Ibn Daud - A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine

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Allāh says: “Indeed, those who do not expect to meet Us, being

pleased and content with this worldly life, and who are heedless of

Our signs, they will have the Fire as a home because of what they

have committed.” [Yūnus 10: 7-8]

The Prophet said:

o “Two hungry wolves let loose in a flock of sheep do not cause

as much harm as the harm to a man’s religion wrought by his

desire for wealth and fame” [At-Tirmidhī 2376]

o “Whoever makes the Hereafter his goal, Allāh makes his heart

rich, and organizes his affairs, and the world comes to him

whether it wants to or not. And whoever makes the world

his goal, Allāh puts his poverty right before his eyes, and

disorganises his affairs, and the world does not come to him,

except what has been decreed for him” [At-Tirmidhī 2465]

o “If the son of Ādam had two valleys of money, he would wish

for a third, for nothing can fill the mouth of the son of Ādam

except dust” [%a#ī# Al-Bukhārī 6436, %a#ī# Muslim 1048:116]

Love of the world falls under 5 categories of classical legal rulings:

obligatory (wājib), recommended (mandūb), permissible (mubā#),

reprehensible (makrūh), or forbidden (#arām).



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