Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

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Turkey. The Jewish convert Murtezâ, the author, died in Baghdad

in 436 [1044]. And his brother Radî bin Tâhir was born in 359 and

died in Baghdad in 406. The book Manâqib-i-Jihâr Yâr-i-Ghuzîn,

(by Eyyûb bin Siddîq), gives a detailed account of the superior

virtues of the Ashâb-i-kirâm.

Of all the many characteristics whereby the Shi’a group differ

from the Sunnites, what makes the Shiites worst is the fact that

they bear the creed of Hurûfî. So excessive are some people in the

Râfidî heresy that in the end they become disbelievers. Râfidîs

were few and were about to perish, when Shâh Ismâ’îl, one of

them, established a state; so they proliferated again. The heresy

infiltrated into our country, too; almost all the dervish convents

came into contact with it, and many innocent people caught this

contagion and tumbled down into eternal death. May Allâhu ta’âlâ

not let us digress from the right and pure belief of the Ahl as-

Sunnat. May He protect us against the perils called Wahhabism

and Shiism, which instigate faction among Muslims! Âmîn. It is

written on the initial pages of Tuhfa-i ithnâ ’ashariyya: The

founder of Shiism was a Jew from Yemen, namely, ’Abdullah bin

Saba, who was exiled to Madâyin by Hadrat ’Alî because he called

him a god. [It is written in Munjid that he was a Jew who came

from Egypt to Medina in 34 A.H. (657) and became a Muslim.]

This group of heresy took a different shape in every century, was

put into a definite shape during the time of Shâh Ismâ’îl, and

books were written. Shiism first appeared during the time of

Hadrat ’Alî. Its spreading among people began afterwards. In the

sixtieth year of the Hegira, the Kisâniyya sect, in the sixty-sixth

year the Mukhtâriyya sect, and in the hundred and ninth year the

Hishâmiyya sect appeared, yet they could not catch on and

perished. The Zaydiyya sect, which has been distracting Muslims

from the right way for centuries, appeared in the hundred and

twelfth year, and all the other sects appeared thereafter. We may

say briefly that all sects of bid’at which have been instigating

faction among Muslims appeared after the deaths of all the

Sahâba. [1] The beliefs of all the Shî’a sects come together in three


1) Tafdîliyya: they say that Hadrat ’Alî is the highest of the


[1] Please see the thirty-sixth chapter of the second fascicle of Endless


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