03 Magazine: June 02, 2023

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the<br />

South<br />

island<br />

lifestyle<br />

magazine<br />

FREE | <strong>June</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />





4 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Promotion<br />


BAR & LOUNGE<br />

This stylish new addition to the city’s nightlife and Christchurch Casino opened its doors recently<br />

with an evening of incredible live music, laughter and – of course – delicious drinks.<br />

At Skylark you can enjoy quality live entertainment and<br />

explore the divine cocktail menu featuring our clever<br />

concoctions destined to become tasty classics.<br />

Formerly known as the Valley Bar, the space has undergone<br />

a stunning transformation to emerge as a chic cocktail lounge.<br />

Toast to friends and treat your tastebuds to the exquisite<br />

sweetness of peaches, tiramisu, aloe and lychee. Sit back,<br />

unwind and be surprised and delighted by the creative<br />

combinations of fun flavours.<br />

If you’re after a lighter refreshment, Skylark has a range of<br />

low alcohol and non-alcoholic cocktails, featuring heavenly<br />

flavours like limoncello, coconut aloe and watermelon mint.<br />

They’re not to be missed, especially at our prices – cocktails<br />

are only $16, non-alcoholic cocktails just $12.<br />

Fancy a deal? Join us between 7–9pm for ‘cocktail hour’.<br />

Festive, flavourful, and fun entertainment for a song? What<br />

could be better?!<br />

Like its namesake, Skylark offers a carefree, fun-loving<br />

atmosphere. With live music every weekend and a brand-new<br />

state-of-the-art sound system, you’ll be flying high as you<br />

enjoy great quality music.<br />

Live it up with live music and celebrate with a cocktail (or<br />

two) at Christchurch Casino’s swankest new digs. Be sure to<br />

slip into Skylark for your next night out – you’ll love it!<br />


1<br />


NIGHT<br />

3 4<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1. A crowded bar in the fore with a pumping dance floor behind<br />

2. Two of the brand-new cocktails are served, the<br />

“Low Margaret” and “Prima Ballerina”<br />

3. Two punters enjoying their first drinks in the new space<br />

4. Jordan Luck brings the house down<br />

5. A couple enjoy a bottle of wine as Lee Martin performs<br />

6. Food and Beverage Manager Dave Steward serves a beer<br />

7. Patrons browse Skylark’s brand-new cocktail menu

6 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Editor’s note<br />

Hello<br />

Ever since I laid eyes on the artwork showcased on this<br />

month’s cover (by the celebrated artist Robin White, of<br />

equally iconic Sam Hunt at the Portobello pub) while visiting<br />

Te Papa last year, it has sat in the back of my head on my<br />

wishlist of ‘covers I’d love to run’.<br />

So it was with great excitement that on a recent trip<br />

to Dunedin, I found the touring exhibition had landed at<br />

Dunedin Public Art Gallery, ensuring just the kind of strong<br />

South Island connections I look for in all our content.<br />

People often ask what I look for in an <strong>03</strong> cover, and the<br />

truth is there’s no specific formula – the only prerequisites are<br />

that it be captivating and compelling (we really want you to<br />

pick it up!) and pay tribute to this amazing little island of ours.<br />

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but that’s<br />

not true when it comes to magazines. A lot of thought and<br />

work goes into choosing and locking each one in, and I truly<br />

hope you enjoy them!<br />

Elsewhere in the mag, it’s a diverse mix of goodies: from an<br />

Arrowtown fashion label drawing on the colours of Central<br />

Otago (page 34) and Canterbury pie royalty Wendy Morgan<br />

sharing some tasty pastries (page 67) to cool Dunedin<br />

boutique Company Store’s dreamy makeover (page 48) and<br />

an insider’s look at the mindblowing Cirque du Soleil show<br />

coming to Christchurch (page 38).<br />


Charlotte Smith-Smulders<br />

Allied Press <strong>Magazine</strong>s<br />

Level 1, 359 Lincoln Road, Christchurch<br />

<strong>03</strong> 379 7100<br />

EDITOR<br />

Josie Steenhart<br />

josie@alliedpressmagazines.co.nz<br />


Emma Rogers<br />


Mitch Marks<br />


Hannah Brown<br />


Janine Oldfield<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 654 5367<br />

janine@alliedpressmagazines.co.nz<br />


Dave Comer, Helen Templeton,<br />

Jane Wrigglesworth, Lottie Hedley,<br />

Mike Yardley, Olivier Brajon, Rebecca Fox,<br />

Robyn Joplin, Wendy Morgan<br />

Every month, <strong>03</strong> (ISSN 2816-0711) shares the latest in lifestyle, home,<br />

food, fashion, beauty, arts and culture with its discerning readers.<br />

Enjoy <strong>03</strong> online (ISSN 2816-072X) at <strong>03</strong>magazine.co.nz<br />

Allied Press <strong>Magazine</strong>s, a division of Allied Press Ltd, is not responsible for any actions taken<br />

on the information in these articles. The information and views expressed in this publication<br />

are not necessarily the opinion of Allied Press Ltd or its editorial contributors.<br />

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information within this magazine, however,<br />

Allied Press Ltd can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information.<br />

Josie Steenhart, editor

8 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Contents<br />

In this issue<br />

22<br />


48 Moving on up<br />

Inside Company Store’s stylish new space<br />

Resene<br />

Temptation<br />




28 Robin White retrospective<br />

A major exhibition of Dame<br />

Robin White’s artworks on<br />

display in Dunedin<br />


24 Lighter shade of pale<br />

Beige doesn’t have to be boring<br />

34 Oamaru to Arrowtown<br />

Fresh fashion that celebrates the<br />

seasonal shades of the South<br />

HOME<br />

22 Most wanted<br />

What the <strong>03</strong> team are coveting<br />

right now<br />

TRAVEL<br />

58 On island time<br />

Step back in time in the blissful<br />

Pacific paradise of Samoa<br />

reCOver YOUr<br />

LOveD FUrNItUre<br />

QUaLItY FUrNItUre speCIaLIsts<br />

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Celebrating<br />

exCellenCe:<br />

Lovoir Day Spa Wins Prestigious<br />

Architecture Award<br />

“There’s nothing like this in Christchurch…”<br />

HHHHH<br />

Immerse yourself in the serene tranquillity of Lovoir Day Spa, an<br />

architectural gem nestled in the heart of Christchurch. Recently,<br />

Lovoir was recognised as a winner at this years Canterbury<br />

Architecture Awards, a testament to its exquisite design and<br />

soothing ambiance.<br />

This award-winning retreat, the only purpose-built luxury spa in<br />

Christchurch, is also the highest-rated. It boasts seven opulent<br />

treatment rooms, including two dual rooms, meticulously designed<br />

to harmonise with your skin or relaxation journey.<br />

Last year, Lovoir was crowned “New Zealand’s Best Day Spa 2<strong>02</strong>2”,<br />

further solidifying its reputation for excellence. Specialising in<br />

skin health, the expert therapists offer an array of rejuvenating<br />

facials and advanced skin treatments, ensuring a transformative<br />

experience for their clients.<br />

Lovoir’s philosophy is anchored in achieving tangible results that<br />

make a significant difference in their clients’ lives. Step into Lovoir<br />

Day Spa, leave your worries at the door, and begin your journey<br />

towards a renewed sense of skin, body and wellness under the<br />

caring hands of the dedicated team.<br />

Experience the difference at Lovoir, where architectural elegance<br />

meets unparalleled service.<br />

www.lovoirbeauty.com<br />

SurPriSe your Love oneS<br />

With A memorABLe exPerienCe.<br />

PurChASe your giftCArD<br />

in Store or onLine toDAy<br />

SCAN to go<br />

directly<br />

to our<br />

website<br />

2 ChriStChurCh LoCAtionS<br />

Lovoir Day Spa (City Centre)<br />

<strong>03</strong> 423 1166<br />

christchurchcentral@lovoirbeauty.com<br />

Lovoir Beauty Salon (Avonhead)<br />

<strong>03</strong> 358 8410<br />


10 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Contents<br />


28<br />

Robin White, ‘Sam Hunt at<br />

the Portobello Pub’, 1978.<br />

Acrylic on hardboard.<br />

Collection of<br />

Dunedin Public Art Gallery.<br />

Resene<br />

Very Berry<br />


67<br />

Resene<br />

Salted Caramel<br />

FOOD<br />

67 Pie time<br />

Perfect pastry from pie royalty Wendy<br />

Morgan’s new cookbook<br />


38 The Cirque is in town<br />

Acrobatics on ice from Cirque du Soleil<br />

40 The everyday herbalist<br />

A look inside the ultimate guidebook<br />

to local herbal remedies<br />

72 Book club<br />

Great new reads to please even the<br />

pickiest of bookworms<br />

BEAUTY<br />

26 About face<br />

The best new beauty products for winter<br />


12 Newsfeed<br />

What’s up, in, chat-worthy, cool, covetable<br />

and compelling right now<br />

74 Win<br />

TOM Organic period products, Good<br />

Change cloths, Bennetto chocolate, Elta<br />

Ego alcohol free cocktails, Nevé’s new car<br />

fragrance diffuser and YUM breakfast packs<br />


<strong>03</strong>magazine.co.nz | @<strong>03</strong>_magazine<br />

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Want <strong>03</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> delivered straight<br />

to your mailbox? Contact:<br />

charlotte@alliedpressmagazines.co.nz<br />

Reminder Service<br />


Art and objects that connect us with the people,<br />

places and memories we hold in our hearts.<br />


12 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Newsfeed<br />

Newsfeed<br />

What’s up, in, chat-worthy, cool, covetable<br />

and compelling right now.<br />

Well well well!<br />

Dunedin – lucky you! Well+Being is a dreamy new<br />

wellness centre offering everything from infrared saunas,<br />

float and LED light therapy to health/mental coaching,<br />

lifestyle medicine and yoga, pilates and meditation<br />

classes. Located on St Andrew Street in the city, this<br />

stylishly serene space spans three sub-floors and is<br />

curated to offer advanced whole-body, science-backed<br />

methods to nourish the three states of being: physical,<br />

mental and emotional.<br />

wellandbeing.nz<br />

Go big or go home<br />

Consider us deeply obsessed with the lush new collection<br />

from one of our favourite New Zealand jewellery designers,<br />

Jasmin Sparrow. “A love letter to childhood nostalgia,<br />

vintage jewellery and the audacious women who wear<br />

it,” Trésor features supersized earrings with a retro nod,<br />

handcrafted and plated in recycled 14ct gold or rhodium.<br />

jasminsparrow.com<br />

Get in formation<br />

Supermarket shelves got a little brighter this month with the<br />

launch of skincare brand Formation, offering a range of products<br />

high in quality and in active ingredients, without the high price<br />

tags to match, all while looking fabulous on your bathroom<br />

shelf! “We aim to take the guesswork out of skincare and the<br />

ingredients so that everyone can feel empowered in selecting<br />

their skin care products and in their own skin,” says Formation<br />

new product development manager Claire Whitehouse. The<br />

first drop features a squalane cream cleanser, ceramide day<br />

cream, AHA exfoliant and peptide night cream, from $25.<br />

thoughtfullyformed.co.nz<br />

Butter up<br />

For those not #blessed enough to have access to the<br />

French-flavoured deliciousness that is Christchurch<br />

patisserie Butter, or if you have a mid-week craving<br />

for the Saturday shop window, local candle company<br />

Nevé have created a heavenly limited-edition<br />

collaborative candle. Inspired by the traditional French<br />

pastry canelé, this decadent little travel candle is a<br />

perfectly balanced mix of creamy baked custard,<br />

vanilla bean, caramelised sugar and honeycomb notes.<br />


Elite performance<br />

in a changing world<br />

In my previous article, I mentioned a<br />

career highlight which included the<br />

chance to present at an international<br />

conference. In it I posed the question:<br />

“what exactly would I speak about?”<br />

And now, 24 hours away from its<br />

delivery, I’d love to tell you what I<br />

decided on.<br />

My selected topic is ‘elite performance in<br />

changing times’ and with that I’m going<br />

to share with my audience some of the<br />

principles behind that choice. But first,<br />

consider this for a moment: all of us live<br />

in changing times, not just in my own<br />

profession but in everyone’s everyday<br />

life. There are a number of elements<br />

contributing to this and I’ll go through<br />

them.<br />

Attention spans are painstakingly short.<br />

The average attention span is said to be 8<br />

minutes and 25 seconds, with a possibility<br />

of 20 minutes at the highest level and a<br />

mere two seconds at the lowest; and just<br />

for general interest, Generation Z comes<br />

in at a skimpy 2.7 minutes. Which will be<br />

no surprise to many parents who feel like<br />

they’re not being listened to, because<br />

statistically speaking, they’re not.<br />

Next is the reality that living and working<br />

in a post-Covid world, there’s a certain<br />

level of stress, uncertainty and heightened<br />

anxiety that naturally exists for most of us.<br />

When you add the elements of higher<br />

expectation, entitlement, and the belief<br />

that everything we want should be<br />

delivered instantaneously, you create a<br />

powder keg of emotions. The point being<br />

that any performance, let alone elite<br />

performance, is challenging no matter<br />

where you find yourself.<br />

So how do you grow an elite business, elite<br />

performance and a culture that cultivates<br />

just that without losing yourself and your<br />

people in the process? I’ve come to rely on<br />

some personal philosophies backed up<br />

by years of mentorship from one of New<br />

Zealand’s top mental skill coaches, Gilbert<br />

Enoka. A little, sometimes a lot, of trial<br />

and error, and some significant strategies<br />

that I’ve seen work brilliantly in our own<br />

company.<br />

Let’s start with world-class one-on-ones<br />

that allow for connection, recognition and<br />

challenge rather than merely overviewing<br />

tasks or ticking boxes. I love this aspect of<br />

my role and I’ve seen people thrive under<br />

this stewardship.<br />

Equally important is the acceptance that<br />

old ways won’t open new doors. Although<br />

I do know there are no magic solutions, if<br />

you just do what you have always done<br />

you will get the same results – and over<br />

time these will erode.<br />

Innovation, professional and personal<br />

development, and a strong vision are<br />

important as without them you can<br />

stagnate. Edward de Bono had this to say:<br />

“there is no doubt that creativity is the<br />

most important human resource of all.<br />

Without it there would be no progress just<br />

a forever repetition of the same patterns.”<br />

I’m also going to highlight the need to<br />

expect less and prepare more, a narrative<br />

that should encourage everyone to stop<br />

looking at the person across from them to<br />

bring all the answers and start contributing<br />

more themselves, knowing that this all<br />

starts with preparation.<br />

Finally, I hope to conclude with a mantra<br />

that it is vision than excites people, not<br />

numbers, and I’ve seen this evidenced in<br />

real life time and time again. Numbers on<br />

their own only appeal to a small group<br />

of people and, in fact, numeracy has the<br />

power to dampen enthusiasm rather than<br />

lift it.<br />

There you have it. I hope I’m making sense.<br />

I hope I’m able to bring my best self to the<br />

occasion and I hope I bring a little bit of<br />

Kiwi magic to the moment.<br />

Lynette McFadden<br />

Harcourts gold Business Owner<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 432 0447<br />

lynette.mcfadden@harcourtsgold.co.nz<br />




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14 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Newsfeed<br />

