47. Volume 14- Number 2 - IP Australia

47. Volume 14- Number 2 - IP Australia

47. Volume 14- Number 2 - IP Australia


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PLANT VARIETIES JOURNAL 2001 VOL <strong>14</strong> NO. 2<br />

common to its pollen parent, ‘June Pearl’ (U.S. Plant Patent<br />

No. 9,360) white flesh nectarine, by producing clingstone<br />

fruit that is white in flesh colour, sub-acidic and sweet in<br />

flavour, firm in texture, and mostly red in skin colour, but is<br />

distinguished by producing fruit that is larger in size,<br />

rounder in shape, peach instead of nectarine, and that ripens<br />

about seven days earlier. Selection criteria: sub-acidic<br />

flavour, white flesh, firmness of fruit. Propagation: by<br />

budding and grafting. After each propagation the variety has<br />

been true to type and stable. Breeder: Lowell G Bradford<br />

and Norman G Bradford, Le Grand, California, USA.<br />

Choice of Comparators The two comparators that have<br />

been selected are ‘Crown Princess’ (U.S. Plant Patent<br />

7,070) and ‘Crimson Lady’ (U.S. Plant Patent 7,953) on the<br />

basis that the candidate has intermediate maturity between<br />

the comparators. ‘Crown Princess’ is also the seed parent of<br />

the candidate variety. However, the major differences<br />

between the varieties are: new variety is sub-acidic in<br />

flavour and white fleshed and the comparators are both<br />

acidic in flavour and yellow fleshed. The pollen parent was<br />

excluded for reasons stated above<br />

Comparative Trial The description is based on overseas<br />

data gathered from U.S. Plant Patent 11,205. The<br />

characteristics were verified under <strong>Australia</strong>n conditions.<br />

The trial trees are planted at Buchanan’s Nursery<br />

Tenterfield, NSW. They have been observed for the past two<br />

years. From all of the observations the variety is performing<br />

the same in <strong>Australia</strong> as it does in the USA. It has proven to<br />

