Shadow and Bone

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“Let the traitor walk,” Ivan replied. “And when he gets too

tired, let the horses drag him.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could say a

word, the Darkling spoke.

“No,” he said, gracefully mounting his horse. “I want him

alive when we reach the Shadow Fold.”

The guard shrugged and helped Mal mount his horse, then

tied his shackled hands to the saddle horn. I felt a rush of relief

followed by a sharp prickle of fear. Did the Darkling intend for

Mal to stand trial? Or did he have something far worse in mind

for him? He’s still alive, I told myself, and that means there’s

still a chance to save him.

“Ride with her,” the Darkling said to Ivan. “Make sure she

doesn’t do anything stupid.” He didn’t spare me another

glance as he kicked his horse into a trot.

We rode for hours through the forest, past the plateau where

Mal and I had waited for the herd. I could just see the boulders

where we’d spent the night, and I wondered if the light that

had kept us alive through the snowstorm had been the very

thing that led the Darkling to us.

I knew he was taking us back to Kribirsk, but I hated to

think what might be waiting for me there. Who would the

Darkling choose to move against first? Would he launch a fleet

of sandskiffs north to Fjerda? Or did he intend to march south

to drive the Fold into the Shu Han? Whose deaths would be on

my hands?

It took another night and day of travel before we reached the

wide roads that would lead us south to the Vy. We were met at

the crossroads by a huge contingent of armed men, most of

them in oprichniki gray. They brought fresh horses and the

Darkling’s coach. Ivan dumped me on the velvet cushions with

little ceremony and climbed inside after me. Then, with a snap

of the reins, we were moving again.

Ivan insisted we keep the curtains drawn, but I snuck a peek

outside and saw that we were flanked by heavily armed riders.

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