Brush up<br />

The latest sought-after release from elevated Aotearoa skincare<br />

brand Tronque, the sleek and sexy Ionic Body Brush ($70) is made<br />

from extra-fine, ion-charged copper bristles and forms negative<br />

ions from natural friction that re-ground your natural energy state<br />

as you brush. Tronque founder Tanné Snowden says using the<br />

brush is the perfect way to stimulate energy through improving<br />

circulation, with habitual use revealing improved skin appearance.<br />

“Dry brushing your skin with our Ionic Body Brush will exfoliate<br />

any dry skin, leaving your skin smoother and brighter, with reduced<br />

cellulite, lymphatic drainage and reduce inflammation.”<br />

tronque.com<br />

Cascade into winter<br />

A new chapter from covetable Kiwi label Ovna Ovich,<br />

the Cascade collection was formed around the belief<br />

that winter needn’t be dull. With a palette of earthy<br />

colours from Chestnut to Mushroom and Grass,<br />

signature cuts are offered in soft, sustainable fabrics<br />

such as cupro, tencel, merino jersey and a luxurious<br />

ZQ certified merino/possum blend. Accessories from<br />

tote bags to socks and scrunchies add the perfect<br />

playful finishing touches.<br />

ovnaovich.com<br />

What’s up, doc?<br />

Doco fans, get ready – the much-anticipated 18th<br />

edition of Doc Edge Festival is set to captivate<br />

audiences once again with a diverse and thoughtprovoking<br />

line-up featuring 71 films, 22 XR projects<br />

and a photo exhibition celebrating the work of the late<br />

documentary photographer Ans Westra. Showcasing<br />

a wide range of films from around the world, the<br />

selection includes several world and international<br />

premieres, including Kiwi flick Seasick (pictured), which<br />

looks at the degradation of Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf –<br />

one of only two marine parks in New Zealand. While<br />

cinema screenings are only in Auckland and Wellington,<br />

the nationwide virtual festival runs from <strong>June</strong> 19 to July 9.<br />


Regain your hearing<br />

and enhance your<br />

quality of life with us

16 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Newsfeed<br />

The art of style<br />

The Christchurch Art Gallery<br />

showcased a different kind of<br />

masterpiece recently, hosting the<br />

exciting launch of the all-new<br />

Maserati Grecale. Cosmopolitan<br />

and modern, Italian and timeless, its<br />

sculpted lines fuse essential iconic<br />

design elements with an audacious,<br />

futuristic outlook. The Grecale<br />

embraces a new luxury paradigm<br />

made of tradition, innovation and<br />

concrete vision, where every detail<br />

has a purpose. Discover all the key<br />

design features of the new Maserati<br />

SUV now at Christchurch’s<br />

Euromarque showroom.<br />

euromarque.co.nz<br />

Bye bye bad<br />

Say goodbye to germs and other<br />

nasties in style this season with cool<br />

new Kiwi launch Byebyebad, who have<br />

tapped into the powers of sustainably<br />

sourced super ingredient Bioactive<br />

Totarol (extracted from offcuts from<br />

fallen New Zealand Tōtara trees) to<br />

create a range of natural and effective<br />

personal care products. This innovative<br />

ingredient has serious antibacterial,<br />

antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and<br />

antimicrobial properties, and has<br />

been utilised by the brand in lush<br />

handwashes, a natural hand protector,<br />

a mouth refresher and a blue light face<br />

shield spray, all encased in compelling<br />

packaging.<br />

byebyebad.com<br />

Absence makes the art grow fonder<br />

Absence, the newest exhibition at Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o<br />

Waiwhetū, argues that sometimes the most compelling thing is what isn’t<br />

there. Running to August 20, 2<strong>02</strong>3, Absence brings together works from<br />

artists working across diverse mediums and eras all connected by the central<br />

theme of absence – from things that have been and gone to those we think<br />

may soon arrive. Covering a wide spectrum that includes the mournful and<br />

the mischievous, the monumental and the hardly-there-at-all, this thoughtprovoking<br />

exhibition invites viewers to fill in the gaps.<br />

christchurchartgallery.org.nz<br />

Petrus van der Velden, ‘Burial in the Winter on the Island of Marken’ (also known as<br />

‘The Dutch Funeral’), 1872. Oil on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te<br />

Puna o Waiwhetū, gift of Henry Charles Drury van Asch, 1932.

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18 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Newsfeed<br />

Quiet luxury<br />

Beloved local label Shjark proudly<br />

rounds out its offering for AW23<br />

with a concise High Winter<br />

collection – Quiet Luxury –<br />

celebrating timeless elegance and<br />

modest sophistication. The final<br />

delivery of the season showcases<br />

a harmonious blend of refined<br />

silhouettes in delectable shades<br />

of emerald green, alluring bronze<br />

and the perfect ‘of-the-moment’<br />

anthracite grey. In keeping with<br />

Shjark’s design ethos, the range<br />

features co-ord suiting, equally<br />

slick and modern colour-blocked<br />

together or as your everyday<br />

grab-and-go separates.<br />

shjark.com<br />

De-puff those peepers<br />

The latest innovative formulation from<br />

NZ beauty brand Antipodes aims to<br />

protect, de-puff and deliver immediate<br />

hydration for the eye area. Backed by<br />

independent clinical studies, Anoint H₂O<br />

De-Puffing Eye Gel ($59) features seven<br />

key bioactive ingredients with antiinflammatory<br />

and protective properties<br />

to reduce puffiness and leave eyes<br />

looking fresh. The icing on the cake? The<br />

newbie features 100 percent sustainable<br />

and biodegradable extracts from nature<br />

and is packaged in premium recyclable<br />

glass and FSC cardboard.<br />

antipodesnature.com<br />

Sweet tour<br />

Dunedin-based musician Sean James<br />

Donnelly, better known to indie and<br />

electronica fans by his now iconic<br />

initials SJD, is hitting the road this <strong>June</strong>/<br />

July with the SJD The Sweetheart Tour<br />

Aotearoa 2<strong>02</strong>3. Including gigs in Dunedin<br />

(<strong>June</strong> 23) and Christchurch (<strong>June</strong> 24),<br />

the tour celebrates SJD’s ninth album<br />

Sweetheart, released in October 2<strong>02</strong>2,<br />

which features an impressive cast of<br />

contributors, including Tami Neilson,<br />

Don McGlashan, James Milne (Lawrence<br />

Arabia), Anika Moa, Julia Deans and Chris<br />

O’Connor (The Phoenix Foundation).<br />

banishedmusic.com<br />

Hit the books<br />

The bookworms here at <strong>03</strong> have great childhood memories<br />

of bookathons, so we’re thrilled to see The Great Kiwi<br />

Bookathon taking place this month, encouraging Kiwi<br />

kids to get reading while also raising awareness and much<br />

needed funds for Blind Low Vision New Zealand. Getting<br />

involved is simple – kids register online, read the books they<br />

like throughout the month of <strong>June</strong> and share their world<br />

of books with friends and family, unlocking prizes along the<br />

way, and funds raised go towards supporting BLVNZ’s work<br />

with young people and their families.<br />


20 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Newsfeed<br />

Strictly limited<br />

Following on from Central Otago distillery Scapegrace’s<br />

highly sought-after first release comes a second drop<br />

of limited edition single malt whisky ($130 each or a<br />

set for $350). Fortitude V (with notes of smoked pears,<br />

liquorice and dried cranberries), Fortuna VI (buttery<br />

biscuit, crisp green apple and toasted chestnuts) and<br />

Dimension VII (spiced walnuts, cider apples and sweet<br />

hay) are designed to be collected and revered. Each<br />

release has started its life in virgin French oak with<br />

the range including a mixture of classic and mānuka<br />

distiller’s malt, in a mix of 100L and 200L barrels.<br />

scapegracedistillery.com<br />

Farewell to fuzz<br />

Fun fact: if you’ve been considering laser hair removal, now’s<br />

the best time to start your hair removal journey – not just<br />

because it gives you time to get summer-ready, but also<br />

because the laser pros at OFF & ON Christchurch are<br />

currently offering 20% off their laser hair removal packages,<br />

until <strong>June</strong> 30. Whether things just need a tidy or there’s more<br />

work to be done, book in quick for a smooth summer.<br />

offandon.co.nz<br />

Screen time<br />

Design, architecture and film lovers, mark your calendars, as<br />

the 12th annual Resene Architecture & Design Film Festival<br />

is here, and it’s a goodie! Hero films include Bawa’s Garden –<br />

revealing the work of renowned Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey<br />

Bawa, Nan Goldin: All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (pictured)<br />

– an epic, emotional and interconnected story about<br />

internationally renowned and groundbreaking photographer<br />

Nan Goldin who turns the lens on her own life, and Brown<br />

vs. Brown – looking at the history of mid-century modernist<br />

architecture in New Zealand during the 1950s and ’60s, seen<br />

through the lens of the son of the late architect Peter Mark-<br />

Brown. Dunedin, <strong>June</strong> 1 to 14, Christchurch, <strong>June</strong> 8 to 25.<br />

resene.co.nz/filmfestival<br />

Come together<br />

Dire Straits fans will be beyond excited at the news that<br />

the second in the Come Together album concert series<br />

is none other than Making Movies. Released in 1980,<br />

the album includes singles ‘Tunnel of Love’, ‘Romeo and<br />

Juliet’ and ‘Skateaway’ and is regarded as one of Dire<br />

Straits’ best. The Come Together supergroup, which<br />

includes Jon Toogood (pictured), Julia Deans, James<br />

Milne (Lawrence Arabia), Milan Borich, Mel Parsons,<br />

Jol Mulholland and more, will perform the epic album<br />

live in its entirety, along with a bonus set of classics and<br />

deep cuts. Christchurch, <strong>June</strong> 8, tickets at Ticketek.

T H E C O U N T R Y C L A S S I C S<br />

Mountainsides have been scaled, mud has been squelched, gallons of water has been<br />

sloshed and still our Dubarry leather country boots keep on going.<br />

From our heroic signature Galway boot to the wide choice of colours, fits and styles in the<br />

collection, our GORE-TEX® lined, waterproof, breathable boots are the ones to beat.<br />

Available exclusively from Rangiora Equestrian Supplies, www.rangiorasaddlery.co.nz.<br />

Galway GORE-TEX boots in Walnut

22 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Wishlist<br />

Most wanted<br />

From rainbow jewels and jewel-hued accessories to compelling reads and<br />

fragrances, here’s what the <strong>03</strong> team are coveting this month.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

12<br />

7<br />

11<br />

4<br />

8<br />

10<br />

6<br />

9<br />

5<br />

1. Maison Margiela Replica diffuser in By The Fireplace, $179 at Mecca; 2. Pop Motif Matisse ‘Open Window’ framed A2 print, $389 at Ballantynes;<br />

3. Juliette Hogan Daisy blouse in Primrose, $399; 4. Aesop Gloam eau de parfum, $265; 5. Karen Walker Jewellery Cubist sterling silver ring, $329;<br />

6. Deadly Ponies mohair scarf in Denim, $329; 7. Empire table lamp in Pistachio, $170 at A&C Homestore; 8. Moke Debbie raincoat, $237 at Zebrano;<br />

9. A Kind of Shelter Whakaruru-taha, edited by Witi Ihimaera and Michelle Elvy, $40;<br />

10. Teva Geotrecca Low hiking sneaker in Burnt Olive, $280; 11. Fili Three-Layer rattan vase, $220 at Garden Objects;<br />

12. Saben Coco Mini bag in Cherry, $359

Briarwood Christchurch<br />

4 Normans Road, Strowan<br />

Telephone <strong>03</strong> 420 2923<br />

christchurch@briarwood.co.nz<br />


24 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Fashion<br />

Pale and interesting<br />

Beige doesn’t have to be boring, and if this season’s options for lighter<br />

shades of pale are anything to go by, there’s plenty of fun and flair to be had in<br />

hues from oatmeal and honey to mocha and even moonrock…<br />

2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

6<br />

14<br />

7<br />

13<br />

8<br />

11<br />

10<br />

9<br />

12<br />

1. RUBY Firebird satin top in Moonrock, $249; 2. Kate Sylvester Alice sunglasses in Honey, $199; 3. Briarwood Maeve dress in Ivory, $399;<br />

4. Shjark Helsinki wool coat in Oat, $899; 5. Kester Black nail polish in Low Maintenance, $30;<br />

6. Birkenstock Big Buckle Boston shearling clogs, $489 at Superette; 7. Karen Walker Glitter socks 2-pack, $37;<br />

8. Moochi Pleating skirt in Taupe Neutral, $350; 9. Nicole Rebstock Noelle suede boots in Mocha, $519;<br />

10. Mina Peachy wool-blend dress in Oatmeal Dot, $495; 11. Marle Cait mohair-blend cardigan in Ivory, $450;<br />

12. Kowtow Row top in Sand Marle, $249; 13. Camilla & Marc Betty jeans in Stone, $384; 14. La Tribe Annika nubuck clogs in Sand, $359



