Bianca Sheed<br />

We hope youenjoyednot only aday off but the joyof<br />

abrand new indigenous public holiday. Mānawatia<br />

aMatariki isthe greeting recommended by Massey<br />

Universitys Professor of Mātauranga Māori, Rangi<br />

Mātāmua (Tūhoe). The sense of it is celebrate or<br />

honour. Professor Mātāmata was aconsultant to<br />

the government in implementing the new holiday.<br />

Readerswith good memories will remember that he<br />

gave atalk at the primary school on 27 <strong>June</strong>, 2018<br />

(GNews 5/7/2018). Those with access to YouTube can<br />

find informative and interesting items byhim.<br />

His book Matariki:The Star of the Year is anaccessible<br />

introduction. Hugh borrowed itfrom the library a<br />

whileago -hethinks it wasoninterloan from another<br />

library.<br />

As we grow into the new public holiday, itwill be<br />

interesting to see what traditions pass into families<br />

of European or Asian backgrounds. Will Hangi-in-acrockpot<br />

be to Matariki what Turkey is to Christmas<br />

or lamb to Easter? There are recipes online, but we<br />

will get Whaea Bianca toshare her familys recipe<br />

with us next year.<br />

We areenjoying aholidaywhichhas its roots here.<br />

We agree with Dr Rangi Mātāmua that there is<br />

something odd about snow and flying reindeer in<br />

summer or egg-laying rabbits in autumn. To gather<br />

around afire and sharehot food,takingtime to reflect<br />

in winter makes wonderful sense.<br />

On apersonal note, we have pulled the plug on<br />

the <strong>2022</strong> Geraldine Ukefest. Inthe end, the decision<br />

was obvious. We are now scurrying around trying to<br />

salvage afew activities for the diehards who are<br />

coming to Geraldine anyway. They love this place -<br />

and so do we.<br />

Mānawatia aMatariki. HUGH &FI<br />

The newyear stands<br />

before us,like a<br />

chapterinabook,<br />

waiting to be written.<br />

We can help write that<br />

story by setting goals.<br />



NEWS: hugh@gnews.co.nz | 027 920 8751<br />

ADS: ads@gnews.co.nz | 027 899 0703<br />

DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday<br />

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous business day<br />

ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />

HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />

Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracy of informationinthispublication,<br />

GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibility for errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />

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decisions on publication of stories and the quality/suitability ofsubmitted ads.<br />

Clyde-based group Stone The Crows, seen here atGUF21,will be back next month to performatBarkersEatery. PHOTO: Peter Towers<br />

Ukefest cancelled; future music festival envisaged<br />

The organisers of the Geraldine Ukefest<br />

(GUF) took the decision last week to<br />

cancel the festival. FiMcCafferty says,<br />

It is with sadness that we announcethe<br />

cancellation of what would have beenthe<br />

10th and final GUF. The unprecedented<br />

low sales are, we think, due to Covid<br />

hesitancy, increasedfinancial restraints,<br />

and other festivals popping up around<br />

us.Anunreasonable fearofpiratesmight<br />

have played apart too.<br />

Full refunds are already on their way<br />

to those who had made bookings. Hugh<br />

McCafferty says, While thoseintending<br />

to comeare disappointed,theyhave been<br />

gracious and understanding. As it is, a<br />

goodnumber of enthusiastshavedecided<br />

they will come toGeraldine for the<br />

weekendanyway.<br />

On Friday, 22 July,the GUF HappyHour<br />



<strong>30</strong>H 693 8877<br />

event at Royal India will take place as<br />

planned withalineupofquality entertainers.<br />

Restaurant co-owners Sam and Dhillon<br />

have devised somepirate-themed cocktails.<br />

Then on Saturday, 23 July, localgroup<br />

Geraldine Ukulele Jam will set the ball<br />

rolling for aday of ukulele at BarkersFood<br />

Store and Eatery. Fi says, We have made<br />

aprogramme of performers attending -<br />

acts fromAuckland,Kapiti, Christchurch,<br />

Clyde, and Kerikeri willbestruttingtheir<br />

stuff duringthe day. Strumalong sessions<br />

will be interspersed between the acts -<br />

words and chords provided. It salvages<br />

something for the diehards,and ends the<br />

festival just like it began back in 2013, with<br />

the Big Strum. Sheaddsthatbothofthese<br />

entertaining events are open to the public;<br />

no cover charge.<br />

Meanwhile, Janene Adams reports<br />

*<br />



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FRIAY<br />

that 18 peoplerecordedtheirnamesata<br />

meeting held on Thursday, 9<strong>June</strong>, to<br />

scope afuture alternative to the ukulele<br />

festival. Awide-ranging discussionraised<br />

several possibilities.<br />

Phyllisand GavinPrentice, whoattended<br />

the meeting, informally shared their<br />

experiences of organising the Geraldine<br />

Country Music Festival for 10 years and<br />

the one-off Coca-Colacountry musicevent<br />

(based on the Tamworth model), which<br />

took place in 1996.<br />

While the GUF organisers and<br />

Geraldine.nzare keen to help an organising<br />

committeeget established for anew event,<br />

neitherisinapositiontotakeownership<br />

of it. They will meet with the nucleusof<br />

interested people in the near future.<br />


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THURSDAY, <strong>30</strong>JUNE, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />

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Under the Orange Level COVID-19<br />

Protection Framework,<br />

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Myra Martin and Ollie Christensen plant the Jubilee tree while (from left) Jan Finlayson, Janene Adams, Susanne West,<br />

Gavin Oliver, and Wayne ODonnell look on. Also in attendance were Deana Averill, Nora Faulks-Beck, Jo Drake, Jan Oliver<br />

and McGregor Simpson. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Geraldine Community Board<br />

plants tree to celebrate Jubilee<br />

Asmall gathering attended the ceremonial<br />

planting of an English beech tree to<br />

commemorate the Jubilee of HM Queen<br />

Elizabeth II.<br />

Wayne ODonnell, chair of the<br />

community board, said it was important<br />

to markHer Majestys70years of service.<br />

Councillor Gavin Oliver noted that this<br />

tree in Toddpark matchesthe coronation<br />

tree in the domain and that the idea had<br />

come fromboard member JaneneAdams.<br />

He is unaware of any other trees being<br />

planted in the district for theJubilee.<br />

Myra Martin and Ollie Christensen,<br />

whānau leadersfrom Geraldine Primary<br />

School, led the ceremonial planting. Gavin<br />

says, At 150kg, wepre-planted it for<br />

safetys sake. The other eleven people<br />

present took their turn shovelling abit<br />

of compost around the tree.<br />

Gavin says that the tree, which will<br />

have asuitable plaque, is part of aplanned,<br />

moreextensive planting.Apath from the<br />

Lions' picnictable will eventuallylead to<br />

abench near the Jubileetree.<br />


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Loya l locals<br />

love Gera ldine.<br />

Show your love and think local.<br />

Carew Peel Forest School students learnt how toskip aspart oflearning about heart health. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Skipping for heart health awareness<br />

CarewPeel Forest Schools childrenhave<br />

been skipping toraise funds for the<br />

NationalHeart Foundation ofNew Zealand<br />

and to boost their own heart health in its<br />

Jumping <strong>June</strong> event.<br />

Itsabout raising awareness and raising<br />

cash -and itsabout teaching thechildren<br />

how to have ahealthy heart, says principal<br />

Craig Sedgwick. But first, the children<br />

had to pick up some basics.<br />

They had to learn how to skip. Its a<br />

lost art. We learned doubledutch,teddy<br />

bear turn around, and afew others; it<br />

was fun. Then the children went out and<br />

got sponsorship. Some got sponsorship<br />

of hundreds of dollars.Theycan get prizes<br />

for it.<br />

As well as skipping and fundraising,<br />

Jumping <strong>June</strong> saw Carew Peel Forests<br />

children investigate the basics ofheart<br />

function andcare. Craig says, Welooked<br />

at healthy diets and asheeps heart<br />

dissection. The event has raised $1,000<br />

to date.<br />

The National Heart Foundation of<br />

New Zealand, founded in 1968, is a<br />

registered charity which aims to stop<br />

premature death from heart disease<br />

andimprove the fortunes of those<br />

living with it through heart health<br />

education and research. Find out more<br />

at heartfoundation.org.nz.<br />





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WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>30</strong>PIPIRI, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Whalersand sealers were the firstEuropeanstolivein<br />

NewZealand.Theylived in one-room huts that were built<br />

likeMāori wharebut contained European-style furniture<br />

such as bunksand tables,and sometimes stools madeout<br />

of whalevertebrae.<br />

Missionaries arrived from 1814. They builtcottageswith<br />

severalrooms,and withseparate bedrooms, reflectingtheir<br />

belief thatparents should sleep separately from children.<br />

The cottages hadwooden floors and simplefurniture,<br />

generally imported from Australia. Only afew Māori, mainly<br />

chiefs,adopted European-style housesand furnishingsin<br />

this era.<br />

Theformer whalerpictured herewith his Māori (or<br />

possiblyMoriori) wife in the Chatham Islands is Bill Lennent,<br />

who wasprobably an American. Certainly the hut behind<br />

them wasbuilt from the wreckage of the Alabama, an<br />

American whaling vessel. In the18<strong>30</strong>s manyofthe offshore<br />

whalers who visited NewZealandwaterscame from the<br />

United States, often beginningtheirvoyages ateast-coast<br />

ports such as Nantucket.(teara.govt.nz) IMAGE: Nantucket<br />

Historical Association, Reference: P1978. Photograph by W.H. Rau.<br />

Rūma noho<br />

Elselijn Bakkers stall Leavened has been astalwart ofthe farmers market since 2019. PHOTO: Facebook/Geraldine Farmers Market<br />

Farewell party tothank popular baker<br />

Customers of Leavened Baked Goods, a<br />

regular at Geraldine Farmers Market,<br />

will be saddened to hear that Elselijn<br />

Bakkerand her family areleaving Geraldine<br />

in acoupleofweeks and will be heading<br />

to anew life in Australia.<br />

Born in Zimbabwe to Dutch parents,<br />

Elselijn moved to New Zealand with her<br />

family when she wasfour.Elselijn remembers<br />

standing next toher father while he was<br />

baking bread and not leaving his side until<br />

he gave her someraw bread dough.<br />

I would always eat some raw dough;<br />

even now, Istill pinch awee bit to eat.<br />

Initially training as adraughtsman,<br />

she worked in aChristchurch chocolate<br />

shop before moving to Geraldine, where<br />

afriendgave her asourdough starter.<br />

It fully died on me -orIkilled it.<br />

Ayear later, she successfully attempted<br />

another starter, which is still being used<br />

today. (GNews 14.11.19)<br />

Elselijn has added much to the markets<br />

vibrancyover the years, withher products<br />

selling out most weeks. She also gained<br />

afollowing during lockdown by keeping<br />

her regular customers well-supplied.<br />

In her farewell announcement, Elselijn<br />

said, I have some news; Ill be finishing<br />

up baking shortly as we are heading to<br />

Brisbane fornew adventures. My husband<br />

has foundajob there, so we will be moving<br />

in early July. Iwanttosay an absolutely<br />

massive thank you forthe supportyouve<br />

shown me over the years. Ihave really<br />

appreciated all the encouragement, words<br />

of support andchats. You all helpedmake<br />

adream of minecome true.<br />

Asagesture of thanksfor all her efforts,<br />

afarewell party will be held for Elselijn<br />

at the Academy on Saturday 2July,<br />

2pm-4pm. All stall holders, musicians,<br />

family, friendsand customers areinvited;<br />

please bring asimple plate for shared<br />

refreshments. FI MCCAFFERTY<br />

Rūma noho -Sitting room (lounge)<br />

This week we will learn somekuputhat canbeusedin<br />

the rūma noho,orlounge.Like rūmakai (kitchen), this<br />

kupu hastwo partstoit; rūma meaning room and noho<br />

meaningtosit.What do we sit on in thesitting room?<br />

A hōpa, orsofa. Some other useful kupu; pouaka<br />

whakaata meaning television, roumamao meaning<br />

remote, and tūru meaning chair.<br />

In arecent edition, we talked about using Homai<br />

te pata tosay pass the butter. This phrase can also<br />

be used for the speaker toask for any object tobe<br />

passed along; homai teroumamao can be used to<br />

say pass the remote. Of course, it can beuseful to<br />

ask for the whereabouts of the roumamao too. To do<br />

so,wecan sayKeihea te roumaomao?.Inthis sentence,<br />

keihea indicatesthat thequestion is aboutthe location<br />

of the noun.<br />

I, for one, always associate the rūma noho with a<br />

cup ofhot brew. Tooffer ahot drink to others inthe<br />

rūma, youcan say,He inu wera mōu?. Inu is the kupu<br />

for drink, wera is hot, and mōu meaning for you.<br />

Altogether, this can beused toask, Would you like a<br />

hot drink? To answer, asimple Āe foryes or Kāore for<br />

no will suffice. JORDYN OSBORNE<br />



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THURSDAY, <strong>30</strong>JUNE, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />


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Just days before his 20th birthday, Ben Williams obtained his private pilot licence. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Ben flies ever closer to goal<br />

BenWilliams celebrated his20th birthday<br />

last week with the added excitement of<br />

passing his private pilot licence (PPL) a<br />

few days earlier.<br />

With my PPL, Ican take passengers<br />

and be in control of the plane, but Icant<br />

be rewarded or paid for the flight, so the<br />

next step is to get my commercial pilot<br />

licence, says Ben.<br />

Ben first showed interest in flying at<br />

around 12 years old, with his first flying<br />

lesson at 14 and first solo flight on his<br />

16th birthday. Ben has achievedrecognition<br />

throughout those years, including the<br />

RossMacPherson Memorial Scholarship<br />

through the South Canterbury AeroClub,<br />

thePrimeMinisters Vocational Excellence<br />

Award while attending Geraldine High<br />

School (GNews 28.11.19), and thePauwels<br />

FlyingScholarship Special Award (GNews<br />

02.12.21).<br />

To have achieved the goalofobtaining<br />

his PPL meansalot to Benand his family.<br />

Ben says, It is still hard to believe that<br />

Iamaprivate pilot. The licence hasnt<br />

turned up yet, so it doesnt quite seem<br />

real. Iheadstraight to Christchurch now<br />

to start at the International Aviation<br />

AcademyofNew Zealand to study for my<br />

commercial licence,soIamgetting abit<br />

nervous.<br />

The flying school is based at<br />

ChristchurchInternational Airport on the<br />

other side of the runway, solooking out<br />

the office window,you have somepretty<br />

amazing views of aircraft landing and<br />

taking off. The school also has another<br />

airfield at WestMelton. My commercial<br />

licencewilltakearound18monthstotwo<br />

years to obtain. Still, it will allow additional<br />

parts to myqualification, includingmultiaircraft<br />

ratings and instrumentrating,as<br />

in being able to fly indifferent weather<br />

conditions.<br />

Its[goingtobe] prettyfull-on;Monday<br />

to Friday, 7am till 5pm, with no holiday<br />

during the year apart from Christmas<br />

time. After this, Ican start with smaller<br />

jobs like scenic flying orbecoming an<br />

instructor.Onceyou have flown the required<br />

number of hours, then you can apply for<br />

an airline job.<br />

While Covidheld up obtaining his PPL,<br />

Ben took agap year after finishing at<br />

Geraldine High School and continued<br />

working at FreshChoice Geraldine. Ben<br />

says, The gap year has been beneficial<br />

to me as Ihavebeen out in the real world.<br />

Ihave grown as aperson and, at the same<br />

time, earnt money that has gone towards<br />

this next step.Iwouldreally like to thank<br />

FreshChoice, who has supported meso<br />

much and given me opportunities that<br />

have helped me grow into the person<br />

Iamtoday.<br />

Bens mum, Lynda, says, Both myself<br />

andmyhusband Trevor aresovery proud<br />

of Ben.Its abit emotional,really, but we<br />

are super-excited for Ben and for what<br />

he has achieved and wish him nothing<br />

but success in his life.<br />

Ben appreciates the support and<br />

assistance the South Canterbury Aero<br />

Club havegiven, saying, Rightfrom when<br />

Ijoined as aYoung Eagle, the club has<br />

been amazing. Iamstill amember, and<br />

it will always be my home aero club.<br />

Bens final goal is still the same as he<br />

had when GNews first spoke tohim in<br />

2019. I want to flyfor Air New Zealand.<br />

Ihave always followed them, and itis<br />

home here in New Zealand -although if<br />

Ihad to move overseas, Iwould. As soon<br />

as my licence arrives, Mum and Dad will<br />

be the first passengers Ifly.<br />





RAC squad member Ryan Chambers receives his First XV Cap from father Craig. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Ryan stoked to receive RAC First XV Cap<br />

Rugbyispart of who Iam,says 17-yearold<br />

Ryan Chambers, who last Saturday<br />

received his Roncalli Aoraki Combined<br />

(RAC) School First XV Cap in front of<br />

family and friends.<br />

Ryan says, Rugby means alot to me.<br />

Ilove being able to run around with my<br />

mates andhavefun.Ialsolovethe challenges<br />

that thegame gives me.<br />

AFirst XV Cap is awarded as amilestone<br />

for playing acertain number of games.<br />

For RAC, its ten games, and the caps are<br />

generally presented by the father of the<br />

player receiving it. Traditionally, before<br />

each match,capped playerscome forward<br />

and present their capsatthe halfway line<br />

as amark ofrespect before challenging<br />

the opposition with ahaka.<br />

Ryans dad,Craig,says,Ihave always<br />

been proud ofRyans achievements in<br />

rugby across all of theteamshehas played<br />

for, and this is no different. Ryan is really<br />

passionate about his rugby and just loves<br />

being part of the team environment.<br />

He is stoked toreceive his cap and<br />

is looking forward tothe challenge of<br />

the rest of the season.<br />

Ryan started playing rugby when he<br />

was seven years old for Celtic in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

In 2016 his family moved to Geraldine,<br />

where his rugbyhas continued. Last year,<br />

Ryan playedfor the Geraldine U16 team<br />

before being called into the RAC squad<br />

midway through the year.<br />

WhileRyan says hesnot surewhathis<br />

long-term goals are for rugby, he says,<br />

I just wanttoplay as well as Ican for as<br />

long as Ican. DEBBIE OLIVER

WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>30</strong>PIPIRI, <strong>2022</strong><br />



