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Jew-Hate / Woman-Hate

of the ones the men had. ”80 The policy, it seemed, was that “strong

women without children were kept alive to work, and the rest were exterminated

by gas. ”81 Attracting the sexual interest of a Nazi could mean a

slower death as he worked on the body to destroy it over time: “When Ibi

removed her uniform in the course of an ‘inspection, ’ Mengele found

himself staring at her, transfixed.. . . Any other SS officer would have simply

made her his mistress. But Mengele evidently could not and would

not concede feeling an attraction toward a Jew. In a loud voice, he dispatched

Ibi to the infamous Block Ten, where the Nazis were performing

sinister gynecological experiments. Few women survived Block Ten.. . . A

few weeks later. . . [t]he beautiful young girl looked like a shriveled old

woman. Her slender limbs were swollen and disfigured, while her stomach

was bloated from the numerous surgeries that had been performed on

her. ”82 And still, there were brothels filled with Jewish women, for instance,

at a German labor camp at Adampol: “Spared the gas chamber,

they were kept alive solely for the pleasure of the Ukrainian and Latvian

guards and for German soldiers. ”83

Even among the partisans, survival had a sexual price for Jewish

women; “the possibility of rape and murder was real”; “if a partisan, any

partisan, helped a woman, he expected to be paid with sexual favors”; partisans

considered the women to be whores— “The very women they desired

as sex partners, they viewed with contempt. In male conversations,

for example, whore was often substituted for the word woman. ”84 Few

Jewish women survived. And for all Jewish women who did survive, “[i]t

was common to suggest that [they] had served in brothels... ”85 Survivors

from inside the camps were seen as whores and so were non-Jewish

women who survived outside the camps; for instance, in the aftermath in

Paris, “the women were made the scapegoats for the sins of the whole

community”; 86 moral outrage at collaboration was targeted against

women, again as whores, for having had sexual congress with Nazis or

French fascists. No amount of force or suffering erased the belief that

women in every circumstance whored, were base, were debased not by

Nazi cruelty but by their own female nature, which was sluttish and depraved.

Austrian novelist Elfriede Jelinek writes in Wonderful Wonderful Times

that the war went on, even after the cease-fire: “Apparently the beatings

began on the very day the War was lost. Up till then, Father had been

beating sundry foreigners. Now only Mother and the children were at his

disposal. ”87 And those German women who said take her, not me, discov­

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