Ibn Daud - A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine

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I will end this foreword with the words of Allāmah Shurunbulālī in his

discussion of purity in the book ‘Marāqiy Al-Falā#: a Commentary on Nur

Al-Ī}ā#’, “The outer purity will not be of benefit without the inner purity.”

Imām Shurunbulālī expresses with certainty that the practising Muslim

must perfect his outer purity (by means of water) in the act of washing in

accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet , and he or she must seek to

attain inner purity by emulating the Sunnah of the Prophet in this inward

sphere also: this is done through remembrance of Allāh in all actions,

through deep inspection of one’s heart and soul, and through keeping

excellent company. Here, the believer is helped by the availability of the

written biographies and accounts of the Prophet and his Companions.


Lastly, I ask Allāh for sincerity in deeds and action, and I ask Allāh that

He provides benefit through this book, and that He enables the guidance

and rectification of all who benefit from opening its pages. With Allāh’s

assistance, may we be blessed with steadfastness in religion, and toward

practice of the good character of the Prophet Mu#ammad . Āmīn.

Mohammed Wail Al-Hanbali Al-Hanafi Ad-Dimashqi

Istanbul, Turkey

Sha’bān 1441 (April 2020)

Do not forget me in your prayers.


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