Rhododendrons in floweronthe Waihi River walking track,<br />

soon to become partofthe GeraldineSculptureTrail.<br />

PHOTO: The Vicarage Geraldine<br />

Geraldine istops<br />

Ithink Geraldine is atop place to live. Ilikewalking,<br />

and Geraldine has anamazing variety oftracks on<br />

offer.Last year the floods did alot of damage to the<br />

river and walks close by. Recently, the powers that<br />

be have spent many hours realigning and adding<br />

improvements, which should help control the river<br />

within its banks infuture floods.<br />

To add to these river achievements, [existing<br />

walkways havebeen restored, and newtrackshave<br />

been added]. These newtracksare adelight to look<br />

at, their gentle curves adding anartistic touch to<br />

what could otherwise be averyordinary path as well<br />

as the trails, [gaps havebeenfilled]inthe greenery<br />

nearby, specimen trees, their names promising us<br />

fine displays of autumn splendour in the coming<br />

years.<br />

Iwould like tomake aspecial mention here ofa<br />

favouritewalkofmine -the Waitui river walk.Iwould<br />

liketosay abig thank youtothose hardy volunteers<br />

who do so muchworkonthat track. Thankyou, guys,<br />

forall your work and upkeep; it is muchappreciated.<br />

My thanks also to the many other volunteers who<br />

give their time and energy to make Geraldine the<br />

lovely place itis.<br />

Ilove Geraldine. It is just tops.<br />


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<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

CLOCKWISE FROMLEFT: Alison Bragg hands the ceremonial spade to Queen Elizabeth; standing with theQueenafter the successful<br />

planting; The lateHarold Bragg(left) readyto welcome the Queen aboardthe TSSEarnslaw. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />

Reflections on meeting the Queen<br />

For Geraldinelocal AlisonBragg,watching<br />

the Queens Platinum Jubilee on television<br />

recently was ahighlight. Shesays,<br />

I watched every single bit of it. The<br />

event also brought back memories of<br />

meeting the Queeninperson in 1990.<br />

Alison says, Iwas vice president of<br />

the Queenstown Altrusa Club, aladys<br />

service club. As part of the royal tour,<br />

there was agathering in Earnslaw Park<br />

on the foreshoreofLakeWakatipu. Iwas<br />

one of four lucky representatives from<br />

Queenstowns Altrusa, Lions and Rotary<br />

to participate in atree-plantingceremony<br />

with the Queen andthe duke.<br />

I thought Iwould just get aspade<br />

from our local hardware store, but no,<br />

it had to be aspecial ceremonial spade<br />

which came from Invercargill. Myjob<br />

was to hand the spadetothe Queen, but<br />

first Ihad to curtsey,and thespadewas<br />

100% Kiwi Owned<br />

Hearing Clinic<br />

We are100% locally owned and<br />

operated andpromise to give you<br />

expert care and attentionfor every step<br />

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very heavy, so Ihad lots ofpractice at<br />

home to getused to it.<br />

I hadalovely new dress for the occasion,<br />

andwegot ourhair done at the hairdressers<br />

that morning. Itwas avery exciting and<br />

bigday for the Queenstown community.<br />

Around 8,000 people gathered in Earnslaw<br />

Park that day to see the Queen. She was<br />

so beautiful andbeautifullydressed, and<br />

she chatted away with us. She asked if<br />

Iwould like her to plant the tree and asked<br />

what type of tree it was. Itold her it was<br />

an English tree, aPin Oak,says Alison.<br />

Alisons late husband, Harold Bragg,<br />

also played asignificant role during the<br />

royals trip around the Frankton Arm on<br />

the TSS Earnslaw. Having earlier been<br />

successfullyinterviewed by ScotlandYard<br />

to get clearance to be aboard,Harold,the<br />

pianist on the Earnslaw, was on this<br />

occasiongiven the responsibility of doing<br />

the ropes and showing the duke around<br />

the ship.<br />

Alison says, I have always liked and<br />

followed the royals. We visited England<br />

in 1995 and saw the Queen onvarious<br />

occasions, including aparade and a<br />

ceremony of dignitaries from avisiting<br />

country. We completed awalking tour of<br />

London, whichtookinKensingtonPalace<br />

Gardens, and we also saw Prince Charles<br />

afew times.<br />

It felt special to attend our local<br />

St Marys Anglican church for the Pentecost<br />

service on the Sunday morning and then<br />

come home to watch the same service on<br />

television for the Queens Platinum Jubilee<br />

church service. Ialso attended the Sing<br />

for the Queen fundraiser at St Thomas<br />

Church in Woodbury, whichwas alovely<br />

way to celebrate the Queens Jubilee<br />

celebrations locally. DEBBIE OLIVER<br />

•Diagnostic hearingtests<br />

•Hearing aid fittings<br />

•Freehearing screening<br />

•ACC registeredprovider<br />

•Hearing aid repairs<br />

•Veteran’s affairs provider<br />

Call us todayfor acomplimentary hearing<br />

screening.<br />

03 683 1545<br />

245 Otipua Road, Highfield,<br />

Timaru bellbirdhearing.co.nz<br />

JulietMarsden &Barbara Brown

THURSDAY, <strong>30</strong>JUNE, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />

Geraldine<br />

Gem<br />

AARON MCCULLOUGH |JUNE <strong>2022</strong><br />

Michael HurstplaysLucius, aman who has mistakenly turned himself intoadonkey. PHOTO:Supplied<br />

Virtuoso Kiwi actor Michael Hurst<br />

returns to Geraldine in brand new play<br />

Celebrated actor Michael Hurst brings<br />

his new solo show, The Golden Ass, to<br />

Geraldineon13July as part of itspremiere<br />

tour, courtesy ofArts on Tour and the<br />

Geraldine Community Arts Council.<br />

The play, written by Michael and<br />

Auckland Theatre Company musician<br />

JohnGibson, is an adaptation of Apuleius<br />

latesecond-century novel Metamorphoses.<br />

AugustineofHippo nicknamed the story<br />

AsinusAureus (GoldenAss).ArtsonTour<br />

artistic director Steve Thomas says, Its<br />

new.Itsneverbeen seen.Itsgot comedy<br />

and tragedy, all the thingsofgoodtheatre.<br />

The play, like Apuleius novel,follows<br />

the fortunes of ayoung man interested<br />

in witchcraft whomistakenlyturnshimself<br />

into adonkeyand takes aparlouspicaresque<br />

through societys nooks and niches. In<br />

the end, The Golden Ass is aportrait of<br />

acceptance.<br />

The script is reputedly superb, if still<br />

tantalisinglyunknown.More importantly,<br />

to many,itisthat Michael Hurstisdelivering<br />

it. Michael is aMember of the New Zealand<br />

Order of Merit and has won numerous<br />

awards, including an Arts Laureate. Steve<br />

Thomas says, He is aleadinglight a<br />

virtuoso performer. He deliversextensive<br />

script and imbues it with all the skills of<br />

aveteran actor. Hes phenomenal. Hes<br />

in his senior career now.<br />

Arts council chair Elaine Taylor says,<br />

He [Michael] has performed here twice<br />

before,both to fullhouses. Watchingand<br />

feelingthe magnitude of atrueprofessional<br />

holding the audience spellbound with his<br />

craft is an absolute privilege. Iseriously<br />

cannot wait to share this evening<br />

with others.<br />

The Golden Ass is at the Lodge Theatre,<br />

7.<strong>30</strong>pm on Wednesday,13July.Tickets<br />

$25atLOUKClothing(cash only); R16.<br />


Aaron has been aGeraldine Combined Sports<br />

Associationmember fornine years and chair forthe<br />

last six. In 2016,Aaron instigatedareviewofGeraldines<br />

sportingand recreationalfacilities. The study identified<br />

the need for anall-weather, multi-purpose turf for<br />

Geraldine. Aaron saysthis wasabig, hairy,audacious<br />

goal, but he went for it.<br />

Aaron created aproject team who he guided,<br />

mentored,and led through the many steps to succeed<br />

in creating a$1.1m development,whichwill see the<br />

Geraldine domain transformed. Hehas given up<br />

hundreds of hours of personal time, often spent<br />

away from his young family, to make this project<br />

happen forGeraldine. His positive attitudeand focus<br />

on the end goal never wavered, andhecarried the<br />

team with him along the way.<br />

This has been an enormousundertaking, achieving<br />

afantastic resultfromwhichthe Geraldine community<br />

will benefit formanyyears. Aaron hasmadeapoint<br />

of thanking all the other volunteers who have<br />

contributed to this project, but while there have<br />

been many people involved, Aaron has been the<br />

driving force. We want to acknowledge his enthusiasm,<br />

dogged determination,and commitmenttobringing<br />

this massive project tofruition.<br />

Aaron, youare atrue GeraldineGem if ever there<br />

was one.<br />

If youwish to nominateaGeraldine Gem, please<br />

email the details to geraldine@pb.co.nz or call into<br />

the branch, 1Talbot St Geraldine. SUBMITTED<br />

Geraldine<br />

Gem<br />

Calling forallnominations!<br />

Likeand shareour GeraldineGem Facebookpost thenemail your nomination details,<br />

including asummary of whyyou are nominating your person to geraldine@pb.co.nz<br />

or popintothe branch tofill in anomination form (all information will be confidential).<br />

ComeonGeraldine -let’s celebratethose among us who deservetoshine!<br />

PropertyBrokers Geraldine |1TalbotStreet, Geraldine | P 03 693 1315<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

PropertyBrokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008<br />

PB058609<br />



Geraldine Community Vehicle Trust bus<br />

goes to Timaru every Tuesday<br />

We pick you upand drop you home<br />

DEPARTS 9.<strong>30</strong>am |RETURNS 2pm<br />

COST: $15 Return<br />


CALL 03 693 1007<br />



WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>30</strong>PIPIRI, <strong>2022</strong><br />

IN THE<br />

SHED<br />

Thanks to the following sponsors/supporters,<br />

Men’s Shed Geraldine has been operating since<br />

October 2021: Timaru District Council,<br />

Aotearoa Gaming Trust, Environment Canterbury,<br />

Mid &South CanterburyTrust,NPD Geraldine,<br />

and FreshChoice Geraldine among others.<br />

We are up and running in the old<br />

Borough Council Depot at 117 Talbot Street<br />

(behind the Scout Den), and meet at<br />

10am on Thursdays and Saturdays.<br />

The Men’s Shed Trust Geraldine,<br />

administered by five trustees, has, at present,<br />

around 20 paid-up associates. Acomprehensive<br />

Mission Statement is available at the shed.<br />

We have progressively been tidying<br />

the building and making it fit for purpose.<br />

Thanks to all (including other MenzSheds) who have<br />

donated electrical tools, hand tools, timber, paint,<br />

and furniture et cetera. We must have as many<br />

screwdrivers and drill bits as ITM Geraldine.<br />

Most items will be put to use in the shed, but items<br />

we cannot use will be sold for fundraising.<br />

We “Shedders” are proud of what<br />

we have achieved to date.<br />


Predator traps, assisting the community garden<br />

and toy library, furniture repair.<br />


John Twidle: 027 6815244<br />

Richard Rowley: 021 234 7787<br />

BrianMowat-Gainsford: 022069 3981<br />

menshedgeraldine@gmail.com<br />

Roger Mahan receives assistanceashebacks thecentreslatestacquisition into themuseum. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Preserving our cultural heritage<br />

Last Saturday, the RogerMahanHeritage<br />

Centre received its latest acquisition,<br />

a1909 International Buggy. The 113-yearold<br />

vehicle is in goodoriginalcondition,<br />

havingbeenwelllooked afterbyits previous<br />

two owners.<br />

The InternationalHarvesterCompany<br />

made these vehicles. With the back seat<br />

removed,the American-madecar converts<br />

into apick-up. Peter Lyttle, chair of the<br />

centres management board, says that<br />

thisbuggyended its workinglifehauling<br />

coal for the Lyndhurst Engineering<br />

workshop in the 1950s before being<br />



sold in 1995.<br />

The centre is administered by the<br />

NewZealand Cultural Heritage Charitable<br />

Trust. Pageone of the trusts prospectus<br />

states, oneofits core objectives [is]<br />

to promote the retention of items of<br />

cultural heritage in NewZealand. Roger<br />

Mahan says that he is pleased to acquire<br />

this rare vehicle. The prospectus also<br />

notesthat theownerwantedittoremain<br />

in New Zealand; had the vehicle been<br />

advertised on the open market, it would<br />

almost certainly have been sold toan<br />

international buyer. Roger says that he<br />

|McAT<br />


knowsthe family andhas beenaware of<br />

the vehicle, for 50 years -nomake<br />

that 60 years.<br />

The RogerMahan Heritage Centre at<br />

195 Main North Roadisoften open on a<br />

Saturday. Petersaystheyare looking for<br />

volunteers interested in transport and<br />

machinery fromhorse-drawn buggies to<br />

heavyearthmoving gear and everything<br />

in between. There are many roles to fill<br />

in looking afterthe collection and opening<br />

it to the public.<br />

To contactPeter, phone 027 4733137.<br />


in thegallery<br />

facebook.com/menshedgeraldine<br />



Member of<br />


Investinyour town,<br />

invest inyour future.<br />








earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings<br />

now instore<br />

40A Talbot St, Geraldine |Carolyn 027 <strong>30</strong>5 <strong>30</strong>00<br />

carolyn@mcatamneygallery.co.nz www.mcatamneygallery.co.nz

THURSDAY, <strong>30</strong>JUNE, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 9<br />


Geraldines Wāhine Toawith Suburbs Heat at the Canterbury Womens Rugby Festival. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Wāhine Toa march toward the finals<br />

Last Saturday saw our table-topping<br />

Geraldine Rugby Football Club (GRFC)<br />

Wāhine Toa travel toChristchurch as<br />

partofthe Canterbury Womens Rugby<br />

Festival. On abeautiful winters day at<br />

Hagley Park, theGRFC side performance<br />

was sublime as they put the Suburbs<br />

Heat to the sword, dispatching them<br />

comfortably 67-24.<br />

CoachJason Hurley saidthe team buzz<br />

was electric through the warmup, giving<br />

him an inkling of what was to come.<br />

Skipper Louise Nalder won the toss and<br />

chose to havethe breezeand sunontheir<br />

backs in the first half on what looked to<br />

be ahigh-speed track that might provide<br />

some expansiveand fast-running rugby.<br />

It didnot disappoint, nor didthe GRFC<br />

side asthey blew through the touch,<br />

tackling the Suburbs side. Halves<br />

combination Te Awhe Hurley and Kate<br />

Brown scored within the first four minutes<br />

of the game, showing greatfootwork and<br />

illusiveness. Acouple ofunforced errors<br />

from the Geraldine side gave Suburbs an<br />

opportunity, which they took, scoring a<br />

try inthe 10th minute of play tokeep<br />

them in the fight.<br />

Abreakfor thesecond quarter allowed<br />

our wāhine to re-group, and they came<br />

on strong in the second quarter with four<br />

unanswered triestoLucyHarrison, Sophie<br />

Kerrand the jet-shoes of BeatrixHardie-<br />

Lyne, who scorchedher way throughthe<br />

opposition to score abrace of her own.<br />

Rachel Nalder and Kate Brown successfully<br />

converted all fourofthose tries.<br />

As the contest wore on, injuries hit<br />

both teams leaving Suburbs Heat short<br />

on numbers.Inthe true spirit of the day,<br />

the Geraldine wāhine loaned Suburbs<br />

some of their own to keep the contest<br />

going. That generosity cost Geraldine<br />

immediately as April Hurley and Sina<br />

Stedefeld powered over the line against<br />

the Wāhine Toa. The match closed out<br />

with some brilliant long-range tries to<br />

Libby Geary, Te Awhe Hurley, and the<br />

evergreen LucyHarrison,who completed<br />

her own hat trick of tries with electric<br />

speed and Roger Tuivasa-Sheck-like<br />

footwork. GRFC Wāhine Toa defeated<br />

Christchurch Suburbs Heat 67-24.<br />

This match was afarewell to German<br />

teammate Anna Weidlich, who heads<br />

back homewith the goal of wearing her<br />

nations colours. We wish her all the best<br />

with her career. The Geraldine Wāhine<br />

Toa have abye this week, but you can<br />

catch their last round-robin game at<br />

Raukapuka Domain on 9July. Theywant<br />

abig crowd toshowcase their skill and<br />

see them into the playoffs. GIDEON SNOW<br />

Jersey auction anticipates 125th Jubilee<br />

The GRFC senior sides face Mackenzie<br />

at home this weekend from 1pm. Both<br />

teams willbelooking for wins:the Senior<br />

Bs look to push into top-four contention<br />

andthe Axemen to earn aScottCup playoff<br />

chance. Both teams will wear aone-off<br />

custom jersey to garner interest in the<br />

upcomingGRFC 125-year Jubilee (2023)<br />

and raise funds for the event.<br />

The jersey has aspects of the original<br />

1898 stripand willbeavailablefor purchase<br />

after the game by blackboard auction in<br />

the clubrooms. They will have reserves<br />

of $100 and $75, with 50 available for<br />

sale. Interested parties can write their<br />

name and bid on the board.The auction<br />

will close at 6.<strong>30</strong>pm, winners announced<br />

at 7pm. Come on down and support<br />

your local. GIDEON SNOW<br />

&<br />

The Geraldine Rugby Football Club are pleased<br />

to announce the opening of registrations for the<br />

club’s125th Jubilee which will take place during<br />

Anzac weekend, 2023.<br />


•can be left at Geraldine Rugby Club Bar<br />

or at the gates during<br />

MacKenzie vs Geraldine 2July, <strong>2022</strong>;<br />

• HHA Associates Ltd,Four Peaks Plaza -<br />

there is abox at the bottom ofthe stairs;<br />

•emailed to grfcjubilee@gmail.com<br />

•orposted toPO Box 50, Geraldine 7956<br />


NAME(S)<br />

EMAIL<br />





£ Meet &Greet Friday,22April, 2023;6pm<br />

$60 SINGLE No. Attending: __________<br />

£ Jubilee Dinner Saturday, 23 April, 2023; 7.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

$80 SINGLE No. Attending: __________<br />

Happy Hour, Buffet<br />

Welcome from Chairman of Jubilee Committee<br />

Decade Speakers<br />

Presentation of 100 game cap<br />

£ TOTALPAID $ __________________<br />

DIRECT DEBIT TO: BNZ 02-0840-0014739-005<br />

REFERENCE: your name<br />


On 2July at the Mackenzie games, 1pm and 2.45pmat<br />

Geraldine Rugby Club, the players will be sporting<br />

anew-lookjerseyasaforerunner to the Jubilee.<br />

These jerseys are numbered and will besold by<br />

blackboard auction on theday.Auction closes at6.<strong>30</strong>pm,<br />

winnersannounced at 7pm.<br />

Full auction details are onour Facebook page, and watch<br />

out for the boysmodelling these new jerseys.<br />

LIKE<br />

US ON<br />


AaronGregan: 021 689 467<br />

Gideon Snow:027 606 5127

WHĀRANGI 10 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>30</strong> PIPIRI, <strong>2022</strong><br />

