RNAV Training Manual - Keilir

RNAV Training Manual - Keilir

RNAV Training Manual - Keilir


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How does GPS work?<br />

5. International time and the GPS time system<br />

International Atomic Time<br />

(TIA)<br />

The standard international scientific<br />

time scale<br />

The length of a second is defined by<br />

a frequency property of the cesium-<br />

133 atom, and atomic clocks are<br />

used to count or accumulate<br />

seconds<br />

TIA is derived from 230 atomic<br />

clocks in 65 sites around the world,<br />

and 11 different laboratory caesium<br />

ffrequency standards t d d<br />

The data is collated by the BIPM<br />

(Bureau International des Poids et<br />

Mesures) in Paris, who calculate<br />

TIA and promulgate the results to<br />

various international centres<br />

Universal Coordinated Time<br />

(UTC)<br />

Earth time ( UT1 ) defines the earth s<br />

angular position with respect to the<br />

celestial sphere; p ; this is the most useful<br />

time scale for navigation and<br />

astronomy<br />

Fluctuations in the earth s spin mean<br />

that UT1 deviates from the precise TIA<br />

reference<br />

GPS Time<br />

P A<br />

The GPS system uses a time<br />

reference ( GPS Time ) maintained<br />

by y the Master Control gground<br />

station s atomic clocks<br />

GPS time uses the TIA second, and was set equal to<br />

UTC in 1980. It does not introduce leap seconds, and<br />

today is 14s ahead of UTC (the difference between TIA<br />

& UTC was 19s in 1980, , hence today y s 33s-19s=14s). )<br />

The Navigation Message transmits a correction for<br />

UTC, so that GPS receivers can display UTC and local<br />

time zones.<br />

UTC, the official world time is a<br />

compromise between Earth time and<br />

TIA TIA; it uses the th TIA second, d bbut t<br />

introduces leap seconds to account for<br />

changes in the earth s spin and<br />

Each satellite carries its own atomic<br />

clock clock, which will have a small error or<br />

offset from GPS Time. This is<br />

known as SV (Satellite Vehicle) time<br />

maintain a useful consistency with UT1 SV clock offset information is<br />

At any given time, UTC equals TIA<br />

minus an integer number of seconds.<br />

broadcast in each satellite s<br />

Navigation Message<br />

In January 2008, UTC was 33s behind. The GPS calendar is a counter of<br />

Typically, a leap second is subtracted weeks and days of the week. Date<br />

once a year zero was 6 January 1980<br />

Time measurement is the basis for GPS navigation, because the range from a<br />

satellite to a receiver can be determined by y the time delay y in receiving g a signal, g ,<br />

and with multiple range fixes, a position can be calculated<br />

Source: The Science of Timekeeping ; DW Allen, N Ashby, C Hodge (Hewlett Packard Application Note 1289) www.allanstime.com/Publications/DWA/Science_Timekeeping<br />

See also the US Naval Observatory Time Service Department website, http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/<br />


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