26 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Beauty<br />

About face<br />

From innovative hair removers and smart self-tanners to at-home peels, high-pigment eye<br />

colours and lip-plumping liners, here’s what the <strong>03</strong> team are trying this month.<br />

1<br />

Tan in technicolour<br />

Self-tanning just took an innovative turn with the<br />

launch of Bondi Sands’ new Technocolor range ($32<br />

at Chemist Warehouse). Developed over several years<br />

using laser skin analysis technology, the collection is<br />

classified by different base colours (caramel, emerald,<br />

magenta and sapphire, pictured) to enhance skin’s<br />

natural melatonin instead of changing it as traditional<br />

self tans do.<br />

2<br />

Whip it good<br />

New from luxe local brand Jeuneora, SoWhippy<br />

Prebiotic Cream Cleanser ($58) is a bit outside the<br />

usual face-wash box. Designed to balance the skin’s<br />

microbiome and formulated with agave, a deeply<br />

hydrating prebiotic, as well as antioxidant-rich wattle<br />

seed, clarifying kaolin clay and refining niacinamide,<br />

this deliciously peach-scented product goes on silky<br />

smooth and lathers up to a light and fluffy texture.<br />

6<br />

Hi-fi wi-fi colour<br />

Utilising MAC’s most<br />

pigmented eyeshadow<br />

formulas to date and<br />

with a hi-tech twist,<br />

just-launched Connect<br />

In Colour Eyeshadow<br />

Palettes ($109) come<br />

in three 12-pan<br />

palettes (pictured, Hi-<br />

Fi Colour) featuring a<br />

mix of covetable hues<br />

and cushiony textures<br />

from ultra-matte to<br />

modern metallic with<br />

a scannable QR code<br />

that provides a portal<br />

to an ever-changing<br />

online universe of<br />

education.<br />

3<br />

Power peel<br />

Bridging the gap<br />

between weekly<br />

rinse-off and daily<br />

leave-on treatments,<br />

Dermalogica Liquid<br />

Peelfoliant ($130)<br />

delivers treatmentroom<br />

results at<br />

home in just three<br />

minutes. Via a<br />

maximum-strength<br />

combination of<br />

exfoliants, the results<br />

promise a reduction<br />

in the appearance<br />

of wrinkles, brighter,<br />

more even skin and<br />

visibly minimised<br />

pores.<br />

5<br />

Pucker up<br />

Plump lips the painless way using new Too Faced<br />

Lip Injection Extreme Lip Shaper Plumping<br />

Lip Liner ($47 at Mecca). Supercharged with<br />

volumising technology, this long-wear, demimatte<br />

liner comes in six shades (pictured,<br />

Cinnamon Swell). Slightly over-line Cupid’s bow<br />

and bottom centre lip for a full pout effect, or<br />

for a natural contoured lip look, use a shade<br />

one to two shades deeper than your natural lip<br />

colour, then fill in with lipstick, gloss or balm.<br />

4<br />

Smooth operator<br />

A new-to-New Zealand way to<br />

remove unwanted hair and smooth<br />

skin, Manicare’s Crystal Hair<br />

Remover ($45) offers an effective<br />

and convenient at-home solution.<br />

Using premium ultra-fine crystal<br />

technology, it quickly and easily<br />

buffs away body hair and dead<br />

skin cells. Use on clean, dry skin by<br />

rubbing in gentle circular motions,<br />

then rinse the area after using.

Eight weeks old and ready<br />

to meet the world<br />

Rohan Gopal Boyd received his six-week immunisations in early May. His<br />

mother, Madhu, said making the decision to make sure Rohan was immunised<br />

was more a case of ‘why would you not?’ than ‘why would you?’.<br />

“I know he will be getting some antibodies from me,<br />

but if you can make sure your baby is fully protected,<br />

why would you not?” Madhu said.<br />

Even before Rohan was born, Madhu was making<br />

sure that Rohan was getting the very best start in life<br />

by asking her parents to get the Boostrix vaccine for<br />

tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. As a firsttime<br />

mother, she knew her parents’ presence and<br />

support were important in those first few weeks,<br />

but wanted to make sure that she was not taking any<br />

risks with Rohan’s health.<br />

“Rohan’s going to be a very social boy. He is my<br />

parents first grandchild, and they have lots of plans<br />

to show him off. It was important to me to get him<br />

vaccinated if he is going to be around a lot of people.<br />

It is not just about protecting him, but also protecting<br />

others,” Madhu said.<br />

In addition to following the standard immunisation<br />

schedule, Rohan will also receive the Bacillus<br />

Calmette-Guérin (BCG) Vaccine for tuberculosis (TB).<br />

Madhu asked her midwife about getting the vaccine<br />

who referred her to the hospital to arrange this.<br />

“My parents were back in India for a time a few<br />

years back and Mum caught tuberculosis then. It is<br />

recommended that babies who have regular contact<br />

with someone who has had TB get the BCG vaccine<br />

so we are making sure he will receive it as soon as he<br />

can,” Madhu said.<br />

The three immunisations babies receive at six-weeks<br />

are:<br />

• Rotavirus (oral)<br />

• Diphtheria + tetanus + whooping cough<br />

(pertussis) + polio + hepatitis B + Haemophilus<br />

influenzae type b (Hib)<br />

• Pneumococcal disease.<br />

Talk to your family doctor about ante-natal and<br />

childhood immunisations.

Feature | <strong>Magazine</strong> 29<br />

LEFT: Robin White, ‘Hooper’s Inlet’, 1976. Oil on canvas on<br />

board. Fletcher Trust Collection, Tāmaki Makaurau.<br />

From Portobello to the Pacific<br />

A “family reunion” of works by Dame Robin White from her<br />

50-year career is currently on show at Dunedin Public Art Gallery,<br />

including that famous painting of Sam Hunt at the Portobello Pub.<br />


On a road trip with poet Sam Hunt in<br />

the 1970s looking for somewhere to<br />

live and work, Robin White “fetched up”<br />

in Dunedin.<br />

It took only one trip out to Otago<br />

Peninsula for Robin to know that was<br />

where she would like to live. A couple<br />

of years later she found a house in<br />

lower Portobello for a “princely sum of<br />

$1500” that, she says, suited her perfectly,<br />

meeting her primary criteria of being<br />

close to the sea.<br />

Her view was Harbour Cone.<br />

“It became an anchoring point for me<br />

visually in terms of place.”<br />

She had met Sam when she was fresh<br />

out of Auckland art school in the late<br />

1960s and became his neighbour at a<br />

little inlet off Paremata Harbour, near<br />

Wellington, named by Sam as Bottle Creek<br />

– “for obvious reasons”.<br />

“He offered to find me a place to live,<br />

which he did. The little place I had to live<br />

and work in became just too small.”<br />

After failing to find somewhere else,<br />

the pair headed off on a road trip, finally<br />

arriving in Dunedin.<br />

It was while living on the Otago<br />

Peninsula she invited Sam to visit and the<br />

idea for her famous painting ‘Sam Hunt at<br />

the Portobello Pub’ (1978) was born.<br />

Her life on the peninsula is captured<br />

in a series of regional-realist paintings<br />

– featuring her first child Michael, her<br />

neighbours, Hoopers Inlet, her mother,<br />

who visited to help with the baby, and<br />

Harbour Cone – that are on show in<br />

Robin White: Something Is Happening Here<br />

at Dunedin Public Art Gallery. The works<br />

are part of an exhibition developed by<br />

the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa<br />

Tongarewa and Auckland Art Gallery Toi<br />

o Tāmaki.<br />

“There are a lot of changes in medium<br />

and approach to making images but<br />

the constant thing has always been the<br />

reference to place and circumstances in<br />

which I live,” Robin (76) says.<br />

That place changed dramatically for<br />

Robin when the family decided to move<br />

to Kiribati, the former Gilbert Islands, after<br />

being invited there to assist and support its<br />

Baha’i community.<br />

“We were members here in Dunedin<br />

of the Baha’i community. Nobody was<br />

offering to go. So, out of the blue, we were<br />

approached. For me it was a wonderful<br />

adventure. So off we went.”<br />

She soon realised it was not going<br />

to be possible to continue working in<br />

the way she had. Living in a village in a<br />

traditional home, with a thatched roof,<br />

meant traditional painting materials were<br />

not suitable.<br />

“The canvas and oils I had packed had to<br />

be put to one side and I had to rethink my<br />

approach.”<br />

As she began to learn about the culture<br />

and language of her new home, she<br />

started drawing.

Feature | <strong>Magazine</strong> 31<br />

“That process of adaptation is recorded<br />

in the ‘Beginner’s Guide to Gilbertese’,<br />

where I’m learning how to make a wood<br />

cut because the wood was available and I<br />

happened to have some carving knives. So<br />

I thought, ‘this is going to suit the situation<br />

I’m in, rats aren’t going to attack and insects<br />

won’t be bothered’.”<br />

Robin fell in love with Kiribati.<br />

“That became my place. We were there<br />

17 fantastic years. I learnt so much while I<br />

was there.”<br />

She worked constantly. She had a<br />

press sent out and good quality paper,<br />

which was easy to store and get back to<br />

New Zealand.<br />

Robin returned to New Zealand with a<br />

new body of print works.<br />

On the journey back to Kiribati in 1996,<br />

she learnt fire had destroyed her home and<br />

studio there.<br />

“All I had was in a suitcase with me.”<br />

The family was offered a room to stay in<br />

and she began to think of ways to continue<br />

working on her ideas.<br />

“I realised I had only what was available<br />

locally.”<br />

There is no tradition of painting in<br />

Kiribati, as the art was in women’s weaving.<br />

White began working with them, creating<br />

her first works on woven pandanus-leaf<br />

placemats – ‘New Angel’ (1998) is based<br />

on logos for basic products available from<br />

the island’s local stores.<br />

“I got hooked on it, that way of<br />

working. So I started to look for other<br />

opportunities.”<br />

Soon after, Robin and her family returned<br />

to New Zealand. Her children had been<br />

living with a Kiribati family while attending<br />

high school in Masterton and Robin and<br />

her husband wanted to be closer to them.<br />

“It was a way of maintaining that<br />

connection with their Kiribati family. Our<br />

kids’ first language was Kiribati.”<br />

As she did in every place she lived, Robin<br />

dived into researching and discovering the<br />

history and kaupapa of her new home,<br />

Masterton and Wairarapa.<br />

Her first works were an effort to address<br />

the effect of colonisation on Māori. She<br />

worked with a young Māori “tagger” who<br />

came into her studio to tag the wool bales<br />

she was using to create work.<br />

“The idea of the wool bales was to make<br />

the medium as much part of the message<br />

as the image.”<br />

Robin also learned of a prisoner of<br />

war camp in Featherston where Japanese<br />

and Koreans were interned during World<br />

War II. In a “cultural misunderstanding” 48<br />

Japanese soldiers died in a shooting incident.<br />

ABOVE: Robin White, Tamari<br />

Cabeikanacea and Ruha Fifita,<br />

‘Living in a material world’,<br />

2017. Bark cloth, earth pigments<br />

and natural dye. Collection of<br />

the Museum of New Zealand<br />

Te Papa Tongarewa.<br />

OPPOSITE: Robin White,<br />

‘This is me at Kaitangata’,<br />

1979. Screen print. Collection<br />

of Auckland Art Gallery Toi<br />

o Tāmaki.

32 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Feature<br />

“My father was very anti-war and a member of the<br />

Peace Council and he used to take me to meetings<br />

when I was just a kid.”<br />

At one of those meetings she learned about the<br />

bombing of Hiroshima, which “haunted” her. She had<br />

always wanted to travel to Japan, and did so at the<br />

invitation of a Japanese painter. There she sought out a<br />

Japanese calligrapher to write into her painting.<br />

“We became friends and she agreed to do it.”<br />

On her return to New Zealand, Robin found she<br />

was still “hankering after” the Pacific. An opportunity<br />

to work with a Fijian friend, Leba Toki, whom she had<br />

worked with before, came up. In Lautoka, Fiji, Robin<br />

worked with Leba and her sister-in-law Bale Jione,<br />

producing ‘Teitei Vou (A New Garden)’ (2009).<br />

“Through these works I made with Leba I got to<br />

know about the process of image making on tapa and<br />

also learnt from Leba about the history of making tapa<br />

and that it was closely associated with tapa in Tonga.<br />

“We had this dream of bringing the two<br />

traditions back together again as they had been in<br />

pre‐colonial times.”<br />

She worked with a young Tongan woman, Ruha Fifita,<br />

to produce a series of works presented in Kermadec<br />

(City Gallery Wellington, 2012) and Ko e Hala<br />

Hangatonu: The Straight Path (Pātaka, Porirua, 2014).<br />

“That was my opportunity to learn the Tongan<br />

approach to working on tapa.”<br />

Robin, Ruha and Leba came together again to<br />

produce another series of works. In the Fijian tradition,<br />

stencils are used to apply the images but in Tonga<br />

they create templates which are then rubbed and<br />

hand‐painted over the top. The large tapa works<br />

incorporate both styles, along with Robin’s images.<br />

“When it comes to the visual elements which are<br />

part of the narrative of this, it is when I design – the<br />

teapot, those birds, I design and cut those stencils.”<br />

Robin’s most recent work is a return to drawings,<br />

notes and research she was doing back in 1997 when<br />

she was still living in Tarawa in Kiribati.<br />

“The idea got disrupted by leaving Kiribati and going<br />

to New Zealand.”<br />

The watercolours, based on things she<br />

encountered on a daily basis in Kiribati, are just a<br />

“trial run”, she says.<br />

“This is me just experimenting to see how the<br />

drawings might look when they are enlarged. They’re<br />

really elements of a work in progress.”<br />

Robin White: Te Whanaketanga | Something is Happening Here,<br />

Dunedin Public Art Gallery, until <strong>June</strong> 25.<br />

<strong>03</strong> <strong>June</strong> - 26 <strong>June</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