In Geraldine<br />

this weekend!<br />

CASH<br />

FOR<br />


GOLD &<br />


TABLES<br />

Afun music session for parents,<br />

carers and young children<br />

9.<strong>30</strong>am Tuesdays in term-time<br />

St Andrew’s Hall<br />



geraldine toy library<br />

Forpuzzles,games, Duplo, activity centres,<br />

Lego, trainsets,electronictoys,ride-on,<br />

dress-ups,puppets,art sets, garden toys<br />

and much, more...<br />

117 Talbot Street, Geraldine<br />



TUESDAY 10.<strong>30</strong>am-12pm<br />

SATURDAY 2pm-3.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

To support us please visit:<br />

givealittle.co.nz/org/geraldine-toy-library<br />

It’s a great t<br />

ime to sell!<br />

Gold is at recordhighsandd the demand for Stamps,<br />

Coins and Banknotes is as strong as ever.<br />

My name is Matt Power andIownthe Stamp &Coin Exchange<br />

in Christchurch. Iwill be available for appointments<br />

in Geraldine this weekend for FREE appraisals.<br />

BUYING<br />

Old and New STAMPS, COINS,<br />

and BANKNOTES. Postcards, Militaria and<br />

Collectables. Sovereigns, Scrap Gold, Silver,<br />

Platinum, Watches and Old J ewellery.<br />

Call meon 0800 39 24 26<br />

Agria potatoes are perfect for mashing,<br />

roasting, wedges and chips<br />

10KG = $15<br />

OR<br />

2bags = $25<br />

ORDERS:<br />

gWrWh lK51z8gmi&h<br />

@96 -96 3Z3Z<br />

f7)K51z@(1rW5di/1hf7fvhKK57/<br />

Kr )rKm W/z PIA f&|d1/&<br />


Experienced arborist available for all your<br />

tree pruning and removal needs<br />

Phone Li Tane on 022 <strong>30</strong>8 1858<br />

OR EMAIL: info@arborculture.co.nz for afree quote<br />

Loya l locals<br />

love Gera ldine.<br />

Show yo ur love and think local.<br />

It’simportant when selling that youdealwith alicensed professional.<br />

Iamalicensed Second Hand Dealer.Hearfrom you soon!<br />

A55 prKv11df (K &KwWrdf &h1 K/(Ki/( vKf&f<br />

K) &h1PrimWrz I/d|f&rz AvWd1mz v5Wff1f<br />

geraldinecommunitydiary<br />

JULY 2 022<br />


GERALDINE FLORAL ART GROUP Saturday 9July, 10am<br />

to 4.<strong>30</strong>pm. “Deck the Hall” Floral Christmas Exhibition,<br />

St Andrews Hall.<br />


ALZHEIMERS SOCIAL SUPPORT Tuesday5Julyand Tuesday<br />

19 July,10.<strong>30</strong>am, Mundells Café. Phone Rose, 03 687 7583<br />

BLACKBOARD CONCERT 7.15pm Friday 29 July.$5atdoor,<br />

local performers at The Academy. Facemasks required.Phone<br />

Rhys 021 462 260.<br />

BOARD GAMES 2pm Sunday 31 July ,Geraldine Academy<br />

foyer.Phone 021 462 260. (Facemasks required)<br />

BOOKS ON THE BRAIN CLUB Monday 25 July, 2.<strong>30</strong>pm,<br />

Geraldine Library.PhoneLiz 03 693 9336.<br />

BRIDGE CLUB Mondays7pm Geraldine Community Resource<br />

Centre,Wednesdays1pm at RSAand Thursdays7pm at Bowling<br />

Club. Phone Leslie 03 693 9801.<br />

CAFÉ KNITTERS Tuesday 5July 7-9pm, Village Inn. Phone<br />

Mary 027 427 0815.<br />

CHILDREN’S CHOIR No events scheduled. Charlotte Talbot,<br />

021 151 3<strong>30</strong>1.<br />

COMMUNITY CHOIR (Adults) No events scheduled.<br />

COMMUNITY GARDEN Tuesday 4pm-5.<strong>30</strong>pm and Thursday<br />

10am-12pm. All welcome. Phone Tim021 204 4951.<br />

COMMUNITY VEHICLE to Timaru, departs from the carpark<br />

outside Mundells CafeTuesdays 9.<strong>30</strong>am, returns 2pm. Phone<br />

03 6931007.<br />

CRAFT MARKET Saturday &Sunday 9am-3pm, Cox St.<br />

CREATIVE FIBRE GROUP Monday 10am-3pm, Vintage Car<br />

&Machinery Museum. PhoneAlison 03 692 2777 or Anne<br />

03 693 9958.<br />

CROQUET Wednesdays 10:<strong>30</strong>am,Sundays 10:<strong>30</strong>am, Geraldine<br />

Domain (Huffey St).New members and casual guests welcome.<br />

Phone Sue 027 6<strong>30</strong> 3990 or Shirley 021 210 9672 for more<br />

information.<br />

DENFIELDGOLF CLUB MenSaturdayand Wednesday 12pm,<br />

Women Tuesday 10am and Saturday 12pm.<br />

FINDING OUR VOICES - DRAMA. Tuesdays from 12pm at<br />

the Academy Phone Rhys 021 462 260<br />

FLORALART GROUP Monday 11 July, 7pm, RSArooms.<br />

Visitors welcome. Phone Liz 03 697 4868.<br />

FOUR PEAKS SEIDO KARATE General classes Tuesday<br />

6pm, Thursday 5pm &Friday 6pm, beginners’ class Thursday<br />

6pm. Phone Gisell 021 0228 7049 for more info.<br />

FRIENDS OF GERALDINE All welcome. Wednesday 13 July,<br />

12.<strong>30</strong>pm,Lunch at Farm Shop Café. Wednesday 27 July,2pm,<br />

Coffee at Woodbury Café. Phone Angus 027 4494410orFaye<br />

03 693 8744.<br />

FUNERGY FITNESS CLASSES Step class Monday 6.15pm.<br />

Fighting Fit Tuesday 6.<strong>30</strong>pm. (Mon &Tuesatthe Base) Retro<br />

Band Thursday 6.<strong>30</strong>pm (at Primary School Hall). Cannot offer<br />

classes until at ‘GREEN’. Phone Lynda 021 264 4400.<br />

GERALDINE COMMUNITY BOARD meeting Wednesday<br />

6July, 6:<strong>30</strong>pm at the Geraldine Service Centre, adjacent to<br />

the library.Open to the public. Facemasks required.<br />

GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB mixed golf Sunday 12.<strong>30</strong>pm,<br />

women’sgolf Wednesday 9.<strong>30</strong>am.<br />

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICE for certifying documents,<br />

Saturdays 10am-12pm at Geraldine Library. Phone Ross<br />

027 222 8434. Facemasks required.<br />

KINDERGARTENPLAYGROUP Notcurrently operating.Phone<br />

03 693 8888 for information.<br />

KNITTING&CROCHETINGGROUP Friday9.<strong>30</strong>am at Geraldine<br />

Library.Beginners welcome. Phone 03 693 9336.<br />

LADIESFRIENDSHIPCLUB Monday 18 July,10amatDenfield<br />

Golf Club. Phone Beth 03 693 8958.<br />

MEN’S FRIENDSHIP CLUB Tuesday 26 July, 10am at RSA<br />

Rooms.Phone Alan 03 693 9488.<br />

MEN’S SHED TRUST Thursday 10am-2pm, Saturday<br />

10am -12pm at 117 Talbot Street. New members welcome.<br />

Phone John 027 681 5244<br />

MORRIS DANCING Tuesdays, 5pm atAcademy.PhoneAnne<br />

03 693 8726.<br />

PARLIAMENTARY SERVICE JacquiDeanavailable at Geraldine<br />

Resource Centre by appointment. Phone 0800 679 248 254.<br />

PATCHWORK GROUPS Tuesdays 7pm, phone Maureen<br />

03 693 8328 and Thursdays 10am-3pm, phone Kathleen<br />

03 693 9581<br />

PETANQUE Tuesdays 10am summer and 1pm winter at<br />

Geraldine Bowling Club. Phone Gill 03 693 7231.<br />

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Wednesday 13 July,StAndrews Hall,<br />

Peel Street. 10th Birthday Party.Phone Donna 03 693 7299.<br />


continues 7pm Mondays $2/person/night (contact John<br />

027 528 0952). For hall hire contact Joy 6938176.<br />

PLEASANT VALLEY PLAYGROUP Monday 9.<strong>30</strong>am-12pm at<br />

the Old School, Pleasant Valley.Phone Sheree 022 171 4562.<br />

PLUNKET NURSE in Geraldine, Wednesdays. Phone Jill<br />

027 258 9725 for appointments.<br />


10.<strong>30</strong>am at Geraldine Library. Not in school holidays. Phone<br />

03 693 9336 for information.<br />

RED CROSS SHOP Tuesday &Thursday 10am-3pm, and<br />

Saturday 10am-12pm.<br />

ROCK’N’ROLL CLUB Thursdays, 7.<strong>30</strong>pm at RSA Rooms.<br />

Restarts 10 February.Phone Lynda 03 693 8652.<br />

ROSIE’S RECYCLED CLOTHING Tuesdays and Thursday,<br />

10:<strong>30</strong>am-3:<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

SALSA DANCING New dates to be confirmed.<br />

SENIORCARE GENTLE EXERCISE Tuesday,10am at SeniorCare<br />

Function Centre, Waihi Lodge. (No charge) Phone Marg<br />

03 693 9521.<br />


further notice. Phone Marg 03 693 9521.<br />

ST JOHNYOUTH Meet Tuesdaynights6.15pm-7.<strong>30</strong>pm.Contact<br />

Marion 027 439 4060 or Raewyn 027 681 5234<br />

TABLE TOP GAMES Sunday 31 July, 2pm at the Academy,<br />

Rhys 021 462 260<br />

TAICHI CHUAN ChenStyle Saturday9am, QIGONG Saturday<br />

11am, Geraldine Bowling Club. Phone Tim021 141 9142.<br />

TOYLIBRARY Tuesday 10.<strong>30</strong>am-12pm, Saturday 2pm-3.<strong>30</strong>pm,<br />

117 Talbot Street (behind Scout Den), geraldinetoylibrary@gmail.com<br />

U3A No meetingsuntil further notice.Phone Viv, 027 693 9052.<br />

UKULELE JAM Tuesdays, 7.<strong>30</strong>pm atRSA rooms. Phone<br />

Margaretha 027 648 4004.<br />

WALK IN WARDROBE Saturdays, 10am-12pm at the Lodge<br />

Theatre. Phone Sharon 03 693 8098 or 027 224 3673.<br />

WOODBURY LIBRARY open to public, 11am to 2pm. All<br />

welcome. (Toview history room contact Joanne, 692 2866)<br />

YOGA Wednesdays, 5:45pm, atthe Academy with Paula<br />

Flannery.Enquiries 021 0238 1968.<br />

YOGA WITH LEIGH Monday 5.<strong>30</strong>pm and Friday morning<br />

5.<strong>30</strong>am. Phone 021 105 0750.<br />

ZUMBA ® Tuesday 10am atRSA Rooms. Phone Gisell on<br />

021 0228 7049.<br />


ANGLICAN PARISH For inforation and service times visit<br />

geraldineanglicans.com or call 03 693 8380.<br />

CATHOLIC MASS Sundays, 9am Church of the Immaculate<br />

Conception. Phone 03 615 7527 for details.<br />

FORWARD IN FAITH CHURCH Sundays 10am atthe<br />

Ōrari Coronation Hall, 8/10 MacdonaldStreet. Phone Harry 03<br />

693 7479.<br />

ST ANDREW’S CHURCH Phone 03693 9503 for Sunday<br />

service times.<br />

To list an event or activity in the next<br />

Community Diary phone the Geraldine<br />

ResourceCentre on 03 693 7001oremail<br />

info@geraldineresourcecentre.co.nz<br />

by Thursday 22July.

gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />

GNews NOTICES<br />

DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />

you don’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />

GNews,email hugh@gnews.co.nz or call or txt 027<br />

920 8751. We’ll try to get one to you and try to ensure<br />

any delivery issues are resolved.<br />

CLASSIFIED ADS CASH SALES 24 Hislop Street<br />

10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask. Ads<br />

are63cents per word.<br />



10am Wednesday 22 <strong>June</strong> atthe Green Man at<br />

Peel Forest.<br />


WOODBURYHALL Visit woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />



yourbusinessand tax requirements.Phone Raylene<br />

on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />


Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />

gnews<br />

results<br />

GERALDINE BRIDGE CLUB 23.06.22 ,Woodbury Handicap Pairs<br />

Session 1: 1st MBray &Julie Kelly 64.78% 2nd RPitelen &KMiles<br />

59.41% 3rd KGidlow-Black %SStevens54.14%. 22.06.22 North South:<br />

1st MBray &Julie Kelly 69.17%, 2nd VHill %LGrayill 60.00% East<br />

West: 1st LPincombe &John Kelly 70.83%, 2nd SCraig &BCassidy<br />

46.67% | GERALDINE GOLF CLUB 25.06.22 Medal Rd 3: Winners of<br />

Summer 4BallMAmos &JRobinson,Sen &Int: MKolhalmi79-12-67,<br />

CPhillips 84-13-71, IMacdonald 76-5-71, TPaulin 79-7-72, BGallichan<br />

84-11-73 Bl. Jun A+BRPutze 95-<strong>30</strong>-65, MRae 103-34-69,ISmith 88-<br />

18-70, WPolson 90-17-73, DManssen 93-19-74. Twos #9 NDewe,#12<br />

MShepherd &TPaulin, #17 WPolson, #6 SSilcock. NTP #9 Ladies<br />


dogs. 208Woodbury Road. Phone 03 6939929.<br />

BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, forall<br />

building work. Phone Ants 027 <strong>30</strong>9 0798.<br />

CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />

Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />

owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />

CHIMNEY SWEEP &REPAIRS Call Dan McKerrow<br />

021 1187580.<br />

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />

Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />

COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Call Geraldine Computer<br />

Solutions: Prompt, professional, affordable.<br />

03 693 9496.<br />


Glass 03 693 9927.<br />

HEATPUMPS Clean,service, repairand install. Please<br />

call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.<br />


DISCOUNT 15% offall and labour pricesonly.Phone<br />

Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />

JKallahan, Men MMcKeoan, 3rd Shot #18 JKallahan, 2nd #18<br />

GGallichan. Ladies Stableford, MAmos 91-25- 42pts, SSilcock 92-20-<br />

36, PMuff103-28-33, HOldfield 88-12-32 Bl. 24.06.22 Matariki 2Person<br />

Ambrose: DSheldon &RHolling 53.5, MAmos &MPatrick 55.5,<br />

DAmos &GDwyer 55.5, SMillar &BAuld 56.0, RIrvine &NCollins<br />

57, SBensemann &BCosgriff57.5, DKenny &RJeffrey 58.5.NTP #<br />

15 DAmos, #18 TPaulin. 22.06.22 Stableford: MBensemann 37,<br />

DLapthorne 37, DSheldon 36, BWaller 36, TPutz 36, TCook. 35,<br />

AShaw 35, RPutz 35, JSinclair 34, RStevenson 34. Twos RPutz 9,<br />

BWaller 9, NLeslie12, JSinclair 15. NTP on 9-JMuff. 21.06.22 Sharpe<br />

Cup Rd 2 Nett: Sanders Cup: MGregan 99-28-1up, MBolton 01-28-<br />


Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />

021041 3318.<br />

PAINTER GERALDINE-BASED Friendlyprofessional<br />

service, good rates, excellent local references.<br />

Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or 027 962 4841.<br />

PC UPGRADES /REPAIRS Geraldine Computer<br />

Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />

SHARPENING SERVICE Knives, scissors, blades.<br />

Geraldine Forge and Blades 029 646 6327.<br />

TECH SUPPORT GERALDINE for computer help.<br />

Shane 029 646 6327.<br />



Clover Honey Special 1kg$15,2kg $25. Newseason’s<br />

Honeycombalsoavailable.<br />


DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />

Sq, CJopp 110-32-1dn, CFowler 93-19-2dn, DDewe 105-31-2dn.<br />

MGregan 71, MBolton 73. NTP JKallahan, 9Hole Bisque Par Rd3<br />

GGibson +3. | GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB 25.06.22 Medal Rd3:<br />

Winners of Summer 4Ball MAmos &JRobinson,Sen &Int: MKolhalmi<br />

79-12-67, CPhillips 84-13-71, IMacdonald 76-5-71, TPaulin 79-7-72,<br />

BGallichan 84-11-73 Bl. Jun A+BRPutze 95-<strong>30</strong>-65, MRae 103-34-<br />

69, ISmith 88-18-70, WPolson 90-17-73, DManssen93-19-74. Twos<br />

#9 NDewe, #12 MShepherd &TPaulin, #17 WPolson, #6 SSilcock.<br />

NTP #9 Ladies JKallahan, Men MMcKeoan, 3rd Shot #18 JKallahan,<br />

2nd #18 GGallichan.Ladies Stableford,MAmos 91-25-42pts, SSilcock<br />

92-20-36, PMuff103-28-33, HOldfield 88-12-32Bl.<br />



10 PEEL STREET<br />

03 693 61<strong>30</strong><br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

THURSDAY, <strong>30</strong>JUNE, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 11<br />



Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />

Direct billing to Insurance Companies<br />

TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />

23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331<br />

eatingout<br />

BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />

menuincorporatingBarker’s products with seasonal ingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />

8.<strong>30</strong>am-4.<strong>30</strong>pm. Phone 03 693 9727.<br />

BREWERY CAFÉ Hours: Monday/Tuesday closed, Wednesday 9am-5pm,<br />

Thursday/Friday/Saturdays 9am to late(kitchencloses 8pm), Sunday 9am-4pm.<br />

Bookingsadvisablebyphoning 03 697 4959.<br />

CAFE VERDE Licensed café in adelightful garden setting. Menu and cabinet<br />

options. Open 7days 9am-3pm. 45 Talbot St. Phone 03 6939616.<br />

THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the Forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />

Thu-Sun and Fri &Satevenings. Phone 03 696 3567.<br />

MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.<strong>30</strong>am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />

and lunch menu are available8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is open every<br />

Friday night 5.<strong>30</strong>pm-9pm.<br />

GERALDINE FARM SHOP &CAFE Open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Weekends<br />

8.<strong>30</strong>am-5pm. Menu choices change regularly.Somethingfor everyone. Come<br />

and check us out. Phone 03 6939514.<br />

THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Street Food Takeaways. Openfor dinner<br />

