Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

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will attack people. People will take refuge in cities and in buildings.

They will eat up animals and drain rivers. Îsâ ‘’alaihissalâm’ and

his Sahâba will invoke against them. A wound will appear on the

neck of each, and they will all die in one night. Eating them,

animals will multiply. Their stink will make the earth impossible to

live on.” It is written in the Qur’ân that Gog and Magog are two

evil peoples which were left behind a wall at a very ancient time

and that they will spread on the earth towards Doomsday.

Considering that archaeological research discovers cities buried

under the ground and sea fossils on the peaks of mountains, that

wall does not have to be in the open, nor do those people have to

be numerous today. As a matter of fact, it could be thought that as

thousands of millions of people today have originated from two

people, so those two peoples will spread on the earth by

multiplying out of a few people and none knows where those

people are.]

The beast called Dâbbatulard will appear, the sky will be

covered with smoke, which will reach all the people and will hurt

them; due to its pain everybody will invoke: “Yâ Rabbî! Remove

this torment from us. We now believe in Thee!” The last symptom

is a fire, which will break out in Aden [which is in Yemen].

Somebody in India claimed to be the Mahdî, and he was believed

by many ignorant people. According to them Hadrat Mahdî came,

died, and his grave is in Fara city. [Also, some ignorant people in

our country call those who say and write what they translate from

the books of Tasawwuf “Mahdi”. They think that those people

write their own inspirations.] However, a hadîth declares: “There

will be a cloud just over Mahdî’s head. An Angel from the cloud

will say: ‘This is Mahdî. Believe what he says!’ ” Another hadîth

declares: “Of all the people you have heard about, four persons

took possession of the earth, [i.e. most of the countries known].

Two of them were Believers and the other two were unbelievers.

The two Believers were Hadrat Zulqarnein and Hadrat Suleymân.

And the two disbelievers were Nemrûd (Nimrod) and

Buhtunnassar (Nebuchadnezzar). Fifthly, the earth will be owned

by one of my descendants, Mahdî.”

A hadîth declares: “Before Doomsday, Allâhu ta’âlâ will

create one of my descendants, whose name, father’s name and

mother’s name will be the same as those of mine, and who will fill

the world with justice. The earth, which will have been filled with

cruelty before him, will be filled with justice during his time.”

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