North Canterbury News: September 28, 2023

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Thursday,<strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong> | Issue1065 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Hunters4Hope filling empty bellies in NC<br />


Steve Hillsaysifeveryone doesalittle bit,<br />

together‘‘we can achieve heaps’’.<br />

This philosophyisdriving him and<br />

fellow hunterAdam Kreisel to helpfill<br />

empty tummies in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> with<br />

good healthy kai,and layaplatform for<br />

social interaction.<br />

Steve and Adam are themen behind<br />

Hunters4Hope —apursuit which calls on<br />

otherhunterstodropoff anyexcess<br />

venison theydon’twant, or need, into<br />

various freezers stationedthroughout the<br />

region.<br />

Hunters4Hope pick up the venison,<br />

turn it intomince,and alongwith any<br />

othercuts,deliver it to the Hope<br />

CommunityTrustinRangiora.<br />

TheTrust thencarriesonthe good work<br />

tuckingitintofood parcels anddelivering<br />

it to other Food Banks.<br />

Venison wasonthe menu at the Hope<br />

Trust’s weekly Wednesdayevening<br />

dinner in Rangioralastweek, attended by<br />

up to 100people, whoregularlyattendfor<br />

agoodhearty meal,and the company.<br />

Steve saysthe dinner signalled the<br />

launch of the venture.<br />

Abutcherbytrade in a‘‘former life’’<br />

andahunter by hobby, Steve and Adam<br />

alongwith personnelfromthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Huntingcommittee, allrolled<br />

up theirsleeves, made spaghetti<br />

bolognese from thevenison mince, dished<br />

it up,and cleaned up after agood hearty<br />

feed,and agood oldfashioned get<br />

together.<br />

Theseedfor theventurewas sown at<br />

this year’s<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Hunt in<br />

Rotherham, whenStevesuggested if 50<br />

hunters wanted to donate thedeer they<br />

hadentered, he andhis mates wouldbone<br />

them out, mince up the meat, and along<br />

with some delicious backstraps,ensure<br />

theend productwas delivered to<br />

communitygroups,and foodbanks in<br />

need of goodhealthyproducts.<br />

Thecommittee backed his plan,and<br />

Steve leftthe huntwith 50 deercarcasses<br />

on board. He had alreadylaid the<br />

foundationtothe venison to the Hope<br />

CommunityTrust.<br />

In all920kgofmincewas delivered to<br />

theHope Community Trust.<br />

TheTrust had delivered 500kg of it in<br />

Foods up ... Serving diners at the Hope Wednesday night dinner, are (from left) <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Hunting Competition committee<br />

members Cory Lambeth and Tash Thomas, Hunters4Hope organisers Steve Hill and Adam Kreisel, and hunting committee member Renee<br />

Dampier­Crossley.<br />


the first24hours, andanother 200kg in<br />

the followingdays.<br />

HopeTrust manager Tracy Pirie, says it<br />

was not longbefore messages started<br />

coming in saying the mince was‘‘so badly<br />

needed’’,asmeatwas oftenaprecious<br />

luxury that was cut fromthe grocerybill<br />

to makeends meet.<br />

‘‘The venison sent apowerfulstatement<br />

thathas reverberated throughout our<br />

communities, andlikeastone skipped<br />

along on apondthe ripple effect is much<br />

wider and deeperthananybody could<br />

haveever imagined,’’ she says.<br />

This rippleeffectalsoreverberated<br />

with Steve,Adam and hismates.<br />

Steve immediately settowork to<br />

navigate howthey could continue<br />

supplying thetrust.<br />

Theoperationnow hasNew Zealand<br />

Food Safety writtenapproval,and five<br />

freezers have been droppedoff at<br />

businesses throughout <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

forhunterstodropoff surplus venison<br />

duringbusiness hours.<br />

They are at Amuri Transport in<br />

Culverden,Cheviot Transport in Cheviot,<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>Huntingand Fishing,<br />

Rangiora, Oxford Ag depot in Oxford, and<br />

Claas Harvesters at the Waipara Junction<br />

on State Highway One.<br />

He saysthis keeps themeat secureuntil<br />

it’spicked up.<br />

Getting hunters to dropoff themeat<br />

duringbusiness hours meant they didn’t<br />

disturb anyone by putting meat intothe<br />

freezers in the dead of night.<br />

‘‘Itmeanshunters cangoout hunting,<br />

keepthe primecuts, anddropoff any<br />

surplus they might have into one of the<br />

freezers,’’ he says.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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2577925<br />

Whitebaiting ban lifted in creek<br />


Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>(ECan) haslifted<br />

its ban on whitebaiting and other fishing in<br />

Saltwater Creek, andthe Ashley­Rakahuri<br />

Estuary, but says its stillnot safetocollect<br />

shellfishfrom the area.<br />

ECan confirmed yesterday whitebait<br />

caught fromMonday, <strong>September</strong>4,can be<br />

eaten,but shouldbewashed in clean<br />

water.<br />

‘‘This is three days after the incident<br />

occurred, during which time whitebait<br />

would havebeen running in fresh from the<br />

ocean,and the lower river and estuary<br />

would haveundergone multipletide<br />

changes, an ECan spokesperson says.<br />

But it warns any whitebait caught<br />

between Friday, <strong>September</strong> 1, and<br />

Sunday, <strong>September</strong>3,should be<br />

discarded.<br />

This message also applies to other fish<br />

and watercress.<br />

‘‘Further tests are required on shellfish<br />

beforeweknow whether they’re safe to<br />

consume.’’<br />

On <strong>September</strong> 1, the opening day of the<br />

whitebaiting season, the regional council<br />

issuedaban on fishing,whitebaiting, or<br />

gatheringmahingakai in the waterways,<br />

after DaikenNZreported atoxic spill into<br />

the creekfrom its Seftonmedium­density<br />

fibreboardproduction factory.<br />

However, lastFriday an ECan<br />

spokesperson said test results from water<br />

samples taken three days after the spill<br />

Venison on the Hope Trust menu<br />

From Page 1<br />

Tracy says the venison journey is<br />

inspirational, saying what<br />

Hunters4Hope was achieving was not<br />

only about ‘‘provision, protein, food<br />

security and feeding the hungry’’, but<br />

about the community.<br />

‘‘You (Hunters4Hope) have inspired<br />

others to the possibilities of what they<br />

can achieve for their communities, how<br />

to feed their families, and their hungry.<br />

‘‘You have encouraged community<br />

organisations and groups to work<br />

together for the greater good. What a<br />

precious gift you have given,’’ she says.<br />

She thanked Hunters4Hope for<br />

trusting it to be the distribution centre<br />

for the meat.<br />

‘‘In aworld that at times seems so<br />

dark, you have shone alight.’’<br />

Tracy says its Wednesday night<br />

dinner caters for amixture of people,<br />

many of them older folk, who look<br />

forward to anight of company, and good<br />

food.<br />

She says alot of older people live in<br />

isolation, and find the evening meal<br />

like afriendship club.<br />

Many didn’t eat properly and to have<br />

anutritious meal of good quality meat<br />

and vegetables was something they<br />

looked forward to.<br />

Grim find ... Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

ecologist Jarred Arthur retrieving dead fish<br />

from Saltwater Creek, shortly after the<br />

<strong>September</strong> 1spill.<br />


indicatedthe water quality in the affected<br />

areahad returned to what it was before<br />

the incident.<br />

‘‘This means people can resumefishing,<br />

including whitebaiting.However, this does<br />

not include shellfish,’’ the spokesperson<br />

says.<br />

ECandeclined to say why the test results<br />

had taken so long, what had caused fish to<br />

die in the waterway afterthe spill,and why<br />

further tests were required to check<br />

whether shellfish are safe to consume.<br />

‘‘Atthis stage, we are unable to release<br />

further detailsaboutthe wider test results,<br />

due to the ongoing investigation.<br />

‘‘However,weare confident the deaths<br />

to whitebait and other fish were caused by<br />

depleted oxygen in riverwater as aresult<br />

of the spill,’’ the spokesperson says.<br />

‘‘We appreciate thishas beenfrustrating<br />

for those who liketospend time at the<br />

waterway, and we thank the community<br />

for its patience whilethe test results were<br />

beingprocessed by the laboratory.’’<br />

Daiken NZ spokesperson Duncan Ward,<br />

who is the company's operations director,<br />

said the company welcomed ECan’s<br />

partial reopening of theSaltwater Creek<br />

and Ashley/Rakahuri River Estuary<br />

waterways.<br />

‘‘We are sorry that this event has had an<br />

impact on cultural food gathering and the<br />

recreational and commercial fishers who<br />

use thesewaterways.<br />

‘‘We are takingtheirconcerns very<br />

seriously and have reachedout to our local<br />

rūnanga to establish adialogue about this<br />

incident.<br />

‘‘We willalso continue to workwith<br />

ECan and co­operate with any requests it<br />

has.’’<br />

However,hedeclined to give further<br />

details about the causeofthe spill, what<br />

the toxic substance was, or how such<br />

incidents might be prevented in future,<br />

whilethe incidentwas still ‘‘under<br />

review’’.<br />

The companywas also awaiting the<br />

outcome of ECan’sinvestigation.<br />

‘‘Once these are complete, we hope to be<br />

able to comment further.’’<br />

Atasty treat ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Hunting Competition committee member Libby Ryan<br />

offers diner Noel Collingwood ataste of venison at the Hope Wednesday night dinner.<br />


LET’S TAKE<br />

BACK OUR<br />



Coastguard stalwart retires<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

The Widest<br />

Music Variety<br />

3<br />

JohnThompson says Coastguardisnot<br />

onlyalifesaving organisation, but a‘‘life<br />

changing’’one as well.<br />

‘‘And that has been the caseofmany<br />

volunteer.’’<br />

Johnretired earlierthis month as<br />

manager of Searchand Rescue, after 17<br />

years service to the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Coastguard.<br />

‘‘I decidedthat as Iwas approaching<br />

83, it was timefor me to step aside and let<br />

someone younger take overthe role.’’<br />

He is humbleashereflects on his<br />

service to Coastguard wherehehas held<br />

several roles, and was recognised<br />

nationally for his service on several<br />

occasions.<br />

He was ‘‘just one of the team’’, he says.<br />

‘‘The difference beingduring acallout<br />

Iwas privileged to lead thisteam of<br />

highly trained, dedicated volunteers, as<br />

they went about their business of<br />

rescuingpeople.’’<br />

His job was to not only ensurethat the<br />

Unit and its systems were maintained in<br />

aconstant state of readiness to respond<br />

quickly to an emergency, but also to<br />

provide technical assistance to the crews<br />

during search and rescue operations.<br />

‘‘It is atechnical and demandingjob,<br />

but like all Coastguard roles the more<br />

you put intoit, the moreyou get out of it.<br />

‘‘Thereisnogreater satisfaction than<br />

being part of ateam that has just brought<br />

aperson, facing alife threatening<br />

situation, homesafely to their family. ‘‘<br />

John started as atrainee at Coastguard<br />

and worked his way up to senior Rescue<br />

Crew level, before specialising in Search<br />

and Rescue (SAR) Management and<br />

roundingoff his training on the Search<br />

And Rescue Manager’scourse at the<br />

Police Training College in Porirua.<br />

He was electedPresident of<br />

Coastguard WaimakaririAshley,(now<br />

Coastguard <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>)in2015,<br />

and served as President for four years<br />

during whichtime he became the Unit’s<br />

SAR Manager.<br />

‘‘I can remember afterthe <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

earthquakes we lost alot of members and<br />

contacts, with people moving out of the<br />

district.<br />

‘‘It was hardjust keeping the Unit<br />

operational.<br />

‘‘I was the President then and can<br />

rememberworking 20 to 30 hours aweek,<br />

helping to rebuild the membership,<br />

raising community awareness,building<br />

relationshipswith councils, Police,<br />

Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>, CivilDefence,<br />

rewriting the Unit’s standard operating<br />

proceduresand preparing manuals.’’<br />

Meanwhile he was still running Search<br />

&Rescue operationsand holding<br />

meetings, workingout of two temporary<br />

premises while Coastguard’s home base<br />

was beingrebuilt.<br />

‘‘Fortunatelythe whole teamstepped<br />

up to the challenge, and finallyafter alot<br />

of intensivetraining and hard work, we<br />

Proud moment ... John Thompson and Dame Patsy Reddy, the then Governor General,<br />

who presented him with the New Zealand Search and Rescue’s Certificate of Achievement<br />

for exceptional commitment to Search and Rescue.<br />


To the rescue ... Coastguard is alifesaving organisation, as well a‘‘life changing’’ one,<br />

says John.<br />

not only had some of the youngest<br />

skippers in Coastguard New Zealand, but<br />

had built up the highly efficient well<br />

resourced Unit that we havetoday.<br />

‘‘They weretoughtimesbut we got<br />

through them.’’<br />

In 2016 John was recognised with a<br />

Kiwibank LocalHero Award for services<br />

to Coastguard, and in 2017 was honoured<br />

as the CoastguardNew Zealand<br />

Volunteer of the Year.<br />

Later thatyear he was alsoawarded<br />

New Zealand Search and Rescue’s<br />

Certificate of Achievement for<br />

exceptional commitment to Search and<br />

Rescuebythe thenGovernor General<br />

Dame Patsy Reddy.<br />

‘‘Thatwas quite nice,’’hesays.<br />

Coastguard <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> awarded<br />

Johnalife Membership in 2020, and he<br />

remainedthe SAR Manager up until last<br />

month.<br />

‘‘Weoperate avery robustregime of<br />

Succession Planning in our Unit.<br />

Everyone has adeputy who can step up to<br />

takeover theirposition when and as<br />

needed.’’<br />

Johnhas lost count of how many<br />

rescues and calls for assistance he was<br />

involved in over the years, but believes it<br />

mustbe‘‘over100’’.<br />

‘‘I haveenjoyed everymoment of<br />

working with such aprofessional team of<br />

volunteers.<br />

‘‘I willcontinue to remain amember of<br />

Coastguard<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, mainly in<br />

asupporting role for as long as I’m<br />

needed.’’<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Plenty in common<br />

Candidates square off<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Rivalcandidates at an election<br />

meeting in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> found<br />

they had plenty in common.<br />

Candidates fromfour political<br />

parties were put in the unusual<br />

position of praising each other’s<br />

policies at an election meeting at<br />

Balcairn Hall,near Amberley, on<br />

Monday evening.<br />

More than 100 peoplepackedinto<br />

the halltohear from threecandidates<br />

vying to be Kaikōura MP, including<br />

sitting MP Stuart Smith (National),<br />

Emma Dewhirst (Labour) and Jamie<br />

Arbuckle (New Zealand First).<br />

The fourth candidatewas Lan Pham,<br />

the Green Party’s BanksPeninsula<br />

candidate, whowas fillinginfor<br />

Richard McCubbin.<br />

During thecourse of the evening, the<br />

candidates were asked to name<br />

policies fromeach of the other parties<br />

they liked.<br />

Mr Smith said therewas alot of<br />

collaboration between the parties in<br />

Parliament.<br />

He said New ZealandFirst had<br />

‘‘borrowedanumberofour policies’’,<br />

he likedthe Green Party’s energy<br />

policies,and National and Labour<br />

oftenworkedtogether on legislation.<br />

‘‘I don’t thinkpeoplerealise we do<br />

get on. We collaborate behind the<br />

scenes otherwise we wouldn’tget<br />

things done.<br />

‘‘Questiontime isn’tatrue reflection<br />

of what goeson.’’<br />

Ms Dewhirst said she liked New<br />

Zealand First’s fair pay policy, there<br />

was alignment with National on<br />

several transport initiatives, and the<br />

Greens and Labour alignedonmany<br />

issues includingfreshwater.<br />

Mr Arbuckle said he liked Labour’s<br />

policies on removingGST from fruit<br />

and vegetables andsupporting<br />

seniors’housing, there was alignment<br />

withNational on regional<br />

development and he was ‘‘a big fan’’ of<br />

the Green Party’s Jobsfor Nature<br />

programme.<br />

Ms Pham said she agreedwith New<br />

ZealandFirst on the need to invest in<br />

the New ZealandDefence Force to<br />

monitor the coastline.<br />

She was pleased to hear National<br />

supported the principalofTeMana o<br />

te Wai (mana of the water), and she<br />

hoped Labourwouldkeep to its<br />

promise of no miningonconservation<br />

land.<br />

The onlyconflict was during a<br />

question of supporting Hurunui’s<br />

beach communities facingcoastal<br />

erosion, where an audience member<br />

feltMsDewhirst was not answering<br />

the question.<br />

Noneofthe candidates offered<br />

solutions, but agreedlocal and central<br />

governmentneeded to collaborate<br />

withlocalcommunities.<br />

Ms Pham said it was time to develop<br />

anationaladaptationplan to provide<br />

guidance for councils.<br />

Public interest journalismfunded<br />

throughNew Zealand on Air.<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Waimakaririelectioncandidates sparred<br />

over the issues of crime, healthcare and<br />

the economy during ameeting at<br />

Pegasus.<br />

Matt Doocey (National),Dan<br />

Rosewarne (Labour) and Gordon<br />

Malcolm (Democracy NZ) were quizzed<br />

by the Pegasus Residents'GroupsInc in<br />

front of acrowd of 80 at Pegasus Bay<br />

SchoolonWednesday evening.<br />

Mr Doocey said National planned to<br />

amend the Sentencing Act to ensure<br />

offenders served their timeinprison.<br />

‘‘Too often peoplecommit crimes and<br />

go through the courts, but they can get a<br />

numberofdiscounts and thenend up<br />

going into home detention.<br />

‘‘Judges will only be abletodiscount up<br />

to 40 percent of sentences.’’<br />

Mr Malcolmsaid police wereunder<br />

‘‘hugepressure’’and neededmore<br />

resourcing so they could be more visible<br />

on the frontline.<br />

Meanwhile, Mr Rosewarnepresented<br />

policedata showing robberies had<br />

reduced in the Waimakariri district,<br />

reflecting national trends.<br />

‘‘I have regular meetings with the local<br />

policedistrictcommander and he said<br />

policewere gettingtired of opposition<br />

parties using law and order.<br />

‘‘Theyare worried about the hysteria it<br />

is creating.Crime is not out of control.’’<br />

Labourhas promisedtorecruit300<br />

more policetoreducethe pressure,<br />

while alsoproviding more mentalhealth<br />

resourcing.<br />

On the healthfront, Mr Doocey said the<br />

Waimakariridistrict needed after hours<br />

healthcare to support the growing<br />

population.<br />

‘‘The PHO’s(primary health<br />

organisation) requirement for after hours<br />

care is compliant if you livewithin a 40<br />

minute drive.<br />

‘‘Butthat doesn’ttake intoaccount<br />

housing density, so we have advocated<br />

for highgrowth areas like Rangiora and<br />

Kaiapoi.’’<br />

Therewas ashortage of GPs, but<br />

Nationalisproposing to open athird<br />

medical school targeted at recruiting<br />

GPS for rural and provincial areas.<br />

Mr Malcolm said faster training<br />

pathways were needed for nursesand<br />

medical school quotasfor GPs needed to<br />

be increased.<br />

Mr Rosewarne said therewas aglobal<br />

shortage of nurses.<br />

‘‘Theopposition parties seem to forget<br />

we have just had aglobal pandemic<br />

where100,000 medical professionals<br />

around the world diedduring Covid’’ he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘TheUnitedKingdom, Europe and the<br />

United States are all screaming out for<br />

nurses, but the worldisplaying catch up<br />

due to Covid.’’<br />

Labour is investing in health<br />

infrastructure,has abolished<br />

prescription chargesand is promising<br />

free dental care for under 30s, he said.<br />

The cost of living also came up in the<br />

meeting.<br />

Mr Dooceysaid the government<br />

needed to get on top of inflation and<br />

interest rates with‘‘prudentfinancial<br />

discipline’’.<br />

Debthas risenfrom $5 billion to $100<br />

billionover the last six years and was<br />

now 43% of GDP, he said.<br />

Mr Rosewarne said the latest credit<br />

rating from Standard &Poors showed<br />

New Zealand was in astrong economic<br />

position with ‘‘a modest level of debt’’<br />

compared to other countries.<br />

Inflation was coming down, wages were<br />

rising and more New Zealanders were in<br />

employmentthan ever before, he said.<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

throughNew Zealand on Air.<br />


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Crater Rim Ultra –15Oct<br />

Christchurch Big Band Festival –19-23 Oct<br />

The Chicks –30-31 Oct<br />

NZ Agricultural Show –15-17 Nov<br />

FAST5 Netball World Series –11-12 Nov<br />

The Corrs Down Under<br />

with Natalie Imbruglia –11Nov<br />

NZ Cup Week Riccarton Park –11, 15, 18Nov<br />

IRT NZTrotting Cup Day –14 Nov<br />

Freestyle Kings –2Dec<br />


Akaroa Dolphins<br />

Ballooning <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Christchurch Art Gallery<br />

