Shadow and Bone

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“It will not stand,” blustered a Fjerdan.

The Darkling looked them over and said very calmly,

“Peace on my terms. Or your precious mountains and your

saintsforsaken tundra will simply cease to exist.”

With crushing certainty, I understood that he meant every

word. The ambassadors might hope it was an empty threat,

believe that there were limits to his hunger, but they would

learn soon enough. The Darkling would not hesitate. He would

not grieve. His darkness would consume the world, and he

would never waver.

The Darkling turned his back on their stunned and angry

expressions and addressed the Grisha and soldiers on the skiff.

“Tell the story of what you’ve seen today. Tell everyone that

the days of fear and uncertainty are over. The days of endless

fighting are over. Tell them that you saw a new age begin.”

A cheer went up from the crowd. I saw a few soldiers

muttering to each other. Even some of the Grisha looked

unnerved. But most of their faces were eager, triumphant,


They’re hungry for this, I realized. Even after they’ve seen

what he can do, even after watching their own people die. The

Darkling wasn’t just offering them an end to war, but an end to

weakness. After all these long years of terror and suffering, he

would give them something that had seemed permanently

beyond their grasp: victory. And despite their fear, they loved

him for it.

The Darkling signaled to Ivan, who stood behind him,

waiting for orders. “Bring me the prisoner.”

I looked up sharply, a fresh bolt of fear shooting through me

as Mal was led through the crowd to the railing, his hands


“We return to Ravka,” said the Darkling. “But the traitor


Before I even knew what was happening, Ivan shoved Mal

over the edge of the skiff. The volcra screeched and beat their

wings. I ran to the railing. Mal was on his side in the sand, still

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