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blending in. Dietary laws, eventual descent through the mother, the ethical

framework of the Ten Commandments, devotion to a written word,

materially differentiated Jews from others; even in the martial world of

the Hebrews, scholarship and fidelity to written law were distinguishing

marks. This separateness—with its claims to both dominance and superiority—was

turned on its head by pagan and animistic cultures into a

stigma, a reason for conquest or persecution. As the militarist Hebrews

disappear from legendary history, the scholarly, then the effete, then the

effeminate Jew becomes visible. The practices of Jewish devotion become

the reason for Jewish identity, the raison d’etre for Jewish survival, and an

unbending form of resistance to the profane, lawless society of non-Jews.

The Nazis destroyed European and East European communities of orthodox

practice through genocide; and assimilationist strategies of Jews, developed

after and as a result of the French Enlightenment, were proved

useless against planned murder and organized hate. “What are your endless

sacrifices to me? /says Yahweh. /I am sick of holocausts of rams and the

fat of calves. . . /who asked you to trample over my courts? ”5 Post-Nazi,

these lines from Isaiah (1: 11-12) are hard to read.

Christian hatred of Jews is implicit in the origins of the religion; as the

Chief Rabbi of Vienna said in 1907: “The Christian kneels before the image

of the Jew, wrings his hands before the image of a Jewess; his Apostles,

Festivals, and Psalms are Jewish. Only a few are able to come to terms

with this contradiction— most free themselves by antisemitism. ”6 In the

beginning, Jesus was the Jewish Messiah who came to fulfill a Jewish

prophecy of redemption and salvation. “Always and everywhere that

proposition led swiftly to a division of the worshiping community, ” writes

Roland Oliver about the development of Christianity in Africa, “the new

way of attracting a minority of ethnic Jews, but a majority of the gentile

fellow travelers, who thereafter tended to be strongly anti-Semitic in their

outlook. ”7 Jews were taken to be the agents of Christ’s crucifixion, a sadistic

drama against a resurrected, living deity, all hope being in the acceptance

of his divinity. In rejecting Christ as the Jewish Messiah, Jews were

responsible for Jesus’ failure to fulfill a scriptural promise that was Jewish

and prophetic. Jews became the long past against which Christians defined

their present and an apocalyptic future. The burden of worshiping a

Jew but despising Jews forced the reification of Jew-hate. In time it became

not only religion but blood that separated Jews from what became

the Christian majority— and not a populous Christian majority but an

institutionalized one, part of the apparatus of the state. When the cultural

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