Christchurch Attractions<br />

Orana Wildlife Park<br />

Tussock Hill<br />

Christchurch Adventure Park<br />

International Antarctic Centre<br />

The Crossing<br />

Riverside Market<br />

The Terrace<br />


Aquick look at the<br />

electorates in NC<br />

As early voting opens on Monday, October 2, Robyn Bristowtakes<br />

alook at the Waimakaririand Kaikoura Electorates<br />

The Waimakariri and Kaikoura<br />

electorates are diverse.<br />

Both have large urban centres, and<br />

in the case of Waimakariri, two<br />

Christchurch suburban populations.<br />

But both are also hometolarge<br />

farms, wineries and vineyards,<br />

lifestyleblocks, rural residential<br />

properties, and small towns.<br />

They are both held by National, but<br />

the margins by which both the<br />

Waimakariri MPMatt Doocey,and<br />

Kaikoura MP Stuart Smith,held on to<br />

their seatsin2020 wereslashed.<br />

National’s Matt Doocey captured<br />

the seat withamajorityof1507 votes,<br />

downfrom 10,766 in 2017.<br />

StuartSmith’s majority fellto2295<br />

from 10,553 in 2017.<br />

National’s party vote also took a<br />

huge hitinboth electoratesasLabour<br />

made aclean sweep of the party vote<br />

in all South Island electorates.<br />

Waimakariri<br />

TheWaimakariri electorate’s<br />

northern and southern boundaries<br />

are largely defined by the Ashley/<br />

Rakahuri River in the north,the<br />

Waimakariri River in the south and<br />

the PuketerakiRange to the west.<br />

It spillsacross the Waimakariri<br />

River to include the Christchurch<br />

City suburbs of Casebrookand<br />

Belfast.<br />

The main rural towns are Oxford,<br />

Cust, Rangiora,Woodend,Kaiapoi,<br />

the newcommunity Ravenswood,<br />

Pegasus, and Belfast.<br />

The Waimakariridistrict,which is<br />

alargepart of the electorate,isone of<br />

New Zealand’s mostpopularplaces to<br />

live,and continues to growaspeople<br />

seek alifestyle outside Christchurch,<br />

but within commuting distanceofthe<br />

city.<br />

It has also providedasafe haven for<br />

many exiting Christchurchafter the<br />

2010 and 2011 quakes.<br />

In 2020there wereabout 62,800<br />

people livinginWaimakariridistrict.<br />

It is oneofStatistics New Zealand’s<br />

top three projected population<br />

growthareas(for the 2013­2043<br />

period), thirdbehind Selwyn and the<br />

Queenstown Lakes District.<br />

Candidates in the Waimakariri<br />

electorate in <strong>2023</strong><br />

Five candidateswill contest the seat<br />

—Leighton Baker, Leighton Baker<br />

Party; Ross Campbell, ACT New<br />

Zealand; MattDoocey, National<br />

Party; GordonMalcolm,<br />

DemocracyNZ; and Dan Rosewarne,<br />

Labour Party.<br />

Kaikoura<br />

TheKaikoura electorate sprawls<br />

across thenorth­eastern South<br />

Island, from Cook Straitinthe north<br />

to the Ashley/Rakahuri River inthe<br />

south.<br />

At more than 21,000 square<br />

kilometres, it is New Zealand’s<br />

fourth­largestgeneralelectorate by<br />

area.<br />

Its main towns are Blenheim and<br />

Kaikoura.<br />

Other towns include Picton,<br />

Havelock, Cheviot, Hanmer Springs,<br />

Culverden,Amberley,Sefton, and<br />

Ashley.<br />

The electorate boundaries were not<br />

changed in any recentboundary<br />

reviews.<br />

Blenheim is the largestpopulated<br />

area in both the electorate and the<br />

Marlboroughregion.<br />

It is the country’s 17th main urban<br />

area, with 26,400people.<br />

Its surrounding area is well known<br />

as the centreofNew Zealand’s wine<br />

industryand it enjoys one ofNew<br />

Zealand’ssunniestclimates,with hot,<br />

relatively dry summers and cool,<br />

crisp winters.<br />

The electorate also takesinthe<br />

WaiparaValley wine region, an<br />

increasingly popular winegrowing<br />

area with manyaward­winning<br />

vintages being produced.<br />

It alsoencompasses someofNew<br />

Zealand’s most spectacular tourist<br />

spots, from the Marlborough Sounds<br />

south to HanmerSprings and<br />

Kaikoura.<br />

National has held the seat since its<br />

establishment in 1996.<br />

It is currentlyrepresented by<br />

National’s Stuart Smith.<br />

Kaikoura tendstohave ahigh voter<br />

turnoutcomparedwith the rest of the<br />

country, with an 86.2 percent voter<br />

turnout in 2020.<br />

Candidates in the Kaikoura<br />

electorate in <strong>2023</strong><br />

Eleven candidates will contest the<br />

seat —Jamie Arbuckle, NewZealand<br />

First Party; ShaunBrown, Money<br />

Free Party NZ; SandraCampbell,<br />

DemocracyNZ; Natalie Collello, New<br />

ZealandLoyal;Emma Dewhirst,<br />

LabourParty; David Greenslade,<br />

New Conservatives;Keith Griffiths,<br />

ACT New Zealand; Ted Howard,<br />

Independent; John McCaskey,<br />

Independent; Richard McCubbin,<br />

Green Party;StuartSmith,National.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Focus on<br />

Waimakariri<br />

with Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

Weather amixed bag<br />

It was definitelyamixedbag of weather<br />

for the region lastweek.<br />

Daylight saving is upon us and we<br />

have experienced those lovelyspring<br />

days.<br />

But the cold snap at the end of last<br />

week was atimely reminderthat we are<br />

not clearofthe winteryblasts just yet.<br />

The wet weather turned to ice with<br />

the frost on Monday morning, and once<br />

again we had to drive to the conditions.<br />

Remember if you are unsure, reduce<br />

your speed, allowgreater following<br />

distances on frosty and wet days, and<br />

prepare for any delays.<br />

While the sun is once again shining,<br />

maybe don’t pack away the winter<br />

woollies and extra blanket on the bed<br />

just yet.<br />

Ihad the pleasure of attending the<br />

Rangiora FireBrigades Honours<br />

Evening this month.<br />

Ialways enjoy attending these events<br />

at all our local brigades.<br />

When Iwas lookingthroughthe list of<br />

honours recipientsfor the night, I<br />

counted there was more than 200 years<br />

of combinedservice among them.<br />

That is atremendousnumber of hours<br />

given by volunteers in order to protect<br />

our communities,and Iknow that we<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Sep <strong>28</strong> Sep 29 Sep 30 Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4<br />

Rise 7:09am<br />

Rise 7:07am<br />

Rise 7:05am<br />

Rise 7:03am<br />

Rise 7:02am<br />

Rise 7:00am<br />

Rise 6:58am<br />

Set 7:32pm<br />

Set 7:33pm<br />

Set 7:34pm<br />

Set 7:35pm<br />

Set 7:36pm<br />

Set 7:37pm<br />

Set 7:38pm<br />

Best 12:10pm<br />

Good<br />

Times<br />

Set 6:40am<br />

Rise 5:54pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming<br />

moderate SE<br />

Best 12:36am<br />

Ok<br />

Times 1:01pm<br />

Set 7:03am<br />

Rise 7:14pm<br />

Gentle SW becoming<br />

moderate S<br />

are all verygrateful for the work that<br />

they do.<br />

I’d like to acknowledge another<br />

fantastic event in our district, which is<br />

completely pulled together by<br />

volunteers.<br />

The Annual Rangiora Rotary Book<br />

Fair, on at the RangioraShowgrounds<br />

today,Friday and Saturday.<br />

It is agreat opportunity to go along<br />

and grab abargainand support all the<br />

work that Rotary does in our district.<br />

If you are alsolooking for some fun<br />

and inexpensive experiencesfor the<br />

kids these holidays don’t look past what<br />

we have on offer right here.<br />

We have agreatrange of parks and<br />

reserves which make for aperfect spot<br />

to picnic and throwaballaround.<br />

We have excellent cycle paths linking<br />

our towns which are greatfor family<br />

bike rides.<br />

The Kaiapoi and Rangiora Aquatic<br />

Centresoffer heaps of fun for the whole<br />

family and are agreat way to burn off<br />

some of thatenergy.<br />

Don’t forgettocheck out your local<br />

WaimakaririLibrary as well.<br />

There are agreat rangeofinteractive<br />

activities for the kidsaswell as books,<br />

movies, gamesand so much more.<br />

Squid display in Kaikōura<br />

Haveyou everseen agiant squid?<br />

The Kaikōura Museum willbehosting<br />

the Te Papaexhibition Colossal Squid Ngu<br />

Tipua untilNovember 14.<br />

The colossal squidissorarely seen, with<br />

justeightadultcolossalsquid scientifically<br />

reported.<br />

Te Papa's headofnatural history, Phil<br />

Edgar, says the colossal squid is one of the<br />

mosticonic specimens at Te Papa.<br />

‘‘Inlearning about thisweird and<br />

mysteriouscreature, we hopevisitors will<br />

haveagreaterappreciation for life in the<br />

deepsea, muchofwhich remains<br />

undiscovered.’’<br />

Te Papa’s curator of invertebrates, Dr<br />

Rodrigo Salvador,saysthe colossal squid<br />

has createdplenty of interestamong the<br />

scientific community and the general<br />

public.<br />

‘‘TePapa’scolossal squidhas been a<br />

major sourceofinformation for scientists<br />

and the museum’s most popular exhibit<br />

since its debut.<br />

‘‘They live in the deep Antarctic waters<br />

and despite being one of the largest<br />

Giant squid ... The Kaikōura Museum is<br />

hosting the Te Papa exhibition Colossal<br />

Squid Ngu Tipua.<br />


invertebrate speciesinexistence,they are<br />

very rarely captured.’’<br />

The display will feature an interactive<br />

tabledisplayingdifferent objects,<br />

including the lensfrom an eye of acolossal<br />

squid, part of atentacle, and atiny squid.<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:27am<br />

1:52pm<br />

Set 7:26am<br />

Rise 8:33pm<br />

Moderate SW<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Set 7:49am<br />

Rise 9:52pm<br />

Moderate SW turning<br />

S<br />

Set 8:14am<br />

Rise 11:09pm<br />

Moderate SWturning<br />

S<br />

Moderate SW turning<br />

SE<br />

Gentle SE<br />

strengthening<br />

E0.8 mincreasing<br />

E1.1 mturning<br />

E1.4 m E1.0 m<br />

to 1.4 m<br />

SE 1.3 m<br />

SE SE 1.1 m SE 1.0 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

2:17am<br />

2:42pm<br />

Ok<br />

Site inspection ... Labour Party Waimakariri candidate Dan Rosewarne (left) and<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon joined with Housing Minister Dr Megan Woods for atour<br />

of the Bellgrove sub­division with Bellgrove Rangiora project manager and director Paul<br />

McGowan (centre), Blair Forgie, of NgāiTahu Property, Mike Greer Homes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

director Mike Flutey and BG Contracting owner Stephen Rattray.<br />


Best<br />

Times<br />

New Rga subdivision<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Families could be moving into<br />

Rangiora’s newest sub­division in<br />

March.<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordonand<br />

Housing Minister Dr MeganWoods<br />

checked on the progress of the<br />

Bellgrove sub­divisionineast Rangiora<br />

on Tuesday.<br />

Mike Greer Homes <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

director Mike Flutey told those<br />

gathered he expected to be breaking<br />

dirt on 15 show homes in the next six<br />

weeks.<br />

‘‘We are hoping to havethe roofand<br />

windows on the first homes by<br />

Christmas and we should see the first<br />

residentsmoving in by March or April.’’<br />

The sub­division was fast­tracked<br />

under the government’s Covid<br />

legislation, before receiving $5.7<br />

million from Kainga Ora’s<br />

Infrastructure Acceleration Fund in<br />

October lastyear.<br />

The 98 hectare site is expected to<br />

deliver 1300new homes, witharound<br />

half expected to be soldfor lessthan the<br />

government’s $750,000affordable<br />

housing cap.<br />

Mr Gordon said the new sub­division<br />

was badly needed,with Waimakariri’s<br />

population expected to grow from<br />

70,000to100,000 by 2050.<br />

‘‘We have all been impressed to see<br />

the progressand the quality of the work.<br />

‘‘It is great to hear that sections will<br />

be available to build on this side of<br />

Christmas.’’<br />

Dr Woods and Mr Gordonsaw some of<br />

the infrastructure, including a<br />

stormwaterretention pondand<br />

upgrades to Kippenberger Avenue, up<br />

close during the visit.<br />

‘‘New Zealand simplydoes not have<br />


3:08am<br />

3:34pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

4:00am<br />

4:27pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

4:54am<br />

5:21pm<br />

Set 8:43am Rise 12:25am<br />

Set 9:18am<br />

enoughhousingfor it to be affordable<br />

and available to everyone who needs a<br />

home,’’ Dr Woods said.<br />

‘‘Programmeslike the Infrastructure<br />

Acceleration Fund are deliberately<br />

targeted to grow affordablehousing<br />

supplyand see landget the critical<br />

infrastructure thatwill lay the<br />

foundationsfor development.’’<br />

Bellgrove Rangiora project manager<br />

and director Paul McGowansaid the<br />

stormwaterhad been built to withstand<br />

aone­in­200 year flood event.<br />

He said 65 percent of the sections had<br />

been pre­sold, mostly to building firms.<br />

The infrastructure was completed by<br />

Rangiora­based contractors, with<br />

DormerConstruction completing the<br />

earthworksand drainage, and BG<br />

Contractingthe roadingand services.<br />

BG Contracting owner Stephen<br />

Rattray said 50 peoplewere employed<br />

on the sitebetween the two companies.<br />

‘‘I live here and it is agreatstory to<br />

hear withRangiora gettingahead again<br />

and with some scale.’’<br />

Mr Flutey said enquiries for house<br />

and land packages had returned to pre­<br />

Covid levels,which was unusually high<br />

in the lead up to ageneral election.<br />

He expected houses to sell from<br />

$589,000,for two bedroom units on a<br />

small section,uptohomesofwell over<br />

$1 million.<br />

‘‘We have the ability to sell wellover<br />

50% of the homes for under the $750,000<br />

price cap, but that dependsonwhat the<br />

buyer wants.’’<br />

Mr Flutey said the homes were<br />

designed with floor levels of 400mm to<br />

500mm of freeboardabove the flood<br />

level.‘‘In aone­in­200 year flood event<br />

there should be no floodingthrough the<br />

houses.’’<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

through New ZealandonAir.<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 3:50am 2.4 10:04am 0.3 4:45am 2.5 11:01am 0.3 5:40am 2.5 11:57am 0.3 6:36am 2.6 12:23am 0.2 7:31am 2.5 1:16am 0.3 8:26am 2.5 2:09am 0.3 9:21am 2.4 3:02am 0.4<br />

Mouth<br />

4:21pm 2.5 10:36pm 0.3 5:14pm 2.6 11:30pm 0.3 6:07pm 2.6<br />

7:01pm 2.5 12:51pm 0.3 7:56pm 2.4 1:45pm 0.3 8:52pm 2.3 2:39pm 0.4 9:48pm 2.3 3:33pm 0.5<br />

Amberley 3:50am 2.4 10:04am 0.3 4:45am 2.5 11:01am 0.3 5:40am 2.5 11:57am 0.3 6:36am 2.6 12:23am 0.2 7:31am 2.5 1:16am 0.3 8:26am 2.5 2:09am 0.3 9:21am 2.4 3:02am 0.4<br />

Beach<br />

4:21pm 2.5 10:36pm 0.3 5:14pm 2.6 11:30pm 0.3 6:07pm 2.6<br />

7:01pm 2.5 12:51pm 0.3 7:56pm 2.4 1:45pm 0.3 8:52pm 2.3 2:39pm 0.4 9:48pm 2.3 3:33pm 0.5<br />

3:59am 2.4 10:13am 0.3 4:54am 2.5 11:10am 0.3 5:49am 2.5<br />

6:45am 2.6 12:32am 0.2 7:40am 2.5 1:25am 0.3 8:35am 2.5 2:18am 0.3 9:30am 2.4 3:11am 0.4<br />

Motunau 4:30pm 2.5 10:45pm 0.3 5:23pm 2.6 11:39pm 0.3 6:16pm 2.6 12:06pm 0.3 7:10pm 2.5 1:00pm 0.3 8:05pm 2.4 1:54pm 0.3 9:01pm 2.3 2:48pm 0.4 9:57pm 2.3 3:42pm 0.5<br />

4:01am 2.4 10:15am 0.3 4:56am 2.5 11:12am 0.3 5:51am 2.5<br />

6:47am 2.6 12:34am 0.2 7:42am 2.5 1:27am 0.3 8:37am 2.5 2:20am 0.3 9:32am 2.4 3:13am 0.4<br />

Gore Bay 4:32pm 2.5 10:47pm 0.3 5:25pm 2.6 11:41pm 0.3 6:18pm 2.6 12:08pm 0.3 7:12pm 2.5 1:02pm 0.3 8:07pm 2.4 1:56pm 0.3 9:03pm 2.3 2:50pm 0.4 9:59pm 2.3 3:44pm 0.5<br />

3:52am 1.6 10:05am 0.1 4:48am 1.7 11:02am 0.1 5:45am 1.8 11:59am 0.1 6:41am 1.8 12:29am 0.1 7:37am 1.8 1:24am 0.1 8:32am 1.8 2:18am 0.1 9:<strong>28</strong>am 1.7 3:13am 0.2<br />

Kaikoura 4:26pm 1.8 10:41pm 0.1 5:21pm 1.8 11:35pm 0.1 6:16pm 1.8<br />

7:11pm 1.8 12:56pm 0.1 8:07pm 1.7 1:52pm 0.1 9:03pm 1.7 2:50pm 0.1 10:00pm 1.6 3:47pm 0.2<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />







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NEWS<br />

8 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Drive 4Change getting plenty of support<br />


Groundswell co­founders Southland<br />

farmers Bryce McKenzie and Laurie<br />

Paterson havebeen amazedatthe positive<br />

response theyhave received from<br />

everyone they havemet on their way to<br />

Auckland on tractors.<br />

The Drive 4Change is aimed at<br />

protestingthe cripplingoverload of<br />

regulations, red tape,and layers of<br />

bureaucracyheaped on to food producers'<br />

everyday businesses.<br />

‘‘I’vebeen surprised at theturnout,’’<br />

says Laurie.<br />

‘‘As we drive along there arepeople<br />

standing at intersections and in paddocks,<br />

and passingcars are tootingand waving<br />

their support.’’<br />

The pairare driving their tractors from<br />

Invercargill to Auckland, finishingwith an<br />

event at EllerslieRacecourse at 1pm on<br />

Sunday, October 1.<br />

‘‘It’spressurethat has pushed our<br />

farmers past the tippingpoint of what they<br />

can mentally and financially sustain,’’ says<br />

Bryce.<br />

The pairknow it’sabusytime for<br />

farmers right now and say theyhave been<br />

humbled by the numbers that havejoined<br />

their column.<br />

‘‘We’ve had from two to 25 tractors and<br />

utes, at times join us for ashort while on<br />

the road,’’says Laurie.<br />

Otherslike Clintonfarmer PeterWilson<br />

have joinedthem for the durationoftheir<br />

South Island journeytoPicton.<br />

‘‘I wanted to show my support so my son<br />

loanedmehis brand new tractor for the<br />

trip.<br />

‘‘It hasn’t even seenapaddock yet, it’s<br />

that new.’’<br />

Amberley businessmen Warren<br />

Johnstone and MikeWildinggreeted the<br />

tractor drivers with cups of hot coffee<br />

when they arrived at Amberley on Monday<br />

morning as more than 60 people gathered<br />

Well done ... Groundswell co­founder and Southland farmer Bryce McKenzie is welcomed by Beverley Forrester of Leithfield, to<br />

Amberley on his Drive 4Change, tractor protest drive to Auckland.<br />


to welcome the convoy.<br />

Beverley ForresterofLeithfield,says<br />

she has beenfollowing the protest since<br />

theyleft Invercargill and had come to<br />

showher support.<br />

Bryce toldthe crowdthey were happy<br />

with the response and turn out they are<br />

getting.<br />

He saidthey are discoveringthey have a<br />

huge support base,not only fromthe<br />

nations farmersbut also withtown and<br />

city folk.<br />

‘‘We want peopletovote this election, to<br />

make positive choicesand changes as we<br />

depend on each other.<br />

‘‘If the rural communities are feeling the<br />

pinch, then so are the city people, and they<br />

know where their food comes from.’’<br />


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NEWS<br />

12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />



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Raising funds ... James Drewery, president of the Amberley RSA, abranch of the Rangiora<br />

RSA, promoting the proposed Passchendaele trip at the Amberley Club expo earlier this<br />

month.<br />


Passchendaele trip<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

The Waimakariri district will be<br />

represented at Armistice Day services<br />

in Passchendaele next year.<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon planstolead a<br />

delegation of councillorsand localRSA<br />

members to the Zonnebekedistrict in<br />

Belgium.<br />

‘‘I havebeen thinking abouttravelling<br />

over to Belgium for awhile and leading<br />

adelegation,’’ Mr Gordonsaid.<br />

‘‘I havebeen to Belgium three times<br />

and this will be my third visit as part of<br />

acouncil delegation.’’<br />

The Waimakariri District Council has<br />

had atwinning relationship with the<br />

Municipality of Zonnebeke, which<br />

includes Passchendaele, since2007.<br />

The Waimakariri Passchendaele<br />

Advisory Groupwas established<br />

comprising councillors and members of<br />

the Rangiora and Kaiapoi RSAs.<br />

The Battle of Passchendaele was one<br />

of the bloodiestbattles of WorldWar 1.<br />

October 12, 1917, is considered to be<br />

New Zealand’s ‘‘darkestday’’, when 846<br />

New Zealand soldiers were killed in<br />

just four hours.<br />

The Last Post Associationhas played<br />

The LastPost at the Menin Gate<br />

Memorial everyeveningfor nearly 100<br />

years in honour of soldiers from the<br />

formerBritishEmpire who lost their<br />

lives.<br />

The council has agreedtobecome a<br />

life member of the association and will<br />

make aone­off donation, Mr Gordon<br />

said.<br />

But he said the trip would be privately<br />

funded, withnoratepayer money used.<br />

Rangiora RSA presidentIan<br />

Thompson said around20RSA<br />

members will join the councillors on<br />

the trip.<br />

‘‘New Zealandersare respected so<br />

much in Belgium,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘Theyare so grateful for what our<br />

soldiers did for them, even after all this<br />

time.’’<br />

Asub­committee has been formed, led<br />

by vice president Bernie Power, and<br />

members have began puttingmoney<br />

aside and selling raffles.<br />

The Rangiora RSA will be taking its<br />

own bugler, Bill Peck,who willplay The<br />

Last Post and Reveille at remembrance<br />

services in Belgium.<br />

The first Waimakariri delegation to<br />

Passchendaelewas in 2007 for the<br />

formalsigning of the twinning<br />

agreement, led by then Mayor Jim<br />

Gerard.<br />

FormerMayorDavid Ayersled the<br />

last delegation in 2017tomark 100 years<br />

since the Battle of Passchendaele.<br />

Mr Gordon said the delegation<br />

planned to visit Le Quesnoy and The<br />

Somme in France,where large numbers<br />

of New Zealand soldiers lost their lives,<br />

as well as Passchendaeleand Menin<br />

Gate.<br />

The New Zealand Liberation Museum<br />

was due to open in Le Quesnoy on<br />

October 11 and wouldbeincluded on<br />

the tour. Local residents are invited to<br />

get in contactifthey wouldlike apoppy<br />

laid on arelative’s memorial at<br />

Passchendaele.<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

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Certain products may not be available in all stores. Savings are based on non-promotional prices. As each participating<br />

