… is a collection of  prose, poems and short stories. The product of the past five years—from the green mountains of Chiapas, Mexico to the dusty streets of (Tabarre) Port-Au-Prince and the irreverence that the Spirit of God has planted in his heart—put into the limits of words. Love, just as the iconic Mexican word, chigadera, is versatile, creative, life giving. The life that emanates out of love makes you radically unapologetic, irrational as to the healing power that it brings. Hence, the binary of life is undomesticated love, tenderness in private and justice in the public realm.

… is a collection of  prose, poems and short stories. The product of the past five years—from the green mountains of Chiapas, Mexico to the dusty streets of (Tabarre) Port-Au-Prince and the irreverence that the Spirit of God has planted in his heart—put into the limits of words. Love, just as the iconic Mexican word, chigadera, is versatile, creative, life giving. The life that emanates out of love makes you radically unapologetic, irrational as to the healing power that it brings. Hence, the binary of life is undomesticated love, tenderness in private and justice in the public realm.


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THE CALL<br />

We are called to glory,<br />

To surpass social expectations.<br />

We are called to be more than an statistic!<br />

We are called to be more than the legacy left<br />

by those men who have been intoxicated with<br />

ghetto images, ego trips, macho thirsts, who<br />

spend their life trying to fit into the Tony<br />

Montana, the world is mine protocol.<br />

We are called to glory,<br />

For we can say that the world is ours.<br />

!Para todxs todo para nosotrxs nada!<br />

We are called to be Quijotes from the barrio,<br />

crazy dreamers, who can see that that we are<br />

swimming against the flow,<br />

!Nadando contra la corriente!,<br />

And yet the flame of our hopes and dreams<br />

still burning, blazing.<br />

We are called to glory<br />

It’s our mother’s prayer, it’s our sisters’ hope,<br />

Our Father’s shattered dreams.<br />

We are called to glory!<br />

Slowly, drinking out of our own wells.<br />

Our collective wisdom.<br />

We are called to glory!<br />

So, don’t settle for less!<br />


Give the time to listen!<br />

Among your ritualistic busyness find a<br />

digression.<br />

Stand still for a moment<br />

Overcome the necessity of motion, up and<br />

down, right to left, desensitizing activity after<br />

desensitizing activity that numbs your senses,<br />

redundant actions that opiate your conscience<br />

from the sacred.<br />

Wake up from your slumber!<br />

Experience the instant in which heaven<br />

touches the pavement.<br />


Gota a gota se forja entre las rocas,<br />

El arroyito baja.<br />

Áspera piedra, onda pradera,<br />

Que mira bajando el arroyito.<br />

Viene que viene,<br />

Suena que suena,<br />

La corriente del arroyito.<br />

Entre el sonido se pierde<br />

La sed de la árida tierra.<br />

Vida, fauna y refresco<br />

Regala con su humedad,<br />

El Arroyito baja.<br />

Sigues bajando arroyito.<br />

tu corriente nunca se acaba.<br />

Las lagrimas de los de abajo,<br />

El sudor del campesino<br />

Y el llanto de la hembra<br />

Quien ve a su hombre partir a otras Tierras<br />

son tu ojo de agua.<br />

Sigue bajando arroyito,<br />

Moja la dignidad de los ojos<br />

De los cuales tu corriente emana.<br />

Que florezca la justicia.<br />

Que nazca la paz, el sustento.<br />

Baja arroyito<br />

Inunda conciencias<br />

Y haz que Florezca la solidaridad<br />

Be in the now, and stop the escapism towards<br />

the potential, the could of, the should of, the<br />

would of.

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