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Jew-Hate / Woman-Hate

thet and insult, “self-hating Jew” is not faced as part of Jewish reality; this

is a self-contempt that triumphant pride does not erase. What might?

Woman-hate is a radical antagonism to existence itself; like it or not,

some women, and not some men, give birth. Like it or not, the egg, not

the sperm, is precious, each egg a potential life: there is no extravagant

surplus of eggs. In terms of human descent, eggs are the scarce resource.

Like it or not, women bleed every month for three, four, or five decades

and live; no man loses blood without losing some measure of life. In

childbirth the bleeding can be massive and sexual murders of women often

mimic the bloodletting of birth. No woman has to want pregnancy or

experience childbirth to symbolize life, although antinatalism on the part

of a woman will antagonize, repudiating as it does the inevitability of

anatomical meaning. Sexual access to women is access to life present and

future; destroying women destroys the present and future— replaces life

with death; when men hurt women, they champion death against life. If,

as Elie Wiesel says, Jews “are the question, ”56 women precede the question

and embody existence itself, without sentimentality or consolation; whatever

existence is, women are. What does it mean, to be life itself? “She was

demure, attentive, modest, passive, intuitive, all the crap qualities that are

ascribed to cipher women, ” writes novelist Will Self, “the way rhythm is

drummed into blacks and miserliness deposited with the Jews. ”57 Tamed,

made docile, far from the demands of existence as such, the woman is forbidden

to use her vitality; her body is stigmatized as filth— “If her bowels

and flesh were cut open, you would see what filth is covered by her white

skin. If a fine crimson cloth covered a pile of foul dung, would anyone be

foolish enough to love the dung because of it? ”; 58 her qualities of mind—

imagination, emotion, intellect— are traduced, as if existence itself

blighted them. She is kept from dominating her home, her tribe, two obvious

loci of what should be her secular power; she is denied learning to

stunt the mind and also to eclipse it from her own self-consciousness; her

body is constrained and often captive; battery is commonplace and shows

the unity of mind and body— both are trashed, betrayed, insulted, demeaned,

injured by physical brutality. Existence is killed in her: energy,

ambition, self-rule. Oppression replaces existence, overcomes it, subsumes

it. Her body is the first target: control it, use it, make her will dead

so that her body is accepting; or use force, cruelty, deprivation, violence.

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