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f;HAHTEH reports<br />

Another long time Chopter member, Jockie Olsen,<br />

KSENU, won both the preregistrotion ond grond prizes ot<br />

the swop meet. Our second drowing, o Doiwo, ,l.5 KW<br />

P.E.P. Wottmeter, wos won by Wode Horris, KF5lF. We<br />

hod over 45 in ottendonce, so oll-in-oll, Chopter 63 is still<br />

on the rise. Others, who were ot the meeting, hod mony<br />

questions; ond severol were "chomping ot the bit" to ioin<br />

QCWA, but locked 1 or 2 yeors meeting the requirements.<br />

Whot o deoll<br />

Vol Erwin, W5PUI ond Don Shelton, K5OK, did o fontostic<br />

iob with their presentotion of VolB ECHOLINK, ond<br />

aSONET.NET. This wos o new concept for mony, ond it<br />

truly "rocked the boot" for oll of us with o grond finole - o<br />

QSO with OCWA Notionol President Bob Roske, N0UF -<br />

old ond new olike were totolly omozed with the presentotion!<br />

My son, Jim, wos there ond now he con hordly woit<br />

to get his license. As he put it, "l wished I hod become o<br />

hom like you did Dod, o long time ogol"<br />

So in closing, I om ever so groteful to oll of you who<br />

helped out to moke this the BEST convention ond meeiing<br />

in o long time. lf we begin to stort plonning noq we con<br />

"hit o home run" Chopter 63 meeting ond Stote-Wide<br />

aCWA convention next yeor. Moybe if your schedule permits,<br />

you could drop by next yeor.<br />

Dn SkipAmis, NSCFIIL President<br />

Chqpter 64, El Poso (TX)<br />

Howdy from Chopter 64 in El Poso, TX ond southern NM<br />

where the oromo of roosted green chili fills the qir os I<br />

write this in September! Welcome to our newest chopter<br />

member Al Veed, KMSMB, from Alomogordo, NM. Al is o<br />

regulor check-in to our Soturdoy morning net ond ottends<br />

our monthly luncheon meetings olong with fomily members<br />

from New Mexico. I suspect we will see odditionol chopter<br />

members from Alomogordo very soon! Al recently<br />

received his QCWA 55th Anniversory Aword.<br />

Congrotulotions ond welcome to our chopter Al ond fomilvl<br />

Other chopter news include presentotion of QCWA 55th<br />

Anniversory Awords to Dorothy, WOSWK; ond Deon<br />

Figgins, WAZEPU, from Los Cruces, NM, by Secretory-<br />

Treosurer, Monny Gonzoles, W2BF|. Deon is oworded<br />

posthumously os his key is silent this post summer.<br />

Welcome bock to our Soturdoy morning net post<br />

President, Director, ond current Vice-President Bob,<br />

Corroll, K5lE. Bob recently instolled his Z5M ontenno ot<br />

his current QTH ond fired up his Kenwood TS-440S. We<br />

ore glod to heor Bob's strong signol bock on the oir.<br />

Good iob Bob!<br />

Our Chopter hqs o monthly luncheon meeiing ot Furr's<br />

Cofeterio locoted in the Sunrise Shopping Center in<br />

Manny, WZBFI (B), welcomes Al, KM,MB, to the chapter.<br />

Manny, W2BFI (R), presents 55th Annive$ary Awards to Dorothy, K0SWK and<br />

Dean Figgins, (WA7EPU, SK).<br />

Noriheost El Poso on the third Soturdoy of eoch month ot<br />

I l:30 locol. We olso enloy o weekly net on Soturdoys ot<br />

08:30 locol mountoin time on 3.933KH2. Net control<br />

operotors vory using our chopter stotion coll W5RO. OutofJown<br />

check-ins ore especiolly welcome! Adios omigos,<br />

be well ond God blessl<br />

Rick RumhouglT W1P\E, Choper Director<br />

Chopter 65, Niogoro Frontier (NY)<br />

We were quite shocked to see one of our members, Gory<br />

Sixt, KB2AK, listed in the Silent Keys column of QST mogozine.<br />

We hoven't heord from him for severol months but<br />

we were owore thot he hod some heolth problems, which<br />

he preferred to keep privote. He wos o foirly relioble<br />

check-in to our weekly 7S-meter net. None of our members<br />

ever met him, ond he never ottended ony of our gettogethers,<br />

but he certoinly wos o friendly ond interesting<br />

22 QCWA Journal o Winter 2OOg . w\\\ /,qcwa,org

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