Ibn Daud - A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine

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Academic Treatment

Recognise Allāh’s

Power & Rights

You repel or keep your anger under control by

recognising that nothing takes place without the

leave of Allāh

You have come to recognise that there is no

power or might except with Allāh , that not an

atom moves without the express permission and

will of Allāh

You contemplate at the time of anger as to the

reason for your outburst, that it was actually

because of some divine intervention that

‘interfered’ with your desires

Recognise Your Own Shortcomings

You remind yourself that Allāh is your Master,

Benefactor, Creator and Sustainer, and that you

yourself disobey and commit a multitude of sins

and errors, day and night

You remind yourself that your true Master, who

has every right over you, tolerates you and your

imperfections, and therefore question where you

will be if He punishes you for every mistake

Qur’ānic, Prophetic

& Scholarly Evidence

Allāh says, “Whatever (pleasure) you

have been given is no more than a fleeting

enjoyment of this worldly life. But what is with

Allāh is far better and more lasting for those

who believe and put their trust in their Lord;

who avoid major sins and shameful deeds,

and forgive when angered.” [Ash-Shūrā 42: 36-37]


Recognise Others’ Rights (including Social Media) Allāh says, ”And hasten towards

You remind yourself that you are not the owner

of the person with whom you are angry, that you

are not his creator, that you do not sustain him,

that you did not give him life, and that you have

no right or control over him

forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise as

vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared

for those mindful (of Allāh). (They are) those

who donate in prosperity and adversity,

control their anger, and pardon others. And

Allāh loves the good-doers.” [Āli ‘Imrān 3: 133-134]

You treat others how you want to be treated

in all types of interaction, including online, by

doing your best to constantly think of others and

empathise with them

You consider how you would like Allāh to deal

with you and therefore you lean toward a more

compassionate approach in dealing with the

person with whom you are angry

The Prophet said:

o “A judge should not decide between

two parties while angry” [%a#ī# Al-Bukhārī

7158, %a#ī# Muslim 1717:16]

Allāh will claim from the tyrannical

ruler the rights he usurped even from

his non-Muslim subjects

o “The most perfect of believers in belief

is the best of them in character. The

best of you are those who are the

best to their women” [At-Tirmidhī 1162]

o “None of you truly believes until he

loves for his brother what he loves for

himself” [%a#ī# Al-Bukhārī 13]


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