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Shortcut to Stories<br />
MAY <strong>2024</strong><br />
From The President<br />
Major points from the AGM<br />
Click here <br />
From The CEO<br />
Success is infectious<br />
Click here <br />
Autism <strong>SA</strong><br />
AHA-backed autism role breaking barriers<br />
Click here <br />
Click here <br />
Click here <br />
Annual General Meeting<br />
Photo gallery from the AGM<br />
South Terrace Synergy<br />
Inside the South Terrace Precinct<br />
Making Winter A Winner<br />
Hot tips for cold weather<br />
I N T H I S I S S U E<br />
04 From the President<br />
06 From the CEO<br />
08 AHA-Backed Autism Role<br />
Breaking Barriers<br />
10 Annual General Meeting<br />
14 Regional Meetings<br />
16 Scott's Spot<br />
18 South Terrace Synergy<br />
25 Making Winter A Winner<br />
27 Sponsor News<br />
28 Corporate Partners Directory<br />
29 Gaming Care<br />
30 Corporate Partners 2023/24<br />
31 Licensee Transfers, New Members,<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Office Holders & Publisher<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
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Member Strength Is<br />
Our Greatest Asset<br />
From the President<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> recently held its 153rd<br />
Annual General Meeting.<br />
Think about that for a moment:<br />
153 years!<br />
We have been a force to be<br />
reckoned with since 1871. In fact,<br />
we came into existence just 14<br />
years after the formation of the<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Parliament.<br />
It’s a history to be proud of and I<br />
felt honoured to advise the <strong>2024</strong><br />
AGM that we had achieved record<br />
membership in the preceding year.<br />
This signals the continuing strength<br />
of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>.<br />
Such impressive strength comes<br />
from the on-going support and<br />
commitment of all members.<br />
That membership is diverse, and<br />
this was illustrated by the fact we<br />
held the AGM at the The National<br />
Wine Centre - a jewel in the crown<br />
amongst our function venues.<br />
However, we also see increasing<br />
diversity in the challenges that<br />
confront us.<br />
I have written about those at<br />
length in past issues of <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong>,<br />
and members need no prompting<br />
of them--so I won’t bore you by<br />
repeating the list.<br />
However, as I said at the AGM<br />
lunch in answer to a question, we<br />
know there is a new fight around<br />
the corner but we don’t know what<br />
it is. That’s because our industry<br />
is always under attack in today’s<br />
society, so we must be prepared.<br />
Financially, we had a sustained<br />
strategy after our massive<br />
financial commitment in the<br />
2018 ‘Xenophon’ State election<br />
to rebuild our war chest over four<br />
years, which, despite the Covid<br />
uncertainty, we achieved.<br />
It has always been our commitment<br />
to be financially ready for ‘the next<br />
big fight’ whatever and whenever<br />
that may be. So, great credit for to<br />
Secretary/Treasurer Sam McInnes,<br />
Finance Manager Alisa Wenzel, CEO<br />
Anna Moeller and the entire AHA|<strong>SA</strong><br />
team for the solid state of our<br />
current finances.<br />
It is critical the AHAI<strong>SA</strong> can never<br />
be hamstrung by a lack of funds<br />
when we are in any battle of<br />
Industry survival.<br />
A Federal and then a State election<br />
are looming in the next 22 months.<br />
Our big fight in both in these<br />
elections will not be about Labor<br />
or Liberal.<br />
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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
Rather, it will focus on the worrying<br />
growth and influence of the Teals,<br />
the Greens and other like-minded<br />
Independents.<br />
It is of significance that the backer<br />
of the Teals, Simon Holmes a<br />
Court’s Climate 200, last month sold<br />
out launch event here in Adelaide,<br />
signalled an intention to move their<br />
into South Australia.<br />
The AHA State Council over the<br />
next nine months will complete its<br />
Election wish list. Those policies<br />
will be presented to all State<br />
Parliamentarians well ahead of the<br />
March 2026 election, as we look for<br />
a Vision to 2030 for our sector.<br />
We don’t know what challenge or<br />
opportunity may be around the<br />
corner… but we will be ready.<br />
In March, AHA personnel, including<br />
National CEO Stephen Ferguson<br />
and Accommodation Australia CEO<br />
Michael Johnson participated in a<br />
virtual meeting of the World Alliance<br />
of Hospitality Advocates.<br />
Representatives of hotel<br />
associations attended from the UK,<br />
U<strong>SA</strong>, Canada, France, EU, Greece,<br />
and West Indies.<br />
The major takeout was many of<br />
the issues our members face here<br />
are actually shared Worldwide<br />
hotel issues.<br />
A major discussion point was the<br />
lack of housing which, apart from<br />
the very real social issue it has<br />
created, is negatively affecting<br />
labour supply.<br />
One of the reasons is the rapid<br />
expansion of the short-term<br />
accommodation market with sites<br />
like Air b n B, and Stayz and others<br />
seeing housing withdrawn from the<br />
traditional rental market.<br />
Canada and New York City<br />
are leading the way in seeking<br />
workable solutions.<br />
Canada are now denying income tax<br />
deductions for expenses relating to<br />
short term stays including interest<br />
expenses.(ie no negative gearing on<br />
Airbnb properties). Many Canadian<br />
provinces have brought in further<br />
measures that has seen 18000<br />
short term rentals removed from<br />
sale and made available to renters.<br />
New York City has enacted ‘Local<br />
Law’ 18’. Hosts cannot rent out an<br />
entire apartment or home to visitors<br />
for fewer than 30 days.<br />
Furthermore, the host must stay in<br />
the same apartment or home as<br />
their guests and have no more than<br />
two guests per stay.<br />
This move has seen 83% of<br />
short-term rentals returned to<br />
the long term rental market. A<br />
game changer!<br />
Labour shortages was a intense<br />
topic. It became very obvious how<br />
Internationally competitive the<br />
world-wide market it, particularly<br />
with chefs and cooks. As we are<br />
Watch Video <br />
aware, Australia is being smashed<br />
in this regard.<br />
Other shared issues discussed with<br />
our overseas colleagues included<br />
sustainability, migration numbers<br />
and technology, particularly<br />
regarding AI.<br />
The Federal Government over the<br />
past 12 months has gone though an<br />
extensive IR review with its Closing<br />
