Cambridge Times Fall Newsletter 2023
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ACROSS:<br />
3. Grab the ______! (Our Facebook game.)<br />
4. A flying mammal.<br />
6. These turn colors and fall off trees<br />
8. A holiday often featuring turkey.<br />
9. Use this for Jack-O-Lanterns, bread, and more.<br />
10. You can make this animal with painted rocks<br />
DOWN:<br />
1. Our featured resident.<br />
2. A spooky holiday.<br />
3. The title of our <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />
4. Another word for fall.<br />
Across: 3. Goblin 4. Bat 6. Leaves 8. Thanksgiving 9. Pumpkin 10. Snake<br />
Down: 1. Kenny 2. Halloween 5. Tranquility 7. Autumn<br />