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Jew-Hate/ W oman-Hate

tism is a way of keeping Jews separate: they are different and need special

treatment. ”32The special treatment would have been to cultivate stronger

feet in Jews. The great German-Jewish poet Heinrich Heine, paraphrased,

considered anti-Semitism “a misdirected hatred of the rich”; 33 historian

Eric Hobsbawn notes that “Jews were almost universally present, and

could readily symbolize all that was most hateful about an unfair world,

not least its commitment to the ideas of the Enlightenment and the

French Revolution which had emancipated them. . . They could serve as

symbols of the hated capitalist financier; of the revolutionary agitator; of

the corroding influence of ‘rootless intellectuals’ and the new mass media;

... ”34 This is, as U. S. writer Stanley Crouch says, “a protean xenophobia”

that has the deepest implications for both individual and cultural identity—

“ [b]ecause the Jew is both Moses and Jesus, we might be talking

about a remarkable tale of the Oedipus impulse. ”35

That anti-Semitism provides a canvas for an ominous rendering of a

faux world without personal responsibility, empathy, or generosity seems

obvious; so does the social utility of anti-Semitism. But why? Julia Kristeva

asks, “Is anti-Semitism a fear of circumcision transformed into a fear

of castration? ”36 Martin Luther provided at least a provisional answer long

before she asked the question: “I hope I shall never be so stupid as to be

circumcized. I would rather cut off the left breast of my Catherine and of

all women. ”37 And yet both Moses and Jesus were circumcized. Their

God— the God of the Jews—wanted a piece of penile flesh to mark his

covenant with them, not a left breast. Is the hatred of Jews a form of living

terror, an internal deicide of both the father and the son, an aggression

coded to protect an uncut penis? In the anti-Semitic imagination, are Jewish

men always slashed and bleeding, the menstruating male? Does the

eminence of Moses and Jesus cause a self-protective, hysterical shielding

of the penis to protect it from mutilation? Does the hygienic spread of circumcision

to non-Jewish populations subdue the panic, or reinforce it—

the dread cutting accomplished, and who is the Jew now?

The transmutation of the Jewish penis into a weapon of cutting and

predatory death shows itself in the conviction, in London’s East End in

the 1880s, that Jack the Ripper was a Jew. There had been an influx of

Eastern European Jews into the East End; “there were occasional riots

against them, and anti-Semitism generated fears that Jack the Ripper was

himself a Jew. ”38 A local newspaper dated October 15, 1888, described

crowds threatening “the Hebrew population of the District. It was repeatedly

asserted that no Englishman could have perpetrated such a horrible

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