the Loopholes legislation. This<br />
move towards more union friendly<br />
arrangements has also been seen in<br />
other countries.<br />
The next catch up for that group will<br />
be at the end of September.<br />
David Basheer, AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President<br />
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Success<br />
Is Infectious<br />
From the CEO<br />
As you may know, I was born and<br />
raised in country South Australia.<br />
I am passionate about this state,<br />
the hotel industry – and making<br />
sure our regional members have<br />
the same advantages as our<br />
metropolitan members.<br />
That’s why the success of this<br />
year’s Gather Round and LIV Golf<br />
events was so pleasing.<br />
Gather Round was held during<br />
the Victorian school holidays,<br />
which provided an amazing result<br />
for hotels. Indeed it is fair to say<br />
that the timing of the event had a<br />
significant impact on the incredible<br />
success the event enjoyed.<br />
For example, members in the<br />
South East said they had “never<br />
experienced anything like it before”.<br />
On the Easter Monday when trade<br />
is normally quiet, venues were<br />
booming. Some were sold out.<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> has also called on<br />
the State Opposition – with whom<br />
we have a very good working<br />
relationship - to publicly provide<br />
bipartisan support for these events.<br />
Gather Round’s success is<br />
infectious. This year it provided an<br />
incredible $8.3m accommodation<br />
uplift compared to a normal April.<br />
It has been backed up by LIV<br />
Golf - a great advertisement for<br />
South Australia, streamed into<br />
67 countries – this is advertising<br />
that money can’t buy. We need<br />
politicians of all persuasions to<br />
back it in.<br />
Events like LIV Golf and Gather<br />
Round benefit more than just<br />
golf and footy fans and the<br />
accommodation hotels and<br />
hospitality venues that enjoy the<br />
sugar hit they provide. They provide<br />
a return on investment to the state<br />
that boosts our economy and<br />
assists in funding other sectors in<br />
desperate need of resourcing.<br />
Premier Peter Malinauskas, the<br />
architect of these events, talks<br />
about “the dignity of work”. Well,<br />
when hotels and pubs are full, that<br />
means more shifts for our staff,<br />
and the flow on benefits of money<br />
that enters and quickly re-enters<br />
the local economy, in turn creating<br />
further opportunities.<br />
Our industry has a lot of dignity<br />
to give. As the Premier said some<br />
years ago about our total employee<br />
numbers: “26,000 people is not a<br />
small number.”<br />
Growing <strong>SA</strong>’s tourism, conference<br />
and cultural events remains a prime<br />
goal of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>.<br />
We’ve loved Mad March, Amazing<br />
April and Magnificent <strong>May</strong>. Now<br />
we need Jumping June because,<br />
to quote Game of Thrones, “winter<br />
is coming”.<br />
South Australia is on a roll and we<br />
need keep the momentum strong<br />
– but each year, our hotels suffer<br />
through the winter months.<br />
Our sector delivers in excess of<br />
$4 billion to this state's coffers. We<br />
are a key driver of the economy –<br />
a driver that stalls as we enter the<br />
black hole of winter.<br />
I have spoken about having an<br />
“opportunity mindset” in previous<br />
columns and we must all be open<br />
to new ideas in order to achieve<br />
Jumping June, Awesome August<br />
and Sensational September.<br />
Many ideas have been floated,<br />
including our President’s suggestion<br />
of a show stopping horse race that<br />
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F R O M T H E C E O<br />
attracts the best jockeys, trainers<br />
and horses from around the country.<br />
Again, bipartisan support will<br />
be crucial.<br />
This industry suffered the brunt of<br />
Covid like few others. Some of our<br />
own didn’t make it. Many limped out<br />
of it. Most are repaying debt that<br />
was incurred while they were forced<br />
– by decree – to close their doors.<br />
We are now facing a cost of living<br />
crisis, multiple rate and wages<br />
increases, energy and product cost<br />
increases and yet our members<br />
remain incredibly resilient.<br />
We need a break – not a brake!<br />
The twice-annual CPI excise on<br />
alcohol hurts our industry. It puts a<br />
handbrake on growth.<br />
One influential media voice dubbed<br />
it “The Lazy Tax” and it’s clear<br />
that resistance to the unchecked<br />
increases on the humble pint is<br />
now gaining traction in the general<br />
community.<br />
Behind the scenes, in Canberra<br />
and around the nation, hotels<br />
associations continue to push for<br />
at least a freeze - but in time this<br />
harmful tax must be reduced.<br />
It was pleasing to see a judge rule<br />
in favour of the Lord Exmouth <strong>Hotel</strong>,<br />
in a case where a new neighbour<br />
tried to have live music shut down.<br />
The Advertiser reported: “A Port<br />
Adelaide institution’s longstanding<br />
owners are celebrating a big win<br />
over a local NIMBY, with a court<br />
throwing out a neighbour’s case<br />
to effectively shut down their hotel<br />
over afternoon “soft rock” live music<br />
sessions.<br />
“The Lord Exmouth <strong>Hotel</strong> at Exeter,<br />
known as the Monkey House to<br />
locals, has been serving drinks since<br />
the 1850s – making it one of the<br />
state’s oldest licensed premises.<br />
“Judge Gilchrist said pub owners<br />
Graham and Barbara Cox –<br />
previously described by former<br />
Australian <strong>Hotel</strong>s Association<br />
general manager Ian Horne as<br />
“living history” – were “competent,<br />
well-respected publicans” and<br />
dismissed Ms McCarthy’s<br />
application.”<br />
In NSW, they have laws to stop<br />
NIMBY neighbours from shutting<br />
down pubs with vexatious noise<br />
complaints, including protections<br />
from complainants who move into<br />
an area where a hotel has been<br />
long established.<br />
It’s high time South Australia<br />
followed suit.<br />
Watch Video <br />
Anna Moeller,<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO<br />
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A U T I S M S A<br />
AHA-Backed Autism<br />
Role Breaking Barriers<br />
From left: Chef Brendan Boothroyd at the Brompton<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> with Kaitlin Withers (Autism <strong>SA</strong>).<br />
Australia has one of the highest<br />
rates of autism in the world.<br />
Diagnoses have doubled in the last<br />
decade, climbing above four per<br />
cent of children.<br />
It’s a significant number and Kaitlin<br />
Withers is determined to see they<br />
