Rips Into Pointe - Local History Archives
Rips Into Pointe - Local History Archives
Rips Into Pointe - Local History Archives
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All tfle News<br />
"<br />
of AfI tfl. <strong>Pointe</strong>s<br />
Every Thursday M~min9 I<br />
* * •<br />
~. TUxedo 2.06900<br />
U.EADLIN E~'<br />
, \<br />
of th.,<br />
\VEEK<br />
As' C~i,,/JiJed by Ih,<br />
Gross. P,,;nt. Ne1.4'S<br />
,r,. "<br />
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rosse<br />
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"In,te'<br />
Complete: News Coverage bf All the <strong>Pointe</strong>s<br />
'VJiO~LiiU:jjM~E-:2;;;O-N:I:i:O~, -;;2;"8---~--;;:r~~he::red::;p-:o-:;-tOffI";;Secon::::e=.d:tat-;::'i>ei::~:-;:rt-;:;~;;:er;-c"-, -'"""--;--::G:-;R=::O:::S~S;-;:E~PO;;;;:I;:-N';:;;T;;:E-, 7M7.r:::C:;-H;;-IG:::-:A7N7"I-J-;:U-;:L7:Y;-::-9,----;:,9::5:-:9~------:f3I5c;:-.llO-=P~=~-;r c;::~::e~-r-..::..-:2-4-P:""A-G-ES-....:.....-T,-H .... R-EE-S-ec-T-IO-N-S---- ....<br />
, ~Ilrsday, July %<br />
"Anatomy of a Murder", Wed.<br />
nesday night, gave Detroit i.<br />
chance to rival HollYWOOd<br />
with movie stars, mayors and<br />
society rubbing elbows at the<br />
United Artists theater. The<br />
movie, the adaption of Michigan<br />
Supreme Court Justice<br />
John D; Voelker's best selling<br />
novel, ,was by invitation Ionly<br />
ClIn its opening night.<br />
,. A parade, from the Civic<br />
Center, up Woodward, around<br />
Grand Circus Park to the<br />
theater began the festivitie"<br />
followed by the ent,rance of<br />
the various celebrities into the<br />
theater. ,<br />
Friday July 3<br />
JAMES GODRE, 16 year old<br />
Dearborn high schopl student,<br />
Thursday night shot and killed<br />
his m.other's suitor. Captureft<br />
four hours after the shooting<br />
which occurred on a down.<br />
town Dearborn street, young<br />
Godre admitted shooting truck<br />
driver William LeBlair, an employe<br />
of E & L Transport Co.<br />
The boy's mother Juanita,<br />
"had b~n running around<br />
with LeBlair for about a year,"<br />
relatives said.<br />
After the shooting, the boy<br />
After the Sto.'rm,Had Ripped' Through<br />
,The' violent storm wIDcn sma~hed through the<br />
, <strong>Pointe</strong> on Wednesday, July 1, was classified by some<br />
as a tornado. It did gre~t damage, especially to trees.<br />
• 'i', , ",. -Photo by Fre4 RUnnells<br />
This is one of two houses that tool\. a beating'when<br />
they were in the path of falling timber. Located at 27<br />
LakecreSt, it is the residen'ce of George H. Smith.<br />
fled in a car registered in the E 'I .. .<br />
. ~m:at~~r.G~;uniJi~~~oe;~ Record Wins veryone Agrees Roya Pan FIrst PolIO<br />
captured 150 miles away, in ~af .",;',Ai " ,J 01"':' ed T '--.;] RICa b1' C Called<br />
, ;~:t3?~e~~8~~tinl,OCl:urred~." etY~:",(waru: C\~y:, :..~U", 0 es, ,p~ IJ.Y use '<br />
:::'~'''''''"''~~~~~:';~i;-','-':-For-FlJrm-s ..:.~"In StagiJtgiJffrood :SlmWol' -QU(?stionabte-<br />
QUEEN ELIZABETH n, _'_;, I, . .. , "" ' ,:,' ~',' i.", _'_,'_'<br />
tired ~fier ~t~'\lB~ to~ of Reco~d Gited by AM of News ~iety EcIitor Enjoys Th,ril Along With Hundreds Dr. Davies SaYs:ChiJd Nfay<br />
On~no, ,still had a rad~ant ,N - PeeI~' 0 th ' Of Thousands of Others as .Queen and . H-veHad Coxaxi. and<br />
slTlll,efor the: people. of Wmd~, .' , 0, "' enrlln , f;'a s, Con L W' ' ..<br />
wr andJ)etroit, who greeted ,"hr Last-Three Ye.~ '; , ~ , soriTal(eto , otter Nc>f'nfantile ParaiySis'<br />
her durjng her short visit yes- . ',':' ,',d ' BT rat TalNt : ':<br />
terday. The riverfront and An awarii for "excellence . Only one case of polio has<br />
Diep~ Gardens were jammed of record~ in'the field. of Nnn SoeJet,' Ed4tor been reported in the Grosse<br />
by 300;000,people, acCQtdingto pedestri8.Il'llaf~ty ~was pre- ,'Along with 300,000 others ~e w~t to Windsor to see <strong>Pointe</strong> area so far this year,<br />
Windsor police. sented this week. to GrOsse the Queen, Her Majesty Elizabeth II and Philip, Duke with a total of 16 cases (all<br />
After her short tour of the of Edinburgh, her consort, o~ Friday. ><br />
Can~dian city, Her Majesty <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms city officials The royal train, brass shin.$ -I none paralytic) in the enboarded<br />
her royal yacht, the by the American, Auto-ing, chugged into the Ford of police & the car moved slow- tire D~ttoit- Wayue CQunty<br />
Britannia, ana sailed up the m'obile AsSociation.' "Ibe,cana
P.g. Two<br />
, .<br />
• Good work in the past 'luaU-I A sunny disposition attracts<br />
fiesone for better jobs in the f~ien~ancl friends are vOllufuture.<br />
" able.<br />
Brick Homes<br />
•<br />
Free Estimates<br />
.'<br />
WA 5-9797<br />
No Down P.yment<br />
FHA Ter~1S<br />
w~ cltan the brick 'on your<br />
hom~ to look aI beautiful as<br />
whtn It wu n~w. We r~mo'le<br />
paint and dlft from brick, ston~<br />
and slucco 10 rutore orl,lnal<br />
color.<br />
Mid • Summer Clearance I<br />
flM,h<br />
Cleaned<br />
& Pres.ed<br />
.54 C<br />
SUITS<br />
"Autom~tic" wonder suits<br />
that wosn and dry in ~ flash<br />
-look neot ond coo~ 011 doy<br />
- need no p~mperirig'<br />
Good selection of ~izes and<br />
patterns.<br />
Thursday, July 9, 1959<br />
Robert McAdow, son of the I man" by the P~rk Police De-<br />
V!: :It. McAdows of 411 Mc-partment for the summer. To<br />
K~n~ey a.venue,. a police ad- obtain' proper college credits,<br />
ministration .ma)~r at Michi- he must gain experience and<br />
g~n State Umver~I~Y. has been general knowledge of police<br />
hired as an auxlhary police- work.<br />
Chet Sampson's<br />
,Western Tour<br />
Total Price $410.00<br />
August 1 - Sept. 4,- In Two Sections<br />
One tor Girls - One tor Joys<br />
This Tour covers 14 states and eight national parks: Yosemite,<br />
Yellowstone, Tetons, Bryce, Zion, Grond Canyon, Meso. Verde,<br />
and Rocky Mountain National Parks. Also Son Francisco, Solt<br />
Lake City and Loke. Hollywood, Las Vegas, Haover Dam, Black<br />
Hills, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands, Petrified Forest, Painted Desert,<br />
laguna Beach, Colorado Springs, and many more.<br />
App/icalio1JS alld ltzfol'/!/alio1l ill'ai/ab/e al<br />
Chet Sampson Travel Service<br />
100 Kercheval, on the hill TUxedo 5-7510<br />
La Coiffure de Paris<br />
Ma)' we !tyle Yliur new coiffure?<br />
• • •<br />
Tbe Paris ill//ueuce 'will heliery elJiael/l' in your<br />
summer coiffure. ••• alia Otle visit to our moaerll,<br />
airy sa/OIl will cOtlllhzce )'011 of tbe capilbilities of<br />
our beallticiam.<br />
We specialize in<br />
Tinting, Frosting and 3-Dimensional Coloring<br />
flUtlER &. WERNER.<br />
, .:::."Otu'-'~f the Poitzte's ilfost Beautiful Salons<br />
1,(' ..<<br />
17670 MACK 15311 E. WARREN<br />
'.... t U.llivenity Nnr inco.afieW<br />
, , TU '-7297 TU ;1~3190<br />
j'".'<br />
Slenderi~ing and Facibl Treotmen,ts Only at Mock SaJ.6n!<br />
~te' .<br />
~., ~ U~.<br />
FiRe Hlilgs ",at or.<br />
lIard +0 cleo. • • •<br />
usually. fi~ ",eir<br />
I<br />
Page Four '<br />
FREE<br />
Paul McCobb<br />
styled kitchen<br />
~~<br />
.. ~;;~<br />
'-'"<br />
Do )'O'f wMt ~ur new tJtc hen<br />
'" be cllfferent? Ser1esM700<br />
May be just what you are loOk-<br />
"'g for. 'Designed by Paul<br />
McCobb for Mutschler, contemponlrY-styled<br />
series M70G<br />
Is llll entirely new concept In<br />
kitchen cabinetry. V!~lt our<br />
showrooms foe' frite .. tlr'nMe<br />
and planning ~l
•<br />
r0 you, especially, we announce the<br />
\<br />
".' ',~.-\',- .'.~( ',. " T".I;~ ',.~', (~.~",' "I~ "', T ••. '., ' '. ~,..- ~-",<br />
..of Detroit's smartest DOPENING .<br />
restaurant-on-the-river<br />
in the beautiful River House at 8900 East Jefferson.<br />
Jonight ~ the night! The fountain splashes into<br />
life. , • the crystol chandelier. glows (like its<br />
original in the fdmed Viennt! Opert! HotJsej •• , the ensemble<br />
of violins sweeps into its opening crescendo-<br />
Md MAISON RIVIERA is born in ,the most fabulous<br />
opening of t!11.And ~ c!lrethere. For what<br />
could be more exciting than opening night at what has already<br />
become Detroit's most talked-about<br />
~estourant-where vintage wines from Europe's<br />
most celebrated chc!lteaux are a matter of course • • •<br />
where the cui5ine' encompasses the finest of<br />
Continental cmd American tastes ••• Come join us, then, for<br />
M evening that wi!1always be remembered.<br />
Tonight, and every night, your serenade will be by<br />
Rudy Szigc!land his Riviera Strings. , . your view<br />
will be our lovely river , • • your cordial host will be<br />
Mitch Housey .•• 'c!lndyour evening, the most<br />
wonderful of all.<br />
Reservations-Phone VA. 1.5700.<br />
Black tie dress req'Je5(ed during our<br />
opening.<br />
8900 EAST JEFFERSON.<br />
Valet Service.<br />
Doorman will take your car,<br />
.<br />
I .<br />
..';;~~..-"l/J' i--o...... ,~-{~<br />
!l . ~ ~ ·<br />
~..'._l" ..~..~..__,," ... _"" ... ".<br />
i) !<br />
l<br />
'<br />
(<br />
The following contractor8 and pttr'vcYOrl 1();$hf() congratulate Mitchell R. Rousey on theolHming of Rou8ey'8 Maison Rivierm<br />
.<br />
.... ~<br />
1';<br />
.,<br />
I I, f<br />
, t,<br />
;.'.<br />
Page Fiv•
Pigi Six<br />
Forty <strong>Pointe</strong>rs GeiMSU Degrees<br />
/<br />
G ROSS E P (j I NT ENE W S<br />
Man of Month<br />
Curretrf Rate<br />
. CompOunde-d<br />
Sem;-Annuon,<br />
'IOO%MMOOf<br />
, ...... .1ItI lID'.<br />
• T" ... ,.<br />
111 011 Tests<br />
ftSElBERLlNG"<br />
IIOles lIOaked in<br />
FUEL. OIL and<br />
GASOLINE for<br />
• lDOntlul did not swell. or<br />
.. tlOft, IIlIppery, Qr spongy I<br />
lOOT SHOP<br />
15911 E. WARREN<br />
It a..ckllllfham<br />
TUxedo 5-0863<br />
Royal Pair Play Leads in Good Show<br />
Forty Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>rs were John M. Adams of Univer$ity NewcasUeroad, M.A. in art;<br />
among the 2,200 spring gradu-<br />
• teas 01 Michigan State Univeraity<br />
to receive degrees at the<br />
r e ce n t commencement e.xercises.<br />
This was the largest ,class<br />
to l1'aduate in the 99-year history<br />
of the school.<br />
Receiving deg~ees. we r'e:<br />
p 1ac e, :B.A. .in : eeonoi!}iet;<br />
George J. Alpervitz 01. Hamp-<br />
'ton road, B.A. in history; Max-<br />
ine B. Brown of Fisher road,<br />
aA;.in special edUC9.tion; Wil-<br />
liam R. Burke of Lakepointe<br />
avenue, B.A. in social science<br />
divisj~nal;. Grace Campbell of<br />
James E. Clyma. of Severn<br />
road, B.A. in eco~ics; Dan•<br />
iel G. Currie of Maryland ave~<br />
nue, B.S. in physical edlJCa"<br />
Hon; William S. DeBoer of<br />
Belanger road, B.A. in psy.<br />
chology; Beverly C. DeMers<br />
of Hawthorne road, B.A. in<br />
history; Gordon W. Faust ot<br />
OLD<br />
Lakepointe avenue, B.A. in<br />
general business adl)linistration.<br />
Emmyjane Galbraith of,<br />
Huntington boulevard, B.A. in<br />
mwaV4~<br />
WIIiDOWS<br />
JaJolI~i.s GildAw.i., Ty,.s<br />
Highest Quality products at lowest :Cost H 0 m. lm;rOY"<br />
to you.' COmplete installation service., ments on F.H.A.<br />
l. J. (},.eane'J & SOil Co.<br />
ComMerei.1 •• d raicINti.l. Iuihli.. ....i.te .... ca<br />
a..d MNer"iallti ••.<br />
11034 WHITTIER<br />
DR 1-3380-81<br />
general business administration;<br />
Patricia S. Herrick of<br />
Bournemouth road, B.A. in<br />
social s c i e nee divisional;<br />
Charles R. Jaquish of Maumee<br />
road, B.A. in production administration;<br />
R()bert F. Keller<br />
of Chalfonte avenue, B.A. in<br />
insurance; Clifford E. LaRose<br />
of Anita a v'e 11 u e, B.S. in<br />
mathematicS and physical science<br />
divisional; Allen S. Mac-<br />
Cartney' to University place,<br />
B.S. in law enforcement administration;<br />
Cat he ri neE.<br />
Marick of Merriweath
-.<br />
8COOT,~ .LUlS (JAR ~ '\~<br />
John S. Albert of 783 Lake. drivini • C",shiiin motor<br />
land avenut\. reported to City s.OO(lter, ran into his daughter's<br />
police, on J1lly 4, that Micha.el car in "front of the Albert<br />
A. Robertson of 4319Woodh~ll, hOme.<br />
.,<br />
',~<br />
.<br />
, YOU KNO,W<br />
~"EJecttic<br />
DRILL.<br />
V.I... $12.'1<br />
A NEW ROOM •• , A NEW HOME<br />
E/tI,.r a HI.Fi Colli"••, 'oob.~ve.<br />
or G••• ra' R..",od.II ..,<br />
YOII, too, call have a spaciotll<br />
, FOR AN<br />
8'x12' PATIO<br />
:-i.. ONLY $19709<br />
. .<br />
We wlll help' 'you plan this pOrch 10 you can build It yourself or we<br />
wID bullet It tor you, Now 16 the time to p.nJoy this out-ot.doon<br />
llvln •• protected by FiberglaS5 screen, It is a lbw cost vacation.<br />
YOllr. ChIMe.<br />
FREE<br />
witt\ P.tio Order<br />
W ••• yo. t.i"k of , , •<br />
• Addition. '.<br />
• Alterations •<br />
• Porch.. •<br />
Set of 1J Aqer<br />
lit. in Woo4<br />
Cas., "olue.<br />
$12.50<br />
way to get rid of trash<br />
and garbage-a modern<br />
gas incinerator<br />
Away with all the mess of trash and garbage-it's<br />
10 ealIY to rid yourself of that old-fashioned fuss<br />
with a gas incinerator. Your home and .yard are<br />
healthier, pleasant places to work and play when<br />
you prevent rubbish pile-ups. Just turn the dial<br />
-everything but bottles and cans, is cons\lmed.<br />
Consumes a bushel of trash and.garbage daily at a<br />
cost of pennies. No smoke or odor, no unsightly<br />
trash at the cUl'b, no trips outside in. bad<br />
weather. And in summer, it makes the best of<br />
sense to discourage pests by keeping things pin.<br />
neat this sanitary way. So see gas incinerators<br />
now at Gas Company or dealer showrooms.<br />
i<br />
So much more for so much less-<br />
GASn~f8l1y<br />
•<br />
Twins Inspect Memorial to Harry Furton<br />
The. eleven-year-old Wood. twins,<br />
DAN, left, and JIM, pause to read the<br />
Harry Furton memorial plaque which<br />
stands at the entrance of Grosse<br />
General. Motors produced<br />
336,550 pl1ssengercars 'and<br />
trucks. in the United States !<br />
and Canada during June, as<br />
compared with 226,001 during<br />
June, 1958. Of the tot1l1vehicles<br />
produced by GM during<br />
June, 283,486 were passenger<br />
cars and 53,064 were "trucks.<br />
Nothing wrong in having a<br />
high aim in life, but be sure<br />
the gun will carry to the target.<br />
g~~~.,FREE 'V•• t~<br />
ALUM• 1 " n,ck<br />
htr"d~J<br />
OMB. DOORS<br />
rOMi'lrH 535 95<br />
i'!'f::A,l1~, •<br />
COM! •• ASEMENT $3.25<br />
SELF STORING., .$9,95<br />
2.TlACK nLT ••• $14,00<br />
].TRACK TILT .. , $14.'5<br />
GUARDS 8V.~~~~<br />
Win"w, Door,'a.-lI't<br />
BRONZE 100' I ATlI"'.<br />
12c 54. Ft. Roll lOc Slt. 't.<br />
Screen Porches<br />
AI lrolm ~ Ste.1<br />
C 1It S..... SeH<br />
hlSiei. or OIl"!. T'IM<br />
Repair Aluminum<br />
Sto"" s....- Sc,..... - hen<br />
"cll.Up aN Delly.ry<br />
-Picture by Fred Runnells<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Farms municipal park which<br />
was jammed with 11,600residents and<br />
.their guests over the three day Fourth<br />
. of July weekend.<br />
Fusmnan Head~ Campaign Audit<br />
John J. Cronin, general turers; chairman of the Fi-mittee of the St. Vincent Dechairman<br />
of the 1959 Torch nance Committee of the Detroit Paul Society for the Archdio-<br />
Drive,. has named Aj:thur J. Grand Opera Association; a cese of Detroit; and a member<br />
Fushman, 1352 Bedford road, member of the budget commit- of the boards of directors of<br />
chairman of the Campaign tee of United Community Catholic Charities of bhe Arch-<br />
Audit Services; a vice president and diocese of Detroit and Cannel<br />
Cronin is a vice president of chairman of the finance com- Hall.<br />
G en era I Motors. Fushman,<br />
who also headed the Torch !<br />
Drive campaign 1ast year, is<br />
president of Manufacturers National<br />
Bank. .<br />
Fwhman will head a committee<br />
of 35 to 40 audito~<br />
loaned by Detroit-area corporations<br />
to audit all campaign<br />
returns during the annual<br />
fund-raising drive to be held<br />
Oct. 13 througli Nov. 5. The '<br />
amount contributed each day<br />
is tallied, and credit is giv!!n<br />
to. each segment of the vast.<br />
volunteer organization for the<br />
amount it raises.<br />
Fushman started his baDking<br />
career in Greensburg, Indiana.<br />
He came to Detroit in 1933,<br />
and after serving with the Detroit<br />
Trost Company, went to<br />
Washirigton, D.C, for the Reconstruction<br />
Finance Corporation,<br />
becoming.its manager in<br />
1941.He served as president 6f<br />
the War Assets Corporation in<br />
.Washington in.1945.<br />
In 1946, Fushnum joined th.e<br />
Manufacturers National Bank'<br />
as a vice president, He was<br />
elected president last January.<br />
In llddition to his banking<br />
duties and membership on the<br />
• boards of several corporations,<br />
Fushman is a member of the<br />
Money Credit and Capital Formation<br />
Committee of the National<br />
Association of Manufac-<br />
I<br />
OWN AN<br />
OL<br />
"<br />
QUA LIT Y rD. A L • II" •<br />
..<br />
? •<br />
/'<br />
,,'" Right now an Olds<br />
costs less than you'd guess.<br />
ave you seen our sports<br />
editor's crystal ball\<br />
" ,:<br />
in action?<br />
Page Seven<br />
Win' ToUrnament at Little Club July:<br />
DO~.McKay and Jim. TObinl.CIUb Invit.ational Mens McKay and 100i:n turned<br />
emerged as the 1959champions Doubles tennis tournament back Mike Ware and Ted'<br />
of the annual Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> completed orr the Fourth of Peterson in the finals 6.4; 6.4.<br />
Our petroit ~imes sports editor slyly<br />
. claims he owns a crystal ball.<br />
And you might almost believe.him<br />
~fyou caught his year-old prediction<br />
of the .Terry Brennan firjng<br />
on the Detroit Times Sports Pages.<br />
Remember? It was in September 1957 that<br />
Ed Hayes told you that Terry Brennan would<br />
be through as Notre Dame's' football coach<br />
after'his next losing season ... that his<br />
replacement would be the.Washington<br />
Redskins' Joe Kuharich.<br />
A nd that's exactly what happened<br />
in December 1958/ ,<br />
We think you'll agree ... it doesn't much<br />
.matter whether a crystal . ball or an<br />
undisclosable inside source was behind<br />
. . '<br />
this story ! The point is ... you can expect'<br />
intriguing forecasting and honest reporting<br />
when you read the Times Sports Section.<br />
~ Keep your eye on the TlMES Ij<br />
Phone WOodward 3-8800 for delivery to your<br />
home • ~• both daily and Sunday l<br />
•<br />
.. • ," b..