4pm-8pm Wed-Sat. 36 Talbot Street. Phone 03 693 9723 or order using the<br />

Regulr app. Delivering to Geraldine Township and the Downs.<br />

THE RUNNINGDUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />

popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />

8am-4pm; Saturday-Sunday 8.<strong>30</strong>am-4pm.<br />

THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />

phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />

WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />

restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />

-Sunday 8.<strong>30</strong>am-4pm. Only 6km fromGeraldine. Phone03 971 6292.<br />



click &collect<br />

or well deliver<br />

KIDS<br />



chicken or tofu, fries & tomato sauce<br />


with fries & sweet chilli sauce<br />


chicken or tofu & broccoli<br />

$6<br />

HOURS: 4pm-8pm<br />




PH: 03 693 9399<br />


7.<strong>30</strong>AM-5PMMONDAY-FRIDAY<br />

Laser ElectricalGeraldine,17Peel Street<br />

03 6939399|geraldine@laserelectrical.co.nz<br />


PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />

THURSDAY <strong>30</strong> JUNE TIL WEDNESDAY 6JULY<br />

Buzz is back! Pixars all new animated feature<br />



SUNDAY 1PM<br />

The all new animated family feature<br />




Rena Owen stars in<br />

WHINA<br />


SUNDAY 3PM<br />



SAT 7.15PM |SUN 5.15PM<br />

Tom Hanks &Austin Butler star in Baz Luhrmanns<br />

ELVIS<br />





PAGE 12 |GERALDINE NEWS | THURSDAY, <strong>30</strong>JUNE, <strong>2022</strong><br />



P<br />


in the ca<br />

fé<br />

Our Homemade<br />

Mince on Toast $9.99<br />

by<br />

populap<br />

ar<br />

demand<br />

d<br />

Granny Smith Apples $1.99kg<br />

Avocado $.99 bag of 5<br />

Tomatoes $7.99kg<br />

free delivery<br />

in the<br />

within the GERALDINE town bound<br />

PHONE: 03<br />

3 693 9514<br />

farm shop<br />

Bird Apples $8.99 bag<br />

As the weather gets colder the birds<br />

are looking for more food.<br />

Checkoutall<br />

our<br />

options.<br />

m<br />

ention<br />

this adan<br />

d<br />

get $1<br />

off<br />

each bag<br />

farm<br />

sh p<br />

specials<br />

op 1/2 Gre<br />

een Cabbage $2.49ea<br />

NZ Green Ki<br />

iwifruit $2.99kg<br />

Red Grapes $8.99kg<br />


The Farm Shop Café inGeraldine<br />

VISIT:<br />

geraldinefarmshop.co.nz<br />

nz<br />

56 Main North Road, Geraldine PHONE: 036939514<br />

OPENS:<br />

CLOSES:<br />

Monday-Friday 8am<br />

Saturday-Sunday Sunday 8.<strong>30</strong>am<br />

Public Holidays 9am<br />

Between 4pm-5pm -call ahead to besure<br />



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Double Glazing, Insurance<br />

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03 693 9927<br />

www.geraldineglass.co.nz<br />

ONLINE EDITION: gnews.co.nz<br />


CALL FOR<br />








www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

RSA, full of fun and friendship<br />

The dedication and<br />

commitment of <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA<br />

stalwarts ColleenHands and<br />

AllanJohnson has been<br />

recognised with RSA life<br />

memberships.<br />

They werepresented badges<br />

and certificates by Canterbury<br />

District RSA presidentStan<br />

Hansenlastweekat<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA president<br />

MervBrenton said the life<br />

memberships to Colleen and<br />

Allanacknowledged the<br />

achievements of “twovery<br />

loyaland supportive members<br />

of the RSA.Congratulations on<br />

beingmade life members, an<br />

honourwell­earned’’.<br />

Colleenjoined the RSAin<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> on <strong>June</strong> 17, 2005 but<br />

prior to that was amember in<br />

Twizelfor around nineyears.<br />

She transferredto<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

She initially joined the RSA<br />

after being encouraged by<br />

friends, but its the camaraderie<br />

and friendships since which<br />

have kept her activeinmany<br />

aspects.<br />

“I’ve got alot of good friends.<br />

They’re all agreat bunch,really<br />

caring,” she said.<br />

She was involved with the<br />

womens’ section before<br />

becoming its president in 2012;<br />

aposition she held until<br />

January this year. Thesection<br />

has gone into arecess for now.<br />

Colleen was aregular<br />

supporter of any function or<br />

entertainment event, “a<br />

genuine club member whose<br />

dedication has never been<br />

challenged”, Merv said.<br />

“Colleen was raffleconvener<br />

RSA <strong>Ashburton</strong> president Merv Brenton, new life members Allan Johnson and Colleen Hands with<br />

Canterbury District RSA president Stan Hansen.<br />


for many years and also along<br />

service executive member<br />

whose knowledge and<br />

experiencehas been invaluable<br />

to thesuccessful running of the<br />

RSA.”<br />

She did not seek re­election<br />

this year.<br />

Allan Johnson joined the RSA<br />

through his late­father, who<br />

was amember at Geraldine.<br />

“I love meeting people, it was<br />

part of my job,” he said.<br />

Aprofessional career<br />

working for45 yearsinthe grain<br />

andseedindustry, Allan<br />

became amemberof<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

RSAonJanuary 17,2005.<br />

He was electedtothe<br />

executive committee in 2010,<br />

the finance committee in 2014,<br />

and then chairman in 2016.<br />

He became <strong>Ashburton</strong>RSA<br />

vice­president in 2018;a<br />

position he still holds.<br />

“I love doing it,” he said, of<br />

his involvement with the club.<br />

And heencouragedothers to<br />

join with different sections<br />

covering different interests<br />

such as bowls, darts or pool and<br />

reasonableprices in theclub.<br />

“Younger ones shouldbe<br />

joining,” he said.<br />

“It’s afriendly club, afriendly<br />

place.”<br />

There werealso membership<br />

nights,social events, raffles,<br />

meals on site throughJacksons'<br />

Bistro and support for<br />

businesses or firms wantinga<br />

social space for staff.<br />

Businesses and firms come in<br />

and approach us, Allan said.<br />

“Allan is dedicated and is<br />

very devoted to our club in all<br />

aspects from gardening,<br />

maintenance, entertainment,<br />

conveyance through to<br />

finance,” Merv said.<br />

“Allanwill be there,heisvery<br />

much hands on with whatever<br />

he does and the major player in<br />

us still being operational under<br />

what has been extraordinary<br />

trading conditions over the last<br />

two years.”<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Need Heat Fast?<br />

The Fastest, Warmest Indoor/Outdoor HeaterYou Will Ever Own!<br />

33<br />

Targeting<br />

weeds in<br />

gorge<br />

An intensiveweed control<br />

projectinRakaia Gorge will<br />

helpprotect the area’s rare<br />

and precious native plants<br />

and trees.<br />

It’s being carried out over<br />

fouryears, andbegan after<br />

Selwyn District Council,<br />

EnvironmentCanterburyand<br />

landowners asked for an<br />

assessment ofthe gorge’s<br />

ecological values, and the<br />

weedsthat threaten them.<br />

The gorge is rich in native<br />

biodiversity. It’s home to<br />

diverse mixed hardwood<br />

species(covering an<br />

estimated120 hectares),bluff<br />

shrublands (anestimated<br />

100ha), tussockland,<br />

grasslandsand two large<br />

wetlands.<br />

At least 16 threatenedand<br />

at­risk native plant species<br />

havebeen recorded ­<br />

including Canterbury pink<br />

broom,and Rōhutu/Myrtle –<br />

bothnationally critical, along<br />

withothers that are<br />

regionally uncommon.<br />

Selwyn District Council<br />

landmanagement and<br />

biodiversity advisor, Billy<br />

Bartrum,describes the<br />

catchment as astunning<br />

landscape –comprising lotsof<br />

rareand threatened plants,<br />

and he’s thrilled by theefforts<br />

to preserve it.<br />

“It’sareal collaboration.<br />

Thiscouldn’t happen without<br />

the help of those fromother<br />

agencies.”<br />

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BANK NOTES and SCRAP GOLD in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Iwill be in <strong>Ashburton</strong>thisSunday, July 3<br />

10am to 3pm at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>Boardroom, Racecourse Road<br />

If youhavealarge collection, or aretoo oldtotravel.Noworries! Ican come to you<br />


Phone Matt Power 0800 39 24 26

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

35<br />

An insulated home is ahealthy home<br />

Insulation keepspeople out of<br />

hospitals and reduces the<br />

pressure on the health system.<br />

However, not enoughpeople<br />

know aboutthe insulation<br />

subsidiesavailable, what the<br />

eligibility criteria areorfeel<br />

they should not apply.<br />

CommunityEnergy Action<br />

(CEA) is aCanterbury<br />

charitable trust that can<br />

provide free insulation to low<br />

incomehomeowners in<br />

Canterbury and across the West<br />

Coast.<br />

In 2021, CEA’s figures showed<br />

about half of its thousands of<br />

clients, covering all the<br />

demographicsofthe<br />

community last year, had a<br />

chronic healthcondition.<br />

CEACharitable Trust chief<br />

executiveCaroline Shone said<br />

figures over the years equated<br />

to tensofthousands of people<br />

less likelytoneed atrip to the<br />

ED or spend any timein<br />

hospital because their houses<br />

are warmer and easier to heat,<br />

keeping them healthier.<br />

“As we are now seeing<br />

substantialincreases in the<br />

costs of living, thiswill put<br />

pressure on people’s budgets.<br />

Many willbeinclined to save on<br />

heating costs by not turning on<br />

their heating or cannot afford<br />

to.<br />

‘‘What this willleadto, is<br />

colder houses, which in turn<br />

will create dampnessand<br />

mould and ultimately can make<br />

peoplesick.<br />

“People may think they have<br />

adequate insulation, when in<br />

fact our energy assessors find<br />

on checkingit, thatithas either<br />

compacted over the years or a<br />

thinner layer than is now<br />

recommended was installed.<br />

CEA’s assessors also find that<br />

tradesmen working in roof<br />

spaces quiteoftendisturbed or<br />

damaged the insulation, which<br />

again causesissues.<br />

“Subsidiesfor insulationare<br />

avery good use of money. CEA’s<br />

research withthe CDHB afew<br />

years agoshowed thatthe<br />

money saved in health care was<br />

more than what was spent in<br />

insulationsubsidies. Anyone<br />

whotakes advantage of the<br />

subsidies is potentially doing<br />

thehealthcare systema<br />

service.”<br />

Mostclients heard of CEA<br />

through word of mouth.<br />

“Wethink it is fantastic that<br />

people arebenefitting fromour<br />

service andthat they are telling<br />

alltheir friends and family.We<br />

often see neighbourscoming to<br />

us after we insulated ahouse<br />

next door.<br />

“However,the concern is that<br />

only ahandfulofclients came<br />

to us through areferral from a<br />

health professional. We<br />

understandthe pressures our<br />

health professionals are under<br />

and we are working tirelessly to<br />

Warmer houses equate to thousands of people less likely to need atrip to hospital.<br />

find better pathwaystoensure<br />

that patients areaware of the<br />

preventative measures such as<br />

insulation that could be<br />

considered to help with chronic<br />

cold­related illnesses.”<br />

GPs andotherhealth<br />

providers can refer patients on<br />

to CEA throughtheirusual<br />

referral systems. Evenifpeople<br />

do notqualify for subsidies,<br />

CEAdoes free,no­obligation<br />

insulationchecks and as a<br />

charitabletrust works with<br />

peopletoget the best outcome<br />

for them withoutany<br />

commercial sales pressure.<br />

CEA is an official provider<br />

thatcan access government<br />

subsidies for insulation.Ontop<br />

of the 80% government provides<br />

through the WarmerKiwi<br />

Homes programme, they have<br />

accesstootherfunding,<br />

meaning that low income<br />

homeowners can getfree<br />

insulation through the trust.<br />

Geraldine sculpture<br />

trail making progress<br />

The firstpart of<br />

Geraldine’s nature<br />

and sculpture trail is<br />

nearingcompletion,<br />

with the footpath<br />

almost finished.<br />

Geraldine<br />

councillor Gavin<br />

Oliver said they had<br />

been‘‘playing in the<br />

mud’’ after therecent<br />

rainfall, butdespite<br />

the weather the first<br />

loop of the trail<br />

would be finished in<br />

three to four weeks.<br />

Theloopwent<br />

‘‘fromthe pedestrian<br />

bridge to road bridge<br />

via the riverside,<br />

parkside andtown’’,<br />

trailproject co›<br />

manager Janene<br />

Adams said.<br />

Trail implementation<br />

manager Steve Sullivan said<br />

with abit more crusher dust<br />

and the path compacted downit<br />

would be ‘‘almost like<br />

concrete’’.<br />

Mr Sullivansaidthe edgesof<br />

the path would be planted up<br />

and aboardwalkand viewing<br />

platform addedatalater date.<br />

He felt there were ‘‘notmany<br />

places with this in the centre of<br />

town’’.<br />

Mr Oliver said ‘‘drop­ins’’<br />

from theroad on to the<br />

pavement would allow people<br />

using mobility scooters or<br />

wheelchairs to access the trail.<br />

Whatset Geraldine’s nature<br />

andsculpture trail apart from<br />

others aroundthe country was<br />

it wasn’t privately owned,<br />

meaning it would be<br />

‘‘completely free’’ to view, he<br />

said.<br />

Ms Adams said when the first<br />

loop was finished they would be<br />

lookingtobuy sculptures.<br />

Some sculptures would be<br />

Janene Adams and Gavin Oliver are<br />

ecstatic the end is insight for the first part<br />

of the Geraldine Arts and Sculptures trail.<br />

ownedbythe community, while<br />

otherswould be leased,<br />

allowing them to be changed<br />

‘‘very frequently’’ and<br />

providing awalkthat was<br />

always interesting.<br />

Ms Adamssaidthe trail had<br />

been divided into four<br />

‘‘interchangeable loops’’,<br />

allowingpeople to walk allor<br />

part of thetrail.<br />

With loops through Talbot<br />

Forest, the Domain and along<br />

the riverside, the trail‘‘will<br />

embraceour river and forest’’.<br />

They were alsoworking<br />

alongside the Arowhenua<br />

marae, which was apartner in<br />

the trail project, Ms Adams<br />

said.<br />

ThevisionofMichaelBarker<br />

(of The Vicarage Geraldine) had<br />

been brought to life thanksto<br />

the support of the community,<br />

Venture Timaru Tourism, the<br />

Timaru District Council parks<br />

and recreation department and<br />

Mr Sullivan’s input, she said.<br />

~Timaru <strong>Courier</strong><br />

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What willyou<br />

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ExploreDunedin<br />

this July?<br />

Dunedincomes alive thisJuly with international test rugby,<br />

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with us!<br />

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circulation<br />

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<strong>Courier</strong><br />

2021<br />

Did not<br />

release<br />

audit.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Guardian<br />

Last<br />

Audit<br />

2019<br />

4<strong>30</strong>6<br />

circulation<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Guardian<br />

The latest NZ Audit Bureau of<br />

Circulations report is out and<br />

it shows that the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong> is the highest circulating<br />

newspaper in our region.<br />

Get our proven circulation working for your business today.<br />

Call usnow for afree advertising consultancy —grow more<br />

customers, sales and profits for your business.<br />

Here’s what our customers have to say:<br />

Advertising is effective and hassle-free with<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>. Thanks totheir large<br />

distribution, we are able to advertise locally<br />

throughout Mid Canterbury, as well as in<br />

Selwyn and Timaru. In our business, it’s<br />

important to attract customers from out<br />

of town as much as it is locally. Being able<br />

to deal with just one person while having<br />

the ability to promote our events out of Mid<br />

Canterbury soeasily, is adefinite advantage.<br />

-Casey, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Event Centre<br />

With the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

being delivered from Rakaia to<br />

Geraldine, Ireceive total coverage<br />

in the Mid Canterbury region,<br />

making it anobrainer that I<br />

choose to spend my advertising<br />

dollars with them.<br />

Iknow itworks due to the amount<br />

of people who mention the<br />

advert, or bring it in with them.<br />

-Keith, AtoBAutos Ltd<br />

We utilised the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong> to<br />

advertise our newSmithsCitystore<br />

opening recently and have to saywewere<br />

extremely pleasedwith the response.<br />

Theresponse from the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong> really put our store on the map<br />

and customers were coming in with the<br />

paper, asking for the specials, our sales<br />

surpassed our expectations.<br />

-DaveBoyte Marketing Manager, Smiths City<br />

Phone <strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

Email jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office 199 Burnett street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

37<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9 10<br />

11 12<br />

13 14<br />

15 16<br />

17 18 19<br />

20 21 22<br />

23 24<br />

1/7<br />

Across<br />

1. Is,byvow perhaps, single-minded (8)<br />

4. Apiece of land to the depth of aspade (4)<br />

8. It is no longer fashionabletobedismissed<br />

(3)<br />

9. There aren’t as manymadefreearound<br />

the West (5)<br />

10. Servingofapurposeinvarious extremes<br />

(3)<br />

11. Got the bottom up and used asprinkler<br />

(7)<br />

12. Roget version of plant disease (5)<br />

13. Before that time, thefoother treewas<br />

modelled on (11)<br />

17. Fish to be made up of parts (5)<br />

18. Withthe post,much is madeofaballet<br />

dancer’s tights(7)<br />

20. Modelofindustryand perhaps ahilldweller(3)<br />

21. Thinkhighly of it, forwhatit’s worth (5)<br />

22. Is in plural form as metric land measure<br />

(3)<br />

23. Creditneeded forsomebedding material<br />

(4)<br />

24. No genuine stoneisemblematic to<br />

Ireland (8)<br />

Down<br />

1. Ahundred wordswritten out forthe<br />

multitudes (6)<br />

2. Some liquid setfire to by Sappers (5)<br />

3. Is to get married,and gets hauled along<br />

behind (5)<br />

5. Onetaking adivemay be used toset off<br />

explosion (7)<br />

6. Stands around,asdoes therapist (6)<br />

7. Thearbor vitae shows animationinits<br />

pedigree (4,2,4)<br />

9. Numberthat’saroundatfour maybe<br />

metaphorical(10)<br />

14. Thericegets planted outbyanonbeliever(7)<br />

15. Crosswise, asitalicsare printed (6)<br />

16. Skater might make abarerun of it (6)<br />

18. Materialgardeneruses agooddeal<br />

around topoflawn(5)<br />

19. It is plainitisall up –no? (5)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1to9.<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8<br />