are catered for.<br />
Kaitlin, who started work as a liaison<br />
officer with Autism <strong>SA</strong> last year, is<br />
helping to grow awareness within<br />
the hospitality industry, as well as<br />
the wider community.<br />
Her role is sponsored by the AHA|<strong>SA</strong><br />
and she has become something of<br />
a trailblazer for the cause.<br />
“I have a lot of experience<br />
volunteering with people with<br />
intellectual disabilities and a<br />
very strong interest in the field,”<br />
Kaitlin said.<br />
“It’s just a unique role.<br />
“I don’t think there’s enough going<br />
on in this space.<br />
"Everything I do is kind of a first, so I<br />
think that’s really valuable.”<br />
Already, she has overseen the<br />
inception of ‘Quiet Dinners’.<br />
Believed to be an Australian first,<br />
they were launched at The Arkaba<br />
in February after talks with Hurley<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Group manager Anna<br />
Hurley.<br />
It was a great success and three<br />
more venues have since come<br />
on board – the Bridgeport <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
in Murray Bridge, the Brompton<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> and the Oak & Iron Tavern in<br />
Mount Barker.<br />
Quiet Dinners are normally held on<br />
a monthly basis, usually early in<br />
the week, starting around 5pm.<br />
It works for pubs looking to bring<br />
people to their venues on nights<br />
that are traditionally not too busy.<br />
But it demands a completely<br />
different approach to meet the<br />
needs of their patrons.<br />
“Considering the sensory<br />
environment is really the main<br />
goal,” Kaitlin said.<br />
“Generally, the venues have to<br />
have dimmable lighting and it<br />
will be at least 50 per cent lower<br />
than normal.<br />
“We also prefer that people have a<br />
private bar to order so they don’t<br />
have to go into the busier parts of<br />
the venue.<br />
“We like people to have a breakout<br />
space where someone can go<br />
to be on their own if they’re<br />
feeling overwhelmed.<br />
“And a lot of venues have offered<br />
‘fidget toys’ and bean bags to make<br />
it a really nice place.<br />
“We try to make it so there is no<br />
background noise or music.<br />
“And we space out tables so the<br />
noise from other people talking isn’t<br />
too overwhelming as well.”<br />
The dinners are largely populated by<br />
young families with autistic children<br />
and events at the Arkaba have been<br />
extremely well patronised.<br />
They also provide an ideal<br />
opportunity for adults with autism<br />
to enjoy a social evening with<br />
their friends.<br />
“At the first Quiet Dinner, there was<br />
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one woman who had an acquired<br />
brain injury who found most dining<br />
experiences were too stimulating.<br />
“So she invited five of her friends<br />
and family to come along so they<br />
could spend time with her.”<br />
Feedback from surveys of attendees<br />
has been overwhelmingly positive,<br />
she said.<br />
“People feel really grateful that<br />
they’ve tried to be included and<br />
they find it to be a lot more calm<br />
and suitable for them than a<br />
normal dinner.”<br />
Participating venues are already<br />
exploring what else they can do<br />
to make their Quiet Dinners even<br />
more accessible.<br />
“After surveying their customers,<br />
one cool thing the Oak & Iron has<br />
done is create a menu with no<br />
seasonings or sauces on it.<br />
“It’s totally bland food and they can<br />
even choose to have it separated on<br />
a cafeteria plate.<br />
“I have encouraged more simplified<br />
kinds of foods because people don’t<br />
want to eat really fancy food with<br />
all these different flavours<br />
and textures.<br />
“And some venues have tried visual<br />
menus because pictures can help<br />
a lot.”<br />
Kaitlin said simple, accurate<br />
descriptions of dishes are also vital.<br />
“I had lunch with an autistic woman<br />
and there was a different type of<br />
sauce in her cheeseburger than the<br />
menu stated.<br />
“Her mother tried to wipe the sauce<br />
off but she couldn’t eat it. You don’t<br />
want any surprises that’s for sure.”<br />
The media hype generated by the<br />
Quiet Dinners has helped raise<br />
awareness of the need and demand<br />
for social opportunities for people<br />
with autism.<br />
“Once hotels learned about it,<br />
it suddenly didn’t seem crazy<br />
Brompton Quiet Dinner Sensory Zone.<br />
anymore, it seemed like a<br />
reasonable thing to do.”<br />
But she said there is still much work<br />
to be done.<br />
“People’s knowledge of autism could<br />
definitely be a lot better.<br />
“I think some people maybe don’t<br />
appreciate the need for it. A lot of<br />
the people who have chosen to<br />
get on board tend to have a family<br />
member who is autistic or they<br />
know someone who is.<br />
“But some people still don’t get it.”<br />
Kaitlin is now looking to discuss<br />
ideas with any venues keen to<br />
explore new opportunities.<br />
“It would be great to see some ways<br />
to facilitate young adults to meet<br />
because we know that loneliness<br />
and isolation is a really big issue,”<br />
she said.<br />
“The first one we’re doing is a quiz<br />
night at the Marion <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
“If we had speed dating or games<br />
nights, I think that would be really<br />
great too.<br />
A U T I S M S A<br />
“We’ve talked with the Kent Town<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> about making one part of their<br />
venue permanently accessible so<br />
anyone can go in any day and<br />
know it will be a relatively low<br />
sensory area.”<br />
Kaitlin has also been involved in<br />
training hospitality staff to raise<br />
autism awareness and working on<br />
education programs for the sector<br />
to achieve a better understanding of<br />
the needs of autistic people.<br />
“I’m working on a big information<br />
pack for venue owners with useful<br />
information in regards to both<br />
customers as well as potential<br />
employees who are autistic,”<br />
she said.<br />
“Hopefully within a month we’ll be<br />
able to put it on the AHA website<br />
and it will have all the information<br />
you could possibly need.”<br />
If your venue would like to get<br />
involved and explore ways to<br />
become more inclusive for the<br />
Autistic community, please contact<br />
Kaitlin on 0403 420 619, or email at<br /> .<br />
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A H A | S A E V E N T<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Annual General Meeting and Lunch was<br />
held at the National Wine Centre on <strong>May</strong> 6.<br />
The meeting and lunch were attended by a strong<br />