,,-' !<br />
< )<br />
Page Eight GR'OSSE POI~TE NEWS Thursday,July 9. .I95~<br />
.Otoss~ Point~ N~w.<br />
Phone TU 2.6900<br />
Three Trunk Lines<br />
l4erubv Michigan Presa AssociatIon and National Editorial Association<br />
Weekly Newspsp'er RepresentaUves. Inc,<br />
4001Fifth A\'enue. New \:ork 19. New York. BRyant 9-7300<br />
333 Norlb Michigan Avenue. Phone FInancial 6-221t<br />
Entered as second.class. maHer at the post office, Detroit<br />
Michigan, under the Act of March 3. 1897. •<br />
Address aU mail (subscriptions, change of address, Forms 3579)<br />
Wonderful Human Nature<br />
Letters to the Editor<br />
Bigs-Medilm Rare<br />
By Fred Kopp, R. Ph.<br />
A former "cure" for cancer<br />
required the swallowing of<br />
roasted insects. Of course,<br />
today, we know this remedy<br />
was foolish. Though we're<br />
still looking for the cause<br />
of cancer, medical science<br />
has made t rem end 0 u s<br />
strides in its detection and<br />
treatment. Ask your physician<br />
about them. And remember,<br />
.whenever you're<br />
not feeling up to par, it's<br />
good sense to visit your<br />
doctor. Then. if medication<br />
is necessary, see us for reliable<br />
prescription service.<br />
SAR.A,HEVANS : v , NEWS<br />
Human nature is a marvelous thing, and hypocrisy<br />
~s often equally intriguing. These thoughts occur to l!S'<br />
as we reflect on the Friday visit of the Queen of England<br />
and her handsome consort, Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.<br />
How often do we hear and read and think disparaging<br />
things about royalty? We can be terribly<br />
uncomplimentary in these things. But look what happens<br />
when someone like this charming pair comes into<br />
close proximity. It jUst goes to show that Rosy O'Grady<br />
and the Colonel's Lady are sisters under tbe skil) and<br />
all of us guys are pretty close to brothers in, our thinking<br />
and reactions.<br />
Quite a few fought themselves close enough to<br />
eatch a glimpse of the Queen when she came, to call<br />
on Windsor. last week. But they. were a drop' in the<br />
bucket compared to the mobs which lined the shores<br />
of the lake and rivers, all the way to Sarnia, just to<br />
get a look-see at her yacht. The Britannia is a lovely<br />
sight to behold, but it isn't really any' more excitin'gly<br />
beautiful or graceful than some of the newer freighters,<br />
or the "Aquarama," which has come to be a common<br />
sight. . I<br />
None of the horde on the shoreline, which must<br />
have numbered in the millions, could more than hope<br />
to actually lay eyes on the Royal' Presence. They<br />
couldn't have expected her to stay on. deck for all those<br />
hours, especiallyaiter the gruelling schedule she had<br />
been through. But they were eager to make the effort<br />
and endure the inconvenience of getting to a vantage<br />
point from which they would at least be able to see<br />
the floating palace which encompassed her. The theme<br />
song for the day, and for all the days of. this gracious<br />
lady might very well be "The Very Nearness of You."<br />
Dear Mr. Edgar:<br />
I would like to officially go<br />
on record that we will refuse<br />
This Is the 760th or a series<br />
of Editorial adverllsemenls ap- I<br />
pea ring In this peper each week.<br />
to spray any elm tree, public<br />
or private, with DDT. We will<br />
instead use Methoxyc1or. We<br />
realize, of course, that we will<br />
lose some spraying with the<br />
very cost-minded public and<br />
cities.<br />
We have always felt that our<br />
first duty to our profession<br />
and w'our customers was the<br />
saving of elm 1Jrees. rather<br />
than birds. Because of the very<br />
favorable reports from unimpeachable<br />
sources on the<br />
qualities of methoxyclor, we<br />
feel that it is time to make a<br />
change in order to saVe the<br />
songbirds. Whereas we spray<br />
a very small percentage of the<br />
trees in the Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
area, we hope that other tree<br />
men in this area will follow<br />
suit. I<br />
Very truly yours,<br />
Fleming Landscaping<br />
and Tree Service.<br />
• • •<br />
To the Editor:<br />
More power to you in your<br />
fight against poison sprays.<br />
Members of the :vrotorCity<br />
Organic Farm and Garden<br />
Club. R. A. Hill. president<br />
Wheels are five inches farther apart.<br />
This widens the stallce, not the car,<br />
gives you road.hugging stability, less<br />
lean and sway, Only Pontiac has it!<br />
Gro•• e-<br />
Eaaeleratlo ••<br />
A. PRYOR<br />
Last Wednesday's storm broke with.8 hissing roar<br />
as Madame sat on the sun porch, mincing a,way at<br />
luncheon while looking fearfully at the pelting rain<br />
and wincing with every flash of lightning. A sudden,<br />
violent gust picked up a lawn umbrella table, toppled<br />
the table as it neatly plucked out the umbrella, and'<br />
sent the separate parts scurrying into the shrubbery.<br />
She thought of poor Sam, her.right-arm handyman<br />
who had just finished washing all the downstairs windows<br />
before the storm broke. Now there was another<br />
job for him to do after. Nature had finished her rampage<br />
and things had settled again. .'<br />
Sure enough, within a few .minutes after. the rain<br />
stopped, Sam appeared and. busied hims~]f assembling<br />
the dismantled table. Gratefully aware Man the little<br />
de~i's to which Sam alwa~s devotedhim.self, Madame<br />
thought if might notpe amiss to help him along with<br />
a bit .of.humor.ous ribbing. She opened the porch door<br />
and called:-"Sam, when you get that done would you<br />
mind washing the windows again?" .<br />
Sam gave her a rather startled glance and tufned<br />
slightly pale, whereupon Madame gaily added:-"You<br />
know,Sam ••. an act of God." ..- .<br />
19950Mack Avenue at<br />
Torrey P-oad<br />
Andrew F. Rauth, Minister,<br />
Charles B. Kennedy,<br />
Assistant Minister<br />
Victor G. Novander, Jr.,<br />
Assistant Minister<br />
Sunday, July 12: 9:30 a.m.<br />
Church. School - N u r s e r y<br />
through Primary Department.<br />
9:30 a.m. Worship Service -<br />
Rev. Victor Novander, Assistant<br />
Minister, preaching. (One<br />
service only during the sum-<br />
mer).<br />
• • •<br />
Monday, July 13: Crusaders<br />
. '" -:<br />
Sam:s answer came quickly and fervently:-llYou<br />
don't fuss with That Fellow, do you?"<br />
A friend from Philadelphia writes to tell about his<br />
luck with an advertisement h~ ran seeking a night secretary.<br />
(For you nasty thinkers, he has a night.shift<br />
job requiring the honel;t efforts of !l s,ecretary.)<br />
There were a number of answers, but the one he<br />
liked best was a letter from a gal who ended the list<br />
of all her qualifications by sa~'ing she was a "raped<br />
typist."<br />
Our pal didn't say whether she got the job or not.<br />
He ma~' still be trying to figure out whether she's really<br />
fast or just a bad speller.<br />
• • •<br />
We've always admired those who could give<br />
straight-from-the-shoulder answers, sans shilly-shallying,<br />
etc~ Our nomination for this week's winner goes<br />
to the 9-year-old who was getting ready to leave for<br />
camp for the very first time i~ his life.<br />
Doting Mother was hovering over his gear, attending<br />
to the last packing problems and clucking to him<br />
like a hen facing the ugly task of kicking the chick<br />
out from uncer the protective wing. Came the inevitable<br />
question from the almost teary-eyed morn:-"You don't<br />
think you'll be 'homesick, do you, dear?"<br />
The answer goes down in our notebook of'masterpieces<br />
of forthright statement:-"N 0 • • • I'm sick of<br />
horne."<br />
· h.. famous<br />
I\lcMillan. at Kercheval<br />
, Rev. George E. Kurz<br />
Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. One<br />
church service only during the<br />
summer months, 9:30a.m. Nursery<br />
for small children.<br />
61 Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Blvd.<br />
Rev. E. B. Maynard, Rector<br />
. Sunday: B a.m., Holy Communion.<br />
.9:30 and 11 .a.m.,<br />
Family Worship, co.f!ee hour<br />
following the 11 9'clock serv-<br />
ice.<br />
... . .<br />
Tuesday: 10 a.m., Holy Communion<br />
and prayers for the<br />
sick.<br />
• • •<br />
Friday: Men of Christ<br />
Church luncheon at 12 noon in<br />
Mariner's Church.<br />
Returning this week from a<br />
months vacation wit h her<br />
family ~nBaltimore was MRS.<br />
Trombley road. MR. PART-<br />
RIDGE joined her in Baltimore<br />
for the holiday weekend.<br />
PONTIAC!<br />
Memorial C~nter Sche~ule<br />
.' TUxedo 1.7511 .<br />
*AlJ Center Sponsored Activities Open to the Groue<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Public.<br />
NOTICE: Please call f~r lost articles at the offiee,<br />
They will be held for 30 days.<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Garden Center Room and Library open<br />
fOfeonsuitation and service. Mrs. LeIa..ndGilmour<br />
""II be on duty in the G~rden Center Room every<br />
week. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from<br />
, 10 a.m. to .. p.m. A consultant will be on duty on<br />
Fridar from 2 to 4 p.m. (CaU TUxedo }.4594).<br />
Hospital equipment available for free loan-crutehes,<br />
wheel chairs, heat lamp, and hospital beds. "Blood<br />
available to Grosse' <strong>Pointe</strong>' residents in case of acci.<br />
dent or emergency';"free of charge".<br />
" . .<br />
, . .. Thursday, July 9 .<br />
.Beauty Counselors, Inc.-Meeting-8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.<br />
-:-Luncheon-12:30 p.~ ,<br />
.Children's Summer Art C'am~lQ:30 a.m. to 12 noon<br />
and 1 p.m. t9 2:30 p.m. .<br />
Yearlillgs.8quar'eDance-a p.m. to 11:30 p.m.<br />
,Friday, July 10<br />
.Children's Summer Art Cam~10:30 to 12 noon and<br />
1 to 2:30 p.m. .<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Ballroom Club-Class-8:00 p.m.<br />
*Center Club Outdoor Square Dance f9r Young Single<br />
Adult Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>rs. and their guests. $1.50 per<br />
person. 9:00 to 12:00 p.m.<br />
Saturday, July 11<br />
Michigan Association. for Belter Hearing-Luncheon<br />
and Meeting - 10:00 a.m. - Meeting; 12:45 p.m. -<br />
luncheon.<br />
Thursday;July 16<br />
*Children's Summer Art Cam~10:30 a.m. to 12 noon<br />
and 1 to 2:30 p.m.<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Chapter D.C.A.A.-Meeting-7 p.m.<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Business & Professional Women's Club<br />
-Meeting-8:00p.m., ...<br />
Men's Garden Club of Grosse P9inte-Meeting-8 p.m.<br />
Yearling's Square Dance Grou~quare Dance-8 p.m.<br />
FarlllS Prepares For Swim Meet<br />
D<br />
E<br />
T<br />
* •<br />
" . '"<br />
Monday, July 13<br />
*Landscape Painting Classes taught by interm.tionally<br />
famous Hughie Lee-Smith. 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon.<br />
*Cancer Information and Service Center-5ervice Work<br />
- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The volunteer workers are<br />
urgently in need of clean white material to carry<br />
on their work - anyone having old sheets, tablecloths,<br />
shirts or the like is urged to press the material<br />
and drop it by the Center to aid this worthy<br />
endeavor.. .<br />
*Children's Summer Art Cam~10:30 a.m. to 12 noon<br />
and 1to 2:30p.m.<br />
Soroptimist International of Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>-Luncheon<br />
, and Meeting-12 noon. .<br />
Rotary Club of Grpsse <strong>Pointe</strong>-Luncheon and Meeting<br />
-12:15 p.m.<br />
*Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Andrew<br />
Walrond-Director-1 p.m.<br />
*Bridge Lessons-Beginners-taught by Mrs. Carrie<br />
Kiley-8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.<br />
E n t r i e s for the annual<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms swimming<br />
meet, August I, are being<br />
acc~pted at the Farms pier.<br />
Entry blanks can be obtained<br />
at the gatehollse or cl:ieckroom<br />
and must be filed by 6 p.m.<br />
July 31.<br />
This meet will pit Farms<br />
youngsters in 1\11 age groups<br />
against each other with the<br />
\vinners receiving ribbons for<br />
prizes. Thll first and second<br />
o<br />
I<br />
T<br />
•<br />
'" " .<br />
Tuesday, July 14<br />
! : "'Landscape Painting Classes taught by internationally<br />
Hughie Lee-Smith-9:30 a.m. to 12 noon.<br />
':Churc ..Ne. Wi s I. *Ser~c:.~.~i~d3 ~.~~hildren'S Hospital-Service Work-<br />
. "'Children's Summer Art Camp-10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.<br />
• • and 1 to 2:30 p.m.<br />
................... •••••••••••••••••••••••• '. Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Real Estate Brokers Association-Lunch-<br />
ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL Club (Single Young Adults) eon and Meeting-12 noon,<br />
20475 Sunningdale Park picnic. Exchange Club of Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>-Dinner and Meet-<br />
(Near Mack and Vernier) --<br />
The Rev Edgar H. Yeoman ST. PAUL EVAN. LUTHI ing-6:30 p.m.<br />
The Rev. George H. Hann Kiwanis Club of Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>, InC.-Dinner and M:eet-<br />
Sunday, July 12: 8 a.m. 375 Lothrop at Chalfonte ing-6:30 p.m. .<br />
Eucharist. 9:30 a.m. Mornmg Sunday July 12: 9:30 Wor- *Bridge Lessons-Refresher Course-taught by Mrs.<br />
Prayer and Sermon. ship, 9:30 Sunday School 1-12,. Carrie Kiley-8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.<br />
-_.-<br />
• • • 1 Ushers' Club Picnic. '" • •<br />
lVednesday, July 15<br />
.Children's Summer Art Camp-10:30 a.m. to 12 noon<br />
. and 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.<br />
*Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. An-<br />
. drew Walrond-Directors-7:30 p.m.<br />
.Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Summer Music Festival-Ruth M~kler<br />
. _ Piano; Gordon Staples - Violin; and William<br />
Sabatini-French Horn-8:l5 p.m.<br />
• • •<br />
place winners in each event<br />
will win 'berths on the FarmS<br />
swimming tea m which will •<br />
compete a g a ins t the other •<br />
Poi n te s in the Inter-Potnte •<br />
meet to be held at the Grosse<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Park beach,. August 8.<br />
All age group.s are being •<br />
taken into consideration and •<br />
no youngsters will be pittt!d<br />
against older children in the •<br />
events unless he so choses.<br />
R<br />
Our 1959 Analysis of<br />
Detroit Bank Stocks is<br />
available on request.<br />
Buhf Bulldlnl •• , Detroit 26, Mlchl .. n<br />
WOoclw.r4 2.2055 ••• 1....11111 .. 1 TUx'" ......<br />
•<br />
• • •<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
What Goes On<br />
at '<br />
.Your ,Lib'rary<br />
. By];;'" T.ylor<br />
The little girl' paused heSitantly<br />
at the top of the .steps.<br />
"Are you looking for somebody?"<br />
we asked her.<br />
"No .•• I just wondered<br />
what was up here."<br />
How many olhenl. have<br />
wondered what was up on the<br />
second floor at Central Library?<br />
Would you like to be<br />
shown around?<br />
First, the Director's office,<br />
a very busy place. Perhaps<br />
his job could. be briefly. if<br />
inadequO)tely, deooribed as de.cisions,<br />
decisiof/s, decisions:<br />
Decisions. ahout people: You,<br />
the public and your relation to<br />
the library. and how to give<br />
~'ou the. very best library service<br />
we p05Sibly can; endless<br />
decisions about bOoks; decisions<br />
about the building and<br />
the furnishings( libraries, just<br />
like homes, occasionally need<br />
cleaning and painting and<br />
landscaping and little repair<br />
jobs crop up.} We are 811 proud<br />
of our building and every effort<br />
is made to k~p it attractive<br />
and fresh looking, so you<br />
will be proud of it too. Somehow<br />
our Director manages to<br />
keep three libraries and 25<br />
people on an even keel.<br />
Now in this pretty, bluewalled<br />
office sits the Chief of<br />
Children's Service (who has<br />
been your weekly columnist<br />
for nine years). However, she<br />
only sits' here p"rt of the time<br />
- she is chief liaison between<br />
the library and the Schools;<br />
she compiles lists of new books<br />
and old favorites for the young<br />
fry from toddler to teen age;<br />
she gives talks to classes on<br />
the art of story-telling; about<br />
how to use the library cata-<br />
,log system; she addresses Girl<br />
Scout groups and. Mothers'<br />
groups, and gets many requests,<br />
by telephone and in<br />
person, from parents, as to<br />
what book would be suitable<br />
for their young people and<br />
what encyclopedia would she<br />
recommend for Junior, and so<br />
on. A very busy little lady.<br />
Next we come to our meeting<br />
room. One never knows<br />
just what one will come upon<br />
in here. Perhaps it will be the<br />
Pre-School story hour group,<br />
intent little Jaces fixed upon<br />
Miss Jackie as she tells them<br />
about Curious Gt!Orle. Oh-ohhere<br />
is a timid little firstgrader,<br />
just two minutes separate<br />
from his mother, whose<br />
tears we will dry .before we<br />
take him downstairs to rejoin<br />
her. (One such tot became so<br />
enamoured of the fish in the<br />
aquarium downstairs that he<br />
forgot why he Cl\me down!)<br />
Every effort is made to see<br />
that our smal! citizens feel the<br />
library is a good place to be.<br />
Another time the m~ting<br />
room might have a study group<br />
in it; or some people watching<br />
a program in color on the TV<br />
set the Friends of the Library<br />
group gave us. If you had<br />
peeked in a few weeks ago,<br />
you nilght have thought you<br />
had blundered into a florist's<br />
greenhouse, by mistake. The<br />
room was beautiful with flowers,<br />
because a women's garden<br />
group was learning from<br />
an expert how to arrange<br />
flowers and greens tastefully:<br />
At all times you would find<br />
art prints around the walls,<br />
which the library Ie,ans to patrons<br />
for a monlh at a time.<br />
A very versatile room, this<br />
......<br />
• •<br />
Detroit 26, Michigan<br />
WOodward 2-5525<br />
m~ting room.<br />
Here is our stock room. We<br />
gave this a llousecleaning reo<br />
cently, and came upon some<br />
odd, un-libraryish things. in a<br />
seldom"used comer. For instance,<br />
who would expect to<br />
find a bright red Christmas<br />
stocking in here? Well, we did.<br />
A few inquires elicited the information<br />
that W~ had had a<br />
"Night ,Before Christmas" display,<br />
some years ago at one<br />
of the branooeB; This stocking<br />
had been hung on the mantel.<br />
and what do you suppose was<br />
in it? What else but a book!<br />
Lastly here is th~ Friends<br />
Room. This lovely room with<br />
the long table, indired lighting<br />
and fireplace i:i available<br />
to small groups of a dozen ot'<br />
so, •who meet for educational<br />
or cultural purposes. We hold<br />
staff meetings here throughout<br />
the year. We were taking an<br />
inventory of our books in here<br />
recently. The library has been<br />
the happy and grateful recipi.<br />
ent of some rare and lovely<br />
volumes. It gave us quite an<br />
awed feeling to handle a Bible<br />
well over 100 years old with<br />
the spidr:rly handwriting on<br />
the cover-page of some long.<br />
gone person. In here also are<br />
some rare editions of Alice in<br />
Wonderland. and we held<br />
carefully in our hands some<br />
leUers Lewis Carrol wrote to<br />
friends.(signed, of course, C. L.<br />
Dodgson.)<br />
And out here on the balcony<br />
sit we two secretaries.<br />
We smile when people say.<br />
"But what is there to DO upstairs;<br />
we thought everything<br />
necessary was done downstairs,"<br />
We are here to tell<br />
you that we are not in an<br />
ivory tower. There are reports<br />
to go out at frequent intervals<br />
to our parent, The Board,<br />
of Education, concerning all<br />
our activities, as well as pl'blicity,<br />
correspondence and lists<br />
covering all our services. There,<br />
are four telephones up here,'<br />
ringing constantly, and it is:<br />
a bee-hive of activity. But it.<br />
is varied, interesting and:<br />
never, never dull. We even<br />
have our humorous moments.<br />
as, siUing at our typewriters;<br />
we have quite a vantage poil\t '<br />
for observing most of the'<br />
main floor. With sympathetic<br />
amusement we have watched .<br />
ladies in distress,. on occasion, :<br />
use the privacy (?) between'<br />
the stacks to adjust an article<br />
of clothing which was. awry •.<br />
or observed boy-meeting-girl,<br />
and some shy hand-holding!<br />
Anything more you'd like to<br />
know? There was even a dog,;<br />
one day, who managed to slip<br />
past the alert girls at the cir.<br />
culation desk and somehow<br />
find his way up here - in<br />
search of higher education? -<br />
What happened to him once<br />
he got up here, shouldn't happen<br />
to a dog. But we are out<br />
of space, and that is another<br />
story.<br />
During the Civil War, the<br />
Federal Navy paid a French.<br />
man $10,000 to build a sub.<br />
marine to sink the Confederate<br />
iron-clad Merrimac. But when<br />
a naval officer arrived to take<br />
command of the finished vessel,<br />
the inven~or had disap.<br />
peared (with his $10,000). As<br />
no one could, figure out how to<br />
work the gadget, it never was<br />
of any use to the Navy.<br />
• • • • • • • • •<br />
UNDER<br />
Whatever your financial ~tuation, Y!)U<br />
owe it to 1Oul'M1l to know about mutual<br />
fundi. ThJs kJiowledqewU1 help 10\1 ill<br />
planning your financial future,<br />
AninvestmenUn a mutual fund 11 not a<br /> leh.m •. It ill a conMrvativ.<br />
plan, under profellio.nal mana~ment, by<br />
which people oimoderate means can own<br />
a piece of Ameriean huain ....<br />
Why not drop in and letul help you Nleet<br />
the mutllal .fund heltlUited 10 help you<br />
q.m your financial goal.<br />
,: Watling, Lerc1'en & Co.<br />
• Me""'*" New York Stock Eltchong.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
.. ,;<br />
•<br />
• ."'..... . .' ... ............. ,<br />
•.<br />
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•I<br />
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•.<br />
•I<br />
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f<br />
;<br />
~<br />
If<br />
•,<br />
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•,<br />
"<br />
Thund.y, July' 9. 1959<br />
Must the<br />
Songbirds<br />
Die?<br />
We have ehangedto<br />
Methoxyclor' fn s tea d<br />
of DOT, why don't you?<br />
brder your elm tree<br />
spraying from the com-<br />
pany that uses Methoxy-<br />
clor only for Dutch elm<br />
disease control.<br />
Cal. Flellling<br />
.Tree Service<br />
TU 1.6950<br />
Many Timbers'. Shiver<br />
JT!;D:<br />
"":c:.- ..<br />
Here's another house that took a<br />
beating when last Wednesday's violent<br />
outburst of nature was felt in the<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong>. A man-sized limb from a large<br />
Lowes' SIEREO<br />
Record Price.!<br />
CAPITOL - reg. 4.98 stereo now $3.09<br />
CAPITOL - reg. 5.99 stereo now $3.69 .<br />
ALL OTHER LAIELS 20% TO 46% O':F<br />
Largest selection of STEREO records<br />
Comple.te Selection of Stereo Components<br />
DEIRIOI .AUDIO, ;.<br />
16020 E. Warren Ave .. neilr Devonshire<br />
,<br />,\ete .<br />
GARDIN<br />
SHOP<br />
for Infants and Children<br />
"Pied Pipers" are designed for little<br />
feet and are expertly fitted under the<br />
directio'n of Mr. William McCourt. ExklUS1VelYat<br />
Peter pan,ln GrOHe <strong>Pointe</strong>.<br />
170 15 Kercheval<br />
,TUxedo 5-9236<br />
'-, ~'."'- --....,.-. ~~_,~ .-.y . .......,."..... ~-" .... ".. -..,~ ... ,'-W'l ... ,-.-,1"""~'~'<br />
Sometimes people' become<br />
victill15 of misplaced confi.<br />
dence-too much confidence in<br />
themselves. .<br />
for llOIorful, carefrH beauty<br />
Proved in more than 22.000 pools,<br />
N.llln! rubber.b fad.-rKi.lonl .<br />
.n.m.l; IOIS on ily. Ii .... ,llle.<br />
smooth fini.h. In of pasl.l<br />
ooIon.<br />
ADD EXALIAE. tD k.. p<br />
pool". cryatal.dear<br />
... l••• tlne a11 lde thot rids<br />
_~r of IInpl lIt, .,..n a/C..<br />
Irowth. "rovents .Upp.ry pool<br />
bottom. Colarlus •.odorl .... non.<br />
Irrltetlnl. Make •• wlmmlnl ",.re<br />
IUn .... fer.<br />
• "r_asof @<br />
".Int speer.lI.h<br />
lor aver half ••• ntlllY<br />
BENROX<br />
CO.<br />
Dealer & Applicator<br />
IServes the <strong>Pointe</strong>s I<br />
Call<br />
TWinbrook 3-0327<br />
270.W. State Fair, Oet.<br />
GROSSE<br />
-Photo by Fred Runnel~<br />
maple was ripped off at Newbel'ry<br />
place and Lakeshore road and crashed<br />
onto the roof of this home owned by.<br />
C. E. Morley.<br />
Farms Submits<br />
Building Report<br />
During the first six months<br />
of 1959, the Farms issued a<br />
total of 85 oonstruction perwits;<br />
valued at a1most a mil-<br />
'lion dollars, it. was disclosed<br />
by Farms City Engineer Murray<br />
M. Smith.<br />
Miscellaneous permits numbered<br />
70 for a total value of<br />
$315,750; 14 residential building<br />
permits are valued at<br />
$573,000; and one business<br />
construction per m it, worth<br />
$23,500, making the over all<br />
value $912,250.<br />
Mr. Smith's monthly building<br />
report showed that five<br />
residential permits for. the<br />
month of June were valued at<br />
$194,000; and 13 miscellaneow:<br />
permits h::ive a value of $29,-<br />
900, for, a total of $223,900.<br />
The residential permits, and<br />
their value, were issued for<br />
the following locations: 389<br />
Kercheval, $18,000; 316 Moross<br />
road, $62,000; 332' Kercheval,<br />
$39,000; 169 Stephens road,<br />
$62,000; and 394 Kercheval<br />
(house moving), $13,000.<br />
Engineers' Chapter<br />
Elects New Officers<br />
The following officers were<br />
elected at the' annual meeting<br />
of the Lake 81. Clair<br />
Chapter of Michigan Society<br />
of Professional Engineers for<br />
1959-60.<br />
Thomas C. Halliday, presi-<br />
(lent; Leopold T. Szady, vice.<br />
president; Patrick G. McDonald,<br />
secretary-treasurer; Donald<br />
E. Trefry, state director;<br />
and Laurence B. Einfeldt, alternate<br />
state director.<br />
The. annual picinc will. be<br />
held at the Detroit Edison<br />
Boat Club on August 18 and<br />
the first regular meeting. will<br />
be held September 28 at the<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> War Memorial<br />
at 8 p.m.<br />
The things that come to<br />
those who wait are seldom the<br />
things they have been waiting<br />
for.<br />
Frolund's<br />
Since J942<br />
Stop $ummer Seore1ling!<br />
Greener Lawns Are Made This Way<br />
. *.. ' , .<br />
. the SCOTTS' Way!<br />
"-<br />
Want uniformly beautiful results without hard work?<br />
Apply steady feeding TURF BUILDER with the<br />
ScottS Spreader-now. Just fill the hopper and take<br />
a walk. Odorless, non-burn TURF BUILDER helps<br />
your lawn get the proteins it needs, gives you the<br />
greenest grass you've ever had - without extra<br />
mowing.<br />
Save. $7 -by buying both now<br />
1lJRF nutrition, builds<br />
thicker, greener Jawn. 2 b1lgs, 10,000 sq. ft. ...... 8.95<br />
,Spreader for SCOTTS - precise application of<br />
every product needed to insure a better lawn.... 16.95<br />
Save $7 -N~~E~~~~<br />
if hot/ghl sefJlmliely 25.90<br />
$1890<br />
Comparabl. 5';",,,,, 0" All 51,••<br />
• • •<br />
:;~;;'~6;~~ t!~ GROSSE POINTE<br />
(;rO!!8 Poinfe's G~rden He~dqu~rter5 19815 MACK AVE., at HUMTINGTON<br />
•<br />
. Drain Project Report Heard'<br />
A report of the latest pro- structure will not be' started<br />
gress of the Grosse.Gratiot until the caisson is complete.<br />
