Griffs Jobs

57 Jobs and Counting a career path less traveled and guide to finding your passion. Updates published by "JB" James B. Griffin still working in and on his Business JBGmg and working a few part time gigs at age 67 one day at time. May the Lord direct your career paths always. You can read our Book online at https://jbgmg.com/jbgmg-publishing or order a hard copy by emailing jbgriffin@jbgmg,com

57 Jobs and Counting a career path less traveled and guide to finding your passion. Updates published by "JB" James B. Griffin still working in and on his Business JBGmg and working a few part time gigs at age 67 one day at time. May the Lord direct your career paths always. You can read our Book online at https://jbgmg.com/jbgmg-publishing or order a hard copy by emailing jbgriffin@jbgmg,com


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Genesis 2:3<br />

Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he<br />

had done.<br />

The Bible offers some great career advise …………<br />

Luke 1:37<br />

For no word from God will ever fail.”<br />

1 Timothy 5:8<br />

Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is<br />

worse than an unbeliever.<br />

Proverbs 6:10-12<br />

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest— and poverty will come on you like a thief<br />

and scarcity like an armed man. A troublemaker and a villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth<br />

Timothy 2:6<br />

The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.<br />

Genesis 2:15<br />

The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.<br />

Proverbs 16:3<br />

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.<br />

My company logo stands for JB Griffin Marketing group<br />


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