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25th <strong>September</strong> to Sunday 1st October <strong>2023</strong>, or while stocks last. Promotions exclude FreshChoice City Market.<br />

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NEWS<br />

14 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />


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Transforming areserve<br />


TransformingSilverstream<br />

Reservefrom agorseand<br />

blackberry­bush covered<br />

wastelandtoathriving native<br />

forest teeming withbirdlife, is<br />

testamenttothe power of one.<br />

Clarkville’s Noelene<br />

Francis, who became a<br />

member of the Silverstream<br />

Advisory Group in 2012, took<br />

two years before she realised<br />

she needed amore ‘‘hands­on’’<br />

involvement.<br />

Noelene’s passionand<br />

enthusiasm for the area<br />

quickly attractedmore likeminded<br />

volunteers,including<br />

JillSaundersand Andrew<br />

Ellen.<br />

‘‘Three of us reallygot<br />

involved at first,’’ Noelene said.<br />

Acoregroup of 20 volunteers<br />

now work regularly in the<br />

reserve, but theyare part of a<br />

muchbigger group who<br />

volunteer less regularly, plus<br />

the ‘‘realdedicated<br />

volunteers’’inthe highly<br />

successfulSilverstream<br />

Reservepredator control<br />

programme runbyJoan<br />

Whillans which hasbeen<br />

instrumentalinreturning<br />

native birds to the area.<br />

‘‘Itisavery special place,’’<br />

she says.<br />

‘‘I could see the need to look<br />

after thetrees and grasses in<br />

the east end of the reservethat<br />

had already beenplanted by<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Council.<br />

Conservation heroes ... Some of Waimakariri's Silverstream<br />

Reserve volunteers. From left, Andrew Ellen, of Kaiapoi, Alex<br />

Shuttleworth, of Silverstream Village, Leonie Jackson, Eilish<br />

Cummack, Hannah Nolan, all from Christchurch, and the<br />

Waimakariri District Council’s Silverstream Reserve community coordinator,<br />

Kate O’Brien, from Lyttelton, far right, at the reserve.<br />


‘‘It is wonderful what has<br />

happened in the reserve,’’<br />

Noelene says.<br />

‘‘Things really started to<br />

progress whenMike Kwant<br />

(the council’sgreenspace<br />

community projects officer)<br />

becameinvolved.<br />

‘‘He recognised the<br />

uniqueness of what was<br />

happening there,’’she says.<br />

‘‘ThenKate O’Brien, our first<br />

ranger, (nowthe council’s<br />

fundraising and volunteer coordinatorfor<br />

Silverstream<br />

Reserve) came along. She has<br />

been marvellous and even<br />

developed our Silverstream<br />

Reserve website.’’<br />

The Swannanoa Fire<br />

Brigade has also helped with<br />

watering plants.’’<br />

Katesays administration of<br />

the Silverstream Reserve was<br />

passed to the council’s<br />

greenspaceteam for<br />

management as apublic<br />

recreation reservein2006.<br />

‘‘Since the landwas obtained<br />

by the Waimakariri District<br />

Council,therehave been over<br />

48,000 native seedlingsplanted<br />

at the reserve’’ she says. Most<br />

of this work has been done by<br />

the Silverstream Reserve<br />

Volunteers Groupand local<br />

community groups, plus<br />

contractor and rangerlabour.<br />

Acommunity plantingday is<br />

alsoheld in June each year.<br />

River park<br />

clean up<br />


Wet, cold weather failed to<br />

deterahardy group of<br />

volunteers who turned out to<br />

collect rubbishinthe Ashley­<br />

Rakahuri Regional Parklast<br />

Sunday morning.<br />

The rubbish collection was<br />

organised by the Waimakariri<br />

YouthCouncilincollaboration<br />

with the Ashley­Rakahuri<br />

Rivercare Group,Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, Eco­Educate and<br />

Keep Rangiora Beautiful.<br />

The volunteers,who ranged<br />

in age from 4­years­old to<br />

70plus, met at the car park, on<br />

the north side of the river, in<br />

Ashley, and removed rubbish<br />

from a3­4 kilometre section of<br />

theriverwhich filledtwo<br />

rubbishskips.<br />

The rubbish included 10<br />

supermarket bags of domestic<br />

rubbish, tyres and furniture.<br />

The Waimakariri District<br />

Council’s youth development<br />

facilitator, Emily Belton, said it<br />

was good to seesomany people<br />

turning out on such acold day to<br />

collect rubbish.<br />

Eco Educaterethink<br />

educator, Lesley Ottey said<br />

everybit of rubbish collected<br />

makesadifference along the<br />

river. ‘‘But it is very<br />

disappointing to see so much of<br />

the rubbish collected here<br />

today, could have been recycled<br />

for freeatone of the council’s<br />

transfer stations.’’<br />

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The HurunuiGardenFesval returns in October<br />

forthe sixthcelebraon of inspiraonalgardens,<br />

coupled with the hospitality of their owners,<br />

and the peopleofthe Hurunui district.<br />

There is abountyofgardens on offer to admire<br />

and inspire with some properes also hosng<br />

events.<br />

The fesval runs from Thursday, October 26,<br />

to Sunday, October 29, and will showcase 18<br />

private gardens, each of which will open from<br />

9amto5pm each day.<br />

It is a haven for garden enthusiasts, nature<br />

lovers, and anyone seeking inspiraon amidst<br />

the scenic landscapes of the Hurunui district,<br />

and garden owners are keen for visitors to<br />

enjoy gardens from Amberley, Waipara Gorge,<br />

Hawarden, and Waikari to Hanmer Springs,<br />

Cheviot, Culverden andRotherham.<br />

They are arranged in six geographical-based<br />

clusters making it easytoplan visits to mulple<br />

gardens.<br />

Each cluster has its own detailed map in the<br />

guide which can beprinted from the website<br />

hurunuigradenfesval.com.<br />

This shows the exact locaons of the gardens,<br />

alongwithother useful informaon,suchasthe<br />

locaon of public toilets, fuel staons and food<br />

outlets.<br />

Owners have been hard at work maintaining<br />

their gardens, despite Mother Nature sending<br />

rain, hail, snow, and frosts to thwart their<br />

preparaon.<br />

Corina Hazle will be exhibing over the<br />

Hurunui Garden Fesval at the Art in the Barn<br />

Event, at Flaxmere Garden inHawarden, on all<br />

four days.The artwill be forsale.Corina’s work<br />

for the exhibion is called For Everything there<br />

is aSeason.<br />

It is a collecon of acrylics painted from<br />

photographs and memories of places in New<br />

Zealand, with the change in seasons in the<br />

colourpalee.<br />

Therewill also be an opportunitytotakepart in a<br />

workshop run by CorinaHazleArst Studio, in<br />

the garden ofWaihui, Rotherham, onSaturday,<br />

October <strong>28</strong> 10am to4pm. Booking is essenal.<br />

EmailCorina at jandchazle@gmail.com.<br />

Also on offer is ashowcaseoflocal arstsworks,<br />

sculpture, a photography exhibion, garden<br />

furniture, garden outdoor products, plants,<br />

indoor and outdoor, giware, prints, and easy<br />

to listentojazz.<br />

There are tours onoffer atthe Tipapa Estate<br />

Homestead, and plenty todoand see inthe<br />

district, including taking part in adventure<br />

tourism, or enjoying the great retail shopping<br />

in many ofthe selements including Cheviot,<br />

HanmerSprings, andAmberley.<br />

The event has become popular, with many<br />

visitors making italong weekend so they can<br />

enjoy asmany gardens as possible. There is<br />

accommodaon to suiteveryone’sneeds.<br />

●Itcosts $10 to visit each property(cash only),<br />

payable onthe day asyou enter. School aged<br />

children accompanied by an adult, arefree. The<br />

website shop -hurunuigardenfesval.com - is<br />

open foronline cket sales.<br />

Some gardens may have anextra charge for<br />

events which canbeaccessed in theguidewhich<br />

canbeordered online free, justpay postage.

Rarotonga.<br />

Lamont.<br />

rt Nukute<br />

stationery.<br />

up work.<br />

Pax says.<br />

co p<br />

trip.<br />

rains a lot.”<br />

their bags.<br />

Heather An<br />

m<br />

O<br />

C<br />

<br />

Pet<br />

McA<br />

timb<br />

Tania<br />

Indep<br />

opera<br />

NEWS<br />

16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Phoebe Cha<br />

Nikau Campbe l<br />

Indy Stringer Lucy Asher Becky Blay Lucy Paterson<br />

Jade Lamont Mia Montgomery Dylan Fern<br />

Jacob Adcock James Ha rison Arthur Haldane<br />

Je s Haldane Joel Ha ris Riley Slemint Alex E lerm<br />

ailPax O’Dowd<br />

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Thank you to our athle<br />

Indy Stringer sponsored by<br />

Kaiapoi Aluminium Joinery Ltd Ali Ham<br />

sales@kaj.co.nz Ph 03<br />

Lucy Asher sponsored by<br />

Harcourts Holmw od Property Management<br />

heather.andersen@harcourts.co.nz Ph 03 35<br />

Becky Blay sponsored by<br />

Scope Resource Management Ltd Ga ry Blay<br />

scope.resm@gmail.com Ph 027 696<br />

Lucy Paterson sponsored by<br />

Michael Stopforth Contracting Ltd Michael Stopf<br />

admin@stopforth.co.nz Ph 027 436 29<br />

Lucy <br />

Utilities Infrastructure Ltd Harley Hayw o<br />

harley@utilitiesinfrastructure.co.nz Ph 021 0 2 8<strong>28</strong>1<br />

Jade Lamont sponsored by<br />

Pegasus Fencing & Maintenance Ltd Phil Lamont<br />

pegasusfencing@outl ok.co.nz Ph 021 108 98 9<br />

Mia Montgomery sponsored by<br />

Clevermedkits Peter Montgomery<br />

peter@clevermedkits.com Ph 021 3 7 4 0<br />

Dylan Fern sponsored by<br />

Adcock Contracting Ltd Geo f and Kate<br />

g adcock@gmail.com Ph 021 436 3 4<br />

Jacob Adcock sponsored by<br />

Adcock Contracting Ltd Geo f and Kate<br />

g adcock@gmail.com Ph 021 436 3 4<br />

James Ha rison sponsored by<br />

Qtec Fire Services NZ Ltd Jasmin Pilkington<br />

jkpilkington@outl ok.com Ph 027 413 9108<br />

Thomas <br />

Day Bros Painters Bre t Day<br />

<br />

Arthur Haldane sponsored by<br />

W odsman Fires Pete Ha ris<br />

pgha ris@xtra.co.nz Ph 021 320 740<br />

St Patrick’s Kaiapoi Rarotonga Cul<br />

Nine Kaiapoi children are about<br />

quickly realised the school doesn’t have<br />

to embark on a trip of a lifetime to a lot and in the last few years they had a<br />

fire burn down some of their classrooms<br />

St Patrick’s Kaiapoi Catholic Primary and to date, nothing has been rebuilt<br />

School is taking nine Year 7 and 8 pupils due to a lack of funding.”<br />

and two adults to the Cook Islands in The St Patrick’s contingent plans to<br />

term four to learn abou the local culture take some resources for the school and<br />

and do some community service. is seeking support from the local <strong>North</strong><br />

“This is our second trip and what we’ve <strong>Canterbury</strong>community.<br />

identified is the opportunitytodoan<br />

A number of local sports organisations<br />

overseas trip like no other,” says teacher have agreed to donate sports equipment<br />

Pax O’Dowd, who wi l accompany the and local businesses have given some<br />

pupils to Rarotonga.<br />

“It’s like school camp, where the<br />

Pax says the group is also liaising with<br />

studentswilhavesome fun, but it’s Raro community groups in Rarotonga to do<br />

style and it’s an opportunity to give back some volunteering, planting and clean<br />

the local community and an opportunity<br />

to learn what we share in common The group wi l be staying a the<br />

as Pacific communities as we l as our Rakahangahostel, which is named after<br />

di ferences.”<br />

one of the islands, and is like a marae,<br />

Pax wi l be joined on the trip by parent<br />

Pacific Islands.<br />

and Board of Trustees memberAngela<br />

“It’s very basic, but community focused His classmateCalebSpencesays he<br />

and everybody pitches in with cooking has been to Rarotonga before and is<br />

Although the Cook Islands is o ficia ly and cleaning.<br />

looking forward to returning.<br />

a part of New Zealand and uses New “They are wonderful hosts and are quite “I’m exciting to see the beach. It’s pre ty<br />

Zealand do lars, life is very di ferent on proud of their country and are rea ly hot at 30 degreesmost of the time and it<br />

the islands and local schools do not happy, humble people.”<br />

have the same resources.<br />

The pupils said they were looking Their classmates are looking forward to<br />

As we l as fundraising for the trip, Pax forward to visiting Rarotonga and learning about Cook Islands culture and<br />

s he school has been fundraising to meeting their new penpalsatNukutere<br />

meeting their penpals.<br />

rt Nukutere Co lege, a Year 7 to 11 Co lege, who they have been<br />

They have been busy fundraising and<br />

in Rarotonga, which St Patrick’s<br />

co responding with in the lead up to the co lecting stationery supplies and books<br />

ilt a relationship with.<br />

to take to Nukutere Co lege and packing<br />

rs trip last year was an<br />

Pupil Mason Robson says his penpal<br />

nity to see the lay of the land. We ‘likes taro’, a popular vegetable in the The Cook Islands is a co lection of<br />

- Head Teacher<br />

t ven Cheney Electrical<br />

admin1@morgan-po lard.co.nz<br />

03 349 82<strong>28</strong><br />

www.morgan-po lard.co.nz<br />

Billie Bradley<br />

A.A. Drainage<br />

021 533 201<br />

Dylan Hamblyn<br />

bhworks@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 432 7698<br />

son Robson<br />

Caleb Spence<br />

Royce Ellis<br />

Plastering Ltd<br />

Interior plasterers<br />

theroc@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 407 89<strong>28</strong><br />

Emily Evans<br />

brooktrucks@xtra.co.nz<br />

03 313 6361<br />

www.brooktrucks.co.nz<br />

Max Oberndorfer<br />

261<strong>28</strong>36<br />

End of term ... The Rangiora High School Kapa Haka group perform as they farewell<br />

students at the end of term three.<br />


Afitting RHS farewell<br />


Mahuru Māori – Māori LanguageWeek,<br />

was celebratedatRangiora High School at<br />

the endofTerm Three.<br />

The Kapa Hakagroupperformed the<br />

schools haka, as afarewell gift to students<br />

and to alsofarewell students who were<br />

leaving.<br />

The school’s Kaiārahi Māori Renee<br />

Tuhikarama says it was anice way to<br />

farewell term threeand hitthe holidays<br />

with gusto.<br />

Mahuru Maori was createdin2014 by<br />

language championParaoneGloyne.<br />

It buildsupon the wero of Te Wiki o Te<br />

Reo Māori by challenging individuals,<br />

whānau,schools and workplaces<br />

throughoutAotearoa to consciouslyuse te<br />

reo Māori throughout the month of<br />

Mahuru.<br />

‘‘With areally busy term there was no<br />

need for us to jam­packinactivities<br />

student leaders and keystaff had prepared<br />

for, so we decided to roll activities into our<br />

finalweek as well,’’ says WhaeaRenee.<br />

She sayssome activities saw kaimahi<br />

and tauiraparticipating in weaving,<br />

window art display, the pūkanabooth and<br />

aschoolwide‘māori moment’.<br />

Rangiora High School were also part of<br />

Ōtautahi's regional kapahaka whakataetae<br />

which was held in The TownHall on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 16.<br />

Performers showcased their new maro<br />

(loincloth the tāne wore) whommany<br />

kaimahi lent ahand in for the extraction of<br />

muka, the inner fibres of harakeke.<br />

One of the maro was created by ayear 10<br />

tauira, Tiakihana Tavendale,who was<br />

commended from Te Whare Pora for his<br />

use of traditional techniques.His piece is<br />

presently on displayinTePapa<br />

Tongarewa.<br />

Soon solid groundwill be broken in<br />

preparationfor anew culturalcentre to be<br />

built at theschool. This year's school Māori<br />

/Pasifika Captain, AmeiCourtney says:<br />

‘‘Good solidground is beingset for the<br />

future of all rangatahiinour kura. I’m<br />

excited to see what morecan be<br />

accomplished’’.<br />

Kaikōura business park<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Anew business park to the south of<br />

Kaikōura is set to be ‘‘a game changer’’<br />

for the town.<br />

The Kaikōura District Council has<br />

notified aprivate plan change request<br />

from Kaikōura Business Park Ltd (2021)<br />

to build abusiness park on a21.6 hectare<br />

site on the corner of Inland Kaikōura<br />

Road and State Highway 1.<br />

Plan change 4was lodged with the<br />

council earlier this year, but later<br />

withdrawn while the applicant made<br />

some changes.<br />

These included addressing the<br />

potential effects of non­light industrial<br />

activities.<br />

Mayor Craig Mackle said the business<br />

park will be ‘‘a game changer’’ for the<br />

town, if it goes ahead.<br />

The development will bring light<br />

industrial businesses together in one<br />

location, taking some pressure off Beach<br />

Road.<br />

Under the proposed changes, some<br />

retail will be allowed, which<br />

complements the light industrial<br />

businesses.<br />

The<br />

Widest<br />

Music<br />

Variety<br />

Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

17<br />

Your local exotic bird<br />

and reptile experts<br />

Spring beauty ... Mervyn Willis and Velda Hopkins of Kaiapoi look over the cut blooms at<br />

last year’s 89th show.<br />


Aspecial celebration<br />

for Woodend show<br />


A90th anniversary with a1930s theme,<br />

will provide the platform for ablooming<br />

good Woodend Spring Flower Show on<br />

Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 30.<br />

There are themed decorative sections<br />

such as a1930s Bridal Bouquet, Spring<br />

of 1930’s and High Tea.<br />

Children are invited to decorate their<br />

bikes or scooter in a1930s theme to bring<br />

to the show by 12.30pm for judging by<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon.<br />

In the handcraft section there are<br />

hessian oven cloths, and lavender bags<br />

sections, and Victoria sponges, rum balls<br />

and shortbread are challenges in the<br />

baking section.<br />

But flowers will take centre stage with<br />

an extensive range of daffodils, many<br />

shown by well­known New Zealand<br />

growers.<br />

There will be daffodil bulbs for sale.<br />

This year members of the American<br />

Daffodil Society are visiting the show.<br />

There is aspecial blokes section, as<br />

well as photography, and acolouring<br />

competition.<br />

Those wanting to enter need to do so<br />

by today —Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> —<br />

with entries closing for the show on<br />

Saturday.<br />

It opens its doors from 1pm to 4pm at<br />

the Woodend Community Centre, School<br />

Road, Woodend.<br />

It’s free to enter, and you can get<br />

schedules and details at<br />

woodendspringflowershow.weebly.com,<br />

or by go to the show’s Facebook page.<br />

Send entries to gheverts1950@gmail.<br />

com.<br />

From above ... Atotal of 1119 exhibits<br />

were on show at last year’s 89th annual<br />

Woodend Spring Flower Show in the<br />

Woodend Community Centre.<br />

Spring blooms ... Phyllis Sheppard,<br />

accompanied by her nephew Brendan<br />

Harris as they look over the top blooms at<br />

last year’s show.<br />

Wilderness Woodend has settledonalarge rural property in Woodend to<br />

establish their new private breeding facility for exotic birds and reptiles.<br />

With23years experience in the animalindustry,Wilderness Woodend continues<br />

to offer its customers awide selection of specialty bird and reptilesupplies to<br />

helpmaintaintheircollections at the higheststandards of careand presentation.<br />

It is stockists of quality products such as Topflite birdseeds, Vetafarm bird<br />

pellets and supplements,Kaytee hand-rearing food,Burgess smallanimalfood<br />

for rabbits, Guinea pigs and Chinchillas.<br />

As New Zealand distributors for Arcadia andHabistat reptile products from<br />

the United Kingdom, Wilderness Woodend aims aim to ensure pet owners have<br />

access to the best products available.<br />

With animal welfare in mind, it is building large natural homes at its Woodend<br />

property for residents.<br />

Although animals arenot on display at present,there is aselectionofreptiles<br />

in terrariums in the showroom to illustrate how to set up and care for them<br />

correctly.<br />

Owner Lance Dartnall says Wilderness Woodendhas many great ideas about<br />

ways in whichowners can keep their pets in large naturalenvironments.<br />

He says customers will in thefuture, be able to take astrollthrough their<br />

plantedproperty and see aviaries, ponds,and many reptile environments.<br />

‘‘Wewant tocontinuetoimprove animal welfare, and the way we keep creatures<br />

in our care to ensure they are getting the bestcare possible and quality of life.<br />