OPENING - <strong>03</strong> <strong>June</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />


WHERE<br />

I LIVE<br />

+64 3 325 1944<br />

littlerivergallery.com<br />

art@littlerivergallery.com<br />

Main Rd, Little River


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Southern colour<br />

A stalwart of the South Island fashion industry for two decades, Natalie Newlands<br />

continues to celebrate this very special part of the world – including its stunning<br />

natural palette – from her current base in Arrowtown.<br />


Feature | <strong>Magazine</strong> 35<br />

Knitwear from the current New Lands collection.<br />

With Central Otago’s famous fall hues currently in their<br />

full glory of greens, golds and tussocky tones, local<br />

fashion designer Natalie Newlands of label New Lands<br />

has paid sartorial tribute to the region via a collaborative<br />

collection with Cloudy Bay, to be worn by the celebrated<br />

winery’s staff.<br />

“We designed a stunning topographic print using the<br />

winery’s new colour palette,” says the designer from her<br />

Arrowtown base, “which beautifully reflects the contours of<br />

the land the vineyards are planted on in both Central Otago<br />

and Marlborough.”<br />

Grape-green trousers and a pleated midi skirt and silk scarf<br />

in the striking signature print form the focal points of the<br />

range, which can be paired with either a crew sweater, knit<br />

t-shirt or cardigan in 100 percent organic combed cotton in a<br />

hue she calls “Cloudy Bay wheat beige”.<br />

“There are several options allowing a variety of looks, at all<br />

times highlighting the topographic print to retain a connection<br />

to the land,” says Natalie.<br />

“Where possible we used natural and breathable fibres<br />

and trims and details were carefully selected, while the<br />

distinctive seasons and climates of the Marlborough and<br />

Cromwell regions were taken into consideration throughout<br />

the design process.”<br />

Having grown up on a farm in Oamaru, Natalie has largely<br />

continued her career from the South Island, gaining a BA<br />

in Fashion at Otago Polytechnic before working with Margi<br />

Robertson at iconic Dunedin label NOM*d for five years,<br />

and in 2012 purchased Queenstown boutique Angel Divine<br />

(which she sold in September 2<strong>02</strong>0).<br />

“During this time I also started New Lands Studio, as I saw<br />

a gap in the market and a calling to be at the helm of my own<br />

creative endeavours.”<br />

Now living and working out of Arrowtown, Natalie says<br />

that while the area definitely serves up plenty of inspiration<br />

and is a great spot to raise family, when it comes to<br />

running a fashion business, “for us the geographic location<br />

doesn’t matter”.<br />

“Technology makes it so easy and so efficient. Also<br />

Queenstown airport is super close so it’s really easy to travel.<br />

“I love the nature here, it serves me far greater than a city<br />

on an energetic level.”<br />

“It has really strong seasons, stunning summers and pretty<br />

chilly winters, and the autumn seasonal colours never get old.<br />

There’s a lovely community here of long-time locals. I love the<br />

ease of everything being so close and spending a lot of time<br />

with my boys down at the river, getting back to nature and<br />

the simplicity of wholesome living.<br />

“I grew up rurally on a farm, I love the farm life, it was<br />

such a wholesome childhood. I’m the youngest of four. The<br />

work ethic of growing up on a farm has supported my drive<br />

as an adult.”<br />

And it wasn’t only a solid work ethic Oamaru provided,<br />

but a starting point for Natalie’s love of fashion, clothing<br />

and design.<br />

“Mum and dad always let me wear whatever I wanted,<br />

so this freedom of expression really shaped my creative<br />

flow. Oamaru was great, I invested heavily into the local op<br />

shops and was always re-working my finds into some wild<br />


“Oamaru was great, I<br />

invested heavily into<br />

the local op shops and<br />

was always re-working<br />

my finds into some<br />

wild masterpieces.”<br />

That creative flair can still be seen<br />

in Natalie’s latest projects, such as<br />

the current New Lands collection,<br />

which features suiting with an edgy<br />

twist, cosy-cool quilted jackets and<br />

covetable knitwear in shades of lime,<br />

blush, fog grey, sky blue, cinnamon<br />

and coffee, or woven with her<br />

unique art prints.<br />

“Clothing ranges, for me, generally<br />

start from a concept or inspiration<br />

through art, colour, fabrication<br />

or a feeling, often inspired by our<br />

customers. New Lands still works to<br />

functionality with ease and design,<br />

but the initial inspiration can vary<br />

from season to season. All of my<br />

clothing works back to our values of<br />

confidence, comfort and play.”<br />

Fabrication choices also factor<br />

strongly in Natalie’s brand manifesto.<br />

“The yarn options and combinations<br />

are always exciting and innovative,<br />

something that really excites me, being<br />

conscious of its previous or next life.<br />

“For example, we’re currently using<br />

repurposed nylon from abandoned<br />

fishing nets, re-spun into textile<br />

use, then blended with merino.<br />

This innovation allows a double use,<br />

reducing the ocean’s pollution while<br />

giving it a new life.<br />

“We also use a lot of mohair, alpaca<br />

and merino, all of which are traceable<br />

back to the farms and origins.<br />

“I have adored knitwear from a<br />

young age, so each collection has a<br />

strong knitwear focus.”

Feature | <strong>Magazine</strong> 37<br />

“The distinctive seasons and<br />

climates of the Marlborough<br />

and Cromwell regions were taken<br />

into consideration throughout<br />

the design process.”<br />

ABOVE: The New Lands X<br />

Cloudy Bay collaboration<br />

drew on inspiration from<br />

the local landscape.<br />

OPPOSITE: Natalie<br />

Newland incorporates her<br />

original artwork into her<br />

fashion design.

The Cirque is coming to town<br />

South Islanders, lace up your ice skates – celebrated Cirque du Soleil<br />

production CRYSTAL, a spectacular of acrobatics on ice, touches<br />

down in Christchurch this month.<br />


W<br />

hile many Kiwis may have already experienced Cirque du Soleil’s signature breathtaking<br />

shows, CRYSTAL, created in 2017 and having already travelled to more than 130 cities,<br />

18 countries and seen by more than 1.8 million people, is easily the coolest (literally and<br />

figuratively) yet.<br />

Not only is it Cirque du Soleil’s first and only touring show to incorporate remastered<br />

pop songs into the soundtrack of a show (more on that later), it’s also – mindblowingly –<br />

performed entirely on ice.<br />

“Creating an acrobatic performance on ice wasn’t easy,” says Christine Achampong,<br />

CRYSTAL’s senior publicist.

Feature | <strong>Magazine</strong> 39<br />

“CRYSTAL uses one of the biggest stages in Cirque du Soleil<br />

history, which means we needed to get creative with how<br />

we used it. One of the ways we did this is by using 28 video<br />

projectors to project large-scale video and images onto the<br />

ice, transforming our stage into the many different imaginary<br />

worlds on Crystal’s journey under the ice.<br />

“And because the artists of CRYSTAL move around much<br />

faster than they do on regular Cirque shows (because they’re<br />

on skates!), CRYSTAL is the only Cirque du Soleil show to use<br />

an automatic spotlight tracking system (versus a manual spot<br />

operator) that uses infrared technology to follow each of our<br />

artists on ice.<br />

“One of the biggest challenges for our production team<br />

was ensuring that the equipment used (lights, speakers)<br />

could withstand the cold and operate properly at low<br />

temperatures. That’s why we travel with backups of backups<br />

of our technical equipment, just in case.<br />

“Another challenge was getting our artists mentally and<br />

physically prepared to perform on the ice. It’s ‘easy’ for a<br />

seasoned acrobat to do what they do on a regular stage floor,<br />

but the ice adds another physical and psychological element<br />

that all CRYSTAL artists need and have been trained for.”<br />

A further challenge is shifting such an extraordinary<br />

production from city to city and country to country.<br />

“The entire show moves from city to city in 21 x 48ft<br />

transport trailers,” Christine explains.<br />

“The process of loading in and setting up the show<br />

takes approximately 15 hours and usually happens the day<br />

before we premiere in a city. This doesn’t include lighting<br />

focus time – it takes up to 24 hours to autofocus the 30+<br />

projectors that we travel with on tour.<br />

“But before we load in, we have to make the ice! This<br />

can take anywhere from 48 to 72 hours before the tour<br />

gets to town. The length of ice time depends on a few<br />

different factors including the humidity and temperature<br />

inside and outside of the arena.”<br />

While this might not take too long in a mid-winter<br />

Canterbury, there’s also the 97 employees that travel<br />

with the show to look after, plus the hiring of 100+ local<br />

employees to fill positions from runners and wardrobe<br />

assistants to technicians, catering and loading in and out.<br />

Then there’s the music: with its sweeping, atmospheric<br />

and romantic soundscapes, CRYSTAL is the only touring<br />

show to feature popular music in its musical score.<br />

Audiences will hear Cirque-style re-recordings of<br />

‘Chandelier’ by Sia, ‘Halo’ by Beyoncé, ‘Sinnerman’ by Nina<br />

Simone, and U2’s ‘Beautiful Day’.<br />

The score also features music specially created for the<br />

show that incorporates a variety of musical styles, from<br />

grand orchestral sounds and klezmer-style chamber music<br />

to melodic folk and energetic rock-tinged beats.<br />

To up the aural ante even more, CRYSTAL features<br />

three live musicians who play a total of eight different<br />

instruments including violins, acoustic and electric guitars,<br />

accordions, bass clarinets, clarinets and saxophones.<br />

Last but not least – the costumes. All artists have<br />

between three and four costume changes in one<br />

performance, which means each costume has been<br />

adapted to help with ‘quick changes’ between scenes –<br />

sometimes the artists have less than 30 seconds to change.<br />

“Because of the added element of the ice, safety is also<br />

a big part of what we do,” Christine explains.<br />

“Shoes and gloves have ‘crampons’ on them to help our<br />

non-skating artists run, tumble and do all the breathtaking<br />

acrobatics they do on the ice.<br />

“We also travel with over 600 pieces of wardrobe<br />

on tour and all our costume pieces are created at our<br />

international headquarters in Montreal, Canada. Each<br />

costume at Cirque du Soleil starts off as a blank white<br />

fabric that’s either laser-printed or handpainted with<br />

a pattern.<br />

Cirque du Soleil’s CRYSTAL runs <strong>June</strong> 16 to 25, 2<strong>02</strong>3, at<br />

Christchurch Arena.<br />


40 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Feature<br />

The everyday herbalist<br />

Passionate about herbs since childhood, Jane Wrigglesworth is now one of<br />

New Zealand’s foremost experts on all things herbal. In an extract from her new<br />

book The Everyday Herbalist she shares some favourites for de-stressing.<br />


became interested in herbs as a child around the age of<br />

I 10 when my family and I visited a herb farm somewhere<br />

in Aotearoa. My memory is fuzzy on where exactly it was,<br />

but I distinctly remember being fascinated by the groupings<br />

of plants. (There was a gypsy caravan there too, with which<br />

I was greatly enamoured.)<br />

There was a section of herbs for headaches, one for<br />

first aid, one for coughs and colds, and others for various<br />

other ailments, plus one for beauty.<br />

I was likely more interested in the last one, but I<br />

remember being hugely impressed that a herb could be<br />

grown in the garden and used to treat a headache. We left<br />

there with a newly purchased herb book and I pored over<br />

that avidly, intrigued at the prospect of making my own<br />

shampoos and lotions from herbs, and later how to use<br />

herbs for first aid.<br />

In my teens I progressed to experimental beauty<br />

formulations. I brewed and blended all manner of herbal<br />

concoctions to slather onto my face. In my bedroom-cumscience<br />

lab I churned out amateur lip balms, toners and<br />

face scrubs.<br />

I recall a thyme, beetroot (for colour) and glycerine<br />

lip tint that did a fairly good impersonation of a Nivea<br />

strawberry lip gloss. (Except it tasted like beetroot.) I made<br />

herbal creams and ointments, in my early days referring to<br />

the newsletters of the Herb Federation of New Zealand<br />

for advice.<br />

I now make my own ointment and cream formulas with<br />

herbs that I know will benefit the skin, whether it be for<br />

acne, rashes, cuts, wounds or wrinkles.<br />

My interest in herbs peaked in the early 2000s when I<br />

was editing the Weekend Gardener magazine. I developed a<br />

bleeding stomach, unbeknownst to me, and eventually ended<br />

up in hospital with dangerously low iron and haemoglobin<br />

levels. I had blood pumped back into me and was given<br />

some nice red pills to bring my haemoglobin back up to<br />

where it should be. Except they didn’t seem to work, and<br />

they made me nauseous.<br />

So I googled natural remedies and found that parsley, a<br />

veritable wonder herb, is high in virtually all vitamins and<br />

minerals, including iron. I began to consume it on a daily<br />

basis, along with chamomile tea, which helped to reduce<br />

the inflammation in my gut, and soon enough my iron levels<br />

began to rise. That was revolutionary for me, and since then<br />

I’ve been a convert to the magic of herbal medicine.<br />

I went on to study herbal medicine formally and I’ve<br />

been fortunate to meet many amazing herbalists and herb<br />

enthusiasts along the way. I edited the quarterly journal of<br />

the Herb Federation of New Zealand for seven years and<br />

went on to write a herb column in New Zealand Gardener<br />

magazine for over a decade.

