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in my VIEW<br />

It’s about TIME<br />

As far back as I can<br />

remember, Time<br />

Magazine came<br />

to our house addressed<br />

to my dad once a week.<br />

That had to be the mid<br />

1970’s. It was coming to<br />

the house for years before<br />

then. When I moved to<br />

Philadelphia for graduate<br />

school, I got my own<br />

subscription. That was<br />

1991. It’s been with me<br />

ever since. Lansing, East Lansing,<br />

Farmington Hills, Detroit, Novi and<br />

back to Farmington Hills. Twentysix<br />

years in all, not including my<br />

childhood when I had dibs on it after<br />

my dad.<br />

A couple of weeks ago, I received<br />

the issue below with addition of the<br />

wrap announcing that “This could<br />

be your LAST ISSUE.” I had been<br />

ignoring successive renewal mailings<br />

for months. Why? I barely pick my<br />

Time Magazine up anymore. By the<br />

time I get the weekly publication,<br />

several news cycles have already<br />

come and gone. The Time writers<br />

are sprinkled throughout cable news<br />

television. They blog. They tweet.<br />

By the time they type their last letter<br />

for each week’s Time Magazine, their<br />

analysis is already outdated.<br />

The news cycle has been evolving<br />

for years, even decades. But social<br />

media has completely upended<br />

the way most Americans get their<br />

information. The dawn of the Trump<br />

era and his presidential Tweets have<br />

accelerated this trend in ways we<br />

could not have imagined. Trump’s<br />

tweets have the ability to change<br />

MICHAEL G.<br />

SARAFA<br />



the topic of discussion in a<br />

matter of minutes. This is<br />

not just going around the<br />

traditional media. That’s<br />

been going on for decades.<br />

Even President Reagan<br />

reduced news conferences<br />

and preferred direct addresses<br />

to the American<br />

people.<br />

What Trump is doing<br />

is controlling the news cycle.<br />

He has accomplished<br />

this by successfully expanding the<br />

bounds of what is considered news<br />

worthy. He has made the outrageous,<br />

normal; the politically incorrect,<br />

acceptable; the obscene, unremarkable.<br />

Trump has achieved what<br />

former U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick<br />

Moynihan once ominously warned<br />

about: the notion of “defining deviancy<br />

down.” As standards and expectations<br />

fall, this new, lower level<br />

eventually becomes normal.<br />

Hence, while social media has exploded<br />

and redefined the way news<br />

is gathered, and disseminated, so too<br />

has public discourse declined. In the<br />

process, the traditional news outlets<br />

have been devastated. Combine these<br />

facts with the decline of print media,<br />

and my history with Time Magazine,<br />

regrettably, is near the end.<br />

While all good things do often<br />

come to an end, this situation<br />

presents a conundrum. How does<br />

one gather information on current<br />

events in this day and age? There<br />

is no one answer and no good answer.<br />

One could take the Trump<br />

approach which simply makes the<br />

news his enemy; unless of course its<br />

good news for him, in which case,<br />

it’s okay. In other words, just make<br />

the news yourself, the way you want<br />

it to be.<br />

Another idea is to just forget<br />

about it. Life is busy enough without<br />

the news. One could confine news<br />

content to life and death matters<br />

only. These days that might include<br />

the weather or threats from North<br />

Korea. I think this option seems to<br />

be in vogue. Today, nobody talks<br />

about the news much for fear of offending<br />

people and, frankly, because<br />

it is perceived not to matter. Being<br />

informed is less important than we<br />

were probably taught. There are<br />

forces larger than the idea of the<br />

informed citizen that will fix things<br />

eventually.<br />

I hope this is not the case. But<br />

as I contemplate letting my Time<br />

Magazine subscription expire for the<br />

first time in a quarter century, I keep<br />

wondering if it’s about Time?<br />

Michael Sarafa is Co-publisher of the<br />

Chaldean News.<br />

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Chaldean Chamber today!<br />

Contact Sana Navarrette at snavarrette@chaldeanchamber.com<br />

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