We see this as the ‘‘Wilderness Experience.’’<br />

Wilderness Woodend is also an approvedpet shipper with AirNew Zealand,<br />

from ChristchurchAirport, to anywhere in New Zealand.<br />

‘‘Wespecialiseinsending exotic pets —from parrots to reptiles.<br />

We can also ship loved familypets like cats<br />

and dogs,’’ says Lance.<br />

Operating seven days aweek,<br />

they specialise in helping<br />

customers with all aspects of their<br />

pet’s or animal’s travel needs.<br />

Wilderness Woodend is strictly<br />

open by appointment for pick up or to<br />

visit their showroom.<br />

2615360<br />

Specialty Reptile And Bird Supplies<br />

Open By Appointment<br />

Ph:027 3819197<br />

Jelfs Road - Woodend<br />



18 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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over 65.<br />

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Free quotes.<br />

Covering <strong>North</strong> Canty,Oxford,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora.<br />

Ph Rob 03 327 7899<br />

or 027 432 3520<br />

2581068<br />

New restaurant openings signal<br />

growth at Ravenswood Central<br />

New Zealand'snewest town centre hits<br />

another milestone this month,with The<br />

CoffeeClub opening its first <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> store today.<br />

The new café franchise willjoin Joes<br />

Garage,which openedearlier this month<br />

at Ravenswood Central’s new commercial<br />

precinct.<br />

Tsushi,Mifan Chinese, Thai Station and<br />

King of Spices are expectedtoopen in the<br />

coming weeks, adding to the diverse mix of<br />

eateries on offer.<br />

Infinity Investment Group development<br />

manager Jerome O’Sullivansays The<br />

CoffeeClubs store opening is anotherstep<br />

forward in bringing the new towncentre to<br />

life.<br />

‘‘We are very excited to welcome The<br />

CoffeeClub, and its first franchise in the<br />

district,toRavenswood Central, Mr<br />

O’Sullivan says.<br />

‘‘I have no doubt the cafés warm<br />

atmosphereand friendly staff will slot<br />

right into theRavenswood community.<br />

‘‘There’s arealbuzz about town at the<br />

moment, especially with Gull opening last<br />

month and Harvey Normanbreaking<br />

ground,’’hesays.<br />

‘‘ThisCoffee Club opening marks the<br />

latestmilestone for us, signifying thenear<br />

completion of stage oneofthe centre.<br />

‘‘We have only one remaining tenancy<br />

for leaseinthis stage, and it is located next<br />

door to The Coffee Club.’’<br />

The Coffee Club director BradJacobs<br />

says many elements contributed to the<br />

decision to open the firstfranchise in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘I was immediatelydrawn to the<br />

Ravenswood Central development for a<br />

numberofreasons,’’ Mr Jacobs says.<br />

‘‘The strong projectedpopulation<br />

growthinthe areaover the next five to 10<br />

Open for business ... Customers enjoying Ravenswood Central’s new restaurants.<br />


years was akey factor, as well as the<br />

passingtraffic of State Highway 1, easy<br />

access and an excellent town centre<br />

design withkey majortenants.<br />

‘‘Being such abeautifulpart of the<br />

country,Iamnot surprised at allthat<br />

people wanttomove there.’’<br />

Oncecompleted, RavenswoodCentral<br />

willofferamixture of restaurants, cafes,<br />

retail and commercial options to service<br />

and support the projectedpopulation<br />

growth.<br />

‘‘What’sexcitingaboutthis is thatthe<br />

growth is not isolatedtoRavenswood but<br />

reflects whatishappening in the wider<br />

district,’’ Mr O’Sullivansays.<br />

In 2022, the Waimakariri populationwas<br />

around 67,900, and as one of the country’s<br />

fastest­growing districts,the population is<br />

expected to increase to around 95,000 to<br />

100,000 by 2048. The town’s commercial<br />

and residential area continues to grow,<br />

with construction under way for Freedom<br />

Lifestyle Village the franchises firstvillage<br />

in the South Island.<br />

It will house 240 units,northwest of the<br />

town centre. More than1000 Ravenswood<br />

residentialsections havebeen sold, with<br />

633 sites already builtonorunder<br />

construction.<br />


TODAY<br />

NOW OPEN<br />


Mifan<br />

Chinese<br />

Restaurant<br />

We are thrilled to announce that our second<br />

restaurant has opened at Ravenswood Central.<br />

12 Bob Robertson Drive,<br />


All the fun of the fair at Woodend<br />


It’s been afew years thanks to Covid,<br />

but the annual Woodend School Fair is<br />

returning soon.<br />

On Sunday, October 15, from 10am to<br />

2pm, at the WoodendSchool on School<br />

Road,all the fun of the fair will be<br />

back,with all the usual attractions,<br />

plus acouple of special ones.<br />

For the children, there will be<br />

bouncy castles to play on, adedicated<br />

kids zone,apetting zoo full of the<br />

usualspring animals, live music and<br />

yummydrinksand foodonhand to<br />

quench the thirst or fill the stomach.<br />

Alongsidethe kids' zone,parentsare<br />

offeredawiderange of market stalls<br />

and car bootsales to browse while the<br />

on­siteentertainment keeps everyone<br />

in the family fun mood.<br />

Entryisfree.<br />

Acting principal at WoodendSchool,<br />

Lucy French, says one of theextra<br />

attractions willbethe popular ­Dunk<br />

the Teacher.<br />

‘‘Thechildren are already looking<br />

forward to thissideshow treat.<br />

‘‘Theannual school fair is ahuge<br />

eventfor our school and has always<br />

been an incredible dayout, but it is<br />

also afantasticfundraiser for our<br />

school.’’<br />

Another attraction will be the<br />

opportunity for alumni of the school,<br />

past and present,toregisterearly for<br />

next year's 150th anniversary of the<br />

school celebrations.<br />

The sesquicentennial willbeheld<br />

over the weekend of November 8to10,<br />

2024,and Ms French says this is agood<br />

time for pastpupilstoregister as they<br />

need to gauge interest and keep<br />

everyoneinformed.<br />

She says it’s still early days, but the<br />

school is looking at holding aweekend<br />

Fun of the fair ... Dancers perform at arecent Woodend School Fair.<br />

of remembrance, friendship and<br />

community.<br />

Already planned are registrations<br />

on Friday, afun day and jubilee gala<br />

on Saturday, then it all ending with a<br />

remembrance service on Sunday<br />

morning.<br />

‘‘Sign up now so we can keep<br />

everyone informed about what fun<br />

events we will haveover this<br />

weekend,’’she says.<br />

As it was ... An historic<br />

photo of the Woodend School<br />

during its first 50th anniversary<br />

—1874­1925.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />


19<br />

The Widest<br />

Music Variety<br />

Tune in nowtolisten on<br />

104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />

andKaikoura<br />


Lawn<br />

Bowls<br />

at the<br />

Woodend<br />

Bowling Club<br />

When: Sunday October 8 th<br />

Where: Woodend Bowling Club,<br />

Time:<br />

School Road, Woodend<br />

1.30pm start<br />

Bowls Supplied<br />

Contact:<br />

Phil 027 222 5764 (President)<br />

Sheryl 021 225 5778 (Secretary)<br />

2613<strong>28</strong>3<br />

We have a stall to promote & take<br />

registrations for our 150 th Celebrations<br />

Woodend School<br />

150 th Celebration<br />

8 th - 10 th<br />

November 2024<br />

Woodend Community Centre<br />

Friday<br />

Registration<br />

2616984<br />

Saturday<br />

10.00am -2pm<br />

Fun Day<br />

Saturday<br />

6.00pm<br />

Jubilee Gala<br />

Sunday<br />

10.30am<br />

Rememberance<br />

Service<br />

www.woodend.school.nz<br />

office@woodend.school.nz<br />

Phone 03 312 7808

Friendly andHonestAdvice on<br />

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Visit now to view the paper online &more!<br />


20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Three in arow for Totalspan NC<br />


Totalspan NC, ownedbyJamie<br />

and Ellen Petersen, has won<br />

the topNew Zealandfranchise<br />

award.<br />

This makes it three years in a<br />

row the companyhas won the<br />

Franchise of the Year Award.<br />

It also tookhomethe<br />

StrategicExcellence Award,<br />

the Sales Excellence Award<br />

and the Local Marketing<br />

Excellence Award at the<br />

awards ceremony held in Fiji.<br />

The latestawards add to an<br />

impressive listoftrophiesand<br />

awards for the Petersen’s<br />

Woodend­based franchise.<br />

Ellensays this is the fourth<br />

time the couplehas won the<br />

Franchise of the Year Award,<br />

and it reflects Totalspan <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s foundation of<br />

strong values, ateamculture<br />

and healthand safety.<br />

Jamieand Ellenhave owned<br />

the business franchise since<br />

January 2014, and havemore<br />

than 20 years of experience in<br />

building Totalspan steel<br />

buildingsin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

the South Island and<br />

Queensland.<br />

They continuetoemphasise<br />

and reflect theircore values in<br />

theirservices and building of a<br />

rangeofhard­wearing,<br />

affordableand versatile<br />

structures, characterised by<br />

functionality.<br />

Ellensays Totalspan <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> will go out and do a<br />

free on­site consultation,quote<br />

and measure, get all the<br />

documentationready, buildit,<br />

and then get all the council<br />

Three in arow ... Ellen and Jamie Petersen of Totalspan NC with<br />

their bevy of awards in Fiji.<br />


sign­offs, so it neverbecomes<br />

an ordeal for the customer.<br />

All are built with high­grade<br />

New Zealand­made parts and<br />

finished in Coloursteelina<br />

varietyofattractivecolours.<br />

The company still produces<br />

all itsmaterials at afactory in<br />

Christchurch, so acloseeye<br />

can be kept on quality, with<br />

buildings highly customisable,<br />

makingthem easytoadd to if<br />

an expansionisrequired. It<br />

buildstoany size,requirement,<br />

and budget,atatime frame to<br />

suit.<br />

There is akit set­only option<br />

for the do­it­yourself style<br />

handyman.<br />

Today,many prospective<br />

buyers who visit its Woodend<br />

baseare from theresidential<br />

and lifestyle block market in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, but farmers<br />

and lightindustrial users are<br />

alsoprominent amongthose<br />

seekingclear­span steel,portal<br />

framed sheds that suit their<br />

needs and offer value for<br />

money.<br />

Whether it is agarage,<br />

commercialbuilding,rural<br />

building,carport, or farm shed,<br />

Totalspanhas the building to<br />

suitthe needs of customers. It<br />

has fivebuildings in arange of<br />

styles forviewing at its<br />

Woodend base, and, if people<br />

prefer, kit sets only can be<br />

supplied.<br />

The firm supportsits local<br />

communities,havingsupplied<br />

and builtUnder Cover Kids<br />

bus shelters across <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>. It also supports<br />

local <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

schools, trusts, charities and<br />

events.<br />

Ellenplays akey role in<br />

delivering the strategy attuned<br />

to clients’ needs, while Jamie<br />

takescare of all the operations.<br />

Team members Johnand Paul<br />

are the Totalspan<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> salesconsultants,<br />

Kieran is the company’s<br />

contracts manager and<br />

Stephanie is their office<br />

manager.However, theysay<br />

the success is built on the<br />

qualityofthe product and the<br />

teamthey workwith.<br />

Phone Totalspan<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> on (03)310 0247,<br />

visit 127 Main<strong>North</strong> Road,<br />

Woodend,orgoonline to<br />

totalspan.co.nz.<br />

Luxurious Fully Transportable Homes!<br />


Ravenswood Transportable Homes provides an<br />

engineer designed, Council consented, steel frame<br />

home. Wecan provide design /build options, or build off<br />

plans to suit your budget and size requirements.<br />

Bruce Hallinan, Certified Builder LBP will help arrange<br />

any further consents. All homes come with full sized<br />

bathroom, large master bedroom, include 1-3 bedrooms,<br />

built in wardrobes, with extra pods available. All with<br />

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22 Bowmaker Cresent, Ravenswood<br />

Phone Bruce Hallinan 027 492 1502<br />

brucejhallinan@hotmail.com<br />

bruceythebuildernz.com<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

21<br />

Horse riding is a super fun activity for all ages and<br />

levels. We offer something for everyone, we offer:<br />

Seasonal maintenance ... Woodend Beach Holiday Park administrator Shaun Camp paints<br />

afence at the park in preparation for aboom year this year.<br />


Camps gearing up<br />

There are three main camping<br />

opportunities coming up shortly and<br />

camping grounds are gearing up for a<br />

good season.<br />

Woodend Beach Holiday Park<br />

administrator Shaun Camp says hosts<br />

Jan Reid and Daryl McLaren are gearing<br />

up for abusy season this year.<br />

‘‘We have the three main holidays —<br />

Labour Weekend, <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Anniversary Weekend and then<br />

Christmas/New Year. Already bookings<br />

for sites at the park are fabulous.<br />

‘‘We are certainly looking forward to a<br />

busy, busy season this year.’’<br />

He says alot of local people are<br />

looking at camping in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

camping grounds this coming season.<br />

‘‘We are noticing many are opting to<br />

camp out closer to home as travelling<br />

becomes more expensive, which is great<br />

as we are afamily friendly destination<br />

here in Woodend Beach.’’<br />

Mr Camp says they have already<br />

planned and booked in awide variety of<br />

children and family activities for the<br />

Christmas /New Year holiday period.<br />

‘‘It is good to see the international<br />

tourists starting to come back and this<br />

coupled to agood rise in the number of<br />

domestic visitors, should count for a<br />

good season this year.’’<br />

He says the weather they have been<br />

getting there has been wonderful so far<br />

and with the forecast for ahotter, dryer<br />

summer than last year, will also help<br />

boost numbers camping out in the<br />

district.<br />

Thumbs up to new surface<br />


2616587<br />

The newly laidsurfaceatthe Woodend<br />

Bowling Club is living up to expectations.<br />

Club selector Rex MacAuley says the<br />

surface, which was laidafter Christmas,<br />

has comeonbeautifully.<br />

‘‘It’savery goodsurface which has<br />

come up reallywell. It’s acredittothe<br />

groundsman and the large team of<br />

members who spent many hundreds of<br />

hoursgettingitlevel and ready for this<br />

year’s competitionseason.’’<br />

The club officially started their <strong>2023</strong>/24<br />

seasonon<strong>September</strong> 12, but bad weather<br />

delayed the start of games.<br />

On Tuesday the first womans and<br />

mixedteams championshipevents were<br />

held.<br />

Woodend Bowling Club is known as one<br />

of the few clubs offering amixed mens<br />

and womansevent which members say is<br />

awelcomeoption.<br />

Lining it up ... Adrienne Owens­Jones in<br />

action in one of the first championship<br />

games played this season on the Woodend<br />

Bowling Clubs new surface. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE<br />

HC TLS3545<br />



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at Rangiora Vet Centre<br />

If you think your pet is being suspiciously quiet and getting<br />

up to mischief -trust your gut -goand check on them!<br />

PICTURED ABOVE are just a selection of some of the objects our vet team<br />

removed from dogs in our hospital recently. We’re here 24/7 if your pet<br />

gets up to mischief -donot hesitate to call if you are concerned they have<br />

ingested something they should not have!<br />

Keep one eye on them and the other on our social media channels for<br />

interesting cases and updates of pets in our community, as well as<br />

important educational and promotional announcements.<br />

Antibiotics are essential for treating bacterial infections inhumans<br />

and animals. However, they can be rendered ineffective if bacteria<br />

become resistant to them. This is more likely if antibiotics are<br />

used inappropriately, which could result in significant human and<br />

animal health issues.<br />

The World Health Organisation has long held the view that antimicrobial/<br />

antibacterial resistance is one of the biggest threats facing mankind.<br />

Bacteria are becoming resistant to multiple antibiotics at aspeed that is<br />

outpacing the development of newer antibiotic options.<br />

In view of this, it is important to rationalise the use of these essential<br />

medicines, maximising clinical efficacy while minimizing the spread of<br />

resistance, in both human and animal health fields.<br />

At RVC, we take our role in antibiotic stewardship very seriously and we need<br />

your help.<br />

Factors that your veterinarian will take into account when deciding on<br />

appropriate antibiotic use are:<br />

1. Is abacterial infection truly present? Cytology and culture of the affected<br />

tissue may berequired to be sure. Antibiotics do not work against viruses<br />

or fungal infections.<br />

2. What sort ofbacteria are present and are they actually causing disease, or<br />

just normal contaminants of the wound or tissue.<br />

3. Is there an underlying disease or injury that could have caused the<br />

infection?<br />

4. Are antibiotics truly needed or will your pet/farm animal likely manage<br />

the inflammatory response ontheir own orwith other forms of treatment,<br />

such as wound flushing ortopical treatments?<br />

5. If antibiotics are deemed to be needed, which is the most appropriate<br />

antibiotic and what dose and course length is most appropriate?<br />

Prevalence of certain bacteria and lab data in our local population, as<br />

well as an awareness of the importance of the different antibiotic classes<br />

in human medicine will be taken into account.<br />

6. New Zealand antibiotic prescribing guidelines will be followed.<br />

Sometimes, it will be most appropriate to just monitor the situation for your<br />

animal and modify the plan if symptoms change or do not improve. Pain<br />

management and anti-inflammatory medication will likely improve matters in<br />

the meantime.<br />

rangiora_vet_centre<br />

Rangiora Vet Centre<br />

How can you help?<br />

The health care of your pet is apartnership between yourselves, as owners,<br />

and your veterinary team.<br />

• Prevention: One of the best things pet owners and farmers can do to help<br />

in this global fight against antibiotic-resistance is through providing good<br />

nutrition, healthcare and the appropriate vaccinations for your animals, to<br />

help prevent their animals from becoming sick.<br />

• Ifantibiotics are needed, itisimportant that you give them as prescribed<br />

on the label, and follow other treatment measures, even if symptoms<br />

improve. However, wedounderstand that treatments are not always easy!<br />

If you have any difficulty ingiving the medication oryour pet appears to<br />

be suffering side effects, it is critical that you notify your vet promptly.<br />

• Please monitor your pet or farm animal closely and contact your vet if it<br />

does not improve as expected.<br />

• Revisit your vet, if requested, toensure treatment has been successful.<br />

Further cytology or culture may beneeded to be sure.<br />

• Understand that further tests and treatments may berequired ifthe<br />

condition does not improve.<br />

• Never save left-over prescribed antibiotics for future use. Werecommend<br />

you return them to your vet clinic for safe disposal.<br />

• Without antibiotics, simple illnesses can become life-threatening.<br />

Locally owned &operated<br />

for more than 50 years<br />


minute<br />

new customer<br />

consultation<br />

•Complete nose to tail check including:<br />

joints, lumps, eyes, ears, nails, microchip check,<br />

heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate.<br />

•Opportunity todiscuss any concerns<br />

you have for your pets wellbeing.<br />

•Diet, flea and worm treatment discussion.<br />

•Full clinical history transfer if required.<br />


Ph: 03 313 8387. 181 Lehmans Road<br />

•Open late until 7pm Monday -Friday and Saturday 9am -4pm<br />

•Emergency 24/7 After Hours Hospital<br />

You will always receive awelcoming smile from the customer service team,<br />

and your pet can be assured of the best possible care from our team.<br />

Best Practice Hospital Accredited facility offering superior care and an<br />

extensive range of services for all animals from vaccinations to complex<br />

surgeries, internal medicine and cancer treatment.<br />


Vaccination <strong>News</strong><br />


Open until 6pm Monday to Friday, this branch is conveniently located onthe<br />

edge of Woodend, Ravenswood and Pegasus with loads of off-street parking.<br />

It is also home to the Woodend Cattery, and Animal Dermatology <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Our Woodend branch has a small community clinic vibe, offering an extended<br />

list of veterinary services from vaccinations to dentistry and routine surgery.<br />

The dedicated team are passionate about helping pets and their owners with<br />

long term chronic care plans, and also getting to the bottom ofirritations,<br />

allergies and skin disease.<br />


Ph: 03 312 8387. 138 Main <strong>North</strong> Road.<br />

Ph: 03 327 8387. Cnr Williams &Hilton Sts.<br />

Canine Cough (formally known as Kennel Cough) outbreaks during<br />

the previous summer periods, has prompted many local dog<br />

owners to have abooster vaccination given over December and<br />

January. This was asmart move.<br />

However, as a result all vet clinics will have alarge number of dogs falling<br />

due for their boosters again during what is already a very busy period in the<br />

veterinary calendar.<br />

Vaccination appointments are normally restricted during the spring and<br />

summer months to allow our vets to deal with the influx of injuries, illnesses,<br />

toxicities, allergic reactions, barley grass seeds (and outbreaks!) which occur<br />

when people are generally out and about more with their dogs.<br />

Consequently, Rangiora Vet Centre, as well as the branch clinics in Woodend<br />

and Kaiapoi has taken the proactive approach and made available more<br />

vaccination appointments, toensure clients are not turned away when their<br />

pet becomes due.<br />

Small Animal Veterinarian, Kathy Preston, says that the strength of immunity<br />

following avaccination is strongest during the 3months immediately after<br />

vaccination, and the protection from the Canine Cough vaccine only lasts<br />

up to 12 months. It is no problem bringing the vaccination date forward, but<br />

running overdue presents a risk for your dog. Therefore, it also makes sense<br />

for you to ensure your pet receives their vaccination PRIOR to the time of<br />

greatest risk (boarding kennels, summer outings and increased interaction<br />

with other dogs).<br />

If you’ve got holiday plans and your cat or dog is going for a sleepover at a<br />

boarding facility, Kathy reminds you that it takes at least 10 days to respond<br />

fully to avaccine, so it is important that you plan carefully for your pet’s<br />

