RNAV Training Manual - Keilir

RNAV Training Manual - Keilir

RNAV Training Manual - Keilir


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How does GPS work?<br />

1. Overview of the system s three segments<br />

The Master Control Station feeds<br />

back a navigational update to each<br />

satellite satellite, synchronising its internal<br />

clock and adjusting the ephemeris<br />

model of its orbit<br />

Occasional maneuvers are<br />

commanded which maintain a<br />

satellite in its proper orbit<br />

Control Segment (CS)<br />

A Master Control Station in Colorado and 4<br />

Monitor stations across the globe<br />

They establish the exact orbital position of<br />

each satellite, and maintain the reference<br />

atomic clocks for the system<br />

Space Segment (SS)<br />

The system is designed for a minimum of 24 satellites (abbreviated as SV , Satellite Vehicle):<br />

4 in each of 6 orbital planes, at a height of ~20,000km and completing one orbit every 12hrs<br />

P A<br />

Currently there are 31 satellites, the 7 additional ones improve accuracy and resilience. The<br />

constellation is arranged so that at least 6 satellites are always line-of-sight visible from almost<br />

any point on the Earth<br />

Th The llocation ti of f the th GGround d Stations St ti<br />

is very accurately established and<br />

used to calibrate the satellites<br />

position and clock data based on<br />

the navigation messages they send<br />

Each satellite broadcasts a ranging code , used<br />

to establish distance from the GPS receiver, and<br />

its own Navigation Message containing<br />

Clock data at the time of transmission<br />

Data on the satellite s orbital position<br />

( ephemeris )<br />

Almanac data on the status of the entire<br />

satellite network<br />

(detailed in following pages)<br />

User Segment (US)<br />

Navigation devices which typically include<br />

an antenna, an accurate clock, receiver,<br />

processor and control/display components<br />

Modern multi-channel receivers can<br />

simultaneously monitor 12-20 satellites<br />

The receipt p of ranging g g codes and navigation g messages g from multiple p satellites<br />

allows GPS Receivers to compute accurate 3D position, speed and time<br />


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