representation of members, politicians and<br />
corporate partners.<br />
Hosted by Tom Rehn of FIVEAA, special guests<br />
included retired AFL Footballers Dom Cassisi and Paul<br />
Seedsman for an insightful Q&A. Further details can be<br />
read in the President’s Column on page 4.<br />
“The Association continues to tackle the key issues that<br />
affect members,” said AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President, David Basheer.<br />
“After the ravages of Covid, we are rebuilding our ‘war<br />
chest’ in the event we need to wage a public campaign<br />
to protect our interests.”<br />
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A H A | S A E V E N XT<br />
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A H A | S A E V E N T<br />
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A H A | S A E V E N T<br />
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It was a brilliant day in the Clare Valley for the Lower/Mid/Upper North Regional Meeting. Thank you to Ally,<br />
Mick and the team at the Rising Sun <strong>Hotel</strong> for hosting the delicious lunch, and to all our members and<br />
Corporate Partners for supporting the event.<br />
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R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G S<br />
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O N E F O R T H E R O A D W I T H V A U G H A N Y<br />
SCOTT’S<br />
SPOT<br />
Hello all and welcome to the <strong>May</strong><br />
edition of Scott’s Spot for <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
We have had another two Regional<br />
meetings since the last edition over<br />
March and April.<br />
The Royal Oak <strong>Hotel</strong> hosted<br />
the South East meeting in March,<br />
followed by the Rising Sun in<br />
Auburn in late April. Attendances<br />
were extremely strong so a massive<br />
thanks to our hosts, members, and<br />
corporate partners for supporting<br />
these important events.<br />
The calendar is full over the next five<br />
months with ten upcoming events<br />
so be sure to check your emails.<br />
The famous Pev made his last<br />
regional address at the<br />
Royal Oak . Geoff is retiring midyear<br />
after being employed for an<br />
astonishing 30 plus years at Coopers!<br />
All the best and I’m sure we will still<br />
see you down in the South East.<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> ANNUAL GENERAL<br />
Another AGM has passed by with<br />
hosts, the National Wine Centre<br />
providing an incredible experience<br />
for both our members and corporate<br />
partners. Lucy Randall again weaved<br />
her magic by co-ordinating another<br />
incredibly successful event.<br />
Here are some observations made<br />
by a roaming reporter for the day<br />
who will remain unnamed.<br />
This year the date coincided with<br />
the birthday of our CEO, Anna<br />
Moeller.<br />
What a nerve-wracking day to have<br />
a birthday! Fortunately, the meeting<br />
was well ordered and I’m told there<br />
were none of the fireworks and<br />
grandstanding you see at some ASX<br />
shareholder meetings.<br />
At the lunch afterwards, one of the<br />
panel speakers was former Crows<br />
wingman, Paul Seedsman, who<br />
was forced out of the game due to<br />
concussion.<br />
He is still fighting his way through<br />
the repercussions, which involves<br />
multiple medical visits each week,<br />
days where is he bed-ridden and he<br />
hasn’t run for 18 months.<br />
My colleagues reported that it was<br />
a sobering moment and it makes<br />
some of our daily struggles look<br />
trivial by comparison.<br />
Let’s hope he makes a full recovery<br />
Enjoyed catching up with the<br />
wonderful team at the Riverside<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> in Tailem Bend.<br />
Ran into the beautiful Shannon<br />
family from the Cleve <strong>Hotel</strong> for<br />
Gather Round. Nice to see their<br />
support for the mighty Bluebaggers.<br />
16 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
O N E F O R T H E R O A D W I T H V A U G H A N Y<br />
If you have any entertaining<br />
stories and photos to<br />
share, please email them to<br /> .<br />
Lois and Rick on the balcony of the<br />
Grosvenor in Victor.<br />
Welcome to new members,<br />
The Royal <strong>Hotel</strong> Balaklava with<br />
Peter and Paul attending their first<br />
Regional Meeting.<br />
The Lighthouse Wharf <br />
Sibling combination at the<br />
Middleton Tavern .<br />
The Stables at the Rising Sun ,<br />
Auburn.<br />
The Semaphore Palais crew with<br />
Didier of course sneaking in.<br />
Thanks to Cathy from Gaming Care<br />
for taking this photo in Lameroo.<br />
Pretty cool.<br />
Publican Phil Dodd at the Cape Jervis<br />
Tavern . Get down and have a chat<br />
with the great man.<br />
Great to catch up with Karen and<br />
Gavin at the newly named Colley<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> in Glenelg. Renovation nearly<br />
complete so get down and have a<br />
look over the coming winter.<br />
Recently renovated Seaton <strong>Hotel</strong> <br />
Finally, welcome to Alan Schwartz<br />
who recently started his new<br />
position with Max seated next to<br />
Scotty Elix CUB and John Rankine,<br />
Riverton <strong>Hotel</strong> .<br />
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S O U T H T E R R A C E<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Alba.<br />
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S O U T H T E R R A C E<br />
The Terrace <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
For the last few decades, South Terrace hasn’t been<br />
the first name on people’s lips when it came to CBD<br />
accommodation options.<br />
Yet that wasn’t always the case. In 1977, global<br />
supergroup ABBA chose to stay at the Parkroyal Motor<br />
Inn when it played in Adelaide during the band’s only<br />
Australian tour.<br />
Today, that same property is known as <strong>Hotel</strong> Alba,<br />
one of a trio of adjacent hotel options that make up<br />
the South Terrace Precinct, all owned by a private<br />
Adelaide family.<br />
The three properties are:<br />
• <strong>Hotel</strong> Alba – full transformed into a 99 room<br />
urban oasis<br />
• The Terrace <strong>Hotel</strong> – 136 rooms, each with views over<br />
the Adelaide Hills or south of the city<br />
• <strong>Hotel</strong>MOTEL – 61 rooms and a 2023 AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards<br />
For Excellence winner.<br />
The family purchased the Alba 15 years ago in its<br />
previous guise as the Chifley, before tripling its portfolio<br />
and undertaking a “sizeable” investment with the<br />
renovation of its newest acquisitions.<br />
The hotels are managed by EVT (Entertainment<br />
Ventures and Travel) which also operates Rydges<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s, QT <strong>Hotel</strong>s, Atura <strong>Hotel</strong>s and Event Cinemas.<br />
