Shadow and Bone

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and I willed the wagon’s driver to move faster. When we

crossed over the bridge and into the market town, I allowed

myself a tiny sigh of relief.

Cold air crept through the cart’s wooden slats, and I was

grateful for the thick coat Baghra had provided. I was weary

and uncomfortable, but mostly I was just frightened. I was

running from the most powerful man in Ravka. The Grisha,

the First Army, maybe even Mal and his trackers would be

unleashed to find me. What chance did I have of making it to

the Fold on my own? And if I did make it to West Ravka and

onto the Verloren, then what? I would be alone in a strange

land where I didn’t speak the language and I knew no one.

Tears stung my eyes and I brushed them furiously away. If I

started crying, I didn’t think I’d be able to stop.

We traveled through the early hours of the morning, past the

stone streets of Os Alta and onto the wide dirt swath of the Vy.

Dawn came and went. Occasionally, I dozed, but my fear and

discomfort kept me awake for most of the ride. When the sun

was high in the sky and I’d begun to sweat in my thick coat,

the wagon rolled to a stop.

I risked taking a peek over the side of the cart. We were

behind what looked like a tavern or an inn.

I stretched out my legs. Both of my feet had fallen asleep,

and I winced as the blood rushed painfully back to my toes. I

waited until the driver and the other members of the troupe

had gone inside before I slid out from my hiding place.

I figured I would attract more attention if I looked like I was

sneaking around, so I stood up straight and walked briskly

around the building, joining the bustle of carts and people on

the village’s main street.

It took a little eavesdropping, but I soon realized I was in

Balakirev. It was a little town almost directly west of Os Alta.

I’d gotten lucky; I was headed in the right direction.

During the ride, I’d counted the money Baghra had given

me and tried to make a plan. I knew the fastest way to travel

would be on horseback, but I also knew that a girl on her own

with enough coin to buy a mount would attract attention. What

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