“holiday”, too.<br />

Please keep this in mind and book your cat or dog in for their<br />

vaccination early so you don’t miss out and put them at risk!<br />

Open 6days aweek, great central location with loads of parking options.<br />

With along history inKaiapoi this community based clinic offers an<br />

extensive range of veterinary care from health care treatments and<br />

consultations, to routine surgery, dentistry and also acupuncture.<br />

The compassionate team of Vets and nurses love all their patients to bits<br />

and work tirelessly to provide the best care possible.<br />



after hours veterinary care<br />

Please always call first 0800 evh 111<br />

Located atRangiora Vet Centre<br />

181 Lehmans Road, Rangiora<br />


NEWS<br />

24 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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SCAN ME<br />

Camp lease for tender<br />

The Gore Bay and Buxton camping<br />

grounds provide special memories for<br />

Peter and Sandra van Hout.<br />

Long­serving campers, Peter and<br />

Sandra from Sumner, in Christchurch<br />

say the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> recreational<br />

facility holds aspecial charm, of which<br />

departing leasees Kim Bestic and Mike<br />

Watson were part of.<br />

Peter and Sandra have 20 years worth<br />

of family camping memories in their<br />

coastal hideaway, declaring themselves<br />

the second­longest stayers.<br />

And they have watched Kim and<br />

Mike’s children grow up, alongside their<br />

own extended family.<br />

‘‘We stay Show Weekend and then<br />

every weekend from the middle of<br />

January until Easter.<br />

‘‘We arrive on aFriday night after<br />

work, and depart for home as late as<br />

possible on aSunday,’’ the van Houts<br />

say.<br />

Their children have enjoyed many<br />

summers there, and now their very<br />

young grandchildren’s camping chapter<br />

has begun.<br />

‘‘We need to start them early,’’ Peter<br />

says.<br />

The van Houts have plenty of good<br />

things to say about the caretakers and<br />

the previous caretakers, who have<br />

restored the camping ground back to a<br />

charming spot, aplace for acamping<br />

holiday, or aspot to pass through.<br />

Their hope is it can continue as a<br />

camping ground to make memories for<br />

the future.<br />

Peter and Sandra also enjoy helping<br />

people coming into the camping ground<br />

who look lost, talking them through how<br />

it all works, and getting people settled<br />

in.<br />

‘‘We have had many aconversation<br />

with tourists from all sorts of countries.<br />

‘‘Most, if not all of them have made one<br />

comment or other about staying, always<br />

Special memories ... Peter and Sandra<br />

van Hout at Gore Bay.<br />


positive.’’<br />

Peter, akeen cyclist, has been around<br />

the block quite afew times, and during<br />

Show Weekend asmall group of campers<br />

enjoy rides together for some long<br />

adventures.<br />

‘‘And did Imention the surf?’’<br />

Kim says it is great there are still<br />

camping grounds like Gore Bay for<br />

families with tents, as well as caravans<br />

and motorhomes, to enjoy the beach side<br />

kiwi camping experience that is<br />

becoming rarer.<br />

Meeting an endless variety of people<br />

from so many places has been the<br />

highlight for them.<br />

To view more about the lease tender<br />

go to hurunui.govt.nz/council/alerts?<br />

item=id%3A2ng532uz11cxby04ea45 or<br />

email evan.schoombie@hurunui.govt.<br />

nz, ring the council on 03 314 8816<br />

(Amberley), 03 319 8812 (Cheviot), or 03<br />

315 8400 (Amuri/Hanmer Springs).<br />

Applications close Thursday, October 19.<br />

About Moving Forward:<br />

Waimakariri’s Integrated<br />

Transport Strategy<br />

We are creating an integrated vision to meet<br />

the transport challenges facing our District.<br />

Have your say before 5pm Sunday 1October<br />

at waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

25<br />


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Coastal erosion ... The road to this scenic <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> beach —Nape Nape —<br />

is being eroded.<br />


Coastal quandary<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

The growing threat of erosion to<br />

coastal roads has prompted the<br />

Hurunui District Council to seek<br />

guidance on how to respond.<br />

Councillors were asked to make a<br />

decision, at Tuesday’s council<br />

meeting, on whether to continue<br />

maintaining Nape Nape Road at<br />

Blythe River, south of Hurunui River.<br />

Chief operations officer Daniel<br />

Harris said Nape Nape Road had been<br />

subject to slips in heavy rain events<br />

and coastal erosion over the last five<br />

years and was becoming costly to<br />

maintain.<br />

Over the last few months the council<br />

has been forced to make decisions<br />

about other coastal roads and<br />

communities, including Claverley<br />

Road, north of Cheviot, and the<br />

Amberley Beach Golf Club’s access on<br />

Golf Links Road.<br />

This prompted councillors to call<br />

for astrategy to be developed and<br />

included in next year’s 2024/34 Long<br />

Term Plan to provide some guidance.<br />

‘‘This is quite abig decision for us<br />

because it is the first time we have had<br />

to do it,’’ Deputy Mayor Vince Daly<br />

said.<br />

‘‘We need to have aset of<br />

parameters to help us when making<br />

these decisions,’’ Cr Fiona Harris<br />

said.<br />

Cr Gary Jackson moved two motions,<br />

one calling for council staff to restore<br />

access to Nape Nape Road over the<br />

summer and the second to develop ‘‘a<br />

high level framework’’ for making<br />

decisions around coastal erosion.<br />

He called for council staff to provide<br />


information on other roads which<br />

were vulnerable to coastal erosion<br />

and climate change.<br />

‘‘If there is going to be abudget<br />

blowout we need to know about it<br />

because we need to make adecision<br />

on whether to rate for it.’’<br />

Mr Harris said $53,258 was spent<br />

last year to repair Nape Nape Road<br />

after extensive slips, rockfall and<br />

areas where high tides had claimed<br />

the road.<br />

After further weather events in<br />

January, council staff made the<br />

decision to stop maintaining the road<br />

and a‘‘road closed’’ sign was erected.<br />

Landowners made adeputation to<br />

the council in August requesting the<br />

council return to maintaining the<br />

road.<br />

They indicated restoring the road to<br />

afour­wheel­drive access standard<br />

would be acceptable.<br />

Nape Nape Road provided access to<br />

several properties, to the beach and<br />

Department of Conservation land, and<br />

it was apopular tourist spot.<br />

Councillors voted to restore access<br />

to the road ‘‘as inexpensively as<br />

possible’’ for the next six months.<br />

It was suggested the landowners be<br />

asked to maintain the road.<br />

‘‘It gives us time to think about what<br />

we can do and what role the<br />

landowners have to play,’’ Cr Robbie<br />

Bruerton said.<br />

‘‘It also gives the landowners time to<br />

think about what they want to do.’’<br />

Two landowners were at Tuesday’s<br />

council meeting, but declined to<br />

comment to Local Democracy<br />

Reporting.<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

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Local arts exhibition<br />

to showcase district<br />


The Waimakariri Public ArtsTrust<br />

is callingonthe arts community to<br />

come together for anew exhibition<br />

showcasing the district's talented<br />

artists, and supporting the trust.<br />

The Braided Art Exhibition <strong>2023</strong> is<br />

beingorganised by the trust,and<br />

will be heldinthe foyer of the<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Council's<br />

Rangiora service centre,from<br />

WednesdayNovember22until<br />

Friday November 24.<br />

Artists wanting to take part in the<br />

exhibition candosobycollecting a<br />

free entry form, which includes<br />

informationaboutthe exhibition, at<br />

one of Waimakariri’s threepublic<br />

libraries, in Rangiora, Oxford and<br />

Kaiapoi, where they will alsoget a<br />

free 6x6 canvas from the Arts trust<br />

for their work.<br />

However, canvasnumbers are<br />

limited and must be collected by<br />

October 26.<br />

Artwork mustbereturned to the<br />

libraries by November 10.<br />

The trust’s chairwomanJackie<br />

Watson says the Braided Art<br />

Exhibition <strong>2023</strong> is an opportunityfor<br />

the wider Waimakariri community<br />

to buy aunique piece of art by alocal<br />

artist.<br />

It could also help people to learn<br />

aboutwhat the trustdoes,and how<br />

they can help if they want to.<br />

Ms Watsonsays it willalso help to<br />

get to know Waimakariri’s artists,<br />

and see how their artwork enriches<br />

the community.<br />

The WaimakaririPublic Arts Trust<br />

is acharitable trust which was<br />

establishedtwo years ago to<br />

promote the artsand raisefunds to<br />

commission public outdoor art<br />

worksinWaimakariri.<br />

Andrew Drummond'ssculpture,<br />

Karo,onthe banks of the Kaiapoi<br />

River,was the trust’sfirst art<br />

installation.<br />

The trusthas alsobeen<br />

responsible for organisingthe<br />

Randall Watsonsculpture, The<br />

Gathering.<br />

The Gathering was agift fromthe<br />

late Christopher Marshall, which<br />

was installedrecently in the Ohoka<br />

Domain.<br />

Other sculptures are in the<br />

pipeline including one at the<br />

MainPowerStadium in Rangiora.<br />

Since the ArtsTrust was<br />

establishedone of the trustees, Win<br />

Stringer, hascollated a<br />

comprehensive list of Waimakariri’s<br />

publicoutdoor sculptures and it has<br />

been usedtocreate the trust’s first<br />

calendar.<br />

Photographs of Karo and some of<br />

Waimakariri’s older sculptures, not<br />

organised by WPAT,including the<br />

Margaret MBlackwell Trust’s Water<br />

Feature sculpture, outside the<br />

Kaiapoi public library, are featured<br />

in the calendar whichwill be<br />

available to buy at the exhibition.<br />

The trustees are hoping the<br />

calendar will provepopularwith<br />

individualsand companies looking<br />

for Christmas giftsthat feature<br />

Waimakariri.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong> 27<br />

Winnie-the-Pooh comes to life<br />


The much­loved characters in A.A.Milne’s<br />

charmingchildren’s story,Winnie­The­<br />

Pooh,have been brought to life by students<br />

from Rangiora’sHartleySchool of<br />

Performing Arts (HSPA).<br />

The schoolproduced twoshows, of<br />

Winnie­The­Pooh,with the same cast, at<br />

the Rangiora Town Hall Theatre last<br />

Saturday, playing to packedhouses.<br />

The schools’s founder Dale Hartley<br />

Brown, said it was ashort show, with no<br />

interval.<br />

However, some of the cast hadtheir<br />

school production earlier in the week so<br />

they were extrabusy.<br />

‘‘They all worked so hard,’’ Dale said.<br />

She was thrilled withthe support the<br />

showsreceived.<br />

‘‘Theonly downerwas that some<br />

students fell sickover that last week, so we<br />

lost about fourperformers due to illness.<br />

No leads thankgoodness,’’ she said.<br />

Preparation for the show beganearly<br />

this year.<br />

‘‘Hannah Thompson,our director, began<br />

writing the show in March, andweapplied<br />

for the rightstoall of the music in June and<br />

July,’’ Dalesaid.<br />

Auditions for leads were held at the end<br />

of June and rehearsalstook all of term<br />

three—from late July until <strong>September</strong>.<br />

The performerswere all from HSPA.<br />

‘‘We auditionfor the leadcharacters<br />

from within the school.But all of the group<br />

work is done by the classes of students, so<br />

everyone who takesaclass gets to be on<br />

stage,’’ she said.<br />

In the end, 90 juniors performedinthe<br />

show.Therewas also 11 crew who were<br />

mainly senior students from HSPA, plus a<br />

raft of parent helpers in the dressing<br />

rooms.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>28</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Brackenfields for sale<br />


The 27,000 square metre Brackenfields<br />

Shopping Centre in Amberley is up for<br />

sale.<br />

Commercial real estate investment<br />

firm, Erskine Owen, has launched anew<br />

property syndicate —Brackenfields<br />

Property Syndicate —tobuy the $15<br />

million retail development.<br />

It is the company’s first entry into the<br />

retail market.<br />

The centre is anchored by the 3564<br />

square metre Countdown Supermarket,<br />

which experienced a23percent revenue<br />

growth over the past four years.<br />

Simon Paris, Erskine Owen's general<br />

manager of Investor Relations, says<br />

supermarket­anchored developments of<br />

this nature do not enter the market<br />

often, and they anticipate strong<br />

wholesale investor interest.<br />

He says the commercial retail hub<br />

generates about $1,377,311 net income<br />

per annum across 16 tenancies.<br />

‘‘Pressure on Christchurch’s housing<br />

stock is contributing to significant<br />

growth in townships like Amberley<br />

which has seen a118% increase in<br />

property values over the past decade.<br />

‘‘A further surge in growth is expected<br />

in the coming months as eight new<br />

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residential subdivisions and a$200m<br />

retirement village are completed,<br />

offering housing for hundreds of<br />

residents.<br />

‘‘The influx of new residents is also<br />

expected to boost traffic to the shopping<br />

centre with the nearest competing<br />

supermarkets in Kaikoura, 135km to the<br />

north and Woodend, 25km to the south,<br />

creating asignificant geographic<br />

advantage for the Brackenfields retail<br />

hub,’’ Mr Paris says.<br />

Countdown Amberley has five years<br />

remaining on the lease term, with afinal<br />

lease expiry in 2049.<br />

The three­building shopping precinct<br />

was built in 2014 and has alettable area<br />

of 5790sqm.<br />

The site also has an undeveloped,<br />

1000sqm adjacent area which presents<br />

further opportunities for retail<br />

expansion of the hub.<br />

In addition to the supermarket, the<br />

centre is supported by 15 specialty<br />

tenancies including apharmacy, bakery<br />

and cafe, fish &chip shop and an ATM,<br />

he says.<br />

Mr Paris says the Brackenfields<br />

Property Syndicate offers wholesale<br />

investors, with aminimum investment of<br />

$100,000, aprojected 8% cash return.<br />

It is now open for subscription.<br />

Open home at centre<br />


An openhome,tothank the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

community for its ‘‘unwavering’’ support<br />

helping build theCancer Society’snew<br />

state­of­the­art centre,isbeing held on<br />

Saturday(<strong>September</strong>30).<br />

The community eventwill run from<br />

10amto2pm at thenew Christchurch<br />

facility at 74 LangdonsRd, where the<br />

publicwillbeinvited to tourthe new<br />

centre.<br />

‘‘This will grant peopleaunique<br />

opportunitytowitness theexceptional<br />

progress madeand understand the<br />

difference this centrewillmake in the<br />

lives of cancerpatients and their<br />

families,’’CancerSociety brand and<br />

communications co­ordinatorAleisha<br />

Duncan says.<br />

‘‘Whether youare amember of the<br />

community who has supported the project<br />

along the way or someone with anew<br />

interest in the centre,this event is an<br />

opportunitytocome together,honour<br />

accomplishments,and look forwardtoa<br />

futurewhereno­one feels alone in their<br />

battle againstcancer,’’she says.<br />

Thenew <strong>Canterbury</strong> CancerCentre is<br />

thefirst integratedcancersupport hub for<br />

NewZealandersfrom acrossthe South<br />

Island,and willprovide awide range of<br />

comprehensiveservices, including 50<br />

guest accommodation rooms,mainly for<br />

thosetravelling fromout of town to<br />

receive cancertreatment in Christchurch.<br />

CancerSociety<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

community engagement manager<br />

GabrielleO’Connell saysthe newcentre<br />

hasreceived supportfrom <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> residents andother<br />

communities across <strong>Canterbury</strong> and the<br />

West Coast.<br />

‘‘The build comes on thebackofyears of<br />

fundraising from volunteers,patients and<br />

staff, government policy,covid`shovelready'moneyand<br />

donationsfrom<br />

individualsand businesses.’’<br />

Formoreinformation aboutthe<br />

community day contact:Aleisha at: email:<br />

communications@cancercwc.org.nz.OR<br />

mobile: 027 6230408.<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

World Heritage status sought for Kaikoura<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

29<br />

Kaikōuracouldsoon be aWorldHeritage<br />

site.<br />

Te Korowai otetai ō Marokura,<br />

Kaikōura’scoastal guardian,plans to<br />

apply to be included in theUnited<br />

NationsEducational,Scientific and<br />

Cultural Organisation(UNESCO)World<br />

Heritage list.<br />

Theannouncementfollows abid by the<br />

district to seekdarksky sanctuary status<br />

from theInternationalDark­Sky<br />

Association.<br />

Chairperson Tā Mark Solomonsays<br />

Kaikōura is ‘‘anoutstanding example’’ of<br />

cultural connectionwith landand sea<br />

over 800yearsofsettlement.<br />

He said Te Tai ō Marokura,the coastal<br />

area of Kaikōura,was an integral part of<br />

Ngāti Kurī hapū andNgāiTahuhistory<br />

andcultural identity.<br />

This connectionwent backtothe<br />

tradition of Paikea,the whale rider, an<br />

ancestorofNgāti Kurī.<br />

In recent years thecoastline hadbeen<br />

preserved through conservation,the<br />

study of whales andthe development of<br />

sustainabletourism, Tā Mark says.<br />

WorldHeritagestatus wouldrecognise<br />

Kaikōura’sindustry,projects, cultures<br />

andpeople, thegeology, ecology, biology<br />

andastronomy, he said.<br />

Kaikōuraboasted nutrient­rich sea<br />

canyons withone of theworld’slargest<br />

diversity of marinemammals in one<br />

place.<br />

Thecoastline is alsorenowned for its<br />

endemicbird species,includingthe<br />

Hutton’s shearwater, and forseafood<br />

includingcrayfish.<br />

Tā Mark saidthe Kaikōuraregion was<br />

favoured by Māori because of its<br />

abundant mahinga kai (food gathering<br />

resources).<br />

Thesea provided kaimoana (sea food),<br />

Coastal features ... Cultural artworks were installed along State Highway 1south of Kaikōura as part of the roading network recovery<br />

after the 2016 earthquake.<br />


rivers gave freshwater fish andtuna<br />

(eels), and thelandwas plentifulinplants<br />

and bird life.<br />

Extensive gardensand the cultivation<br />

of kumara, aruhe(fernroot), tī kouka<br />

(cabbage trees)and karakawere also<br />

established.<br />

Te Korowaisecretary GinaSolomon<br />

saidWorld Heritage statuswould also<br />

recognise thedistrict’s agricultural<br />

history.<br />

‘‘Fromthe kumara gardensthrough to<br />

the regenerativefarming andwetlands<br />

development of today is apart of its<br />

heritage.<br />

‘‘Whatbettermarketing toolisthere<br />

thanstating thatthis lamb,beef,milk,<br />

wool, fish, honey,wine,orgin camefrom<br />

aWorld Heritage listedarea?’’<br />

TheKaikōura sea canyonand<br />

mountains wererecognisedashaving<br />

‘‘strong potential’’inthe 2006 by the New<br />

ZealandWorld Heritage committee.<br />

Butitwas notpursued duealack of<br />

marineand coastalprotected areas,a<br />

lack of protectedlowlands linking coastal<br />

areas to the Seaward Kaikōuraranges<br />

andfragmentednature of marine<br />

planningand management.<br />

Sincethen Te Korowai otetai ō<br />

Marokura hasbeenestablished,bringing<br />

togetherfishers, touristoperators,<br />

environmentalists,iwi and government<br />

agencies.TeKorowai wasinstrumental in<br />

establishing theKaikōura Marine<br />

Strategy in 2012,which led to the<br />

Kaikōura(Te Tai oMarokura) Marine<br />

Management Actwhichpassed in 2014.<br />

The Actestablishedthe Kaikōura<br />

MarineArea,the Hikurangimarine<br />

reserve, awhalesanctuary, afur seal<br />

sanctuary, five mātaitai reserves and<br />

Taiāpure­localfisheries.<br />

Since the 2016Waiauearthquake,<br />

cultural artworks havebeen installed<br />

along State Highway1and work is<br />

progressingonagreatwalkand the<br />

Whale trail cycleway.<br />

New Zealandhas three world heritage<br />

areas: Te Wāhipounamu –SouthWest<br />

New Zealand, Tongariro NationalPark<br />

and theSubantarctic islandsofAotearoa.<br />

Publicinterest journalism funded<br />

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30 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Titles galore at Kaiapoi book sale<br />


Adventure versus romance, history<br />

versus pictorial ,there weretitles galore<br />

on offer at the AnglicanParish of<br />

Kaiapoi’s thrice yearlybook fair held at<br />

St Bartholomew'schurch hallover the<br />

weekend.<br />

Organising teammember Mary<br />

Mackintosh says the fundraiser for the<br />

parish again attractedagood turnout.<br />

‘‘Westarted the book fair in 2016 and<br />

run it three timesayear to help raise the<br />

funds necessary to supportthe parish’s<br />

charityprojects.’’<br />

She says it is wonderful how the<br />

community comestogethertosupport the<br />

workdone by the parish.<br />

‘‘Each timewehost the fair, students<br />

fromKaiapoi HighSchool come down<br />

and help us move the books from their<br />

storageroom to the hall at St<br />

Bartholomew's.<br />

Theyalso help us sort thembyauthors<br />

and genres.’’<br />

Whenthe teamfind double­ups or<br />

books not of interest to their buyersthey<br />

donate themtothe otherbook sales held<br />

in the district eachyear.<br />

Before Covid disruptions any books<br />

considerednot suitable for salebybeing<br />

to topic focusedortoo old but still<br />

readable were packaged and sent to the<br />

Pacific Islands to help in the education of<br />

people there.<br />

Mrs Mackintosh says the two day long<br />

salehad steady numbers for bothdays.<br />

‘‘It’s alwaysajob keepingthe boxes of<br />

books on offer stocked and then we have<br />

all the jigsawpuzzlesand DVD’s to sort<br />

and lay out as well.’’<br />

She says the sale has kept up with the<br />

times. ‘‘Once when CD’s went out of<br />

favour and DVD’sbecamemore popular<br />

we were stuck with alarge box of CD’s at<br />

the end of one sale, then suddenlya<br />

buyer showed up and bought the lot.’’<br />

Just looking ... Warren Vance of Kaiapoi, browses through the thousands of books on<br />

offer at the Anglican Parish of Kaiapoi’s thrice yearly book fair held at St Bartholomew’s<br />

