Ibn Daud - A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine

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األمَل [Amal] False Hope

Extended false hope (tatwīl al-amal) is a peculiar phenomenon. For

many people it is an ever-present part of their psyche, a kind of

everyday assurance that death for them is a long way away. At the

same time however, in a heartbeat, it can act on an individual like a

quick-acting poison to inspire immoral behaviour, or – at the very

least – an inclination toward material possessions over and above

any spiritual concerns. It is a mental environment that leads people

to live their lives as if a long life is guaranteed. This delusion can

generate hard-heartedness and inaction due to the heedlessness of

the Hereafter.

Another kind of hope (umniyya) is having hope but neglecting the

means to achieve what one hopes for, which is often referred to as

an ‘empty wish’. One hopes to become healthier, for example, but

remains idle and is altogether careless about diet.


The cause of (extended) false hope may be due to:

o A heedlessness of the reality of death

o A lack of certainty (disbelief) in the Hereafter

o A negative understanding of the reality of Allāh and His

authority and presence

o Ignorance of the fact that the entire affair (of this life) is Allāh’s

alone: that everything belongs to Allāh

An enduring characteristic of the teachings of every Prophet and

thus every revealed religion, is the idea that entry into Paradise is a

matter of Allāh’s mercy. The reward of this eternal abode comes

by combining faith with sincere deeds that confirm one’s profession

of faith. It is a misguided extension of false hope, however, that will

exclude many from Paradise: many a soul that vouches for Islām will

find itself cast into Hell on the Day of Judgement.


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