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into a kind of soup. ”S0 In an earlier China (Song dynasty A. D. 20-79),

“Often a daughter-in-law would cut flesh from her leg or thigh to make

soup to feed a sick mother-in-law and this practice became so common

that the state issued an edict forbidding it. ”51The daughter-in-law would

be the most disenfranchised female in a multigenerational family.

The lower value of girls in the home, their only native place, is transcultural:

“Female infanticide has been documented among peoples as diverse

as the Eskimo of the Canadian Arctic and the hunter-gatherers of

the Australian bush. On the South Sea island of Tikopia, live baby girls

have been buried in the earth and covered with stones. In India, they have

been held to their mother’s poisoned nipples. In rural China, they have

been drowned. Even societies that forbid outright infanticide have long

managed to manipulate their sex ratios through neglect. ”52 The neglect includes

too-early weaning, underfeeding, or selling the female infant to the

sex industry, a common practice in contemporary Thailand.

In colonial America, underfed and overworked, “girls sometimes died

at twice the rate of boys from ages one through nine. In Ireland, this pattern

continued well into the twentieth century, and throughout much of

Asia and the Middle East it remains a fact of modern life. ”53 Even in nineteenth-century

England there was “a marked excess of female deaths in

the age group 5-15. ”54

Referring to ancient Islamic practices, Fatima Mernissi writes: “We do

know one thing:. . . it was the mother who buried the little girl alive, although

the decision to do it fell to the father. ”55 The story in the Hebrew

Bible of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac— a sacrifice that God

called off at the last minute— is sometimes used to show the divine will in

human progress: the movement from human to animal sacrifice. Girls, being

neither human nor animal, continue not to matter very much: from

outright infanticide, to hard labor with not enough food, to being prostituted,

to incest, to incestuous or pedophilic rape. Those who value children

most, especially girls, are those who want to commit genocide. They recognize

girls as the future of a people. “Nits make lice, ”56 said a U. S. colonel (in

language that Himmler would replicate) bent on exterminating the indigenous

tribes of North America; or, in the words of a U. S. Klansman whose

agenda was the destruction of a synagogue: “Little Jew bastards grow up to

be big Jew devils. Kill ’em while they’re young. ”57 Dr. Josef Mengele, known

as “the angel of death” in Auschwitz, where he selected who would live and

who would die and conducted torturing experiments on children who were

twins, was described by one survivor as taking “a perverse pleasure in exter-

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