Church.<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

New war memorial on the drawing board<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

The Culverden communityishoping to<br />

have anew war memorialinplacefor the<br />

town’sAnzac Day service next year.<br />

Fundraising is under way and a<br />

memorial design has beenapproved with<br />

the support of the Hurunui District<br />

Council, Culverden Community<br />

Committeechairperson DavidCroft said.<br />

The new design is based on acorten<br />

steel memorial at Leyland in England,<br />

with the shape of asoldier cut out and<br />

standing nine metres high.<br />

The Culverden version will be six<br />

metreshigh,with apoppyand the words<br />

‘‘LestWeForget’’ on the front and a<br />

memorial on the other side, which will be<br />

lit up at night.<br />

It will be placed in the Rutherford<br />

Reserve,next to Amuri Area School.<br />

‘‘It is going to be very unique, there won’t<br />

be anything quite like it in New Zealand,’’<br />

Mr Croftsaid.<br />

The projectwas expected to cost<br />

$150,000.<br />

The Hurunui DistrictCouncil’s Amuri<br />

Community Committee,also chaired by Mr<br />

Croft,has approved the use of $56,000 in<br />

funds held in trust from the sale of the<br />

town’sDrill Hall in the 1980s.<br />

More than $20,000ofcommunity support<br />

has also been secured.<br />

The Drill Hall was built by the late<br />

DuncanRutherford in 1902 to train<br />

mounted rifleman and was gifted to the<br />

community. The Amuri mounted rifleshad<br />

to buy their own uniforms, so Rutherford<br />

paid for those who could notafford it, Mr<br />

Croft said.<br />

Anzac Day services alternated between<br />

Waiau,Rotherham and Culverden.<br />

Culverden services werepreviouslyheld<br />

in the AmuriArea School grounds, next to<br />

atree planted in memory of aformerpupil<br />

who was killed in World War 1. But the<br />

treeblew overduring astorm and had to<br />

be removed.<br />

Culverden last hosted the AnzacDay<br />

servicein2021, with the community<br />

gatheringatthe Culverden Volunteer Fire<br />

Brigade rooms,before crossing the busy<br />

Mountainview Roadtoaset of memorial<br />

gates.<br />

‘‘Itwas just not the right placefor the<br />

ceremony because it is such abusy road,’’<br />

Mr Croft said. ‘‘And we had the fire alarm<br />

go off in the middle of the service.’’<br />

Culverden was due to host the Anzac<br />

Day service againnext year and Mr Croft<br />

hoped the foundations would be laid<br />

before Christmas.<br />

The CulverdenCommunity Committee<br />

needed to raise another$70,00 and has<br />

already approached theRoyal New<br />

Zealand RSA and the Lotteries<br />

Commission, with support from the<br />

council.<br />

Aleaflet drop in the community is also<br />

planned.<br />

‘‘What we plan on building is reasonably<br />

simple, but Ithink it willbereally<br />

poignant,’’ Mr Croft said.<br />

Publicinterest journalism funded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

Memorial .,.. Ascale model of the<br />

proposed Culverden war memorial against<br />

the backdrop of the Rutherford Reserve.<br />


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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

33<br />

Specialist flood team<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

An increase in heavy rain events is<br />

forcing the Waimakariri District<br />

Council to rethinkhow it responds.<br />

Thecouncil has established an<br />

infrastructure resilienceteam to lead<br />

flood recovery efforts.<br />

Councillorshave also approved $4<br />

million for infrastructure repairs,<br />

following afloodevent in July, which<br />

saw more than 150mm of rainfall over<br />

threedays.<br />

‘‘We know severeweather eventsare<br />

happeningmore regularly and during<br />

each eventwelearn more about our<br />

stormwater, wastewaterand roading<br />

networks and where they need be<br />

strengthened andinvestment focused,’’<br />

MayorDan Gordon said.<br />

‘‘Rather than engaging consultants to<br />

workalongsidestaff, we’ve decided to<br />

recruit and put in placeaspecialist<br />

team to work on current known issues<br />

and improve the resilience of our<br />

entirenetwork.’’<br />

Thecouncil received 335 service<br />

requests from residents following<br />

July’srainevent, compared to more<br />

than 800 requests from amore severe<br />

rain event last year.<br />

TheJuly rain eventled to a<br />

precautionary self­evacuation of<br />

Tuahiwi at its peak, numerous road<br />

closures andwidespread surface<br />

flooding.<br />

‘‘Residents have told the council<br />

they’re concerned aboutflooding<br />

during heavy rainevents, especially<br />

now theyare happening more<br />

regularly,’’ Mr Gordon said.<br />

‘‘And they want assurance we’re<br />

doingwhatwecan to reduce the<br />

likelihood of flooding.’’<br />

❛Rather than engaging<br />

consultants to work<br />

alongside staff, we’ve<br />

decided to recruit and put in<br />

place aspecialist team to<br />

work on current known<br />

issues and improve the<br />

resilience of our entire<br />

network.❜<br />

—Waimakariri MayorDan Gordon<br />

He said the new fund provided a<br />

budget to fix known issues and to put<br />

skilled people in place as part of an<br />

infrastructure resilience team.<br />

The main areas to experience issues<br />

from July’s rain eventincluded Cam<br />

River/Ruataniwha, the Tuahiwi area,<br />

and Waikuku Beach.<br />

There werealso roadrepairs<br />

needed,including Lees Valley Road.<br />

Over the past threeyears $22.3<br />

million has been spent in Kaiapoi on<br />

floodprotection works such as<br />

pumping stations, drainand culvert<br />

improvements and mainsreplacement.<br />

It was partially fundedfrom the<br />

government’s ‘‘shovel ready’’ fund.<br />

‘‘We’vealready seen the benefit of<br />

theseimprovements during the July<br />

<strong>2023</strong> flooding ­known low­lying areas<br />

in Kaiapoi remained safe,’’ Mr Gordon<br />

said.<br />

‘‘We want to continue to build on this<br />

momentum with thisnew team and<br />

new fund.’’<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

throughNew Zealand on Air.<br />

The<br />

YUMMI<br />

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Theroleofcow,goatorsheep milk in<br />

thenutritionand health of olderwomen.<br />

Milk providesimportant nutrients that help older people to maintain<br />

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We will provideyou with cow, goat or sheep milkpowdertodrink<br />

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If youare awoman aged 60 to 80 yearsand candrink milk,wewould<br />

love to hear from you.<br />

DepartmentofHuman Nutrition<br />

Ping Ong<br />

yummistudy@otago.ac.nz|021 2798214<br />

This project hasbeen reviewed andapproved by theUniversity of Otago<br />

Human Ethics Committee (Health). Reference: H22/067<br />

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NEWS<br />

34 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Banks not only tool<br />


Stopbanks remainEnvironment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s (ECan) primarytoolfor<br />

keeping people safe fromflooding,says<br />

the regional council’s rivers manager<br />

David Aires.<br />

However, ECan recognises stopbanks<br />

are not the only solutionthat can be<br />

adoptedfor aparticularcommunity or<br />

river, andbecauseofthisithas been<br />

introducing other flood protection<br />

initiativesfor anumberofyears.<br />

Mr Aires followsapopularseries of<br />

nationwide talks,Making RoomFor<br />

Rivers, by Forest andBird freshwater<br />

advocateTom Kay,who saysallowing<br />

rivers to move rather thanengineering<br />

themintoartificialchannelsisanaturefriendly<br />

way to reduce flooding.<br />

‘‘Traditional hard­engineered solutions<br />

provide afalsesenseofsecurity,’’ Mr Kay<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Ithas givenusthe idea that it is safe to<br />

build homesand communitiesright up to<br />

the edges of rivers.<br />

‘‘These worksalsodestroy important<br />

habitat for nativefish, birds andinsects.<br />

Wetlands disappear, and rivers are<br />

disconnectedfrom theirfloodplains and<br />

the aquifers beneaththem,’’hesays.<br />

These unintended consequences<br />

degraded naturalwild rivers,ruined<br />

traditional kai gathering spots, and<br />

negatively impacted cultural, social,and<br />

economic wellbeing.<br />

‘‘The ongoing cost of maintaining our<br />

country’sfloodprotectioninfrastructure<br />

and cleaningupafter floodsis(and<br />

continues to be) enormous,’’ he says.<br />

Other initiativesECan has been<br />

introducing includethe Braided River<br />

Revival Whakahaumanu Ngā Awa ā<br />

Pākihi (BRR) which focusesonworking<br />

collaborativelytomaintain and enhance<br />

the natural character of braidedrivers.<br />

‘‘It is aboutaligning allour work in<br />

rivers, formingalliances with mana<br />

whenua,agencies, and thecommunity to<br />

take aholistic approachtoriver<br />

management andflood resilience,’’ Mr<br />

Aires says.<br />

‘‘BRRsignals ashiftfrom river<br />

management focused solely on flood<br />

protection, to one thatalso facilitates<br />

collaborativeefforts to protectand<br />

enhancethe rangeofvaluesthat make<br />

ourbraided rivers uniqueand important<br />

ecosystems.’’<br />

Region­wide BermTransitionProject<br />

is another tool usingnatural<br />

infrastructure, suchasplanting andweed<br />

control,toincrease thefloodresilience of<br />

river berms andsupport theregeneration<br />

of native plant habitat.<br />

‘‘This project wasmadepossiblethanks<br />

to one­off funding from theMinistry of<br />

Business Innovation andEmployment’s<br />

Kānoa–RegionalEconomic<br />

Development &InvestmentUnit,’’ Mr<br />

Aires says.<br />

Most of thework will be finished by<br />

December, andcontinuingitwillrequire<br />

ongoing funding.<br />

ECan’sflood protection schemes are<br />

largely funded throughtargeted rates.<br />

‘‘Whilewesupport giving rivers room to<br />

move as atooltomanagefloodprotection,<br />

we alsorecognisethe financial impact<br />

this hasonthese ratepayers,especially<br />

when privateland purchasemay be<br />

involved,’’hesays.<br />

‘‘Fullyembracingthe room­for­river<br />

approachtofloodmanagement will take a<br />

systems approach,withalignment<br />

between all who have an interest or<br />

responsibility for river bermsand land<br />

alongside rivers. It willalsotake an<br />

intergenerationalview,’’ Mr Aires says.<br />

‘‘It is criticalthat those who livealongside<br />

rivershaveasay in developing or<br />

changing solutionsfor flood protection.’<br />

Woolly stand<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Waimakariri’s councillors have made a<br />

stand for New Zealandwool.<br />

The WaimakaririDistrict Council has<br />

passedamotioncalling on staff to choose<br />

wool carpets over synthetic, wherever<br />

practical.<br />

In moving the motion,CrAlBlackie said<br />

the use of nylon carpets was in conflict<br />

with the council’s ‘‘sustainability<br />

mantra’’.<br />

‘‘Woolisasustainable and natural<br />

alternative to nylon and thereare new<br />

commercial grade woolproducts that are<br />

comparable in both cost and durability to<br />

synthetic carpets.<br />

‘‘Thisisasmall stepinthe right<br />

direction.’’<br />

Council staff presented amemo to<br />

councillors, asking to stillhave the option<br />

to choose the harder wearing nylon<br />

carpets.<br />

‘‘It would be good to retain use of both,<br />

as nylon can be harder wearing and there<br />

are highercosts with wool products,’’<br />

greenspace managerGrant MacLeod said.<br />

‘‘We don’t use wool at the moment<br />

generally becausenylon is cheaper,but<br />

we do need to startlooking at the social<br />

impact,’’ community and recreation<br />

general managerChris Brownconceded.<br />

Cr Blackie saidthe technology<br />

associated with wool carpet was<br />

improving all the time. ‘‘Wool carpetstick<br />

all the boxes. It is doable, it comes at a<br />

minimal extracost of around $1 extraper<br />

rate payer. Synthetic carpet is plasticand<br />

every time you walkonityou get<br />

nanoparticles of plasticinyour shoes and<br />

in your clothes. ‘‘[Scientists have] found<br />

that we all have nanoparticles of plastic<br />

insideusand all the animalsdoaswell.’’<br />

Apetitionwas recently presented to<br />

Parliament,callingonwool carpets to be<br />

used in government buildings.<br />

Light fest<br />

The MainPower Light Festival has<br />

been rescheduled for October 6and<br />

7.<br />

The festivalwill be held on Friday<br />

and Saturday nights, after being<br />

postponed from late <strong>September</strong> due<br />

to the wet weatherforecast.<br />

Ticket holders and otherswho<br />

were planning to attendthe event<br />

are advised to keep an eye on the<br />

MainPower FestivalofLight<br />

Facebook page or go to<br />

rangioralightandsound.co.nz for<br />

information about what is on at the<br />

lighting spectacular and the Night<br />

Market in theWaimakariri District<br />

Council car park next door.<br />

Art to bloom<br />

This year the Rangiora Art Society<br />

Spring Exhibition is all set to bloom in a<br />

new location.<br />

Rangiora Art Society Treasurer Julie<br />

Hassall says they are delighted to<br />

announce the annual show will be held in<br />

the Rangiora BoroughSchool Hall, 157<br />

King Street, Rangiora.<br />

‘‘This year we have65artists exhibiting<br />

at our Annual Spring Exhibition and we<br />

really hope that everyonewill enjoy the<br />

new biggerspace,’’ she says<br />

The guest artist for this year’s Spring<br />

Exhibition is Christine Watton of Kaiapoi,<br />

amixed media artist well knownfor her<br />

abstract floral imagery.<br />

Another whose work will feature is<br />

Sheryl Price­Hall, an artist with a<br />

penchant for experimentation across<br />

various mediums.<br />

The exhibition is open from 10.00am<br />

until 4.00pmfrom Friday, October 6, until<br />

Sunday,October 8. Gold coin entry.<br />

Scan for<br />


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DanRosewarne<br />

Labour list MP<br />

I’m here to help. Please get in touch if you<br />

require any assistance.<br />

dan.rosewarne.mp@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Private Bag 18 888, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160<br />

/DanRosewarneWaimakariri<br />

Authorised by Dan Rosewarne MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Learning the Canadian way of farming<br />


35<br />

Learning how Canadianfarmers work<br />

and managetheir farmswas the goal of<br />

WaimakaririYoungFarmers Club<br />

member Ashley Spark on atrip with the<br />

Brechin Young Farmers group of<br />

Scotland.<br />

Ashley took asix week break from her<br />

work at Claxby Farms at Eyrewell, to join<br />

agroup of sevenyoung farmers from<br />

Scotland, Ireland, <strong>North</strong>ern Ireland,<br />

Switzerland,Germany and Austriaona<br />

10 week long exchange.<br />

She shortened her trip to return and<br />

help out withcalving.<br />

They wereinCanada to see how dairy,<br />

beef,sheep,pig and goat farms wererun<br />

and how avarietyofcrop farms such as<br />

tobacco and grains weregrownincolder<br />

climates.<br />

Basedinthe Canadian province of<br />

Ontario for mostofthe six weeksshe was<br />

away,Ashley says she stayed with hosts<br />

in the small rural communities of<br />

Peterborough, Durham,Middlesex,<br />

Oxford and Renfreenorth east of<br />

Toronto and admitsitwas not what she<br />

was expecting.<br />

‘‘It was far better thanIcould have<br />

ever imagined.<br />

‘‘Theefforts from the hosts made<br />

everything amazing as they organised<br />

everything,asked our opinions and went<br />

out of their way to makeeveryone<br />

comfortable.’’<br />

Youngfarmers clubs themselves were<br />

similar in size to New Zealand varying<br />

between 20 and 50 members.<br />

The best food she tried was ‘Putin’ ­<br />

chipsand gravy with cheese curdontop.<br />

Otherhighlights includedvisiting a<br />

huge potatofarm with <strong>28</strong>50 acres sown in<br />

potatoes, and sampling waterbuffalo<br />

meat.<br />

Her host families arrangedeverything,<br />

often taking her on local excursions.<br />

One host eventook her to ashooting<br />

range where they shotmany different<br />

firearms.<br />

She says dairy farmsizes variedfrom<br />

30 milking cows to 1000and her dairy<br />

skillswere appreciated whenshe stayed<br />

on aJersey farm and helped with<br />

milking.<br />

One highlight was spendingCanada<br />

Day in Ottawa and visiting Niagara Falls.<br />

“Staying the night and watching the<br />

lightsand fireworks while therewas fun.<br />

‘‘I even got to see someMennonites<br />

who live withoutelectricity,which was a<br />

lot differenttoScotlandand New<br />

Zealand. Thesepeople were well<br />

respected among their communities.’’<br />

Her advicefor anyoneconsideringthis<br />

type of farm­based exchange is justdoit.<br />

‘‘Say yes to every opportunity as you<br />

get to do things you wouldnever be able<br />

to do. You get to spend timewith hosts<br />

who know all of the tips and tricks to get<br />

the best experiences.’’<br />

Learning experience ... Waimakariri<br />

Young Farmers Club member Ashley Spark<br />

(front left), with her group of young farmers<br />

touring Canada.<br />



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Proudly supporting sport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Hawarden golfers out drive city cousins<br />

Asmall group of women from the tiny<br />

Hawarden Golf Club have out shone<br />

many larger clubs in the past month.<br />

Ateam of four —Erin Mulholland,<br />

Nicky Lang, Rose Cassidy, Michelle<br />

Fletcher —won the Cowlishaw Cup at<br />

the Christchurch Golf Club, atrophy<br />

they last won in 19<strong>28</strong>.<br />

The invitation tournament for<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> clubs is apinnacle event,<br />

played in pairs playing straight<br />

foursomes.<br />

Ateam then went on to win the Boyle<br />

Cup for the first time since 1933, after<br />

successfully challenging Scargill on<br />

Friday, <strong>September</strong> 15.<br />

The Boyle Cup is like the Ranfurly<br />

Shield of Golf.<br />

It was presented to the Christchurch<br />

Golf Club in 1914, and is the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Interclub Match Play challenge trophy.<br />

Each team has five players who play<br />

individual match play.<br />

An interesting tradition allows<br />

caddies and spectators, adding to the<br />

excitement of the matches.<br />

For the small club winning the<br />

trophies has been very special,<br />

particularly as it does not have many<br />

women to choose from, and who are<br />

available to play.<br />

‘‘For asmall club like ours winning<br />

trophies like these is pretty special as<br />

we don’t have many women to choose<br />

from and who are available to play.’’<br />

Awinning smile ... The winning team,<br />

from left was Erin Mulholland, Nicky Lang,<br />

Rose Cassidy, Michelle Fletcher. PHOTO: SUPPLIED<br />

Ateam of high endurance<br />



Petria Haigh’s ambition thisracing<br />

season is not to get lost and to make<br />

the transtasman horseendurance<br />

racing team.<br />

‘‘I wasinsecond place at the<br />

Easter Nationals thisyear whenI<br />

misread adirectionmarker. I<br />

endedupnearly five kilometres<br />

away from where Iwas supposed<br />

to be and lost two places,soInever<br />

want to make that mistake again,’’<br />

she says.<br />

The 23­year­oldEyrewell­based<br />

endurance rider competes in longdistance<br />

horse riding endurance<br />

events ranging from20kilometres<br />

to 160km.<br />

‘‘They are alot of fun and<br />

require you and the horse to work<br />

as one.’’<br />

The formatfor an endurance<br />

horserace can cover up to 40km<br />

laps around adefined course.<br />

At the end of each lap, the horse<br />

must passcompulsory vet<br />

examinations.<br />

Petria says they lookclosely at<br />

the gait, heart rate,hydration, gut<br />

sounds and generalappearance.<br />

‘‘If any one of these is not right<br />

you're out.Ifall are okaythen they<br />

allowyou to do another lap.’’<br />

The welfare of the horse is<br />

paramount and whenalap is<br />

finished the ridersenter a<br />

strapping area where they, and the<br />

strapper, coolthe horse down and<br />

get its heartbeattoslow.<br />

‘‘It’s avery stressful time as the<br />

clockdoesn't stop in there, if it<br />

takesalong time to get your<br />

All set ... Petria Haigh and her<br />

mount Najah, ready for anew<br />

endurance horse racing season.<br />

Petria is holding the buckle she won<br />

racing in the Tom Quilty Gold Cup<br />

Australian Endurance Nationals.<br />


mount’s heart ratedown you can<br />

be passed by afollowing rider.’’<br />

The clock stops once the vet<br />

examinesthe horse and then<br />

teams get a40­minutebreak to rest<br />

before heading out for another lap<br />

if all is okay.<br />

Long­distance racescan often<br />

take over 15 hours to compete.<br />

Petria is preparing for her first<br />

race of the <strong>2023</strong>/24 season this<br />

weekend in Ashburton after<br />

campaigning for the past five<br />

months in Australia.<br />

‘‘It will be agood chancetotry<br />

out my new mountMagic and<br />

renew my racingbond with<br />

Najah.’’<br />

Najah,a16­year­old Arabian<br />

enduranceracing horse, and<br />

Petria, are in their fourth season<br />

ridingtogether.<br />

In 2022 the duo won the 100km<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and South Island<br />