Feature | <strong>Magazine</strong> 41<br />

LEFT: Ashwagandha.<br />


Nervines is the name given to a group of<br />

herbs that can help to restore a sense of<br />

calm. Nervines specifically support the<br />

nervous system and can be used to promote<br />

calm, elevate mood and help induce sleep.<br />

Many nervine herbs can easily be grown in<br />

the home garden.<br />


Some of my favourite herbs to help you<br />

de‐stress are ashwagandha, barley grass,<br />

skullcap, passionflower, German chamomile,<br />

lavender and motherwort.<br />

It seems only natural now to go one step further and put my thoughts<br />

and formulations down in a book. I hope that my narrative will encourage<br />

you, too, to dip your feet in the world of natural medicine. If nothing<br />

else, perhaps you can try your hand at making a lip tint or two – I can<br />

recommend a thyme, beetroot and glycerine lip tint. (Except that it does<br />

taste of beetroot...)<br />

Caution! Herbs, just like prescribed medications, can be dangerous – or at<br />

the very least produce unwanted side effects. If a herb is potent enough to<br />

produce a positive effect, such as reduce cholesterol or anxiety, it is strong<br />

enough to do other things.<br />

There is a list at the end of the book of known medical risks associated<br />

with the herbs mentioned. It’s important to research not just the benefits of<br />

a herb but also any known side effects before use, in order to avoid adverse<br />

reactions. Don’t assume that because it’s natural, it is safe.<br />

Ashwagandha<br />

Ashwagandha (also referred to by its botanical<br />

name, Withania) is one of the best herbs for<br />

combating stress. Many herbalists list it as<br />

their all-time favourite herb and it pops up<br />

fairly frequently in the book.<br />

Christchurch-based herbalist Richard<br />

Whelan once told me, “If, by some horrible<br />

drought of supplies, or whatever passes<br />

for the herbalist’s modern version of being<br />

shipwrecked on a desert island, I could only<br />

have one remedy to use, it would definitely<br />

be withania”.<br />

Upper Hutt herbalist Donna Lee agrees:<br />

“We have more than 250 herbs at Cottage<br />

Hill Herb Farm, in dried form and/or in<br />

the garden, and withania is our top-selling<br />

herb because it works across so many<br />

areas. We use it for anxiety and stress, mild<br />

depression, lack of energy, sexual issues and<br />

that ‘everything is on top of me’ feeling.<br />

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue as well as<br />

insomnia respond well to withania.”<br />

I love it too. It can be used as both a<br />

tonic (to increase energy) and an anxietybuster.<br />

Like other adaptogenic herbs, it<br />

helps the body to ‘adapt’ to situations,<br />

exerting a ‘normalising’ influence. It helps<br />

strengthen the body’s response to stress,<br />

and enhances our ability to cope with<br />

anxiety and fight fatigue. It helps you to get<br />

your glow back. I suggest taking it on a daily<br />

basis if you’re feeling stressed, anxious or<br />

just ‘blah’.

42 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Feature<br />

RIGHT: German chamomile.<br />

OPPOSITE: Chamomile- and lavender-infused<br />

honey with edible gold leaf.<br />

German chamomile<br />

While German chamomile has many useful properties,<br />

it’s best known as a calming herb. As a tea, it helps with<br />

stress, nervousness, anxiety and insomnia.<br />

Chamomile is a gently acting herb so it’s suitable for<br />

children and babies. It’s especially useful for soothing fussy<br />

babies and calming excitable toddlers. Keep a chamomile<br />

glycerite on hand for any childhood ailments, including<br />

colic and digestive issues, as well as restlessness, irritability<br />

and nightmares.<br />

Make a tea by infusing 1–2 heaped teaspoons of dried<br />

flowers in freshly boiled water. Steep for 10–15 minutes.<br />

Lavender<br />

Lavender needs no introduction. It’s been used as a<br />

remedy for frazzled nerves for centuries, and with good<br />

reason. Modern research confirms that inhaling lavender<br />

reduces the level of the body’s stress hormone, cortisol.<br />

A recent study found that lavender oil aromatherapy<br />

reduced the level of perceived anxiety and physical<br />

symptoms of anxiety in nursing students in South Korea.<br />

In two exploratory randomised control trials, lavender oil<br />

was found effective in reducing anger–frustration moods<br />

and negative feelings about the future.<br />

There are many types of lavender, but those used<br />

for essential oils, fragrance and medicinal purposes are<br />

generally the English lavenders (Lavandula angustifolia syn.<br />

officinalis) and the Intermedia varieties (hybrids between<br />

L. angustifolia and L. latifolia). One that is well known and<br />

readily available is ‘Grosso’.<br />

A simple way to release lavender scent into the air is to<br />

use a diffuser with 3–4 drops of essential oil, perhaps in<br />

your bedroom at night to induce sleep. Or swab a couple<br />

of drops of lavender essential oil onto your pillowcase.<br />

Touch, as well as smell, has a calming effect on the<br />

body and mind, so if you can, use a combination of both<br />

with a lavender massage oil using flowers freshly picked<br />

from the garden. For a quicker massage oil, add 10 drops<br />

lavender essential oil per 1 tablespoon carrier oil (e.g.<br />

olive, sesame, jojoba, sweet almond).<br />

An infusion of the flowers can be taken as a tea or<br />

added to a bath to aid relaxation.

Feature | <strong>Magazine</strong> 43<br />




My first foray into making my own herb<br />

capsules was with ashwagandha powder. I<br />

bought powdered herb and empty gelatine<br />

capsules, and stuffed the powder into them.<br />

It worked a treat and was an efficient way of<br />

consuming the herb, but it was a bit fiddly.<br />

If you want an easier option, go for tea.<br />

1 tablespoon finely chopped ashwagandha root<br />

1 cup milk and 1 cup water (or 2 cups water)<br />

Sliced or powdered ginger and/or liquorice root<br />

(optional)<br />



This goes down a treat with kids. For adults, add a<br />

spoonful to a cup of chamomile tea for sweetening<br />

if desired, or take a spoonful as is. For fun, add<br />

edible gold leaf (which is actually real gold and<br />

surprisingly inexpensive online) for a special gift.<br />

Gently simmer the ashwagandha and milk/water<br />

in a small saucepan, covered, for 15 minutes.<br />

Add ginger and/or liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza<br />

glabra) if desired, to support the adrenal glands’<br />

response to stress. Strain before drinking.<br />

Sweeten the tea with honey if desired, but if<br />

you still cannot stomach it, give capsules a go.<br />

Buy them pre-filled, or buy the vegetable-based<br />

capsule shells online and fill your own.<br />

50g (2 oz) dried chamomile flowers<br />

50g (2 oz) dried lavender flowers<br />

1 cup honey<br />

Edible gold leaf (optional)<br />

Crush the chamomile flowers with the blade of a knife<br />

and mix them in a jar with the lavender flowers. Add<br />

the honey, stir, then seal with a lid. Place in a warm<br />

room out of direct sunlight and leave to infuse for 4<br />

weeks. Strain through a fine-meshed sieve into a clear<br />

jar. If adding edible gold leaf, layer it in with the honey.<br />

Images and edited text from The Everyday<br />

Herbalist by Jane Wrigglesworth, photography<br />

by Lottie Hedley, published by Allen & Unwin,<br />


Promotion | <strong>Magazine</strong> 47<br />


Presenting two of Canterbury’s top ‘Tall Poppies’<br />

(who just happen to be dog-lovers too!).<br />

DEBBIE GORDON’S real estate career began in 1993. In<br />

2011, she took some valuable time to work with EQC and<br />

insurance groups, which gave her invaluable knowledge in<br />

her dealings with properties and clients affected by postquake<br />

issues.<br />

Having received numerous awards and accolades over<br />

a number of years, Debbie attributes her success as a real<br />

estate professional to one thing – the ability to listen to her<br />

clients’ needs.<br />

Debbie gives 110 percent, and continues to stay in<br />

touch long after the transaction has concluded. A vast<br />

majority of Debbie’s clients come from repeat and referral<br />

business. Debbie’s direct and no-nonsense approach is a<br />

joy to experience.<br />

To tap into Debbie’s expertise, give her a call on<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 437 3925.<br />

KRISTIAN DANHOLT shot to success in real estate<br />

very quickly after leaving the police force in early 2<strong>02</strong>0.<br />

Kristian’s clients love him and often mention he is “not the<br />

stereotypical real estate agent”.<br />

He really enjoys the grind and is quickly building a<br />

business and lasting relationships in the process.<br />

In his spare time you’ll see him walking his fur baby at<br />

the closest dog park and out spending time with family and<br />

friends at cafes and restaurants. Kristian is a foodie at heart<br />

and has organised a lot of travel over the last few years<br />

around food. If you don’t want to talk property, he loves<br />

talking food and travel!<br />

Kristian views real estate as turning better work stories<br />

into successful sales stories.<br />

To make Kristian a part of your property journey,<br />

call him on <strong>02</strong>1 544 934.<br />


Moving on up<br />

Dunedin’s coolest fashion store Company has<br />

made a small move – with big impact.<br />


Interiors | <strong>Magazine</strong> 49<br />

Dunedin fashion retail institution Company Store turns 10 this<br />

year, and recently moved to a light, bright, beautiful new space<br />

on George Street, just a few doors down (and upstairs) from the<br />

original boutique.<br />

Now fully settled in the elevated (both literally and figuratively)<br />

locale, owner and founder Sara Munro (also of label Company of<br />

Strangers) talks pastel paint colours, her passion for local product and<br />

picking exactly the right pieces of furniture.<br />

You’ve just moved across the road and upstairs, right? How/why/<br />

when did the move come about?<br />

We had been looking for a new space for about four years, I was<br />

just waiting for this one to pop up. I wanted to create a slower‐paced<br />

experience for our customers, something a little more hidden,<br />

something less ‘generic retail’.<br />

I would stand in our old store and look upstairs at the beautiful<br />

light in the barber shop across from ours and think what a beautiful<br />

space it was… so I just manifested it, haha!<br />

The aesthetic/vibe of the two stores is quite different…<br />

Couldn’t be more different! Our old store was a little goth and<br />

intimidating. This one is warm, light and relaxed. It feels so welcoming<br />

once you get into it.<br />

In our new space we pay tribute to all our local makers,<br />

collaborators and the many hands involved, with our unique hands<br />

motif, inspired from a past collaboration with artist Harley Jones.<br />

I feel like retail over the years has become so branded and<br />

marketed in your face, fast-paced and stressful. I wanted to slow<br />

it down, and be able to really give breathing space to the beautiful<br />

products we have. A lot of time goes into what our makers create so<br />

our retail needed to reflect that.<br />

How long have you been on George Street in total?<br />

Ten years! It really has flown by.<br />

Who did the interior design, and what was the concept/brief?<br />

We did everything in-house. Amelia [Hope, design manager] and I are<br />

very DIY. We both loved the opportunity to design something other<br />

than clothing!<br />

We dreamed up the idea of curved carpet and our glass brick wall<br />

was a nod to the local swimming pool in the ’80s. We wanted it to<br />

feel soft, comfortable yet elevated.<br />

How/why did you decide on those beautiful pastel wall colours<br />

(and what are they?)<br />

I didn’t want anything to be white. Generic retail white, so boring! It<br />

was important to us that everything was soft but needed to be warm<br />

and safe and that would work with any colours that come in over the<br />

years with the products we sell.<br />

The pink on the back wall is actually called ‘Dunedin’ so we had to<br />

have that! The blue is ‘Birdlings Flat’. Both are Dulux colours.

50 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Interiors<br />

Tell us about the furnishings…<br />

The furnishings are all vintage, sourced over the last year.<br />

I am obsessed with furniture, so I kept my eye out for the<br />

right thing.<br />

The Italian chairs, table, bamboo plinths and the Travertine<br />

counter are from Babelogue in Auckland. The soft paper<br />

lanterns are from Simon James.<br />

The other pieces were custom-made from new and<br />

sourced second hand components. I don’t like everything to<br />

be new, I like things to carry their history with them.<br />

And artworks…<br />

The main canvas, by Philip James Frost, a friend and former<br />

Dunedin artist, hung in our original store but looks completely<br />

different now. The photographs are by Tim Hardy, a<br />

Melbourne-based photographer.<br />

As well as clothing and jewellery you also sell some<br />

homeware – tell us a bit about the brands and products<br />

you choose to stock?<br />

I am quite passionate about New Zealand-made, and that’s<br />

reflected in the skincare, candles and homewares we sell.<br />

I like to sell things I actually use myself – Maryse is a<br />

beautiful skincare brand, ethically packaged too, and locally<br />

made products like George & Edi from Wānaka.<br />

The ceramics are all by Denise Porter-Howland of Eleventeen<br />

Ceramics. They range from ice cream shoes to banana vases to<br />

cigarette butts. They don’t sit on the shelf for long! I like things<br />

that reflect ordinary life but have a sense of humour.<br />

I also love to support upcoming talent like Bebe May,<br />

a Christchurch-based jeweller, Frances Clothing from<br />

Martinborough, Nelle from Dunedin (not online yet because<br />

her clothes sell the second they hit the rack!).

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Arrowtown-based artist and furniture-maker Ed Cruikshank creates stylish, high-quality pieces imbued with<br />

his unique blend of creativity, craftsmanship and human connection.<br />

Ed Cruikshank’s creative journey began in Oxford, England<br />

where he learned the craft of fine cabinet-making before<br />

moving on to a degree in industrial design in London. He<br />

stayed in the city for another decade working alongside<br />

King Charles’ cousin David Linley (now Snowdon), managing<br />

various LINLEY special projects including a limited edition<br />

Range Rover and a super yacht interior that brought him to<br />

New Zealand for the first time.<br />

Special people, places and memories feature prominently in<br />

Ed’s work. He vividly remembers his first experiences of New<br />

Zealand and specifically Queenstown, where he returned in<br />

20<strong>02</strong> for a ski season then set up shop in Arrowtown two<br />

years later.<br />

“It’s hard to believe, looking back, that I thought it would<br />

be hard to find customers here in a tiny town at the end of<br />

the road in the quieter of the two islands of a wonderfully<br />

underpopulated country at the end of the earth.”<br />

The Arrowtown store gathered momentum and a growing<br />

following that lasted for 10 years before Ed decided to move<br />

out of the public eye in favour of a quieter life, working from<br />

an idyllic pondside studio at home with an inspiring view of the<br />

mountains he came to explore.<br />

“I’ll never forget meeting the head designer of Louis<br />

Vuitton at my little studio after delivering several pieces of<br />

furniture for their new Queenstown store. Exhausted from<br />

the long-haul flight and punishing work schedule, he arrived<br />

and without a word fell into one of my leather rocking chairs<br />

bathed in the winter sunlight. He sat back silent for what<br />

seemed like an eternity until finally he said, ‘I’m done, I want<br />

what you have here’. New Zealand had struck again.”<br />

The studio offered the privacy and focus Ed had craved<br />

during his time in busy Arrowtown. He wrote a book about<br />

his work and continued to pursue an idea – hatched in<br />

2010 by his involvement in an international art show – of<br />

embedding personal meaning using a form of braille into his<br />

unique custom furniture.<br />

“I was fascinated by the idea of inscribing coded texts<br />

into the pieces. They often spoke of special people and<br />

memorable moments in the lives of their owners. Family,<br />

loved ones, places and times that were etched in their hearts<br />

were embedded forever in the timber or metalwork of the<br />

furniture, so the stories and memories could be captured and<br />

carried into the future.”<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2, and a trip back to the UK stirred something in<br />

Ed’s soul. The hottest day in England’s history marked a<br />

conversation that would spark a change and see his creative<br />

career take another turn, deeper into the art world.<br />

“I will always love making furniture but my desire to<br />

explore deeper human meaning through my work was<br />

beginning to overflow.”