9 10<br />

11 12 13<br />

14 15 16<br />

17 18<br />

19 20 21<br />

22 23 24<br />

25<br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

1. Second-hand store<br />

(2,4)<br />

5. Overfamiliar,outdated<br />

(3-3)<br />

8. Total(3)<br />

9. Digit (6)<br />

10. Glob(6)<br />

11. Powder(abbr)(4)<br />

13. Separated (8)<br />

14. Prison<br />

accommodation (5)<br />

15. Covered entrance<br />

way(5)<br />

19. Word of praise (8)<br />

21. Swipeat(4)<br />

22. Barter(6)<br />

23. Figure in virtualreality<br />

(6)<br />

25. Set down (3)<br />

26. Impertinent (6)<br />

27. Foot adornment(6)<br />

Down<br />

2. Feathers(7)<br />

3. Centre (3)<br />

4. Procession (6)<br />

5. Quirk (6)<br />

6. Scrumptious(9)<br />

7. Roused (5)<br />

12. Workmate(9)<br />

16. Sham or pretence (7)<br />

17. Impolitely(6)<br />

18. Melon-likefruit (6)<br />

20. Lead (5)<br />

24. Inquire (3)<br />



Across: 1. Op shop, 5. Old-hat, 8. Add,9.Number, 10.Dollop, 11.Talc,<br />

13.Detached, 14.Cells, 15. Porch, 19. Alleluia, 21. Swat,22. Haggle,23.<br />

Avatar,25. Lay, 26.Cheeky, 27. Anklet.<br />

Down: 2. Plumage, 3. Hub, 4. Parade, 5. Oddity, 6. Delicious,7.Awoke,<br />

12. Colleague, 16. Charade, 17. Rudely, 18.Papaya, 20. Leash, 24. Ask.<br />


Across: 1. Celibate 4. Spit 8. Out 9. Fewer 10.Use 11. Dredged12.<br />

Ergot13. Theretofore 17. Sprat18. Maillot20.Ant 21.Value 22. Are23.<br />

Tick 24. Shamrock.<br />

Down: 1. Crowds 2. Litre3.Towed 5. Plunger6.Treats 7. Tree of life 9.<br />

Figurative 14. Heretic15. Aslant16. Streak 18.Mulch 19. Llano.<br />

TARGET<br />

agar agateages garret garter<br />

gate gates gaze gazer gazes<br />

gear gears gets grate grater<br />

grates graze grazer grazes<br />

greatragaragerages rags<br />

saga sage sarge stagstage<br />

stager stargaze STARGAZER<br />

tags zags<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

E Z A<br />

S G T<br />

A R R<br />

Good 17<br />

Very Good 25<br />

Excellent 29+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Bruce and<br />

Denise<br />

McPherson<br />

Bruce and Denise keep busywith real estate but balance inlots of<br />

fun timewith theirfamily. Bruce likes the challenge ofkeeping up<br />

with his two sons, whether it’s atthe gym, on abike, or boating<br />

in the summer. Denise used toride horses competitively and has<br />

judged internationally forseveral years. Maybe their granddaughter<br />

will love horse riding or followthe boys with motorbikes?<br />

There’s never adull moment living life tothe fullest.<br />

027 438 4250 •bruce.mcpherson@raywhite.com<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven •rwashburton.co.nz •03<strong>30</strong>7 8317<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)


38 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> Electronic Organ &Keyboard<br />

Alison -played aselection of lovely tunes<br />

before the short AGM,which was followed by<br />

entertainment organised by Irene.<br />

Marg –kicked the evening off playing<br />

You’re the Reason, followed by the Elvis<br />

version of The WonderofYou (Margsays<br />

Elvis “is the best singer in the world”). Marg’s<br />

third tune, My Beautiful Lady, was indeed a<br />

beautiful, reflective piece.Marg, you are clever<br />

how you have both hands and foot pedals<br />

going on the organ!<br />

Irene &Karen –started with Cottage by<br />

the Lee, with Irene on her accordion and<br />

Karen on the piano, followed by Brush Those<br />

Tears /Baby Blue /Blue Eyes Crying in the<br />

Rain. Their third tune was Roses in Bloom,<br />

which is afavourite and sounded beautiful with<br />

harmony. Ladies, your playingreally<br />

compliments each other!<br />

Irene proceededtotell some Scottish<br />

jokes, which went down well.<br />

Barry and Glenys Kirwan, our guest artists<br />

for the evening, sung aselectionoftunes<br />

starting with So Sad, If IDidn’t Have aDime,<br />

Walk on By, and finishing with TulsaQueen.<br />

Playing guitars, they had rich vocals and lovely<br />

harmony.<br />

Rose, Irene, Ann -the combo of Rose on<br />

the piano and Irene and Ann on melodicas,<br />

created anew sound. They played The<br />

Wonder of You /I’m in the Mood for Love,<br />

followed by Four Walls and then Breezing<br />

Along with the Breeze /It’s aSin to Tell aLie.<br />

There was some great harmony and toe<br />

tapping goingon!<br />

The Cross Street group consisted of Karen<br />

on piano, Irene and Suzie on accordions,<br />

Robin and Iain on ukuleles,Margaret on<br />

drums and Ian on the tea chest bass. They<br />

played aselectionofmedleys includingMy<br />

Happiness /Moonlight Bay /China Doll, and<br />

Blue Skirt Waltz /KentuckyWaltz. The group<br />

finished off with Suzie on the piano,playing a<br />

boogie woogie version of Walk Right Back/<br />

Your Cheating Heart /You’re 16.<br />

Barry and Glenys ended our evening with<br />

PeacefulEasy Feeling, TeachYour Children,<br />

Bluest Heartache of the Year, and Let It Be<br />

Me. So enjoyable!<br />

Thank you to everyone for agreat night’s<br />

entertainment and to Irene for her organising.<br />

Creative Fibre<br />

Members have been busy this last month<br />

working on articlesthat are being donated to<br />

Ukraine,Westpac Helicopters and the Cancer<br />

Society (5 scarves, socks, mittens, about 20<br />

beanies,Tam o’ Shanta’s, and various other<br />

hats and another 10 knee rugs)which were<br />

among the goods on the Show and Tell table<br />

at the meeting at the Plains Museum recently.<br />

Other articleswere ahomespun andknitted<br />

adults jersey (raffle prize),child’s hooded<br />

jersey and acardigan with agarden of<br />

foxglovesabove the welt, perendale<br />

homespun yarn, two crochet bells with<br />

clangersinfine cotton,toy dog and adice<br />

(both knitted)and awoven table runner from a<br />

beginnerweaver.<br />

It was asmallish gathering of members on<br />

an extremely cold wet day. Business was<br />

quickly dealtwith as we were expecting avisit<br />

from Barb of Tally Ho –onher way home from<br />

the Wool Fest in Christchurch. She gave a<br />

From left, <strong>Ashburton</strong> County Lions Coleen King with the Blake<br />

Trophy, Audrey Lowe, Ann Smith, club president Jeannette Early,<br />

Jan Stonyer and Sue Grenn.<br />


reportonher weekend’s adventure and<br />

‘opened’ her trailer for memberstoadd to their<br />

‘stash’ofsupplies and explainedher plans for<br />

the cardingbusiness she has recently taken<br />

over.<br />

Other business and dates to remember<br />

are:- Mid- Winter Christmas lunch on Monday<br />

25th July at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Names are<br />

being taken now. Contact Sue on <strong>30</strong>7 1453 or<br />

22 <strong>30</strong>7 1453 as soon as possible please. Area<br />

Meeting at the NetballPavilion, Aorangi Park<br />

Timaru on August 1st at 1:<strong>30</strong>pm. Craft Cluster<br />

–first Monday each month at Plains Museum<br />

10am –2pm. Bring own lunch and acup. $2<br />

door charge. Weaving Workshop -Ashford’s<br />

(upstairs) 3rd Saturdayeach month. $2 door<br />

fee, food available or BYO. Plans are being<br />

researched for an Open Day in August 2023.<br />

Ideas for the programmewelcome –onSue’s<br />

phonenumbers.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> County Lions Club<br />

President Sue welcomedclub members,<br />

District Governor Christine, visitors from the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Methven,Mayfield, Hinds, Rakaia<br />

and Pakeke Lions club to the County Lions<br />

Club annual changeover of officers night. Past<br />

Council chairman Neil Blake proposed atoast<br />

to Lions International, aFamily of Lions, Lion<br />

Janetreplied.<br />

Everyoneenjoyed alovely meal and<br />

fellowship then President Sue gave her annual<br />

report, expressingher gratitude to Secretary<br />

Jan and Treasurer Wendyand otherBoard<br />

members for their support.The club strived to<br />

achieve in spite of the constraints of COVID,<br />

with limitedfundraising and service but the<br />

club helpedwith meals on wheels, assisted<br />

with catering, held aXmas stall, rugby gate<br />

keeping duties, Toot for Tucker,baking for the<br />

community, sellingoflily bulbs,and lots of<br />

interesting speakers and activities at the<br />

monthly tea meetings,plus several social<br />

occasions throughout the year. President Sue<br />

Thanked all members for their support and<br />

friendship throughout her year as President<br />

andwished incomingPresident Jeannette and<br />

her Board all the best for the upcoming lions<br />

year.<br />

District Governor Christine and President<br />

Sue presented LionsJan Stonyer, Anne Smith<br />

and Audrey Lowe each with the “Lloyd Morgan<br />

Lions Club Charitable Trust NZ Honoured<br />

Recognitionaward “acknowledging their long<br />

and outstanding dedication and service to<br />

Lions.<br />

Lion Coleen King was awarded the “Blake<br />

Trophy Quiet Achiever Award” for her everwilling<br />

and dedicatedparticipation in club<br />

activities,<br />

District Governor Christine thanked<br />

President Sue and her Board for the work they<br />

had done and then inducted Lion Jeannette as<br />

the new President and the new Board<br />

members for the <strong>2022</strong>/23year. President<br />

Jeannette’s theme for the year being “Age is<br />

No Barrier” and she is looking forward to a<br />

year of service, fun and fellowshipwithin the<br />

club.<br />

Rafflesand tailtwistingbrought the<br />

evening to aclose.<br />

U3A <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

This week's speaker was Dr Anne Ford.<br />

The meeting was on Tuesday.<br />

First footsteps: the first wave of people into<br />

Australasiaand the Pacific<br />

50,000years ago the first modern humans<br />

arrived in the great continentSahul (what we<br />

know today as Australia and Papua New<br />

Guinea) where they colonized amyriad of<br />

environmental zones in ashort period of time,<br />

including the first steps into the islandsofthe<br />

Pacific, headingasfar eastwards asthe<br />

Solomons Islands. Over time, these first<br />

settlers developed unique regional cultures,<br />

including the independent innovation of<br />

agriculture in the Highlands of New Guinea.<br />

This talk will explore howthese first modern<br />

humans came to arrive in Sahul, and what<br />

they did after their arrival, with particular<br />

emphasis on changes in Papua New Guinea.<br />

Dr AnneFord is an Associate Professor in<br />

the Archaeology programme at the University<br />

of Otago. She specialises in the prehistory of<br />

Papua New Guinea, and over the last 15 years<br />

has completed archaeological fieldwork in<br />

several provinces. This has included<br />

examining the first footsteps of modern<br />

humans into the IvaneValley (the earliest<br />

occupiedsite of PapuaNew Guinea at 50,000<br />

years ago). Anne specialises in stone tool<br />

technology, exploringhow people adapt and<br />

innovatetechnologies when encounteringnew<br />

environments, resources or ways of living, as<br />

well as how they are used in exchange and<br />

social structures. Apart from Papua New<br />

Guinea,Anne has completed archaeological<br />

researchinChina, Mongolia, Russia, New<br />

Zealand,Samoaand Australia.<br />

Mid Canterbury Rural WomenNZ<br />

Provincial<br />

It was agreat pleasure to attend the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council Awards where Mid<br />

Canterbury Rural WomenProvincial was<br />

awardedthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> Medal for their<br />

contribution to the<strong>Ashburton</strong> District, in<br />

particular to the RuralCommunity in 2021.It<br />

was very special to receivethis honour which<br />

Iconsider was made possible by the huge<br />

contribution or many groups and individuals<br />

Friendship New Zealand Mid Canterbury area representative Carl<br />

Ruddenklau with <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies Club life member Mavis Trott<br />

and the cutting of the club’s 35th anniversary celebration cake.<br />


from our local community and from many<br />

outside our province. What awonderful area<br />

we live in when you consider how much was<br />

so generously given in time, food, goods and<br />

compassion when theFlood of ’21 affected<br />

many of our farmers. This award is for all those<br />

who contributed in some way, which in turn<br />

enabled our RuralWomen to support those<br />

farmers in need.<br />

Abig reminderofplanned events for you<br />

to attend. The Chainsaw information Day on<br />

Tuesday, will focus on battery chainsaws,<br />

maintenance, safetyand operation.<br />

The Movie fundraiser “Phantom of the<br />

Open” on SundayJuly 17th at 5pm.Tickets<br />

are still available. Proceeds go to supporting<br />

our Scholarship programme and Life<br />

Education throughthe Harold Club.<br />

Our next meeting is on Friday 8th July at<br />

the Sinclair Centre, 9.45am. Guest Speaker.<br />

Any queries pleasecontact president,<br />

Marg on <strong>30</strong>24717 or 027 2677 600<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club 9Holers<br />

Today we play Round 5Jean Drummond<br />

and Gordon Clinton trophies, putting,and the<br />

following week, 7th July, Sega Golf Round 5<br />

Heather Smith Trophy, mixed Stableford.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies Friendship Club<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies Friendship Club<br />

met at The Lake House at 11.<strong>30</strong>am on the<br />

22nd of <strong>June</strong> to celebrate the 35th Anniversary<br />

of our club with 31 membersand 2guests<br />

present. The NationalAnthem was sung.<br />

Awarm welcome to allwas extended by<br />

our president Margaret Watson and 10<br />

apologies were received. Margaret introduced<br />

our two guests-Warren Jeffs our FNZI<br />

Chairman and Northern South Island<br />

councillor and Carl Ruddenklau our local Area<br />

Rep.<br />

Two birthdays were celebrated and our<br />

Life member was presented with aspray.<br />

Marion Brownand Monica Hanrahan were<br />

the introduced by their sponsors and Carl then<br />

inducted them into membership. Mavisthen<br />

cut our anniversary cake assisted by<br />

Margaret.<br />

Following asung Grace our main meal<br />

was served.<br />

Warren then presented two members with<br />

Lifetime Memberships -Annette King who has<br />

been amember for 31 yearsand Noma Kell for<br />

29 years. Both have served on committee and<br />

held positions of responsibility and are still<br />

activemembers.<br />

Warren and Carl then spoke to members<br />

of their positions of responsibility.<br />

Dessert. tea ,coffee and cake then<br />

brought avery relaxed enjoyable day to a<br />

close.<br />

Thank you The Lake House.<br />

Elgin Smithfield Road<br />

Bare land opportunity<br />

Offering 3.372 hectares (more orless) in two titles, this opportunity isnot one to be missed.<br />

The freehold titles are made upof1.34 hectares (more orless) and 2.02 hectares (more<br />

or less) and are available to purchase separately or together. Situated between Smithfield<br />

and Seafield Roads, dual access is available maximising potential building options.<br />

Atwo-bay pole shed and storage shed with two horse loose boxes are<br />

located on the larger title. Established hedging provides excellent shelter,<br />

while the pasture has been historically used for making hay.<br />

Close totown amenities, Netherby School and the Netherby shops, this bare land block is<br />

afantastic opportunity for those wanting to build, upsize or move closer to town.<br />

Contact today for more information.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518597<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior) 12pm, Wed 6Jul <strong>2022</strong>, 201 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

View by appointment<br />

Mike Preston 027 4<strong>30</strong> 7041 | mike.preston@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Simon Sharpin 027 631 8087 | simon.sharpin@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only<br />



2Davis Crescent, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:<strong>30</strong>am 3 1 0 AHB<strong>30</strong><strong>30</strong>6<br />

4Orr Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:<strong>30</strong>am 2 1 1 AHB<strong>30</strong>313<br />

36 Reighton Drive,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:<strong>30</strong>-11:00am 4 3 2 AHB<strong>30</strong>282<br />

37 Geoff Geering Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:<strong>30</strong>-11:00am 4 2 2 AHB<strong>30</strong>244<br />

<strong>30</strong> Churchill Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:<strong>30</strong>-11:<strong>30</strong>am 3 1 1 AHB<strong>30</strong>317<br />

13 Millibrook Place, Tinwald 11:00-11:<strong>30</strong>am 3 2 2 AHB<strong>30</strong>263<br />

8Avalon Grove,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:<strong>30</strong>am 3 1 2 AHB<strong>30</strong>325<br />

79 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:<strong>30</strong>am 4 2 2 AHB<strong>30</strong>257<br />

17 Kitchener Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 3 1 2 AHB<strong>30</strong>259<br />

73 Belt Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:<strong>30</strong>pm 3 1 1 AHB<strong>30</strong><strong>30</strong>7<br />

56 Albert Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:<strong>30</strong>pm 3 1 2 AHB<strong>30</strong>285<br />

31b Charles Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:<strong>30</strong>pm 2 1 1 AHB<strong>30</strong>286<br />

48 Hakatere Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:<strong>30</strong>pm 2 1 1 AHB<strong>30</strong><strong>30</strong>5<br />

29 Lismore/Mayfield Rd,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:<strong>30</strong>-2:<strong>30</strong>pm 3 1 2 AHB<strong>30</strong>321<br />


Open Home<br />

79 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

*Open plan kitchen, dining, living<br />

*Separate loungewith large stackerdoors<br />

*Large family bathroom &separate toilet<br />

*4 heatpumps, DVS, Solarpanels<br />

*Large double garagewith shelving<br />

*Located near<strong>Ashburton</strong> College, Domain, Shops<br />

This home is nestled amongst other quality homes.<br />

Located inthe perfect position, this home would suit<br />

manypeople. Do Not Delay!!<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

closing 5July <strong>2022</strong>, at 2:00pm 0274 612 614<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:<strong>30</strong>am<br />

4 2 2<br />


rwashburton.co.nz/AHB<strong>30</strong>285<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

Open Home<br />

36 Reighton Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Whywait to Build when this Premium Allenton address<br />

awaits you right now?This lovely Four Bedroom home is<br />

in one of <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Premier Locations.Twoliving areas<br />

&two bathrooms plus an ensuite &totally built forthe<br />

sun. Good size double garagewith internal access.<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 5July <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:<strong>30</strong> -11:00am<br />

4 3 2<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

Open Home<br />

13 Millibrook Place, Tinwald<br />

OurVendors instructions saySELL....bring us your offer<br />

&theywill consider it! Youenter the home through the<br />

tiled foyertothe welcoming kitchen/dining area with<br />

heat pump &anoffice cupboard. A6mx7mgarage that<br />

shares the laundry and work shelves and cars<br />

ForSale<br />

Price onapplication<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:<strong>30</strong>am<br />

3 2 2<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 290 6606<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AH<strong>30</strong>282<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLtd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AH<strong>30</strong>263<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA2008)<br />