Drain constru9tion was read Straightening of the Milk<br />
at the Woods council meeting River c h ann e I from the<br />
of July 6. The report, com. Wayne.Macomb county line to<br />
piled by Laurence H. Pate, Lake St. Clair is about 60 per<br />
engineer, was as follows: cent complete ..The park bridge<br />
At the south Macomb coun. at the Woods pier park is 99<br />
ty line east of Marter road, petcent finished. The low lift<br />
the caisson outer wall and pumping station and outfall<br />
floor is completed' the inlet sewer at Jefferson avenue and<br />
structure is sched~led to be- Milk River, in the pier park,<br />
gin tomorrow, July 11;. con- is 95 percent completed.<br />
struction of the sedimentation Of the Milk River ,tunnel,<br />
tank has begun; pumps and the 15-foot tunnel!is complete;<br />
motors. are 80 per cent com- the 16.foot tunnel is complete<br />
plete and the electrical work to a point just north of Hampis<br />
7 per cent done. The super- ton road and ~ 10 foot 6 inch<br />
... L. MMi<br />
It.T.L. L1ttWM<br />
Supervi90r<br />
When you buy a new car,<br />
Announcing the fJpening.of our third<br />
20490 HARPER<br />
Itrom this Northeast Branch, the mel'l pietured<br />
here will serVe residents of the grow- .<br />
;ng east side, St. Clair Shores, Harper Woods<br />
and the Cities of Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>. We hope<br />
you will call upon these life insurance spedalists<br />
in all matters pertaining to business<br />
and family security, pension plans and<br />
group £overages. The. New England life<br />
contract they offer can mean. bett. lif.<br />
for you.<br />
The JOHNW.BUDA_<br />
1527 NatioNll'M: I.....<br />
Detroit 2.6 •<br />
oIIMLIFE~-=<br />
New expanded focilitiu make possible the enlarging fA eM' .,..<br />
stoff, pr.ferably with colleg •. traln«! men having IIOI'M ~ .1*+-<br />
_. Generous guaranteed Inc:ome during 801. tI'Oining Pf'OItPOM.<br />
Write for appointment 01' tMphone 'NMedlt 04.700Q.<br />
........<br />
M...w -Wile ..<br />
SoIe5 Director<br />
Plge Nine<br />
tunnel, south of Vernier road, down Vernier road is about.<br />
is oonstrocted through the half finished and. tbe' BIG.ek<br />
Lodwoor golf course u far Marsh Drain, east and south<br />
as Lochmoor boulevard. Of Locbmoor. boulevard, •<br />
'.nle Girard Drain tunnel complete to Cook road.<br />
Blue Cross Drug Store<br />
17511 Mack, at Neff Rd.<br />
Registered Pharmacl5t HOURS: lOa. m. to lOp. m.<br />
Always on Duty Closed Sundays<br />
don'teettle for less than you're entitled 1n<br />
And before you buy, remember this factr<br />
At today's prices •••<br />
I ' . .<br />
J.' -<br />
1~1~~rl8d ~~!~~~~<br />
15000 Kercnev.r,,A.,.. ' GROSSE POINTE '- VA/Jey 2-517'1<br />
e<br />
.' w pi .,..... ~ -..-. ---- ..---~- ~- -- ~ . - --<br />
.. "<br />
o<br />
o<br />
o 1<br />
2<br />
(,<br />
o<br />
o 1I2<br />
Save your small change and<br />
the chances are your heirs will<br />
blow your dollars,<br />
MAKE 26,382 ARRESTS<br />
Slate Police officers madr.<br />
26,382 arrests in May including<br />
1,979 for eriminal offenses not<br />
including 551 juvenile offen-<br />
ders and 20 wayward minors<br />
apprehl!nded. The remaining<br />
24,403 arrests were for traIfic<br />
viOlations and did not include<br />
701 juvenile traffic offenders,<br />
Troopers made 36,157 prop.<br />
erty and 5,270 liquor inspec-<br />
tions. Complaints totaled 11-<br />
815. '<br />
Department vehicles traveled<br />
2,1.66!645 miles to invl!stigate<br />
crlmmal 8nd other complaints,<br />
and 1,390,614 on traffic pAtrol.<br />
Thursday, July', 1959<br />
.1<br />
L<br />
3<br />
5<br />
II<br />
18<br />
NEWS<br />
Team W<br />
Cubs ,10<br />
Braves II<br />
CardlnaTll ' fi<br />
DodKel'1l .., , 3<br />
GalM: lune 29.<br />
.'<br />
~~~n~3<br />
af:i~ta:::;~d~~n~ ,:Hen1.y..Cawth.I s a, Mary Hess<br />
the White Sox fol' the third Babe Ruth<br />
U~~e3 7ir:~'.no-hit., no-run L Take Top Sailing Honors<br />
game of the season was pro- ea_ gue SlY h CI b d<br />
duced by the White Sox in de- , Henry Cawthra, of Crescent ai ac t u, an .,<br />
teating the Yankees. ,15 to o. ; Mary Hess, of the Detroit Yacht Club, earned the right<br />
White Sox Pitcher Mike FARMS _ CITY _ PARK! to represent the Detroit River Yachting Association in -:<br />
Renrto help<br />
you decide on your<br />
hunting eqUipment.<br />
MAPLE "!' aI. ,<br />
GROVE' .?";;.~_.<br />
GUN SHOP ~\<br />
.n~ ShooHnl R.n,.<br />
21.MIf. Rei. at Gratiot<br />
Four Miles North of Mt, Clemens<br />
GrOMI! <strong>Pointe</strong>i'll can takl! Harper<br />
to Ae.1chfJlllhwlr)'. to U S, 26<br />
'rhe beginning of midship-<br />
men in the Navy is tl'aced to<br />
the early days when each<br />
warship carric,d a numher of<br />
lads who ac:l"d as messengers,<br />
rushin(: orders from the' offi-<br />
cers aft to the mc'n up for-<br />
ward. Generally, a midship-<br />
man was l'I'gal'dc'd as an offi-<br />
cer candidatc'<br />
27; Gulliver, A, Sheldon-GPC:<br />
SW(,ct Slxt~n. H, Sarller-CSYC;<br />
lB. no name.<br />
John-DYC: H. Mueller - DYC;<br />
DYC: Dave Smlth-DBC: D. Chrisl-<br />
lan-DYC<br />
FOLKBOAT CLASS- N a nt I :n<br />
Ross Kogel-GPSC; Donna Jean;<br />
Donald Hanna-CSYC; Hutsut, R.<br />
K 0 low I c h-Fred Somes-GPYC'<br />
BonVlvanl. Jerry Naumann-DYC:<br />
~S 13. G. Casslcly-GPYC; Valky:<br />
TIe. S. Braclley-GPYC; US 23, W.<br />
Kemp-GPYC; Gaywitch. C. Col.<br />
~~~:SYC Marlen. E. Barrell-<br />
American L~ague<br />
CK TEAM-Detroit Yacht Cluh W<br />
12 points. Detroit Boal Cluh 3 Ti!\'crs 6<br />
points. Jerry Jordan, W. Ohst. C. Indians 4<br />
Jonas. Red Sox 3<br />
TNTERLAKP.JUNIORs-(:. Mis- ~~~t~r;;~;e r<br />
tele-DYC: Carol Cawthra-CSYC; Kansas City 1<br />
Dennis Runnells-BYC; 24~GPC;<br />
Fr,1nk WhiUon-DYC IDNFI. Major Minor 1.eaglle<br />
While Sox IS'<br />
K CLASS-Typh:.on. William Mc- Blue Jays 9<br />
Graw-{iPSC: S p 0 0 k i c.' North Senators II<br />
Stockton-DYC; J'e/1aslls. ~. Jen- Browns 8 .<br />
nlnRs-DYC; Valhalla. A. Walson- Reds S<br />
GP::;C: Our Pr.I". Peter Wayne- PirAtes 2<br />
DYC, Amtrkan Association<br />
Minneapolis II<br />
Louisville II<br />
ChArleston 8<br />
Indianapolis 8<br />
OmRhll 8<br />
ALl, OTJlF.R Cl.ASSF.-S-NlneLy SI PRill .~<br />
EiRht, Buell Doelle-DIlC. D('nver :I<br />
Wichlla 2<br />
, In(ernatlonlll League<br />
Miami 1I<br />
Duffalo 8<br />
Toronto 6<br />
RIchmond 7<br />
Montreal 6<br />
Columbus :;<br />
RO('h('sler :;<br />
Hav"n" 3<br />
THISTLE CLASS-l228, J err y<br />
Jenkfns-CSYC; Piper, Herb Main-<br />
warlnK-eSYC; White Wing. Doug-<br />
las Wake-CSYC; Manawaca, How-<br />
ard Boston-BYC; Sklrl,. George<br />
Devlin-CSYC: North Wind. L.<br />
Sultoh-CSYC: Slickett, A. Morri-<br />
son-GPC; Missile, A. Przybylowlcz<br />
-CSYC: 767, R. Pytc!-CSYC: Yen<br />
Tu. K. HanS
..<br />
Thul'sd.y, July 9, 1959<br />
/<br />
•<br />
'Maison' Riviera'. Opens;C~~llenges. Nation's Best<br />
When the massi\'e .crystal Vienna Opera House)' bursts that overl~k' 1Ihe .river, and 6 p.m_ to ciosing, For its grand<br />
chandelier, (an exact copy of into light Thursday night, it of course most importantly in opening Thursday, July 9,imd<br />
the famous original in the will herald the opeJling of De- the superb and extensive cui~ the weekend immediately fol-<br />
;===::;;;;;::;;::;====:;, Itroit's newest restaurant. on- sine. lowing, black tic is requested<br />
_____ ' the. river -'- Mitchell R. How- Note'ivorthy in Uiis respect during the evening.<br />
:<br />
~~t-IA'K:"d,tN'~ES~ey's elegant Maison Riviera, in is' the selection of. imported ,In 1946, Mr. Housey opened<br />
Shrillp '.Jo••?<br />
Moy'. prepares if i. so<br />
mallY de'iciolls ways! •••<br />
Shrimp with lobster sauce.<br />
Shrimp Kow -with c h 0 ic e<br />
Chinese veget"bles.<br />
French fried shrimp with plum<br />
• :: iIT .'oVI ~..:-: .. \ • d t d<br />
_:~~: :......~... M mus IH s"uc;e.<br />
.. -::..' - - Shrimp, sl'{eet and sour.<br />
Carry Outs Bu~terfly shrimp.<br />
M 0 Y'S r~staurant<br />
lakeshore Village Center, Y2 mile south of 9 Mi. Rd.<br />
Mlrter Road it E. Jefferson<br />
"<br />
oai'ly 11"II' p. m. ' lunches 11.3p. m;<br />
Sundays, holidays noon-l1 p. m. Complete dinners 5-ll',p. m.<br />
.<br />
Sunday-Half Fried Chicke ..<br />
Tuesday=Breaded Veal cutlet<br />
Wednesday-Roast Beef<br />
$ll~lu4es:<br />
sou.<br />
Thursday-Half Fried Chick ...<br />
HOT ROLL<br />
Fricby-Pickerel<br />
COFFEE<br />
S..tunlay-Chicken or ShriMp<br />
,<br />
, .<br />
16354 HARPER'<br />
TU 2-2668<br />
Complete ,<br />
W~" 11 ". "Ill , II"", l ~<br />
ktv..... , 5 .., 'iiI , ....... . :~... •<br />
..,,,.,, ,:. 'iiI , "oM. " .' ..<br />
[II 4 iiiiiii;)<br />
DAILY Pr":: 7==. '<br />
LUNCHEON ~"I-- I ~<br />
, SI'Ic:I ....L ' ~<br />
STRIP ST~K: $1.00 W<br />
11 ....M. ~ 4 P.M. .F<br />
Why drive a "HOT BOX"?<br />
. ,<br />
•<br />
the beautiful R i vel' House chateau and est ate vintage his. first restaurant at the site<br />
apartment at- 8900 East Jel- of his present Chop House. at<br />
~-'FOOD~~ ferson. • " East Jefferson and Beaubilln.<br />
, The extent to which "no ex- ~~ It was not until 1950; however,<br />
CHOP<br />
'5 '.:E.Y.. tue,<br />
pense hhas been ~~ .. is seep ~." '~,'_.,::".~,'\ that l'thte l esiabolidshlmdenatdW:e s<br />
ever'RN ere - m' w.e cocktail f.N-~ - II comp e e y rem 0 e n ~-<br />
cour~fou{ltain with its replica<br />
of the famous Goose Girl s~in<br />
the, two giallt William<br />
'.<br />
\ • .<br />
''''~' ~<br />
, 'l!'-, .:.') opened, as. a chop house. In<br />
the years since, it, has enjoyed<br />
remarkable success i nd House mlltals depicting the<br />
received<br />
national recogmtlon on<br />
cultures of the world, in the three occasions. Go u l' met<br />
, ,<br />
NEW ENGLAND . •<br />
Steamed. Clams • Live Lobster • Chicken<br />
Wednesday and Thursday<br />
July 15th and 16th<br />
from 6:00 P.IU. 011<br />
Capt. SHUMWA' VIS ~a"e reservation,<br />
by Saturday. July 11<br />
14948. E. Jefferson ED r -9289<br />
at the"Llmlt5<br />
and air conditioning add. up to $200 morel) So why IWe1ter<br />
thilllUJ11ttlet'? Get an air cOnditioned Rambler.<br />
Ottter Ita'"'"' benefits: ealIier perking, top gaa economy,<br />
full family room. Try Pet'80nalized Comfort, too: indiv~ulllly<br />
adjuatable front IeAta. Tellt-drive Rambler now<br />
• , , and lave with every air conditioned mile.<br />
GROSSE POINTE RAMBLER, K.rchnerl at Alt.r Road<br />
.<br />
Friday and Saturday<br />
Casual Anire Days<br />
"Rain, rain, stay away", is<br />
the cry of Kercheval on th,e<br />
Hill merchants as tl\.ey plOt<br />
thei'r casual living days fo'r<br />
this weekend. ,<br />
'The Hill merchants will take<br />
on OJ, carefree look. Specials<br />
will be fea?;Jred in all stores<br />
during this two-day event.<br />
Everyone )5 urged to don<br />
carefree togs Friday and Saturday.<br />
July 10 and 11 and visit<br />
Uie stores' on "The Hill".<br />
LA'RGE " PIKE C4UGHT •<br />
II 'Carry.Out' Only magnificent crystal chandelier, Magazine listed it as numb~r A 1~-lb., 17" Grass Pike<br />
, ',. ,',' ,-,,; ",..: . '<br />
GMt. yow fwt:nJly aU. the health and comfort. beDe6ta.o(<br />
..<br />
'.&ir conr:litioninI-anct ... mOney to boot! Drive in icycool<br />
comfort when w. bIuinI bot outlide. Enjoy dry,<br />
de.htimidi.fied air on m~ daY', Breathe filtered air<br />
with dWJt and m08t pollen rim2oved. Get more when. you<br />
tnde. (Rambler tope aU low-priced' can in 1WIle nluej<br />
I<br />
...<br />
..<br />
'SlarUnl Wednesday<br />
.John Wayne<br />
Rlclly Nelson<br />
Dean Martin<br />
, "~IO BRAVO"<br />
(In Technl~olor)<br />
"~'t:..,rTt,,, ,:":"'o ...r:g
II'l hi 2 2 & 2 $ & 2J j & $2 51 3 3,233 .tJ as 3'0"#( ;)tt.O:4 eo 3 $ $<br />
J<br />
noop VICTIM:-In lieu of stret,chers, bodies of tile more \han 200' ~ood ~ctlma' are brought out<br />
bangm~ from bamboo ?Oles in Colombia, wnere a sudden avalanche ot water from theCombelAa<br />
river Wiped out three villages. Priest gives the blessing , as the &'rim parade . passes " by At Ib asu.. '<br />
43 YEARSAGO A~D TODAY-Thought:! of ~resldent and ~rl. Eisenhower go ba;k to ~3 ean<br />
~o to their weddm?, time ~.e~t) as they smile (right) on their .3rd wedding anniVersary !t the<br />
hite Hoose. PresIdent Ell!eiihower said a successful . marrlalre Irets hailPier, u the yeLrS 20 by.<br />
': r 'I ~ I. \ • .j I, I •<br />
"WHERE D'YA THINK YOU'RE TAKING US,!" - It's the el)d of the Hne for t';"o<br />
haughty ostriches, one of whom .stretches fro~ the cage to get tough with a workman<br />
at London, where the birds ar.rived from Atrica aboard 0 the ship Chindwara.<br />
Part of a group or animals captured in Kenya and Uganda by John Seago, th~<br />
ostriches w11lbe displayed in a Britis!' :CO.<br />
AWARD WINNER ~ Mrs. Daniel Pollng, president or<br />
the American Mothers' Committee and wife of t.he<br />
, noted minister, presents a citation to New York Judge<br />
B. BnmueJ DIFalco, , member of the Board of the<br />
Modcss Family Life Institute, for the foundation'.<br />
.ponsorshlp of the Wednesday night radio show, Family<br />
Living '69. The award was made to t.he Ilhow for<br />
\promoun, a better understandlnr of lJl_tlP!£!I_ oC<br />
-*- ---.-~fam1l1 JlvlnI.' --<br />
•<br />
"--T----.,.... ' .<br />
!<br />
HIT A-HEAD-Hit hat ot<br />
the summer season is the<br />
Jaunty young boater,<br />
brlghUy berIbboned' and<br />
worn squarely atop the<br />
head. This version, by Mr.<br />
John Jr., is done In pampas<br />
straw with a wovenedge<br />
grosgrain ribbon trim<br />
In two shades of pInk.<br />
, .<br />
Suburbia lOday<br />
"ohn Pike<br />
ERNEST v: HEYN<br />
Editor-In-Chit!<br />
Editon<br />
Mantlging Editor<br />
In This Issue •.•<br />
1&, Have served M~Sent.nce"<br />
'-and "I'm MoviDg Back T9 Tbt City," says Jerome<br />
Weidman, the man who has kept a generation of<br />
Americans laughing-and thinking-in such boob as<br />
The Enemy Camp, What's lit It For Me?, and The<br />
Hom That C0i41J Whink "Dixit." Mr. Weidman<br />
bas had his fill of country life, and is getUngout.<br />
Read his story and see wbdher<br />
this, time.<br />
you think hets ript<br />
Marln.s For The MIlUona<br />
The recent ttemendousrise in the popularity of boating<br />
as a sport haS resulted in a furious scramble to<br />
provide adequate mooring facilities for the miUions<br />
of pleasure craft taking to the water 'this summer.<br />
Cast off with us this month aDd tour the country's<br />
waterways, from Flamingo, Florida, to Seattle, Wash.<br />
iogton, and examine the marina-that modem dockside<br />
marvel designed and built for those wbo enjoy<br />
living abt.<br />
COOl,.Exquisite ... BeI•.<br />
Here are saJads-lipt, crisp, green; and varied-to<br />
brighten the outlook for all mid-July cooks. Crab<br />
Louis and GardeD Court Salad are hearty enough<br />
dishes to provide a ref~g maincoune; molded<br />
Pineapplc-ebeese Salad, Empress Salad, and Cucumber<br />
Mold could be deliciously cbilly IUDCbeon t1eats.<br />
What?Uve 'n A Round House?<br />
Before you quickly reply, "Not OIl your life,!' have<br />
a look at the ODe we found. Aootber in our Unusual<br />
Suburban Home series, t1iC Round House at Sausalito<br />
was built by a young couple who. Iilc.e to entertain,<br />
who have a 1arse art collection, who enjoy lDa,gnifi.<br />
cent views, and who have found that for them, "gOing<br />
in circles" is the best way to 80.<br />
Our cover artist this month is no<br />
stranger to the water, having grown<br />
up in a sea-sige suburb outside of<br />
Boston. He now lives in Woodstock,<br />
New yOrk, with' his wife Zellab and<br />
their 5011, Peter. He is a member of<br />
the National Academy of I)csign,<br />
has been a town Senior Councilman<br />
for seven years, has just completed<br />
his 25th one-man show, and was<br />
named Woodstock's "Citizen of the<br />
Year" for 1959.<br />
PlibliJher .<br />
SUBURBIA TODAY is distributed natiolUllly with newspapers<br />
in .!elected suburban communi(ie.,. Editorial oftkes<br />
at 6() East 56th 5(., New York 22, N. Y. Advertising<br />
offices at 405 Park Ave., New. York 22, N. Y. Business<br />
offices at 153 North Michipn Ave.,ChicalO I, III. Patrick<br />
O'Rourke, Advertising DIrector. Jlmes L. ThomPlOft,<br />
Advertising Manaaer. Morton Frank, Director of Pub.<br />
liwr Relations. Contents Copyright 1959 by Suburbia<br />
Publishing Corporation, 153 N. Michipn Ave., ChicalO<br />
I, III.<br />
1<br />
Dnail from the Orpheus FQunlain, by Carl Milks who ~l~d thJign CrtI1fb~k.<br />
Cranbrook<br />
-Suburban<br />
"The way to learn about art," said a very honest critic "is to Iookand<br />
live with it." Around Birmingham and Bloomfield HiJI~ the fortunate<br />
neighbors of the Cranbrook Jns(itulions can look and live with the beautiful<br />
balance and simplicity of Saarinen's buildings, the sweep of landscaped<br />
ga~dens an.d the magic of Carl Milles' watery world of nymphs<br />
and dolphl~s. TYPically, Cranbrook started in 1918 as a Meeting House,<br />
put up bYI~ f?Unders, GcorgeBooth and. Ellen Scripps Booth, to serve<br />
the community s needs, and those needs a,'c still being served now that the<br />
Booth's cultural and educational foundation has become internationally<br />
famous. Art center and educational foundation. yes-and also summer day<br />
camp, su?,mer drama scho;ol in. the Greek Theatre for the young people<br />
of the nelghbor~, I,ocal. musIc and drama center, beautiful park, open<br />
to alT. The commURlty s pnde-and also the community's joy.<br />
Po:'ico of EUtl Saarinen',f Acodemy of Art buildilll, with<br />
Milles'sculptures, Europa and founl(~in, in tM forqrouNl.<br />
Suburbia ToJ(IY. luly 1959<br />
ChristChurch, Cronbrook-built by<br />
Mr. and MrI. G~ Booth. Good.<br />
h~ AssocitJIe:s, architects.<br />
_Three hundred landscaped<br />
acres in Bloomfield Hills -'<br />
an Institute of Science<br />
and an Academy of Art-<br />
Christ Church and three<br />
second~ schools- all<br />
this is Cranbrook,<br />
internationally famous,<br />
locally beloved.<br />
Art Center<br />
.i,,!<br />
,.~<br />
;1. .J<br />
NEWfrom<br />
Good Seasons !.<br />
..~<br />
J~<br />
i~'<br />
Cheese~Gar1ic Salad Dressing Mix<br />
'/.,'.<br />
Full of real cheese iavor, the dressing you make with Chene.<br />
GarlK: .Mix is subdc, never Sbup. For it bas the mellow tang oI'6ne<br />
blue chene, propaly -sed. The light touch g( ~og.bu~ garlic.<br />
Freshly made, of course! No liar ~ (rom standing dullS the<br />
sperlding IJaYOr of IlJis dmsing. s.Jads are crisper, briprn! Next<br />
rime you're shopping, get Good Seasons DC'W
,.....<br />
Prospect from" COIUIlry IUbor-:-Jerorne Weidmt:ut, contemplaling his return to the city.<br />
AFTU a dozen years as a commuterJ-!.m leaving<br />
the suburbs. My re.uon? 1be same reason that<br />
caused Edmond Dantes to leave his dungeon' in the<br />
Chateau. D'if and .I'mIm to Paris:<br />
ing my senteoce.<br />
I have finished serv-<br />
1lIe fact that my ioc:arceratioo was self-imposed<br />
made it no Jess onerous than the imprisooroent to<br />
which the hero of TItt! CONtIl Of Mo"t~ Cristo was<br />
subjected by his implacable enemies. I did not realize,<br />
of coune, when I forsook the city pavements on<br />
which I bad been born, raised, educaled, married, and.<br />
inducted into parenthood, that I was turning my back<br />
on all the dJinlS that make life wonh living. On the<br />
c:ontnry. ,-<br />
I tbouBht I was embirking on a way of life that<br />
would be 10 my previous existence what the Koh-i.<br />
noor is to the rhinestone. My horizons, I was told,<br />
like thole of Columbus wbeo he set his course due<br />
west. wen: about to be enlarged beyond recognition.<br />
Ufe, which I was iokl in my leens began at forty, I<br />
was told in my thinies bepn in suburbia.<br />
What nobody taid me is that it never gets very far<br />
beyond that beginning. Applying the wor-d living to<br />
existence in the suburbs is like applyin, the word<br />
chilly to the Arctic Circle. It's true enough. but it<br />
hardly teDs lhe whole story. .<br />
My $Jory, like that of most suburbanites. begins<br />
with parenthood. Unlil tlull hit me, I seem 10 recall<br />
that I was a creature of average intellisence and<br />
" Suburbia Today, IHly 19$9<br />
reasooable courage. As soon as I became a falber, I<br />
became as well a fool and a coward. Instead of pay_<br />
ing aUentioo to the evidence of my own experience.<br />
whidJ indicated clearly that it was possible to enjoy<br />
as I had a healthy and happy childhood in the city,<br />
I listened worriedly and guiltily to ttie child guidance<br />
~Ion., a surprisingly noisy crew. They insisted<br />
that any parent who could afford to, but did not provide,<br />
his offspring during tbe years of growth wilh the<br />
benefits of country life, deserved to be shot and, when<br />
his resentful children reached the trigger-pulling age,<br />
probably would be.<br />
Uke most fools and cowards, I sought and of<br />
course found reasons to demonstrate to my own satisfaction<br />
that my foolishness was wisdom and my cowardice<br />
bravery. It wasn't 4.'nlyfor the. children that<br />
I was moving to lhe suburbs. Oh, no. look what it<br />
would do for me and my wife as well. After a dozen<br />
years of looking, a number of Ihings began to come<br />
into focus., They all added up 10 reasons for going<br />
b8c::k where ( came from.<br />
most important reason, of course, is that<br />
Tift!<br />
whatever advantages suburbia may have for the<br />
srowing child, or for .Ihe parenl of the growing child,<br />
becOme disadvantages when the child grows up. Our<br />
children were infants when we brought them to the<br />
country. They coUld DOt fight back. They are now<br />
twetve years okIer. I can no longer get away wilh<br />
We asked/or it-and we got it-<br />
the answer to our question about<br />
this famous author's imminent<br />
return to the Big City.~.<br />
• dltorw' Note<br />
1'1t1. IWCIy _ Ii'"<br />
... .... _.. • .ut<br />
attack ... MturM. hint yew _ ...... Iut<br />
- couldft' ..... , 1.... 11 we .,.... Iaueh<br />
too. w. ~ , of<br />
, Call G.- It ,.. Y'_ r .. ''''' ell""<br />
-a COUtiIIna ,. y ..<br />
• N ready to H Illy It"<br />
--..a-Iy • -'- .......ul",<br />
-et.w, P... De V .., .. w. .. 4Mlr<br />
~i.-.<br />
telling them, for example, that our local ba,eb~lI<br />
games are as exciting as anything that lakes place In<br />
the Yankee Stadium. They have reached the age of<br />
reason. They know better. Tbey want 10 go to the<br />
YanKee Stadium. As a maUer of strict accuracy. so<br />
do I, but that's a minor point.<br />
The main p)int is that for the last few years the<br />
amount of time I have been able to devote to earn.<br />
ing a living is a mere fnc:tion of the time J have<br />
been forced to devote to driving back and forth be.<br />
tween our borne in the suburbs and the Yankee Stadium;<br />
the Americ:in M,*,"" of Natural <strong>History</strong> (like<br />
any city mUleUm, it is biger and better than our I~al<br />
suburban mUleUmS); Radio City Music Hall (like<br />
any city movie theatre, it is bigger and beller than<br />
etc.); Madison Square Garden (like any city .spo~s<br />
arena, it is etc.); the Bronx Zoo (like any bIg city<br />
zoo, etc.); and a list of other attractions as long as<br />
my doleful countenance, aD of whic~ are available<br />
only in the citY, and all of which my children (wh~ I<br />
was told a dozen years aJO wanted nothing from 1,Ife<br />
but fresh air and sunlipt) feel they cannol live<br />
without. .<br />
I feel the same way. I have nothing agains~ fresh<br />
air and sunlight. I am an average man who hkes ~o<br />
.Iive near thethinp he likes, and the things his ehll.<br />
dren like, and getting 10 the things we like from<br />
where we now Jive is a quicker road to bankru~ICY<br />
than anylhinS thought up by Mr. Micawber. The lime
wasled in tnvelin. back and forth between IUbWbia<br />
aDd a deceut ball game, or a Broadway play (when<br />
you find anything as gOOd-as "My Fair Lady" in West<br />
Moriches, let mf" know), is as nothing by comparisoa<br />
with tMeipeaae, especially if you are playing holt to<br />
your own children.<br />
WHEN as a city boy I weat to a ball pine, or to<br />
any oCher of the many exciting events that the<br />
march of civilization has decreed can take place only<br />
in a).,. city, my mother pve me my lunch, sub- '<br />
way fare. the price of a bIeachen seat, and inmuctions<br />
to get home. before dark. When as a. Suburban<br />
father I take my brood to, let us say,. mediDc of<br />
the UN Council (which they have heal told 'by their<br />
suburban IChooI teac:ber they MUST NOT MISS); I<br />
feel as' tbouch I were lifting tbe .cbect for ODe of<br />
DiiInond Jim Brady's' more elaborate entertaimnmt.<br />
Bctwceo telHhiny in the morning ~: we let out,<br />
and tCo-rbirty at' ni&frt when-as my suburban nei&h-<br />
"bon ("cards," every one of tbem) put it.,.we return,<br />
to the' stables, . the flmily exdIeq~r-or, as daddy<br />
puts it, his bankroll-talces a breating.<br />
Gasoline, hipay toBs, parking. fees in the city,<br />
taxis from the city ptage to the place in tOWll we ,<br />
have come to YiIit, at least two restaurant meals, I<br />
don't know /tow many in-bctween snacks-it doesn't<br />
matter whether we have come in to see 1be Music<br />
Man" from orc:hcstna seats or take a ride on the<br />
Staten JsWtd Ferry, the day's expcmes always seem<br />
to add up to $60.00.<br />
There are suburbanites who claim they manage to<br />
reduce this filure by leaving the car at home and g0ing<br />
into 'rown by train. I claim they ~ oner<br />
learned tlOW 10 add, or theY don't know meaainI<br />
of the word fear. I do. J learned it as a commuter.<br />
WHEN I lirst moved to the suburbs, our local<br />
nilrolld was a means of transportation. Today<br />
as I write (with a nervOUlly sbakin,lulnd) our local<br />
nilroad has become either a bad joke or a daily invitation<br />
to violent death, and I pther from dae puIlIic<br />
prints that the same is true of almost every commuters'<br />
rai&o.d in the country: the seats are filthy,<br />
the washrooms detestable, the conductors sullen, the<br />
fares outraaeous, the schedules lies, and the passen-<br />
Jets hetpiess victims of the whole milerable system.<br />
TM camera 'catcM$ Mr. Wridmon<br />
ill Q typical 'suburlNm<br />
pose. There 'will be OIMr<br />
probkms, he Gdmi,s, when<br />
1M family Iftot,es 10 thi:ir<br />
city QptlTtmelll bUI HE<br />
WOII', be 1M' one 10<br />
dump 1M 'null or pul<br />
up tk ~t!rLr. A nd no<br />
,mon bill.r for<br />
shNp nuJ1IJIn!<br />
~he 8-ub rbs<br />
by. Je..o e '<br />
Not 011 the passengers. Some, like this correspondent,<br />
have begun to ask tbemselves why they are put_<br />
ting up with this. .<br />
Certaioly not for the of suburbia, wbic:h<br />
is cooduc:ted in public aod consists of ~I imbedded<br />
like a raisin in a iicepudding in a single set<br />
of people who spend their time discu!sing the outraaeous<br />
cost of artifactS they purchase aDd evalts<br />
they aRend in the city they have fled. The city with<br />
its endless variety of social groups or sets, in any<br />
nwnbet' of wbicb a man can function withoUt his<br />
neigbbon' starins OYer his sbouIder, provides somethin,<br />
that doesnoc exisl in suburbia: .privacy.<br />
It also provides • lesson in ec:onomics:the notioo<br />
thai it is cheaper to live in your ownsuburbarJ home<br />
(yours and the ~pge Company's, that is) than in<br />
a city aparJrnent is as fiscally tOuad as the belief<br />
that business cydes are caused bYiun spots.<br />
In the city you write ~ cltcck for a large sum<br />
oac:e a mouth t9 a faceless IIWl or a soulJas corponticia<br />
,ou think isbilkiD,'you: yoUr I&DdIonl<br />
In the country you write tbiny-seven dIects for<br />
amaJI sums nay day of tbe week, and ofteu every<br />
hOur of the day. to a holt of sunny-visaged 1ulf'SCiClds<br />
in pick-up tnlc:ks whQK clear blue eyes. are 10 full<br />
of the milk of human kiodDess that you are not aware,<br />
