Layout BK3 final.indd - USM

Layout BK3 final.indd - USM

Layout BK3 final.indd - USM


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Before proceeding with the<br />

following content, let us all take<br />

a walk down memory lane to<br />

recall the days when we were<br />

still seated behind tiny tables<br />

and chairs that were custom<br />

made for primary school goers.<br />

A little sense of nostalgic does<br />

not hurt nor does it cause mental<br />

fatigue. And that little sense might<br />

be just the thing to allow reality to<br />

dawn on oneself after being misled<br />

by certain essentials for years.<br />

By the age of seven, most of<br />

us would have definitely learned<br />

our ABCs well enough to read.<br />

Some of us might even have<br />

begun reading the encyclopedia<br />

or even questioning the philosophy<br />

of life we read from just<br />

anywhere, probably the wall.<br />

For example, we question about<br />

the blue skies, plants, our parents,<br />

our teachers, our friends, school,<br />

animal behaviours and so on.<br />

Even at a tender age, we question<br />

about just anything that crosses<br />

our mind. The word, ‘Why’, just<br />

seem like a large part of our life.<br />

Yet, we never question about<br />

what we were taught back in school.<br />

For example, the ‘Kajian Tempatan’<br />

subject that we were all made<br />

to study for in primary school in<br />

which contains a whole chapter on<br />

ethnicity and its various cultures.<br />

In this case, we never question<br />

about the cultures that we<br />

were made to believe to have<br />

belonged to a specific ethnicity.<br />

Does that ring a bell?<br />

We were, then, taught how to<br />

categorize various widely practiced<br />

cultures in Malaysia namely the<br />

Malay, Chinese and Indian culture.<br />

Therefore, it has been instilled<br />

in our mind that it is exceptionally<br />

important to develop<br />

an intercultural understanding<br />

in order to live in peace among<br />

the different races in Malaysia.<br />

Again, we have forgotten to question<br />

the exact meaning of ‘Race’.<br />

Does it mean ethnicity as well?<br />

We have even forgotten<br />

to question the redundancy<br />

of filling up the ‘Race’ column<br />

in an application form.<br />

Therefore, we have been<br />

made to believe that intercultural<br />

understanding is the bestof-the-best<br />

solution in overcoming<br />

certain issues that have<br />

been raised and dwelled on.<br />

For example, polarization. We<br />

always thought that polarization<br />

made its way through the society<br />

because there was not enough intercultural<br />

understanding among<br />

ourselves and that it is only natural<br />

that polarization existed.<br />

However, when Berita Kampus<br />

met with Senior Fellow at the<br />

S. Rajaratnam School of International<br />

Studies Dr. Farish A. Noor<br />

at the 3rd International Conference<br />

on Inter-Asian Culture, Communication,<br />

Conflict and Peace in Uni-<br />

versiti Sains Malaysia (<strong>USM</strong>) recently,<br />

it was told to be otherwise.<br />

According to Farish Noor, intercultural<br />

understanding is a completely<br />

different phenomenon that<br />

takes place on a societal evolution<br />

whereas polarization is engineered<br />

by a ruling party of the country.<br />

“The first thing we have to reject<br />

is the idea that polarization is<br />

a natural process because it is not.<br />

Polarization, especially ethnic,<br />

communal, religious or linguistic,<br />

is engineered politically. It exists<br />

on the level of the political whereas<br />

cultural interaction exists on<br />

the level of the societal. These are<br />

two very different things,” he said.<br />

When asked about the root<br />

of the problem that leads to polarization,<br />

Farish Noor believed<br />

that it rooted from the political<br />

sphere. And, therefore, requires<br />

a political solution to it.<br />

So as to say, the solution of<br />

this problem that had been lingering<br />

around for five decades has got<br />

nothing to do with intercultural understanding<br />

as most of us thought<br />

would have been. (Remember how<br />

we use to write that as a solution<br />

in our essays back in school?)<br />

“I don’t believe cultures are actually<br />

polarized because on a dayto-day<br />

basis in all mix plural societies,<br />

people do interact and there is<br />

already a lot of cultural overlapping.<br />

“And the aim of polarization<br />

is actually to prevent that overlapping<br />

or to make it more difficult.<br />

So, for instance, let’s look at something<br />

very simple. The Malaysian<br />

language is already plural, complex,<br />

mix and hybrid,” he added.<br />

In addition to that, Farish Noor<br />

said 40 percent of the words in<br />

our national language are made<br />

up of Sanskrit words whereas<br />

another 40 percent are Arabic<br />

words while the remaining 20<br />

percent are made up of Chinese,<br />

peribumi and European words.<br />

“From the beginning, the<br />

Malay language is already<br />

a cosmopolitan language so<br />

there is nothing wrong with it.<br />

“It is when politicians start identifying<br />

the Malaysian language as<br />

the language of one specific ethnic<br />

community i.e. the Malays, that is<br />

when they cause polarization. They<br />

are making an essential, something<br />

which is actually complex<br />

and non essentialize,” he added.<br />

When asked about how the<br />

political engineering process<br />

has affected the development of<br />

culture, Farish Noor added that<br />

cultures have already interact<br />

and that they are all hybrid and<br />

cosmopolitan no matter what<br />

