Ibn Daud - A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine

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Love of the World

Academic Treatment

Seeking the Hereafter

Qur’ānic, Prophetic

& Scholarly Evidence

You remind yourself that this worldly

life is mere play and amusement, which

spawns most of the evil spiritual traits and

characteristics (pride, hatred, jealousy,

boasting, greed, etc.) and that your true

objective of this life is to make sufficient

arrangements for your travels to the Hereafter

You remind yourself that you will most

certainly be questioned about your

expenditure on the Day of Qiyāmah

You remember death often and do not involve

yourself in far-fetched hopes, avoiding making

lengthly plans and preparations






“Do not let your eyes crave what

We have allowed some of the

disbelievers to enjoy; the (fleeting)

splendour of this worldly life, which

We test them with. But your Lord’s

provision (in the Hereafter) is far

better and more lasting” [^āhā 20:131]

“Whatever (pleasure) you have

been given is (no more than a

fleeting) enjoyment of this worldly

life. But what is with Allāh is far

better and more lasting for those

who believe and put their trust in

their Lord” [Ash-Shūrā 42:36]

“This worldly life is no more than

play and amusement. But the

Hereafter is indeed the real life, if

only they knew” [Al-’Ankabūt 29:64]


You love the things of the world that help you

achieve felicity in the Hereafter, such as love

of the Qur’ān, of the Ka’bah, of the Prophet

, of parents, of godly people, of books of

knowledge, of children, and of brothers and

sisters who help you in religious affairs, as well

as love of wealth (hubb al-māl) in order to

give to the needy

The Prophet described the world in

the following similitude: “What relationship

with the world have I? My likeness is as a

traveller on a mount, halting in the shade

of a tree (for a short) while, only to leave it

again and proceed along the way.”

[At-Tirmidhī 2377, Musnad A#mad 2744]


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