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slaughter Jews. ”21 Attacking (perhaps unknowingly) the ontological abyss

between words and action that now predominates in thought and common

understanding in the United States, Goldhagen roused anger when

he claimed that “ [n]ot economic hardship, not coercive means of a totalitarian

state, not social psychological pressure, not invariable psychological

propensities, but ideas about Jews that were pervasive in Germany and

had been for decades, induced ordinary Germans to kill unarmed, defenseless

Jewish men, women, and children by the thousands, systematically

and without pity. ”22 “Decades” is perhaps judicious understatement:

genocidal Jew-hate was slow-cooked in rhetoric, propaganda, and the sorcery

of wordsmiths for closer to centuries. (See John Weiss, Ideology o f

Death: Why the Holocaust Happened in Germany. )

In current reckoning, the vileness and normalness of anti-Semitism in

Austria and Germany before the Nazi genocide is often minimized, since

this real history conflicts with the absurdities of free-speech and libertarian

absolutes. Even if premillennial U. S. citizens live in a Panglossian

world in which speech cannot cause harm, the Jews of sixteenth-, seventeenth-,

eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and pre-1933 twentieth-century Germany

(in its various configurations) did not. What distinguished

genocidal anti-Semitism from what had gone before it was precisely how

rabid and how commonplace it was. It became an ordinary truth, an unexamined

premise of ordinary as well as intellectual, cultural, militarist,

and political-party life; it was a familiar truth to the man in the street; its

barely challenged legitimacy was ubiquitous; it was mean; it was cruel; it

dehumanized; it threatened; it was meant to intimidate; it established “the

Jew” in the popular mind as vicious and depraved; it lowered “the Jew” so

low that eventually “[t]here were many bodies found along the river in the

mornings, because to kill a Jew was no crime. . . ”23 There were many

rivers, many mornings.

The key to the potency and staggering half-life of anti-Semitism is in its

irrationality. Despite efforts to make it scientific and intellectually substantive,

it was inherently paranoid, a persecution anxiety; fouling perception,

it lived in the minds shadows. Dynamic, sadistic, envious,

characterized by greed and sexualized fear, anti-Semitism was the antiimagination,

cognition ruined by hate, a kind of fecal fantasy. “It is a way

of imagining Jews, ” writes Anthony Julius in 275. Eliot, Anti-Semitism,

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