Promotion | <strong>Magazine</strong> 53<br />

LEFT: Detail of the<br />

‘1821’ table, 2010.<br />

Photo: Dave Comer<br />

BELOW: ‘Balance’<br />

artwork from Ed’s<br />

new collection.<br />

“The majority of furniture projects understandably focus on practicality<br />

and utility. The artistic part of me felt constrained and I knew there were<br />

deeper personal things I needed to express.”<br />

“The majority of furniture projects understandably focus on<br />

practicality and utility. The artistic part of me felt constrained and I<br />

knew there were deeper personal things I needed to express.”<br />

He decided to take the plunge, and in late 2<strong>02</strong>2 took on a<br />

gallery space and started to work on pieces that would hang on<br />

the walls alongside his furniture.<br />

“The words started to form and tumble out of me and I<br />

transformed them into artworks using the same concepts,<br />

craftsmanship and materials I have used in my furniture for decades.”<br />

The resulting artworks are extraordinary and ethereal. Inscribed<br />

with intriguing, pierced braille messages that are illuminated from<br />

within. Surprisingly, they are made from the materials that guns are<br />

made from.<br />

“I have used walnut, steel and brass in a number of the new<br />

pieces. They are very precisely built in the same way as a gun<br />

but they are created to convey messages of community, love and<br />

understanding. The point is that we all have a choice as to what<br />

we do with the things we are given. I guess you could consider<br />

them weapons of mass connection.”<br />

Like his furniture, the unique artworks are available as finished<br />

pieces or can be specially commissioned.<br />

“It has been fascinating working on the pieces. Whether<br />

the words are my own or those that someone else wants to<br />

express, they always relate to human connection and people<br />

we love.”<br />


54 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Promotion<br />



RESENE<br />

New Resene Blackest Black<br />

is Resene’s darkest colour<br />

yet, made using superfine<br />

black pigments for<br />

the ultimate in blackness.<br />

Resene Blackest Black is<br />

available in durable Resene<br />

SpaceCote Low Sheen<br />

and is ideal for interior<br />

features and media rooms.<br />

Order a Resene A4<br />

drawdown swatch online<br />

at resene.co.nz/drawdowns<br />

or order paint at your local<br />

Resene ColorShop.<br />

resene.co.nz/colorshops<br />


This snuggly throw from Ecovask<br />

is made from the purest cotton<br />

for softness, comfort and ease of<br />

care. Available in four covetable<br />

colourways – Monochrome, Moss,<br />

Corn and Peony – these luxuriously<br />

stylish designs are priced at $179.99.<br />

anyexcuse.co.nz<br />


New from Aotearoa’s original 3-D<br />

printed design studio Special comes<br />

the ‘Basic’ side table ($299). Simple,<br />

elegant, functional and anything but<br />

basic, this chic piece is made with<br />

a minimum of 98 percent recycled<br />

plastic and comes in either matte<br />

or gloss finishes and a delightful<br />

spectrum of hues from Coral,<br />

Amber, Eggshell and Sage (pictured)<br />

to Lilac, Terracotta, Apricot and<br />

Cobalt as well as black, white and<br />

clear variations.<br />

specialstudio.co<br />


New into the gallery are alluring original<br />

abstract paintings by Christchurch<br />

artist Emma Velde Schaffer. Emma<br />

deftly strikes a harmonious balance<br />

of composition, texture and delicious<br />

colour that both draws and pleases the<br />

eye. ‘All in a Flash’, acrylic on stretched<br />

canvas, 760 x 380 x 40mm, $950.<br />



with Tim Goom<br />

Featuring<br />

water features<br />

Water features in landscaping can add a touch of elegance and<br />

tranquillity to any outdoor space. They not only enhance the visual<br />

appeal of a garden but also provide a soothing effect through the<br />

sound of running water. These features can be customised to suit<br />

individual preferences, ranging from bespoke creations<br />

to incorporating existing water elements.<br />

When it comes to incorporating water features into landscaping, one of<br />

the key benefits is the opportunity to add visual interest and contrast to<br />

the surrounding plantings. The juxtaposition of lush greenery with the<br />

shimmering beauty of water creates a dynamic and captivating landscape.<br />

The interplay of textures and colours can transform an ordinary garden<br />

into a stunning oasis. Water<br />

features can vary in size,<br />

depending on the desired effect<br />

and available space. They can be<br />

large focal points that command<br />

attention or smaller additions<br />

that blend harmoniously into<br />

the overall design. This flexibility<br />

allows homeowners to find<br />

the perfect balance so that the<br />

water feature complements<br />

rather than dominates the space.<br />

Water features come in a wide<br />

range of styles to suit different<br />

tastes and architectural styles.<br />

Traditional fountains exude a<br />

timeless charm, while modern<br />

sleek installations create a<br />

contemporary and minimalist<br />

look. The choice of style depends<br />

on the overall theme of the<br />

garden and the accompanying architecture of the house. By selecting a<br />

water feature that harmonises with the existing elements, a seamless<br />

integration can be achieved.<br />

by Goom<br />

Water features need not be limited to standalone installations; they can<br />

also be incorporated into existing structures. For instance, a swimming<br />

pool can serve as both a recreational space and a water feature.<br />

Compass pools, with its innovative self-cleaning capabilities can remain<br />

uncovered even during cooler months. With the addition of lighting<br />

installations, a swimming pool can transform into a mesmerizing evening<br />

spectacle, enhancing the ambiance of the outdoor space.<br />

My own kids love the colour changing lighting on our own Compass pool<br />

at night. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, water features can also be more<br />

sustainable than they appear.<br />

Many water features are designed to recycle water, reducing water<br />

consumption and environmental impact. By utilising efficient water<br />

circulation systems and appropriate filtration methods, these features<br />

can maintain their beauty while conserving water resources. An excellent<br />

example of a water feature’s transformative power is the Goom<br />

Landscapes Renaissance Revival project. This award-winning endeavour<br />

showcases the revival of a water feature acquired during European<br />

travels. By integrating this historical element into the landscape, Goom<br />

Landscapes was able to create a unique and captivating focal point that<br />

added depth and character to the garden.<br />

Water features in landscaping offer a multitude of benefits. They can<br />

enhance the visual appeal of a garden, provide a soothing soundscape,<br />

and be customised to suit individual preferences. Whether they are<br />

large or small, traditional, or modern, standalone, or incorporated into<br />

existing structures, water features have the power to elevate outdoor<br />

spaces and create a serene and captivating atmosphere. To discuss how<br />

a water feature can enhance your outdoor living and which bespoke or<br />

readymade option will suit you best, call Goom Landscapes today.<br />

The champions<br />

of landscape<br />

design and build.<br />

6 AWARDS - 2<strong>02</strong>2<br />


Create a Lifespace with us. | goom.nz<br />


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Business class<br />

Treat yourself to Business Class<br />

onboard Singapore Airlines! Our seats<br />

offer two different reclined seating<br />

positions. Introducing, the Lazy Z and<br />

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When you’re ready to lie down or sleep,<br />

our cabin crew will transform your seat<br />

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landing at your destination.<br />

Have all your items tucked away in<br />

the myriad of stowage areas giving<br />

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having everything within arm’s reach.<br />

Concealed charging points will also<br />

keep your devices charged. Enjoy the<br />

inflight entertainment on your own<br />

18-inch HD touchscreen monitor and<br />

noise cancelling headphones, while you<br />

indulge in our world-class food and<br />

wine offerings.<br />

London<br />

London is one of the world’s<br />

most vibrant and exciting<br />

cities, offering visitors a<br />

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cultural diversity, and modern<br />

sophistication. Explore the<br />

city’s world-class museums and<br />

galleries, sample its diverse<br />

cuisine, and immerse yourself<br />

in its vibrant nightlife. Whether<br />

you’re a first-time visitor or<br />

a seasoned traveller, London<br />

offers endless opportunities<br />

for discovery and adventure.<br />

So, pack your bags and get<br />

ready to explore London with<br />

Singapore Airlines.<br />


On island time<br />

Christchurch travel writer Mike Yardley boards the MV<br />

Samoa III across the Apolima Strait from Upolu to Savai’i<br />

to discover a place that feels blissfully turned back 30 years.<br />


S<br />

uffused with a deep sense of cultural pride and tradition, Savai’i’s astonishing<br />

archaeological sites, ravishing tropical terrain and laid-back tempo all combine to<br />

soon sweep you up into its charismatic embrace.<br />

Curiously, despite being mostly uninhabited, Savai’i is the largest island in<br />

Polynesia outside of Hawai’i and New Zealand. In true Samoan spirit, no matter<br />

where you roam on Savai’i, this South Pacific paradise is a low-density affair, where<br />

you won’t be competing for towel space on its blessed beaches.<br />

Most of the island’s villages are sprinkled along the main coast road that lassoes<br />

Savai’i, where you’ll regularly see locals snoozing or chatting in large fale, or taking a<br />

dip in the communal rock pools adjoining the shoreline.

Travel | <strong>Magazine</strong> 59<br />

“In true Samoan spirit, no matter<br />

where you roam on Savai’i, this South<br />

Pacific paradise is a low-density affair,<br />

where you won’t be competing for<br />

towel space on its blessed beaches.”<br />

The passing spectacle is a visual feast. The rich<br />

assortment of venerable churches, ranging from the rustic<br />

to show-stopping; the crowded buses brightly emblazoned<br />

in a carnival of colours; the playful children waving warmly<br />

from the roadside with wide smiles; the piglets and<br />

poultry scampering frenetically across the road; and horses<br />

being bathed in the sea all vividly paint Savai’i’s picture.<br />

My driver/guide Logo and I set about savouring some of<br />

Savai’i’s finest features, in bite-sized chunks. Heading out<br />

from the rough and ready straggle of shops that line the<br />

main road around the ferry wharf in Salelologa, our first<br />

stop was the natural blockbuster, Alofaaga Blowholes, on<br />

the southwest coast.<br />

Utterly awe-inspiring, this frothy and ferocious natural<br />

spectacle is located near Taga village. The blowholes<br />

were created by lava flows that gradually carved out<br />

underwater sea caves which became tunnels, connecting<br />

the ocean to the rock face above. When the water breaks<br />

against the seaward end of one of the tunnels, it rushes<br />

into the tube, erupting through the holes above ground in<br />

explosive waterspouts.<br />

There were five blowholes puffing, gushing and foaming<br />

with flamboyant fury on my visit. The waterspouts soared<br />

as high as 20 metres, but can go higher at high tide. Over<br />

the years, locals would regularly throw coconuts into<br />

the vent right before the big blow, blasting the coconuts<br />

like cannonballs even higher than the water jet. Logo<br />

mentioned that this pastime is now frowned upon as a<br />

health and safety threat, given the unpredictable trajectory<br />

of the coconuts.