Samantha Farrington has been General Manager of the<br />
South Terrace properties since EVT began managing<br />
them in 2021.<br />
Part of her mission is to lure custom back to the south<br />
side of the city.<br />
“We’re definitely attracting new people to South Terrace,<br />
which is really exciting because so much has happened<br />
on the north side for so long,” she said.<br />
People are migrating to experience Alba’s ela<br />
Restaurant, rapidly gaining traction as one of Adelaide’s<br />
must-visit eateries. In one review, The Advertiser raved<br />
about its “insanely good dessert”.<br />
“It was really important to us to have a strong food and<br />
beverage component,” Samantha said.<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>motel.<br />
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S O U T H T E R R A C E<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Alba.<br />
“The quality is such that we could have that as a standalone,<br />
without needing the guest rooms to accompany<br />
it. It’s somewhere where people would want to come as<br />
a destination even if they weren’t staying at one of the<br />
three properties.”<br />
Completed in September 2023, ela means “to come or<br />
gather” in Greek.<br />
Executive chef Nigel Rich and head chef Ashleigh<br />
Lindner have curated a menu that values both<br />
authenticity and approachability.<br />
Diners could be forgiven for dreaming they are on<br />
a Greek island as they indulge in ela's sumptuous<br />
Mediterranean offerings against the backdrop of<br />
Adelaide’s largest outdoor hotel swimming pool.<br />
“We’ve put a strong focus on the pool because it’s such<br />
a unique selling point,” said Samantha.<br />
“It’s a 20 x 5 m pool and has a vast outdoor landscape<br />
to work with. Not surprisingly, we utilise that outdoor<br />
area for a lot of different events.”<br />
Those events have already included Tasting Australia<br />
and the Adelaide Fashion Festival.<br />
The beautifully refurbished 99-room hotel is also<br />
winning rave reviews.<br />
“People say it has a bit of a Palm Springs-<br />
Mediterranean-art deco sort of vibe to the guest rooms<br />
and foyer, which is really nice to be able to hit those key<br />
accents through the design.<br />
“We’ve completely revitalised the property, which was<br />
built in the 1960s and has had many iterations in<br />
its time.<br />
“We wanted to strip everything back and essentially<br />
start again - but still retain the wonderful elements that<br />
come with having an older property.<br />
“The facade has essentially remained unchanged, aside<br />
from a <strong>2024</strong> facelift.<br />
“Given it is an older building, the guest rooms were<br />
all relatively large for a four-and-a-half star standard<br />
hotel room.<br />
“They’re all around 28 square metres and all with<br />
beautiful full-length windows and individual balconies<br />
as well.”<br />
Adelaide’s Studio Nine Architects were commissioned<br />
not just to restore Alba but also its next door neighbour,<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>MOTEL.<br />
The property re-opened for business in October, 2021,<br />
timed perfectly to capitalise on the then booming<br />
driving holiday market after the pandemic.<br />
“It is essentially a fresh take on the classic motel,”<br />
Samantha said.<br />
“You roll up, you can park out the front of your guest<br />
room, it’s very nostalgic for a lot of people who want to<br />
utilise that style of accommodation.”<br />
20 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
S O U T H T E R R A C E<br />
Hotlemotel.<br />
“We’re offering guests the best parts of a hotel, coupled<br />
with the nostalgia that comes with the motel-like setting.”<br />
nt.”<br />
It is also something of a rarity in an Australian CBD.<br />
“It still retains that motel setting but as soon as you walk<br />
into the guest room, you’re greeted with all the modern<br />
features you would expect in a four-star hotel room.<br />
“We’re offering guests the best parts of a hotel, coupled<br />
with the nostalgia that comes with the motel-like setting.”<br />
Samantha said the concept and nondescript name was<br />
the brainchild of the owners.<br />
“They wanted to have that motel aesthetic and motels<br />
are really making a comeback.<br />
“It’s a hotel room in a motel setting, hence <strong>Hotel</strong>MOTEL<br />
was born, as one word.<br />
“Some people will focus on the word ‘hotel’,<br />
others ‘motel’.<br />
“We get a lot of corporate travellers who utilise that<br />
property because they recognise they get the benefit of a<br />
hotel room in a motel setting.<br />
“If they come from a trade or sales background and they<br />
have a vehicle with them, they love the fact they can park<br />
out the front of their guest room.”<br />
But <strong>Hotel</strong>MOTEL’s real value may be the amenities it<br />
doesn’t offer!<br />
“Guests have the benefit of all the facilities of <strong>Hotel</strong> Alba<br />
next door so they can still access the gym, the pool, the<br />
dining options as well.”<br />
Hotemotel.<br />
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S O U T H T E R R A C E<br />
The Terrace <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
“Each hotel taps into a different market and clientele<br />
and it is driven not just by price point but also the facilities<br />
that each offers.”<br />
The Terrace <strong>Hotel</strong> has largely been left untouched.<br />
Readers might remember it as The Sage <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
Adelaide.<br />
It has a prime location across from the parklands and<br />
offers casual dining at the Terrace Bar & Kitchen.<br />
While there are no plans to renovate at the<br />
moment, Samantha said it may become an option<br />
moving forward.<br />
“There’s nothing to say we might not add something<br />
down the track in the sizeable space at the back of<br />
The Terrace, which is now utilised as a car park.”<br />
Despite initial fears the three hotels could<br />
cannibalise each other, those fears have remained<br />
largely unwarranted.<br />
“Each hotel taps into a different market and clientele and<br />
it is driven not just by price point but also the facilities<br />
that each offers,” she said.<br />
"When we first opened Alba, there was a concern we<br />
would take too much away from The Terrace.<br />
“But we held that price point from when we first opened<br />
because we wanted to note that there was a difference<br />
between the two properties.<br />
22 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
S O U T H T E R R A C E<br />
The Terrace <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
“We’ve actually been able to generate new business to<br />
South Terrace.”<br />
