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Author and illustrator

Cristina Marsi


Cristina lives in Trieste, where she was born on a

windy day.

She invents adventurous stories, sometimes a little

scary, stories for fun.

She has published some fifty books in Italy and

abroad, with Terre di Mezzo, Piemme Il Battello a

Vapore, EL, Giunti, Sinnos, and collaborates on the

Lilliput series by Eli La Spiga and the Pane e Sale

series by Theoria Rusconi.

She likes white-sheet notebooks, gardens, going to

islands and mountain lakes.

Michele Rizzardi


Michele Rizzardi was born in Milan, where he graduated

from the Beato Angelico Art Institute with a diploma in art

and a bachelor’s degree in applied art. After graduating

from the Scuola del Fumetto di Milano, he worked as a

comic book artist, collaborating with Wizard of The Coast

on the creation of comics for the Forgotten Realms series

in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons universe. He is

currently an illustrator and storyboard artist at a major

advertising agency, having recently won the prestigious

Tapirulan illustrator competition and started illustrating

children’s books. He loves painting abstract pictures and

hyper-realistic portraits.

288Picture Books

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