until they are sone and you have added up aD thoae<br />
checks, that they are aD lineal descendants of JaIC<br />
James and !he reason you suddenly feel that draft<br />
is because they have taken not only your money and<br />
your eye teeth, but your pants as well.<br />
1bey are wek:ome to mine. As the laborer is worthy<br />
of his hire, the teacher is worthy of his fee, and these<br />
1arc:cnous yol~ls. 10 whom. for I dozen years I Iulve<br />
been a .legitimate prey, have earned I stiff one for<br />
remindiaS me of a besic Inrth: from the very dawn<br />
of lime, mall's man:h """Ird out of the primeval<br />
ooze has moved inexorabfy from the forest I'D the<br />
cave, from the veldt 10 the Kttltment, from the<br />
prairie 10 the town.<br />
I did not realize, aU those yea~ alO when I bowed<br />
10 the dictates of the child SUidanc:c counacIon aad<br />
cocted an attentive ear 10 the siren lOng of the<br />
subirrbln reahor, that J was movin, apinst .the current<br />
of civilization, lhat I was embarkins on an activity<br />
AI unnatural to the normal man, and therrlore<br />
doomed to failure, as was Icarus when be pasted on<br />
those waxen wings.'<br />
City rents are high, of CQune. But not nearly 50<br />
high IS the excitement of rejOining the .human race.<br />
Tbei'e wiU be problems on East Eighty-Second Street.<br />
After al~ as Edmond Dantes discreetly put it, I have<br />
been away for a while.<br />
But at least there won't be any biDs for sheep<br />
manure.<br />
The W~idman family by tM brook wht'rt! they 1ulv~<br />
/inisltt!d--and we quote-"snvi", their sm'eftC~."<br />
, i<br />
l<br />
j<br />
1<br />
1,<br />
i<<br />
~ ~ , '. ,<br />
NEW1'ORT BEACH-From a w""'14nd to a boatman's parad;se so /ux"rious some gu"" ha.'. stoy.d tied "P at doehid. for twe/.'. years..<br />
More and More Marinas<br />
T'ME was', when a son was born, his father rushed<br />
right out and enrolled him at Harvard. These days<br />
-and we have this on good authority-the thing to do<br />
on the day your son is born is to run right down to<br />
the local yacht basin and place his name on the waiting<br />
list for a berth for the boat he will one. day have.<br />
Chances. are 'hat there will be adequate facilities for<br />
the boating millions by the time your son needs it.<br />
As it is, there are almost three million Americans<br />
who want boats of their own this summer, but ",:on't<br />
be gcuing them because there aren't enough moorings<br />
to be had. ~ three million or so who already OWn<br />
sloops, canoes, houseboats, and cabin cruisers are<br />
swamping all available facilities' at the choice dockside<br />
marvels that line our waterways from coast to<br />
coast-the multi-milliOn-dollar marinas. '<br />
What 's a Marina?<br />
And what, exactly, is. a marina? It is, we are told,<br />
a' "boat basin with facilit.ies for berthing, securing,<br />
and servicing of all types of recreational craft, as<br />
6 Suh"r/iiu Toduy, }"ly 1959<br />
well as providing. adequate supplies, provisions, storage,<br />
and fueling facilities." This is the "textbook"<br />
definition, which only hints at the great variety of<br />
goods and services available to the weary skipper who<br />
puts in at one 'of them. Today's marina is practically<br />
a suburb on its own, laid out and fully equipped to<br />
satisfy the least wish of those who like to live afloat.<br />
A complete marina, [959 version, furnishes not<br />
only well-planned slips, launching ramps, winter stor-<br />
. agc, marine railways, marine repair and supply shops,<br />
and auto pllrlcing space, but boats for chaner, firstaid<br />
stations, auto rental service, restaurants, showers,<br />
brOkerage offices, clUbhouses, swimming pools and<br />
other recreational facilities, complete shOpping center,<br />
waterway travel bureaus, and boatcls (marine<br />
motels).<br />
In addition, from the moment you tie up. here arc<br />
some of the atller features of a marina that are becoming<br />
almost commonplace. There are marinas that<br />
have classes in sailor's English for that landlubber<br />
guest of yours. At some, you need only pick up the<br />
phone in that conveniently located booth up the pier<br />
and find baby sitters, hairdressers, barbers, tailors.<br />
photographers. as well as pick-up boys to handle
3,000,000 visiting skippers<br />
will tie up. this summer<br />
at these wonders<br />
of ~e waterways-for everything<br />
'.fr~m gas and -moorings to;<br />
laundry service and baby 'sitters<br />
laundry, groceries, and mail; and, for the weary<br />
businessman who can't bear to let away from it.alla<br />
dockside secretary!<br />
If you're bUDIlY, at certain marinas you may have<br />
a five
HEAL-<br />
SULI'ODll:NE is aD alUZiaC IlCieeti lie<br />
medieati_ that kin. funcus lIPOft!8<br />
pi(:ked up in Wftds and ~ the ISUlII!<br />
of aeratchinc in 7 out of lOeae..<br />
Dillc:overed by .. famoua veterinarian,<br />
Dr. A. C. Merriek-8I1L1'OOCNE _ks<br />
alm08t illBtaJltly to atop rUD«US .itcb<br />
(ofWft eaDed .....mmer itcb.' 'maJICl!:<br />
'eczema.' OC' 'hot spots'). Quicldy promote.heaiin&.<br />
EYeIl the m08t f~<br />
itchilll relie\l'l!d illltantly. and open<br />
_ '-lover. seaw. diaappeu! •. -<br />
hair &ro'" back!<br />
GuaI'Ulteed to work or .<br />
mOlleY b&ek! Ulled by keDneiII<br />
and ieadi .. veteriaarilUlll.<br />
Only 98< at aU drul<br />
stores and leadinK pet<br />
sbops.<br />
ONE<br />
BIG<br />
STEP<br />
to a more<br />
beautiful lawn<br />
taking'a giant step toward the lawn of your dreams! It's the<br />
fast.acting chemical that's best for killing this lawn-spoiling<br />
weed, yet it will not kill desiraole grasses. Don't break your<br />
back this year-control crab grns.'\ the modem, chemical.<br />
way with WEEDONE CRAB GRASS<br />
KILLER SODAR and step up tOa beauty<br />
of a lawn!<br />
Sf'ItAY IT: Liquid, I pt. can $1.95. Powder,04-oz.<br />
can $1.25. I~er sizes avanable.<br />
Sf'tlfAD IT: Dry, 5-lb. hac $2.25 (slightly hither<br />
west of Rockies). J.aT'lter si~ available.<br />
~WEEDONE<br />
A_ ,_ ...1...,F,,-'YA_ Cll
A Party<br />
, By Frank Jacobs<br />
Chin up, eyes fro~t ... and the rest is easy<br />
It's 10 p.m. aD a Saturday eYefting and<br />
you, the man' of the house, are bored.<br />
The wife and kids are away. visiting i...<br />
laws. TIle TV fare is tasteless and you've<br />
read every book and magazine in the<br />
house. You've just about decided to tum<br />
in when suddenly your can pick up the<br />
Awhole-new<br />
SIMCA series!.<br />
Lavishly appointed, 6-passenger room,<br />
and V.a power. 1061ncn.wheelbase.<br />
~<br />
How<br />
~.ToCrash<br />
prised bare shoulder. 1he' roaf of an<br />
Impala reversing out of a petunia bed.<br />
1be blare of a dance record played at<br />
the wrong speed with a blunt needle.<br />
Yes, indeed .. This is a party ..<br />
Now .comes your crucial momeDt of<br />
decision-to crash or not tocrasb. You<br />
decide to crash, but hesitate. After all,<br />
what can you1ose7 But-how can you<br />
invade the gathering when you doD't even<br />
know the host? How, indeed! YouoD1y<br />
have to approach your objective with the<br />
right attitude, and you are sure to sue.<br />
ceed.'1bere areiny number of time-tested<br />
(AdT~rlist:'/llml)<br />
Lovelier WITH THE WORLD'S<br />
Ht:k~: IS ONt: of the biggest bargains<br />
famous Art Prillls ever pfl'SCntedl .<br />
in<br />
Quallty prints of this size and cxccllence gen-<br />
erally sell for $7.50 to $15.00 each. Big. vivid,<br />
lithographed in six colors on heavy stock ... each<br />
'of these six prints conveys the beauty and feel.<br />
ing of the priceless original.<br />
The small illustrations on these pages show<br />
the subjec(s available through t~is money-sav-<br />
ing offer. They only suggest the magnificence of<br />
the giam-sile Fine Art reproductions you can .<br />
own for only $1.95 e"ach, plus 30c for packing<br />
and shipping ... total 0$2.25pCI' print, postpaid.<br />
These six pailltinb'S rank. among the art mas.<br />
terpieccs of all time. Pi\.c of the prints are each<br />
twice the size of this elltire 2-page advertise-<br />
ment! They are worthy of fine fraining and a<br />
pronlinent place in well~ecorated homcs. Or, if<br />
you are_a print collcctor, you will cherish them<br />
."just as they come to you. Evcry room in your<br />
house, for all the years to come, can ~ow be<br />
made more lovely and pkasurable with magnifi-<br />
. cent color prints of paintings by distinguished<br />
artists. Buy several, or all six_The sllbjccts and<br />
. ,<br />
color arc varied, so they-can be arranged and<br />
re-arranged in dramatic groups. Order them for<br />
your home or [or superb gifts to friends I<br />
Our amazingly low price is made possible by<br />
the u11110~teconomy of modern printing tech-<br />
niques. Bccausethe unbelievably low price<br />
might suggest that these prints do not fully<br />
capture the artist's creative skill and the rich,<br />
vibrant colors of his palette, we guarantee that<br />
you will be deliglHed by i.hc prints you select or<br />
ju~t return them [or full r~frlTld oj the purchase<br />
price.<br />
UTRILLO-Wil'ldmUh of MOIllmarlre<br />
To look al tI,is fJailllillg is lille a visit 10 Paris.<br />
Ulrillo has (Jresenlt'cJ for all rime Ihese falllous lIlindmills,<br />
Iheir Sili/S tNmi"gagainsL /J blrre sll)',<br />
abm/e briglllly colored roofs /Jnd lin)' gardens.<br />
O"r e)'11follows 11Ieslreel into a It'orld of enchlllllmc"l.<br />
(STIts-Prilll20',4 x 26 illelm)<br />
TO.U~OUSE.LAUTREC"- Chil~<br />
ThIS IS Q scelle frolll all o/Hlrell/J falfored i"<br />
./"e "ga)' nine/ies," 11 is rendered ill lively gerftniNI/I<br />
hllu II'/~ic" conlmsl willi cool blrre-greens and<br />
drnl/lallC blaclls. ,of ITlily slrrllning [minting.<br />
(STI05-Prilll 2(J~ x 26 irrelle,f)
MODICLIANI-Cirl wid!."ids'<br />
I" this 2OI1t-century rlltulerpiece, Afodiglialli,<br />
prince 01 bohemulns, 1uu crealed Ihe 1II0st lender<br />
IInd belllltifu' 01 all evocations ol,'oung<br />
girlhood. (STICH-Prillt 2OY4 Ie 26 illches)<br />
...-.,~ ...~lA" Of" *'T.~. O.C.<br />
~--------------------<br />
The Bemons entertain as Q sunny afternoon cMnges to a soft, foggy evening that drifts across the boy ..<br />
THE Walter Bensons wanted their house to<br />
be round so that they could get maximum<br />
exposure to their magnificent views.<br />
To live way, way up on the top of amountain<br />
in a house that seems to melt in with its<br />
surroundings; to look freely all about you and<br />
see the mountain ridges to the side, the bay and<br />
ocean below, and the teeming city across that<br />
you must be a part of and yet can turn away<br />
12 Su/Jurbi(/ Today, Jflly /959<br />
from at will-this was the dream of the Bensons,<br />
of subUrban Sausalito, California. They built<br />
their turret in the sky-a. round house in redwood<br />
and glass in which every slightest turn of<br />
the head brings a new, breathtaking view. Surrounded<br />
by mountains, sea, islands, trees, and<br />
sky, the house that embraces all these majesties<br />
is a tribute to the architect, Mario ..Corbett,<br />
A.I.A., and to. the owner's eye. for beauty.<br />
Main Floor Plan-Pattern for Life In The Round
Would you live in<br />
a circular house?<br />
The Bensons do, and<br />
for the, best :0£ reasons<br />
Here is tlte round lwuse,<br />
sun from klow. Framed<br />
irt eucalyptus trees, it<br />
stlliuls Ortt~ hig~st point<br />
of this motIJIIai,;. ridge,<br />
fltutUdb)' huge .'olls of<br />
concrete blocks which<br />
protect it/rom t~ frequent<br />
high wiNl, and rains driving<br />
. in from the Pacific.<br />
T~ kitclten (see Floor<br />
Plan) is a corriJor<br />
adjoining the dining<br />
ar~. TiU! sink, 1M<br />
spoee lor basic SlnIJll<br />
appliances, and tlte<br />
stovelomrQ<br />
continuous,<br />
convenienlline. Next<br />
to the rejrigertJIor at<br />
rigltiis a long worldn,<br />
ana which also .Je1'Vt!$<br />
forinlormal dining.<br />
Here Mrs. Benson<br />
prepares ctIlIIlPt$<br />
lor 1m- pests tIS<br />
a friend looks 011.<br />
Mrs. Benson Jfts<br />
on tlte /ronl terr«e<br />
and looks out over<br />
s.a FrruteUco Ikry.<br />
Ifrt~ Iskutd is Off<br />
~4., Iter right. On Iter<br />
.:::.,/~t:';:fl( , 1.4' D-I.J_<br />
"'iit}::-,\,;;,~ KIt IS DC.veucn: ,<br />
~\';, IslDnd tlnJ tM Tiburn<br />
J SALAD<br />
, ,<br />
To Prepare: 30 MIN. To Chill: 2 TO 3 HIlS.<br />
.1 N.. Z~ call CI1IIIIetI,! ....<br />
..... (l'eMI'Ye )<br />
Z tallies, (2 an'.) ,.... Ida'"<br />
~ c., .....<br />
~ ttQllOOll salt<br />
1ClI' -WfttIM ....... ;.ke<br />
1c., llI'aIIf:e )lib<br />
2 3 •• yelle", roO.l ~<br />
1 c::ra. dleae, lillft ....<br />
Z t-If" .....WlalOllpcel<br />
3 tU'II, •• IaIOII J-Ice<br />
I. Pour Yo! cup of the rc:scrvcd pineappie<br />
sflu p into a small bowl. Sprinkle Jdatin<br />
cwnly Ovel' sirup: Let stand about S min.<br />
to sorten.<br />
2. Add enough water to remainin"sirup to '<br />
, measure t cup liquid. Heat until '\ray hot.<br />
RCmove from heat .nd immediately.stir in<br />
the softened ldatin until aeaatin is com-<br />
.pletely .dissblwd. Add sugar and salt; stir<br />
until dissolved. MiX in pineapple juice,<br />
oranlC juice, and fobd coIoriil~ .<br />
. 3. Cool; chill in' rcf~tor o'r over ice and<br />
water until mixtun: is slightly thicker than<br />
C('nsistcncy' of thick, unbeaten ca' white. If<br />
. chilled in ""efriaerator, stir occasionally; if<br />
cJi'1l1edOvel' ice and water, stir frequently.<br />
4. Lightly oil a 2-qt. Tine mold with salad<br />
or cooking oil (not olive oil); drain.<br />
5. Beat cream cl1ccse until ftuffy. Add 1emon<br />
peel and juice gradually, bcatin& wdl.<br />
When aelatin mixture is about the same COfl.<br />
sistmcy IS-the dleescmixture; stir several<br />
tablespoonfuls into cheese mixture. Continue<br />
to add "tin mixture slowly, beating<br />
constantly, until well blended. Blend in the<br />
crushed pineapple. Turn into mold and chiD<br />
until firm, 2 to 3 hrs.<br />
6. To unmold, run tip 0( \.;..nife aently<br />
ar,ound edecsof mold. Invert onto a chilled<br />
serving plate and l'CIYIOW mold. (If IlCOCSsary,<br />
wet a clean towel in hot water and<br />
wring it almost dry; wrap hot towel around<br />
mold for a few seconds. If mold does not<br />
loosen, repeat.) Amnae dusters 0( ........<br />
IP1IIeS a.'ld ....... around the moid.<br />
Fill center of rin, with ( .... 11.. e or t.IIey_<br />
*" MdoR ... and top with a spray of<br />
... b,es. Serve with' PiInfIIIe s.....<br />
Drc:t:!Hng. 10 to 12 se"ings<br />
..,-_.,-----~~<br />
~---.,.-<br />
.. _~,---~_._~~~. _.~-, ~_.~<br />
MELANIE DE' PRO" FOod Editor<br />
- He're are salads to start putting -ttfget,~<br />
in the cool of tlu; morning ~.. sum/of them<br />
heaTty enough for a tempting main dish ...<br />
" ,<br />
all of them itkalformidsummer appetites.<br />
To Pr.~pan: 3S MIN.<br />
- ~ c., .....<br />
J hi tonISIardI<br />
~<br />
~ c., ---.. " ... ~<br />
Z .. )'tIIb, lUPdJ"teII "<br />
2 .. wllifa<br />
1 tallt 1'11£ ...... ,<br />
I C!III - I.ull ,... "Ie .;.ice<br />
Z"lIh., .....<br />
~ ~ cMIN w'Jini
..'.<br />
...<br />
F. VanWyck MQ.Jon's klttst ~v~l,<br />
THE YOUNG TiT AN, is a panorama<br />
O/IM colonists" itruggit in<br />
America.<br />
BOOKS<br />
'* YOUNG mAN byF. Vaa W~t<br />
powerful ,historical DOVel ,of c:oIoaiaI<br />
.....<br />
A.merie..<br />
• a<br />
aDd<br />
of the Idden wbo foulbt ill the French ucl,1Ddiaa. wan.<br />
'TIM: fint unified rrulitary Ktioa by the CCIIoaisIa 1nI die<br />
vidorious sieBe of PoI1 LoWsbura in Cauda. (D0ubleday,<br />
$5.95) , ,,' :<br />
THE UON-A ItOry of an l1DCanny little gin 1mDa oa an<br />
Mricaa pme preiJervc, no.e playmates are 'IriId animals,<br />
apcciaDy ICiq, the )'QUIll lion. By JOIePb 1Casd.<br />
(Koopf, $3.75)<br />
WI TOSSIS A PMTY-AlOaI with a hu.adrcd aad IIfty<br />
new rip-roariD. e:art00Dl, Virzi) Pancb has DCW icIuI oa<br />
party dishes, faYOritc driub and cures for baqoycn.<br />
(Simoa • Schuster, $2.95) .<br />
DISIGNS POI OVTDOOI LMNG-A'bow-tcMlo-it boot<br />
tha! is easy to follow. Dcsips for fCDCCS, WaJki,' tn:llisa,<br />
utility areas add- tcrraec:a are diqrammed step-by-ttep.<br />
Joim BurtoD a......... desi ... are in 800d taIIc aDd fuDctioaaI.<br />
(Doubleda~, $3.95)<br />
Endlo.<br />
Pest<br />
Rose DIIst<br />
or Spray<br />
What's .New In Books, Movus<br />
'ROSES<br />
sa., ..... -1iIIIII, ..<br />
YoucIoa'thaft to k_ .lUIt'. _to<br />
ill' J'OIUr_. If it'. a. i_t,<br />
ElId_Pe.t wiD IdJI it. Itit'•• t--<br />
~t---lIIoilde.,' blacUPot,<br />
. - ...... Pett will Rap it.<br />
.,. I.'SlrE.'AlIETS<br />
II. IIIIm lTlIO, TN .<br />
........ wi&Il Ute r.- ......<br />
Weed ,.od.. Ute,. _,. to ..<br />
~ ..... ,ill ,..., a.-.<br />
., ..... fJI<br />
YIGOIO £. ,•••• "'..1<br />
"Io.s OF A DUnfUl DAUOHrH-Aa abeorbinc<br />
autobiop'apby by', Simone de Iteauvoir cIea1iq with 1eYenIpcriods<br />
froiD Ioaely childhood aDd iIIIccme ....<br />
c:euce, throu&h }Qnofltudy that brouJbt bel' alCDSC<br />
oIdirectioa, _ .~.' A •stimuIatiDc SIOry 01 _ extraordina.ry<br />
--. (Wodd, $5.00)<br />
HIGH TINsIoN-One ,of the arntest liviDlICe reporters<br />
r«:aIls his froat' pap stories. Hup BaiUic c:o¥ered them<br />
all-Darrow's court alIC, Wiboa'. tpt. ~CJCIIinoeIt's New<br />
Kills<br />
.i!/S,<br />
'/lrillS,<br />
me""$,<br />
laf•.".rs<br />
-1IozMs<br />
""."<br />
,., itlHets<br />
.........~ .......<br />
- e--.<br />
by Fl1lJlk G. S1aupter. A cou~. doctor is determined<br />
to ftad an alternative to the Iobocomy which would<br />
J1tIlorc the sanity of bill palieal, but at the same time<br />
destroy ber artistic: t&leuts.. (Pam&. 35
& Records<br />
MOVIES<br />
,'I."<br />
SHAKE HIdeS WITH THE DIVU.- The violence of the<br />
final days of the lrilb RdJeIlioo is dramatically captured,<br />
with James CqBey u OM of the leaden. Don Murray,<br />
an American., p:tI dnwa irdo the sarugle apinst his .111.<br />
A HOlI .. THE-NIAO-Hotcl OWDCT, Prank Sinatra,<br />
is fac':d with die ,..dbIem of raisiDt: bis youq 110II, while<br />
enjoying beautiful WDIDaI, tood timei aad pmbling. With<br />
the stauncb support of brotber Edward G. Robinsoa and<br />
rich widow, Eleanor PaRer, be puts bill life in order. A<br />
tender story.<br />
LAST TIAIN AtOM GUN ftIU,-Manhal Kirk Douslas<br />
heads for Gun HW. 10 &lid bill wife'. slayer, who turns<br />
out to be Earl HoUinwa, _ of biI friend Anthony Quinn.<br />
As the boss of Qua Hill, Quinn tries to prevenl DouSlas<br />
from laking his 110II to trial.<br />
DAR.Y O'GIU. AND THE LIT1II PEOPLE-'fbcleprcchauns<br />
of JrelaDd llI'eanimatcd by Wall Disney (who<br />
quite possibly may be oae himself). Pun for all.<br />
MIDDlE Of THE MOHT-Loaely middle-aJCd .idoW'Cr,<br />
Fredric March, falls in loft with Kim Novak, 'a pretty<br />
5«retary recently divon:ed. Despite dilfermca in qe and<br />
background. aDd opposition from both families, the two<br />
are convinced that Jove, DO matter how turbulent ils<br />
course, makes life worth Iivinl.<br />
THE NUN'S STOIY-Audtey Hepburn portraY$ a sensitive<br />
Belgian IlUll wbD strugla valiaady, but UDSue:cessfully.<br />
10 confonn to the life apcc:tCd of ber. Supporting<br />
her are Dean Jauer, Mildred Dum1ol;k aDd Dame Edith<br />
Evans.<br />
A udrcy Hepburn as Sistv LUke "and Peter Finch as Dr•.<br />
Fortunat; ;n THE NUN'S STORY.<br />
Sltburb;. TOday, Ju/)' 1959<br />
17<br />
End.o.<br />
Pest<br />
Eyergreea &<br />
Omallental<br />
Spray<br />
._~<br />
Brand NIW OppomnUty To Make<br />
,. Yow S".,-e Ti.e<br />
fOR YOU • FORYOUR ewB<br />
eMast~rpitus<br />
'¥J6£VANS<br />
]"", Me- __ ~....,.<br />
~--'iRttl CHRISTMAS CARDS<br />
-" ......... ..., ....... tllOIC _<br />
.....,. .. ,.. ., ,.., •• . '1.".......<br />
yow 11M ,...;_.... ___<br />
ClIritt.- .--... wHl<br />
oNIltM ""' ;•• ~ .<br />
«-y -.I "' t- --..- .<br />
... 10 ...,~ "' .. - ....,<br />
_ 1tl wtlldl ,..,<br />
- l_, _ - yow ....<br />
.............. 10 rwIy .<br />
...-- -.--<br />
"- -<br />
..... __ .....---............<br />
..-<br />
BE FIRST TO OF'Ji'ER 11115<br />
- • I~ '!r<br />
.... ,... ..., ......... ~_ 10,<br />
,.... ......... ""~" ........-<br />
.............. ~ ,. =-=<br />
AII ••AI."'''''-.YI<br />
=--:::;a.t • 'T..:<br />
t!l!,.... ~ • ...., ~ ~ e1....<br />
CiiiiIWe __ ,.. __ ---.<br />
AlII ........... 1<br />
"AN ••••• 5111.. Me.<br />
..... '''', ,... .. J, ... ,..<br />
PntIct ~ ..... e<br />
,....".tIIt m. .. '.... .. ",<br />
,<br />
"8eorcbecl" bra_h. on everpeeIl8;<br />
carlecI, mjMhepev fotiqe<br />
on ..... are ~ that mitea<br />
aDd apUIa al'uetive. on- lilllY<br />
pmq, .01*- .DO biaer thalli the<br />
perillcht the e8ll oCihia eente_.<br />
c:aa quickly cAe.booy the beauty<br />
01 a valaa"~t. DoD't let ~<br />
happen to )'OCl-It'1 ao _y to<br />
~ full ~ with the •. 011aerful<br />
new End.o-Peat hOle<br />
.. )OW made ~ tor eYel'-<br />
~1Dd__ ,<br />
...... ..,- ...."..<br />
No , DO ao _.<br />
,.<br />
,",<br />
'"'\<br />
" . -4 e<br />
.!<br />
POOL V.ACt1l1lr<br />
A new liptweipt (only 3 pounds) hydrojet<br />
vacuum cleaoer makes quick work of<br />
c1eaAilll small swimmina .•aDd wadi"; pools.<br />
Molded. of. toUJb plastic, the vacuum aoes<br /> actioD ~ coanected to tbe peden<br />
. bole. AI it is pulled back IUld forth over<br />
the pool bottom, leaves, .dirt and S8lld. are<br />
sucked ii1to the filler bal. It comes equipped<br />
either with a brush, which is recommended<br />
for. pIutic pools, or with. wheels for use in<br />
conc:~ poob. $19.5'5 f. o. b. BurliDpme.<br />
PoolmUter-, Inc., 1285 Rollins Rd., Burlintame,<br />
Calif.<br />
"RID-O-K'O'ST"<br />
EspeciallY,wek:ome in summer, "Rid-Q-<br />
Must" refreshes musty. areas like closets,<br />
a(lic, prage or barn. Its special formula is<br />
designed to live freshness, eliminate damag.<br />
ing dampness and check: mildew and mold.<br />
Use it on lU8laae, rugs, mattresses, Of' on<br />
the boat. 5-oz. lin, $1.00 postpaid. Dryrox,<br />
Inc., 2800 Beauchaftlp, Houston 9, Texas.<br />
.. i._<br />
~.r.'.To:rsDd Z't-<br />
CEAMOAL SCUm!:<br />
'" ,"'~"", {,,',1<br />
To .add 10 your barbCciJC eqUi)Xnent' this<br />
'S\llDlDC1'-:a a1camina black poIYclbyleoc charcoal<br />
scunleU'nprinled in sold wIth its name<br />
and sketches of an outdoor chef at work. A<br />
black. plastic. bandJe lirip facilitates carrYm.<br />
/ and PourinI, and a tijltt..fittina lid converts<br />
the scuttle iatoa storqC biD fortbe awcoal<br />
between coot-ouls. 11~. by 8~" 'by 12"<br />
bi.... $3.98 in hardware and department stores<br />
or diRe.. Rubbermaid, Inc.,- Wooster, Ohio.<br />
For a first eye-opening cup of coffee at<br />
your bedside-.for a. pick-up at the end of<br />
the day's travel-tbis plaid carrying case c0ntains<br />
2 cups, 2 ;an; (for cream and sugar),<br />
2 spoons, a coil heater and room for instant<br />
coffee. Just plunge the coil into wa(Cr and<br />
presto, your coffee is ready in two minutes.<br />
$4.25 plus 25f pos«ap. Princeton Gounnet,<br />
3.... Nassau St., Princeton, N. J.<br />
Strai",t fn:m the borse'smouth-aa authentic<br />
SALADS COIII;nwd from lXIge 14<br />
To PrePQre: 30 MIN. To Chill: 3 TO 4 MRS.<br />
4 t. 5 .. ItI ..... ~Nn<br />
Y.tnip cell WIIeer<br />
:z ..... w, .. 5 (1 .... ) "',OR'lIleIa6ti.<br /> _,....... .<br />
2Y.ttaU pe•• ~ lIone-rHisti<br />
:1 "'h',oul II'lIC.__<br />
It te 15 'MIl cohriIII<br />
I .<br />
IA ~ IItfIIIft'<br />
I e., diIW .......... crea.<br />
I, Chill a bowf and rotary beater.<br />
2. Rinse euc:umbers, cut lengthwise into.<br />
h~lves; !'emO¥e and discard MIeds. and pare.<br />
F~nely grind COOUIh cucumbers in an electoc<br />
blender to make 3 cupS of cucumber<br />
pulp. (If cucumbers arc put thrOugh a food<br />
chopper usina fine blade, pulp will be .<br />
coarser and texture of mokt Icsssmooth.)<br />
Set aside..<br />
3. Pour the cold watet into a smaIl bowl.<br />
Sprinkle the selatin evenly ow:r the water.<br />
let stand about S min. to sof\en. Dissolye<br />
.. J Suburbia<br />
~<br />
~ ~<br />
,<br />
.. ~-..<br />
'Tm so r~lieved it's your second cor. II's ours 100•... "<br />
gelatin oompJetely by placing bowl oyer yery<br />
hot water.<br />
4. Mix together the mayonnaise, horseradish,<br />
onion, food coloring, and a mixture<br />
of salt and white pepper. Add the dissolved<br />
gelatin gradually. stirring until thoroughly<br />
mixed. Blend in the cucumber pulp.<br />
5. Chill gelatin mixture in refrigerator or<br />
over ice and water until mixture begins to<br />
gel (gets slightly thicker). If chilled in refrigerator,<br />
stir occasionally; if chilled over ioe<br />
and water, stir frequently.<br />
6. Lightly oil a IY.t-qt. mold with salad or<br />
cooking oil (not olive oil); set aside to drain.<br />
7. When gela'tin mixture begins to.gel, using<br />
the chilled bowl and beater, beat whipping<br />
cream until cream is of medium consistency<br />
(piles softly). Fold whipped cream into gelatin<br />
mixture. Turn into mold. Chill until<br />
firm, 3 to 4 hrs.<br />
8. Unmofd (see Molded Pineapplc-Chccse<br />
Salad). Set ca. 'U aIIIIlI filled with .w<br />
peallIS at equal intervals around the mold.<br />
Tuck in sprigs of WIlier cmJ!iI between the<br />
cucumber cups. (For cups, hollow' out 2 in.<br />
slices of unpared cucumber (0 form cups.<br />
Scallop edgeS if desired, allowing base to<br />
remain fta!.) About 8 s""ings<br />
- Any. Day!<br />
SIIIppecI OIl ......<br />
. Tests aU Electrical Appliances.<br />
TV lubes. AutODioblJe<br />
Clrcu:~1 f'C~<br />
lI"'Ufes A.C. aIl4 D.C.<br />
VoU.••• , Ampera. Re ..<br />
sJatanee and Leak •• e.<br />
PrIce complete 1nC'ludlnc<br />
.ti -..1IllRt. only $15.15.<br />
S~ .,....Yal!<br />
NO MOllEI' wrra<br />
Orller Model 70 ". =:~g;'~tS~,;e.<br />
lory you pay '15.15 (pi.. p.p.IID t _lillY<br />
my-ts. Oillenrlst return diet 10 day•<br />
.... ~i.~ji:ji-T ...~V~~. ~~:<br />
2.3-HAaYEY CIOZE<br />
4-s-GEOllGE CAIDOZO<br />
- 6-TOl'. ~ IOSIiHTHAL '110M<br />
u.rt!O-GUllLUMflTE, lOT •<br />
.-EIT LAUGHliN<br />
1-1OT. MOnlS IOSfNfUD<br />
.-MOttIS IOSEHFfLD<br />
1.2-EINf$T UAUH<br />
13-EItNBT IaAUN<br />
AT<br />
nSmartfolks know:<br />
BUYING<br />
HOME<br />
SO<br />
(<br />
CARDS<br />
COSTS<br />
L~S-S,•• ii"<br />
'oi. • ""-i...<br />
At last I've found a way to make extra money and help my friends while I<br />
do it! You see, Chilton cards are So different ... in fact, a lot of people have<br />
told me they look and feel jUst like those expensive cards where you pay for<br />
a lot of costly advertising. Almost all my friends and relatives bought from<br />
me, and they all said they wished they'd known about ~hese beautiful cards<br />
years ago! No wonder I'm so glad Isent that Chilton coupon off - and the<br />
' .<br />
L, extra money Iearned ma~e my whole family's Christmas the merriest ever!<br />
Why not make extra money yourself e e'.<br />
. '..<br />
- by providing Chilton "at home shopping service" for your friendsI<br />
.. AU 4 BOXES'<br />
Yours for only $1.00<br />
TOWHAHa COUHTlty<br />
CMery 21-card Chri.' A••<br />
sortmc'nt rell ..rin~ Ray' o door<br />
scenes.' with joUy' YC'fHI lad<br />
jinl:le •. Richly embo.K
, r,<br />
..<br />
I '<br />
J='" Fr.'. h F t. '." f,'<br />
From Another <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
.<br />
'ofView<br />
Bv Patricia Talbot<br />
'.<br />
"<br />
ShoH and to<br />
SALE!<br />
Limited Time Only<br />
the <strong>Pointe</strong>~<br />
Open Monday Through Saturday<br />
Youthcroff' $ Tidy Tob<br />
Panty Girdles<br />
4.95 and 5.95<br />
usually 5.95 and 6,95<br />
Save now on this famous<br />
panty girdle; specially'<br />
designed to give you a fresh<br />
panty every day by<br />
simply snapping out the<br />
, teniOvable Tidy Tab shield.<br />
Lightweightnylon clastic<br />
with extra shield. White<br />
6nly in S, M, L sizes.<br />
Short leg girdle,4.95<br />
Jlsually 5.95<br />
Long'leg girdle, 5.95<br />
. Jlsually 6.95<br />
Moil «HJ pilotte orcl.u lihcl<br />
BEST & CO.<br />
GROSSEPOINTE-Ktrchtval Avt, ntar Cadieux .• TUx. 2.3700<br />
,. . .<br />