Open Home<br />

73 Belt Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 1<br />

Open Home<br />

29 Lismore Mayfield Rd, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

*Open plan kitchen &dining<br />

*Separate loungewith heat pump<br />

*Family bathroom with 2nd toilet<br />

*Single garage<br />

*Large 731m2 corner section with extra parking<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB<strong>30</strong>311<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Price onApplication<br />

View<br />

Saturday12:00 -12:<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

0274 612 614<br />

This cute 121.7 sqm 1910 country home, is roomywith<br />

three double sized bedrooms.This home has had recent<br />

additions to open plan &add anew kitchen/dining &<br />

bathroom area. Double glazing in all but two character<br />

windows.Alarge 3812 sqm section.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB<strong>30</strong>321<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 12 July <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday1:<strong>30</strong> -2:<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Manjit Singh<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

020 4079 3871<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 <strong>30</strong>7 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 <strong>30</strong>7 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 <strong>30</strong>3 <strong>30</strong>32





ASHBURTON 70 Cambridge Street<br />

1262sqm -Four Bedrooms &Five Car Garaging<br />

• Plentyofoptions here<br />

• Look into subdivision, remove property and<br />

develop or renovate!<br />

• Property has approx 25 metre street frontage<br />

with 1262sqm section<br />

• Urgent inspection advised.<br />

• All offers considered after 2pm, 12thJuly <strong>2022</strong><br />

4 1 5<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $435,000<br />

ALLENTON 178HarrisonStreet<br />

Potential InAllenton<br />

Convenientlylocated near the Allenton shopping<br />

centre on asunnycornersection. This propertyhas<br />

pure potential, ideal for the astute investor or first<br />

homebuyer looking for an affordable home in a<br />

greatlocation. Double garagewith ample off street<br />

parking. Be quick ...an opportunity not to be missed!<br />

Alloffers consideredafter 2pm, 5July <strong>2022</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $420,000<br />

VIEW<br />

10.00-10.<strong>30</strong>am,Saturday 2July<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

E stephen.watson@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

E stephen.watson@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36<strong>30</strong>2<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36281<br />



Large family home in agreat location!<br />

Very spacious four bedroom homewithin walking distance<br />

to all amenities. Two living areas,open plan diningand<br />

kitchen, master bedroom with walk-in wardrobe and<br />

ensuite, large double garage with workbenches. Covered<br />

entertainingarea to the rear with access from the master<br />

suite and lounge, with plenty of garden to the rear.<br />

4 2 2<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $749,000<br />

VIEW<br />

By Appointment Only<br />

Deb Roberts<br />

M 021 0752 180<br />

E deb.roberts@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36112<br />

ASHBURTON 44 Sealy Street<br />

Townhouse Within The Avenues<br />

This very sunny townhouse is situated in aprime<br />

location only afew hundred meters fromNew World<br />

and the town centre.Pleasantoutlook from living<br />

areas,private courtyards at the front and rear.<br />

Updated kitchen, open plan living, bathroom plus<br />

separate shower room. Singlegarage with auto door.<br />

Early possessionavailable.<br />

2 1 1<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $419,000<br />

VIEW<br />

11.00-11.<strong>30</strong>am, Saturday 2July<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

E stephen.watson@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

METHVEN 4GlenniferLane<br />

All sold....but now one is available!<br />

Arare opportunity to purchase adesirablesection in the<br />

Camrose subdivision located in the growingtownship of<br />

Methven. All sectionsare sold but one has become<br />

available...soget in quick!Very nicely positioned<br />

maximisingviews to the mountains. Call today for more<br />

info.<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $265,000<br />

VIEW By Appointment Only<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

E stephen.watson@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36233<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36116<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008<br />

191 Burnett Street &<br />

447West Street<br />

Phone:03<strong>30</strong>8 6173<br />

ashburton@pggwre.co.nz<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

Office Manager/Sales<br />

M027 543 5799<br />

Robin Ford<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 433 6883<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M027 433 9695<br />

TimGallagher<br />

Rural&Lifestyle Sales<br />

M027 801 2888<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 075 2180<br />

Dan vander Salm<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M021 918 233<br />

Dannii May<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 0281 3310<br />

Sharon Muir<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03<strong>30</strong>8 6173<br />

Tomoko Wright<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M021 124 6412<br />

Kelsi Tait<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03<strong>30</strong>8 6173<br />

elping growthe country<br />

Mark Hanrahan<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 432 4028<br />

AnnDwyer<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03<strong>30</strong>8 6173<br />

PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA2008<br />

Helping grow the country





DARFIELD 48 Graeme FooteStreet<br />

Premium Opportunity Awaits!<br />

• Three bedroom plus office, two bathrooms, new<br />

brickhomeonlarge 1711m2 section<br />

• Modernkitchen, open plan dining/living/lounge<br />

with log burnerand heat pump<br />

• Blank canvasback yard, fully fenced and ready<br />

to add your personaltouch<br />

• Double garage with internal access and<br />

additional secure off street parking<br />

• New build in anew subdivision,built to allow<br />

future options<br />


(UnlessSold Prior)<br />

Closes 3.00pm,Friday15July<br />

VIEW<br />

1.00-2.00pm, Sunday 3July<br />

Dan van der Salm<br />

M 021 918 233<br />

Min Cookson<br />

M 027249 5417<br />

MAYFIELD 62 MayfieldKlondyke Road<br />

Country Living, Village Life<br />

Agreat sized lifestyle property on the fringe of the<br />

Mayfield village, this is perfect for country living with<br />

all the perks of town. Within easy walking distance of<br />

school and shops, you'll find this private and cosy<br />

3-bedroom home, completewith open plan living<br />

and alarge,covered verandah on awell fenced<br />

section. Aseparate single garage has ahobby room<br />

attached. The 2.6ha is divided into 5main paddocks<br />

with aformed all-weather access track to the oversized,<br />

two bay, fully enclosed lock-up, with another<br />

two bays open. Well hidden, but open enoughto<br />

view snow on the mountains.<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $850,000<br />

GST Inclusive<br />

VIEW<br />

2.<strong>30</strong>-3.15pm,Saturday 2July<br />

Lyz Palmer<br />

M 027215 9813<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36194<br />

pggwre.co.nz/TIM36170<br />

ALLENTON Racecourse Road<br />

ABlank Canvas -8.3 Hectares<br />

This is abrilliant opportunity to start with ablank<br />

canvas and build your dream home or land bank for<br />

the future.<br />

Power to the boundary but will require awell to be<br />

put down for domestic water and aseptic system to<br />

be installed by the purchaser.<br />

Located on the outskirts of <strong>Ashburton</strong> town, only a<br />

short drive to the town centre. With stunning views<br />

of Mount Hutt, this property has great productive<br />

soils and beautiful tree lined shelter along all<br />

boundaries giving Xfactor.<br />


Plus GST (if any)<br />

Dan van der Salm<br />

M 021 918 233<br />

Tim Gallagher<br />

M 027 801 2888<br />


Spacious Family Home, Outstanding Location!<br />

Situated in the idyllic rural town of Springston is this<br />

spacious family home with rural views to the South &<br />

West. The property possesses large open plan<br />

kitchen/dining with separate lounge, three generous<br />

bedrooms with storage, large hallway with extra<br />

storage. Heated with alog burner just over 12<br />

months old and aheat transfer system. Double<br />

garage with workbench and plenty of off street<br />

parking. All this on a1019m2 section. Escape the city<br />

with an easy 25km commute, only 5.4km to Lincoln<br />

and 7.1km to Rolleston. Vendors are on the move!<br />

3 1 2<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $640,000<br />

VIEW<br />

By Appointment Only<br />

Deb Roberts<br />

M 021 0752 180<br />

E deb.roberts@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36229<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36250<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008<br />

191 Burnett Street &<br />

447West Street<br />

Phone:03<strong>30</strong>8 6173<br />

ashburton@pggwre.co.nz<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

Office Manager/Sales<br />

M027 543 5799<br />

Robin Ford<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 433 6883<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M027 433 9695<br />

TimGallagher<br />

Rural&Lifestyle Sales<br />

M027 801 2888<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 075 2180<br />

Dan vander Salm<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M021 918 233<br />

Dannii May<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 0281 3310<br />

Sharon Muir<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03<strong>30</strong>8 6173<br />

Tomoko Wright<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M021 124 6412<br />

Kelsi Tait<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03<strong>30</strong>8 6173<br />

elping growthe country<br />

Mark Hanrahan<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 432 4028<br />

AnnDwyer<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03<strong>30</strong>8 6173<br />

PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA2008<br />

Helping grow the country

Town To Country<br />

Stage 14, Lakehood, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Sensible offers will be considered with a10%<br />

deposit due on agreement.<br />

Twoofthe final sections currently available<br />

waterside at Lake Hood. With titles due for this<br />

section imminent, now isthe time to purchase<br />

and build your own home (house and land<br />

packages available on request) or invest in aprime<br />

development with alimited number of sections.<br />

Lot 112 stage 14 Lake Hood<br />

has become available -979sqm.<br />

This is anortheast facing property with all day<br />

sunshine and some spectacular views of the<br />

Southern Alps.<br />

Price: By Negotiation<br />

View: remaxtowntocountry.co.nz/TTC1053<br />

Lot 114 stage 14 Lake Hood<br />

has become available -997sqm.<br />

Imagine living waterside to afreshwater New<br />

Zealand lake with access to aresidents-only boatramp,<br />

onanortheast facing section you can build<br />

your waterfront home on.<br />

Price: By Negotiation<br />

View: remaxtowntocountry.co.nz/TTC1052<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate isafully serviced 80 hectare commercial and industrial development located north-east of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> town<br />

boundary. The estate has been developed by <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council to provide awell-planned and serviced development option for businesses<br />

looking to come to the district and for local businesses looking toexpand their operations. With enterprises across arange ofindustries, its business<br />

community reflects the region’s strong, proud heritage founded on industry and agribusiness, as well as forward thinking investment and innovation.<br />

If you are looking for somewhere to start abusiness orgrow your existing company, then <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate isanideal base for your<br />

operations. It is an industrial-zoned development that offers some of the lowest industrial-zoned land prices in the region, flexible ownership options,<br />

site customisation, and low water and rate costs. For your staff, the Business Estate also offers an enviable work environment.<br />

Ideally located 5minutes North of <strong>Ashburton</strong>; on State Highway 1, 50 minutes from the Christchurch CBD and 45 minutes from the Christchurch<br />

International Airport, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business park is easy tolocate and access, and the recent confirmation that itwill connect with the NZ Rail Network,<br />

from within the park, make itanInland Port with huge potential for Business Development.<br />

Design and build, or build and lease back -there isarange of very affordable options to suit your business.<br />

Price: Wide Range of Options<br />

to Suit Your Business<br />

View: By Appointment<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz/TTC1040<br />

Scott Parkin |027 598 2833<br />

scott.parkin@remax.co.nz<br />

Jarrod Ross |027 259 4644<br />

jarrod.ross@remax.co.nz<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz | Each office independently owned and operated<br />

Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA 2008<br />

OFFICE: Lake Hood Drive, Lake Hood<br />

0800 REMAX T2C or 0800 736 298

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


7NORMANDY STREET 4 2 2<br />


Affordable near new home beautifully<br />

maintained•Open plan kitchen/dining/living<br />

•Sep. lounge •Sep. washhouse •WIR •Over<br />

1/4 acre section •Fully Fenced • Positioned<br />

for the sun. BIR PBN $700K -$750K<br />

All offers considered after Wednesday, 13<br />

July <strong>2022</strong> 2pm.<br />

View<br />

Saturday 10.00 -10.<strong>30</strong>am<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

7CHAPMAN STREET 2 2 4<br />


An entrylevel solid investment. Large 2023m2<br />

opportunity on offer in 2titles, original old<br />

home &alargework shop with apit +upstairs<br />

storage. With modern interior you can rent<br />

or use as office space. Great opportunity<br />

to purchase for business or investment<br />

to lease. BEO $689,000 + GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7BHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

114 THOMSON STREET 3 1 1<br />


3 bdrm home with easy care fully fenced<br />

section. Just ahop skip and jump to Tinwald<br />

School! O/p living allows for easy heating<br />

via h/pump. Bath +shower with extraction.<br />

Int. access single garage. Freshly painted<br />

roof, ready for its new owner. BEO $279,000<br />

45 TANCRED STREET 4 1 6<br />


Potential plus exudes here, modern family<br />

home with 4bdrms, HRV, wood burner, o/p<br />

kitchen/dining/lounge. Two titles, Section<br />

offering the ultimate subdivision (subject to<br />

survey) up to 6sections. Shed with facilities/<br />

sleep out, storage shed/garage up to 6. BEO<br />

$689,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/79HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

21 CHURCH STREET 3 1 -<br />


•3bedrooms •1Bathroom with shower &<br />

bathtub! •Separate toilet •Spacious &O/P<br />

plan kitchen & dining. • Back yard space,<br />

would make for great outdoor entertaining<br />

area! Call today to book aviewing, you don’t<br />

want to miss out on this property!<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6MHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 <strong>30</strong>8 6885<br />

46 CAMBRIDGE STREET 4 1 2<br />


Location is perfect for family living, right next<br />

door to a kindergarten, short walk to the<br />

school, sports hall &local park &playground.<br />

4bdrms +asleepout for either ateenager,<br />

guests or a home office. Separate large<br />

garage with loads of storage. BEO $339,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6THYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 <strong>30</strong>8 6885<br />

3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />


•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />

•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />

Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />

Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />

to survey). This is an oustanding opportunity<br />

to secure this unqiue property &benefit from<br />

it’s rental return. BEO $500K -$550K BIR PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6ZHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />

ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />

just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />

from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />

tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />

is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />

Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6GHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 <strong>30</strong>8 6885<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 <strong>30</strong>8 6885<br />



•1.31ha &1.26ha Bareland •Residential D•1<br />

min to Mayfield shops •26min to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Set back from the road with shared<br />

driveway, the spectacular property covers 2<br />

sections of flat land &positioned for the sun<br />

&Mountains. Opportunity to subdivide down<br />

to 4000m2 (subject to survey). PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6PHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

Have you checked out our<br />

Facebook page yet?<br />

Make sure you like &follow our page to keep<br />

up-to-date with all things real estate.<br />

Keep an eye out for our exciting competitions too!<br />

https://www.facebook.com/LJHooker<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

021 354 885<br />

Manu Otene<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

022 <strong>30</strong>8 6885<br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company

trusted<br />

<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane <strong>30</strong>8 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Help in person by appointment<br />

Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />

Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />

(0508 226 529) to makean<br />

appointment.<br />

Help by phone Infoline<br />

03 371 3819 or 0508 226 529<br />

215 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2461547<br />

“we clean to a<br />

standard,<br />

not aprice”<br />


GLASS<br />

Wilsons Windscreens 2018 Ltd<br />

We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />

AUTO and HOUSE<br />


“Your placeorours”<br />

2461606<br />

152 Wills Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Ph.<strong>30</strong>8 8485<br />

UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />

level of service<br />

&quality cleaning<br />

• regular full house cleans<br />

• one off spring cleans<br />

• farm houses<br />

• builders cleans<br />

• <br />

100% LOCAL<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>7 2656<br />

www.ashburtoncleaning.co.nz<br />

2461465<br />



Phone Quentin andPhil on<br />

027 282 8908 or 027 2828909<br />

2461603<br />

2460135<br />

Interior and Exterior Painting<br />

Interior Plastering<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />

Aluminium Windows and<br />

Doors Replacement<br />

Glass ShowerEnclosures<br />

Glass Splashbacks and more<br />

Wallpapering<br />

027 279 6771<br />

www.3krtrader.co.nz l 163 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2461478<br />

Forall your tyre requirements,<br />

see the localexperts<br />

•Wheel alignments<br />

•Wheel balancing<br />

197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l www.neumannstyres.co.nz<br />

Phone 03 <strong>30</strong>8 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />

BUY 1 GET 1<br />



PACKAGE^<br />

$<br />

149<br />

FROM<br />


SERVICE –03<strong>30</strong>7 8438<br />

For Passenger, Commercial and<br />

Farm Vehicles<br />

Bridgestone Tyre Centre <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Cnr Cox &East St. Book now on 03 <strong>30</strong>7 8438<br />


*Selected tyresonly. ^Includes up to 4.5litresofPenrite oiland<br />

astandardoil filter. Conditions apply,see in storefor details.<br />

2461571<br />


Automotive<br />

Diagnostics &<br />

Servicing<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>8 6646<br />

•Automotiveservicing,repairs<br />

and diagnostics<br />

•Latest scan tools and<br />

servicedata<br />

•All makes and models including<br />

European and Japanese<br />

•Vehicle transportand recovery<br />

TheBig Blue Shed<br />

CnrJohn &McLean Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Does your garden need monthly<br />

maintenance to keep it tidy and<br />

looking good through the seasons?<br />

Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />

or pruning completed?<br />

We can help!<br />

Allgarden wasteremoved<br />

ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 267 5403 or <strong>30</strong>8 2333<br />

Email: cccolt@xtra.co.nz<br />



Jann or Karen acallon<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

2461487<br />

2478421<br />

•Manufacturer and supplier of<br />

Rylock aluminium windows and doors<br />

•Retrodouble glazing installers foradrier,<br />

warmer,quieter home<br />

Forafreequote, contactDavid &Lorayne Oakley<br />

PHONE <strong>30</strong>8 8493. EMAIL: owdrylock@gmail.com<br />

8A John Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Fresh&frozenfood available<br />

Beef &wild gamemince<br />

Dogrolls Dogbones<br />

Frozenchucks<br />

Briskets<br />

Locally<br />

owned and<br />

operated<br />

027 461 9162<br />

jenandmilzyspetfood@gmail.com<br />

99 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


2447381<br />


trusted<br />

<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane <strong>30</strong>8 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2461472<br />



Experts in glass<br />

<strong>30</strong>8-3918<br />

214Wills Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtonglass.co.nz<br />

office@ashburtonglass.co.nz<br />

022 391 8136<br />

alex@alexreadelectrical.co.nz<br />




•Houses<br />

•Feature Walls<br />

•Fences<br />

•Blocklaying<br />

Chris Godsell<br />

027 274 2533<br />

AH <strong>30</strong>8 7117<br />

godsell@xtra.co.nz<br />

2481921<br />

Computer/Tech Help<br />

Need personalised help with your<br />

computer, programs orbackups?<br />

Trouble with your –PC–iPhone/iPad<br />

–printer –network –electronic stuff?<br />

Special price for Seniors<br />

Iwill come to you.<br />

Call Frank 021-120-9292<br />

MSc (Electronic Engineering)<br />

Apple and Windows logos belong to their respective companies<br />

EFTPOS available<br />

Lubes WOF<br />

Allmechanical repairs<br />



Victoria Street,<br />

TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: (03) <strong>30</strong>8 6772<br />

