Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

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prohibitions [harâms] in everything they do. If a person treats the

performance of a commandment or the avoidance of a prohibition

with contempt, he will lose his îmân, and become an unbeliever.

A person who dies as an unbeliever will be subjected to torment

in grave. In the Hereafter he will go to Hell and burn there

eternally. It will be impossible for him to attain forgiveness or to

go out of Hell. It is very easy to become an unbeliever. There is

every likelihood that anything a person does or says may cause

him to become an unbeliever. Equally easy is to be saved from

unbelief. Without it being conditional on a person’s knowing the

reason for his having become an unbeliever he will definitely be

forgiven and be safe against going to Hell if he makes istighfâr

only once daily, e.g. if he says, “Estaghfirullah,” which means,

“Yâ Rabbî! If, knowingly or unknowingly, I have said or done

something that causes unbelief, I repent for it; so please do forgive

me.” You should make sure that you will make tawba and

istighfâr daily so that you be safe against burning eternally in Hell.

No other act of worship can be more important than making this

tawba. When making tawba for sins wherein others’ rights are

involved, you will also have to return those rights to the wronged

people; and when making tawba for omitted prayers of farz

namâz, it is essential that you make qadâ of those prayers that are

farz. Please read the latter part of the twenty-third chapter of the

fourth fascicle of Endless Bliss!

Man is human, ever prone to making mistakes, in threes and fives.

Trips and falls down as he promenades on smooth and flat prairie drives.


This letter, written to Mulla Ibrâhim, explains the hadîth which

informs that this Ummat will part into seventy-three groups:

It is declared in a hadîth that this Ummat will part into

seventy-three groups, seventy-two of whom will go to Hell. This

hadîth informs that the seventy-two groups will be tormented in

the fire of Hell. It does not inform that they will stay in torment

eternally. Remaining in the torment of Hell-fire eternally is for

those who do not have îmân. That is, it is for disbelievers. The

seventy-two groups, on account of a flaw in their belief, will go to

Hell and will burn as much as they deserve on account of the

blemish in their belief. One group, the seventy-third, will be saved

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