“At <strong>Hotel</strong> Alba, the corporate guests are enjoying all the<br />
facilities they get at one of the more centralised CBD<br />
properties but they’re getting the parklands and an<br />
urban oasis feel – they’re here for work but they don’t<br />
feel like they’re here for work.<br />
“Our Terrace <strong>Hotel</strong> is the biggest hotel and still the<br />
busiest, even though it hasn’t had the renovation the<br />
other two have seen.<br />
“But there is still the need for that economy, mid-scale<br />
offering at a very attractive price point where you can<br />
still accommodate large groups at the venue in the<br />
one space.<br />
“So it’s not the same market.”<br />
The South Terrace triad looms as a major player in<br />
the Adelaide hotel space, situated ideally at the city’s<br />
entrance for the bulk of motorists who arrive from<br />
the southeast.<br />
Samantha is determined to continue to chip away at the<br />
stranglehold North Terrace hotels have long enjoyed.<br />
“I think we get caught up in thinking everyone wants to<br />
be as close to the action as possible,” she said.<br />
“But many travellers want to explore further out and see<br />
the Adelaide Hills, Barossa and McLaren Vale.<br />
“For them, it makes sense to be somewhere which is<br />
more accessible and has easy parking.”<br />
The South Terrace Precinct will continue to leverage the<br />
hotels’ locations as their chief assets, far removed from<br />
the high rises and inner-city noise, yet just a short walk<br />
to the free tram that services the CBD.<br />
“By being smart about our rates, positioning and<br />
targets, we saw all three of our properties exceed<br />
their goals for the AFL’s Gather Round and LIV golf,”<br />
said Samantha.<br />
“If we keep playing to our strengths, we will continue to<br />
achieve those results.”<br />
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ing more revenue<br />
to your outdoor spaces.<br />
commercial outdoor comfort heating systems<br />
for all size outdoor spaces.<br /><br />
1300 484 503 |
W I N T E R P R E P A R A T I O N<br />
Making Winter A Winner<br />
PROS:<br />
1. The first rule of trading through<br />
the winter months is managing<br />
your venue’s cashflow. You<br />
literally have to save for a<br />
rainy day!<br />
2. As the advice in this article<br />
spells out, it’s crucial to think<br />
strategically about winter before<br />
the worst months hit.<br />
3. It’s also important to run your<br />
business differently. Turn a<br />
negative into a positive and look<br />
for ways to leverage winter to<br />
draw in crowds. That might be a<br />
Foxtel promotion for a program<br />
that people can’t access at home,<br />
or it might be something like a<br />
stout dinner.<br />
4. Look for the subtle changes you<br />
can make to your outdoor area to<br />
make it more energy efficient. For<br />
example, is permanent heating<br />
more cost effective than using<br />
gas bottles?<br />
5. Winter feels long but it’s quite<br />
short. Get your thinking right and<br />
focus your energy.<br />
6. Winter happens every year. Keep<br />
your plans and improve them on<br />
an annual basis. Don’t recreate<br />
them every time.<br />
• Winter weather can be harsh on<br />
outdoor furniture and amenities,<br />
leading to damage and costly<br />
replacement.<br />
• To protect these assets and<br />
prolong their lifespan, it's<br />
important to take preventive<br />
measures.<br />
• Make sure your staff cover<br />
furniture during wild weather<br />
when nobody will be sitting<br />
outside.<br />
• Store furniture that is not in use<br />
for months on end. If storage<br />
Combustion Heaters - Open Fireplaces - Pizza Ovens<br />
We provide professional, affordable and reliable service for all:<br />
Pubs - <strong>Hotel</strong>s - Motels - Restaurants - Cafes - Clubs - B&Bs<br />
Prepare now for next season.<br />
T: 1300 796 337<br />
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Certified Member of the Australian Chimney Sweeps Association<br />
SWEEP<br />
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W I N T E R P R E P A R A T I O N<br />
space is limited, invest in durable<br />
covers that can withstand the<br />
elements.<br />
• Windy winter weather can cause<br />
loose items, such as umbrellas<br />
or outdoor decor, to become<br />
projectiles. Secure these items<br />
or bring them indoors to prevent<br />
damage.<br />
GUEST <strong>SA</strong>FETY<br />
• Guest safety should be a top<br />
priority, especially during the<br />
worst of winter’s weather<br />
conditions when it’s dark and wet<br />
and windy.<br />
• Provide ample lighting: Ensure<br />
that all outdoor areas, including<br />
entrances, pathways, and parking<br />
lots, are well-lit.<br />
• Use absorbent mats or rugs at<br />
entrances to prevent water from<br />
being tracked into your hotel.<br />
This will help keep interior floors<br />
dry and reduce the risk of slips<br />
and falls.<br />
• If people are not warm, they won’t<br />
return.<br />
• It’s a challenge to heat outdoor<br />
spaces – but heating continues<br />
to evolve with the addition of new<br />
technology and broader ranges,<br />
so be open to new ideas such as<br />
ambient heating.<br />
• Older pubs with uneven surfaces<br />
and high ceilings can consider<br />
drop pole heating, which allows<br />
the poles to be adjusted to<br />
different lengths at either end.<br />
• Some companies are able to<br />
provide design advisory as well,<br />
so that the solution fits your<br />
design aesthetic.<br />
• Having some portable heaters on<br />
hand gives you flexibility. You can<br />
move them around for functions<br />
and use them to supplement<br />
fixed heating in certain weather<br />
conditions.<br />
• Leverage winter themes in your<br />
marketing. Use your social<br />
media to emphasise the cosy<br />
atmosphere that your property<br />
offers to entice new guests.<br />
• Create enticing winter packages<br />
that include special amenities<br />
or activities that are unique to<br />
the season.<br />
• Consider winter-themed<br />
decorations. Use warm lighting,<br />
blankets and seasonal accents to<br />
put your guests in the right mood.<br />
• Highlight seasonal dishes, hearty<br />
soups and comfort foods.<br />
• Promote your winter cocktails,<br />
dark beers and warm drinks.<br />
• For the worst months, do the<br />
sums on offering special rates.<br />
You can also bundle services<br />
such as accommodation and<br />
dining vouchers to create added<br />
value.<br />
• Host winter-themed events.<br />
Promote them through your<br />
website, social media channels,<br />
and local event listings.<br />
• The first step in weatherproofing<br />
your small hotel is to assess<br />
the property for potential<br />
winter hazards. This includes<br />
identifying areas that may<br />
be prone to leaks, drafts, or<br />
structural issues that could be<br />
