Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

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the rules of Islam. One should perform namâz five times without

being slack or lazy. One should perform it with ta’dil-i arkân and

in jamâ’at. “It is namâz which distinguishes the Muslim from the

kâfir.” [A person who performs namâz correctly and well is a

Muslim. If a person performs namâz incorrectly or does not

perform it at all, his being a Muslim is doubtful.] When a person

performs namâz correctly and well, he has held fast to Islam’s

rope. For, namâz is the second of Islam’s five essentials.

Islam’s third essential is to pay zakât.

Islam’s fourth essential is to fast every day in the blessed month

of Ramadân.

Its fifth essential is to perform hajj by making tawâf around the

Ka’ba-i mu’azzama.

Islam’s first essential, îmân, is to believe with the heart and

express it with the tongue. And the other four essentials are the

acts of worship that are to be done with the body and intended

with the heart. Namâz, which has accumulated all kinds of worship

in itself, is the highest of all. On the Day of Judgement the first

questioning will be on namâz. If namâz is correct, all the other

questions, with the help of Allâhu ta’âlâ, will pass easily.

We should avoid the harâms as well as possible. We should

deem the things which Allâhu ta’âlâ dislikes as fatal poisons.

Thinking about our faults, we should feel ashamed, embarrassed

for having done them. We should repent and be sorry. [This

repentance, and decisiveness (not to commit sins again), is called

making tawba. Begging Allâhu ta’âlâ to forgive your sins is called

making istighfâr.] He who speaks and acts in a manner which

Allâhu ta’âlâ dislikes without being ashamed, embarrassed, has

been persistently disobeying Allâhu ta’âlâ. Their obstinacies will

almost drive them out of Islam.

[It is written in the third paragraph of the second chapter of the

fourth section of the book Riyâd-un-nâsikhîn: “Although the

harâms have been divided into two classes, grave sins, and venial

sins, we should avoid the venial sins as well as we avoid the grave

ones, and we should not consider any sin unimportant. For Allâhu

ta’âlâ is muntaqîm [1]

and ghanî (independent). He does not fear

anybody in doing what He wishes. He has concealed His wrath,

His enmity in sins. Any sin which is supposed to be venial may

[1] Vindictive, capable of revenging on His enemies.

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