International Gramsci Society Newsletter

International Gramsci Society Newsletter

International Gramsci Society Newsletter


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<strong>Gramsci</strong> Bibliography: Recent PublicationsDuring the past year a number of publications related to <strong>Gramsci</strong> have been sent to us or broughtto our attention by members of the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Gramsci</strong> <strong>Society</strong>. We are providing here adescription of these publications. See also the bibliographical update by Guido Liguori in aseparate section of this issue.Antonio <strong>Gramsci</strong>. Cadernos do carcere. Volume I. Edited by Carlos Nelson Coutinho withMarco Aurélio Nogueira and Luiz Sérgio Henriques. Rio de janeiro: CivilizaçãoBrasileira, 1999.This is the first of the six projected volumes of the new Portuguese translation and thoroughlyannotated edition of the Prison Notebooks. Although the volumes are organized thematically, thetext is based on Valentino Gerratana's critical edition. The first volume, which gathers together<strong>Gramsci</strong>'s notes on philosophy, is divided into two sections. Under the title "Introdução ao estudoda filosofia", the first section comprises the text of Notebook 11, followed by notes on the sametopic culled from various miscellaneous notebooks. Similarly, the other half of this volume consistsof the complete text of Notebook 10, "A filosofia de Benedetto Croce", followed by notes on thesame topic from different miscellaneous notebooks. In addition to a rich critical apparatus, thisvolume contains a long introductory essay by Carlos Nelson Coutinho, a detailed chronology of<strong>Gramsci</strong>'s life, and some selected passages from <strong>Gramsci</strong>'s letters as well as from the notebooksthat enable the reader to place <strong>Gramsci</strong>'s writings on philosophy and on Croce within the generalcontext of the complicated research and critical project of which the text of the Prison Notebooks isthe record. For a more detailed description of this Brazilian edition of the Quaderni, see IGS<strong>Newsletter</strong>, no. 9 (March 1999).Alberto Burgio and Antonio A. Santucci (eds.). <strong>Gramsci</strong> e la rivoluzione passiva. Rome:Editori Riuniti, 1999.In November 1997, the Partito della Rifondazione Comunista organized an international conferencein Turin to mark the sixtieth anniversary of <strong>Gramsci</strong>'s death. The speakers included severalprominent <strong>Gramsci</strong> scholars from various parts of Europe and the Americas. Their presentationsare collected in this volume.CONTENTS:— 35 —

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