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Chapter 70 table at the September 2009 ottawa Amateur Badio Club Hamfest.<br />

Standing L-B: Chaptet 70 Director, Dick Bonnycastle, VEJFUA, and Past<br />

Prcsident, Dave Parks, VE3AV. Seated in the foreground L-R: Secretary, Ken<br />

Pulter, VE3PU, Directot; Bichard Ferch, VESKI and former QCWA President, Croft<br />

Taylor, VESCI<br />

the onnuol Otiowo Amoteur Rodio Club Homfest which<br />

tokes ploce ot Comp Ontqrio neor Ottowo. The event wos<br />

very successful ond in oddition to publicizing QCWA, the<br />

chopter sold severol pieces of donoted equipment.<br />

ln oddition to our well-ottended weekly breokfosts ot<br />

Summerhoys restouroni, Chopter ZO held o quorterly dinner<br />

meeting on September l5th. Following the dinner,<br />

member Borry Crompion, VE3BSB, gove o lively<br />

PowerPoint presentotion eniitled "Amoteur Rodio Journeys<br />

to the Edge of Spoce". Borry described severol high oltitude<br />

bolloon flights orgonized by o group of rodio omoteurs,<br />

students, ond other interested residents of the Perth<br />

Ontorio oreo, who hove built ond lounched severol helium<br />

filled bolloons corrying poyloods composed of APRS<br />

equipment ond of times o comero. The bolloons, lounched<br />

from Perth, hove climbed to os hlgh os 122,O00 feet, ond<br />

londed os for owoy qs eostern Moine.<br />

This yeor, our executive decided to updote the Chopter<br />

ZO history which covered the period 1974 to 2000.<br />

Foced with ropidly increosing publicotion costs, the<br />

executive decided to odopt o revolutionory opprooch,<br />

ond to mointoin o continuously updoted history on the<br />

chopter web site. Director Doug Leoch, VE3XK who looks<br />

ofter the web site, hos olso token on the duties of chopter<br />

historion.<br />

During the quorter, Chopter Z0 welcomed two new<br />

members, PeterJogo VA3PJ, ond Arnold Vondenbelt,<br />

VA3lEE. Sodly, in August, member Ken Willing VE3CV<br />

become o silent key. Licensed since I953, Ken wos one<br />

of the first locol omoteurs to befriend me when I first<br />

moved to Ottowo in 1954.<br />

Ken Pulfer, VEIPU, Seuetory<br />

Chqpter 76, Blue Ridge, (NC)<br />

It's officiolly foll ond if you hodn't noticed, ihe doys ore<br />

definitely growing shorter. When I wos o kid, foll wos<br />

morked by the pervosive smell of burning leoves. Time<br />

moves on ond the smell of burning leoves is now pretty<br />

much o thing of the post .... worries obout ecologicol<br />

impoct (moinly by everyone else), burn permits ond oll<br />

thot stuff. Todoy, the BIG reminder of the foll seqson is our<br />

3rd Quorter estimoted iox poyments! With eoch possing<br />

yeor, I reolize more ond more thot oging is not o lineor<br />

function. Enough .... let's move on to the chopter octiviiies.<br />

For our July meeting, we obtoined onother DVD from the<br />

Northern Colifornio DX Foundotion librory, ihis time,<br />

A52A.... Bhuton for those of you who don't chose DX.<br />

Another well-done, professionol video by Jomes Brooks,<br />

9YlYC. Mony Dxpedition videos opprooch home videos<br />

in quolity butJomes includes o bit of trovelog which odds<br />

consideroble interest. lf you borrow o video from the<br />

NCDXF librory, look for one by Jqmes Brooks.<br />

ln August, Joe Goult, W4WZ ond Glen Forr, N4AK<br />

treoted us to o few lessons on resioring "boot onchors"<br />

thot mony of us owned ond deorly loved (if we loved them<br />

so much, why don't we still hove them)? As o motter of<br />

foct, I DO hove qn S-38 thot wos my very first receiver. I<br />

remember troveling to Conol Street to buy the thing - o 12yeor<br />

old kid, olone - with the purchose money corefully<br />

pinned under my shirt by o coutious motherl Anyhow,<br />

some of the chopter members took the restorotion lessons<br />

to heort, bought o few gems ot locol homfesis ond will be<br />

bringing them bock to life in the coming months.<br />

Finolly, September. I don't know how mony people in<br />

OCWA ore owore of the "Hom Rodio Promotion Proiect",<br />

o loint effort of the lndion Hills Rodio Club ond OCWA<br />

Chopter I (The "push" behind this is Dee Logon, Wl HEO<br />

who deserves o lot of credit). Anyhow, I bought the DVD,<br />

showed it to the chopter. ond ofter seeing it (very well<br />

done, by the woy), we voted to ioin other rodio clubs<br />

ocross the couniry in this worthy hom rodio promo effort.<br />

Check out http:/ /www.neohom.org for the full story. lt's<br />

our hobby... if we don't promote it, who will?<br />

As on extro for the chopter members, our president, Al<br />

Smith, N4ZA, orronged o visit ond guided lour to<br />

NOAA's Meteorologicol Dqto Center in Asheville, NC.<br />

Fourteen members, XYLs ond friends mode the trip ond<br />

whot we found wos o myriod of in-depth weother doto<br />

from stotions oround the world oll gothered in one ploce<br />

ond in one dotobose. ln oddition to receiving doily compuierized<br />

doio, the Doto Center mointoins o vost omounf<br />

of old poper records, one doy to be scqnned, digitized<br />

ond entered into the dotobose; hond written logs in<br />

Joponese from the 40's owoit tronslotion; old records from<br />

24 QCWA Journal . Winter 2OO9 . wwwqcwa,org

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