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#AE&ffiffi r*p*fts<br />

Bobert Harman, KCAUTX (L), receiving his 5o-Year Award trom Chuck Johnson,<br />

WD4NSZ (R).<br />

emergency becouse of the prohibition of pecuniory interest<br />

of hom rodio. However technicol the conflict seems to be,<br />

it is felt thot this issue must be oddressed so I leove the<br />

solution to those in chorge to resolve it.<br />

RK Hormon, KC4UTX, received his 5O-Yeor Aword.<br />

Grody Robinson due his SO-Yeor Aword but wos not present<br />

so it will be moiled to him.<br />

The progrom wos on introduction, instolling ond operoting<br />

the Ubuntu/Linux operoting system with o demonstrotion<br />

on the system ond some of the 90 dedicoted hom<br />

rodio progroms it contqins.<br />

Rolfi Mott, N4RM<br />

Chqpter 9I, Vic CIqrk (VA)<br />

Vic Clork Chopter 9i, serving the Woshington DC metropoliton<br />

oreo hos been busy with our monthly meetings ond<br />

tours throughout the summer ond eorly foll. ln honor of the<br />

2009 lnternotionol Yeor of Astronomy, we hod on invigoroted<br />

ond stimuloting visit to our meeting by Robert<br />

Zimmermon, KB3lWD. Bob is on oword-winning science<br />

writer ond historion whose work hos oppeored in Noturol<br />

History, the Woll Street Journol, ond Astronomy. His books<br />

include Leoving Eorth: Spoce Stotions, Rivol Superpowersr<br />

ond the Quest for lnterplonetory Trovel ond Genesis: the<br />

Story of Apollo B.<br />

The Hubble Spoce Telescope hos produced the most<br />

stunning imoges of the cosmos humonity hos ever seen.<br />

And in its newly renovoted stote, it continues to omqze the<br />

scientist ond cosuol observer ond hos tronsformed our<br />

understonding of the universe oround us. We know more<br />

obout the ploce we coll home becouse of the new informoiion<br />

provided by Hubble including the oge of the universe<br />

ond its evolution, the life cycle of siors, ond fhe very existence<br />

of block holes.<br />

Bob gove us some outstonding bockground on the ideo<br />

thqt would not die despiie technicol errors ond the heoted<br />

Bob Zimmerman, KBSIWD gives us the heads up look at Hubble,<br />

debotes befween scientists ond bureoucrots. This presentotion<br />

wos perfectly timed with the lost visit to repoir Hubble<br />

before its ultimote demise o few yeors from now.<br />

And then in August we hod o ioint tour with Virginio<br />

Beoch Chopter I l9 to Greenbqnk, West Virginio for o<br />

customized tour of the Notionol Rodio Astronomy<br />

Observotory (NRAO). Founded in .l956, the NRAO provides<br />

stote-of-the-ort rodio telescope focilities for use by the<br />

internotionol scientific community. NRAO telescopes ore<br />

open to oll ostronomers regordless of institutionol or<br />

notionol offiliotion. The NRAO is funded by the Notionol<br />

Science Foundotion (NSF) under the terms of o cooperotive<br />

ogreement between the NSF ond Associoted<br />

Universities, lnc. (AUl), o science monogement corporotion.<br />

During the ioint ACWA Chopter I l9 ond 9l custom<br />

tour, porticiponts leorned how ostronomicol observotions<br />

ot rodio wovelengths ollow scientists to oddress fundomentol<br />

questions obout our Universe such os: When ond how<br />

did goloxies form in the eorly Universe? How do supermossive<br />

block holes form ot the heorts of most goloxies?<br />

How ore stors ond plonets born? There wos olso discussion<br />

of recent ond hopefully increosing sun spot octivity.<br />

Following our tour of NRAO, mony spent the next doy<br />

ot the historic Coss Mountoin Roilrood - olso in West<br />

Virginio. This wos o three-doy event ond q reol winner.<br />

We hope to continue loining forces with other neorby<br />

OCWA Chopters for ioint meetings ond tours in the future.<br />

This first ottempt worked well for us ond we ore so groteful<br />

for the legwork of the leodership of Chopter I l9 in<br />

Virginio Beoch. They mode the ioint effort hoppen.<br />

ln September, we hod our onnuol Chopter Picnic ot the<br />

QTH of our president, Tim Donovon, WA4CLK. About thirty<br />

people ottended including husbonds, wives ond friends.<br />

We ote well, tolked long ond loughed often. lsn't thot<br />

whot o OCWA event is oll obout?<br />

Tim Donovan, WA4CLIL President<br />

QCWA Journal o Winter 2OO9 . w\\\ / qcwa,org

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