Wilo-Drain STS 65

Wilo-Drain STS 65

Wilo-Drain STS 65


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EnglishInstallation 1 General and operating instructionsAbout this documentThese installation and operating instructions arean integral part of the product. They must be keptreadily available at the place where the product isinstalled. Strict adherence to these instructions isa precondition for the proper use and correctoperation of the product.These installation and operating instructions correspondto the relevant version of the product andthe underlying safety standards valid at the timeof going to print.2 SafetyThese operating instructions contain basic informationwhich must be adhered to during installationand operation. For this reason, theseoperating instructions must, without fail, be readby the service technician and the responsibleoperator before installation and commissioning.It is not only the general safety instructions listedunder the main point "safety" that must beadhered to but also the special safety instructionswith danger symbols included under the followingmain points.2.1 Indication of instructions in the operatinginstructionsSymbols:General danger symbolDanger due to electrical voltageNOTESignal words:DANGER!Acutely dangerous situationNon-observance results in death or the mostserious of injuries.WARNING!The user can suffer (serious) injuries. 'Warning'implies that (serious) injury to persons is probableif this information is disregarded.CAUTION!There is a risk of damaging the pump/installation.'Caution' implies that damage to the productis likely if the information is disregarded.NOTE: Useful information on using the product. Itdraws attention to possible problems.2.2 Personnel qualificationsThe installation personnel must have the appropriatequalifications for this work.2.3 Danger in the event of non-observance of thesafety instructionsNon-observance of the safety instructions canresult in risk of injury to persons and damage topump/installation. Non-observance of the safetyinstructions can result in the loss of any claims todamages.In detail, non-observance can, for example, resultin the following risks :• Failure of important pump/installation functions,• Failure of required maintenance and repair procedures• Danger to persons from electrical, mechanical andbacteriological influences,• Property damage2.4 Safety instructions for the operatorThe existing directives for accident preventionmust be adhered to.Danger from electrical current must be eliminated.Local directives or general directives [e.g. IEC, VDEetc.] and local power supply companies must beadhered to.Risks through mechanical or bacteriologicaleffects must be prevented. Local conditions andguidelines relating to sewage technology must beadhered to.2.5 Safety instructions for inspection andinstallation workThe operator must ensure that all inspection andinstallation work is carried out by authorised andqualified personnel, who are sufficiently informedfrom their own detailed study of the operatinginstructions.Work to the pump/installation must only be carriedout when at a standstill.2.6 Unauthorised modification and manufacture ofspare partsModifications to the pump/installation are onlypermissible after consultation with the manufacturer.Original spare parts and accessories authorisedby the manufacturer ensure safety. The use ofother parts can nullify the liability from the resultsof their usage.2.7 Incorrect useThe operating safety of the supplied pump/installationis only guaranteed for conventional use inaccordance with Section 4 of the operatinginstructions. The limit values must on no accountfall under or exceed those specified in the catalogue/datasheet.Installation and operating instructions <strong>Wilo</strong>-<strong>Drain</strong> <strong>STS</strong> <strong>65</strong> 11

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