$150.00 - Luxembourg American Heritage Information Center

$150.00 - Luxembourg American Heritage Information Center

$150.00 - Luxembourg American Heritage Information Center


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In 1950, and 1951, Henry N. Weber would be President of Section 15, succeeding Joe Witry,<br />

Sr. In 1935, Hank was elected a Commissioner of the Niles <strong>Center</strong> Park District, a post he<br />

would hold until 1971, the longest tenure of any Commissioner in the Park District's history. For<br />

this and other contributions to the District, the park and nine-hole golf course located adjacent<br />

to the Skokie Skatium were named Henry N. Weber park. Hank was the third of four Section<br />

members to be elected a Commissioner of the Park District, having been preceeded by John<br />

Kalmes in 1928, Ben Schaul in 1933, and having been succeeded by Richard J. Witry in 1979.<br />

In 1950, Joe Hermes died, as did John Origer, who had transferred from Section 25 in 1944.<br />

As in keeping with previous years, the Section did not meet during the summer months and<br />

would resume meeting in September or October.<br />

The minutes continued to reflect the attendance at Section meetings of members of other<br />

sections as well as Grand Lodge officers. In 1951, Frank Peiffer of Section 8 attended the January<br />

meeting and won the pot-of-gold. Frank was the consummate guest, for he donated his winnings<br />

back to the Section. Harry Heinz was granted five weeks sick benefit.<br />

At the January 28,1952 meeting, another motion to disband Section 15 was made and tabled<br />

until the February meeting. At that meeting, held February 28,1952, after discussing the matter<br />

at length, a motion was made and carried that Section 15 not disband.<br />

At the same meeting, the quarterly meetings were abandoned in favor of monthly meetings,<br />

commencing in March, 1952.<br />

Beginning in 1952, Matt Dechambre was elected President, a post he would hold until<br />

1957. In 1952, the President began making real money to compensate him for his leadership<br />

abilities—$25.00. Scotty Krier was Vice-President, Paul Hermes continued as Recording<br />

Secretary, Joe Weber was Financial Secretary, and Bill Biegert, Jr. was Treasurer. The grand<br />

old man of Section 15, Anton "Tony" Seul, who had joined the Section in October, 1905, was<br />

the one-year Trustee.<br />

At the Section meeting held September 25, 1952, the minutes reflect the receipt of a letter<br />

from Fred Gilson regarding the upcoming tour of the United States by a group from <strong>Luxembourg</strong>,<br />

sponsored by Emil Weitzl. The letter was noted and put on file. Weitzl would come to the United<br />

States, meet the members of Section 15 and become a fast friend of many of them. In later years, he<br />

would collaborate with members of the L.B.A. in arranging and hosting many affairs of mutual<br />

benefit, including the royal visit of H.R.H. Jean to Chicago, in 1984.<br />

The Sauerbraten continued to be held each year. Joe Witry, Sr. was chairman of the 1953<br />

dinner which was held at the <strong>American</strong> Legion Hall in Skokie. In 1956, the Sauerbraten would<br />

be held at the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> Gardens and would continue to be held there until its demise in 1966.<br />

After the 1953 Sauerbraten, rather than have a private dinner for the help, the Section donated<br />

$30.00 each to Mrs. Bill Biegert, Sr. and Mrs. Fred Kastenholz.<br />

The 1956 Sauerbraten served over 700 people. In order to generate interest in the 1957 affair,<br />

the following piece of doggerel was placed in the April 27,1957 edition of the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> News:<br />


by Leo Hunsdorfer<br />

Section 15 wishes to<br />

on Saturday, May 4<br />

have a dinner just for you<br />

a delight is in store.<br />

This date, keep in mind,<br />

at the Gardens you will find<br />

Saurbraten, it's ideal<br />

prepared only to appeal<br />

to you, friends and relation<br />

accept this invitation.<br />


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