2461605<br />

$<strong>30</strong><br />

0800 424 335<br />

OFF!<br />



www.geeksonwheels.co.nz<br />


0800 4 A GEEK<br />



Sales l Service l Repairs<br />

ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />

2461470<br />

We offer the following:<br />

• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />

• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />

• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />

• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $90 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />



Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />

2461458<br />


P 03 <strong>30</strong>8 7982 - E cliff@mckayanddonaldson.co.nz<br />

W www.mckayanddonaldson.co.nz -734 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2461567<br />

Kitchen dreams can come true<br />



Approved repairer for:<br />

GREAT<br />

RATES<br />

Advice &Insurance<br />

NewPCs<br />

and Laptops<br />

forsale<br />

PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />

Icome to youday or evening!<br />

Custom madeand designed especiallyfor you<br />

Free measure and quote<br />

606 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.kitchenexpress.co.nz<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>77131<br />

2475761<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>7 0506<br />

154 Dobson Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

admin@threesixtycollision.co.nz<br />

2485816<br />

•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />

•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />

20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />


Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

P: 03 <strong>30</strong>8 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br />

robinbj@xtra.co.nz<br />

2461569<br />






03 <strong>30</strong>76388 •490 WESTSTREET<br />


trusted<br />

<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane <strong>30</strong>8 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Food forought ...<br />

Perfectfor anyevent<br />

or celebration<br />

Platters Grazing Tables Sweet Treats<br />

Jess Moore/Owner &Food Stylist<br />

thatswhatcheesesaidnz@gmail.com<br />

@thatswatchcheesesaidnz<br />

021 237 8536<br />


Prompt Service Guaranteed<br />

2482154<br />


<br />

<br />

Repairs and renovations<br />

Switchboardupgrades<br />

LED lighting systems<br />

House rewires<br />

Sheds,garages,sleepouts<br />

Call 021 576 044<br />

2458119<br />

Our authorised techniciansns<br />

service and repair all<br />

makes and models of<br />

sewing machines and<br />

overlockers<br />

OPEN 7DAYS9.<strong>30</strong>am -4.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone <strong>30</strong>7 6277<br />

www.anniesquilts.co.nz<br />


*Awnings/Shade sails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />

*Hay&bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />

*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />

*Commercial<br />

PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />

2461554<br />

2447565<br />


including<br />

Interior andexterior Roofs<br />

Residential andcommercial<br />

Interior gibstopping<br />

Anyjob bigorsmall<br />

Call Tony 0273283124<br />

2478415<br />

We’re <strong>Ashburton</strong> local,<br />

and our team have more<br />

than 50 years experience<br />

Your solution for:<br />

•Security systems • Building compliance • Gate automation<br />

•Fire extinguishers• Fire alarms • Alarm monitoring<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>8 7778<br />

securisure.co.nz<br />

info@securisure.co.nz<br />

Contact us today<br />

free quote l advice l discuss<br />

2481932<br />

JukeBox Hire<br />

Weddings,21st,<br />

PrivateFunctions<br />

Sound Systems &Lighting Hire<br />

Phone DJ Dave<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>8 5106<br />

027 251 0015<br />

www.soundmanagement.co.nz<br />

2447382<br />

2461566<br />

•Restoration<br />

•Modifications<br />

•Rust Removal<br />

•Custom Fabrications<br />

•WOF Reports<br />

• MagWheel Repairs &Painting<br />

16 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. 03 <strong>30</strong>8 0387<br />

johnsons.panelpaint@gmail.com<br />

www.johnsonspanelpaint.co.nz<br />

Ash Solar Power<br />

South Island<br />

www.ashsolarpower.com<br />

2461484<br />

115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone /Fax: (03) <strong>30</strong>7 2354<br />

enquiries@tinwaldcanvas.co.nz www.tinwaldcanvas.co.nz<br />

2447388<br />

Protect what<br />

youvalue the<br />

smartway<br />

Manage your<br />

safety&security<br />

anywhere, anytime<br />

Call 0800 788 393<br />

57 Dobson Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.masterguard.co.nz<br />

HartleyCurd 021 328 <strong>30</strong>1<br />

Keeping our communitysafefor over25years<br />

2447569<br />

Letthe team at<br />

Insideout takecareof<br />

all your painting and<br />

property maintenance<br />

• Painting<br />

• Carpentry<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Projectwisdom<br />

• Maintenance&repairs<br />

2010 LTD<br />

Call Shanetodayon03<strong>30</strong>7 7071<br />



Jann or Karen acallon<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 7664<br />

2461560<br />



• Ovens &Fridges<br />

• TVs&Aerials<br />

• Toilets & Chemicals<br />

• Kitchen Utensils & Accessories<br />

• Full Awnings & Parts<br />

• Roof Hatches<br />

• Generators<br />

Come in and check out<br />

our full range<br />

Available from:<br />


19 J.B. Cullen Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone <strong>30</strong>7 8353<br />

info@mainlandcoachwork.co.nz<br />

www.mainlandcoachwork.co.nz<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

47<br />

Farm sales volumes ease, but still robust<br />

Strong prices have beenpaid<br />

for farms in the Winchmoreand<br />

Selwyn districts, likelydue to<br />

the shortage of quality arable<br />

properties, accordingtoReal<br />

Estate Institute of New Zealand<br />

(REINZ).<br />

Data releasedbythe institute<br />

shows nationwide there were<br />

50 fewer farm sales(­11.0%) for<br />

the three months ended May<br />

<strong>2022</strong> thanfor thethree months<br />

ended May 2021.<br />

Overall, there were403farm<br />

sales in the three months ended<br />

May <strong>2022</strong>, comparedto450 farm<br />

sales for the three months<br />

ended April <strong>2022</strong> (­10.4%), and<br />

453 farm sales for the three<br />

months ended May 2021.<br />

BrianPeacocke,Rural<br />

Spokesman at REINZ,said<br />

sales data for the three­month<br />

period ending May<strong>2022</strong>reflect<br />

an 11% easing in sales volumes<br />

from theprevious three­month<br />

period, and from theequivalent<br />

period 12 months ago.<br />

“Categories mostimpacted<br />

were arable,dairy, dairy<br />

support andhorticulture<br />

whereas finishing properties<br />

remained resilient with solid<br />

growth in sales numbers over<br />

the last two years.<br />

Across Canterburyand the<br />

West Coastthere had been a<br />

reasonablecross section of<br />

activity on arable, dairy, dairy<br />

support andfinishing<br />

properties, with the latter<br />

category again being dominant<br />

with strongprices paidinthe<br />

Winchmoreand Selwyn<br />

districts; theshortage of quality<br />

arable properties assisted a<br />

strong sale in that sector in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>district.<br />

WestCoast experienced<br />

subdued, wetconditionswith a<br />

solitarysaleofagrazing<br />

property beingrecorded.<br />

Mr Peacocke said from a<br />

climatic perspective, welcome<br />

and well­spreadrainacross<br />

thecountry duringthe month<br />

of Mayallowed thoseareas<br />

mostaffected by droughtto<br />

recover to alevel sufficient to<br />

providebetterlevelsofprewinter<br />

feedthan hadbeen<br />

anticipated.<br />

“Early snow was asignal to<br />

the southern regionsthatsuch<br />

feed would be very much<br />

needed before springrelief<br />

arrives.<br />

“Like most sectorswithinthe<br />

New Zealand economy,<br />

farming is feelingthe full<br />

impactofincreasing costs,<br />

Ashortage of quality arable properties helped strong sales in the sector in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District.<br />

Brian Peacocke<br />

particularlythoserelatingto<br />

fuel, fertilizer,general farm<br />

inputs and interest rates, with<br />

the shortage of labourbeinga<br />

continuingimpedimentto<br />

productivity,particularly in<br />

the horticulture sector.<br />

“On apositive note, product<br />

prices havebeensteady, with<br />

an expectationofupward<br />

pressure on valuesfor beefand<br />

lamb, downward pressure on<br />

the recordpricesfor dairy<br />

products thisseason, and<br />

uncertainty surroundingthe<br />

reducedvolumes of kiwifruit<br />

andpip­fruit in the<br />

horticultural sector.<br />

“Beyond speculationor<br />

debate, of course, is the<br />

importance of the agriculture<br />

sector to the overall economy,”<br />

he concludes.<br />

He said1697farmsweresold<br />

in the year to May<strong>2022</strong>, 1<strong>30</strong><br />

fewerthanweresold in the<br />

year to May2021,with11.9%<br />

more Dairy farms, 33.6%fewer<br />

Dairy Support, 12.9%fewer<br />

Grazing farms,4.1% fewer<br />

Finishingfarms and15.2%<br />

fewerArable farms soldover<br />

thesame period.<br />

Themedianprice per<br />

hectarefor all farms soldinthe<br />

❛Across Canterbury<br />

and the West Coast<br />

there has been a<br />

reasonable cross<br />

sectionofactivity on<br />

arable, dairy,dairy<br />

support andfinishing<br />

properties.❜<br />

three months to May <strong>2022</strong>was<br />

$29,760 comparedto$28,190<br />

recorded for three months<br />

endedMay 2021 (+5.6%). The<br />

median price perhectare<br />

increased 3.9% compared to<br />

April<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

The REINZAll Farm Price<br />

Index increased1%inthe<br />

three months to May <strong>2022</strong><br />

compared to the threemonths<br />


to April <strong>2022</strong>.Comparedtothe<br />

three months endingMay 2021<br />

theREINZAll FarmPrice<br />

Index increased 31.4%.The<br />

REINZAll FarmPrice Index<br />

adjusts for differences in farm<br />

size, location, and farming<br />

type, unlike the median price<br />

per hectare,which does not<br />

adjust forthese factors.<br />

Fourregionsrecorded an<br />

increaseinthe number of farm<br />

sales forthe three months<br />

ended May <strong>2022</strong> compared to<br />

thethree months endedMay<br />

2021, withthe most notable<br />

being Southland (+13 sales)<br />

and West Coast (+5sales).<br />

Northland (­19sales) and<br />

Waikato (­18 sales) recorded<br />

the biggestdecreases in sales.<br />

Compared to thethree<br />

months ended April <strong>2022</strong>, two<br />

regions recordedanincrease<br />

in sales,the most notable being<br />

Manawatu­Whanganui and<br />

Wellington(+4 sales each).<br />


Build customers, sales and profits,<br />

with us . . .<br />

Print, Online and<br />

Mobile 24/7<br />

Over 16,000 copies delivered every week<br />

Staveley<br />

Mount Somers<br />

Alford Forest<br />

Valetta<br />

Mayfield<br />

77<br />

Ruapuna<br />

Arundel<br />

77 1<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Forks<br />

Moranan Maronan<br />

Hinds<br />

Methven<br />

Winchmore<br />

1<br />

Willowby<br />

Lauriston<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

1<br />

Wakanui<br />

Chertsey<br />

Rakaia<br />

Orari Bridge<br />

Ealing<br />

Geraldine<br />

Lowcliffe<br />

Advertise with us today! ContactJann Thompson 03 <strong>30</strong>8 7664 jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz


48 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

249<strong>30</strong>50<br />


Michael Hurst In TheGolden Ass–Arts On Tour NZ<br />

Thursday14th July 7-<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Adult $25* /Senior $20* Suitable 16 +<br />

Michael Hurst is Lucius Apuleius,avirile<br />

young Roman man who is obsessed with<br />

magic.OnatriptoThessaly,the weird<br />

centre of spookiness in the ancientworld,<br />

he findshimself inaposition to witness<br />

an actual spell being cast.But his overenthusiasm<br />

leads him into an alarming<br />

accidental transformation. Oops!<br />

MadDoggerel Cabaret –ArtsOnTour<br />

Saturday20th August 7-<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Adults $25* /Groups 6+ $20*<br />

Twopoets and amusiciancombine to<br />

presentacomic and lyric portrait of<br />

Aotearoa New Zealand and its placein<br />

the South Pacific today. Acabaret full<br />

of cascading words, wild musicalityand<br />

lightning humour.<br />

Stevie Nicks,Linda Ronstadt,Carole King Songbook<br />

Thursday15th September 7-<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Adult $49.50* /Gold Card $42 */Kids$35*<br />

Threeofthe worlds most recognised voices<br />

arebroughttoyou in the brand new show<br />

by singer/songwriter Bloom who is known<br />

as one of Australia’s greatest powervocalists.<br />

Aftergracing our stage as AmyWinehouse<br />

and Adele Bloom is set to wowher audiences<br />

in whatcan only be described as incredible.<br />

Dancing Queen –ATributeToABBA<br />

Thursday1st December 8pm<br />

Adult $61.<strong>30</strong>* /Group 6+ $56.<strong>30</strong>* /<br />

Child $36*<br />

It’s time to secureyour seats to the ABBA<br />

showthateveryone adores! This is afull<br />

scale concertproduction featuring more<br />

than twohours of fun energetic musical<br />

performances with alivebacking band,<br />

theatrical lighting and replica costumes.<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>7 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

admin@ateventcentre.co.nz<br />


RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

2472174<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Friendship&<br />

Entertainment Club<br />

AfternoonConcert<br />

Sunday3rd July<br />

2pm<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Savage Club<br />

62 CoxStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Doors open at 1:<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Public welcome<br />

Gold coin entry<br />

fornon members<br />


2487625<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 <strong>30</strong>7 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />


WELLBEING Personal<br />

Relationships, Work, Business;<br />

I promise to listen,<br />

care, coach and believe in<br />

you. — Call Pete now<br />

on 027-280-0889; Web:<br />

peteyoung.co.nz Qualified<br />

Social Worker and Life<br />

Coach; Associate Member<br />

ANZ Coaching Alliance; <strong>30</strong><br />

years busines experience.<br />

*Servicefees apply<br />







Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

and Saturday 9.<strong>30</strong>am -1.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 <strong>30</strong>8 6733 Fax: 03 <strong>30</strong>8 6755<br />




<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plains Rotary<br />


$7 per small bale or<br />

$40 medium square,delivered.<br />

Harvested this year.<br />

Fordetailsand ordering go to<br />

https://plainsrotary.org.nz/linseed-straw-order/<br />

or phone Philip 0278 247 050<br />



Driver required withsuitable vehicle<br />

forbulk deliveryto<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>residential addresses<br />

Hours negotiable,<br />

early Thursdaymorning.<br />

Generous<br />

payrate<br />

If this sounds like you, email your interest along<br />

with your name,address and phone number to:<br />

deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

2476342<br />

2491719<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />




We are looking for areliable, enthusiastic and hard-working<br />

person forthe above full time position. Do youhave agood level<br />

of physical fitness and enjoyworking with heights? Youmust be<br />

able to start at7am on Monday toFriday and occasionally work<br />

weekends when required.<br />

Skills/Qualifications required:<br />

• Experienceispreferred but full training will be given<br />

• Beable to work overtime when required<br />

• Due to OH&S requirements you must pass pre employment<br />

checks including adrug test<br />

Thesuccessful candidate will be rewarded with agenerous hourly<br />

rate and further training opportunities. This is arare chance to<br />

join asmall business thattakes prideinevery job we do.<br />

Applicants forthis position should have NZ residencyorvalid NZ<br />

work visa.<br />

To apply or for moreinformation contact<br />

admin@elitescaffolding.net.nz<br />

or Mark 021 440 364<br />

2494197<br />




Theteam at Scammell Painting &Decoratingare<br />

looking foranapprenticetojointhe team –<br />

full training will be given.<br />

If youworkwell in ateam environment, have agood<br />

eyefor detail andhavepride inthe qualityofwork<br />

produced,then we wouldlike to hear from you.<br />

We offerexcellentworking conditions<br />

andawide varietyofwork.<br />

Apply to office@scammellpainting.co.nz<br />

or Markon027 273 2803<br />

InwardsGoods<br />

(Full time)<br />

Mitre10MEGA<strong>Ashburton</strong>has avacancyfor an<br />

InwardsGoodsteam member. This position is<br />

full time (40 hours) Monday –Friday 8am –<br />

5pm.<br />

The role involves checking and receipting<br />

in orders along with operating Class 2truck<br />

and forklift for the internal movements of the<br />

product.<br />

The successful applicant will need the<br />

following skills:<br />

• Class 2licenceand Forkliftlicencepreferred<br />

or able to get one<br />

• Basic computer skills<br />

• Reliable<br />

• Beable to work in ateam environment<br />

• Physically fit and able to lift<br />

If you have these skills please send your<br />

covering letter and C.V.to:<br />

HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close on Thursday 7th July <strong>2022</strong><br />




(1989­2017)<br />

Cara,<br />

Your life was ablessing,<br />

Your memory atreasure.<br />

You are loved beyond words<br />

and missed beyond<br />

measure.<br />

Always loved and missed<br />

every day by David and Jo,<br />

Hayden and Rosie.<br />


2494195<br />

2494435<br />


(JOY ROUNTREE) Don,<br />

John, Rose, Melinda, Nic,<br />

Lea, Gary and Janice and<br />

family wish to express a<br />

heartfelt thanks to family<br />

and friends for the love and<br />

support you gave us with<br />

the sad loss of Joy. The<br />

flowers, messages, care,<br />

baking, visits and attendance<br />

at the service was so<br />

appreciated. Also aspecial<br />

thank you to the District<br />

Nurses and Dr Young for<br />

your help with Joy. Please<br />

accept this as a personal<br />

thank you for your kindness.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



Need some<br />

extracash?<br />

Competitive<br />

ratespaid.<br />

Whynot get fit<br />

earning it!<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

49<br />


Post SettlementSupportWorker<br />

RefugeeSettlement Support<br />

As aresult of an increase in funding Safer Mid Canterbury iswishing to employ<br />

aRefugee Post Settlement Support Worker within the Refugee Settlement<br />

Support Service. We are looking for someone seeking anew challenge in this<br />

rewarding role, assisting refugees to participate fully and integrate socially and<br />

economically into their new community. Youwould bepart ofawider team of<br />

individuals who are passionate about supporting refugees and would be given<br />

the privilege of playing asignificant role in their lives as you support them on<br />

their settlementjourney.<br />

If you enjoy engaging with people from diverse cultures, like working in an<br />

environment where noday is the same, and are ateam player, then this could<br />

be the perfect job for you. Asthe Post Settlement Support Worker you will be<br />

assisting families once they have progressed through their initial settlement<br />

period.The Post SettlementSupportWorker will provide assistanceand support<br />

to families who no longer require intensive settlement support, but may still<br />

need some further education, assistance orsupport asthey goabout their day<br />

to daylives.<br />

The person applying forthis job must have relevantexperienceand/or training<br />

in afield thatfurnishes them with the skills and experienceneeded foraposition<br />

of this type.Weare looking forcandidateswith the following key attributes:<br />

• Abilitytorelate with and supportpeople from differentcultural backgrounds.<br />

