Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

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says that some creatures, heavens, stars, elements, minds and

souls are eternal, it will be understood that he is an idiot. All

religions have taught that everything other than Allâhu ta’âlâ is

hâdith, that is, they were created afterwards while they had been

nonexistent. This unanimity of all religions is stated by Hujjat-ul-

Islâm Imâm-i Muhammad Ghazâlî in his book al-Munqidhu

’aniddalâl, in which he writes also that people who say that some

of the things in the ’âlam are eternal will become disbelievers. As

is seen, to say that one of the creatures is eternal means to go out

of Islam and to become a philosopher. All things other than

Allâhu ta’âlâ were nonexistent, and they will cease to exist again.

Towards Doomsday, stars will leave their places and disperse,

heavens will be rent asunder, and mountains also will be torn to

pieces, and all will be annihilated. The Qur’ân informs with this

fact clearly. All groups of Muslims have stated so unanimously.

al-Hâqqa Sûra purports: “Once the Sûr is blown, the earth and

mountains shall be lifted up and shaken off. That day, end of the

world shall come, the sky shall be divided and rent asunder.”

Takwîr Sûra purports: “When the sun shall darken, the stars shall

fall and the mountains shall be broken to pieces and dispersed...”;

an âyat-i-kerîma in Infitâr Sûra purports: “When the sky shall be

broken apart and the stars shall be dispersed and annihilated...”

and the last âyat of Qasas Sûra purports: “Everything shall be

annihilated, He only shall remain!”

These and many other similar âyats exist in the Qur’ân. It will

be ignorance not to believe that they will be annihilated. Or it is

to believe in the falsely-sequinned lies of the philosophers who

deny the Qur’ân. As is seen, it is one of the conditions of îmân to

believe that creatures will be annihilated as well as to believe that

they were created from nothing. It is definitely necessary to

believe it. Some savants said that seven things, namely the ’Arsh,

the Kursî, the Lawh, the Pen, Paradise, Hell, the Rûh, will not be

annihilated, and they will remain eternally. But those savants do

not mean, by saying so, that those creatures cannot be

annihilated. They mean that Allâhu ta’âlâ will annihilate

whichever He chooses of the things which He created and He will

not annihilate some others which He chooses, for uses and

reasons which He, alone, knows; those creatures will eternally

exist. Allâhu ta’âlâ does what He wishes and commands what He

wishes. As is understood from what has been written so far, the

’âlam, that is, everything, exists through Allah’s Will and Power.

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