,'i i. ~ rr.l," ~~r-:---.-<br />
,<br />
'\,<br />
'6 'R 0 S ~ E, PO I"N TEN EW S<br />
r'<br />
Partie, ,Honor<br />
Engaged I Couple<br />
Mary,' Lee, Forncrook.<br />
daughter of 1he Lee Fomcrooks,<br />
of Flint, was honored<br />
last week.end py relatives' of<br />
her fiance, B,ernard StronIV.<br />
She will exchange vows with<br />
the sr.m of BernMd Stroh, Jr.,<br />
of Rivard boulevard, on July<br />
14 in Flint.<br />
,Friday noon Mr. Stroh',<br />
aunts, Mrs. J. Dwyer Kinnucan<br />
and Mrs. Willard Woccester<br />
entertained for the!pm<br />
in the 1a t t e r's Tonnancour<br />
place home. '<br />
On J Friday- e ~ e n i n g Mi.<br />
,Stroh's brother~in-law and<br />
sister, the Frederick M. Sib..<br />
leys, J.r;,;of. Vendome road,<br />
gave a cocktail party for the<br />
couple.<br />
ot S, Deeplands recently returned<br />
from a 13-day bird.banding<br />
expedition sent up to<br />
Presque Isle County by'Cran-<br />
brook Institute of Science: TRAVELS ALONE<br />
While W8lter P. Nickell, In- The man whOinsists on havstitute<br />
natu:.-alist, and four irtg 'his own way finds that<br />
young ,science students from his friends quickly get out of<br />
the Detroit area ba~ded 16 it;<br />
Gciy gingham<br />
pLaid~<br />
are ,making<br />
the headlines<br />
this faLl<br />
The Bon Secours Hospital<br />
Guild is holding a summer<br />
luncheon and card party on<br />
J)lly 16 in the HOspital Science<br />
Hall at 12:30 o'clock.<br />
Mrs. Oscar Keiier,''"dJairman<br />
~nd Mrs';" Thaddeus Maychrzycki<br />
co-chairman are, assisted<br />
by Mrs. J. Ji~ Kasper.<br />
.All prooeedsfrom,the party<br />
will benefit the hospital. \<br />
TUxedo 1.7221<br />
.f<br />
, All In 1BK gold<br />
L.ft to r1ghti<br />
18-JtW*1 wat~h wIth<br />
Page Thirteen<br />
Mrs. Robert M. Steve!1~{,Jt~ Kittie Smith Wed<br />
I'n. Christ ('hurch' ,.<br />
Sizes 7 to 1-4<br />
_1IIIIIii YllII•• .. __ 1:1.."••<br />
.... ,"<br />
"<br />
Marries Robert Martin Stevenson. Jr.; Saturday witfi<br />
Reception Follqwing at the Country<br />
Clubj Pair Trovels to Hawaii<br />
chriSt Church Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> was the setting for the<br />
we(;iding' yesterday afternoon of. Katherine Kiersted<br />
SmUhand Robert Martin Stevenson, Jr. The Reverend<br />
ErviUe B~ Mayn~rd performed the ceremony.<br />
Katherine is the daughter<br />
of Mr. and Mrs.' Guy<br />
Chester Smith formerly of<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> now of the<br />
Whittier. The bridegroom<br />
is the son of Mrs. Doering<br />
p'artridge ofChaf1ottesville<br />
Va.,' and R. Martin Steven-<br />
Conn" Miss Merkel 'w been soh of Washington D.C.<br />
attending Bradford Junior Imfu~iatE!ly foll~ing the<br />
College in Bradford, Mass., ceremony, Mr. and ~rs. Smith<br />
during the past year. received' guests' at reception<br />
• • '. . at the Country CI.b.<br />
. FolloWing, the family tradi-<br />
ROBERT J. VLASIC or Hon, the bride wore her ,moth~<br />
MR. and MRS, O. KINGS. SOuth Deeplands road, has er's regal. ivory satin wedding<br />
been elected a vice pr:esiqent gown, liwiShly l.ri~ed with<br />
LEY HAWES of Denver, Colo., of the Culver Legion alumni h 'I f 11<br />
announce the birth of a daugh. body of Culver ,Military Acad. the family Duc esse ace, a u<br />
Lake Forest; III; Thomas Kilpatrick<br />
of Washington, D,C.;<br />
Robert Spitz miller of Buffalo,<br />
N.Y., and Peter S. Anderson<br />
of New YorltCity.<br />
. After a ,trip. to the Hawaiian<br />
Islands, the bride and groom<br />
will reside on Gramercy Park<br />
in New York City.<br />
David Wanaees Leave<br />
For Nebraska Ranch<br />
•• n.lbl)' thIn 0"', .ued •• trap. 1l57S<br />
Mr. 'and Mb, David Wale<br />
lace, of Lewiston road, have<br />
left to spend a month at their<br />
X-A Ranch in- Burwell; Neb.<br />
With them went the William<br />
Earls, of Kenwood road, and<br />
their son, Chip.<br />
Joining the WaUaces later<br />
this month will be Mrs. Wil&<br />
Uam Curran, of Charles street,<br />
and her father, Harold Bark.<br />
er, of New York.<br />
Mrs. Wallace, has recently<br />
returned from a cruise aboard<br />
the "Maid Marion", owned by<br />
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hascall Bliss,<br />
o! Beverly road. Also on the<br />
cruise were Mrs. Henry T.<br />
Al h<br />
' . - , '<br />
" t oug h many are on their way north now t.hat the<br />
summer has officially begun, for the <strong>Pointe</strong>rs remaining<br />
ter, STACEY DENISON on<br />
emy, Culver, Ind. As vice<br />
July 4" Mrs. Hawes is the f()r- presl"dent VI aSlCIS . . responSI'ble mer ELAINE M. SCHENCK, for alumni affairs in Michigan<br />
length illusion veil, held in<br />
place' by a Julie,ttecap of the<br />
same lace, and carried her<br />
mother's iVory prayer 'book<br />
in their own resort-like back yards there are a host of<br />
Parties to attend. '" " \,<br />
On July 18 Benson Ford will be 40 and to mark this<br />
daughter of MR. and MRS. and Canadll. Culver, a college<br />
GEORGEE. SCHENCK of preParatory school, has more<br />
Lakeland avenue. >.<br />
* * • than ~,OOO ~lu~ni; • In Christ<br />
'"<br />
Church Saturday,<br />
-Photo by Gene Butler<br />
from which feU a shower of<br />
. boo'<br />
narrow ivory ,sa.tin ri ns<br />
laced with stephanotis blo~~<br />
important birthday the Fords will
I<br />
, , ,'----l:---, -, " ,--,--;--.,., ~_._<br />
"ete FourtHn<br />
Society News<br />
.'<br />
I<br />
G R 0 55 E POI NT ENE W S \: •<br />
Thursday. July', 1959<br />
f<br />
Gathered<br />
: -<br />
from<br />
,<br />
All of the POlntes<br />
/ .<br />
From Another. <strong>Pointe</strong> of 'View Garden,Par(y . Mrs. Frank Eugene Hagan, Jr~'/~ys,. G~e8t8 •<br />
J To Aid Convent' V.elv Brltannm<br />
(Coatiaueafro. Pqe 13)<br />
opened her home for luncheon. Guests were members<br />
of the newly-appointed Garden Center board.<br />
Among the: gu~ts were Mrs .. Gordpn Rap'p, Mrs.<br />
Donald $tevenson, ,Mrs. C. Bayard Johnson, ~rs. Meredith<br />
S. Randall, Mrs. Merlin Cudlip, Mrs., Wood Williams<br />
and'Mrs. J. Crawford Frost.<br />
R.union Parti ••<br />
•<br />
A lTeatreunion went on-over the week.end in hon9r<br />
af the H.Kennedy Nickells, Jr. of Perrysburg, O. The<br />
Nickells were her, to visit her parents, theRo~rt Me-<br />
Keans, of Ridge road, who entertained for them Saturday<br />
night. .<br />
Here fr()m Evanston, III., to see 'the honored couple<br />
Were Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lee, wile ,.,'e a c~ktail<br />
party Sunday evening at the Touraine road home of her<br />
parents, •.he Harry W.Kerrs. '_<br />
. Another of 1\lrs. Nickell's fOrnler classmates who<br />
came with her husband for the gay' week-end. was Mrs.<br />
Frederick W. Campbell, Jr., and, Dr. Campbell, of<br />
Toronto. -<br />
The Nickells will be mO"ing shortly fromPerrys.<br />
.burg to Darien, Conn., and this week. end was, a final<br />
. rood bye to friends in this area.<br />
Old Friend. Take Pot Luck<br />
>iI'<br />
Out at. the Scott' Daughertys .in ,Marter .road on<br />
Saturday there was another reunion of old friends at-a<br />
pot luck supper. The'Daughertys will be moving soon to<br />
a new home in Cloverly road.<br />
Mrs. William Townsend (Linda Carden) here .from<br />
Ohio and Mrs. William Hossler (Jill Schneider), of<br />
Niagara ~ans, N. Y., were fishing widows, both their<br />
husbands up in the northern streams' while they attend;<br />
ed the party. ' .' .<br />
The Howard Pattp.rsons wer~ there. They are staying<br />
this summer with her parents, the Sherod Scotts, be.<br />
fore returning to Boston. Down from Ossawa, Canada,<br />
were the newlywed William Farquhars (Anne Mc-<br />
Knight) where they are living for two months before<br />
• moving to a new home in Kerby road.<br />
,.,<br />
,<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
..----.<br />
The patio ~d rardens surrounding<br />
Sf: Ann's Convent on<br />
Boston houievard will be, the<br />
SCFM of the second in a series<br />
of ,s u m mer lun~heon.s and<br />
ben'efit card parties on July 15<br />
at 12:30 o'clock, to aid' the<br />
Dominican Sisters of the Sick:<br />
~Oo/' .'<br />
_ This mid-summer party<br />
liven by the Auxliary, will<br />
alSo b,e a fat:ewell.; to Sister<br />
Mary PatricIa, OP., the; local<br />
superior of the convenL for six<br />
years. Under her guidance the<br />
eleven sistersllave greatly extended,their<br />
work for the community'~sick<br />
~r. .... ,:<br />
, 'Chairmcm of are<br />
Mrs. Jerry ,'r. FJanigali and<br />
Mrs. MiChael, 'J. Swift have<br />
planned an old fashioned picnic<br />
theme for the l,uncheon.,\<br />
'Reservations ~re being taken<br />
by Mrs.J. William LavIgne,<br />
Mrs, George Jaglowicz;~Mrs.<br />
Flanigan, Mrs. Edward V. ott,<br />
Mrs. Swift and Mrs. WHliam<br />
~iseJ.' . "<br />
_ Others as,isting with arrangements<br />
are Mrs, Albert F.<br />
Boening, Mrs, L, V. Ansel,<br />
Mrs .. H a r 0 I d G r 0 if, Mrs,<br />
Charles McCabe, Miss Irene<br />
Ryan and Mrs. Edward Charron.<br />
The July hostesses are Detroiters<br />
who exten~ a special<br />
Invitation to the Grosse-Pomte<br />
membel'lJhip and their ftlends<br />
to attend the benefit.<br />
Betty Vingi of 1555 Anita,<br />
informed Woods police on<br />
Monday, June 29, that an un.<br />
known person stole two floor<br />
mats from her car, while the<br />
vehicle Wll$ parked in front of<br />
her house.<br />
"<br />
KATHLEEN HUTCHINSON, daughter of<br />
Tony Hutchinsons, of Beaconsfield road, was married<br />
Saturday morning in St. Paul's on the lakeshore to Mr.<br />
Hagan, son of the senior Hagans, 'of Neff road. '<br />
~ .,' _._--<br />
Don Little of 3884 Harvard,<br />
Detroit, Informed Park police<br />
on Saturday, July 4, that ~WO<br />
hubcaps were stolen from his<br />
car while it was parked on<br />
WaybW'll, between Jefferson<br />
and H~mpton~,<br />
WAllO 0- PIER(E<br />
, .<br />
"I lit CIIII.i •.• ...... ..,.<br />
\<br />
If people could only realize<br />
how much fault is found with<br />
them for finding fault with<br />
others.. J<br />
It's just as difficult for some<br />
people to keep a promise as it<br />
is for others to save money.<br />
~ ",<br />
,~'<br />
,<br />
Guests ..'began, arriving for<br />
the William Moore JOYs'holi.<br />
day party last ThU~d~ al.<br />
For special appointments during<br />
those days, co II<br />
TU 5.9065<br />
,<br />
Parking In rear<br />
is more convenient.<br />
"I<br />
Hagan-Hutchinson<br />
Vows Exc;hanged<br />
:~~3~le~efO~i~~~a~aneven~:: A Reception at the Whittier FoNowed Saturday<br />
in time to see Queen Eliz~- Wedding in St. Paul's on th~ lakeshore; Pair<br />
beth and Philip sail by in the To Live in Grosse POinte W,~ods<br />
SI. Clair River aboard their<br />
yal:ht, Britannia.; • , Chantilly lace was Kathleen Hutchinson's choice for<br />
The oloys' hilltop home has her wedding gown when she spoke her vows Saturday<br />
a fine view of the river and in St.. Paul's on the lakeshore to Frank Eugene Hagen, Jr.<br />
gue~ts wl!r!! invited to choose The bride is the daughter<br />
a lime when the royal yacht ' h' of<br />
passed a given line, The ,vin. of the Tony Hutc .msons,<br />
ner, with a time of'1:27, was Beaconsfield avenue, and<br />
Mrs, Ledyard Mitchell, Jr. Mr. Hagan is the son of the<br />
Candles in paper ha'gs', lit senior Hagans, of Neff toad.<br />
the tanbark stepS, leading to . Her bridal gown was b.aJlerthe<br />
water and torches bright- ina length designe~ wIth. a<br />
ened the gardens and terrace. lace. bodice and a skirt of Silk<br />
Dinner was served from a bu!. organza. Pearls accented the<br />
fet table decked in Fourth at sweetheart neckline and ~he<br />
July colors. Small flags and headband which held her. fmred,<br />
white and blue flowers gerUp veil of illusion. She car.<br />
centered the, small tables. An l'ied. gardenias and stephano.<br />
Aml~rican flag. and the Union tis. he<br />
Jack flews together to mark . Judy. Hutchinson \vas r<br />
the royal visit. \ sister's maid of honor and the<br />
Here from out of town for<br />
the JoyS party wel'e the Cyrus<br />
Fultons and the Will i a m<br />
Diehls, of Lancaster, O. The<br />
quartet chartered a boat for<br />
a trip through Georgian Bay<br />
after the stop for thE: Joys'<br />
party. ,<br />
A three pIece combO played<br />
for dancing and .Mrs. Joy re-<br />
\:eIved her guests in an Italian<br />
short white satin drells with<br />
copper lined pearls, bol\ght in<br />
Rome last year. '<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Theater<br />
To Give A'wards<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Community<br />
Theater will hold its annual<br />
dinner dance with presenta"<br />
lion of awards and inaugura.<br />
tion of new officers at the<br />
Hunt Club on Saturday, July<br />
11. ..<br />
Retiring president Robert<br />
Koebel. will turn over the<br />
gavel to Dr. Donald White,<br />
5015 LanrlOO, who Vlill preside<br />
over the theater's activities<br />
for the 1959~60 season.<br />
Vice-president Is Mrs. Donald<br />
1nursd.y, July', 1959.<br />
Woman's Page • • •<br />
Harts' Bid. Friends<br />
To Special Movie<br />
Couple Will Giv~ Dinner at.\ DAC Preceding Private<br />
Screening of "North by Northwest" in Studio<br />
This Thursday Evening ,<br />
"Just the fun of a summer j Detroit Athletic Club's beau- ..<br />
party" insp!red ~e H.erbert .W. tiful' Pontchal'train Room will . ; .<br />
Har.ts of wmdmill. POinte dnve be the scene .of the preceding I<br />
to plan a lete for some 40 dinner which the Harts have<br />
friends. And the Harts cud- scheduled' for 6:30 o'clock. .<br />
geled their brains to make it ., .<br />
"something different" came u . Among the guests they ve Inwith<br />
the idea of havina a pd~ Vlted are Mr. and Mrs: Homer<br />
vate screening of a motion pic- We~ls, the Sam Kellers ~nd<br />
ture, preceded by a dinner th.elr g u est and long-tune<br />
party . fnend, lamed screen star Leo<br />
. CariJIo, who will arr~ve early<br />
It em happened suddenly- Thursday; tlhe Eugene. Garga.<br />
MI'S. Hart haf camped on the ros the William E Slaughters<br />
the teleph?ne. this week taking th~ Oscar Olsons,' the .EugenJ<br />
ca!e of ll~vl~ahons and de- Casarolls the Keller Nissleys,<br />
taIls I<br />
r<br />
><br />
,<br />
\' 'r T
Thurscl.y, ~uly.9t ,1959<br />
Go R 0 SSE P'0 I N T E HE W 5<br />
Society News "Gathered from All of the <strong>Pointe</strong>s<br />
Specuu Wedding Se(ISOn Offer<br />
A fine group' of Oriental pearls by International, which<br />
have ben' specially, selected for color ond perfection. Offered<br />
ot qn attractive price by CI reputobl., jeweler.<br />
Phone for details about our nn<br />
GIFT SHOPPERS' SERVICE n (! (;l,tttt<br />
21 031 Mac:~, .t Roslyn J1t -:.Jtt6 Jeweler<br />
TU 4-7472 J'
..;----p...<br />
- ... II"""I'""""".,...,.P""lP .... ..,..- .... - .,<br />
p--.. ,..P--p-;----------./i ¥..<br />
..<br />
Thursd.y, juiy'.195' ,<br />
. .<br />
Woman's Page • •<br />
Jane Bragaw Tells<br />
plans for Wedding<br />
Will' Marry John B. Vanderzee in Christ Church on<br />
July 18; Busy Week of Parties for Pair Precedes<br />
Rehearsal Dinner at Detroit Club '<br />
Mrs .•Carter Sales will open her East Jefferson ave~<br />
nue home on July 18,for the wedding reception foll(}wing<br />
the Christ Church ceremony which will unite Jane<br />
Bragaw and John B. Vanderzee in marriage.<br />
The' bride, da,ughter of<br />
Mrs. John H. Conway, of<br />
Pine, court, and the )a,te<br />
William, Rogers Bragaw,<br />
has asked 'Mrs. Robinson<br />
Cushman; of Farmington,<br />
Conn., to be her. matron of<br />
honor. Ella Barbour Treble,<br />
of New York will be maid<br />
of honor.<br />
Among the bridesmaids will<br />
Virginia Evans, Pamela Watterman,<br />
Anne Vanderzee and<br />
Elizabeth Buell.<br />
Mr. Vanderz'ee, son of the<br />
Storm, Vanderzees, of Grosse<br />
lie, has asked his brother,<br />
Robert, to be best man. The<br />
ushers will be Dr. Donald, S.<br />
Daniel,' of Richmond, Va.;<br />
Franz von Schilli'.lg III, of<br />
Spring Grove, Va.; 'l'homas E.<br />
Schields, of New Yorkj Jack<br />
Judy, .of Cambridge, MaSs.,<br />
and Richaret D. Savage of<br />
Cleveland.<br />
Parties for the pair began<br />
will be. an alphabe't shower<br />
and cocktail party given by<br />
the Sudney Halls.<br />
On Sunday Mrs. John A.<br />
Bryant will .give a dinner at<br />
'the Country 'Club honoring<br />
the couple and on :July 15<br />
there will be a luncheon at<br />
the Hunt Club given by ElIa<br />
Treble.<br />
July 17 Mrs . .clarkson C.<br />
Wormer III and Mrs. ~mund<br />
Shurley will give aluneheon<br />
at. the Little Club. Virginia<br />
Evans' party wili be a cock.<br />
tail soiree that same ,ev(:ning.<br />
The Vanderzees will give<br />
the rehearsat dinner, at the<br />
Detroit Club the evening' before<br />
the wedddng and on the<br />
day of the wedding Mr. and<br />
Mr~. Lee Wingate Carroll, of<br />
Montclair, N.J., will have a<br />
luncheon for the brIdal party<br />
at the Little Club.<br />
with the cocktail party the Robert McGrath Follows<br />
Storm Vanderzees gave in Brother to West Point<br />
Grosse IIe. Mrs. Young LeGro<br />
and her mother, Mrs. WilJiam On Tuesday Mrs. John Mc-<br />
J. Young gave a kitchen show- Grath, of Yorkshire road, bid<br />
er and IW1cheon and Mrs. goodbye to her son, Robert<br />
Henry Earle and Mrs. Ken- who is entering his first year<br />
neth R .. Beardslee were co- at the U.S. Military Academy,<br />
hostesses at a IW1cheon and West Point, N.Y.<br />
linen shower.' I Rooo~t will b". greeted on his<br />
On Friday the Robert Norths arrival as a plebe by his older<br />
will have a cocktail and bar brother, Pet e r, now in his<br />
Ilhower, and on saturday there third year at West Point.<br />
You'll Love the Way Thest;<br />
Lustrous Curls Behavel<br />
"<br />
Sun-Tipped<br />
Tones will<br />
COLOR your<br />
COIF with<br />
,,. G'LAMOUR!<br />
Ro~lIe' s Beauly Salon<br />
'19027 Mack at 7 Mile Road TU 4- J 130<br />
,:<br />
I<br />
0,. .. Thwrsday and Friday Evenin,_<br />
J 554 Wa5hington Boulevard, Detroit<br />
-<br />
Dresses-S1695 {oS2395<br />
I1tre $2:q5. to $35.00<br />
Cashmere Sweaters-s 1695<br />
"'tre $22.95 to $26.95<br />
Lal11bswool-Cashmere ,Blend<br />
.Cardigans- S995 wm SH.95<br />
'----F- ..-.F...<br />
i--------------~~------~~-- ---;--.<br />
'6R 0 SSEP 0 I N 1 E NEWS P"ge Seventeen<br />
•by, of, and for <strong>Pointe</strong> Women<br />
Mrs. Arthur B~Harlow, Jr.<br />
-Photo by Paul Gach<br />
In Christ Church recently MIRIAM VAN DYCK<br />
(MIMI) BAXTER, daughter of Mrs. Charles Stewart<br />
Baxter, of Parker avenue formerly of Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>,<br />
and the late Mr. Baxter, spoke her marriage vows to<br />
Mr. Harlow, son of the senior Harlows, of Darien,<br />
Conn. After a wedding trip to Bermuda the newly- .<br />
weds will live in Darien.<br />
'Hill' Beauty Proje,ct Planned<br />
A more beautiful business<br />
district, to attract customers, is<br />
the aim of merchants in the<br />
Kercheval-on-the-Hill section<br />
who petitioned the Far m s<br />
oouncil on Monday, July 6, for<br />
assistance in the program.<br />
Anthony W. Colett, repres<br />
e n tin g the businessmen's<br />
committee, told the council<br />
that the over-all cost of the<br />
beautification program will be<br />
an estimated $15,000, toward<br />
, which the merchants are contributing.<br />
He asked the council'if<br />
the city would help to<br />
finance the project.<br />
He said that the initial plans<br />
call for the planting of 12<br />
Wool Coats & Suits-S3995 to s4995<br />
. ,<br />
wert $59.9510 $69.95<br />
Blouses- S3lS to S5 95<br />
, wert $5.95 to $8.95<br />
Skirts-559S to s8 95<br />
rDtrt $8.95 to $12.95<br />
•<br />
Richard School, already bas<br />
green plant life. and the Board<br />
of Education will not be asked<br />
to develop it any further.<br />
After a further discussion of<br />
the matter, Mayor William<br />
Connolly, with the consent of<br />
the council, appointed, Councilmen<br />
R i c h a r d Maxon and<br />
Henry Bodman II as city representatives<br />
to meet with the<br />
businessmen's . committee to<br />
see what can ~ worked out.<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> to Have<br />
Brokerage Office.<br />
Maple trees, six on each side First of the rhajor Michiof<br />
the street from HaIl place gap brokerage firms to open<br />
to McMillan,. and four more a branch office' in the Grosse<br />
on the' northside, from Mc- <strong>Pointe</strong>s is Smith, Ha~e & Co.,<br />
Kinley to Fisher. road .. The whose new building,' at Mack<br />
trees will cost $400eac~ he and Oxford in G1"OIiSe<strong>Pointe</strong><br />
said. . ( Woods, will be ready for oc-<br />
Colett said that developing cupancy AugUst 1 _<br />
the scenic beauty .of the area. Constituting .a major :exwill<br />
do a great deal for the. ,<br />
district, and will attract cus- pansion move for the 22-yeartamers<br />
to the "Hill," old firm, this is the company's<br />
He po'inted out that the p~~. fouFth branch .office. Others<br />
are located in Ann Arbor,<br />
perty in front of the Gabriel Lansing and Jackson.<br />
. The' purpose of the. new<br />
branch, according to Hal H.<br />
Smith .. Jr., managing partner,<br />
is to serve a growing list of,<br />
customers in the Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
area with complete brokerage<br />
facilities and the service of<br />
seven registered representatives.<br />
.<br />
Headquartered in the Penobscot<br />
building, Smith, Hague<br />
& Co. was organized in 1937<br />
and has been a member of the<br />
New York Stock Exchinge<br />
since 1951.<br />
Principals of the firm, in addition<br />
to Smith, are: Richard<br />
L. Lamborn, New York, part,<br />
ner on' the floor of the New<br />
York Stock Exchange; Samuel<br />
Hague, partner on the floor of<br />
the Detroit Stock Exchange;<br />
Edward M. Eve l' ham, in<br />
IC h a r ge of trading; Mark<br />
Nolan, office manager and in<br />
charge of accounting; and Hal<br />
H. Smith, III, assistant to the<br />
general partners.<br />
George Nicholson, head of<br />
investment advisory service,<br />
started the inveStment club<br />
'idea in th.e' United States nnd<br />
services man~' O'f these groups<br />
today.<br />
,<br />
If you are planning a new<br />
home, give plenty of thought to<br />
placement or your kitchen.<br />
Home management specialists<br />
at Michigan State University<br />
suggest the kitchen should be<br />
convenient to the front door<br />
and to the service entraJ1(e. If<br />
you have {small children, you<br />
may want to locate the kitchen<br />
so you can see them at<br />
play from the lQitchen window .<br />
TUXEDO<br />
RENTAL<br />
Al50<br />
Full dress and Directors' suits,<br />
white summer formols.<br />
TUMe ll.. t_I,<br />
Coli for oppoinlment<br />
16233 Mock. 3 Mile<br />
OU£"L n.1<br />
9:30.' Sot. to 6:00<br />
'I<br />
Camp Charlevoix Dr~w~ <strong>Pointe</strong>rs<br />
::Direct<br />
fo<br />
(J1'066e<br />
,<br />
"<br />
.!!~,<br />
, i<br />
Harry Brinck Now Minister<br />
Camp Charlevoix, at Charle- Boy~ from the Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Harry Raben Bl'inck, son O'f ly of Hampton road, was orvoix,<br />
Michigan, opened (In area are: David' a'nd Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Brick dained to the ministry on<br />
June 27 for its 34th season Arndt (John), Warren Avis of Alger road, Detroit, former- March 1 by the Maranatha<br />
with boys arriving by car,<br />
train, boat, and plane. The<br />
camp is "wned, and directed<br />
by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.<br />
Smith of Beaufait road.<br />
The staff, which numbers 60,<br />
(Warren), Andy B a I d.w i n I IBaptist Church.<br />
(William), Bob Bolam (Ross), M,'SS Me'Do,.luld's Mr.' Brlnck, who attended<br />
Bob and. Bill Crowley (I'.J.), Trombly, Defer and Grosse<br />
Soott, Emmons (Harold) Doug B tl tIlT ld <strong>Pointe</strong> High Schools, received<br />
Fox (Mrs. Ruth), Scott Greg- e lrO, Ul 0 his degree in engineering from<br />
ory (E.M.), Bill Gross (W.W.), the, University of Michigan<br />
l represents 26 different<br />
or universities. The.<br />
colleges<br />
c~mp ~s<br />
Randy<br />
Kim'<br />
H.o f f man<br />
Kimbrough<br />
(Arnold),<br />
(Richard),<br />
A plane flew<br />
peer Top Eighty<br />
over the La- and then entered Charles Ful-<br />
Fal,'m of clii- leI' seminary in PasadE..'na, Cal.<br />
,limited to 150 boys who' this Roperl King (W ..llace), Dun- fordJ. McDol1ald Sunday and After his graduation from<br />
Year come from as far west as can Laurie (Wm. D.), Don guests learned of the engage- the seminary, Mr. Brinck re-<br />
California. Other s'tates in- Law (Dr. Albert), John Ma- ment of his daughter, Martha, turned to Michigan to serve<br />
elude Illinois, Indiana, ()hjo, bley (Dr.J. Donald), Doug and Edward Frederick Lam- his internship af Maranatha<br />
N~w Jersey, New York, Michi- BaylIff (Donald Parsons), Joe brecht, Jr. . Church.<br />
gan, Pennsylvania and Mary- Reed (Dr. Joseph), Doug Rog- From the airplane fluttered The Reverend Mr. Donald L.<br />
land. .. ers (Dr. George), Peter Rous- cards telling of the couple's<br />
---. --,-~-,---,-~-I sR<br />
Veitch of Maranatha Baptist,<br />
i<br />
You may have the right-ofway<br />
in traffic, but there's little<br />
satisfaction in dying to<br />
prove it.<br />
eau (Ch(DarlesR)"Bh.obda)n"CRhickki engagement. The bride-elect,<br />
R<br />
. h d K L:' h oyer r. IC iil", l,lc h f<br />
. Ie ar imcroug s Home R . ) d also daug ter 0 the. late Mrs.<br />
uifrok (Henry , E dy Wilson McDonald, ,attended Kin g s-<br />
From California Trip (Ernest E.), Russ~lI Washburn wood School, Penn Hall Junior<br />
Church delivered the ol'dinatl'on<br />
sermon and Dr.. Fran. kll'n<br />
W. Wiley; pastor of the Gratiot<br />
Avenue Baptist Church, was<br />
(Jack). College, and is a member ot the moderator of the Ordina-<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.<br />
Kimbrough, of Cloverly roael,<br />
.<br />
With Kim arid Lawrie, have<br />
re t urn ed . from<br />
'<br />
a trip. to<br />
.<br />
Califomia,<br />
stopping on .the way<br />
out at the G ran d Canyon,<br />
Colorado S p r in g s, and Las.<br />
Vegas.;'<br />
Coun!lel1ors from G r 0 sse<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> include Nick Cameron,<br />
back for the snco',.d<br />
~ .<br />
year l'n<br />
the sailing department; Andy<br />
Campbell, back for the second<br />
year in. the craft.s department;<br />
Tau Beta.<br />
Her fia.nce, son of the senior<br />
Lambrechts, of Bea.con Hill,<br />
attended the Hotchkiss 'School<br />
and Lehigh University.<br />
The oouple ,will exchange<br />
vows this fall.<br />
lion Council.<br />
M • B' k I .<br />
...r. rmc pans to remain<br />
t M th h h h'l<br />
a arana a C urc w I e<br />
awal<br />
't'<br />
tng a<br />
Ch<br />
. ap<br />
I'<br />
amcy ap-<br />
pointment in the U.S. Army<br />
Air Force.<br />
They; also visited f a I' mer Roy Dettmar back for His sec- -----<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong>rs Mr. and Mrs. John P.<br />
Sellas, of Lido Isle, Calif., and<br />
t?Ok a house nearby 'a.t Nev:pOrt<br />
Beach.<br />
orid 'year as a oounsellor; and, The man who brags the most<br />
John Jacobs',camper six years; about his future probably has<br />
and now in his fourth year in I a shady past he'd like to for-<br />
the riding department. get.<br />
/l'OmJla4<br />
LEON'S<br />
poin~e<br />
Mr. leon Sehoyan t~l(es \ple~sure in ~nnouncing a new<br />
staff member<br />
Vo(hohas just tHrived here fr~m Venice, Italy, and will<br />
introduce the Ic!ltest in Italian hair fashiops~<br />
TU 2.6160<br />
,~etJII~ SALON<br />
18318 Mack Avenue, Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Announcing<br />
.<br />
Himelhoch ,s<br />
.<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Sneak Previe':0<br />
...<br />
,-<br />
m<br />
.~,:~.:~~-:=:'.::':::'~ "' . ""<br />
, "x . .;..;-.