60 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Travel<br />

“Savai’i’s astonishing<br />

archaeological sites,<br />

ravishing tropical terrain and<br />

laid-back tempo all combine<br />

to soon sweep you up into its<br />

charismatic embrace.”<br />

Nowadays, the outer husk of the nut is deployed as a safer and decidedly<br />

tamer alternative. I would have preferred the edgier version.<br />

Another star attraction on the South Coast is Afu Aau Falls. You’ll<br />

struggle to find a prettier swimming hole, or a more searing image of<br />

tropical paradise. This hidden waterfall plunges from the dense rainforest<br />

into a cool crystalline pool. The water is three metres deep in the heart of<br />

the pool, although it’s shallower on the outer rim.<br />

As the mercury soared, a conga-line of pleasure-seekers flocked to the<br />

swimming hole, eagerly lapping up the chance for a restorative heat-busting<br />

dip in this knock-out location.<br />

Further inland lies the Pulemelei mound, Polynesia’s largest ancient<br />

structure. This enormous pyramid, as wide as 60 metres at its base, rises in<br />

two tiers of basalt to a height over 12 metres.<br />

Almost squarely oriented with the points on a compass, the original<br />

purpose of this enigmatic structure remains open to conjecture. Samoan<br />

oral traditions imply that such monuments were used for pigeon snaring or<br />

as a watchtower.<br />

In contrast, some archaeologists believe the pyramid’s flat top, or<br />

platform, reminiscent of the pyramids built in Mesoamerica, was used<br />

for religious rituals, while also raising so many questions about age-old<br />

migration paths. Sadly, it has been consumed by the jungle and is no longer<br />

open to the public.<br />

However, another huge highlight awaited me on the north coast of Savai’i,<br />

at the Saleaula Lava Field. This sprawling geological phenomenon is the<br />

legacy of volcanic activity, when Mount Matavanu started erupting in 1905.<br />

I strolled across the eerie black landscape, surveying the remains of buried<br />

villages, where homes and buildings were swallowed up by the lava flow. It<br />

kept on belching for a further six years, pouring yet more lava onto the field,<br />

covering an area of over 100 square kilometres. Five villages were buried,<br />

although thankfully the lava was slow-moving so there were no fatalities.<br />

When you step on to the lava field and its bleak, black canvas, you’ll also<br />

notice the beauty in nature’s brutality. Swirling, shapely patterns fan out<br />

across the volcanic rock, like the ripples on the surface of a lake.<br />

Plant life and trees have assertively regenerated on the fertile ground.<br />

Remarkably, some villagers have rebuilt fale and modern homes on the rock.<br />

The vivid green of the foliage makes for a<br />

striking contrast with the jet-black rocks.<br />

I visited the remains of a London Missionary<br />

Society (LMS) church that was engulfed<br />

by the lava flow. You can still make out the<br />

arched windows and the peaked roof, but<br />

the inside of the church is filled with layers of<br />

black rock, barrelling through the arched door.<br />

To the left of the church, a rocky undulating<br />

path shadowed by trees leads you up to a<br />

burial site that has been dubbed the Virgin’s<br />

Grave. Prior to the eruption, the daughter<br />

of the village’s high chief, who had become a<br />

nun, died of tuberculosis as a teenager. Locals<br />

believe she was so pure that the lava flowed<br />

around her grave, not touching it.<br />

Strung around exotic tropical gardens<br />

and fringed by a bejewelled turquoise-blue<br />

lagoon, Amoa Resort is a boutique oasis of<br />

indulgence and splendid base for your Savai’i<br />

explorations.<br />

Twenty intimate bungalows, rooms and<br />

villas with shady terraces are swaddled in lush<br />

tropical gardens, emblazoned with brightly<br />

coloured hibiscus blossoms, tropical flowers<br />

and swaying palms.<br />

My beautifully designed poolside villa, with<br />

a feast of authentic artistic touches, felt more<br />

like a snug, private house than a resort guest<br />

room. Cross the road and bask in the bathwarm<br />

turquoise lagoon, whether you want to<br />

have a paddle or snorkel. The on-site pool is<br />

just as alluring, complete with swim-up bar.<br />

You can expect a memorable culinary<br />

experience, as Amoa Resort specialises<br />

in nouveau Samoan/Pacific cuisine. The<br />

innovative selection of dishes features locally<br />

sourced and organic produce from around<br />

Savai’i and Samoa. The extensive menu spans<br />

a ravishing array of signature dishes including<br />

popo (coconut) crusted chicken, palusami<br />

risotto balls, pulled pork and papaya salad,<br />

twice-cooked octopus and double koko<br />

Samoa cake.<br />

I was highly tempted to extend my stay, just<br />

to graze my way through the full menu.

Discoveries<br />

Beautiful Samoa awaits you, and we are welcoming our international aiga<br />

with open arms! Experience Samoa’s untouched beauty, unique cultural<br />

experiences and rich heritage. Self drive, bike or stroll through the wonders<br />

that make this island life one to cherish just like the locals do.

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Shorter days and colder temperatures call for easy, cosy meals and delicious beverages to match.<br />

New World has plenty of inspiration – from sensational slow cooker recipes and an effortless winter meal planner<br />

to some top picks from this year’s beer and cider awards.

Go low & slow for<br />

effortlessly delicious meals<br />

Slow cooker<br />

marmalade chicken<br />

Succulent chicken drumsticks coated in a sweet and sticky<br />

orange marmalade sauce that just falls off the bone. This<br />

slow cooker meal is fuss-free, easy to prepare and delicious<br />

with freshly steamed rice and a side of sautéed broccoli.<br />

Serves:<br />

4<br />

1 cup orange marmalade<br />

2 garlic cloves, minced<br />

1 teaspoon minced ginger<br />

2 teaspoons soy sauce<br />

8 chicken drumsticks<br />

1 onion, sliced<br />

1 broccoli, cut into florets<br />

Toasted sesame seeds<br />

In a medium bowl whisk together the marmalade, garlic,<br />

ginger and soy sauce until well combined.<br />

Add the chicken drumsticks and onion to a slow cooker<br />

and pour over the marmalade mixture.<br />

Place the slow cooker on high for 3–4 hours or until the<br />

chicken is tender and cooked through.<br />

To cook the broccoli, bring a drizzle of olive oil to mediumhigh<br />

heat in a large skillet or frypan. Sauté the broccoli,<br />

stirring occasionally until tender, and season to taste.<br />

Serve the marmalade chicken alongside the sautéed<br />

broccoli and garnish with the toasted sesame seeds.<br />

Top tip: After a bit of heat? Finish off your marmalade<br />

chicken with a drizzle of chilli oil and sliced fresh chilli or<br />

chilli flakes.<br />

This slow cooker meal can also be made in the oven.<br />

Simply follow the steps above and combine ingredients<br />

in a casserole dish with a tight-fitting lid instead of a slow<br />

cooker. Bake at 170°C for two hours or until the chicken is<br />

cooked through and tender.<br />

Recipe image on previous page.<br />

Prep time: 10 mins<br />

Cooking time: 3–4 hrs<br />

Slow cooker sticky<br />

date pudding<br />

You can’t beat a classic dessert like warm sticky date<br />

pudding on a cold winter’s night. This crave-worthy<br />

pudding has a moist sponge cake on top and a gooey<br />

toffee sauce that forms underneath that will have you<br />

wanting to lick your bowl clean.<br />

Serves:<br />

6<br />

Prep time: 5 mins<br />

Cooking time: 1 hr 45 mins<br />

1⅓ cups self-raising flour<br />

½ cup + 1 cup brown sugar<br />

1 cup milk<br />

2 eggs<br />

60g butter, melted<br />

1 teaspoon vanilla extract<br />

1¼ cups dates, finely chopped<br />

Lightly grease your slow cooker with butter or oil.<br />

Combine flour and ½ cup brown sugar in a large bowl.<br />

Whisk together the milk, egg, butter and vanilla in<br />

a medium bowl. Pour the wet mixture into the dry<br />

ingredients and mix until smooth. Stir through the dates<br />

and pour the mixture evenly into the slow cooker.<br />

Mix the remaining 1 cup of brown sugar with 2 cups of<br />

boiling water and gently pour over the pudding mixture.<br />

Cover with the lid and cook on high for 1 hour 45 minutes<br />

or until the pudding feels firm and springs back when<br />

pressed in the middle.<br />

Remove the lid from the slow cooker and leave to cool for<br />

5 minutes before serving.<br />

Top tip: This self-saucing pudding is best served with your<br />

choice of ice cream or a drizzle of fresh cream.







Slow cooker pulled pork buns<br />

These delicious pulled pork buns are a tasty and easy dish for feeding the masses – perfect to bring along<br />

to a potluck. The secret to keeping the meat moist and juicy is cooking it low and slow.<br />

Luckily the slow cooker can help with that. We promise the wait will be worth it!<br />

Serves:<br />

12<br />

Prep time: 30 mins<br />

Cooking time: 10–12 hrs<br />

2kg pork shoulder (bone in)<br />

1 cup apple juice<br />

1 cup Pams Smokey BBQ Sauce<br />

½ cup Pams Chicken Stock<br />

1 cup Pams Diced Onions<br />

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped<br />

2 teaspoons smoked paprika<br />

1 teaspoon fennel seeds<br />

1 teaspoon dried oregano<br />

500g bag Pams Superfoods Super Slaw<br />

¾ cup Pams Garlic Aioli<br />

12 Pams Finest Brioche Burger Buns,<br />

halved and warmed prior to serving<br />

Place the pork skin side up in a slow cooker. Pour over the apple juice,<br />

barbecue sauce and chicken stock.<br />

Next add the onion, garlic, smoked paprika, fennel seed and oregano.<br />

Cover and cook on low for 10–12 hours until the meat is falling off the bone.<br />

Turn the slow cooker off and remove the meat from the liquid, set aside until<br />

cool enough to handle. Remove the skin and bone and, using two forks, flake<br />

the meat into fine pieces.<br />

Pour the liquid into a shallow saucepan, skim excess fat off the top and then<br />

simmer until the liquid is reduced to a saucelike consistency. You will want<br />

about 1½ cups of sauce.<br />

Place the pork in a bowl, pour over the sauce and mix well. Taste and season<br />

with salt and pepper if needed.<br />

Pour the slaw into a serving bowl, spoon over the aioli and mix well. Cover<br />

the base of brioche buns with slaw, top with pulled pork and then the bun lid.

Budget-friendly<br />

winter family<br />

dinners<br />






NOM NOM<br />

NACHOS<br />



Raise a glass to the New World Beer & Cider Award winners!<br />

The judges, 29 of Aotearoa’s best and brightest, blind-tasted over 700 beers, ciders, alcoholic<br />

ginger beers, meads and seltzers to find the Top 30. The beauty of judging beer and cider ‘blind’<br />

is that all preconceptions go out the window and the judges aren’t distracted by brands, labels or<br />

descriptions. It puts everyone on equal footing and as a result gives small, unheralded breweries a<br />

chance to showcase their work against established craft heroes and global brands alike.<br />

Every drop featured in the Top 30 is guaranteed to be a good one.<br />

Enjoy finding your favourite new brew at newworld.co.nz<br />

Journey from wine to beer and cider...<br />

If you love to pop some<br />

bubbles, break open<br />

an elegant, bright and<br />

sparkling Martinborough<br />

Brewery Hop Elixir IPA.<br />

If a big, bold shiraz is<br />

where it’s at, try 8 Wired<br />

Baltic Smoke for a rich<br />

companion to your dinner.<br />

If merlot is your go-to,<br />

mix it up with Three<br />

Sisters Rumours in the<br />

Dark for spice and dark<br />

red berries.<br />

If you love a sauv, instead<br />

try Parrotdog Sundog for<br />

its passionfruit and white<br />

wine notes.<br />

If pink is your drink, try<br />

Mount Brewing Co Tart<br />

Rhubarb Cider – think<br />

dessert wine meets rosé.<br />

For additional recipes and much more head to newworld.co.nz

Recipe | <strong>Magazine</strong> 67<br />

Living the pie life<br />

Born into a Canterbury pie dynasty, Wendy Morgan has gone on to have a<br />

delicious career in the food industry. Now enjoying a quieter life in Christchurch with<br />

fellow chef husband Rex Morgan and dog Pepper, she has penned her first cookbook,<br />

Who Made All the Pies?, which nods to her pastry heritage.<br />


was brought up in a pie shop, our family home<br />

I joined to the shop. My mother was making pies<br />

up until two hours before I was born, when she<br />

reluctantly put down the tools and headed around to<br />

the Lincoln maternity hospital to give birth to me.<br />

My parents started their pie business just a couple of<br />

months before finding out my mother was pregnant.<br />

They were so busy with the new business, they hadn’t<br />

even had time to think of a name for me, so when the<br />

nurse suggested I looked like a Wendy they said, “Sure,<br />

sounds good to us.”<br />

And there it began. I spent my childhood around the<br />

ankles of my parents and their staff as they made pies.<br />

Looking back, I developed a natural ability for making<br />

pastry at a pretty young age, really by osmosis.<br />

My family’s pie shop, Hillyer’s Bakery, was considered<br />

the best in Canterbury at the time, which I know is a<br />

big call for me to say, but that’s what people used to<br />

tell us, and we believed them.<br />

My mother was credited with taking the flavour<br />

spectrum of pies to another level. Not content to just<br />

make mince, steak and bacon and egg pies, she started<br />

making chicken with mushroom, corn and apricot, and<br />

adding mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese to steak pies.<br />

Rumour has it she was the first to make steak and<br />

cheese pies. In the season, the steak and oyster pies<br />

were bursting open, displaying their briny goodness.<br />

Cottage pies had real potato on top and as much<br />

cheese as we could get to stay on them. Mum also<br />

had a unique way of identifying the individual flavours<br />

of the pies by carving initials on the top of them,<br />

something that used to amuse the customers. I can still<br />

remember all the pie codes and I use them myself.<br />

As kids, my brother and I would rise at 5am and<br />

work a couple of hours before we went to school.<br />

There was only us and the milkman sharing that time<br />

of the morning with the sun coming up around us.<br />

It was always warm and cosy in the bakehouse with<br />

the huge brick-bottom B&H ovens that had to be<br />

turned on the night before to warm up. (Although they<br />

did break down a lot – it was quite normal for our very<br />

loyal electrician to be working on them at 6am to get us<br />

up and running for the day.)<br />

My family used to take the mickey out of me as I<br />

wasn’t a morning person and refused to speak and<br />

found everything annoying. Some days I would arrive<br />

home from school and I wouldn’t go and say hello<br />

to my parents for fear of being lumbered with a job;<br />

other days I was only too happy to get amongst it. The<br />

warmth, the banter, the smells.<br />

My parents used to wholesale their pies to<br />

practically every pub in the villages surrounding<br />

Lincoln, all personally delivered by my father. Another<br />

one of their wholesale customers was our local school<br />

tuckshop, which of course was mortifying for me. Oh,<br />

how the other kids used to think they were so funny<br />

pretending they had found a mouse in their pie!<br />

When my parents retired, the Hillyer’s Bakery name<br />

retired with them, as my brother, Grant, took over the<br />

business and re-branded to another name.<br />

I am not a technical or precise cook or baker.<br />

While I have admiration for those who are, I make<br />

no apologies for the fact that I’m not. I rely on<br />

my intuition and I am a big fan of improvising and<br />

swapping out ingredients.<br />

Rustic is okay with me, as long as it’s not a complete<br />

mess. What I’m not okay with is blandness. Pies are<br />

best when they are intensely flavoured. I think it’s<br />

okay to describe pies as the ‘beautiful ugly’. Why get<br />

upset if they are displaying more contents than you<br />

would have necessarily liked? That just means there is<br />

probably going to be some tasty caramelisation going<br />

on. Embrace the imperfection.<br />

Writing this book has been on my mind for a<br />

good part of my life and I feel a bit lucky that my life<br />

situation has finally allowed me the time to do it. It has<br />

been every bit as enjoyable as I dreamed it would be,<br />

so much so that I don’t want to stop – there might<br />

have to be a second book.<br />

I know that everyone reading or flicking through the<br />

book will have the same question on their minds. Can<br />

you use store-bought pastry? Of course you can, I will<br />

look the other way. No, seriously, ready-made pastry is<br />

a good convenient product and if it means you get to<br />

make a pie from my book that you would otherwise<br />

be too time-poor to do then I say go for it.

