Kausijulkaisut - Kansalliskirjasto

Kausijulkaisut - Kansalliskirjasto

Kausijulkaisut - Kansalliskirjasto


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027 ‡ ‡ $a International Standard Report Number (ISRN)<br />

029 ‡ ‡ $a European Article Numbering (EAN-code)<br />

035 ‡ ‡ $a System control number<br />

040 ‡ ‡ Cataloging source<br />

$a Primary cataloging agency<br />

$b Secondary cataloging agency (additions)<br />

041 ‡ Languages<br />

‡ Work in original language(s)<br />

1 Translation<br />

$a Language(s) of the main work<br />

$b Language(s) of abstract or part(s) of work<br />

$c Language(s) of original<br />

053-079 Local classification codes<br />

080 ‡ ‡ $a UDC-classification<br />

082 ‡ ‡ $a DEWEY-classification<br />

083 ‡ ‡ $a LC-classification<br />

090 ‡ ‡ $a NLM-classification<br />

092 ‡ ‡ $a AMS-classification<br />

093 ‡ ‡ $a ACM-classification<br />

094 ‡ ‡ $a FDC-classification<br />

095 ‡ ‡ $a BBK-classification<br />

098 ‡ ‡ $a Public library classification<br />

210 ‡ ‡ Abbreviated key title<br />

$a Abbreviated key title<br />

$b Abbreviated qualifying information<br />

$c Abbreviated qualifying information distinguishing<br />

otherwise identical abbreviated key titles<br />

222 + Key title<br />

‡ Key title and title proper are identical<br />

1 Key title and title proper are not identical<br />

$a Key title or generic element of key title<br />

$b Added qualifying information<br />

FINMARC <strong>Kausijulkaisut</strong><br />


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