~j"'IIII.~"""~~"''''''''':':':'':<br />
~ ....... , .. : •.,:1II\I"lIi~:~j~.<br />
":.i~...~: ,.-: .,....... ~.... ~~.,!II!I:1lI'I.;Ill:<br />
••••• ;.:.:.,._:.:_,_;_;_;_:.;.,.[. 2<br />
6ROSSE POINTE NEWS ThurscI.y. July '. '1959<br />
Society News Gathered from All of the<strong>Pointe</strong>s<br />
Symphony Plans t;o~ert at UN<br />
!'or the tirIt time in iU lOllC<br />
hiatory .the Detroit Symphony<br />
Orchestra's fonnal Thursday<br />
evening concerts will be heard<br />
outside the concert hall j1ext<br />
Muon through radio. An-<br />
.-=cement c a me recently,<br />
.at a SymphOny board meeting<br />
in Ford Auditorium from<br />
Allen G. Barry, president.<br />
The board voted tJo accept<br />
an offer from WWJ to broad"<br />
cut the entire 1959-60 series<br />
of 20 concertlW'lder Paul<br />
Par a y 's direction. The prom~<br />
will be. taped at the<br />
actual performances for d e -<br />
01\ ,a world-wide network to<br />
every COW'ltry repreeented.<br />
Amon( the few orchestns<br />
previously ho nor e d are the<br />
Berlin PhilharrDonic,. the Bolton<br />
Symphony, the New Yorx<br />
Philharmooic and 1ile Philadelphia<br />
Orchestra.<br />
Elected to the Detroit Symphony<br />
board recently. were<br />
Mesdames C. Henry Buhl, Sidney<br />
E. Chatlin, John F. Gordon,<br />
John Norton LQ:rd,Leon<br />
G. Winkelman, Dr. Hugh Stalker,<br />
Messrs. Andrew W. Barr,<br />
John B. Ford III, F. Jean Little<br />
and Alan E. Scllwar:!.<br />
layed broadcast on Sundays. PRAISES 'ABMYCAMP<br />
Broadcast time will be decided<br />
at a later date. CAMP McCOY, Wis., July 2<br />
. . \ -Lieutenant Colooel Walter<br />
!ir. BarrY also reported that K. LaFond, ot 1108 Nottingthe.<br />
orchestra will accept the ham, Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>, Michigan,<br />
per s on a 1 in vita ti o,n elf Conunander of the,'3rd Battal-<br />
Da, Hammarskjold, Secretary ion, 329th • Regiment . (Basic<br />
General of tile United Nations, Combat Training), U. S. Army<br />
to play a special concert in Reserves Wlit of DeV'oit, Mich.,<br />
celebration of Human Rights which left here recently, after<br />
Day next season. The prollram compbting its two weeks of<br />
will be presented in the United summer camp said "This was<br />
NatioDl Auditorium Wed%tes- one of the best summer camps<br />
day, December 9, on the eve that -the unit has had. The<br />
of this important occasion. transition from a combat to a<br />
. 'nle concert will be played training team was made very<br />
before delegates of the United smoothly. All elements of the<br />
Nations Assembly and distin- regiment took to their new<br />
luished guests from all .over jobS with .vigor, and 'soon<br />
the globe. It wilI be broadcast. were fundioning efficiently."<br />
Lik. An 01" KeePJDke •<br />
• •<br />
"A Bllilt:F~r ..Th. Ages" IOlid brick colonial in G very fine<br />
location within easy walking distance to bus, 5tores, Richard and<br />
GroS51 <strong>Pointe</strong> High Schools.<br />
Four large bedrooms, 2 baths, maid's room and both, den,<br />
gaines room, new screened terrace, and many other features.<br />
Owner has beeri transferred and II good de
US?>,, PP4' asps; sppp, 4 ,; 4; I p p • a •<br />
, ,<br />
Thuncf.y. July,', 1959<br />
. John J. C r 0 nin, aeneraII tion, a member of the United<br />
chairman of the 1959 Torch Foundation Board III Directors<br />
Drive, baa named Allen Shel. and a member 01 the boards if<br />
den III, ot Provencal road and direct(l('S of WOman's Hospi-<br />
Mrs. James B. Webber Jr., of tal and the United Community<br />
Kenwood road, as co-chairmen Services. She has served on the<br />
of tOe Advance Gifts Commit. fin,ance' committee of the Girl<br />
tee. Scouts of Metropolitan De-<br />
Shelden treasurer and vice- troit, the United Community<br />
pl'ftident of the Shelden Land Services Women's, ~ommittee<br />
Compan)' and a bOard member and ~hE/1x?ard of directors of<br />
of several other coryprations, Sophle.Wrlght Settlement ~nd<br />
lias worked' as a Torch Drive a~ ?hauman, o~ the project<br />
volunteer' since $hortly after com m I t tee of tile<br />
the "give, once for all"eam. Jumor League.<br />
paian was started, in Detroit. Mrs. Webber and Shelden<br />
H. solicited G r 0 S S a <strong>Pointe</strong> will head a committee which is<br />
businessmerl for contributions responsible for large contribu.<br />
and hu beeri a member of the torS other than those in the<br />
Advanee Gift.' Committee in big corporati
,<br />
'; !<br />
Pig. Twenty<br />
;.,"'~-----i _; .;.:•.,.;.; .:•••••:: _<br />
c-r;~r-r ,..,--.--.--.,,~-r-r--r-r-'--'-""""'''''''''''I'''''''I'-"'!'''''''!'''''''I'''''''I~i "'l"i ~""""'l"'I'!'-"""~i~III\IIIII"""'''''''''''''',..; .... ~t ,~ ..<br />
YOUR AD CAN IE CHARGED Thr•• TrMlk L1... to S.rve Yo. 911cldy<br />
Charge Ads.IS words tor $1.00<br />
Cash Ads-IS words for 90c<br />
Sc each ndditionJI word<br />
Call<br />
TUXEDO 2-6900<br />
MALI aid FEMALE<br />
WANTED<br />
Men or women.<br />
Part or full time.<br />
Experience not necessary<br />
.<br />
P r act i c a I and companion<br />
nurses for your private home.<br />
Also, experienced women for<br />
infant or vacation care.<br />
3 Trunk lines<br />
but helpful.<br />
16941 Kercheval It Nctr.<br />
'1'tJ S-961ll1<br />
Dame<br />
Excellent returns for<br />
enjoyable work.<br />
TUXEDO 2.6167<br />
20313 Atac~: Ava. al ~hmoor<br />
'l'U .-3100<br />
with hotel or college wai<br />
t-<br />
11051 Kerclleval at lit. "'lair<br />
has added<br />
TU 5.. 821<br />
ress experience, or Stouffe r<br />
the newest silk screen<br />
traming, fOr high type, sma 1I,<br />
executive din i n g .room<br />
to her<br />
Hours, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Mon<br />
Grand Circus Park newl Stand<br />
- Slenoretle, Transcribing<br />
Majestic Bldg. News stand day through Friday. $43 pe r<br />
and Secretarial Service<br />
E:. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS week, plus fringe benefit s.<br />
Alden Park Manor<br />
Must have character refer - MRS.,COLEMAN !1J 5.6442<br />
CameronI Gift Shop. Wayb~ ences, excellent appearanc e<br />
& JeU.<br />
Park Drugl. City Lim1t.<br />
and personality. Write, giv - CHI L D CARE, responsible<br />
GROSSEPOINTE PARK. . ing full particulars as to ex - mi~d1e-aged lady. <strong>Local</strong> ref-<br />
MULel"Pharmacy. Waybutll and perience,. age and education , , erences. Reasonable rates,<br />
Kercheval . .'<br />
e hour or day. VA 2-1946.<br />
SuI1Ivan Pharmacy. BeaconsfIeld to ,Box N-12, Grosse Point<br />
(<br />
and Kercheval<br />
News.<br />
Wesson Drug•. on Charlevoix Av.<br />
EXPERIENCED man wishes<br />
work as chauffeur, house-<br />
Knopp's Pharmacy. Notr. Dame<br />
man, gardener or laborer<br />
and Kercheval<br />
GENERAL . OFFICE' worker ,<br />
Cunnlnghams Drugs. Nctre Dame good typist, 4 days a week<br />
and Kercheval<br />
Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notre Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms are a.<br />
and Kercheval<br />
:,Age 40-50. years. Reply, Box<br />
JC1nlIelDrugs. St. Clair and Ker- .D-13 stating qualification<br />
, cheval<br />
s<br />
and availability.<br />
Trail Pharmlcy. Kercheval cn<br />
A LARGE international corp-<br />
the Hili<br />
J'arms .Druga. FlIIher Rd.. and oration will employ a loca 1<br />
Kercheval \.<br />
Schettlers Drugl. Fisher Rd.<br />
sales representative between<br />
and<br />
ages 25and 35. This quali - COLLEGE student will wash<br />
x[;;:e'FiJ'i-ugs. Mack and 7.Mlle fied man will not only b e and polish your car, $8.50,<br />
'.<br />
W~~s Drug. Center. Mack and , trained in the. business bu t materials included. TU 5-<br />
Bournemouth (7 Mile Rd.) will be advanced to super - 6047,<br />
yisory and managerial re -<br />
GrOAe <strong>Pointe</strong> Phlrmacy. Mack spollSibili ties. . S u c c e s sf4 1<br />
SECRETARY, sin g 1 e, rapid<br />
and Huntington<br />
Harkness Pharmacy. Mack and salesman, school tenchers , typist, accurate, diversified<br />
junior executives, and, ac<br />
experience, con s c i entious<br />
H~cT~;hn.olU. Mack and 11-<br />
-<br />
countants preferred. Im-<br />
and .loyal. VAlley 1-7762.<br />
Mlle<br />
Goronflo. Mack and Anita<br />
Arnolds Dru&,. Mack and Haw.<br />
mediate salary plus co~n- AVAILABLE for va c a ti 0 n<br />
missions, bonus, group life period receptionist, light<br />
B~g~~t5rug•. Mack and ROllyn and hospitalization insur- office work in Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
ance. Lifetime career and<br />
Brlgg. Dru,r sto~, Mack and<br />
Call VAlley 1.5560.<br />
company p e 1).<br />
Touraine<br />
s ion. Write<br />
lIands Medical service Pharmacy. qualificatiollS to Box C-50 , RETffiED, reliable white man<br />
Mack and Moran<br />
'Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> News.<br />
for light janitor; work or<br />
Blue Crosl Drugs. Mack and Ne~<br />
driving. Has, chauffeur's<br />
BI~fueHiJ\I1PharmaCy, Mack an FULL TIME REAL ESTATE<br />
license. VAlley 4.8303.<br />
Devonshire Drug.. Mack and SALESMAN<br />
Devonshire . t bl' hed ffi<br />
L & L Pharmacy. Mack and Bea. Long es a IS '0 ce spe.<br />
cOl\sfleld cializing in Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> pro-<br />
Colony Patent Medicine. 15645 perty. Exceptional sales aids<br />
Mack<br />
ST. CLAIR SHORES for our mensupp1ied by of-<br />
Arnold Drull. Marter Rd. and fice; such as floor plans, pholo -<br />
Jefierlon graphs, and pre-sale reproduc -<br />
1A-PEISONALS tion appraisals for all sales -<br />
books. Salaried a p p r .d s e r<br />
NEED a baby sitter? Reliable Very complete information ex<br />
nursemaids a vail a b I e by change. Office frictiollS mini<br />
-<br />
hour, day or week. Mater~- mized by high' grade men and<br />
fty help available.<br />
ten Club, PRescott<br />
The Slt-<br />
7-0377.<br />
mutually<br />
ulations.<br />
deve.loped office reg-<br />
Deal closin!S under<br />
1 WILL TEACH you to drive<br />
experienced supervision. You<br />
must be between 25 and 4j<br />
in traffic. Former police in- years old, well ~ucated, and<br />
structor, Bert Mitchell, LA an east side resident.<br />
6.6960. MAXON BROTHERS, INC.<br />
SNOWFLAKES IN'JULY! TU 2-600() •<br />
Order yours now for ski-ti~e<br />
delivery. Individual hand-~allt<br />
de6igns and color combmations.<br />
~ 4.1165 !1J 4-4278<br />
2A-MUSICAL<br />
PLAY the piano. Special rapid<br />
course for te~n-agers .and<br />
adults in popular or classical.<br />
Interesting children's<br />
courses. Engel Piano Studio,<br />
14932 Kercheval, VAlley 3-<br />
1355 or VAlley 1-3515.<br />
889 .HIDDEN LANE<br />
TUXEDO 4-2458<br />
21-TUTORING .<br />
Tutoring by degree teachf:rs avail.<br />
obI, In all subjects for grades high<br />
school, college and adult education.<br />
339 Merriweather, Grs. Pte. Farrns<br />
TUxedo 4-2820<br />
IN<br />
All subjectsj all grades. Adults<br />
and children. Certified teach-<br />
ericaU:<br />
WO 3.8315 KE 7.4653<br />
WANT TUTOR tor second<br />
grader familiar with paro.<br />
chial school methods. Rea.<br />
sonable. TUxedo 5-1833.<br />
3-I.05T AWD FOUND<br />
ANT H 0 N Y M E D A I"<br />
SUNDA Y, JULY 5TH, BE.<br />
TUXEDO 5.4018<br />
LOST: YelloW striped kiUe~,<br />
well grown, vicinity UnI'<br />
versityand Kercheval, about<br />
Ju~ 29th. Reward. TU.<br />
2.5149.<br />
4-HEU. WANTED .<br />
"'ALl .fHI HMALI<br />
BEAUTY operator, eXPerien.<br />
... ~n1y. TUndo 6.9785-<br />
J<br />
$390<br />
A good position wit!: a good<br />
east side auto dealer. Dealer .<br />
ship experience, typing neces -<br />
sary.<br />
LOgan 3-4695<br />
(Domestic)<br />
PRIVATE living quarters, rent<br />
free, in exchange for gardener<br />
to take care of lot 120<br />
x120. Elderly couple preferred.<br />
Reply to Box B-10,<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> News.<br />
COUPLE experienced. Wife<br />
good cook. General housework.<br />
Man to assist, garden<br />
Pleasant, convenient home<br />
For 2 adultll. VAlley 2-2290.<br />
HA VE unfurnished apartment<br />
for couple who will work<br />
part time in exchange for<br />
rent. TU. 2.6896.<br />
REFINED white weman. Must<br />
be good cook. Prepare meals<br />
and be companion. 6 hour<br />
day, 5 day week. LAkeview<br />
7-9335.<br />
COMPETENT woman to take<br />
charge of new born infant,<br />
also assist with light house.<br />
work. Start in October. Prefer<br />
east side resident. Must<br />
have recent referenceli and<br />
own tranliportation. Reply<br />
Box R-12, Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
News<br />
W 0 R KIN G mother d{~ires<br />
woman 21.40 as nurliemaid<br />
and for Iight hou~ek(!eJ>inll'.<br />
Live in, Sunday and Ih Sal.<br />
urday off, Cily rdel'Cnccs.<br />
TUxedo !).1710, after :i p.m.<br />
HOMES trimmed and painted.<br />
Window gla:o:ing and caulking.<br />
VAlley 1.4[27.<br />
LAMPS<br />
Custom-made I amp<br />
made and recovered<br />
home. Originally on<br />
Road.<br />
TUXi:dC, 4.6511<br />
shades<br />
in my<br />
Ridge<br />
LAWN AND GARDEN work.<br />
Reliable personal servicc.<br />
College student. References.<br />
TUxedo 2-4783.<br />
RELIABLE, middle.aged m"n<br />
wishes g r ass cuttinji( and<br />
yard work. TUxedo 4.5193 •<br />
\,<br />
•<br />
CALL TUx~o 2~6900<br />
DOMESTIC (Umr.f.hed)<br />
DAY WORK only, clean~ng.<br />
References. $6 and carfare.<br />
TA 6-~60.<br />
AUDUBON, 4650, St. Mat<br />
thew's parish. 4 bedroom<br />
house, gas heat. Excellent<br />
for business or professional<br />
man. Now available. Rent,<br />
$200 m~nth. Lease, deposit<br />
KEnwciod 1-0141.<br />
WESTCHESTER, '70S, n ear<br />
lake. 5 bedroom house, oil<br />
heat. Excellent for industrialist,<br />
business or profe.ssional<br />
man. Rent $350 month.<br />
Lease, deposit. Shown by appointment<br />
only. KEnwood<br />
1-0141.<br />
854 ALTER ROAD. 3 large<br />
rooms and bath. Employed<br />
adults only, no pets, $110.<br />
, VAlley 2-4595.<br />
1003 BEACONSFIELD (J~f.<br />
ferson). Nice clean flat, 5<br />
rooms, bath. Private basement,<br />
gas heat. Beach privi.<br />
leges. Prefer adults; consider<br />
small family. Hugh<br />
Chalmers, TUxedo 4-4040,<br />
TUxedo 2-2544.<br />
$100 $105 $1 r 0<br />
Very attractive large newly<br />
decorated one bedroom<br />
apls. with aining room,<br />
separate kitchen and large<br />
living room. Croos ventilation,<br />
free paved parking,<br />
individual controlled heat<br />
included. Mr. Cole, Mgr ..<br />
21401 Kingsvi11e-1 block<br />
east of 7 Mile (Moross<br />
Rd.), 3 blocks south of<br />
Harper.<br />
LAKEPOINTE near Jefferson.<br />
Comfortable 2 bedroom lower.<br />
Park privileges, utilities<br />
included. $110. TU 4.4862.<br />
BEACONSFIELD, 1092. Upper<br />
5, newly decorated. Heat<br />
furnished, with thermostat.<br />
Air-conditioner, stove, refrigeration,<br />
in c i n era tor.<br />
Adults. $95. Shown by appointment.<br />
WEbster 4-9786,<br />
2 bedroom. Garage, modern,<br />
4 years old. $135<br />
month. TUxedo 5.3439.<br />
GROSSE POINTE vicinity,<br />
3428 HaverhHl, upper 6<br />
rooms. Gas heat, no refrigerator<br />
or slove. Adults. $75<br />
per month. TU,2-3165.<br />
HARCOURT, 732. Upper flat,<br />
3 bedrooms, 1 1h baths, Flori.<br />
da room, pantry, 2 stairways,<br />
circular drive.<br />
TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706<br />
APARTMENT on Cadieux be~<br />
tween Harper and Morang.<br />
Living room, 'bedroom, bath<br />
and kitchen alcove. Stove,<br />
refrigerator, heat and park.<br />
ing furnished. $85 per month.<br />
No lease un 1e s s desired.<br />
TUxedo 5.652:'l.<br />
LOWER FlJAT, Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Park, $100 including heat.<br />
VAlley 4-6665, TUx e d 0<br />
1-2945.<br />
BEACONSFIELD, 'near Kercheval,<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong>, upper<br />
4 rooms and bath, working<br />
couple. Heat and hot water.<br />
EDiewater 1-2397,<br />
502 LINCOLN ROAD. 4 bed.<br />
room home available for im:<br />
mediate occupancy. Call<br />
owner, WOodward 2.7565.<br />
SUBURBAN NURSING Agcy. WHITE lady wishell day work.<br />
LICENSED and BONDED Good references. TRinity GRA YTON- W A RR EN':" '4<br />
DU 2-0488, 24 hr phone service 3.1009. rooms, tile bath, heated,<br />
couple, $80. TUxedo 2-1044.<br />
LANDSCAPING grass cutting. WOMAN, white, wishes. iron<br />
Painting, cleaning, fixing ing Tuesday and Wednes- HARCOURT ROAP.'nelight-<br />
Trash hauled away; Roof day. LAkeview 7.6844. fully cool large 6-room<br />
work. All odd jobs. Bill, TTJ 6-FOIt IENT_ ,;.upper, family room, 2 car<br />
2-9284. garage. VAlley 3-0619.<br />
(Ultfunlslled) . ,.,':,<br />
NEFF ROAD (Kerch\val)<br />
Most attractive large upper.<br />
3 bedrooms, 2 baths, library,<br />
c,upeted. Now va ca n t<br />
Adults. $275 month. Hugh<br />
Chalmers, TUxedo 4-4040.<br />
APARTMENT on Cadieux be<br />
tween Harper and Morang<br />
Living room, bedroom, bath<br />
and kitchen alcove. Stove<br />
refrigerator, heat, and park<br />
, ing furnished. $85 per month<br />
No lease unl~s, desired<br />
'TUxedo 5-6523, evenings,<br />
for construction or any con- WHITTIER, 9540, near Harper<br />
cern. Best references. Call Luxurious new 3 rooms, pri<br />
evenings, TR 4-1527. vate balCOllY. From $105<br />
TUxedo 1-5853. i<br />
EXPERT LAWN care and gar •<br />
deningdone by two experi- WILLIAMSBURG Apartments<br />
encedcollege boys. Reason- 2 bedrooms, gas radiant heat<br />
1127 BEACONSFIELD, Grosse<br />
:Pte. Park Upper ,one bed.<br />
room flat. Heated. Couple.<br />
$70. Will decorate. DRexel<br />
1~1163. .<br />
GROSSE •POINTE area,' at.<br />
lraclive 2,bedroom lipper,<br />
near. sohool, $95. .TUxedo<br />
5.8655. •<br />
Fine lower flat. 3 bedrooms,. 2<br />
baths. $260.<br />
'SOMERSET ,<br />
, 3 bedroom upper .•<br />
2 bedroom upper. $100<br />
RIVARD<br />
2 bf.'Ciroom lower. $105<br />
..TU 2-6000<br />
able rates.' TUxedo 4-0686, and all electric kitchen. TUx- COURVILLE, 5252, UPpe!' 5<br />
TUxedo 5.3446. edo 5.2689. rooms, new I y decorated,<br />
Wright~, Ideas 0 f fer s<br />
Grosse PoinTe's only complete<br />
secretarial service,<br />
with lelephone answering I<br />
our line or yours, Mimeograph<br />
and Th~rma-Fax rapro<br />
due t ion. Address-<br />
Ing,<br />
mailing and postage<br />
Just call TUxedo 2-6034<br />
EXPERIENCED young woman<br />
wishes day work, office or<br />
store, clealliing or wrapping<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> references<br />
LOrain 8-2776.<br />
EXPERIENCED d a yworker,<br />
good ironer,. c1eallling, servo<br />
ing dinner parties. Reference.'<br />
TR 5-3217.<br />
RELIA~LE 17 year old girl desires<br />
baby. sitting. References.<br />
TUxedo 4-5028,<br />
EXPERIENCED lady wants 2<br />
or 3 days with same family<br />
or weekly work. TE 3-4891<br />
LADY WISHES 2 days or 5 POINTE CITY<br />
days,'cooking, cleaning. Ref- GROSSE<br />
erence. Can Thursday, Sat. Sparkling new, 2 l:ledroom<br />
urday, Sunday, TY 6.4903. upper flat, available. Bea~tiful<br />
kitchen extra large dm.<br />
HOUSEHOLD DUTIES; any 4 ing area, Hallmackequipped<br />
days weekly. Adults prefer- bath. Enclosed porch, attached<br />
red. Mature, colored. $28, garage, gas heat, soundproof<br />
plus fare. Reliable, reference construction. One short block<br />
Rep[y, Box E-7, Grosse to the Village shopping area.<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> News. Excellent transportation. By<br />
appointment, TU 4-451ll, eve-<br />
GROSSE POINTE woman, nings, PR 8-6735.<br />
middle-aged, wishes light<br />
work. What have you? VA<br />
1-2262.<br />
MEN WITH references desire<br />
work of any kind-housework,<br />
yard work or simoniz.<br />
ings cars, etc. VA 5.7044.<br />
DROP<br />
YOUR ironing oft at<br />
my house; very good work.<br />
Call me at TR 3-392r.<br />
MATURE white woman; laundress<br />
or baby sitting. Spe.<br />
cializes in personal laundry,<br />
men's shirts. VAIIey 2-5197.<br />
E<br />
XPERIENCED .woman de.<br />
sires days, or M 0 n day<br />
through Friday, 7 years references.<br />
LOrain 8-2126.<br />
girr desires days<br />
laundry and cleaning. Grosse<br />
Ptc.<br />
3961.<br />
rcferences. VAlley 1-<br />
ladydesirclI<br />
job cleaning, child care or<br />
laundry, Grosse ?oint.e re!o<br />
erences. WAlnut 1.1964.<br />
--<br />
E X PER I EN C ED woman,<br />
white" for c I e ani n g and<br />
laundry. 15 yea TS Grosse<br />
Poi nte<br />
3.1367.<br />
references. VAlley<br />
R<br />
E<br />
XPERIF.NCED lady wishes<br />
job, child care or<br />
laundry. Live near Grosse<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong>. Grosse, <strong>Pointe</strong> refer.<br />
ences. VAlley 4-4933.<br />
XPERIENCED girl wishes<br />
dflY work or week work.<br />
Wilh Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> references.<br />
VA 1.4798,<br />
heat, garage, adults. TUxedo<br />
4-6909.<br />
3 duplex, disposal,<br />
garage, large<br />