exacerbated by harsh weather<br />
conditions. Start by inspecting<br />
the exterior of the building,<br />
paying close attention to the<br />
roof, windows, and doors. Look<br />
for any signs of damage or<br />
deterioration.<br />
• How are your chimneys? Do you<br />
know? For safety and patron<br />
comfort reasons, it pays to<br />
have a regular check of your<br />
fireplaces – and always use a<br />
professional cleaner.<br />
• Insulating your hotel is crucial<br />
for conserving energy and<br />
reducing heating costs during<br />
the winter season. Inadequate<br />
insulation can lead to<br />
significant heat loss, resulting<br />
in higher energy bills and an<br />
uncomfortable environment for<br />
your guests.<br />
26 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
S P O N S O R A D V E R T O R I A L<br />
Corporate Partner News<br />
MAX has announced the appointment of respected and<br />
trusted industry partner, Alan Schwartz.<br />
Alan has been a key player within the <strong>SA</strong> hospitality<br />
market over the past 25+ years, specifically within the<br />
liquor industry.<br />
Now, utilising his vast experience and strong customer<br />
relationships , he has made the move across to gaming,<br />
quickly establishing himself as the Customer Relations<br />
Manager at MAX Technical Services.<br />
Alan looks forward to re-connecting with industry<br />
partners, albeit with a new focus.<br />
He can be contacted on 0407 335 234 or at<br /> <br />
$2.26 MILLION KENO SPOT 10 WIN!<br />
Could South Australia’s next big Keno winner land in<br />
your hotel?<br />
A woman from Paralowie has become South Australia’s<br />
biggest Keno winner so far in <strong>2024</strong> after pocketing a<br />
$2.26 million Keno Spot 10 last month.<br />
The South Australian scored the $2,269,061.10 Keno<br />
Spot 10 jackpot in draw 240403 217, drawn Wednesday<br />
3 April <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
The long-time player described the winning moment<br />
as magical.<br />
“I’m still in a bit of shock. I’m still pinching myself. I can’t<br />
believe it has happened,” she said.<br />
“I’ve been one number off a couple of times – maybe<br />
three or four times. I feel as though this win has been<br />
brewing for quite some time!<br />
“I’ve played the same Keno numbers for a while now.<br />
My favourite numbers are 30 and 74.<br />
“I’ve always enjoyed Keno! I think I’ve treated myself to<br />
tickets into the draws for eight years.”<br />
When asked about her plans as a newly minted multimillionaire,<br />
the happy Adelaidean shared she couldn’t<br />
wait to help her nearest and dearest, as well as some<br />
charities close to her heart.<br />
“I want to buy a house and go on a holiday,” she<br />
shared.<br />
“I’m also a grandmother of six grandchildren; a big<br />
family. I’ll definitely be helping my family, especially<br />
my daughter who has gone through a rough time.<br />
“I’d love to donate to some charities too. Probably<br />
Save the Children. I want to help those who<br />
are suffering.”<br />
To maximise Keno in your hotel, visit Retailers Web at<br />
KenoConnect at or speak<br />
to your BDM.<br />
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A H A | S A C O R P O R A T E P A R T N E R S<br />
P U B L I C A N P R O F I L E<br />
Bentleys <strong>SA</strong> 8372 7900<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999<br />
Art Images Gallery 8363 0806<br />
ATMS<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
Cashzone 1300 305 600<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Big Screen Video 1300 244 727<br />
Novatech Creative Event Technology<br />
8352 0300<br />
Foxtel Music 1300 148 729<br />
Moov Music 1300 139 913<br />
Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222<br />
Bank <strong>SA</strong> 0403 603 018<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
BOC Limited 0424 647 568<br />
Supagas 8252 7472<br />
Accolade Wines 8392 2238<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />
Billsons 03 57281304<br />
Campari Group 02 9478 2727<br />
Carlton & United Breweries 13 BEER (13 2337)<br />
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners 8416 9547<br />
Coopers Brewery 8440 1800<br />
CUB Premium Beverages 8416 7819<br />
Diageo Australia 0401 120 872<br />
Empire Liquor 8371 0088<br />
Lion 8354 8888<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111<br />
Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400<br />
Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200<br />
Southtrade International 0410 449 720<br />
Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
BK Electronics 0431 509 409<br />
Cardtronics 03 9574 4878<br />
Coms Systems 0408 462 321<br />
Consillion 1800 500 994<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
A Cleaner World 0426 887 364<br />
Grinders Coffee 1300 476 377<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
Compnow 8133 8000<br />
AED Authority 03 8710 8666<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 78 5646<br />
Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853<br />
Power Maintenance Group 1300 700 500<br />
Trans Tasman Energy 1300 118 834<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
Mr Wet Wall 1800 938 925<br />
COMS Systems 1800 324 918<br />
Vix Vision 0400 310 326<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
FOOD <strong>SA</strong>FETY<br />
Think ST Solutions 0422 285 720<br />
Bidfood 0427 099 558<br />
Cookers 1300 88 22 99<br />
Galipo Foods 8168 2000<br />
PFD Foodservice 8114 2300<br />
Thomas Foods 8162 8400<br />
Concept Collections 1300 269 800<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Lotteries 132 315<br />
UBET 8354 7300<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Winnall & Co 8379 3159<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology 0409 171 616<br />
Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9900<br />
Coms Systems 0409 283 066<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
IGT 8231 8430<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899<br />
MAX 8275 9700<br />
Light & Wonder 0400 002 229<br />
Statewide Gaming 0448 076 144<br />
The Card Network 1300 375 346<br />
Bupa 1300 662 074 (#2146982)<br />
JLL 8233 8890<br />
Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory 8233 5222<br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 0410 605 224<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 8414 7800<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Digital Marketing AOK 1300 658 543<br />
STR 7070 0103<br />
Max Systems 8275 9700<br />
Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
Cookers 1300 88 22 99<br />
Stoddart Food Service Equipment<br />
0468 923 320<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Lotteries 13 18 68<br />
Eckermann Lawyers 8235 3990<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers 8205 3318<br />