• Knowledge and experienceworking with children, youth and families.<br />

• Excellenttime managementand organisational skills<br />

• Hold acurrent motor vehicle driver’s license and willing to travel tofulfil job<br />

requirements<br />

• Empathy with humanitarian causes<br />

• Enthusiasm and commitmenttoworkasateam member<br />

This position is for 20hours per week, weoffer asupportive, flexible, family<br />

friendly work environmentwith greatworking conditions.<br />

To apply forthis position please go to the Careers section of our website<br />

www.safermidcanterbury.org.nz/careers to view the job description and<br />

download an application form.<br />

Forfurther information, please contactAni on 03 <strong>30</strong>8 1395<br />

Applications close MondayJuly 11th <strong>2022</strong><br />

2481142<br />

2490814<br />


We are looking for a well organised person to<br />

manage thedistribution of advertisingmaterialand<br />

local newspapers into household letter boxes in<br />

Geraldine.<br />

This is apart-time contract position where you can<br />

co-ordinate most of your work from home, allowing<br />

the opportunity to continue orapply for work in<br />

other fields. The position may include managing a<br />

team of deliverers.<br />

This role could suit an at home parent, retiree or<br />

someone returningtothe workforce.<br />

You will need a suitable vehicle, mobile phone,<br />

computer with internet access and be able to<br />

provide short-term undercoverstorage.<br />

Forfurtherinformation please contactMark<br />

Mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

SELL<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$28.50<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone <strong>30</strong>7 2707<br />

2470268<br />

2494253<br />

SELL<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph <strong>30</strong>8 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />

2468593<br />

SHOTGUN 12ga pump. Factory<br />

XR, XT, XC manuals.<br />

Gun books and magazines.<br />

Gun Bag. Gun Safe. Web<br />

Slings. Old Popular Mechanics.<br />

Ph 021 140 1392<br />


Wecurrently have aposition available in ourbusy<br />

flooring business.<br />

Keytasks would include:<br />

• Accounts receivableinvoicing<br />

• Preparing quotes<br />

• Ordering product<br />

• Booking injobs<br />

• General clerical work<br />

• Assisting customers<br />

The person we are looking for would have an<br />

enthusiastic personality and who enjoys dealing<br />

with customersand workinginateamenvironment.<br />

Anatural abilityfor detail is essential.Computer and/<br />

or retail experiencewouldbepreferred howeverfull<br />

training willbeprovided.<br />

This position is full-time Monday toFriday and also<br />

some Saturday mornings. Wewill also consider a<br />

job-shareposition.<br />

Please forwardyour application to:<br />

AR Vacancy<br />

Skip-2-ItFlooring Xtra<br />

24 Tarbottons Road<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Or email jen.muir@flooringxtra.co.nz<br />

Applications close Friday15th July <strong>2022</strong>.<br />


ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays &9.<strong>30</strong>-11.<strong>30</strong>am<br />

Saturdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

2494236<br />

HAYMAN<br />


Fencer required<br />

Must be reliable.<br />

NZ driver’s<br />

licenceessential.<br />

No experience<br />

required as on the job<br />

training available.<br />

2491934<br />

Please contact<br />

Lindsay021 2013391<br />

Family Case Worker<br />

RefugeeSettlement Support<br />

As aresult of an increase in funding SaferMid Canterburyiswishing to employan<br />

additional Family Case Worker within the Refugee Settlement Support Service.<br />

We are looking for someone seeking anew challenge in this rewarding role,<br />

assisting refugees to participate fully and integrate socially and economically<br />

into their new community. Youwould be partofawider team of individuals who<br />

are passionate about supporting refugees and would be given the privilege of<br />

playing asignificant role intheir lives as you support them on their settlement<br />

journey.<br />

If you enjoy engaging with people from diverse cultures, like working in an<br />

environment where noday is the same, and are ateam player, then this could<br />

be the perfect job foryou.Asafamily caseworker youwill be one of our primary<br />

supportpeople fornewly arriving families.<br />

The person applying forthis job must have relevantexperienceand/or training<br />

in afieldthatfurnishes them with the skills and experienceneeded foraposition<br />

of this type.Weare looking forcandidateswith the following key attributes:<br />

• Abilitytorelate with and supportpeople from differentcultural backgrounds.<br />

• Knowledge and experienceworking with children, youth and families.<br />

• Excellenttime managementand organisational skills<br />

• Hold acurrent motor vehicle driver’s licence and willing to travel to fulfil job<br />

requirements<br />

• Empathy with humanitarian causes<br />

• Enthusiasm and commitmenttoworkasateam member<br />

This position is for 20hours per week, we offer asupportive, flexible, family<br />

friendly work environmentwith greatworking conditions.<br />

To apply forthis position please go to the Careers section of our website<br />

www.safermidcanterbury.org.nz/careers/ to view the job description and<br />

download an application form.<br />

Forfurther information, please contactAni on 03 <strong>30</strong>8 1395<br />

Applications close MondayJuly 11th<br />



50 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


ALTERATIONS; Sewing<br />

mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds<br />

and repairs. Qualified<br />

Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />

027 418 7955.<br />

BUILDER : Specialising in<br />

home renovations and<br />

repair work. We also do<br />

decks, fences and retaining,<br />

plastering and painting,<br />

gardening, landscaping<br />

and tree removal. Call<br />

Gavin 021 267 1979.<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Find us at www.<br />

supersucker.co.nz or<br />

phone John Cameron 027<br />

435 1042.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHARLIES Blind Cleaning<br />

Service -same day service<br />

and repairs. Charlie can<br />

supply new blinds and<br />

racks and will hang drapes.<br />

Phone 03 <strong>30</strong>7 1936 or 020<br />

4169 0342.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweep - for a<br />

professional service call<br />

Dan McKerrow, Chimney<br />

Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />

118 7580.<br />

COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />

spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, <strong>30</strong>8<br />

1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with <strong>30</strong> years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 152 1966.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

FIRE Extinquisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />

HEAT Pumps; Service,<br />

Clean, Repair and Install.<br />

Please call Silvery Bauman<br />

021 544 760<br />


FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 <strong>30</strong>8 8147 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />

FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />

2493723<br />

GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 <strong>30</strong>7<br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

GUTTER Cleaning. Using a<br />

vacuum system to clean<br />

out the debris is a faster<br />

and cleaner process. Call<br />

Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />


A NEW LOOK<br />

that lasts!<br />

Existing kitchens, doors,<br />

furniture &appliances<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 <strong>30</strong>7 8870 2471051<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 <strong>30</strong>8 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

ROOF SERVICE -Moss and<br />

mold treatments, roof and<br />

gutter leak repairs, residential<br />

and commercial. For<br />

prompt service - call your<br />

local contractor - Tim on<br />

021 197 8128<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers <strong>30</strong>7 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz Member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />

TILING - For all your tiling<br />

requirements including kitchen<br />

splash backs, flooring<br />

etc. (Full water proofing)<br />

Call Kevin on 027 496<br />

8314.<br />


Peter Blacklow<br />


PETE’S<br />

PICK<br />

Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />

&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuumcleaners.<br />

Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />

Locally owned &operated family business for 69 years<br />


South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) <strong>30</strong>8-3147<br />

Email office@blacklows.co.nz FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />


LINSEED Straw $5.50 bale,<br />

21 pack $100. Sheep<br />

manure $8. bag. Medium<br />

square pea and linseed<br />

straw available. Call Ian<br />

027 286 3697 or Dave 027<br />

601 1426. A Hinds Lion<br />

Project.<br />


FRESH Potatoes; Nadine<br />

and Agria $2.per kg, 10kg<br />

bags for $15. Phone 03 <strong>30</strong>8<br />

3195 or 027 531 9103; 81<br />

Elizabeth Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />


206 CLUB - provides company,<br />

fun, entertainment,<br />

games, speakers and more<br />

for those 65 years and over.<br />

Friendly, supportive<br />

environment, two course<br />

hot mid-day meal, very<br />

minimal cost. Come and<br />

join us. We now have<br />

vacancies on a Monday<br />

and Wednesday, 10am to<br />

2.<strong>30</strong>pm. Run by Age Concern<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Seniors<br />

Centre, 206 Cameron<br />

Street. Enquiries to Julie,<br />

phone <strong>30</strong>8 6817 or 027 281<br />

9113.<br />


MidCanterburyCatchment Collective<br />

AGM<br />

Tuesday12Julyat 3.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

FederatedFarmersBoard Room<br />

163 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

All welcome 2494461<br />



AGM<br />

Clubrooms<br />

MaronanRd<br />

Sunday, 10 th July<br />

at 10am<br />

All welcome<br />

Anyqueries,contactGreenie<br />

021 267 4209<br />


TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />

Having problems with your internal gutter systems?<br />

Do your drains keep blocking,causing leakage into the soffits and even your house?<br />

Areyour soffits falling out due to water rot?<br />

We canconvert your internal gutters to standard external gutters.<br />

2492819<br />

Methven &Districts<br />

Tramping Club<br />

AGM<br />

Tuesday, 5thJuly <strong>2022</strong><br />

AllentonSports Club<br />

14 Cavendish Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Following ageneral<br />

meeting commencing<br />

at 7.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

All welcome<br />


Allworkmanship guaranteed<br />

2491534<br />

ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />

2485762<br />

K<br />



Call in and check out the extensive<br />

range of contents this impressive<br />

tool boxoffers.<br />

KT911-000CR9<br />

$1481.76 +GST<br />

CAN YOU<br />

HELPA<br />

FORMER<br />

REFUGEE?<br />

Help aformer refugee learn to<br />

driveonour programme.<br />

•Full Full licence(min license(min2years)<br />

•Caring Caring<br />

•Patient <br />

•Can Canoffer2–3hours 2-3hours a a<br />

week week.<br />

Forfurther information:<br />

m.021927370<br />

heather.daly@salvationarmy.org.nz<br />

Ph <strong>30</strong>8 4432 or<br />

027 332 9286<br />

Tuesday-Saturday<br />

9:<strong>30</strong>am -noon<br />





The Salvation<br />

Army Driver<br />

Programmes<br />

Making our roads<br />

safer, our families<br />

mobile and our<br />

youthemployable;<br />

a driving licence<br />

makes a<br />

difference.<br />

Transforming<br />

Lives.<br />


Reliable volunteer<br />

who likes animals<br />

needed forthe<br />

centre.<br />

Tabbykittens<br />

ready now.<br />

Food donations appreciated<br />

2494379<br />

Kindly sponsored by<br />

Adrienne Patterson<br />

HospiceMid Canterbury<br />

Dealing<br />

with alife<br />

limiting<br />

illness?<br />

We can help with:<br />

2485697<br />

•Sittingand companionship<br />

•Counselling and bereavement<br />

support<br />

•Biographywriting<br />

•Massage,reiki and reflexology<br />

•Activityand support<br />

programmes<br />

Phone <strong>30</strong>7 8387 or 027 227 8387<br />

email manager@hospicemc.nz www.hospicemc.nz<br />

Allservices<br />

arefree<br />

Thurs <strong>30</strong>th<br />

10.15<br />

10.15<br />

1.15<br />

1.15<br />

2.<strong>30</strong><br />

3.50<br />

5.<strong>30</strong><br />

5.50<br />

7.45<br />


ELVIS<br />

Whina<br />

TopGun Maverick<br />

HowtoPlease aWoman<br />

ELVIS<br />

Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

Jurassic WorldDominion<br />

Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

ELVIS<br />

TopGun Maverick<br />

8.15<br />

Fri1st<br />

10.15 ELVIS<br />

10.<strong>30</strong> Whina<br />

12.45 TopGun Maverick<br />

1.10 Jurassic WorldDominion<br />

3.<strong>30</strong> Whina<br />

4.00 Lightyear<br />

5.<strong>30</strong> Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

7.45 ELVIS<br />

8.15 TopGun Maverick<br />

Sat2nd<br />

10.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

10.00 Lightyear<br />

11.50 ELVIS<br />

12.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

1.50 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

4.00 HowtoPlease aWoman<br />

4.45 Jurassic WorldDominion<br />

6.00 Whina<br />

7.<strong>30</strong> ELVIS<br />

8.00 TopGun Maverick<br />

Sun 3rd<br />

10.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

10.00 Lightyear<br />

11.50 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

12.00 ELVIS<br />

3.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

4.50 Jurassic WorldDominion<br />

6.00 Whina<br />

7.40 ELVIS<br />

8.00 TopGun Maverick<br />

Mon4th,Tues 5th<br />

&Wed 6th<br />

11.00 Whina<br />

11.00 ELVIS<br />

1.15 TopGun<br />

1.50 HowtoPlease aWoman<br />

3.45 Whina<br />

3.45 Minions TheRiseofGru<br />

5.<strong>30</strong> Jurassic WorldDominion<br />

5.50 Minions TheRiseofGru<br />

7.45 ELVIS<br />

8.15 TopGun Maverick<br />

NO COMPS<br />

ELVIS, Minions,Whina<br />




$140 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$120 per cord<br />



$150 per cord<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

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PG<br />

M<br />

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PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

<strong>30</strong>8-3595<br />

2473520<br />

SPACE available for next<br />

weeks <strong>Courier</strong> -bequick!<br />

Talk to us about your advertising<br />

requirements. Phone<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 7664 or call into our<br />

office at 199 Burnett Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

ALPS<br />


Ben Kruger 021 808 739 or <strong>30</strong>8 4380<br />

232 BoundaryRoad, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.alpscontinuousspouting.co.nz<br />

E; benkruger@xtra.co.nz<br />

2492808<br />


Realty<br />

Look out for<br />

your copy<br />

everyweek!<br />


SKIP-2-IT<br />

Warm up<br />

your home<br />

for winter<br />

Book your free in-home<br />

measure and quote<br />


SKIP-2-IT FLOORING XTRA 68 Cass Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> P: 03 <strong>30</strong>8 0266 www.flooringxtra.co.nz

• Residential electrical<br />

• Professional home wiring<br />

• LED downlight replacement<br />

• Air conditioning &ventilation<br />

• Heat pump servicing<br />

• Home appliancerepairs<br />

• TV&Audio Installation<br />

• TVwallmounting &installation<br />

(including brackets)<br />

• DistributeTVthroughout<br />

your home<br />

• Get wifi in theright spot<br />

• Outdoorand ceilingspeakers<br />

• Home automation<br />

• Motorhome &caravan wiring<br />

• Dairy/Farm electrical<br />

• Pivot wiring<br />

• Dairy shed maintenance<br />

• Waterpumps -stock &house<br />

• Generator change overswitches<br />

• Effluent systems<br />

• Variable Speed Drive(VSD)<br />

• Irrigationharmonic filter<br />

• Motor&pump control<br />

• Commercial/industrial electrical<br />

• 24/7breakdownservice


<br />




ONLY<br />

NZ OWNED<br />

Stand<br />

#154<br />

Be in to win aBeautyrest Verve King Bed<br />

mattress and base -with an RRP of $4999<br />

Enter at the Bedpost stand!<br />

Terms &<br />

conditions apply<br />

Cosy Homes are auctioning off abrand new<br />

2bedroom, 1bathroom, consented 50m 2 home<br />

It’s a<br />

no-reserve<br />

auction!<br />

Photos do not represent final product.<br />

Photos do not represent final product.<br />

Auction set for 1.45pm on Sunday,<br />

3July, at the seminar area<br />

To placeabid, youmust register your interest at the showattheir stand, or online at cosyhomes.co.nz<br />

1-3July <strong>2022</strong> • 10am -5pm • Christchurch Arena • www.starhomeshow.kiwi

Informative seminars brought to you by<br />

Friday 1st July<br />

11.00am Pzazz Building The essential ingredients for asuccessful home renovation.<br />

11.<strong>30</strong>am<br />

12.00pm<br />

12.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

1.00pm<br />

1.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Sunshine Solar<br />

Resene<br />

Kitchen Studio<br />

NZ Living<br />

Homes<br />

Comfort Glaze<br />

Saturday 2nd July<br />

Learn if solar is right for you, what type of solar is best for what applications<br />

and how you can make money offsolar with little ornomoney down. Covering<br />

commercial solar aswell as residential and batteries.<br />

Discover how totake your favourite colours and confidently design colour schemes<br />

to suit you, your home and your lifestyle. Make the most of your space and<br />

maximise the appeal ofyour home.<br />

From inspiration to installation, take note ofour tips when updating your kitchen to<br />

ensure itfits in with rest of your house.<br />

Understanding passive and sustainable design.<br />

Learn about the simplicity of converting uninsulated single glazed windows to<br />

thermally efficient high-performance double glazing keeping your home warmer,<br />

dryer &healthier all year round.<br />

10.<strong>30</strong>am Kitchen Studio<br />

From inspiration to installation, take note ofour tips when updating your kitchen to<br />

ensure itfits in with rest of your house.<br />

11.00am Pzazz Building The essential ingredients for asuccessful home renovation.<br />

11.<strong>30</strong>am Sunshine Solar<br />

Learn if solar is right for you, what type ofsolar isbest for what applications<br />

and how you can make money offsolar with little or no money down. Covering<br />

commercial solar as well as residential and batteries.<br />

12.00pm Resene<br />

Discover how totake your favourite colours and confidently design colour schemes<br />

to suit you, your home and your lifestyle. Make the most ofyour space and<br />

maximise the appeal ofyour home.<br />

1.00pm<br />

NZ Living<br />

Homes<br />

Understanding passive and sustainable design.<br />

1.<strong>30</strong>pm Comfort Glaze<br />

Learn about the simplicity of converting uninsulated single glazed windows to<br />

thermally efficient high-performance double glazing keeping your home warmer,<br />

dryer &healthier all year round.<br />

Sunday 3rd July<br />

11.00am Pzazz Building The essential ingredients for asuccessful home renovation.<br />

11.<strong>30</strong>am Sunshine Solar<br />

Learn if solar is right for you, what type of solar isbest for what applications<br />

and how you can make money offsolar with little or no money down. Covering<br />

commercial solar as well as residential and batteries.<br />

12.00pm Resene<br />

Discover how totake your favourite colours and confidently design colour schemes<br />

to suit you, your home and your lifestyle. Make the most ofyour space and<br />

maximise the appeal ofyour home.<br />

12.<strong>30</strong>pm Kitchen Studio<br />

From inspiration to installation, take note of our tips when updating your kitchen to<br />

ensure itfits in with rest of your house.<br />

1.00pm<br />

NZ Living<br />

Homes<br />

Understanding passive and sustainable design.<br />

1-3July <strong>2022</strong> • 10am -5pm • Christchurch Arena • www.starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

<br />

Cut this out for<br />

aFREE double<br />

pass!<br />




ONLY<br />

NZ OWNED<br />



Attend the Star Media<br />

Home&LeisureShow, on us.<br />

We’llsee youthere.<br />

Christchurch Arena, 1-3July <strong>2022</strong>