yard, children welcomed.<br />
4 room upper in newly<br />
remodeled house,<br />
disposal, shower, garage.<br />
TUxedo 4-1118<br />
Center hall colonial.<br />
Living room with fireplace,<br />
dining room<br />
and kitchen on first<br />
floor. 3 bedrooms and<br />
bath on second. Avail.<br />
able' August 1st. at<br />
$150 monthly .. This iJI<br />
an older but very<br />
comfortable h 0 me.<br />
Lease required. Call<br />
owner.<br />
TUXEDO 5~126B<br />
G. P. FARMS<br />
265 McKINLEY<br />
Attractive 4 bedroom 21h bath<br />
Farm Colonial. Spotless condi.<br />
tion. Elec, stove & refrig. included.<br />
References and one<br />
year lease required.<br />
TAPPAN TU 4-6200<br />
UPPER FLAT, 909 Rivar"d<br />
Blvd. 5 rooms, 'gas heat, dis-<br />
'posal, separate basement,<br />
gar age. Park privileges,<br />
adults, no pets. TU 5-2780.<br />
6A-FOR RENT-<br />
(Furnished)<br />
ATTRACTIVE, Neff R 0 ad<br />
lower available September-<br />
June while owner is in<br />
Florida. TUxedo 5-3645.<br />
BALFOUR, 5521. Attractively<br />
furnished 4 large room upper.<br />
Middle-aged or working<br />
couple.' $100. TUxedo 2-<br />
9048.<br />
GROSSE POINTE Park. 3rd<br />
floor, attractive 3 roo m s,<br />
bath. Clean, ideal for working<br />
co u pie. Utilities and<br />
heat. $85. VAlley 4-3688.<br />
61-1tOOMS FOR RENT<br />
ROOM .for employed ladi' in<br />
widow's home. Good transportation.<br />
TUxedo 5-0054.<br />
CORNER ROOM for gentleman,<br />
"Farms" area. Good<br />
transportation, radio and<br />
private phone, garage avail.<br />
able. Call after 6 or Satur-<br />
~y. TUxedo 4.1882.<br />
New _ Air Conditioned -<br />
Ground Floor. Private en.<br />
trances, private parking.<br />
Excellent Gros~'C <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
location. $210 per month.<br />
TUXEDO 2.2593<br />
18136 MACK AVE,<br />
Air-conditioned mod ern offices<br />
including medical liuite;<br />
90 sq. fl. and up. Telephone<br />
answering service.<br />
TV 5-3200 Niles TU 2.7944<br />
DESIRA BLE 0 ff ice space<br />
now available, Tracy Build.<br />
ing 128 Kercheval TUxedo<br />
1-5007.<br />
FOR RENT in July: 7 bed.<br />
room, 2 bath oottage on Lake<br />
M i e h i g a n, near Harbor<br />
Springs. Completely equip.<br />
ped. Matthews Hall Agency,<br />
Harbor Springs, Mlch.<br />
'~ISOIT PIO"~TY<br />
LAKE FRONT C~ttlige, 7 bedrOOms,<br />
. 3 batM; from June<br />
15 to August 1. Mr •. Charles<br />
:rd., Tenney, 60 Farmington<br />
avenue, Longmeadow. Mass.<br />
WHEATLEY, O~iario. ' 3 ~-<br />
FOR RENT or sale: year round<br />
home on Blue Water Beach<br />
subdivision. TUxedo 4.6098.<br />
7--WANTED. TO liNT<br />
COMFORTABLE quarters for<br />
visiting elderly par e n t s,<br />
month c:4 August~ Furnished<br />
\ flat or apartment. Cannot<br />
consider bedroom with<br />
kitchen privileges. Guarantee<br />
cleanliness, quiet and<br />
good care of premises. TUxedo<br />
1.9328. ,<br />
GROSSE <strong>Pointe</strong> bachelor desire;<br />
garage apartment in<br />
. area. TUxedo 5-3573 or TRi.<br />
nity 2.6200, !jxt: 480.<br />
3 OR .{ BEDROOM home in<br />
Grosse Poi n t e area, near<br />
Catholic schools. Responsible<br />
party. Mr. Plouff. Call<br />
LUzon 4-8600 6 to 5.<br />
CHILDLESS COUPLE 005ires<br />
unfurnished house in GfOl!ise<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong>, from August' 1st.<br />
Will pay 1st and last month<br />
in advance. Reply, Box L-2,<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> News.<br />
THREEtorourb~mho~e<br />
in a,-osse <strong>Pointe</strong>. TUxedo<br />
1-2639. .<br />
TRANSFERREDtrom East.<br />
Desire minimum 3 ~.;<br />
single in Fanns, Richard' or<br />
Kirby school districts. Excellent<br />
10 c a 1 referencel.<br />
TUxedo 4-5166. '<br />
EMPLOYED lady, 3 or 4<br />
rooms, income or apartment<br />
in Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods area.<br />
TUxeoo 4-6464.<br />
Washable; small popular<br />
dolls and 18-inch Revlon.<br />
Custom made.<br />
M. HARGIS TU .4-,7594<br />
CInNA, furnIture, rugs, lmtiques,<br />
miscellanequs, bought<br />
and sold. Majestic Furniture.<br />
10227 Woodward,<br />
6-2500.<br />
TOwnsend<br />
AUTO DRIVERS-Only $9.18<br />
qua I't e r 1y buys $10,000.<br />
$20,000 Bodily Injury and<br />
$5,000 Property Damage Liability.<br />
TU 1-2376.<br />
Rebuilts 1 year guarantee.<br />
Hoover wlbeaters $16.95-$44.95<br />
Rebuilt Eurekas . $19.95-$34.95<br />
Rebuilt GE's $19.95<br />
Rebuilt Royals $21.95<br />
17176 E. WARREN at Cadieux<br />
TU 1-1122 OPEN 10 to 7<br />
TRADE-IN sofas alld chain.<br />
All in nice condition. Reasonably<br />
priced. Van Uphol.<br />
stering Co., 13230 Harper.<br />
Open 9 'til 9.<br />
Screens, all types, grates,<br />
andiroJ:ll, tools. See display<br />
at SMITH - MATTHEWS,<br />
6640 Charlevoix Ave. WA<br />
2-7155.<br />
GROUND COVERS: Myrtle,<br />
pachysandras, Euvonimus<br />
Vegetus. Call eve n i Iig s,<br />
TUxedo 5-0768.<br />
• CABINETS<br />
• FORMICA<br />
• PLYWOOD<br />
• PANELING<br />
• DOORS<br />
• DRAWERS I<br />
22500 .MACK<br />
PR ~.M70 '<br />
BAKER Provincial"d in i11' g<br />
room.' Current style. Less<br />
than ~ price. Other items.<br />
Call after 4. TUxed~ 5-5310.<br />
SANDBOX SAND, $1 bag -<br />
,special, only 77c. Land-o-<br />
Nod, 13747 Gratiot at 8<br />
Mile. \<br />
Upholstery, , d rap e r y, slip-<br />
COVers Bolt ends. 79c a yard<br />
and up. Harper store only.<br />
13230 Harper<br />
-Chairs, Tables, Lamps<br />
All styles and sizes, 50% off.<br />
Harper Store Only<br />
13230 Harper<br />
GOLF CLEARANCE: An fa.<br />
mous brand name pro mod.<br />
els, ,woods and irons, Bag,<br />
Boy Carts. Edgar ''Butch''<br />
Bra n d a u, ]325 Cadillac<br />
Blvd.<br />
Pastel Portraits<br />
By<br />
For Appointment<br />
Phone 9 a.m. til noon<br />
6.8 evenings<br />
Tl1 1.5852 1677 Stanhope<br />
'NOW OPEN<br />
6 to 9 Evenings<br />
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays<br />
DEN OF<br />
14824 Kercheval at Alter Rd<br />
China, Glass, Copper, Etc<br />
Arnel'ican and Continental<br />
Imports<br />
Baldwin Acrosonic, Stein way<br />
Hepplewhite, Chickering mahogany<br />
• , • 3 wonderIul coosole<br />
pien06 to choose from<br />
Guaranteed. delivered . •<br />
priced from $4~. Smiley Bros.,<br />
5510 Woodward. Summer store<br />
hrs.:D aily, 9-5; Sa!., 9-1; Eves.<br />
by .'pp't.<br />
LEIC.\ F3 .. F2. Lot! of extras.<br />
Excellent. condition, sacrifice.<br />
TUxedo 4-3360, TUxedo<br />
2-3665.<br />
LAWSON SOFA, perfect con~<br />
dition. Baby chifforobe. Antique<br />
occasional chairs. Gateleg<br />
table. Yardbird railroad.<br />
TUxedo 1-6280..'<br />
REDWOOD iW'llitur~, new cushiOr1ll.<br />
Bunk beds. Garden<br />
tools. Jungle ham m 0 c k.<br />
Small appliances. TUxedo<br />
5-7737.<br />
COM BIN A T ION TV, $65.<br />
American People'. Encyclopedia<br />
set, $35. Singer Sewing<br />
$45. TUxedo 1-2146.<br />
A KIMBALL baby grand,<br />
.malle3t size, mahogany, Excellent<br />
condition, b e n c h,<br />
$350. TUxedo 2-7828.<br />
B PIECE dining room suite,<br />
$150. Gas stove, sofa. 'Eo'sy<br />
chairs, $35 each. Miscellaneous.<br />
TUxedo 4.3133.<br />
TYPEWRITER, Un derwood<br />
.J)OI'table, good condition.<br />
Sewini machine, portable,<br />
like new. 2 large bookcases.<br />
TUxedo 2-4717.<br />
POWER MOWER. $45. 4 gal.<br />
Ion sprayer, $8. Seed spreader,<br />
$8. TUxedo 1-21~.<br />
Thursd.y, July', 1.959<br />
'AIR CONDITIONER, window<br />
type, one ton capacity, $80.<br />
TUxedo 4.5054.<br />
24 VOLUME Encyclopedia<br />
BritalUlia with bookcase. Excellent<br />
cC¥ldition. lQ75 Newport.<br />
VAlley 1-8326.<br />
GIRL'S 20" bicycle, $18. Larg.<br />
size chain drive tricycle, $5,<br />
Picnic ice chest, $2. Coil<br />
springs, $3. TUxedo 4-0507.<br />
GOOD LEATHER sUitcase',.<br />
'vel'y cheap. TUxedo 5-2724.<br />
ROUND, 4 ft. folding table,<br />
$12. Oval walnut 4 "ft. dropleaf<br />
table, $16. TUxedo 5-<br />
2724. ,<br />
FRIGIDAIRE dehumidifier,<br />
$35. * ton R.C.A. air .conditioner,<br />
.like new, $100. 20"<br />
D.C. Westinghouse fan, $15.<br />
Marchant 10 bank calculator,<br />
excellent condition, $110,<br />
Royal typeWTitel', ilike new,<br />
$25. Canoe motor, inboard,<br />
$25. PRescott 2-9013. .,<br />
BRAND new portable Whirlpool<br />
dishwasher, never used.<br />
VAlley 2-0028.<br />
CRAFTSMAN power. !awn.<br />
mower, Bl'iggs and Stratton<br />
.( cycle gas engine. A-I condition,<br />
light weight, easy to,<br />
use. Used 5 months. Cost<br />
129.95', for $35. 21724 Harper.<br />
2 TUFTED twin beadbOerds,<br />
2 spreads; 4 pairs draperies,<br />
gray antique 'satin, $60. 2<br />
burner gas plate, $2. VAlley<br />
2-7428, eve:.Jngs.<br />
brand new for sale at halt<br />
price. TUxedo 5-2780. '.<br />
GENERAL ELECTRIC 6 cubic<br />
it. refrigerator, Fryryte, electric<br />
ooffee pot, leather Chair,<br />
Queen Anne chair, Simplex<br />
electric dryer, gas stove, TV<br />
Generlll Electric, 12"; kitchen<br />
set. Irol16, golf cart, reel<br />
lawnmower. TUxedo 4-2346-<br />
DINING ROOM, 12 piecE!3with<br />
8 needlepoint chairs. Perfect<br />
condition. Specially mad e<br />
table P,8ds. LAkeview 11.6994-<br />
PLAY PEN,' $3; 40" mahogany<br />
coffee. tabl~, $2{); trumpet,<br />
$10; accord ian, $20; cub<br />
scout wit, $3; walnut table,<br />
$5; old books. TUxedG<br />
2-2725;<br />
ANTIQUE sofa, china, glass,<br />
bronzes, quilt pieces,' ero- 21" TRA VELER television,<br />
cheted spread human hair stand, aerial, $40; Thor iron.<br />
brief case, pieces fur. VAlley er, 26", $25. VAlley 1-9675<br />
1-9843. .<br />
MULTICOLORED bra ide d<br />
wool rug "goes with everything."<br />
12x15. Excellent con.<br />
dition. TUxedo 2-5361.<br />
STURDY STEEL patio awning<br />
frame, in good condition,<br />
14 by 14 feet. $25. TUxedo<br />
BRASS HEADBOARD on sin.<br />
gle Hollywood bed, $31).<br />
VAlley 1-4184.<br />
SOLD HOME. Entire turni9hings<br />
and appliances for sale.<br />
1645 Fa ircou r t. TUxedo<br />
4-4174.<br />
5-8497. UNlVE~AL .GAS range, "<br />
burners, 2 ovens, good con-<br />
KELVINATOR gas re,frigera- ; dition, $40. TUxedo 4-1817.<br />
tor $50. Like new. TUxedo<br />
(-3330. ANTIQUE marble buffet, $89.<br />
FRENCH Provincial dining VAlley'3-0542.<br />
room suite, large oval table GRINNELL apartment size<br />
$450. Solid hard maple drop Upright, walnut piano. TU<br />
leaf table, .. captain's oha!Is 2-6333.<br />
$95. Large refrigerator and<br />
3D" el~tric stove $150. Ice MINK CJ\PE, vf!ry full, fine<br />
skates. TUxedo 4-2569. coodition. Reasonable for<br />
cash. !1Jxedo 4-5111.<br />
REGENCY davenport, ..lounge<br />
chair, ottoman. Upright and DINETTE set, formica and<br />
chest type deep. freezers chrome .. 30x48. Table, leaf,<br />
Hobby horse. Table radio 4 chairs: Excellent condi<br />
Record. player. Other items, tion. TUxedo 2.5006.<br />
rea son a b 1e. 560 Hidden<br />
Lane, TUxede. 4-4139. 10 FT. MARBLE bar, formica<br />
top, 6 bar stools. R6B9Orlable.<br />
GROSSE PrE. PARK HOME TUxedo 5-1838.<br />
Lamps, tables, chairs, pictures<br />
disbes, gar den equipmen~ IRONRITE, deluxe model, ex<br />
tools. ;Lady's clothing, size 12. cellent condition. TUxedo<br />
14 short.' 1-2424.<br />
Hundred, of. i1lenvl 5c to $5 WIDE VENETIAN blinds suit<br />
'935 Grand Marais .able tor oottage, 26" girls'<br />
SHERATON solid mahogany bike.TU 2-6333.<br />
'dining room.set. Table, buf. ELECTRIC I sewing machine,<br />
'M, chinacIOsef,. serving portable, $20. TUxedo 5.5554<br />
table and chairs. Bargain at<br />
~ less than half price. TUxedo MOVING to California: Girl.<br />
5-~1l. winter coatsj sizes 6x, 10, 12<br />
all imported EIlglish tweed<br />
2-9x12 BIGELOW all wOQl $15 eeclJ. TUxedo 2-8986.<br />
rugs; blue and apricot, including<br />
pad. Good condition IA--OFFICe .O'IJPMINT<br />
Man's mahogany.desk. Up- POI SALt'<br />
holstered c h a i s e longue<br />
glider. TUxedo 5-2611. ' TYPEWRITERS and lidding<br />
. machines, new, rebuilt. Rea<br />
GRANDFATHER clock, West. sonable p r ice s. National<br />
minster chimes, Cilucasian 0 f f ice Equipment. 16833<br />
walnut, latest style. Tele- Harper at Bishop. TUxedo<br />
phone TUxedo .-1971. 1-7130.<br />
LA RG E brown naugahyde<br />
sofa, excellent condition.<br />
TUxedo 4-1318.<br />
PRACTICALLY new riding<br />
,power mower, Briggs Straton<br />
engine. :&tailed $2.'J5,<br />
will sacrifice. TUxedo 2.<br />
0315.<br />
TWO excellent cameras: Zeiss.<br />
Ikon 120 with case, $40;<br />
Argus C3 complete with<br />
case-flash, $22. Mr. Lewis,<br />
Silloway & Co. TUxedo 1.<br />
3760.<br />
DROPLEAF table, 4 chairs,<br />
breakfront, dinette. set. 467<br />
Lex i n g ton Rd., Grosse<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Farms.<br />
HOTPOINT electric stove, $45.<br />
Davenport, provincial print,<br />
$75. Whirlpool refrigerator,<br />
year old, ~5. TUxedo 2-<br />
7541.<br />
........ NTI9UIS<br />
PENNSYLVANIA food safe<br />
gallery top, 2 drawers above<br />
2 cupboards below. Solid<br />
black walnut tabk, 6 spool<br />
turned le~ leaves have<br />
bread board edges. One pair<br />
bow Windsor chairs and one<br />
fan back Windsor chair.<br />
Chairs have thick plank<br />
sea~ .. A,ll items beautifully<br />
refInished lmd in perfect<br />
oondition. No dealers. 776<br />
Harcourt Road, afteor 6 p.m.<br />
B&DROOM and dining room<br />
suite. 'Rug, refrigerator, ,as<br />
stove. VAlley 1.1793.<br />
BOOKS purchased for cash.<br />
Entire libraries or tine single<br />
items. Midwest Book Service,<br />
4301 Kensington, Tl1<br />
1.2450.<br />
.<br />
Thursd.y. July'. r959<br />
VOUR AD CAN I.CHARGED T1Iree Tr •• T. Serve V•• 9ulcldy<br />
"<br />
CALL' TUxedo 2-6900<br />
I<br />
I<br />
T1Ir.. T"".II T. Serve VOl q,lckly<br />
13-1EAL ESTATE'<br />
FOR SALE<br />
GROSSE POINTE Woods, 669<br />
' French Acres Sub., Duval<br />
24-Hour Service<br />
Fairford Road. Close to Lad y Road, 125x100 ft. ' $11,000.<br />
Star of Sea church an d Richard M. Kimbrough Co.,<br />
Barnes school. 3 bedroom s, ,17850 Mawnee, TU. 2-2593 Auth. Eureka, Hoo~r Dealer<br />
2 Jh baths, large recreatio .n<br />
Monday through Friday.<br />
room,' 2 fireplaces. Custo m<br />
17176 E. WARREN at cadieux<br />
built, many extras. Must se e TU 1"1122 OPEN 10 TO 7<br />
to appreciate.<br />
I<br />
In Rochester's Winkler Mill 21E-CUSTOM CORSnS<br />
residential area. 300 feet on<br />
GROSSE PTE. SHORES private lake. Beautiful trees SPENCER CORSETS<br />
OXFORD ROAD on land which i~ ideal fo!' a Individually, . des1gned. light.<br />
walk out basement home. A weight foundaUons and sur- ,<br />
Near- lake. Attractive<br />
truly exceptional home site<br />
French Normandy resi-<br />
for $13,000 on terms.<br />
den c e. Well lan~ped<br />
grounds, . circular' drive. MAX A. HARfWIG<br />
This home features 4 master<br />
bedroOms, 2 baths, plus<br />
2 maids' rooms and bath.<br />
OLIVE 1-8144<br />
P a Iie 1e d library. with<br />
127 W. University<br />
natural fireplace, recreation<br />
room. Fully air-condi-<br />
tioned and dust controlled.<br />
Residential - Commercial EXPERT QN LEAKY ROOFS<br />
We invite your inspection<br />
New Roofs<br />
of this delightfully pleas. Commitment 24 hrs. Money<br />
ing Colonial featuring 4 4 days $1,000.00 up, 6%, 5-7<br />
Caulking<br />
. bedrooms, 3 baths; also Yrs~ Repayment.<br />
Decks<br />
maid's or guest room and SECOND MORTGAGE<br />
Gutter WorK<br />
bath on 1st floor. Library, LOANS. Equity above M"rt-<br />
family room, recreation gage of Land Contract Balance SMALL PAINTING JOBS<br />
room and patio. 2 new gas plus Chattel on Contents; $525- Sewers Unplugged<br />
furnaces. Excellent decor $2,000 • 18 Mo. Repayment. No<br />
and condition. Please call<br />
VE 9-2220 LA 1-6427<br />
appraisal charge.<br />
us for appointment.<br />
SPOUTS. Installed, repaired,<br />
GROSSE PTE. WOODS MORTGAGE CO. cleaned, painted. Chimneys<br />
NORTON COURT 423 Ford Bldg. WO 3-7280<br />
I<br />
pointed. Caulking. All roof<br />
Available sOon. Inviting<br />
work and repairs. Reason-<br />
center entrance Colonial, l~PETS FOR SALE<br />
able. Insured. Call Bill TU<br />
,<br />
bedroom and bath on 1st<br />
2~9284.<br />
floor, 3 bedrooms, 1Jh TWO BLACK female minia.<br />
baths on 2nd. Den, recre-<br />
ALL TYPES of roofs repaired.<br />
ture p 0 0 die s. Registered<br />
ation room, terrace, 2 car AKC. 10 weeks old. $100,<br />
Flat roofs repaired and re-<br />
attached garage. Well sit- each. TUxedo 5.6743.<br />
coated. All work guaranteed.<br />
uated on wooded lot on<br />
Free es tim ate s. TUxedo<br />
4.0422.<br />
quiet street.<br />
SIAMESE KITrE.I'iS, affectionate,<br />
housebroken, Oham. 21 M-RUG CLEANING<br />
GROSSE PTE. CITY pion lineage, 8 weeks. TUx.<br />
GROSSE POINTE COURT edo 2-9632.<br />
.1<br />
Air conditioned cape Cod<br />
Carpets, rugs (tacked down or<br />
SIAMESE KITr'ENS, female.<br />
""':'now vacant. 4 be;!srepail'ed., Gold<br />
, 'stamping, custom built lug-<br />
U 4-5700<br />
TU 4-7010 , gag~; Travelers Trunk Co., TU 2-6556<br />
10323 Mack. VAlley 2"6734.<br />
FARMS<br />
Stair Carpet Shifted<br />
Repairs of All Types<br />
bedroom, 2 bath face brick<br />
olonial with library. Attach-<br />
ed garage.<br />
TU 5-0703<br />
FARMS<br />
SuburbM M~intenllnce LOCATION<br />
Associates<br />
bedroom, 2 bath Farm Co- "No Job is too Small"<br />
nial with hobby room and One ph o-n e call for all<br />
xtra utility room. Attached home .maintenance prob.<br />
arage.<br />
. Iems.<br />
20%<br />
PR 6-3038 TU 1-8444<br />
CITY<br />
OFF CASH and CARRY<br />
FIREPLACE equipment, brass<br />
bedroom, 2 bath English<br />
and irons, tools. repolished<br />
cottage with maid's 'room and<br />
and lacquered, screens re- PRIDE<br />
ath. Attached garage.<br />
p air e d. Smith. Matthews, CARPET AND FURNITURE<br />
. WOODS'<br />
6640 , Charlevoix. WA 2-7155.<br />
bedroom face brick Farm DRYERS VENTED ,CLEANERS<br />
Colonial with expansion attic.<br />
$15 Complete<br />
Gas furnace. Garage.<br />
CALL<br />
10615 CADIEUX<br />
KARL DAVIES LA 7-0533 or TU 1~4162 TUXEDO 5-5700<br />
TU 5-3220<br />
ALL HOME mechanics: mowers,<br />
washers, faucets, drains, 21I-PAINTING AND<br />
sw i t c hes, vacuums, etc.<br />
695 HAMPTON<br />
Quick, reasonable. TUxedo<br />
OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5 . 4-2491.<br />
xcellent 1* story. BedIwm 211-WATCH IEP"'IIIN& & DECORATING<br />
nd bath down; 2 berooms<br />
and bath up. Farm kitche", EXPERT WATCH and clock CUSTOM WORKMANSIDP<br />
arge lot, gas heflt.<br />
repairing. Prompt service. • Neat<br />
• Reasonable prices. Bradley<br />
Jewelers, 20926 Mack at • Efficient,<br />
TUxedo 1.9075<br />
Hampton. TU 2-93O!r.<br />
• Dependable<br />
821 HARVARD RO~D<br />
CONGRESS 4-4661<br />
21C-1LECTRICAL<br />
An inspection will prompt you SERVICE<br />
purchase our three bedroom<br />
rick Colonial with carpeted ELECTRICAL WIRING AND<br />
rst floor, ~tair and hallway,<br />
d tiled basement floor. Open Repairs Ollr Specialty.<br />
unday 2:30 to 5:30.<br />
Prompt Service. ROAD SERVICE<br />
LIcense #22-654.<br />
:R:"~;:'tl~<br />
572 LAKELAND<br />
COMPANY,<br />
pacioulJ center hall colonial, TUXEDO 2-5900 .,<br />
aciously inviting, luxury feares.<br />
3 bedrooms, 2 Eartl IlIcUr* IInict<br />
mt7 IlIHII A...... .. .. .....<br />
FREE<br />
Checkup<br />
and<br />
M. SCHWEKERT ~<br />
lubrication<br />
TUxedo 5-9470<br />
\.'\<br />
Pow8rmowers I<br />
RepaIred " Tuned Up<br />
Blc)'cl.. Repaired-An Maket<br />
THREE MILE BIKE Park Cab Co.<br />
&:<br />
LAWNMOWER SHOP VA 2.2411<br />
16239 Mock Av•• TU 5-6842<br />
1 13-REAL ESTATE<br />
FOR' SALE<br />
anne parker, \uxe(!o 5~0448, 0f<br />
fers by appointment:<br />
382 McKinley, best val ue<br />
in 4 bedrooms, new kjtc h.<br />
en-breakfast, 2% bat h s,<br />
low taxes • • . 809 Lak e.<br />
shore, 30 ft. living, 20 ft.<br />
dining, 5 bedrooms, 3<br />
baths, 4 car ... also ne ar<br />
G.P., 'a fascinating stud io<br />
ranch, must be fast, ca sh<br />
talks under $11,000 tot al<br />
. . " 7 Mile-Chandler, a 3<br />
bedroom, ,I floor decei v-<br />
ingly big custom, will re<br />
duce for action.<br />
BEDFORD, 844. Lovely En g-<br />
]jsh colonial. 4 large bed -<br />
rooms, •living room 15x3 I,<br />
new kitchen, newly' dec o-<br />
rated. Also lots, on 2 ne w<br />
coUrt!; in Grosse Poin te<br />
Woods. Brown, Investmen t<br />
Co., TUxedo 5-2500.<br />
S<br />
d<br />
c-<br />
,<br />
e.<br />
d<br />
Com~letely modernized 5 bed.<br />
oom, 3 g<br />
0<br />
t<br />
-<br />
k<br />
d<br />
22949 AVALONbedrooms.<br />
Interior suggest -<br />
ng New England has \va 11<br />
ape r, draperies, carpeting ,<br />
tudio ceilings. Raised flowe r<br />
eds border patio with fire -<br />
lace. 62 ft. corner lot on eWe-Sac.<br />
Face brick, car por t,<br />
ishmaster, disposal. Elemen -<br />
ary school nearby. $17,950.<br />
EDgewater 1.5004<br />
,-<br />
4<br />
c<br />
.<br />
T<br />