Ryan & Co Solicitors 0421 595 815<br />
Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3018<br />
ORTC Clothing Co 0422 515 213<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
MEDIA<br />
FIVEaa 8419 1395<br />
Foxtel 1300 138 898<br />
Solstice Media 8224 1600<br />
Migration Solutions 8210 9800<br />
ONHOLD/MES<strong>SA</strong>GING<br />
1800 ON HOLD 8125 9370<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Tanda 1300 859 117<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Bepoz 1300 023 769<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
The Banner Crew 8240 0242<br />
Foxtel 1300 790 182<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality 8338 1492<br />
Alliance College 1300 665 065<br />
The Kingsmen 0410 416 655<br />
Maxima 8340 7766<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
HostPlus 0418 327 607<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
28 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
GAMING CARE works with all South Australian <strong>Hotel</strong>s with gaming<br />
machines to reduce the harm caused by problem gambling.<br />
Providing the hotel industry with the capacity to respond to community concerns related<br />
to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support<br />
for problem gamblers and their families.<br />
Minimising the harm caused by problem gambling behaviour by fostering a compliant<br />
and proactive industry that works with regulators, gambling help services and gaming<br />
patrons to minimise harm caused by gambling.<br />
Assisting licensees and hotel staff with their compliance obligations, and supporting<br />
venue staff through education and training regarding the recognition of problem<br />
gambling indicators and assisting in accurately documenting patron behaviour.<br />
Providing licensees and hotel staff with the confidence and skills required to engage<br />
directly with patrons who are showing indicators of potential problem gambling, enabling<br />
them to intervene early and refer the patron to a gambling help service, or other support<br />
options if required.<br />
Contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our Office, for<br />
information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue.<br />
For any assistance or support<br />
please contact your local<br />
Gaming Care Officer, or our office<br />
for information on how Gaming<br />
Care can assist your venue.<br />
Back to Contents W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | 29
D I A M O N D<br />
P L A T I N U M<br />
G O L D<br />
S I L V E R<br />
131 733<br />
AED Authority<br /><br />
Boylen<br />
For full product range and details<br />
of your nearest branch<br />
IGT<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology<br />
Campari Group<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers<br />
PFD063 <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1<br />
Digital Marketing AOK<br />
18/05/09 11:47 AM<br />
Light & Wonder<br />
Samuel Smith & Son<br />
Bank<strong>SA</strong><br />
Empire Liquor<br />
Liquor Marketing Group<br />
Stoddart Food Equipment<br />
Big Screen Video<br />
Bluize<br />
Foxtel<br />
GFR Pro<br />
Novatech Creative Event<br />
Technology<br />
Tanda<br />
B R O N Z E<br />
1800 ON HOLD<br />
Cashzone<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality Class A Energy Solutions<br />
Alliance College<br />
Compnow<br />
Alsco<br />
COMS Systems<br />
Banktech<br />
Concept Collections<br />
Bentleys Accountants<br />
Billsons<br />
Consillion<br />
BK Electronics<br />
Cookers<br />
BOC Limited<br />
Eckermann Lawyers<br />
Bunnings Group<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming<br />
T Bunzl 08 8100 2499 F 08 8232 Independant 4979 Gaming Analysis<br />
H O T E L I N D U S T R Y S U P P O R T E R<br />
4TH FLOOR AHA|<strong>SA</strong> HOUSE<br />
60 HINDMARSH SQUARE, ADELAIDE <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
JLL<br />
Knight Frank Valuations &<br />
Advisory <strong>SA</strong><br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
Next Payments<br />
ORTC Clothing Co<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth<br />
Advisers<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers<br />
Power Maintenance Group<br />
Ryan & Co. Solicitors<br />
A Cleaner World (ACW)<br />
Art Images Gallery<br />
Bupa<br />
The Card Network<br />
Solstice Media<br />
Statewide Gaming<br />
St John<br />
Studio Nine Architects<br />
Supagas<br />
The Banner Crew<br />
The Kingsmen<br />
Trans Tasman Energy Group<br />
Vix Vision<br />
Wallmans Lawyers<br />
Winnall & Co<br />
Maxima<br />
Migration Solutions<br />
Southtrade International<br />
Think ST Solutions<br />
30 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
L I C E N S E E T R A N S F E R S<br />
APRIL <strong>2024</strong><br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Peterborough Peterborough 22.04.24 JSU Hospitality Service Pty Ltd<br />
N E W A H A | S A M E M B E R S<br />
Adelaide Marriott <strong>Hotel</strong> Crown & Anchor Royal <strong>Hotel</strong> Crystal Brook Star of Greece<br />
OFFICE<br />
Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh<br />
Square, Adelaide <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
POSTAL<br />
PO Box 3092,<br />
Rundle Mall <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
P (08) 8232 4525<br />
P 1800 814 525 Toll Free<br />
F (08) 8232 4979<br />
E<br />
W<br />
President<br />
Vice President<br />
Deputy Vice President<br />
Views expressed in <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> are not necessarily those of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> or the publisher and neither can accept,<br />
and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from<br />
negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within<br />
advertisements or products, special offers or goods promoted therein.<br />
<strong>SA</strong>M McINNES<br />
Secretary Treasurer<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
CEO<br />
Deputy CEO<br />
ALI<strong>SA</strong> WENZEL<br />
Financial Officer<br />
Accommodation Australia (<strong>SA</strong>)<br />
& Communications<br />
Manager - Policy & Industry<br />
Affairs<br />
<strong>SA</strong>RAH LEGOE<br />
Senior Advisor - Workplace<br />
Relations, Liquor Licensing &<br />
Gaming<br />
Legal and Advocacy<br />
Liquor Licensing &<br />
Gaming Advisor<br />
Membership & Business<br />
Services<br />
+<br />
Events & Partnerships<br />
Training Coordinator<br />
Digital Content Manager<br />
Executive Assistant<br />
+<br />
3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton <strong>SA</strong> 5063<br />
P (08) 8233 9433 W<br />
TIM BOYLEN Managing Director<br /><br />
JAMIE RICHARDSON Advertising<br /><br />
Studio Manager/Graphic Designer<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
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