Shadow and Bone

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In the gathering dusk, I stretched my arms and back and

tried to shake the feeling of gloom that had settled over me.

It’s probably for the best, I told myself. How would I have said

goodbye to Mal anyway? Thanks for being my best friend and

making my life bearable. Oh, and sorry I fell in love with you

for a while there. Make sure to write!

“What are you smiling at?”

I whirled, peering into the gloom. The Darkling’s voice

seemed to float out of the shadows. He walked down to the

stream, crouching on the bank to splash water on his face and

through his dark hair.

“Well?” he asked, looking up at me.

“Myself,” I admitted.

“Are you that funny?”

“I’m hilarious.”

The Darkling regarded me in what remained of the twilight.

I had the disquieting sensation that I was being studied. Other

than a bit of dust on his kefta, our trek seemed to have taken

little toll on him. My skin prickled with embarrassment as I

became keenly aware of my torn, too-large kefta, my dirty

hair, and the bruise the Fjerdan assassin had left on my cheek.

Was he looking at me and regretting his decision to drag me all

this way? Was he thinking that he’d made another of his

infrequent mistakes?

“I’m not Grisha,” I blurted.

“The evidence suggests otherwise,” he said with little

concern. “What makes you so certain?”

“Look at me!”

“I’m looking.”

“Do I look like a Grisha to you?” Grisha were beautiful.

They didn’t have spotty skin and dull brown hair and scrawny


He shook his head and rose. “You don’t understand at all,”

he said, and began walking back up the hill.

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