be distinct, uniform and stable through several propagation<br />

cycles.<br />

Prior Applications and Sales<br />

Country Year Current Status Name Applied<br />

USA 1998 Granted ‘Ivory Princess’<br />

First Sold in the USA in Dec 1998.<br />

Description: Peter Buchanan, Buchanan’s Nursery, Tenterfield, NSW.<br />

Prunus persica var nucipersica<br />

Nectarine<br />

‘Fire Sweet’ syn Fire Gold<br />

Application No: 2000/269 Accepted: 6 Nov 2000.<br />

Applicant: Lowell G Bradford & Norman G Bradford,<br />

Le Grand, California, USA.<br />

Agent: Buchanan’s Nursery, “Monkstadt”, via Tenterfield,<br />

NSW.<br />

Characteristics (Figure 28) Tree: size medium, vigour<br />

medium, growth habit spreading and dense, productive,<br />

regular bearing. Trunk: size medium, texture medium to<br />

rough, bark colour greyish yellowish brown<br />

(9.5YR4.6/2.1); lenticels numerous, colour greyish brown<br />

(5.5YR 3.5/1.8), average size 6.4mm. Branches: size<br />

medium, texture smooth on 1st year wood, increasing<br />

roughness with age, colour of 1st year wood topside light<br />

greyish red (5.3R 5.9/3.5), 1st year wood underside brilliant<br />

yellow green (4.9GY 8.2/9.1), older wood light brown<br />

(5.4YR 5.4/4.8); lenticels numerous, small, colour deep<br />

orange yellow (8.6YR6.0/12.1), average size 1.6mm. Leaf<br />

blade: size large, average length 165.1mm, average width<br />

52<br />

44.5mm, shape elliptical, apex acuminate, base acute,<br />

surface smooth, colour of dorsal surface moderate olive<br />

green (5.7GY3.6/4.8), ventral surface moderate yellow<br />

green (4.8GY6.0/5.0), margin finely serrated, venation<br />

pinnately net veined. Petiole: average length 12.7mm,<br />

average thickness 1.6mm, colour moderate yellow green<br />

(4.8GY6.0/5.0). Stipules: numerous, average length 6.4mm.<br />

Nectaries: 2-4 per leaf, alternately positioned on petiole and<br />

base of blade, size medium, shape reniform, colour light<br />

yellow green (5.0GY 8.4/5.6). Flower bud: size medium,<br />

length 19.1mm, form free, surface pubescent. Flowers:<br />

blooming period late, size small, colour moderate purplish<br />

red [7.1RP 4.5/9.0]. Fruit: size uniform, large, average<br />

diameter axially 71.4mm, average transversely in suture<br />

plane 68.3mm, shape globose to slightly oblong, shallow<br />

suture groove extending from the base to beyond the apex,<br />

having a slight depression beyond the pistil point. Stalk<br />

cavity: flaring, elongated in the suture plane, suture<br />

showing on one side, stem markings typically present,<br />

depth 11.1mm, breadth 22.2mm, base rounded, apex<br />

rounded to somewhat depressed, pistil point negligible in<br />

length, depressed within the suture. Stalk: medium, average<br />

length 9.5mm, average width 4.8mm. Skin: thickness<br />

medium, texture medium, adherence to flesh strong,<br />

tendency to crack none, colour dark red (4.0R2.8/6.8) over<br />

a moderate reddish orange (9.3R 5.5/9.2) background with<br />

a slight amount of pale orange yellow (9.2YR 8.7/4.4)<br />

freckling toward the apex. Flesh: colour brilliant yellow<br />

(4.4Y 8.7/8.9) toward the skin with some slight dark red<br />

(4.0R 2.8/6.8)] streaking very close to the stone, amygdalin<br />

scarce, juice abundant, rich; texture firm, tough, very crisp,<br />

fibres abundant, fine; ripens evenly, flavour sub-acidic and<br />

sweet, averaging 18 brix, aroma slight. Stone: type<br />

clingstone, shape oval, base slightly oblique, apex acute,<br />

sides equal, surface horizontally furrowed toward the apex<br />

and some pitting toward the base, ridges jagged toward the<br />

base, colour dark yellowish brown (9.4YR 2.3/3.3),<br />

tendency to split absent. Kernel: shape oval, taste bitter,<br />

viable, average width 12.7mm, Average length 20.6mm,<br />

skin colour deep orange yellow (8.6YR 6.0/12.1) with<br />

moderate brown (5.6YR 3.5/3.9) when dry, pellicle colour<br />

deep yellowish brown (8.8YR 3.1/5.0), amygdalin<br />

abundant. Maturity: hard ripe 18 Jan, date of first picking 21<br />

Jan, date of last picking: 30 Jan on trial trees at Buchanan’s<br />

Nursery, Tenterfield, NSW. (Note: all colour designations<br />

are ISCC-NBS colour codes and Munsell renotations.)<br />

Origin and Breeding Controlled pollination: F 1 between<br />

seed parent ‘Summer Fire’ and an unnamed pollen parent in<br />

a planned breeding program in Le Grand, California, USA.<br />

The pollen parent is an F 1 between ‘Bradcrim’ and ‘August<br />

Red’. The candidate variety is most similar to its seed<br />

parent, ‘Summer Fire’ (U.S. Plant Patent 7506), by<br />

producing yellow flesh clingstone nectarines that are nearly<br />

full red in skin colour and very firm in texture, but is<br />

distinguished by producing fruit that is sub-acidic rather<br />

than acidic in flavour, that ripens about 6 days later, and that<br />

has a bitter kernel instead of sweet. The candidate variety is<br />

smaller to ‘Bradcrim’ (U.S. Plant Patent 8,461), one of the<br />

pollen grandparents, by producing nectarines that are full<br />

red in skin colour and sub-acidic in flavour, but is very<br />

distinguished therefrom by producing fruit that is yellow<br />

flesh instead of white flesh, that is clingstone instead of<br />

freestone, that is much firmer, and that ripens about 30 days

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