Championship titles, were fourth<br />

place at the nationals at Easter and<br />

the <strong>Canterbury</strong> EnduranceClubs<br />

rider of the year. Theywerealso<br />

secondoverall in New Zealand for<br />

the horseand rider of the year<br />

pointscompetition.<br />

While in Australia, Petriarode<br />

for several teams, one owned by a<br />

descendent of the family that owns<br />

Mars Bars.<br />

‘‘Bothteams werevery<br />

professional, the Oso Arabian<br />

Horse Stud wereastrongracing<br />

team and Irodethreeraces for<br />

them, then Iworked at ariding<br />

schoolwhich empowers young<br />

riders.’’<br />

She says racing in Australia is<br />

very different fromNew Zealand.<br />

‘‘Races there are serious team<br />

events. Iwas shocked on my first<br />

race with nearly200 other<br />

competitors all jostling for position<br />

at the start line.Imissed the cue to<br />

start and followed them off.’’<br />

She says hereendurance racing<br />

fieldsare alot smaller, but she gets<br />

to rideover someofthe most<br />

beautiful scenery in the world<br />

compared to the dirtroads she<br />

raced on in Australia.<br />

The daughterofformer national<br />

speedway champion and atwo­star<br />

rated endurance horse racer Allan<br />

Haigh,Petria saysshe wouldn't<br />

mind havingagobehind the wheel<br />

of one of the mini­stocksone day.<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

Pocock Pairs: <strong>North</strong>/South: Heather Waldron/Colleen Adam 1,<br />

Noreen Thompson/Veronica Hall2,Judith Calder/David<br />

Rainey 3. E/W: Liz Duke/Barry Smart 1, Lorraine Proffit/Pam<br />

MacAllister 2, Gaynor Hurford/Dawn Simpson 3.<br />

Spring Pairs: N/S: Lyn Edwards/Sue McIlroy 1, Robyn Dawson/<br />

Joyce Gray 2, Jan Roose/Judith Driver 3. E/W: Dawn Simpson/<br />

Gaynor Hurford 1, Alison Price/Derek Wilson2,Jenny Hassall/<br />

Jill Amer 3.<br />

Junior Evening :N/S: Diane Graham/Trish Warnes 1and Gay<br />

Saunders/Debra Wilson equal 1, Ellis Sanders/Judy McIver 3.<br />

E/W: Denis Milne/Gerard McRae 1, Murray Messervy/Tim<br />

Marshall 2, Carol Creamer/Helen Creamer 3.<br />

Premier Pairs:N/S: Jim Knight/Ken Fox 1, Hilary Lakeman/<br />

Jill Amer 2, Owen Evans/Tony Biddington 3. E/W: Jenny Story/<br />

Peter Story 1, GaynorHurford/Dawn Simpson2,Nancy Harris/<br />

Maggie Johnston 3.<br />

Rangiora 9­hole golf<br />

Putting: Men: Ron Reed 15 c/b, 1; Hudson Dean 15 c/b, 2; John<br />

Gardner 15 c/b,3;Ralph Sinclair 15 c/b, 4.<br />

Women: Catherine Boddy 13, 1; Diane Sinclair 15 c/b, 2; Rita<br />

Moore 15, c/b, 3.<br />

Amberley Golf Club<br />

Melbourne Cup winner: H Murray, KGussettee +6, DBanton<br />

+3, DVan Turnhout +3, M Hedges +3,RDenby +3, SHeslop<br />

+2, J Cumming +2, J Reardon +1, PWylie +1,RHornblow +1,<br />

BYates 0.<br />

Excel Design Build Longest Putt: WVan Zuylen.<br />

Mid Week Men: SHarnett 40, GWayne 39, BBalderstone 39, A<br />

Genet 38, KGussettee 38, DFlewellen 38.<br />

Mid Week Women: 4BBB: SWiddowson and RLester 49<br />

Longest Putt: J Cumming.<br />

9Holers: MCarpenter 31, IPettigrew 34.<br />

Women: PMander 30, VCrooks 33.<br />

Amberley Bridge Club<br />

Monday Evening: JanRoose &JanenneCumming 1, Douschka<br />

&Tim Saunders 2, Shula Guse &Sarah Hughes­Games 3.<br />

Thursday Afternoon: N/S:Irene Carson &Mary Warren 1,<br />

Judith Driver &<br />

Jan Roose 2, Douschka Saunders &Nell McKellow 3. E/W<br />

Nancy Hassall &HughBradbury 1, Nola McKissock &Diane<br />

Watson 2, Grant Mangin &Ian<br />

Pettigrew 3.<br />



Cheviot 441 Downs Road<br />

New Listing<br />

Immaculate&Productive<br />

131.9ha based in prime <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>country,Bexley Downs hascometothe market. This property has everything you<br />

need, from extensive shed space,a2stand woolshed, anewly renovated homefeaturing adiesel burner, heat pump with 3<br />

bedrooms, 1bathroom and 2toilets. There is excellent fencingwith good electrics, water troughs in every paddock and dams<br />

in thehill paddocks also. Thisindicatesthat livestock management has been well considered and made convenient. This north<br />

facing farm has an amazing outlooktowards theKaikoura ranges -itdoesn't get much betterthan this! Bexley Downs has just<br />

over20ha in lucerne and is one of the first farms in Cheviot to wean lambs. Featuring flat paddocks as well as rolling to<br />

medium contour country, almost all paddocks will handle atractor, givingyou multiple farming options. All the hardwork is<br />

done!The vendors are nowretiringafter owning the property for over 22 years, the property is setupfor easy running as our<br />

vendors spend 6months per year overseas, so the potentialtoincrease production is very real.<br />

3 1<br />

Tender closes 4.00pm, Tue 24th Oct, <strong>2023</strong>(unless sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR104671<br />

Louisa Harmer<br />

M 027 848 5912<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E louisa.harmer@pb.co.nz<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Waipara 21 Ferguson Avenue<br />

New Listing<br />

Cosy Cottage, Huge Backyard!<br />

Step back in timetothe nostalgicdays of growing up in small-town NZ, with ahugefully fenced backyard forkids, petsand<br />

gardeners! Just 10min drivenorth of Amberley, you'll discover thevillage charm and sense of community that the local<br />

residents of Waipara love so much. Recently renovated, this cosy home provides afantastic base to explore thegreat outdoors<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. Alog burner keeps youbeautifully warm, the kitchen/dining combines gorgeous wooden floors with<br />

modern dayliving, and the whole home has been freshly painted. The entrance extension providesagreatstorage area for<br />

country life,plus aseparatelaundry and toilet. Thereisastandalonegarage whichoffers notonlyasecure space for your car<br />

and storage, but also added space foraworkshop, or perhaps potentialfor additional accommodation for visitors. There's<br />

abundantspace for trailer, boat, camper, or caravan parking,with lovely views of the rolling hills andfarmland. Enjoy this lowmaintenancehomeasitis,<br />

or bringyour ownvision to make it yours. Waipara is becoming reallypopular with homes very<br />

affordable forfirst-home buyers, or thosedownsizing from the country.<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />

3 1 2 1<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 18th October, <strong>2023</strong> at 3.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 1Oct 2.45 -3.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU165292<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M 021 312 230<br />

Dayan Muntz<br />

M 021 432 926<br />

E kirstyn.barnett@pb.co.nz<br />

E dayan.muntz@pb.co.nz<br />


Four FourSeasonsRealty<br />


Results YOUCAN RELYON!<br />

As your trusted real estateagent,Iwant to provide youwith the best<br />

possibleinsights into the appraisaland salesprocess.<br />

Whetheryou’reconsideringsellingorjust curious aboutyourproperty’s<br />

value, Iamhere to assistyou everystepofthe way.<br />

Scanthe QR code and get ready to discover howthe<br />

appraisalprocess works and howIcan personally<br />

assistyou in gettingyour property to market.<br />

It’stimetomakeinformed decisionswith confidence.<br />

Rangiora<br />

Fantastic agent whose result<br />

speaks foritself<br />

We found Karen very approachable.From<br />

the beginningshe wasclear in her strategyto<br />

sell our house &keptopencommunications<br />

throughout the process.Her market knowledge<br />

wasexemplary&she wasveryadept at<br />

answering themanyquestions we had.<br />

Adrienne Seller<br />


Four Seasons Realty<br />

KarenWARD<br />

021221 7027|03 313 6158<br />

karen.ward@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty2017Ltd<br />

Licensed Agent REAA 2008

The latest <strong>2023</strong> Nielsen readership survey<br />

is outand it reports...<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />

readership is<br />

UP<br />

One ad in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong> is read by<br />

64,000<br />

people every week<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Phone Dayna Burton<br />

Phone: 03 314 8335<br />

Email: dayna.burton@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Source Q1 2022 to <strong>2023</strong> Nielsen readership report all people 15+. Starmax is one ad placement in The Star/Bay Harbour <strong>News</strong>/Selwyn Times and <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>.


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

41<br />

Rangiora Museum<br />

Donald Ellis, Stony Creek baker and Sefton<br />

resident, will entertain at the Rangiora Museum<br />

on Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, at 7.30pm. His story<br />

‘‘Trouble at t'Mill’’ embraces immigration and the<br />

early textile industry. All welcome at 29 Good<br />

Street. Donations appreciated from nonmembers.<br />

Supper provided. No need to book. The<br />

Museum is open every Wednesday and Sunday<br />

1.30pm to 4pm.<br />

Amberley Bowling Club open day<br />

Awarm welcome awaits anyone, of any age, to<br />

join the club at the Amberley Domain on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 30 at 1.30pm. Come along and try your<br />

hand at bowling, and enjoy some good company.<br />

The club can supply the equipment. For more<br />

information phone 027 5755 604.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Inclusive Sports Festival<br />

This is aone day sporting festival for youth and<br />

those with disabilities. It will be held at<br />

MainPower Stadium, <strong>28</strong>9 Coldstream Road,<br />

Rangiora on Friday, <strong>September</strong> 29, between<br />

10.30am and 2.30pm.<br />

Kowai Archives Society Inc.<br />

To mark 100 years since the Kowai County<br />

Council officially opened its new office at<br />

Balcairn on October 5, 1922.<br />

This historic building which is also apeace<br />

memorial those who had fought in World War 1,<br />

will be open on Sunday, October 8, from 1pm to<br />

4.30pm.<br />

Volunteers will welcome visitors and show them<br />

around the building, which has been recently<br />

restored and strengthened after earthquake<br />

damage.<br />

Biscuits, tea /coffee will be provided.<br />

The daughter of Auschwitz, by Tova Friedman<br />

Aftersurviving the liquidationofthe Jewishghetto in central<br />

Poland,where she lived as atoddler,Tova was 5­years­old when she<br />

and her parents were sent to aNazi<br />

labour camp, and almostsix when she<br />

and her motherwere forcedinto a<br />

packed cattle truck and sent to<br />

Auschwitz II.<br />

Pic’sreallygood recipebook, by Pic<br />

Picot<br />

As wellasgivingafabulous range of<br />

tastypeanut butterrecipes, bothsweet<br />

and savoury, this book tells stories<br />

abouthow the brand got started.<br />

AbbeyRoad,byDavidHepworth<br />

The incredible history of how Abbey<br />

Road became the most famous<br />

recordingstudio in the world.<br />

These titlesare available in both<br />

Waimakaririand Hurunuilibraries.<br />

Find out more aboutrecent additions<br />

to the library collectionbygoing to the<br />

library catalogue at waimakariri.kotui.org.nz or hurunui.kotui.org.<br />

nz or contactyour locallibrary.<br />

What’s<br />

happening?<br />

We’d love to have the<br />

whole district covered<br />

when it comes to getting<br />

your news out there.<br />

Aburning issue in town?<br />

Aspecial achievement?<br />

Let us know!<br />

Send your news tips to<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Have yougot an<br />

opinion about a<br />

storyyou’veread?<br />

Send us your<br />

Letters to the Editor!<br />

Send all letters to<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Letters are limited to 250 words and may be<br />

abridged. All letters are published at the Editor’s<br />

discretion.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

To Let<br />


area. Villa type farmhouse,<br />

sunny verandah, wood<br />

panel hallway, 3 spacious<br />

bdrms, high ceilings<br />

throughout. Living room<br />

with log fire, retro kitchen<br />

with log fire, bathroom<br />

with shower & vanity,<br />

original laundry with toilet.<br />

Situated quiet sheltered<br />

area with spacious lawns,<br />

one garage, one carport.<br />

Contact 03 313 5187.<br />

Selling or Searching<br />

forsomething?<br />

You canfind it here in our classifieds...<br />

Phone 03 313 <strong>28</strong>40 to find out more<br />

Wanted To Rent<br />


2bdrms, by JP Enforcement<br />

Officer, clean & tidy,<br />

excellent references, looks<br />

after the property, long<br />

term only, around $400pw.<br />

Phone 021 040 4113.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary (Math,<br />

English,Science) up to<br />

NCEA level 3. Each<br />

student on an individually<br />

tailored programme. Kip<br />

McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03) 313 3638 or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.<br />

kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

Personal<br />

HI, I’m Alan. I’m in my<br />

early 70s but look and feel<br />

like I’m in my mid 60s. I’m<br />

5.11, happy /positive, have<br />

energy, own home, finan ok<br />

&enjoy life. Iamlooking<br />

to find an attractive slim<br />

lady with vitality, acompact<br />

figure and abig smile.<br />

Lets enjoy outings,<br />

socialising / dining out,<br />

lot’s of laughter and<br />

snuggles if you are so<br />

inclined. 027 659 4425.<br />

Home Services<br />

ROOF<br />


20yrs local<br />

experience.<br />

allroofs.co.nz<br />

027 416 0530<br />

2533270<br />

Flatmates<br />

FLATMATES wanted x2,<br />

all own new facilities,<br />

Mandeville area, suit<br />

students. Ph 021 111 4322.<br />

Personal<br />

60 year old<br />

widower working<br />

as afarm hand<br />

seeking aloving<br />

relationship with<br />

adown to earth<br />

woman. Someone<br />

to share life with.<br />

Ph/Txt<br />

0210 891 8780<br />

2596704<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Retail Sales<br />

Team Members<br />

We Need You!<br />

McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA are seeking applications from<br />

outgoing, friendly and enthusiastic people to join our<br />

successful Retail team, on aFixed Term.<br />

Work local<br />

Save yourself all those hours in the car each week.<br />

To be successful you will be:<br />

• Customer focused<br />

• Enjoy working inside and outside<br />

• Physically fitand strong<br />

• Able to climb ladders and use lifting equipment<br />

• Enjoy working as part of ateam<br />

• Able to think proactively<br />

• Able to work hard and smart<br />

• Familiarineither DIY or Customer Service<br />

• Weekend work willberequired<br />

McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policy in place,<br />

apre-employment drug test and medical will be required.<br />

Applicants must be aNew Zealand resident or hold avalid<br />

NewZealand visa.<br />

Please send your application and CV to:<br />

Retail Sales Team Member<br />

McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA<br />

Private Bag 1003<br />

Rangiora 7440<br />

or email: applications@mcalpines.co.nz<br />

2617232<br />

BUYING?<br />

SELLING?<br />


FOR<br />


Do it all in our<br />

classifieds!<br />

Contact Amanda on<br />

03 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email<br />


What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Thank You!<br />

Abig thank you tothose who came along on<br />

the weekend to help with the replanting of the<br />

Waikuku Beach shelterbelt.<br />

Earlier this year, the macrocarpa shelterbelt along<br />

Park Terrace was removed following community<br />

engagement about the ongoing maintenance costs<br />

of the shelterbelt.<br />

We were very fortunate tohave the Student<br />

Volunteer Army help with the replanting aer the<br />

bad weather meant they couldn’t travel to Nelson<br />

for ascheduled project.<br />

More than 30 members of the Student<br />

Volunteer Army joined with members of the<br />

community, Council staff, rangers and Ian Fong<br />

and Shona Powell from the Woodend-Seon<br />

Community Board for the replanting.<br />

This meant more than 1060 seedling low-growing<br />

native shrub and tree species were planted in one<br />

hour. Atremendous effort.<br />

The group then were able to enjoy abarbecue<br />

lunch together aer the hard work was done.<br />

Another 360 seedlings were planted on Monday<br />

this week which completed the job.<br />

Upcoming Roadworks and Events<br />

We have plenty of scheduled road works around<br />

the District and abig running event on this<br />

coming weekend.<br />

The Loburn 68 – The <strong>Canterbury</strong> Road Relay<br />

is taking place in the Loburn/Ashley areas on<br />

Saturday 30 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

This is alarge event with asignificant number<br />

of runners using the road network. Traffic<br />

management measures will be in place to protect<br />

the runners, including stop/go operations, lane<br />

narrowing, reduced speed limits, and aoneway<br />

closure along Dixons Road East (closed at<br />

Marshmans Road through to Cones Road). Please<br />

take care if driving through these areas on the day<br />

and keep an eye out for runners.<br />

Cass Street will be closed between Meadow Street<br />

and Feldwick Drive from Monday 25<strong>September</strong> to<br />

Wednesday 4October for Mainpower upgrades in<br />

the area.<br />

Asphalt resurfacing on West Belt between<br />

Oxford Road and Milesbrook Close will be<br />

completed on <strong>28</strong>/29 <strong>September</strong> with aone-way<br />

closure each side during the day. Rata Street will<br />

also be closed at the intersection with West Belt<br />

while work is in the southbound lane.<br />

Huntingdon Drive isdue to be closed between<br />

Salisbury Avenue and Belmont Avenue fromMonday<br />

25 <strong>September</strong> forapproximately three weeks as a<br />

newroad connection through to Charles UphamDrive<br />

is built. Adetour will be in placevia Oakwood Drive.<br />

Park Avenue, Oxford will be closedinthe southbound<br />

direction from Monday 2October foruptofourweeks<br />

forawater main renewal.<br />

Church Street, Rangiora will be closed to<br />

northbound traffic from Queen Street this week<br />

for anew sewer manhole, property connection and<br />

fibre works to the new development there.<br />

Have Your Say<br />

We’ve got afew projects open for public feedback<br />

and are keen to hear from residents across arange<br />

of different topics.<br />

Current consultations include:<br />

• Waimakariri Economic Development Strategy –<br />

providing aframework that guides the Council’s<br />

and Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s efforts<br />

and activities in supporting local economic<br />

growth over the next ten years with the aid of<br />

anticipated delivery partners incritical areas.<br />

• MandevilleResurgence Channel Upgrades – asking<br />

forfeedback on theoptions beingconsidered to<br />

improve themanagement of stormwater and<br />

resurgence flow through Mandeville.<br />

• Integrated Transport Strategy – this is a<br />

strategic document which sets out how we<br />

will manage our transport and mobility needs<br />

towards 2035 and beyond.<br />

Community feedback helps the Council make<br />

decisions and it’s important the public have<br />

their say on issues that affect them. You can<br />

provide feedback on any of these topics online at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

The registration process is quick and easy and by<br />

providing your details makes sure we can keep you<br />

in the loop.<br />

Live Well in<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Monday2October <strong>2023</strong><br />

RSAClub, 82 Victoria Street, Rangiora<br />

10am–12noon<br />

Waimakariri Older PersonsEXPO<br />

12noon–12.45pm<br />

Finger food<br />

1–3pm<br />

International DayofOlder People<br />

Formoreinformation<br />

Visit facebook.com/WaimakaririCommunity<br />

Enquiries to<br />

Hutika Croft-Gibbs, 027 457 9867<br />



MENTAL<br />

HEALTH<br />


TALK<br />

Monday 9October<br />

7-9pm<br />

Followed by<br />

light refreshments<br />

Mainpower Stadium,<br />

Rangiora<br />

Find out more and register<br />

for the event scan the<br />

qr code or visit events.<br />

humanitix.com/<br />



<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

43<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

YOUTH<br />

Development Grant<br />

Available to young people living<br />

in the Waimakariri District aged<br />

between 12 and 24.<br />

Applications will open on<br />

Monday 18 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong> and close on<br />

Friday 20 October <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

For more information:<br />

com.board@wmk.govt.nz<br />

027 254 3940<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Windy<br />

weather?<br />

If you think your bin could be blown over,<br />

consider putting it out on the morning of<br />

your collection day, before 7am, and bring it<br />

in as soon as possible after collection.<br />

—<br />

Find out more collection tips at<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />

Woodend Spring<br />

Flower Show<br />

Sat 30 <strong>September</strong> 1 - 4pm<br />

Woodend Community Centre<br />

Public Notices<br />

Flowers, crafts, stalls, Devonshire Teas<br />

and more!<br />

PLUS! <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Floral Art<br />

Exhibition and Children’s Decorated Bikes<br />

For more information see www.woodendspringflowershow.weebly.com<br />

or Ph: 312 7988 OR Email: shirleyrogers483@gmail.com<br />

Multisport<br />

Long<br />

Duathlon<br />

8th<br />

& & &<br />

36km Cycle 1.5km Run 14km Kayak 11.5km Run<br />

jacksonholmes<br />

SAT 14OCT <strong>2023</strong> |RAKAIADOMAIN |RAKAIA<br />

&<br />

35km Cycle 14.6km Run<br />

Short<br />

Duathlon<br />

25km Cycle<br />

Half<br />

Marathon<br />

&<br />

6km Run<br />

• Fresh Farm Produce &Medals for the Winners<br />

• Finishers Medals for all Competitors<br />

• Grades for all Ages -from 10-100+, Individual &<br />

Teams Categories<br />

See the website for further details and to enter online<br />

www.thesalmonrun.nz<br />

Loburn 68 Road<br />

Relay Run<br />

Saturday, 30 th<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Starting and finishing<br />

at LoburnDomain.<br />

Watch out for runners<br />

on these roads –<br />

LoburnWhiterock<br />

Rd, Thompsons Rd,<br />

Stoneyflat Rd, Bradys<br />

Rd, LoburnTerrace Rd,<br />

Carrs Rd, Cones Rd,<br />

Dixons Rd, Boundary<br />

Rd, ForestryRd,<br />

Marshmans Rd.<br />

First race starts at<br />

8am. Runners could<br />

be on the roads until<br />

3.30pm.<br />

Thank you for your<br />

cooperation and<br />

support.<br />

Victor Gamperle<br />

Athletics <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Mobile: 021 225 8217<br />

