$150.00 - Luxembourg American Heritage Information Center

$150.00 - Luxembourg American Heritage Information Center

$150.00 - Luxembourg American Heritage Information Center


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The committee worked like bees<br />

to fill your expectancies.<br />

Joe Weber holds the Chair<br />

to this annual affair.<br />

Bill Biegert is in command<br />

of the refreshment stand.<br />

Dinner served from 5 to 9<br />

Saturday, May 4—1 repeat<br />

suggest you come early to dine<br />

mark your calendar for a treat.<br />

In 1953, Brother Adam Barnig celebrated his Golden Wedding Anniversary and invited all<br />

Section members to the celebration to be held at Deckert's Hall, on June 20, 1953.<br />

In late 1953, Brother Otto Deckert passed away. His tavern and restaurant were put up for<br />

sale. Negotiations were commenced by the Grand Officers and a deal was struck in which each<br />

Section of the Brotherhood would purchase stock in a corporation to be organized for the<br />

purpose of owning and operating what would become known as the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> Gardens, Inc.<br />

In October, 1953, a motion was made to invest $2,500.00 in the purchase of Deckert's Hall. In<br />

February, 1954, Fred Pesche, Sr,, a member of Section 8, spoke to the Section urging its support<br />

in the effort to purchase Deckert's Hall. In April, 1954, the Section donated drapes and kitchen<br />

equipment to the effort, as well as a $125,00 donation for the purchase of clothes and hat racks for<br />

the cloak room,<br />

On May 29,1954, the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> Gardens was opened, At the April 28,1955 meeting of<br />

Section II, an additional $1,000,00 was invested in the Gardens, and it was agreed that the<br />

Station would pay $10*00 for annual hall rent for th§ privilege of holding its Section meeting!<br />

at ths Qardem<br />

In May, 1954, the L.B.A. announced that it was putting on a membership drive and<br />

requested all sections do their part. Section 15 created a Membership drive committee consisting<br />

of Scotty Krier, Frank Becker, Mike Weber, Matt Dechambre and Nick May. Prizes were to be<br />

awarded to those Section members who recruited the most new members. First prize was $25.00,<br />

second prize was $15.00 and third prize was $10.00. These prizes were to be awarded in<br />

December, with induction of the new members to be held at the January, 1955 meeting.<br />

Of the thirty-eight new members who were inducted in the 1950's, twenty were initiated by<br />

Grand President Leo Eschette, at the January, 1955 meeting. Among these new members were:<br />

Raymond V. Krier, Clem and Luke Meier, Al Koch, William Branagan, Herbert Knutson,<br />

Aloysius Hansen, William R. Dahm, and Lawrence F. Molitor, Sr.<br />

In the February 3, 1955 edition of the News, there is a picture of the new members. The<br />

caption states that Scotty Krier won the membership drive contest by obtaining 14 of the new<br />

members and further identified Section 15 as Skokie's oldest civic and fraternal organization,<br />

having been organized in 1905.<br />

One would think that Section 15 would have celebrated its 50th year with a dinner or other<br />

event. There is no indication in either the minutes or financial records that such an event took<br />

place. The only indication that anything of significance was occurring was that 50 year member<br />

Tony Seul, who was the twenty-second member of Section 15, the first to join after the twenty-one<br />

charter members, was relieved of his obligation to pay dues, a practice which would not receive<br />

formal indorsement until May, 1958.<br />

The convention delegates for Section 15 in 1957 were Nick May, Steve Zibilski and Paul<br />

Hermes and in 1959 were Joe Weber, Nick May and Paul Hermes.<br />

Donations to charity continued in the 1950's. Two donations of note were a $100.00 contribution<br />

to the Orchard School for Retarded Children and a $50.00 contribution to the victims<br />

of Our Lady of Angels Fire in 1958.<br />


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