4<br />
C<br />
-<br />
4<br />
10<br />
e<br />
g<br />
f<br />
3<br />
b<br />
,<br />
2<br />
WHY RENT?<br />
hen you can own this fine<br />
bedroom, 1Jh bath colonial<br />
n McMillan. Superb location<br />
us carpeting, d rap e r i e s ,<br />
nge and refrigerator. Priced<br />
r immediate sale. Vacant.<br />
E<br />
a<br />
I<br />
3<br />
to<br />
b<br />
fi<br />
an<br />
S<br />
S<br />
gr<br />
tu<br />
12 baths,<br />
F1orida<br />
room. Sprinkling SYlJ-<br />
tem.<br />
St. Paul parish. ExecutiVe<br />
transferred and anxious f(1('<br />
ac tion.<br />
H<br />
NEW<br />
986 BALFOUR<br />
BeautHul<br />
Fa.rm Colonial. '3<br />
bedrooms, 2'" baths. H .. n.<br />
erything.<br />
Open' daily.<br />
V. A I-11IM PI. l-l1l14<br />
112<br />
h,<br />
d.<br />
s<br />
h<br />
d.<br />
u<br />
-<br />
IS<br />
I<br />
lis<br />
1<br />
e<br />
y<br />
-<br />
t,<br />
It<br />
n.<br />
- t<br />
I<br />
8<br />
s<br />
s<br />
-<br />
y<br />
r<br />
bath, large livin<br />
e<br />
r ooIn and dining room, stud1<br />
e<br />
1i<br />
bra r y, beautiful breakfas<br />
t<br />
room<br />
and kitchen with dish<br />
e washel' and disposal lh bloc<br />
e<br />
from<br />
beach. 'Will sell on Ian<br />
e<br />
con1lract.<br />
Owner,<br />
- TUxedo 2-5620<br />
- 3<br />
i<br />
p<br />
s s<br />
n<br />
CLAIR VIEW, 30. Luxurious<br />
anch. 2 large bedrooms 2Jh<br />
aths. Fine activities room<br />
Many special features; $63<br />
00.<br />
YORKSHIRE near st. Paul.<br />
edrooms, 3 baths. Den. Rusti<br />
ames room. Gas heat. $38,500<br />
ANITA. Nice Farm Colonial<br />
bedrooms. Den. Gas AC heat<br />
irst floor lav. Carpeting. $23,<br />
00.<br />
TU 2-6000<br />
lose to Lady, Star of Sea.<br />
hurch, Barnes School, and<br />
unt Club. 2 bedrooms, 2<br />
aths on 1st floor. Roughed in<br />
or 2 bedroom, 1 bath on see<br />
nd. Built 1956, exc~llent con<br />
tion. Very modern 'kitchen<br />
43,500.<br />
'TU 2-6000<br />
19131 TYRONE<br />
blocks to Lady. Queen 0<br />
eace.Beautiful 3 bedroom<br />
neb, 1 car attached garage<br />
iving-dining comb., large<br />
amily kitchen, gas hea't, beaufully<br />
landscaped, $ 2 2 , 5 0 0<br />
nn. No brokers.<br />
TUXEDO 4-6632<br />
ou don't have to' be In this<br />
ne 2-family flat on St. Clair.<br />
ot only close to shopping and<br />
ransportation but it affords<br />
excellent . return on your<br />
vesiment. Built in 1951, it's<br />
excellent .buy. Immediate<br />
possession.<br />
C. W. TOLES<br />
Kercheval TU 5.4100<br />
RITAIN, 10390 Harper, Cadieux<br />
Rd. Section. 3 bed.<br />
room brick. $15,000, excellent<br />
condition! By owner.<br />
ROSSE POI N T E, 333.335<br />
Moro3S Road. 5-5 brick, gas<br />
heat, garage. $4,000 down.<br />
Detroit Bond & Mortgage<br />
Company. VAlley 2.0700.<br />
MORAN. Air conditioned,<br />
carpeted, 3 bedrooms, 2 Jh<br />
baths, library, covered porch,<br />
patio, 80x210 lot. $41,000. No<br />
brokers. TUxedo 1.73?,s.<br />
1090 S. OXFo.R D<br />
PEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:30.<br />
tractive spacious colonial,<br />
potlessly mantained. Delightkitchen,<br />
jalousie terrace, 3<br />
bedrooms, 2. bathS on second.<br />
ceptional value. Quick poe.<br />
esaion.<br />
b p<br />
d<br />
s d<br />
t<br />
g<br />
-<br />
e<br />
-<br />
r<br />
t. b<br />
d<br />
- 5<br />
-S"'O-O'-KS-bo-u-,h-t-in-a-n-y-q-u-a-n--: . FOR SALE FOR. SALE<br />
tity. ,Entire libraries, bookcases,<br />
art objects. Mrs. B. C. KARL DAVIES<br />
elaes, 1~70 Leverette, WO<br />
3 bedroom, 2* bath :oane<br />
3-4267.<br />
TU 5-3220<br />
completely .• air • conditione<br />
Jalousied terrace, 16xI6, plu<br />
", W At>JTED<br />
81 Kerchev~1 Ave.<br />
Member G.P. Broker's Assn. patio. Recreation room wit<br />
bar Gas heat, Price reduce<br />
Owner. No brokers.<br />
3.BEDROOM hl>use, Grosse<br />
FOR MEN'S SUITS Pte. Farms, $17,900. Reply TUxedo 2-0111<br />
TOPCOATS AND SHOES to Box K-50, Grosse ,?te<br />
News.<br />
TUlsa 3-1872<br />
A telephone call wj~,bring us<br />
ROGER<br />
to you immediately<br />
NEW HOMES FOR SALE Think~ this is the home yo<br />
,- YEAR BABY crib, complete,<br />
have been waiting to see ad<br />
in good condition. TUxedo Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> Park vertised in this ,column. Th'<br />
5-1925.<br />
16615 J e if e r son near 1¥.! story, 4 bedroom Colonia<br />
Bishop. 4 t,edrooms, 2Jh Cape Cod on 1 acre of beaut'<br />
BOYS bIcycle, light weight, 3 baths, I a r , e activities fully la'1dscaped .g!,?unds,<br />
speed, 23 inch frame. Jim. room,~ll electric kitchen, located 'a short distance from<br />
Sanford, TUxedo 1-1256 or dining room, 2 car attach- the Village of Rochester. AI<br />
JEffl;rson 9-2000 Ext. 504. ed garage, $47,000.<br />
rooms are large and the hom<br />
and premi~es are extremel<br />
16635 Jeff e r son near well kept. Large, finished rec<br />
l1-AUTOS FO. SALE<br />
. B i !I hop. 4 bedrooms, reation room in the basemen GROSSE POINTE FARM<br />
2Jh baths, . library with breezeway with lots of bui<br />
DODGE, 1952, 4-door, radio,<br />
fireplace, din in groom, in storage and garage A completely. reconditione<br />
heater. Good condition. Best<br />
large porch, 2 car attach- Fireplace in living rOOIn. A house with excellent all-ele<br />
offer. TUxedo' 5-2986 after<br />
ed garage. $49,500.<br />
ideal situation for the' grow ric kitchen, 4 bedrm., 3 baths<br />
6 p.m.<br />
iug family. Priced at $25,900 ib., rec. rm., attached garag<br />
In Addition to Above with terms. Convenient to St. Paul an<br />
1952 FORD 9 passenger Coun.<br />
Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> High School.<br />
try Squire. Rusted out. $125. WeAre Starting Several<br />
B.<br />
TUxedo 5-2585. .<br />
New Homes in All<br />
1 Kercheval TU 1-1100<br />
Wise. Alkalize your fear<br />
1956 FORD 'Ranch Wagon. Price Ranges and move to the country. Thi<br />
White, good condition,. one<br />
6 room ranch home is nestled<br />
owner. Tires and, battery<br />
in the hills northwest of Ra<br />
first class. '1l00. TUxedo Richard M. chester '3Jh acres with a livel<br />
1-5615.<br />
stream' flowing through' th<br />
property. A white board fenc<br />
'05 FORD convertible. 2 tone, Kimbro~gh, surrounds the home,' giving .i<br />
radio, heater, whitewalls,<br />
an air of. distihction. Garag<br />
Fordomatic, clean. TUxedo<br />
and recreation room in th<br />
4.5373, after 7. 971 N. Ox. Bldr ..<br />
exposed' basement. 3 'larg<br />
ford.<br />
TUxedo 2-2593 bedrooms and fireplace in liv<br />
ing room. Alwninum siding<br />
RANCH WAGON, 1951 Ford-<br />
Call and ask to see this charm.<br />
Good condition. $510. TUx- 64 CLAIRVIF,W, 3 - b~oom ing home in an. unusual set<br />
edo 1-2019.<br />
brick ranch, paneled library ting, Priced at $26,000.00 with<br />
.<br />
and paneled Florida room terms.<br />
'03 FORD CusLQm 2-Door- Large living room and din-<br />
Automatic, good tires. Also ;, ing room, kitchcen and utili-<br />
HENRY<br />
1S50 Mercury, 9 ~er,<br />
~y. Beautifully landscaped;<br />
Wagon. TUxedo 1.0516"
'•• "'!'"<br />
,., i~, l' .~.~ .. , • "', • ' •...,..i'.~.'<br />
P,g. Twenty.two<br />
'1 •. i<br />
Classified Continued<br />
. u::.<br />
You are Invited to u.e lbe<br />
Christian Science<br />
. Reading Room<br />
19613 Meek<br />
G..... Poillte Waoch<br />
Op~n from 10 a,m. to 5 p.m.<br />
daily except Sundays and Hall.<br />
days. . Thursdays and Fridays<br />
until 9 p.m.<br />
\ F;rst Church of Christ,<br />
Scientist,<br />
Grosse Point. Farms<br />
FARMS<br />
SlUIdaySCrvtca .lO:30 ,m<br />
Sunday School-Infanu'<br />
Room _ _ ,10:30 •. m<br />
Wednesday Te5tlmony<br />
Meeting _. :00 l).m<br />
W' Kerby ROld, al Be.up"<br />
First English<br />
E,. Lathera.<br />
Ch.rch<br />
Verni., Rood ot Wedgewuo'<br />
Driye. Gron. Poillt. WOCHII<br />
9:30 a.m. Sunday School<br />
9:30 a.m. Church Worship<br />
TUlledo 4-5862<br />
21K~WINDOW<br />
PLASTERING. Cleanestservice.<br />
fairest prices. Specializing<br />
in repairs, arches, new<br />
ceilings. Quality work. TUxedo<br />
2-2041.<br />
Additions. basements, arches,<br />
ceilings, general repairs. Rea.<br />
sonable' charges, references.<br />
PR 3.2968 ED. MAUGER<br />
A-I CHIMNEY work, broken<br />
steps, brick work; all other<br />
repairs. VAlley 2-4956.<br />
SideWlllks, driveways, garage<br />
!loors, steps and porches.<br />
Basef(lent,Rat Walls<br />
3908 Cadieux TU 5-0785<br />
Y E R B EKE<br />
.All types. cement work.<br />
Speciali;l:ing in Colored<br />
Cement Patios.<br />
Free Estimate-Bonded<br />
LA 1-4693<br />
LORAIN 7-5585<br />
PRescott 8-6448<br />
SlInday t:110 and l1:lHl a.m.<br />
CIIUReR llCnOOI,<br />
I'Innby, .:45 a.m.<br />
'G'R 0 SSE POI NT E<br />
21.~I"INT WORI<br />
Working Contractor<br />
With Skilled,<br />
Reliable Tradesmen<br />
Harry's<br />
Home Improvements<br />
Anything Roof to Basem't.<br />
Specialized additions, attics.<br />
basements. garage doors. steps,<br />
porches, cab i n e 't s, formica,<br />
concrete, !:J a i n tin g gutters,<br />
roofing, etc.<br />
Free Estimates<br />
Licensed - Insured<br />
One Call Does It<br />
VAlley 4.7 109.<br />
REMODELING,. additions,<br />
family I' 00 m s, kitchens,<br />
porches and custom homes.<br />
All work done by skilled<br />
craftsmen. .<br />
Licensed Builder TV 4-2494<br />
CARPENTER, repairs, doors,<br />
locks, sash cords' cabinet<br />
work.' EDgewater 1-4576.<br />
Additions - Alterations<br />
Kitchen Modernization<br />
. Or Minor Repair<br />
Free Estimates<br />
Licensed Contractor<br />
TU 2~8324 TU 5-5791<br />
DOING all types of carpenter<br />
work, remodeling at tic<br />
rooms, 'porches. Small or big<br />
jobs. Estima~es free. TUxedo<br />
5-5892.<br />
Additions, alterations. recrea-<br />
Pastcr r. A.m.ur .~cA..hItion rooms and kitchens. Free<br />
estimates.<br />
10:00 a,m. Morning WorshIp THE BARLEC CO.<br />
II :20 a,m. Sunday School VALLEY 1-8146<br />
7:30 p,m. Evcnlng ServJce _<br />
All Wclcom" R E P A I R SCREENS, fences,<br />
porches, steps, doors windows,<br />
cab i net s, boo kcases,<br />
good work. prompt<br />
service. S. E. Barber, 20380<br />
Hollywood, TV 4-0051.<br />
Jeff.rson A'••••<br />
Ba,tisl C•• rell<br />
13337 r. Jeffenott at L.bviaw<br />
D.yld W. litho" Mlltilter<br />
Birch kitchen' cabinets, bath<br />
fixtures, formiea vanitory, attics,<br />
porches.<br />
No money
Thurld.y. July 9, 1959<br />
CARPETS-and<br />
4S C ~~cI'<br />
SO.,<br />
,lcODY I<br />
UNTIL 1:31 P.M.<br />
14301 E,.WAl,lEN<br />
C~mer LakewOOd<br />
VA 2-4100<br />
.Decorative<br />
Lawn and Patio<br />
Furniture<br />
Alu,.r,inum<br />
Umbrella Table<br />
49,95<br />
WOODS<br />
:Mantel & Tile<br />
2 [232 HARPER<br />
7 Blocks N. ol 8 Mlle Rd.<br />
PR 1-[ 300<br />
Open Monday and Friday. 9 to 9<br />
Tues.. We
*<br />
*<br />
....• I. • ........ T-~"<br />
r-' ~.,~<br />
. on add up to alar"'t: swn ia versatmtr.T'~ ~aaJl hl.iI'.T~...m;,:.~<br />
this iIIustI'ibus name., > : pestle so she continued her too. Now she has taken up take out theU' new 21-foot 60 days probation, and ordered ..<br />
, profes~ionoil thIs basis. pastels ~nd water colors. An .power boa~ .. .<br />
u rk th tea h h' accomplIshed. seamstress, she . Mrs. .Plshalskl belie-ves a<br />
,<br />
~ lee , e er, s e ~. has maqe all the curtains for mother can contipue her caually:knows<br />
8. day: or two ,In her horne. -Currently she is reer successfully on a partadv:~ncetiJat.<br />
sh,~WIll be, need- blacking an old stove, which !dme basis and be a more ined<br />
so. she can riSe at 6 0 clock, wilt be a p.:irch lamp. teresting and efficient woman<br />
clean her house and get suP.pex Mr. and Mrs. Pishalski are because of it. She is a great ad-<br />
ready to be eaten that evenmg" d d d b ve"rtisement of her belief.<br />
' h h ld th. I But she turns down requests aVI ,square ancers an e- --' ~---<br />
Fourth of J uly t is year . e. more an lts usua when'there is'8 family picnic, lon~ to clubs at the ~ar ~e-<br />
excitement. On Friday swimmers gathered at the a Scout Court of Honor a mOrIal, Brownell JUnIor HIgh Tyree Leav. es<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong>'s parks~aught a glimpse of the royal yacht school funcMon or any ~n- School and Cannon Recreation<br />
Britimnia as it steamed l..!pto Sarnia after the Queen's gagement. made previously Center. '. Detr()it Ed:ison<br />
visit. to Windsor ... Saturday's fireworks at the Little with. her husband and sons. A devoted mother, this part<br />
Club were viewed by. many. from the slopinu lawn by Mr. Pishalski, a tool and' dye time pharmacist is a room<br />
'" maker encourages his wife in mother at Brownell and in the Harold B. Tyree, director. of<br />
Memorial Church and there was a round of' applause her pr~fession. past. has been. active in Cub civil defmse for Detroit Edifor<br />
the glittering climax, the American flag ... racing . Pha~m:\cy at Horne' Scouting. ' son,' has r.etiredafter 40 years<br />
fans gathered at the Boat Club docks to view the Me- A 'skillful organizer, Mrs. Educational Advisor of service 'ith the company.<br />
moria! Cup power boats gunning around the laps. • •• Pishalski has decorated her She is at present working Tyree, a n.ative of Hunting-<br />
* *.- * home herself, upholstered fur- with a statewide group. c' ton, West Virginia,. attended<br />
niture, wired lamps, and help- pharmacists on a program to Virginia Military Institute and<br />
'" II< '"<br />
We have R funny !lociety in which we all want to he<br />
~'oungl hnt /'i",mature" 15 about the only insult that<br />
will make us figbt.<br />
to attend one session vf traf- .. , a candle and a base can be! used separately or hi man~ decofie<br />
schop!. rative schemes ..• because the base will fit a standard eaadle<br />
Alfred A. Sievers of 1566 holder. The Crick-light is three twenty.five at The ~<br />
Lochmoor boulevard, charged Slwp.... . ,<br />
with blocking Lake Shore tra!- * * *<br />
flc' and not having his driver's<br />
license on his person, was '. Vacati~n at Home •.• if Y0l;l can't .get away ,t?i:'<br />
found guilty and paid a fine summer, gIve yourself a break 111 routme by calling<br />
of $15, and .was pla~ed. on ..60 HOURLY AID for Teliable h~p. Perhaps, you ~eed a<br />
days probatIOn, durmg :vh!c~ laundress, cleaning lady, cook or nurse for the chIldren,<br />
he ~ust attend one sessIOn at Aid has been satisfying <strong>Pointe</strong>rs for years. So be good to<br />
tr~~~rs~~ter of 4684 Gray, yourself call VAlley 2~2630~ •. 1~01 Marylan~. .<br />
Detroit, was found guilty of ,\ '. ,<br />
VIolating ,section' a05B of 01'- Go ahead knocJt. yourself !Jut bettermg ,'our b«/e bll,,4<br />
dinance 89 (splashing) while al tennis, •. brown yourself to Il turn on the bellch •• , bul<br />
dr!vin,&on Lake. Shore and it don't miss the CasuM Uving DIl)'s SpecitJs '11I KERCHEVAL<br />
cost hun $15. ON THE HILL. Every store will fefl/ure pre.jftvefttOf'Y stdes!<br />
Moses Stokes of 1959 An- .'.<br />
tietam, Detroit, charged with.<br />
not 8aving his car under con- Young Cyclist Hltrt in Park<br />
trol and causing an accident _<br />
while driving on Lake Shore, Bonnie Sue Buck, a, daugh- A witness to the mishap<br />
was found guilty and paid a ter of the Lee A. Bucks of 687 said that Bonnie was, riding<br />
ed enclose a terrace'. Her mod- acquaint high school students earned a bachelor of arts deern<br />
ranchhom~ is furnished in with the profession which bad- gree' from Ohio University at<br />
Early American and well ac- ly needs reCruits. There are Athens, Ohio.<br />
fine of $15. . Balfuur, ,suffered minor. in- south on Balfour and<br />
cented with .pharmaceuticaJJ many opportunities, especially 'Before joining Detroit Edi-<br />
waited<br />
AIDavid P. Fairohild oE-242 juries abeut th'e anns an d , legs un'til a'car g'oI'n'g l'n the same<br />
objects. Old apothecary jars for women in this uncrowded son in 1919, he taught high<br />
tel' road,' D.etroit, paid eourt when she was'struck by a car direction passed her. She<br />
have beenrnade into lamps. A field, Mrs.' Pishalski. has told schoo,! in Plainfield, New Jer-<br />
costs of $7.50, after he was 'hi 'di' h b' I t ped' f' w Ie '1'1 ng er ICYC e, a aled behl'nd the' car and<br />
brass scale holds waxed fruit girls at the Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong> High sey; worked for Solvay Pro-<br />
ound gUIlty of ignoring a stop Balfour and Korte on Mon- made a quick turn from the<br />
and her vast coIlection of mor- School and Osborn High. In cess Company in Detroit; and, street sign at Roslyn and Lake dull wes,t to the east curb, and was<br />
tars and pestles lines the study Europe 60 'per cent of the during World War I, served Shore. ay, J y. '. '<br />
walls. One of her most prized "pharmacists are women, in overseas as a captain with the Helen O. Quatroof 1101Tor-. The driver of the car, An- hit by Grosefield.<br />
mortars was sent by 'aGI from this country only 6 per cent. U. ~ Army Infantry.<br />
rey, paid a fine of $50, after thony E. Grosefield, 17, ,.of ,Grosefietd was released<br />
a bomped apothecary store In. As president of the pro- On his first Detroit Edison Judge 'Gillis ruled she 'Was 3446 Harvard, Detroit., told after making a statement, and<br />
Italy, wrapped in bloodstaine(! fessional sorority, Lambda assignment, he supervised con- guilty in permitting an un- Park Police that he was driv- the girl was taken to BOn Serags.<br />
' Kappa Sigma, she is busy on struction and labor relations licensed driver' to operate her ing north on Balfour abOut cours Hospital for treatment<br />
She has tiny brass sets, large ~n intern~tional level with the for a foJ,:m~tEdison subsidiary; car. The arrest took place on 15 miles an hour, when the of her injuries.<br />
enough for. just the smallest association's affairs. Next year the Wayne Mining Company Lake Shore. girl pedaled in . front" of his Bonnie was given a ticket<br />
tablets to be pulverized and the national cont-ention will be of Cambridge, Ohio. Later, he . Robe~ L. Fooleof 21923 vehicle. He said he could not to' ap~ar in Juvenile Court<br />
huge heavy Chiija mortars and held here' and she will assist in held posts as director of. fuel Grand Lake, st. Clair Shore~, stop in ~e to'avoid hitting for cutting in front of'mOvin,<br />
pestles (some in. rare China all the arrangements. In order supply,. sUpcrv1sing engineer was fOund guilty of reckless the child, who was knocked '.<br />
from France and Germany) to to serve in her executive ca- , , . driving a,nd not ~ving his car to.,the pav,ement. traffic.<br />
do heavier ,work. pacity efficiently, Mrs. P.,.typ- for the research department,<br />
under control aridr c:'lusing an<br />
Artist, Too ically took lessons. She studied chief union negotiator and assistant<br />
to the .president. He accident. He paid a fine of $25,<br />
Several years ago, MI:s. Pish- parliamentary law, bec.ame<br />
and was. placed. on one year<br />
'alski began oil painting, aT\d secretary of the Detroit Par. has' been director of civil de- probation, and, forbiddc!,\ to MORfGAGES ,<br />
now many of her efforts hang liamentary Law Club, studied fense since, 1953. He interrupted<br />
.his 'Edison career during drive for the first 30 days.<br />
GeneroulAppraisals<br />
World War II to sCfVeas head<br />
Be sure you are right-hest- to. reflnance YOllr prelent<br />
Jllly 70'" & 7H"Ar. Casllol Living Days of the Tank and Automotive<br />
mortJare or hmd conlract.<br />
Section for the Detroit Ordtate-&nd then you are left. Prompt service. 28.year loul.<br />
MaxImum .loanl ,:It.....<br />
nance District.<br />
He is a member of the En-<br />
GET IN SHAPE FAST! gineering .Society of Detroit,<br />
Fider.., '.orllll'<br />
the Detroit Athletic Club, the<br />
University Club, the Economic<br />
. , for Casual Livina. ....,<br />
Club of Detroit and the Coun-<br />
413 Fctret ~ Det.U<br />
_._~<br />
r--.'<br />
try Club of Detroit.<br />
WO 1.1107<br />
1'. llYlhOISIII. IldllcIMIs • .. 3-7.<br />
I"" KU(llflAlIII.......... I<br />
Tyree and his wife, Lucile,<br />
fa '."1',<br />
make their' home at. 28 Proveneal<br />
Road, Grosse <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Fanns. Their son, Thomas B.,<br />
is a capt~in in the U. S. Army<br />
. ova HEW LOCA.:t'1OH<br />
112 Kercllev.I, 011 tit. Hili<br />
&Wi<br />
•, •• , \<br />
Specially processed 'top-qualily virgin COlton, yarns give DEEP- ,<br />
STEP a uniq6e surface glow and Iuslre. Here .is new deep pile<br />
plush corpet with 011 the luxury and cu~iony softness thot .its<br />
nome implies, Mone from the finest 6 ply cotton yams. 13<br />
exciting new'high.fashlon colors. .<br />
Ftank R. Brown<br />
• CARPETS.<br />
",[,he best in ""pels 1Mrellson4JJle prices."<br />
18520 MACK, at Tour~in. TU 1-4414<br />
0,... M.... , 11IIIrs., Fri. 1T1Il;"" ufttl{ , ,. ftl.<br />
"YOU 1M INA ~ HOusE?<br />
AND .~. MAIINAS<br />
':'7 ..''::;:iSF' .Mt¥.rM.WMNG", .... .., ......... 11<br />
. , , ..<br />
~,'-,.'. - . ,. .... -