the communitarians have to say.<br />

For example, the Malay culture<br />

has strong Javanese, Indonesian,<br />

Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese<br />

and Indian influences while<br />

the Chinese culture is largely<br />

influenced by the Persian, Arabian<br />

and European culture.<br />

As for the Indian culture, it is<br />

so much indented to Central Asia,<br />

Southeast Asia and Europe as well.<br />

However, Farish Noor said<br />

that this aspect of cosmopolitanism<br />

is being diminished<br />

by political strategies that are<br />

aimed against polarizing Malays<br />

against non-Malays. And, the<br />

same thing is happening among<br />

other communities in Malaysia.<br />

“I think we have reached the<br />

point where we should completely<br />

reject all these essentialized<br />

categories like Malay, Chinese<br />

and Indian as these are completely<br />

untenable ideas. There is<br />

no such thing as an Indian culture,<br />

Malay culture or Chinese<br />

culture. They are all hybrid, plural<br />

and cosmopolitan,” he said.<br />

He added, however, the prevailing<br />

political logic in Malaysia<br />

is one gear towards racial polarization<br />

by adopting and perpetuating<br />

the myth of racial difference.<br />

It was a shock to <strong>final</strong>ly learn<br />

that the idea of ‘Race’ is a completely<br />

new concept that was introduced<br />

during the colonial period<br />

and had been maintained till today.<br />

“This concept (race) does not<br />

exist. It is completely fiction, because<br />

scientifically, a scientist<br />

will tell you that there’s only one<br />

race which is the human race.<br />

“It is not as if the different racial<br />

groups here are like horses,<br />

dogs or chickens that we cannot<br />

breed because if we could not then<br />

we could not have interracial marriages<br />

and children. Obviously, everyone<br />

is mix,” said Farish Noor.<br />

He once again stressed that the<br />

root of the problem is that the politics<br />

in Malaysia is based on a set<br />

of ideas that have no scientific basis<br />

to them and based on a fiction<br />

on racial difference resulting in a<br />

very weak politics with no principles<br />

and epistemology of its own.<br />

Thus, the reason we are always<br />

running into this crisis (polarization)<br />

because we plan to sustain ideas<br />

that cannot be sustained actually.<br />

“Polarization is the thing that<br />

attempts to prevent cultural dialogue<br />

or cultural borrowings and<br />

cultural cross-fertilization. For<br />

five decades, we have uncritically<br />

accepted the idea that there<br />

Rencana B K 25<br />

Polarization in a Multiracial Society<br />

By: Chan Siang Ling<br />

Polarization is aimed at preventing cultural overlap<br />

When people of different groups interact, there are<br />

already differences thus resulting in complexity.<br />

is racial difference,” he said<br />

Farish Noor then added that<br />

the comfortable little zone of<br />

ethnic homogeneity that we all<br />

believe to exist is not as homogenous<br />

as we think. This is because<br />

when people of different groups<br />

interact, there are already differences<br />

thus resulting in complexity.<br />

When the current reality of<br />

race-based societies in local universities<br />

was brought up, he stated<br />

that it is very rare for members<br />

of these group to actually engage<br />

in a real internal historical critiques<br />

of the mix origins of their<br />

own ethnic groups.<br />

“It is important, for instance,<br />

to demonstrate that in the true the<br />

societies what you call the Malay<br />

culture is actually plural and the<br />

same applies to the Chinese culture<br />

and Indian culture,” he said.<br />

Meanwhile, Farish Noor<br />

also said that the idea of accepting<br />

that all of us are plural and<br />

cosmopolitan can cause anxiety<br />

within some people because they<br />

are quite comfortable in living<br />

in a very homogenous monocultural,<br />

monolinguistic, monoreligion<br />

and monoracial universe.<br />

“This, brings us back to politics.<br />

The fear of cosmopolitanism<br />

itself today has a lot to do<br />

with the fear that if we “dilute”<br />

these cultures then the political<br />

hegemony of the ruling parties<br />

in Malaysia would be threatened.<br />

“For 50 years, the conduct of<br />

our politics has been really on<br />

the basis of race politics. So, they<br />

need these fictions,” he added.<br />

After being drown in the whole<br />

idea of racial differences for years<br />

as was taught in school, this is a<br />

whole new perspective that we<br />

could consider looking at. Maybe,<br />

it is time for us to start being critical<br />

and to start exercising those<br />

brain cells we are gifted with.<br />

There is redundancy after<br />

all to insert a ‘Race’ column<br />

in an application form.<br />

On another note, the Canadian<br />

application forms would<br />

be a good example of equality<br />

as they do not require stating<br />

one’s race, gender or age in<br />

order to avoid discrimination.<br />

Allow me to use a common<br />

slang, how cool is that?<br />

Conclusion, the next time I<br />

have to fill in forms that contain<br />

the ‘Race’ column, I am just going<br />

to write the word ‘Human’.<br />

We are from the human race<br />

after all. Dr. Farish A. Noor is<br />

presently a Senior Fellow at the<br />

S. Rajaratnam School of International<br />

Studies; where he is also<br />

director of research cluster ‘Transnational<br />

Religion in Contemporary<br />

Southeast Asia’. He is also Affiliated<br />

Professor at Universitas Muhamadiyah<br />

Surakarta, Indonesia.

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