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$150.00 - Luxembourg American Heritage Information Center

$150.00 - Luxembourg American Heritage Information Center


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During his 50 year term, Mr. Nilles served under twelve Grand Presidents. He was instrumental<br />

in organizing all Sections from 3 to 25.<br />

Another of Nicholas Nilles' accomplishments was the furtherance of the "<strong>Luxembourg</strong><br />

Weekly" the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> newspaper in America. He was the owner and editor of that publication<br />

for thirty-five years, often working against impossible odds to keep it alive. Mr. Nilles gave<br />

up his newspaper work in 1945 when the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> News was taken over by the corporation<br />

formed through the efforts of the then Consul General John Marsch and Grand Trustee John B.<br />

Krier and known under the name of "<strong>Luxembourg</strong>ers of America, Inc."<br />

During.the war years Nicholas Nilles distinguished himself by his stellar work in all the U.S.<br />

war bond drives and other activities. In recognition of his loyal service he was honored by<br />

the War Department with a Certificate of Merit.<br />

Nic Nilles died on August 7, 1950.<br />

By 1935, the older members were giving way to the next generation of leaders. These were<br />

the men who would lead the Section into the 1960's and beyond.<br />

In 1935, Eugene Koenue (married to Barbara Wagner) was president of Section 3 and Leo<br />

Eschette was Vice-President. In 1937, Leo would succeed Koeune as President of the Section.<br />

In 1966, Eugene Koeune passed away. He had immigrated to this country in 1911 from his<br />

native Harlingen, <strong>Luxembourg</strong>. The following was printed in the 1967 Schobermesse program book:<br />

In 1966 Section 3 mourned the death of probably its most important member, when<br />

Brother Eugene Koeune passed away on April 25, 1966. Mr. Koeune was one of the<br />

pillars on which the Section was built. He held at various times the offices of President,<br />

Vice-president and Marshall with great distinction. In addition he was Grand Trustee of<br />

the Grand Lodge and much of the Lodge's success can be attributed to Mr. Koeune's<br />

shrewd investments. He held the chairmanship job for the Section's Schobermesse on<br />

numerous occasions, and also served on the flower, bar and entertainment committees.<br />

Eugene Koeune became a member of the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> Brotherhood soon after arriving<br />

in the United States. He was a successful business man in the gardening and greenhouse<br />

enterprise. In 1950 he retired and turned the business over to his sons, who are still<br />

operating it today. Mr. Koeune made one trip back to <strong>Luxembourg</strong> in 1921 and another<br />

extended visit in 1952 with his loving wife Barbara. Up to the present day Section 3 still<br />

misses the guiding spirit of one of its staunchest suupporters, Mr. Eugene Koeune.<br />

Leo Eschette was born on April 20,1908, the son of John and Emma Kuschel Eschette. John<br />

Eschette immigrated to the United States from his home in Noertringan, <strong>Luxembourg</strong> in the<br />

early 1890's and established a greenhouse business in Rogers Park.<br />

Leo attended St. Henry's parochial school. After graduation from high school, he joined his<br />

father in the family business and maintained it after the death of his father, in 1936.<br />

In 1927, Leo was inducted as a member of Section 3, on March 13. His efforts on behalf of<br />

Section 3 were tireless. He was a member of every Schobermesse committee from 1934 until its<br />

demise, in 1967. In 1937, he was elected President of Section 3 and would serve as President for<br />

twelve years, until 1949, when he was elected the 13th Grand President of the L.B.A. at the<br />

Convention held in Remsen, Iowa.<br />

Leo was married to Margaret Baer on October 17, 1930. They had six children and raised<br />

their family in Rogers Park on the greenhouse property owned by them at Hoyne and Granville.<br />

Two of their children were named after H.R.H. Charlotte and H.R.H. Jean.<br />

After selling the greenhouse business, Leo became manager of the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> Gardens. In<br />

1965, he retired as Grand President to devote his time to his management duties at the Gardens.<br />

In 1984 Leo Eschette passed away.<br />

During Leo's tenure as Section 3 President, the Schobermesse continued to enjoy considerable<br />

success as the premier event of the Brotherhood.<br />

The 1943 Schobermesse was held at the Old Limits Picnic Grove, Crawford and Devon<br />

Avenues, in Lincolnwood. The program book for that year contained numerous articles pertaining<br />

to the war, including one by former Grand President Fred A. Gilson, reciting the<br />

activities of Section 3 members in the armed forces.<br />


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