Ibn Daud - A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine

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غَضَب تَفَاخُر كِبْ‏ القَدَر

حَسَد إسْراف طُوْلُ‏ األمَل

أمَل خَوْفُ‏ الفَقْر غِشّ‏ قَسْوَةُ‏

القَلْب بُغْض غَفْلَة بَغْي حُبُّ‏

الدُّنْيَا بُْل رِيَء سُْعَة عُجْب

حِ‏ رْص كَراهِيَةُ‏ املَوْت التَواضُعُ‏

املَلْؤُم الكِبْكَراهَةُ‏ اإلسْتِنْكار

البُغْضُ‏ بِ‏ ا قَدَرَ‏ هللا تََيُّل

سُخْرِيَة األفْكارُ‏ السَّلْبِيَّة كُفْرانُ‏

النِّعَم التَّوَكُّلُ‏ علي غَيِْ‏ هللا

This spiritual guide to the self is a handbook of tazkiyah

or ‘self-purification’. Not only does it illustrate the

maladies of the human spiritual condition, it recognises

the struggles and insecurities we all succumb to from

time to time, and offers up the remedies too. The

antidotes to our ailments are drawn from Qur’ānic

verses and authentic a#ādīth (Prophetic sayings),

inspiring mindfulness of the Almighty Cherisher and

His Beloved Prophet . This guidebook, drawing on

the 11th and 12th Century works of the ‘Proof of Islam’

and wondrous sage, Imām Abū *āmid Al-Ghazālī ,

can be applied to our busy lives in the modern, hi-tech

era, and will prove accessible to people of all ages, all

denominations: believers and non-believers alike.

“ The ‘Handbook of Spiritual Medicine’ is to be commended as a clear

presentation of the science of internal purification in a format which

enables easy access to symptoms of spiritual illnesses and their cures.”

Shaykh Zaqir

Director of Darul Arqam Educational Trust

“A beautifully structured and well-presented work, highlighting

one of the most important aspects of Islamic teachings.”

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari

Director of the Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence (Darul Iftaa)

“ This work will enable the reader to self-analyse and assist

him or herself in meeting their Creator with a ‘sound heart’.”

Dr Shaykh Ashraf Makadam

Director of Trust, Madani Schools Federation, UK

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