Shadow and Bone

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“What happened?”

“Nine of us crossed the border, six soldiers and three

trackers. Two of us came back.”

His words hung in the air, cold and final. Seven men dead in

pursuit of the stag. And how many others that I didn’t know

about? But even as I thought it, a disturbing idea entered my

mind: How many lives could the stag’s power save? Mal and I

were refugees, born to the wars that had raged at Ravka’s

borders for so long. What if the Darkling and the terrible

power of the Shadow Fold could stop all that? Could silence

Ravka’s enemies and make us safe forever?

Not just Ravka’s enemies, I reminded myself. Anyone who

stands against the Darkling, anyone who dares oppose him.

The Darkling would make the world a wasteland before he

ceded one bit of power.

Mal rubbed a hand over his tired face. “It was all for

nothing anyway. The herd crossed back into Ravka when the

weather turned. We could have just waited for the stag to come

to us.”

I looked at Mal, at his distant eyes and the hard set of his

scarred jaw. He looked nothing like the boy I’d known. He’d

been trying to help me when he went after the stag. That meant

that I was partially responsible for the change in him, and it

broke my heart to think of it.

“I’m sorry, Mal. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Alina. I made my own choices. But

those choices got my friends killed.”

I wanted to throw my arms around him and hug him close.

But I couldn’t, not with this new Mal. Maybe not with the old

one either, I admitted to myself. We weren’t children anymore.

The ease of our closeness was a thing of the past. I reached out

and laid a hand on his arm.

“If it’s not my fault, then it’s not yours either, Mal. Mikhael

and Dubrov made their own choices, too. Mikhael wanted to

be a good friend to you. And for all you know, he had his own

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