Recipe | <strong>Magazine</strong> 69<br />


Swap the blackberries out with any of your favourite<br />

berries or even rhubarb. I like to use a couple<br />

of different varieties of apple as they cook down to<br />

different textures. Granny Smith will cook down to<br />

a complete purée whereas Braeburn will stay in pieces.<br />

Choose apples with a good acidity.<br />

Use a 26cm round pie dish<br />

4 heaped teaspoons raw caster sugar<br />

300g fresh or frozen blackberries<br />

4 large apples, at least 2 Granny Smith,<br />

the other 2 your choice<br />

1 teaspoon cornflour<br />

1 quantity Sweet Shortcrust Pastry (recipe this page)<br />

1 egg<br />

Custard<br />

Whipped cream<br />


PASTRY<br />

300g high-grade white flour<br />

200g cold butter, diced<br />

50g raw caster sugar<br />

Pinch salt<br />

75ml cold water<br />

Place the flour, butter, sugar and salt into a food<br />

processor with a blade attachment and process until<br />

it resembles fine breadcrumbs.<br />

Add the cold water and blend until the dough just<br />

starts to come together.<br />

Remove from the processor and finish mixing by<br />

hand. Form into a ball, press down a little, wrap in<br />

cling film or baking paper and rest in the fridge for<br />

15 minutes before using.<br />

Preheat the oven to 190°C fan bake.<br />

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons caster sugar over the blackberries and<br />

set aside.<br />

Peel, quarter and core the apples. Slice the apples and<br />

layer into the pie dish. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons caster sugar in<br />

between the layers. Sift the cornflour over the blackberries<br />

and fold through. Tip on top of the apples. The filling<br />

should pile a little above the top of the pie dish, as the apple<br />

will condense down as it cooks.<br />

On a lightly floured bench, roll the pastry out to 4mm<br />

thick. Place the pie dish over the pastry and cut around it,<br />

2.5cm out from the edge of the dish. From the remaining<br />

pastry, cut a 1.5cm wide strip of pastry long enough to<br />

wrap around the edge of the pie dish — this can be done in<br />

several pieces and joined together. Brush the edge of the pie<br />

dish with water and place the strips on. Brush the top of the<br />

strip with water and then place on the pastry top by rolling<br />

it backwards onto your rolling pin and then forwards onto<br />

the pie dish. Press the pastry top to the strip of pastry and<br />

crimp all the way around. Cut some decorative leaves with<br />

any leftover rolled pastry. Whisk egg and egg-wash the top<br />

of the pie, place the leaves on and brush with egg. Using the<br />

tip of a sharp knife, create eight airholes in a circle around<br />

the top. Sprinkle the pie with a little raw caster sugar.<br />

Bake for 30–35 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve with<br />

custard and whipped cream, or a thick creamy yoghurt.

70 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Recipe<br />


Classic bacon and egg pies are a must in any pie<br />

book. You can eat them warm or cold for breakfast,<br />

lunch or picnics — they are always a favourite. I’m<br />

a little spoilt as my brother makes amazing tomato<br />

relish that I like to put in the bottom of the pies,<br />

however this is a good chance for you to use up<br />

the little bits of relish or chutney you have rolling<br />

around in the back of the fridge. It adds an extra pop<br />

of flavour.<br />

Makes 8 pies<br />

Use 8 large muffin tins<br />

1 quantity Rough Puff Pastry (recipe this page)<br />

8 heaped teaspoons tomato relish<br />

8 strips streaky bacon<br />

8 eggs<br />

100g cheddar cheese, grated<br />

1 heaped tablespoon chopped fresh chives<br />

Freshly ground black pepper<br />


200g high-grade white flour<br />

200g butter, room temperature firm, diced<br />

Pinch salt<br />

100ml cold water<br />

Place the flour, butter and salt into an electric mixer<br />

with a paddle attachment and mix until the flour has<br />

coated all of the butter cubes and the butter is just<br />

starting to break down.<br />

Add the water and mix to a rough dough. Remove the<br />

dough from the mixer, form into a ball, flatten a little,<br />

wrap in cling film or baking paper and rest in the<br />

fridge for 15 minutes.<br />

Roll the dough out to approximately 35 x 15cm, and<br />

fold into thirds. Give the pastry a quarter turn on the<br />

bench. Roll out to the same size rectangle as before<br />

and fold into thirds again.<br />

Wrap in cling film or baking paper again and rest<br />

in the fridge for 15 minutes. Repeat this process two<br />

more times.<br />

Preheat the oven to 200°C fan bake. Grease an 8-hole<br />

muffin tin.<br />

On a lightly floured bench, roll the pastry out to a 24 x<br />

48cm rectangle. Cut into eight 12 x 12cm squares. Press the<br />

pastry squares into the base of the tin.<br />

Place 1 teaspoon of tomato relish in the bottom of each<br />

pastry case. Line the strips of streaky bacon around the<br />

inside of the pastry cases, then break an egg into each<br />

one. Divide the grated cheese over the tops of the pies,<br />

followed by the chives and a good grind of black pepper.<br />

Bake for 15–17 minutes, or until the egg is set and pastry<br />

is golden.<br />

Extracted from Who Made All the Pies?<br />

The ultimate collection of pastry treats for<br />

every Kiwi household by Wendy Morgan,<br />

photography by Wendy Morgan,<br />

published by Bateman Books, RRP $38.

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72 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Read<br />

Book club<br />

Great new reads to please even the pickiest of bookworms.<br />




LANDED<br />

Sue McCauley | Bateman, $38<br />

From the author of Other Halves (1982), which won both the<br />

Wattie Book of the Year Award and the New Zealand Book<br />

Award for Fiction and has sold more than 20,000 copies. It’s<br />

the early 1990s in Timaru, and Brewer Howland has killed<br />

himself. His wife, Briar, is left stranded in a rapidly changing<br />

world. The future she took for granted has been obliterated<br />

and she must invent a new one. But how does a sixtysomething<br />

widow go about creating a future for herself in a<br />

world she struggles to comprehend? A wry, pensive, characterdriven<br />

story, Landed is Sue’s first novel in decades.<br />


Isabel Allende | Bloomsbury, $40<br />

Vienna, 1938: Samuel is six when his father disappears<br />

during Kristallnacht. As his safety seems ever-harder to<br />

guarantee, Samuel’s mother secures a spot for him on the last<br />

Kindertransport train out of Nazi-occupied Austria. Arizona,<br />

2019: Anita and her mother board another train, fleeing looming<br />

danger in El Salvador and seeking refuge in the US. But their<br />

arrival coincides with the new family separation policy, and sevenyear-old<br />

Anita finds herself alone at a camp. Intertwining past<br />

and present, this powerful novel from the international bestselling<br />

author traces the ripple effects of war and immigration.<br />


Imran Mahmood<br />

Bloomsbury Publishing, $31<br />

Whilst sheltering from the<br />

weather in an empty flat in<br />

London’s affluent Mayfair<br />

suburb, homeless man Xander<br />

Shute witnesses a gruesome<br />

murder. When finally<br />

informing the police, Xander<br />

is not believed. Becoming<br />

increasingly distressed, Xander<br />

is determined to find out what<br />

exactly transpired that fateful<br />

night. The storyline twists and<br />

turns, traversing the last 30<br />

years of Xander’s life from<br />

being a young, high-flying city<br />

banker to choosing to live<br />

life on the streets. I couldn’t<br />

put this book down until its<br />

surprise ending.<br />

– Susan Peake<br />


Sophie Matterson | Allen & Unwin, $38<br />

With echoes of Cheryl Strayed’s Wild, The Crossing is an<br />

epic true story of leaving everything behind to find purpose,<br />

adventure, friendship and even love by crossing 4750km<br />

of rugged Australian terrain with five wild camels. In midpandemic<br />

2<strong>02</strong>0, aged 31, Sophie set off alone on an 18-month<br />

trek from Shark Bay in Western Australia with Jude, Delilah,<br />

Charlie, Clayton and Mac, bound for Byron Bay on the east<br />

coast, meeting a cast of incredible Outback folk on the way.<br />


Vanda Symon | Upstart Press, $28<br />

From New Zealand’s ‘queen of crime’ comes this compelling<br />

tale set in Dunedin. The shocking murder of a heavily pregnant<br />

woman throws the southern city into a tailspin, and the<br />

devastating crime feels uncomfortably close to home for<br />

Detective Sam Shephard as she counts down the days to her<br />

own maternity leave. Confined to a desk job in the department,<br />

Sam must find the missing link between this brutal crime and a<br />

string of cases involving mothers and children in the past. For<br />

Sam, the case becomes personal, when it becomes increasingly<br />

clear that no one is safe and the clock is ticking…

Read | <strong>Magazine</strong> 73<br />




Cecilia Ahern<br />

HarperCollins, $35<br />

Cecilia Ahern tells the story<br />

of Dubliner Alice Kelly who<br />

discovers she has an ability she<br />

finds difficult to understand.<br />

How will she manage her life<br />

and survive with the special gift<br />

she has?<br />

Alice Kelly sees colours when<br />

she sees people and she reads how they are feeling. At<br />

times she becomes almost overwhelmed by the myriad<br />

messages being received from those around her. People<br />

also soak up other people’s feelings. It is the dark thoughts<br />

and rage that she sees in people that crush her.<br />

Her childhood is difficult. Alice sees her mother Lily’s<br />

depression. Her older brother Hugh wants to leave<br />

home, while younger brother Ollie is surrounded by<br />

Lily’s negative feelings. Alice is just 19 when Lily’s health<br />

deteriorates and she becomes her full-time carer, a<br />

demanding and sometimes thankless role. But not all is<br />

sad, and Alice eventually finds herself.<br />

Fiction it is, but I think the story perhaps highlights our<br />

own individual sensitivity to the emotions and burdens<br />

that our family and friends may carry and the effect it may<br />

have on our own lives.<br />

– Robyn Joplin<br />


TO HERE<br />

Joe Bennett<br />

HarperCollins, $35<br />

From cover to cover of<br />

From There to Here is<br />

an entertaining, honest<br />

account of Joe Bennett’s first<br />

three decades.<br />

He is a popular New<br />

Zealand author, and wellknown<br />

columnist. Englishborn<br />

and world travelled, we learn about Joe’s early<br />

years, his obsession with cricket, fishing and of course<br />

writing. Dogs also feature prominently in his life.<br />

He is always searching for the unexpected and<br />

frequently finds his adventures taking him to far-flung<br />

places, where his life experiences are related in true<br />

Joe style.<br />

Settling and living in New Zealand since 1988, Joe has<br />

taught English and PE at Christ’s College in Christchurch.<br />

His memoir is an easy read, revealing more of the<br />

life of this Lyttelton-based author who is adored by his<br />

many fans.<br />

– Helen Templeton<br />



Send us 50–75 words on why you recommend it, with the title and your first and last name for publication,<br />

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74 <strong>Magazine</strong> | Win<br />

Win with <strong>03</strong><br />

Every month, <strong>03</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> sources a range of exceptional prizes to give away.<br />

It’s easy to enter – simply go to <strong>03</strong>magazine.co.nz and fill in your details on the<br />

‘Win with <strong>03</strong> ’ page. Entries close <strong>June</strong> 19, 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

Period power<br />

To celebrate the arrival of very cool<br />

period care company TOM Organic,<br />

we have a bumper prize pack to give<br />

away, featuring a range of TOM Organic<br />

pads and tampons, a TOM Organic<br />

period cup with microwave steriliser<br />

(the first of its kind in Australasia), a pair<br />

of TOM Organic period briefs, a 3-pack<br />

of Good Change eco cloths, a bar of<br />

Bennetto Exceptionally Dark organic<br />

chocolate and an Elta Ego alcohol free<br />

cocktail – worth $113.<br />

thetomco.com<br />

Eau de road<br />

From beloved Christchurch candle brand Nevé comes<br />

the next innovation in home – or rather, car – fragrance<br />

with the release of its car fragrance diffusers, offering a<br />

stylishly sustainable way to take your favourite scent with<br />

you, wherever the road may lead. Made from minimalistic<br />

matte black aluminium, each diffuser includes one refillable<br />

fragrance stick, scented with Nevé’s premium phthalatefree<br />

fragrance oils, lasting up to two months. We have one<br />

diffuser with fragrance stick, plus a refill duo combo (worth<br />

a total of $62), to win this month.<br />

neve.co.nz<br />

Like, yum<br />

Made by hand in small batches in sunny Nelson, YUM<br />

granola uses only the good stuff (for you and for the<br />

planet) to create delicious, nutritious brekkie blends. With<br />

the exciting launch of its new OATY Craft Granola range,<br />

which focuses on South Island-grown oats punctuated with<br />

tasty extras like nuts, seeds, spices and pure maple syrup<br />

and comes in earth-friendly packaging, we have two YUM<br />

packs each containing two OATY bundles plus a big bag<br />

of its award-winning Vanilla Bean & Almond pancake mix<br />

(worth $72 each) to give away.<br />

yumnz.co.nz<br />


Limited edition ghd Platinum+ styler: Lorraine Stinton; Resene paint and fandeck: Keady Doherty;<br />

Anna Valentine Abundance cookbooks: Katherine Tarr, Steve Bosecke, Samantha Aspinall<br />

*Conditions: Each entry is limited to one per person. You may enter all giveaways. If you are selected as a winner, your name will be published in the following month’s edition.<br />

By registering your details, entrants give permission for Allied Press <strong>Magazine</strong>s to send further correspondence, which you can opt out of at any stage.

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