Email: victor.gamperle@<br />

athleticscanterbury.org.nz<br />

2615682<br />

Ashburton Fanciers<br />

Society<br />


Sunday October 8,<br />

Sports Hall<br />

Tancred Street West<br />

Ashburton<br />

Viewing 11am<br />

Start 12.30pm<br />

Poultry, Bantams,<br />

Ducks,Geese,Guinea<br />

Pigs and Rabbits<br />

Something for every body.<br />

Fertile eggs for hatching.<br />

2612644<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

CARAVAN, with shower<br />

& toilet. Any condition.<br />

Reasonable price. Phone<br />

Steve 027 622 0011.<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Singto Limited , 8/77<br />

Hilton Street, Kaiapoi 7630<br />

has made application<br />

to the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora for<br />

the issue of aOn-licence<br />

in respect of the premises<br />

situated at 8 /77 Hilton<br />

Street, Kaiapoi 7630 or the<br />

Thai Restaurant known as<br />

Maree Thai.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be) sold<br />

under the licence are:<br />

Monday to Sunday, 10am<br />

to 11pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />

or email to alcohol@wmk.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the issue<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 105 (1) of the Sale<br />

and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012.<br />

This is the first publication<br />

of this notice.<br />

2617819v1<br />

21km Run<br />

Need to<br />

advertise your<br />

LIQUOR<br />

LICENCE?<br />

WE CAN<br />

HELP<br />

Holding a<br />


WE CAN<br />

HELP<br />

Have items to<br />

SELL?<br />

WE CAN<br />

HELP<br />

Looking to BUY?<br />

WE CAN<br />

HELP<br />

Looking for a<br />

NEW TEAM<br />

MEMBER?<br />

WE CAN<br />

HELP<br />

Looking for your<br />

NEXT JOB?<br />

WE CAN<br />

HELP<br />

Want to<br />

promote your<br />

TRADE?<br />

WE<br />

CAN<br />

HELP<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda today<br />

313 <strong>28</strong>40<br />

027 536 6224<br />

2612210<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

J. Capers Ltd T/A<br />

Lemongrass Restaurant,<br />

56 Fletchers Road, Loburn<br />

has made application to the<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Rangiora for the renewal<br />

of an On-Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated at<br />

56 Fletchers Road, Loburn<br />

or the B.Y.O known as<br />

Lemongrass Restaurant.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to be<br />

conducted) under the licence<br />

is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be) sold<br />

under the licence are: 1 st May<br />

to 31 st August Mon -Wed<br />

9am to 8pm, Thurs - Sun<br />

9am -10pm. 1 st <strong>September</strong><br />

to 30 th April 9am -10pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may,not later than 15<br />

working days after the date of<br />

the publication of this notice,<br />

file anotice in writing of the<br />

objection with the Secretary<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />

or email to records@wmk.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the second publication<br />

of this notice. This notice<br />

was first published on 21 st<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong>. 2615651v2<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Emperor Panda Limited, 4<br />

Clayton Place, Woodend,<br />

7691 has made application<br />

to the district Licensing<br />

Committee (DLC) at<br />

Rangiora for the issue of<br />

an On-Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated at<br />

4Clayton Place, Woodend,<br />

7691 known ans Mifan<br />

Restaurant<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Monday to Sunday 11.00 –<br />

15:00; 16:00 to 22:00.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakairiri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may, not later than<br />

15 working days after the<br />

date of the pubication of this<br />

notice, file anotice inwriting<br />

of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora 7440 or email to<br />

alcohol@wmk.govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the issue<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 105 (1) of the Sale<br />

and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012.<br />

This is the first publication of<br />

this notice.<br />

2616917v1<br />


“The Key ofKnowledge ..”(Luke 11:52)<br />

ISRAEL’S 75 TH<br />


Israel became anation in May, 1948.<br />

Prophecy stated that they would return<br />

to their ancient homeland in the latter<br />

days. They have survived, against the<br />

odds, through divine guidance. They<br />

will face more adversity, but in the near<br />

future, Israel will be in the forefront to<br />

teach the World of God’s ways, then<br />

there will be true peace in the Earth.<br />

Blue Skies Convention Centre<br />

Williams Street, Kaiapoi<br />

Sunday 1 st October, 7:00pm<br />

For information -phone 03 352 5453<br />

website -bibletruthandprophecy<br />

Entertainment<br />



Rob Joass, Andrew London, Wayne Mason<br />

and Lorina Harding performing together<br />

–four of NZ’s most well known and loved<br />

singer/songwriters.<br />

Tickets (cash) $30.00 from Sally Mac’s, Amberley;<br />

Sefton Garage and Stan’s 7Day Pharmacy,<br />

Rangiora, or Online: www.balcairnhall.com.<br />

2611705<br />



44 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />



The Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust is seeking nominations for one<br />

community trustee from the Waipara Community Area.<br />

The principal task ofthis charitable Trust is to distribute funds provided by<br />

Transwaste <strong>Canterbury</strong> for purposes that are beneficial topeople whose<br />

principal place of residence iswithin the contributing area to the Waipara<br />

School (the Community Area). This includes funding community activities or<br />

facilitiesinany location thatare capable of conferring suchbenefit.<br />

In the event ofmore than one nomination being received, apublic meeting<br />

will be held inthe Waipara Memorial Hall on Monday, 13November <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Voting will be open from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Avote will take place toelect one<br />

trustee who will be appointed for atermofthree years. It will be arequirement<br />

of those wishing to vote to be present on the night of this election meeting<br />

and to signaregister stating their nameand addressinorder that eligibility to<br />

vote can be assessed.Noproxy/absentee votes will be accepted.The existing<br />

trustee whose term is expiring is not precluded from offering themselves for<br />

re-election.<br />

The Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust is made up of three Community<br />

trustees, one Amberleytrustee andtwo Settlor’s trustees.<br />

Who Can Be Nominated?<br />

Any person over the age of 18 whoseprincipalplace of residence is within the<br />

WaiparaCommunityArea identified on the plan in the Trust Deed..<br />

Who Can MakeaNomination?<br />

Any person over the age of 18 whose principal place of residence iswithin<br />

the Community Area and whose name and address appears on the applicable<br />

current electoral roll.<br />

How Can aNomination Be Made?<br />

Written notice in the form of aletter of nomination is required. This must:<br />

•Contain the full name and residential address ofthe person making the<br />

nomination, and that person’sdateofbirthand signature.<br />

•Contain a signed statement of willingness to serve as a trustee from<br />

the person nominated, together with his/her full name, date ofbirth and<br />

residential address.<br />

•Becomplete inall respects and be received by The Secretary, Kate Valley<br />

Landfill CommunityTrust, on or before the closing dateofFriday, 20 October<br />

<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

More Information<br />

Enquiries canbedirectedtoSecretaryKVLCT@gmail.com<br />

Official complaints must be madetothe Secretarynolater than 2daysafter the<br />

election resultsannounced.<br />

Acopy of the Kate Valley LandfillCommunity Trust Deedcan be requested by<br />

phoning0800TRANSWASTE (872 679).<br />

Pets<br />


Call Perera Kennels,<br />

Greyhound Rehoming. All<br />

tested for suitability for<br />

differenthomes. Phone 027<br />

427 1536.<br />

Garage Sales<br />


Rangiora. Saturday 30th<br />

Sept, 8am until 1pm.<br />

Downsizing, household<br />

items and furniture.<br />

2510982<br />

ASHLEY: 13 <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Street, Saturday 7th October,<br />

9am - 12noon. Cash<br />

only, household items and<br />

more.<br />


The Waimakakariri District Council will be<br />

carrying out weed spraying of drains and water<br />

races commencing 1October <strong>2023</strong> –30April<br />

2024 inclusive.<br />

Drains or areas of drains will be sprayed<br />

according to need and not all public drains will<br />

necessarily be sprayed.<br />

Council will minimise spraying aquatic<br />

vegetation such as watercress and monkey<br />

musk, preferring to use mechanical methods to<br />

manage excess weed growth.<br />

Spraying of dry drain inverts and adjacent<br />

woody weed pest species will continue.<br />

The active chemicals that may be used in this<br />

programme are:<br />

•Glyphosate for vegetation<br />

•Triclopyr for gorse and broom<br />

The majority of drains to be sprayed will be<br />

dry and where watercress is to be sprayed,<br />

appropriate warning signs will be erected.<br />

All spraying will be completed by 30 April 2024.<br />

Enquiries to Dan Lewis, Land Drainage<br />

Engineer, phone: 0800 965 468<br />

Kalley Simpson<br />

3Waters Manager<br />

Trade &Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

2617794<br />

BUILDERS Father &<br />

son’s team. Amac Builders<br />

are available to help you<br />

with your building needs.<br />

High standards, low<br />

overheads, no job too<br />

small. Check us out on fb.<br />

Amac Builders Ltd. Phone<br />

027 318 4400.<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $80 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

FENCING. All Residential,<br />

Subdivisions &Rural.<br />

FCANZ Certified Contractor.<br />

20 years experience.<br />

Call 021 640 748.<br />

HAP’S FARM and<br />

gardening service, sheep<br />

shearing, crutching,<br />

drenching etc, fencing<br />

repairs, gardening, pruning,<br />

small tree trimming etc.<br />

Phone 021 267 4025.<br />


Quality, local professionals.<br />

Email:<br />

corban@highspecpainters.co.nz<br />

Phone: 027 846 5035.<br />


mowing, spraying,<br />

fertilizing, scarifying. Ph<br />

Hamish 027 349 7986.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />


roof repairs. Waterblasting,<br />

Moss Treatments, Re<br />

Pointing, Gutter Cleans,<br />

Repairs, Snow Straps,<br />

Exterior Painting &More.<br />

Free quotes, call Vinnie<br />

027 505 7779.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

Trade &Services<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />


Plastering &Painting<br />

Services<br />

Locals with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 1<strong>28</strong> 9867<br />

PAINT<br />


PAPER<br />

Quality, Experienced,<br />

Courteous &<br />

Reasonable Prices<br />

Ph Scott<br />

021 0246 9379<br />

edgelinescott@gmail.com<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

2502479<br />

261<strong>28</strong>23<br />

2362002<br />

027 216 0000<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

027 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />

Guide<br />

2225862<br />

2434390<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

2570627v2<br />

Accountant<br />


New Client Discount 10%<br />

Tax & Accounting Consultants<br />

Taxreturns, GST returns, rental returns and pay day filing<br />

☎ 03 314 9480<br />

Air Conditioning<br />

Servicing <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>and Kaikoura<br />

03 313 0531 /03319 7559<br />

(<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>) (Kaikoura)<br />

www.northcanterburyenergy.co.nz<br />






Call us<br />

for a<br />

FREE<br />

quote<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />

Samsung andmore....<br />

“Forbestresults be sure to useauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

2332343v2<br />


YOUR<br />


Builder<br />

Builders<br />

Butchery<br />

•New Builds •Renovations, Extensions<br />

• Repairs and Maintenance<br />

2608662<br />

Ring Mark 027 229 7310<br />

for afree quote<br />

Email longsilver@xtra.co.nz<br />

2608552<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

For all enquiries call or email Don:<br />

027 727 9162 /zatarabuilders@yahoo.com<br />

www.zatarabuilders.co.nz<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane Frahm<br />

We cankill & process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 021 269 1817<br />

2227889v3<br />

1914343<br />

Delivered to more homes<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

Kaikoura regions than any<br />

other publication.<br />

The best read paper in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>!<br />

For contact details see page 2<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />


Driver Training<br />

Dr Carissa McGregor<br />

ACCRegistered Dr Chiropractic<br />

Monday &Thursday<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

Judy McArthur<br />

Mctimoney Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology<br />

and Craniosacral|Fridays<br />

Phone 03 313 0350<br />

Select Health<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

2564272v2<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

2273277<br />



Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

2580108<br />

Electrician<br />

p 03 313 7144 | e info@rgrantelectrical.com<br />

Mention this advert &receive $50 off your next job<br />

www.rgrantelectrical.com<br />

2608643<br />

2269236<br />

Engineering<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 <strong>28</strong>21<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />

2611645<br />

Funeral Director<br />

HAL L & Co.<br />

Funeral Directors<br />

Death Is But AHorizon ... AHorizon Is But The Limit Of OurSight<br />

Give our friendly team acall and let us look<br />

after all of your funeral needs<br />

•Pricing plans tosuit everyone<br />

•Direct Cremation options<br />

•Memorial Services<br />

•Full funeralServices<br />

Convenient Locations<br />

Rangiora 313 6948<br />

Christchurch 379 0178<br />

www.undertaker.co.nz<br />

Glass Services<br />

Glass<br />

Hair &Beauty<br />

Plasterer<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />

ReplacementWindows<br />

Frameless Showers<br />

Splashbacks<br />

Balustrades<br />

Mirrors<br />

SecurityDoors<br />

WindowMaintenance<br />

1High Street, Rangiora | 03 313 1733<br />

leah.stewart@hagley.co.nz<br />

2533705<br />

25<strong>28</strong>221<br />

Raymond Barrow’s<br />

Your<br />

Preferred<br />

Choice of Glazier<br />


Covering all glass, including...<br />

•Broken window<br />

repairs<br />

•Double Glazing<br />

•Cat &Dog Doors<br />

•Splashbacks<br />

...and Much More<br />

•Balustrades<br />

•Mirrors<br />

•Security Screens,<br />

Stays &Doors<br />

•Safety Glass<br />

10 Albert Street, Rangiora<br />

03 313 5335<br />

www.northcanterburyglass.co.nz<br />

For All Things<br />

Residential, Commercial and Auto<br />

2576758e<br />



Qualified, 25years Experience.<br />

Registered &Licensed Home Salon<br />

Ladies Haircuts $30<br />

Mens Cuts $20<br />

Ladies Pensioner Cuts $25<br />

Pensioner Cut &Blow Wave $45<br />

Ladies Cut &Blow Wave From $50<br />

Perms Regrowth<br />

Ph Anne<br />

03 313 9391<br />

&021 298 3957<br />

colours include complementary<br />

conditioning treatment<br />


Cnr Johns Rd &<br />

Lowe Pl, Rangiora<br />

Interior<br />

Renovations<br />

Ltd<br />

Plasterboard,<br />

fixing &stopping<br />

Cornice<br />

Cove and<br />

stippled ceilings<br />

Registered<br />

Tradesman<br />

Call Mark<br />

027 438 0665<br />

Irrigation &Filtration<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274 818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

2490187<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Landscaping<br />

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all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


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$<br />

10,594<br />

$<br />

8,990 $<br />

13,585<br />

$<br />

20,585<br />

$<br />

17,585<br />

2011 MAZDADEMIO<br />

13-SKYACTIVE<br />

31000kms, 1300cc,Alloys,Keyless<br />

Entry,Traction Control.<br />

$<br />

18,594<br />


1190cc,4DoorSedan, Trade In<br />

Special!!!<br />

$<br />

14,594<br />


SPORT 1.6I-L<br />

37000kms, 1600cc, Alloys, Keyless<br />

Entry, 4Star Rating.<br />

$<br />

14,594<br />

2016 MAZDA AXELA15S<br />

24000kms,1500cc,CruiseControl,<br />

Alloys, Push Button Start, Traction<br />

Control, Keyless Entry.<br />

$<br />

14,594<br />


80000kms,1500cc,Hybrid, Reverse<br />


$<br />

15,594<br />

2018 MAZDA DEMIO 13S<br />

12000kms,1300cc, Reverse<br />

Camera, Parking Sensors, Push<br />

Button Start.<br />


29000kms,1300cc, Alloys, Cruise<br />

Control, ReversingCamera.<br />

2012 HONDA INSIGHT<br />


41000kms, 1500cc, Hybrid,<br />

Reverse Camera, Cruise Control.<br />


15S<br />

74000kms,1500cc,Alloys,Push<br />

Button Start, ReverseCamera.<br />

2018 NISSANNOTEX<br />

5000kms, 1200cc, Facelift, 4Star<br />

Safety Rating, Great Fuel Economy!<br />

$<br />

12,999 $<br />

15,585<br />

$<br />

14,594<br />

$<br />

11,594<br />

$<br />

9,990<br />

2014 MAZDA PREMACY 20S -<br />


93000kms, 2000cc, 7-Seater,<br />

Alloys, Power Doors, Reverse<br />

Camera.<br />

From $<br />

31,594<br />


60000kms, 1500cc, Hybrid, Cruise<br />

Control, Reverse Camera.<br />

$<br />

19,999<br />

2014 TOYOTA VITZF<br />

<strong>28</strong>275kms,1300cc,Alloys, Reverse<br />

Camera, Traction Control.<br />

$<br />

29,990<br />

2012 MAZDA DEMIO 13 -<br />


32000kms, 1300cc Alloys, Keyless<br />

Entry, Traction Control.<br />

$<br />

16,999<br />

2013FORDMONDEO<br />


92742kms, 1999cc, NZ New,Alloys,<br />

Sunroof,CruiseControl, Bluetooth<br />

Audio, Heated Seats.<br />

$<br />

15,990<br />

TOYOTA HIACE 2018&19<br />

Starting From 64000kms, Available<br />

in 4&5Drs, White&Silver,Petrol&<br />

Diesel.<br />



2179cc,Manual,Diesel, NZ New,<br />

4X4, Cruise Control, Alloys.<br />

2021 MITSUBISHI<br />


40400kms, 2360cc,Alloys, Parking<br />

Sensor,Cruise Control,PushStart,<br />

Reverse Camera.<br />

2015 MAZDA CX-5 XD LTD<br />

2180cc, Diesel, CruiseControl,<br />

Heated Seats, Reverse Camera,<br />

4WD,1Owner.<br />

2015 FORD ECOSPORT<br />


50750kms, 1490cc, Alloys,Cruise<br />

Control,Elevated Seating, Push<br />

ButtonStart.<br />

All prices include on road costs, 12 month registration and new WOF<br />

*Safety ratings are from year of manufacture*<br />


Thursday,<strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2023</strong> | Issue1065 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Extradaylight.<br />

Extra deals.<br />

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And we’ve got dealsfor days…and days… anddays.<br />

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Bremen 6Seater Fabric Recliner<br />

LoungeSuite in Graphite<br />

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$3999<br />

was<br />

$6299<br />

35%<br />

OFF #<br />

Bissell<br />

PowerForce Helix<br />

VacuumCleane er<br />

9042664/2111F<br />

$149<br />

MATES<br />

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MATES<br />

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5x Airpoints Dollars<br />

on Sleepyhead Beds* 1<br />


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Appliances,Beds,<br />

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Audio&more.<br />

Offervalid datesvary,see productpagesonline fordetails.Availablewhile stocks last. Limited quantity dealsare limit oneper customer.#Discount is offour fullretail price.*1 5x Airpoints DollarsonSleepyhead beds, mattresses,and bed bases valid Wednesday 30 August<br />

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conditions, and exclusionsapply.Visitsmithscity.co.nz/airpoints fordetails.

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Matrix MKII, MatrixMKII<br />

Ultra&Sanctuary Beds #<br />

ExcludesLimited Edition<br />

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OccasionalFurniture #<br />

Bosch Series615 Place<br />

Setting Freestanding<br />

Dishwasher<br />

$1999<br />

9076392 /SMS6HCB01A<br />

Bosch 71L<br />

Built-in Oven<br />

SamsungGalaxy<br />

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$1629 SAVE<br />

MATES<br />

RATES<br />

$179<br />

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$50<br />

Russell Hobbs Air Fry<br />

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$139<br />

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Offer valid dates vary, see product pages online for details. Available while stocks last. Limited quantity deals are limit one per customer. #Discount isoff our full retail price. *Apple, selected computers, game<br />

consoles, gift cards and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Current fixed interest rate of 23.95% p.a. applies toany balance remaining after expiry of any interest<br />

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for details. #Discount is offour full retail price.*1 Freedeliveryonselected LG OLED TVsvalidWednesday 30 August –Tuesday 26 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.Freedelivery terms,conditions, andexclusionsapply.Applies to delivery<br />

addresses within 50km of aSmiths Citystore. Deliveries to some rural areasand the Outer Islands (Chatham Island, StewartIsland, KawauIsland,Waiheke Island, Matakana Island, GreatBarrierIsland and d’Urville Island)<br />

areexcluded. Additional deliverycharges andfreedelivery exclusions applyinsome circumstances. Applies to drop-off deliveries only.Excludes unpacking, setup, and installation. Not available in conjunction with anyother<br />

offer. Personalshoppersonly. Excludes Trade andCommercial.*2 Offervalid 27 Sep -17Oct <strong>2023</strong>,orwhile stock lastsonly,onselectedoutdoorsettingsonly.Availability mayvarybetween stores. Not available in conjunction<br />

with anyotheroffer.Limits and otherexclusionsmay apply,ask in-store fordetails.Inthe event of an order cancellationorrefund, the bonus/freeproduct must also be returned. Personal shoppersonly. Tradenot supplied.

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