Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

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moment past has been subtracting from your life, and the time of

death is approaching. If we do not pull ourselves together today,

we will obtain nothing but sighing, wailing and repenting

tomorrow. In this few-days’ time of health, we should try to live

suitably with the brilliant religion! In this way only are we hoped

to get saved. Worldly life is the time of work. The time of comfort

and pleasure is further ahead. The rewards of what is done in the

world will be obtained there. To spend the time of work amusing

oneself is like a farmer’s eating his seeds, thus depriving himself of

the harvest which he will get later on. I hesitate to write any more

lest I cause your head to ache. May Allâhu ta’âlâ make you attain

the blessings of this world and the next!


This letter, written to Mulla Bedraddîn, gives information on

the ’âlam-i arwâh, the ’âlam-i mithâl and the ’âlam-i ajsâd, and

explains the torment in the grave:

Hamd be to Allâhu ta’âlâ. Salâm to those people

distinguished, loved by Him! You say that the soul was in the

’âlam-i mithâl before it was attached to the body. “After leaving

the body it will go back to the ’âlam-i mithâl. Torment in the

grave, therefore, will take place in the ’âlam-i mithâl. The

sorrows, pains in the ’âlam-i mithâl will be felt like feeling them

in dreams. Furthermore, this information has various branches. I

will write you much about this subject if you allow me to,” you


Answer: You should know that such illusions, rootless

statements are so far from being right. I am afraid that such

thoughts may lead you out of the right way. Although I hardly

have time, I will force myself to write a few words on this subject.

Allâhu ta’âlâ, alone, makes men attain the right way.

My dear brother! The world of mumkînât, that is, creatures,

have been classified in three groups: the ’âlam-i arwâh, the ’âlami

mithâl and the ’âlam-i ajsâd. The ’âlam-i mithâl has also been

called ’âlam-i barzakh. For, that ’âlam is between the ’âlam-i

arwâh and the ’âlam-i ajsâd. That ’âlam is like a mirror. The real

beings and meanings in the other two ’âlams are seen in fine

figures in that ’âlam. For, a figure, a shape which is corresponding

with each real thing, each meaning in the two ’âlams exists in that

’âlam. That ’âlam does not contain any real thing, any substance,

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